HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-01-08, Page 11
Stothers, McNally, Sloan and
Milne Re -Elected to the
Blyth Council Board.
Bradwin, Plummer and Cowan
the Successful Candidates
for the School Board.
BIyth le usually a hot piece on struni-
clpateleetlon day, but last Monday was
ono of the hottest in 115 histoma The
tesetaats here were for councillors,
01)9o1 trustees and county councillors.
The candidates for positions at the
8100 councll board were Messrs. A. W.
Sean A. McNally, Joseph Stothere
and Dr. Milne members of last year's
ecounell, and Mr. J. T. Carter, a new
aspirant. It ins generally believed
early in the campaign that the old
oounnll would easily be returned, but
SS election day drew near and Mr. Car-
ter developed strength, many of the
knowing ones shook their heads and
geld that one of the old council would
be left. This had a tendency to make
the members of the 1902 council bestir
themselves, with the result that they
were all spin elected. Mr. Carter
proved s polled a largergvotenger thanmancandidate
many of our
*Wiens thought he would. Below is
she result of the ballots:—
Joseph Stothers 140
Andrew McNally 187
A. W. Sloan 126
Dr. Milne 1 118
John T. Carter 85
First four elected,
The election of school trustees was a
hot end close fight. There were four
candidates for the three vacancies at
the board and it was any man's battle
until the polls closed at five o'clock.
The counting of the ballots produced
the following result :—
A. E. Bradwin ..,. 119
A.B. Plummer 110
David Cowan 118
Robert Slater 107
First three elected.
The vote in Blyth for county coun-
•Wers resulted as follows :—
Donald Patterson 224
Matthew Lockhart 81
John T. Currie 94
John Webster 88
Mr. Daniel Leddy has sold his 100 -acre
farm to hie brother, '1'honas.... Moseys.
Feaggaa Brow. sold a flee Shorthorn bull
to Mr. \Vin. Andrews, of Goderich.
He weighed 2000 pounds after walking
14 miles....Cattle men in this section
aro expecting big prices this winter for
their fat stock.... Mrs. John Mills has
engaged Mr. E. Jones for one year.
She has got a good man. ...Miss Cory
Ferguson, who taught in S.S. No. 2
during the past veal, had a very suc-
cessful closing entertainment. We are
sorry to lose such an excehent teacher,
but the leaves us to attend a normal
school. The trustees have engaged
Miss M. Bailie for the present year.
She comes highly recommended as a
good teacher, which, no doubt, she will
prove herself to he.... Mr. ,Tames Brine
fe makiug preparations to enlarge and
remodel sus barn next summer....
Messrs. Ferguson Bros. have finished
cutting 100 cords of wood for Mr. Jos-
eph Feagan,...Mr. Robert Medd, jr.,
is et present engaged drawing wood
froih Mr. David Wilson's, of Saratoga.
Christmas and New Year's passed
of quietly in this neighborhood. Most
of the young people took in the tea
meeting as Auburn and report having
e good time.... Mr, Charles Willard is
engaged at present buying hay, for
which be pays the highest market
price ,,..Mrs, George Beadle, ar., an old
and highly respected resident of West
Wawanosh, died on Friday night...Mr,
Wm. McIntyre has been elected trus-
tee for S.S. No. 2, The ratepayers men
rest assured that the school business
will be done right now.,..Timber men
are et present tatting square timber
from Feagan's bush.
Below will be found the result of the
vote held in East Wawanosh on Mon-
day last for reeve, councillors, couoty
eonaoflors and bridge bylaw :—
For Reeve—
John McCallim
Alfred B, Carr
Majority for McCallum.... 102
For Councillors—
Win, Beecroft. 801
John E. Ellis .. 298
John Menzies, Sr 288
Gavin Wilson 381
Neth. Johnston . ..., 106
First four elected.
For County Councillors—
Donald Patterson .,. 286
John T. Currie 188
John Webster 18e
Matthew Lockhart178
Bridge Bylaw—
Against the Bylaw274
For the Bylaw 118
Majonty against Bylaw161
tion, and all Though
horrors, "The Wonder A K 0 F AM '
of 1882." outh MimeItiountcastle
was not at her beat, it tits very en-
thusiastically received, but, when after
some highly creditable readings, quar-
tettes, solos, etc., from local talent, she
appeared again to tiuish the literary
and musical part of the entertainment,
and gave the "Laughing Chorue," she
brought the house down. Altogether
the affair was a great snccess....Mr.
Robert Doan is home for the holidays.
..Mr. E. Archibald, of Trinity col-
lege, is ]tome again Miss Hill will
give a private entertainment on Mon-
day evening to all those who so kindly
assisted in the citizens' concert to Miss
Mountcastle. The subject will be,
Limelight views of Naples and Pompeii.
