HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-01-01, Page 7Sutiday school. INTERNATIONAL LESSON NO. JANUARY 4, 1003. "mil and 811as at Philippi. -Acta 10. 4 22 thud), Acts l0: 16-54, Cominontary.-I. An evil spirit cast . out (vs. 18-18). The missioierlos made their home at the house of Lydia(see v. 15) while they ;amain - 'tied to proaeh the gospel at Philippi. 'They had good euacoss and In this city the first Chrintlan Church In Europe was founded. lint their great vOctorlot did not come about with- out groat opposition. There wax In the city a certain damsel who was a fortuno•teller, ;rho brought her masters great gain. 'Plate skive girl followed the miselonarlem and cried after them. Paul was grieved be - motes of title and commanded the evil 'epirlt to opine out of her. And lie oamo out the same hoer. II. Paul and Silas ;arrested (ve. 10- 21). After t!-., evil spirit hal left the girl alta no longer had power to make money for her maters by fortune-telling. 'Lillis nude her mate - tors angry, and they seized Pad and Bllao and dragged them before the magistrates into the market -place, where legal business was transacted. III. Paul and Slifka beaten and lin- prtooned (vie. 22-::1). 22. M11100110 rose up -An excited mob. Title was done without any form of law. Tho very magistrates who were affect- ing such great zeal for the leer were among tho first to dioregard it. Rent off their clothes -They violent- ly toro the clothes off Paul and Silts. Beat then --The wordy mean to 'heat WW1 rode" (2 Cor. t4. 25). Tho Jlo10(1 custom wag to inflict Moire upon the naked lowly. 23. hinny stripes - The Roman puniehmen1 wax ort lintitIal to "forty stripes save one," like that of the .Trw'. 24. Thrust there -.'ill sore and bleeding. Ione• prison -The dnng(vin -a deep, damp, chilly cell, far un- ` derground, opening only at the top, , without tho fresh air or light. - Mitchell. Stocks -A heavy piece of wood, with holes into which the feet were put, mo !lar apart ax to tend tho limbs In a most painful manner. -Hackett. IV. A great deliverance (08. 28). 25. Prayed and gang pro ls08- 'Ahelr wounds were undressed; flith and vermin added to their pain; their poxltlon wax one of to tare. Sleep Was out of the question. They passed the night In (1000110014. It IN a slg- nlllcant fact that the most joyous of Paul's r 1letl0x is that written to tho church at Philippi, burn out of his experience of guttering. 28. An earthquake -Trona diet tied answer prayer and prove 11144 pres- ence and protection. No deeds all Philippi heard the sound and felt the force of the earthquake. Boundation» shaken -A8 God shook the foun- dations of that old prison so Ile Ire still title to (bloke the flundlttlone of every power or ieflueree arrayed against 1118 truth and the spread of the guepe• le the a"rth. 'l 1' teed beep no fear of Infidelity or Palen reli- glow. Jitovith iho., aid re`.gns. Doors were omitted, etc. --Tae' chains were tn'•.de fast to tho wall and the /hock 'Which buret. asunder the boas of the eleqre else rrlees'11 the fastenings vhbh held the eh eno in the masonry. V. The jailer converted (vo.vxv1i- 34). 27. Awaking -The praying and y inging did not awake him but the earthquake did. He evidently slept In full view of the prison) doors. Drew out We sword -The Roman law trans- ferred to the jailer the punishment due to an escaped prisoner. d P, u, cried -Anticipating tiro jo1,c'r'9 fear, for 1118 own safety, Paul rallied his voice to secure attention at oi.oe, His purpose of suicide was a t eln. here -"Strut a for a Area, Ad g .prisoner to be solicitous about his 'keeper. But Pato was paegioleatelY trying to rifle man, and the whom gospel is an appeal to mon to do themselves TO harm." 29. C.