HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-01-01, Page 8K it K WczK, Nervous, Diseased Men. Thosesnds of Toampaad MII&e Aped Kee are annually twenties perspire rave through early indlacretfudaand later excesses. Reif abuse and Conatltuttonal Stood Diseases have ruined and wrecked the lite of many a promleing.oung than. Have Tose any of the following symptoms: Nervous and Despondent; Tired in Menlag No Ambition; Memory Poor; Easily Fatigued; Excitable and irritable; Eyes Blur Playlet on the ]race; Dreams and Drains at Night; Rectum Haggts4 Looktagp Blotches; gore Throat; Hair Louse; Paiailn tea Body*, Soaked Eyes; Lifeless; Distrustful and Leek of Energy and treagtk, Our New Method Treatment wiltbslld you tip eaeed*lly, physically bed sexually. Cure* Guaranteed or mo Pay. 25 MIN 04 DITROIT. BANK saoualle. AWNo Names Used Without Written Coasaat. IISRVOU• WRSCR,—A HAPPY LIPS. T. P. Emmert has a Narrow Escapes "I tive on a farm. At school I learned an early habil, wkWl weakened me physically, sexually and mentally. Family DectM acid 1 was gong into "decline" (Commutation). Finally uTbe Golden Monitor; edited by Drs, Kennedy A Kergau fail into Iffy bands, t learned the truth and roan. Self abuse had sapped lay vitality. I took the Raw Afetkod Treatment and was cured. My friends think teas cured of Conaumptloa, I aave sent them many patients, all of whom ware cased. Their New Method Treatment supplies vigor, Vitality and inaakced." CeamltetUs frau Seers Fra Write Or Cooties Ileac ter Neem TrsslateM, Aces GtNrtytis,LIVER 130a15 CLEANSE EFFECTUALLY; ;01$P°(,501.°5 AC tiePeigHERS; tOVERCOMES HABITUAL Go STIPATION PERMANENTLY trs r3EHFFiciAi 61.4ffEcTS, ¢UY THE GENUINMAN'F'D BY ., 1,4 irGSWVP t$Vt4 MtaANG tW Nr if Cab, 0 N,kreq T eliteer Ail 6RdGG15TS, PRO SOt.PR AUBURN. A Goma MAN GoNa.-0noemore the grim reaper hes thrust in his sickle and out off a sturdy pioneer in the person of Mr. lt. T. Errntt, The funeral was conducted by the pastor, Rev. T. B. Coupland, art the Canadian Forester brethren of the deceased, and started from the home near Auburn for Ball's cemetery at two o'clock. Deceased was an old time and much respected resident of the community and acted in various publio capacities. He was a staunch Conservative and a faithful member of the Methodist church, The estimable family have the sincere sympathy of the village end neigh- borhood in being thus sadly bereft of their head. The departed leaves be- hind him to mourn his loss his sorrow• ing widow, one son, Elsworth, and two daughters, Misses Mabel and Dora, at home; one eon, Welsh, a settler in Manitoba, and a daughter, Mrs. Mur- dock, of town. A large coucooree of sorrowing friends followed the remains to their last resting place on Monday afternoon. WA TOL N. LOCAL ITEMS, --•Among those of our young; friends who are attending college and university at Toronto, who have returned to spend their holidays bo- ueath the parcel tel rots are, F. 0. Neal, Lewis and Mies Maggie McDonald, John A. Gardiner, Robert Duncanson and Robert Humphries..., Mrs. French, of Unionville, ie visiting relatives in the vicinity....Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Bennett, of Arcola, Northwest Terri- tory, are visiting re'.atives and friends in our midst.,., Miss Annie Campbell, who has been 00 an extended trip to Toronto, has returned home Mr. George Candler hes removed to the M lioese which he recently purchased from Mr, Charles Tut nbull....Someof our Waltoniane attended the cantata in Brussels town hall on Monday evening of la. t week.... Mr. Andrew Morrison,' of Wapella Manitoba, is visiting with his sister, Hire. R. It Ferguson, and other frlends ....Mr, Walter Turnbull, of Hartney, Manitoba, is also visiting with Walton friends, Tem Woextme AALL.--W RIton lodge, Ancient Order of United Workmen, will hold their third annual bail and supper in their hall, on Friday enening, Janu- ary 2nd. This promieee to be the most pleasant and successful of any yet held by the Workmen. The Excelsior or ebestra, of Zurich, has been engaged to nrnieh the music, and an energetic committee are doing all in their power to make the oocaeiolt sceeeagful. There is sure to be a big Crowd and a bigger I; me. HAST WAWANOSN. MARRIED IN TRE ER0.