,.,`The bowling chub will have an en-
tertainment on Friday evening next
Dome WemeNu.—One of those
rare events in a family occurred et
Maitlan4 View Farm, tete residence of
Mr. Jamas H. Brandon, on December
24th, when two of his daughters took
nnto themselves huebanda for life. The
eldest, Agues E., was united to Mr.
James H. Lind. of East Wawanosh,
and the second daughter, Annie N., to
Mr, Walter Allison, of Btdgrave. ' The
double ceremony was performed by
Rev. E. A. Shaw, of Benmiller, fortner-
ly of Belgrave, in the presence of the
immediate friends of the contracting
patties. After the usual congratula-
tions and to sumptuous repast the happy
couples left Wingham by the afternoon
train for a abort honeymoon trip to
Toronto. Those popular young people
have the heartiest good wishes of a
large number of friends for the greatest
possible measure of happiness and pros-
perity on the sea of wedded life.
Dlv, No. 1—Asbfield•Colborne-Gode-
T. E. Durnin 1202
Alex. Young 1117
Singh Chambers 978
First two elected,
Div. No. 2—Clinton-Goderich Town-
D..vid Cantelon
James Connolly
Alex. Leitch
First two elected.
Div. No. 8—Bayfield-lieneell-Stanley.
Wm. Lamont 1092
John McNaughton 428
W. Coneitt 619
Robert McMordie 248
First two elected.
Div, No. 7—Blytb-Wawanosh-Wing-
Mattheev Lockhart 876
Donald,Pattenon 805
John Webster 756
.John T. Currie 505
First two eleoted.
$&zara.—There has been a lot of
teaming done daring the past week.
The sleighing is good and the farmers
are taking every advantage of it....
Mr. John Agar passed through this
Motion the other day with to new engine
huilt on sleighs for the winter work,
each as grinding grain and cutting
straw. • . • Mr. Win. Leddy has pur-
chased 140 acres, known as the Boyle
homestead, for $3000. This makes Mr.
Leddy the owner of n 200 -acre farm....
Iruus.—Mr. John S. Coultis, who
spent the past four weeks visiting with
Guelph friends, has returned hone and
reports that he had a very enjoyable
holiday among the friends and neigh-
bors of hie former borne Mrs. G. A.
Henderson spent the Christmas boli•
days with Platteville friends,... Mr.
Hobert Howard and family', of Blyth,
have moved to the old Williams' farm
on the turd line, where Mr. Howard has
erected a new frame house..., Mr,
Charles J. Itintoul had the misfortune
one day recently to have one of his
enginee considerably damaged. His
eon was moving the engino with a team
of horses from one farmer's barn to
that of another. The road was very
slippy and the engine slipped from the
roadway to the ditch end turned over.
Tho fly wheel was broken into several
pieces and the atnoke stack considerably
damaged. Mr, ltintout finished the
season's threshing about two weeks ago
and has since beet, busy chopping grain
for the farmtrs. It will take consider-
able money to repair the breakage....
There died in Wingham on Christmas
morning Mrs. Mary Bone, widow of
the late John Bone, She was in her
68th year. She is survived by ono
daughter, Mrs. Elliott Itichmond, of St.
Jacobs, and three sous—William Bone,
of Rockwood; James W. Bone, of Mar-
noch, and John R. Bone, of Toronto.
....A very pleasant time was spent on
Friday evening at the lime of Mr.
Wm. Kechne, when a number of young
people gathered in for a social chat and
amusement Miss Clara Plaetzer,
who has been visiting friends in this
locality, left on Monday for her home
in Toronto.... Mr. Alex. Patterson had
a very successful wood bee one day last
week and the evening was very much
eujoyod in dancing till the w,e sus'
hours in the morn ing.....The heree
buyers are on the go again and some
fine animals are being picked up....
Mr. John Coulter shipped a fine load of
fat cattle from Belgravo on New Year's
WAIFS.—The complimentary concert
to Miss Clara Mountcastle came off on
New Year's night, with the kindly as-
sistance of the Blackstone orchestra
from Goderich, who played well and
gave their services flee, its also did Miss
Hill, of Toronto, who showed some
beautiful lime-lightviews of Rome and
its ruins, and finished the entertain-
ment by singing, while showing comic
representations of her subject, ' Frog-
gie Would a Wooing Go," au amusing
satire on the doing of King Charles
the Second, The hall was well filled
and proceedings commenced by lily,
Houston, principal of the collegiate
institute, who in a short and highly
commendatory address, mentioned Miss
Mountcastle's frequent and hearty re-
sponse, for many years past, to calls
made upon her to aid in entertaining at
church socials, patriotic gatherings,
etc., where she recited her own verse,
often writing pieties expressly for the
occasion. This speech elicited hearty
applause, and was followed by the ap-
pearance of the poet -artist, who received
even more than her usual share of
notice, and who struggled through a
two minute speech, expressive of her
consciousness of the honor done her,
and wishingall her friends there
aeecmbled te happiest of all happy
New Year's, drifted into verse, and
recited, with all its tender, love inflec-
110111 AIT 111111,
We have just received all the Latest
Christmas City Styles in Photo Cards,
Buttons, Back Grouude, I'loor Cloths
and Tortes, and we are now prepared to
burn out work as good as the best.