•lled for a light -Which could bo carried in the hand. This care for hie welfare begat a tenderness in the heart o; the keeper. Il was the arrow of oonvlotlon which had ratchet Isle soul. C. me tranbling-Not for his I lie or his office, but for hes seul, wltltth he felt was 01 clanger of eter- nal lona 30. Brought them ont-"From the 'toner prison, where they were con - ,tined in the stooks, Into tho court of the prison, or into his own apart - menta having no fear that they ;Welt1d oseaj q, but rather convinced 'that Hod was overruling all thtng44 ifor Hem.' Sirs -The Greek word lm- plhre (Lal ecknowleekoneet of great NU- poriortty. 81. B'lleve, etc. -The gmmm of the whole gospel; the covenant of grace a new words. 82. Semite unto Wim -Then they proceeded, more at leleure, to pour into his attentive ears the history of Jesus Christ, to declare iHe die:- tr.-line, and to explain what It was ito' believe to Ins.-t:itt0. a R3. Washes] their xtripx'r-"110Ind lot concerned himself about their suffering condition when he put theta into the inner prison; but, now that ilio mine were washed away, 11,11thought was to minister to the puede of those who were in- strumental let Ins salvation." 01. 14-'t meat -,til they were the )ttstruruente of bringing health to his soul, he became the instru- ment of health to their tlallee. Teachings.-"1VIekiel men delight 111 making good men suffer. All that Christins suffer for Jesus' sake goodwill work for their good 01111 Rd's o glory. Sufferfutg Chrlotaans often reach the hearts of more slmnerl themthose do who are free from tried. 1i811/me find a house of praise wherever they go." PRACTICAL h(0'I6VEY. The gospel interfnreee with the plane of the wieke(1. While Paul and his COM pardons were preaching the goepeI at p11:Oipp1 they stet a poor girl " potesessel with a spirit of Mebanedivination"-a vinlug deuton, Or OVA spirt 1, under the enflucnce of which she protesteevl to foretell fu- ture events, Her mestere received much gain by her fortune telling. „Men are more anxlkn(H to know their fortunes than their duty." teeseel work arouses oppn8ltI0n 1111(1 hringx pereeyullon. "'rhry caught Paul nod Silas;' ete. "Mad the mul- titude rose up atgai11st theta" (vermeil 16-14). The cernttlly (Misled, the designing, ,the unserulpeloux re}eeterx of truth anti violators of morality unite ell (V11081 100 to the glHpol. 'Pio glorlans 11111veranti ee. "ed Is greater than kings, or ,prla,nm, or 1111 earthly powers, and (tut deliver 1118 0hllalren when ,He will." Il ix not In the power of the wleked to make the rlghteele4 unhappy or deprive (bent of communion v,;,0it Gal. From within that (10x0), dkilling, fling, pes- tilential, old Phil4ppian dungeon Paul and Silas ;woke out Into prayer and praIHem to the Gott ttt Whom they trusted for deliverance. The grunt question. What must I (lo to he moved 1 Is 1021' moms Import- ant question at elementable being can consider. It Livoh'es hie hlgheet 4ntereet in time andin eternity. It 1e van hnlxtrtan0 peril.) In a person's life when the ;;,grit of Geet (onvtnees hint that he Is bet, that he 110eA18 eatvat11m,. elkearnestly inquires how lie may obtain It. Rtivat1on by faith. ";Bettye() on the Lord J08u9 ('hrllt and thou shalt ,be 1a0e(1,'' (0268 tit. foul'; rely to the peeltent jailer's inquiry. 11,81's plan of 8nlvatlon nest ,be accepted. Consumption Salt pork is a famous old- fashioned remedy for con- sumption. " Eat plenty of pork," was the advice to the consumptive so and loo years ago. Salt pork is good if a man can stomach it. The idea behind it is that fat is the food the consumptive needs most. Scott's Emulsion is the mod- ern method of feeding fat to the consumptive. Pork is too rough for sensitive stomachs. Scott's Emulsion is the most refined of fats, especially prypared for easy digestion. Feeding him fat in this way,which is often the only way, is half the battle, but Scott's Emulsion does more than that. There is some- thing about the combination of cod liver oil and hypophos- phites in Scott's Emulsion that puts new life into the weak parts and has a special action on the diseased lungs. A sample will be sent fee upon request, Pe ewe that 0111. picture In the form of a label le on the }rappper of (very bottle et :mulvlon yon huy. Mrs. F. Wright, of Oelwein, Iowa, is