—Mr. Joseph Dunbar. of Dresden, Cavalier county, North Dakota, brother of Mr. David Dunbar, of Westfield, was married at the Dresden Methodist parsonage on December 9th to Miss Lydia Caroline Ruetfer, daughter of Mrs. Jacob Ingold, of hast Wawanoeh. Mise Glosser, of Sebringville, was bridesmaid, and Mr. Milton Dunbar assisted his brother, 'I'HE STANDARD joins with the many friends of the happy couple in extending constratula9ions. Imes. —A moving picture entertain- ment was given in the Weetfield Metho- dist church on Tuesday evening of last week,...It was a good success; and much enjoyed Miss Steer, of the 6th line, held a very successful concert in her school house on Thursday evening Inst, The house was well filled and the elogram proved a very interesting one. .. While Mr, John McDowell and his two sisters were out driving on the 6th line one day last week their horse be- came unmanageable and ran down Fells' hill throwing itself on the ice. The occnpsnte of the cutter were thrown out but fortunately none of them were hurt. The cutter received a bad smash- ing Mr. Robert Somers lost a tine horse one day lags week.,., Mr, Wm, Rahoe was laid up with a bad attack of la grippe but we are glad to say is able to be around again,.,.Mr, Albert Tay- lor, who left sometime ego for the Algoma lumber woods, has returned home. He gives a good account of A lgoma for lumbering purposes —.Miss Minnie Nethery, who was visiting her grandmother, Mrs. A. Henderson, has returned to her home. Marvel of Mechanism. One of the largest printing pressen In the world, and undoubtedly the largest in Canada is shortly to be installed in the premises of The Mail and Empire, Toronto. This monster is known as the Scott Straight Line Sextuple Insetting and Folding Machine, Its enormous capa- city of 72,000 paperatr hour, printed, pasted, cut and folded, will enable The Mail and Empire to publish news an hour and a half later than at pres- ent, This mammoth press is one of the most up-to-date and complete machines ever manufactured, An idea of its pro- digious size may be gathered from the fact that it is 29 feet in length by 18 feet 10 inches in width, and weighs 62 tons! It will print 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, and 24 pages, as required. It really consists of three preues, double width, or four pages wide, placed one above the other in parallel pieties. Each press carries 16 stereotype plates, and is fed from a roll of paper 70 inches in width, The webs are brought together in register after being printed, and receive a longitudinal cut in the centre, making six continuous webs or sheets, the present width of the paper. The several sheets receive a fold in the centre, while on the run, and are cut SEA AIR FOR NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, When sea air is ordered to a nervous person, she usually rushes down to the seashore, spends all her time on the beach, frets more or less over the expense, and returns after two or three weeks to make up by extra work for the brief holiday. The result is an ex- aggeration of nervous troubles. The time given to the cure was too short. ST. JAMES WAOERa are as good for the nerves as the sea breeze ; but in case of nervous weakness, like the sea breeze, they require time. Sr. JAMES WAFERS are 1 tisane builder and a reconstructive, not a stimulant. Quick temporary results are not to be expected ; but perma- nent improvement will follow their patient use. ST. JA111{5 WAFERS help stomach, digest food and send the nutriment through the blood, and this is the honest way to get health and strength, the kind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy ,which accom- plishes much. ars "Prom ble to pvet tags great rere it. James Raises, Dr. Charles D. Culp, Daftly IsalaM. ilVt Stormont r0 gotv aNtriO atrat, 5,- RlfnlifeBLOOD aSTUNG t nit CONSTITUTION rldoe90i ce. aataT 1anAIN AMERICA ell ()Tugela a E - price le Casade: 81.00; Slit bottles ter $0.00 e St. James Wears are seta maw' remedy: to the aaarereatdortorrrw camauah'ag than fa their patient Bre mad She /prefabs wpm uqull. Where dealers are not gelling the wafers, they are mailed upon re- ceipt ofrice at the Canvi:aa branch; Btt. hon Woes Ce, I/ta It. Catherine et, Beatreel off in lengths of one page, after which they art spin folded to half or quarter - page gibe as desired, and delivered from three separate folders, counted in packs of 2t, 60, or any given number. This machine hap been constructed with out care, and is capable of turning out a very imperier class of work, spe- cial atteltion having been given to a perfect ink distribution, The printing cylinders are in hori- zontal, parallel planes, and the rolls of paper ars all at one end of the machine, while the finished product Is delivered at the other. The tensions are controlled by one lever and separately, and an index pro- vided for the purpose shows exactly the strain on each web of paper. There are two ink -distributing cylin- ders, with their several composition rollers to each plate cylinder, and the ink supply is controlled by pawl and ratchet mechanisms. In order to produce papers of any combined number of pages, either set of printing cylinders eau be run with- out the others, and the folders with each. The driving gear, which is designed for electric power, is mounted on Bute bad -plate below the floor level, and is securely fastened to the base of the machine. A slow motion with power is also provided to facilitate the thteading of the webs and getting the machine ill running order, House For Sale. A good dwelling house and one acre of land, Peri set but Nu. le on North street, iu the VD. rgs o1 Plyth. There is a lugs frame dwelling down with kitchen and woodshed attached, also a good fume Babb. The boos continue eight MOW all well aaisked, good stone cellar, hard and eon water. Then ate a tot of good bearing fruit trees grapes, shrubs, ek., good garden and lawn. Will be sold reasonable, For full par. Donlan enquire of Cla/"Lea FLeoIT on the premises, or 0. E.aattroa, filyth, sett Farm For Sale or Rent. N 1.9 8 1.9 lot 49, coo. 8. East Wawauoab, con- talhing 49 aetea, is offered for sale or rent. There is on the place a good, large, frame barn wwth stone stables, frame dweihog b„use with kttonen attached a goo,! orchard stud a good artesian well. The plea le well biased and lu good order. There are five ernes o1 fall wheat, %laores seeded dome end 9d scree fail ploughed. It le situated on the gtanal road, 119 tunes north of Biytb. For full particulate ace the proprtetrees on Kan the promisee, or 0. h. n la, hlyExecutors' Notice to Creditors Executors' Notice to Creditors of Alex- ander Wilson, late of the Township of Morrie, in the County of Huron, Deceased. Notice b hereby given, psreaaht to the Statutes in that behalf, that all etedttore mud others baring (!alms against the estate of Alex - ender Milieu, dammed, who died In the year 1901 at said Township of Morrie, are rage'.ed, on or before the 9014. day of January, A.D 190, t0 deliver to J. Obeli Hamilton, barrister, blato- weL Ont., or to J. A. lent son banister, niytb, Ont., solicitor tot andereigned executors of the late Alexander Wilson, a written etatewent of their aamee, addramee and occupations, with lull ypersaulare of tb«Ir olaiwe and of the ssenrines cif any) held by them. And notice la further given that after said 90th day of Identity, 1909 the said executors w111 proceed to distribute that estate nt the said deceased, having regard only to those olalme of witch they may hare nodoo, and told they will not be liable for the r000eed@ of the estate so diem uteri to aaq parson of whims claim they had not notice at the date of such dtatribntton, Jceaoa WALLAH IEOeoutore Jona WrwoN, Dated tela 18th day of December, 1002. 