We also Enlarge Portmaita from the
dullest photographs itt Crayon, Water-
color and Sepia tones.
For Christmas bargains call and see
our samples,
Gallery will he open all day Christ-
mas and New Years.
All work guaranteed.
Capital, all paid up $2,000,0o0. Reserve, $1,600,000.
Total Assets, over $2o,000,000.
Notes Discounted and Collected. Drafts Issued.
General Baulking Business Transacted.
Sums of $f and upwards received and interest allowed,
compounded half yearly.
Nomas.—Mr. and sirs, W. Taylor, of
St. Helena, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Benj. Taylor,.., *Mr. Archie
Mitchell, of Clinton, .pent Sunday with
Mr. A. Robinson. He was accompa-
nied home by his brother, Albert, who
spent Christmas and New Year's with
friends here.... Mr, and Mrs, 'V. Stack-
house entertained a number of friends
on Monday evening. All report a
pleasant time.... Mrs. John Black spent
Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. ,T.
Rodgers, of Wingham Mr. Win.
Rodger took a trip to Wroxeter last
week, NVhat'a the attraction, Willie?
Mira Rachael Walden, of Blyth,
spent a few days with Miss Clara Mc-
Dowell Messrs. Gordon Wightman
and Raymond Redmond have ret urned
to Goderich to resume their duties at
Goderich collegiate institute.... Mrr.
Coventry, of Wingham, is the guest of
her daughter, Mut. J, E. Ellis 'Vise
Maggie Garrett, of Londosboro, 1- the
guest of Mrs. J. Parks, sr....Miss Mc-
Cleunaghan, of Whitechurch, formerly
a teacher on the 8rd line, was renewing
old acqusintoncee itt this neighborhood
last weak... At is rumored special ser-
vices aro about to commence here..,.
Rev, J. L. Small, pastor of Auburn
Presbyterian church, will Hold bit tis-
mal services at the home of Mr. john
Rodger on Wednesday evening., Mr.
and Mrs. E. McDowell, old residents of
this piece, ere abort to remove to Gode-
rich. 'Their son Harvey, will occupy
the farm. This looks like another of
those pleasant events in the near future.
FARMS Soar.—Mr. John Dodds has
sold his farm on the 10th concession of
Meleillop, to his neighbor, Mr. George
Love, for the sun of 89300. The farm
conte itie S0 acres and is a choice lot,
with good buildings. It is eituated of
the opposite side of the road from Mr,
Love's present farm, and his purchase
will give him a splendid farm of 160
acres, Mr. Dodds has purchased the
fine farm of Mr. Wm. McIntosh, on
the 11th concession, This farm con•
tains 150 Wets and was purchased for
$900O, It, too, is an excellent farm and
has on it first-class buildings, including
a nice residence and a large bank barn
with stone ,tabling. It is only about a
milt from the farm which Mr. Dodds
sold, so he will not have far to trove.
He gate possession out February 1st.
Mr, McIntosh intends retiring front
farming and may go to Seaforth to
spend the remsiuder of his days, aid
secure it rest, %chic!' his active life so
justly cut it les bi:n to.
A Few Big
Snaps for
Boys' IIeavy Frieze Overcoats, sizes 26 to 33, also a few
Men's Heavy Frieze Pea Jackets to be cleared out at sweep-
ing reductions.
A bargain in Mon's Wind and Wnter•proof Pett Jackets.
Just received direct front the factory a big job in Men's
Fancy Culorcd Shirts.
In the Millinery department all Readyto-wear and
Trimmed slats to be cleared out at tremendous reductions.
Special bargain in Black Tea, regular 40c per lb., for 25e
while It lusts.
l r 1
) l I
Has made his headquarters at Metcalf's because be has found there tbo
largest stock, nicest goods and most suitable presents for alll classes. And
best of all the prices are so low, You need not send out of town for
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware,
Fancy Crockery, Bibles, Hymn Books,
Albums, Fancy Baskets, Minas Cards,
Picture Books, Poets, Purses, Card Cases.
In fact, almost any line of:; turfs von can think of as suitable for Xmas
Presents san be found here. We will meet the closest prices, it matters
not whose price list yon have. (live ns a trial before you buy.
We commemorate our °Jth Xnues tut hirci this year.
A Merry Xmas and Prosperous
New Year to All.