another one of the million women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. A Young New York Lady Tells of a Wonderful Cure:- "My trouble was with the ovaries ; I am tall, and the doctor said I grew too fust fdr my strength. I suffered dreadfully from inflammation and doctored continually, but got no help. I suffered from terrible dragging sen- sations with the most awful pains low down in the side and pains in the back, and the most agonizing headaches. No onel(nows what I endured. Often I was sick to the stomach, and every little while I would be too Hick to go to work, for three or four days; I wort( in a large store, and I suppose stand- ing on my feet all day made me worse. "At the suggestion of a friend of my mother's I began to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, and it is simply wonderful. I felt better after the first two or three doses; it seemed as though e, weight was taken off my shoulders; Icon- tinued its use until now I can truth- fully say I am entirely cured. Young girls wile are always paying doetor's bills without getting any help as I did, ought to take your medicine. It costs so much less, and it is sure to cure them, -Yours truly, ADELAIDE PRAM, 174 St. Ann's Ave., New York City.” -$5000 forfeit if original of abode tetter proving ganulneneaa cannot be produced. Ile AN as Game. Atgy-Pooh, Gnsst^'s, condition It very serlou0, indeed. 1111 oawn't even w'alse him 110(6(1 fwom the pillow. 1'rta.y-Great Heavens: What's the nntMtel) '1 Algy-The fooltele fellow lost his hood in a gaup of ping-poug, law t venter, and pl'lyesl steadily foal noddy 01111/11 noses). -Town Top- Iefo Wear ! That's " the greatest thing in the world," -in anything that's worn. You get style, fit and finish too, in Granby Rllbbers Cr -Butthe one thing ing we emphasize is their Wearing Qualities. "Granby Rubbers wear like iron." SCOTT & BOWNE, CHEMISTS, Toronto, Ontario soc. and $t; all druggists NA He tier Sale. "To be Hold-Fbr 01011 shillings, my wife, Jane 11oeband. She Is stoutly built, stands firm, and IH mooed, wind and Mb. (11(11 NOW and role)), hold a plough and drive n team; and would answer any stout, able MOH that can hold a tight rain, for 8111) is lierdulonthnl stmt headstrong; bat if properly managed would either lead or drive 118 1111110 118 a rabbit. "Ifrr husband part(( with her tw- asueo sh0 Is too much for hint. In- quire of the printer. "N. It. -all her clothes will be giv- en with her." Tire foregoing ix non advertisement of over n. century ago, and was fired published in Virginia. be 1l Laerik in Sunday 8e1o01. 'Pilo London Express save Miss Chitty glvr8 some tunny Hnyingn of her sehohe.re In a "hirrikiu" Yoiletay school upon the occasion of their first teping a clergyman eu 1111 the glory of ewle8lostleal vestments; "Miss," asked a email girl, "why. de '0 we;tr 'is sash; round '18 neck in- stead of on 'i8 walk ?" Tho comment of another little maid was 111)re. original; "when the angel brought '1111 the white robe, won a pity '11 left the wings belted In 'elven." And yet a third, with an obvious scoff ; "Can't think what 'P wanted a pinny for, '0 'udn't nothing under- neath but an ugly 0111 pettieoet. I know, cue I watched 'Int took It off, thro' a crack in the door." Denti11 Lnd'ei` College, St. Catharines, Ont. The Christmas closing enncert of ties college, wall ai fine success. The 111eei: om of the ell -Ivies 861.8 good, nod many exprc1sed their eurprlft at the success and enemy of the stu- dents that took pert in the pro- gramme, showing as 11 did flee talent in the teaching staff. Large num- bers of the people of the city seem only lately torealize that privileges equal to be had cenywhere exist In Demi11 College, end are beginning to avail thorns( Ives of 1103 cep '.r lupi t'el that aro at handl An increased at- tendanee is expected when It opens on 301. 