900 Giving Up Business SELLING REGARDLESS OF COST CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK. If you want Cheap Groceries now is your time am everything is going to be sold. A. TAYLOR Dooley Street BLYTH LOOS WANTED at Wingham. WE ARE PREPARED TO PAY fOR : First -plass Maple logs 114 per M First-class Soft Elm loge 114 ” First-class Rock Elm logs$16 " First-class Basswood loge 115 " First-class Beech logs 112 " All kinds and grades wanted. Call and get our prices. Thi Calot Faraitaee ulna!, Limited OPERATING The Button 8 Fessant Chair Factory Wingham, Ont. Cheap Groceries.! We know our customers are eagerly watching this space, so not to disappoint you we are going to quote a few of the many bargains we are giving, which are worthy of special notice. A lovely Golden Brown Sugar,.. 8 lhs, for 25c. Choice Tapioca 8 lbs. for 28c. Nice Fresh Lemon Biscuits, , , , , , , ,8} !he. fol 25e. Nice New Figs, jinn arrived.... .......... .8 lbs. for 25e, Nice Fresh Raisins ,.,,.,...,5lbs. for Mo. We bought our Groceries early before the advance in prices, so our customers are reaping the benefit thereof. Highest market cash price paid for Butter and Eggs. Bring your Produce to us. 5c per pound for Dried Apples, (CEO. POWELL PRETOR1ABL.YTIM Bargains in Furniture. A large assortment, of fine goods just arrived, conaieting of Bedroom Seta Sideboards, Extension Tables, Fancy Rockers and Couches, Prices are merited dowu to the lowest point for cash. We have 25 Tables to sell at 68 coats eaoh. Bring in your Pictures and get them neatly framed. J. H. CHELLEW -4100.--'BLYTH W FOR GOOD HEALTH To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripens Tabules. They are easy to take. They are made of a combination of medi- cines approved and used by every physician. Ripens Ta. bules are widely used by all sorts of people—but to the plain, every -day bake they are a veritable friend in need. Ripaos Tabules have become their standard family remedy. They are a dependable, honest remedy, with a long and sue- cessful record, to euro indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver complaints, They strengthen weak stomachs, build up rundown systems, restore pore blood, good appetite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripens Pabules. Your druggist sells them. The five•oent packet le enough for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 60 cents, con- tains a sapply for a year. K aK KorK Kt;K K&K K fir( K, -Pt Drs. Kennedy & Kergan, 1 atil°irf ' K Ktx'K K K'cxIt K. K Good Farms and Saw Mill For Sale, Nn 1-1Vj lot 51, eon. e, East Wawanoeh, eon- taiolug 100 scree, 00 cores Bleared and in a good state of out testicle, 90 acres partially cleared and 20 scree of ember land. The soil fa a good loam. There Is on the plus a good brlok dwell. tog house 20084, one sad a hall storeys, with kitchen attached, wood-sbed 90180, and stone cellar under tall sae of house; good oletern; goal well and wled mill oouveatent to house and outbnildinga; frame bard OOald, with atom 'tables en0eroeath; too trams awn!, nue la.td8, one and a Iwlt storeys; a steam saw mid 20a00, two storeys, with boiler, engine end all uveae. eery machinery for maanfaotu•tag Limber, lath and shingles, all In gad order. No. 9—t lot 81, eon. 0, East Wawanosh, 00D- talninit 100 acme, e0 tared cleared and In a good Mate of oulsvetlou, 90 corn of timber land. There le un the place a good triune bare 40100 and 90 feet high with stone stables under the full else; good frame dwelling 9009A, one and a hall atony, with ow n atoy kitee n attache& No. 8 -Et lot 88, con. T, East Wawaneeb, con. Mining 100 sores, 00 awes cleared and In ago 4 state of cultivation, 10 acres of timber lived. The soil to a good clay loam. Ou the pl.sc Owe le a good trams dwelling OlolO, stone eel. 101, with kitchen attached 18025 one and a half storeys; hard and a in water• hood frame hxru 40x00, with stone stables under; frame trainee and abed 940.; good oeohard. Tete (400. is wel' drained ane has a never failing spring 1 1. ding /l:rot„h It. For lull partioulare apply to Taooae H. TAT - Loa, Woetaeld P,0„ Ont., or to C. 1iAMtLToN, Blyth P.O., Ont. btl BLYTH LIVERY and SRLE STMES O 00 GO oS 0 Dr. J. N. Perdue, Vere PROPRIETOR. G 90 e0 SO e First -clam Heroes and Else fop hire at reasonable rates. Best of accommodation to Cont. merolal Travellers and othero requiring rigth Veterinary office at livery liable. KING AND QUEER STREETS, BLTTL —laubacribo for TEL STANDARD.