6th. It it evorlh while In- quiring atter Johns school, where there are daughlerx to he (ehu'ated, e1 (0e nndereitand that e;p0Cllll rates aro given, iItchbling at extensive e(et.rse. Whet was on !ler Feer A little girl living in liest Second e•treel hull her picture taken recent- ly, nal it friend of the frailly who was calling at til.; house asked her Low 1t sc0111e1 10 sit for the photo - el nplt. "Olt I (didn't mind It," ,eh') wild. "Toe know I )uta that thing on my free you nlwaye neve when you get your picture taken." "Thing on your face?" queried the vl'dtor. "wlutlt do yen mann - a veil ?" "No, it't a-" and elle stopped to think "Wn,s It )IOW ler?" she was n8111d. " No-er-1.0..e-I'll think In n 111'11- Ltr-1e-nit yes' it teas a ern IIe,"- Dwluth N. w...-'rribnnn, 444444.444.444.++44 THE HORSE LARKETS 11.4.114444.11.114+41444444++ 4.44+1 The following is a synopsis of an address delivered by 1)1.. J. Hugo Reed, on')) of the export judges em- ployed by this department at the 1004401 Charlottetown Fair. If mean is breeding for the mar- ket he should Ibtd out what the market demands and then make up 1h18 mind as to what (dyle of the llor80( In dentate! he can produce at most profit to himself. The best sel- ling horses to -day are heavy draughts, carriage horses and saddle horse(. l'rlitce Edward 'stand 1s certainly, ht a position flu produce good heavy horses. The Clyde( are a gotxl breed and (0(4111 to be 1n motet demand. The stallions at present owned on the island when mated to good leered will certainly produce colts that will sell well. A redeemably heavy mare of good conformation Is re- quired. There ,were instances 011 the grounds where Clyde otalleme had been bred to light mares of standard bred blood. Tien progeny were non- descrlpts of DO particular use, 01111 tills is the general result of eucl4 rlobeu't crossing. The dististetion'between carriage !torsos and roadsters le evidently not well understood by exhibition manegonwnts or people in the Marl - time 1.'rov►noes. Teem) are two die - Met types of horses, and sheltld not be judged in the 141111 class, There should be prow:slon at least for a slugle roadster in harness and a matched pair. The dIOtinotlon between Roadsters and carriage ho1'Ses is not a matter of 81ze, or of hn'erlhng. Tae road horse is valuable for 1110 perform' - a1100 in getli'ng over the road; the carriage horse for lura attractive- ness, hes style and aotikan, h1 addition to Itis road qualities. The carriage horse 111 (Letuauld today must have action, high eastern, folding hid knees and locks well, and he meet do this no matter whether going IIve m11el an 110ur or fifteen. He meet hold up hes heard without the aid of a check, and always look proud. in else lie may vary front 15.2 hands to 10 'hands or open slightly! over. A8 n general rule the carriage horse should have more substance than the roadster, be more horizon- tal in the croup, and above all must have a high. proud head. The road horse with low action end plrllups low head may go tasks' 10111 farther and t(1 Lougee time the carriage hereie out he is 1101 NO much la de- mand. 111 the large markets, Chicago, Vew fork, Detroit and ecru Toronto, the carriage horse may sill for front S'80(1 up, while the road borne will bring from $150 up. Breeding Carriage Hot•(1'14-Slan- (hu'd bred olcuere claim that their 8ta111one will gel good ensilage horses. This 18 true to scut., extent, but the percentage l8 trey knell. The (wrest way to gut carriage Magee I8 to use a (tauten with tilt. desirr,l ac- tion. Ile 1s best got in the lfuekeny or one of the coaching 4110011.. Per- sonalty 1 prieor 11r English 11e,1nry. The 110111 11111141 of course be cerr1ui,y 8(1co1ed. To 111:11e well with no r Ilo11s 1(1(0)0 1Drht1011ed sir nniet hen C more or Esti warm blood. She shon111 have been hh'ed by a etluulard bred or a thorough ?wed (milieu. TLi14 le ural s- 8ary (eClt 11811 0111 Hackney and cunch- ing breeds bevy 1101 0 lung colthnle11 purity of tweedier, and su 1111011 not that prepoteecy which the tLeroagh- bred stallion, for instance, 1:144,7111,3, cannot, therefore, like the thorou.gh- bre1, impre(44 their lnel.vidutltty upon colts trent mares of coarse typo cud (40,11 blood, Kllnwiek 1`h'atway, the Hackney you have herr, e11ouhi be able, If intelligently mated, to pro- duce a good 2)711' of curi'hlgo horses To g01 carrlege horses by the use of a thoroughbred sire, you must have maroe of high action, for the thor- oughbred's natural gait i8 a gallop or run ; he 11/.44 long, low aet1011 1te 1e, however, the purest blooded ant - mil in the world!, L'elerring to the tern "thorough- bred," the word is much abused, It can only be correctly !welted to the Eng, late thoroughbred racing horde or has pure bred deheendalt. Time word cannot be app ied to a Cly,be or a llaekney, 7101' a 161111, n rate or a boar. Such alinmds may be pure bred, but u1vrr ihoronghhltid. T 40 th1roa(h- tired stallion, from ills pu 1ty of bre, d. leg, can give Metre l'eeilte than other 8t11110114, with rough and cold blooded mires, and will often get good Rudder horsed that way. It is the Influence of thoroughbred blood that 111(8 produced the sUtndard bred trotter of to-da.y. It is 1118 thorough- bred ancestry which g10044 Ills 118 ooruagl and endurance. Saddle Borers. -Am above indicat- ed, saddlers can 'beet be got by this use of n thoroughbred stallion. Mares of strong conformation should be chosen. Strength e)f loin and quarter Is an all-important no- er8eity in a saddler. A good gen- eral purpose mire can be used :old will give meddle horses for heavy weight rieling more eerily thin mares of finer breedllg. Good sn'l- (errs are perhaps the most Mllfle lI1 horses to -day to buy and they will bring as good {niece as the car - lenge horse. ONE YEAR'S SUPPLY OF HAVANA CIGARS FREE.(. All ,the tobacco that I use Is grown he Cuba, therefore nothing but Hav- ana ,tobacco over goes into any part of any of my cigars. I employ Cuban ,workmen only, No wdtoleseaers, re- tailer, a)nlmissi011 salesmen nor bad accotnts-that's all 1n the cigars. CIGARS D1iRECT from MAKER to SMOKER, No dealers need apply. 381,000 said In flto last year. ONE 80X AND YOU ARE A RE(OULAR CUSTOMER References -ANY BANK IN TORONTO. I supply you, THE NEW WAY, TWO YEARS, for the same money you Pay the old way one year. These Cigars are superior to imported 15 - cent novenas. The name of my cigar ie No. 72. Price $2.60FOR A BOX OF 60 being equal to five cents each. I prepay all express or postage (regis- tered), and thus deliver to you fres all over Canada Send mono, ;with order, one or more ,boxes, and you shall be a customer of mine. Some have ordered the fiftieth time. Sly whether mild, medium or strong, R. K. FERRIS Toronto Canada 67 King 8t. East General Principles,-W'halever Ilse of breeding a man may follow be must have a definite object and know what be lo doing. There aro now on the Wand a good many mares that 10001(1 inate well with the thoroughbred and hackney or coach (10111ons. 1 would not use a coarse or cod blooded marc, but would endeavor to get ono with etandar(I bred or outer warm blood. As a general rule, a good driving metre will cross well with a hack- ney. If Government Inspection of horses, such as is carried on to Quebec, eoahl be curried out frau from political intrigue, it wvouldbe a good thing In any country. The horsemen have, however, the whole question h1 their own hands; the scrub stallion only exists because he ie pxttronlzed. If breeder, da- mned pure-bred stallions the scrub win have to go out of b08ines4. Some farmers seem to think that because they have not got a choice mare, it is hot worth while to p8y' from $10 to 1115 fee for a good stallion, but they take n scrub at from til to f$8. This is a great mistake; 11 n nutre 1s 1001'111 breed. )tag at n.Il, she b: worth breeding to the hest stallion procurable. The great need of the. !normo business !e more Intelligence aid enterprise among the horsemen rather than Ctsertiment regulations. F. W. ilodrbn, Live eenek ('omtnieeloner. ACCIDENT TO A MINER Strained His Back and was Sent Home In Agony Lald up all Winter, but Ondd'e Kid- ney Pf1144 pal Phu on His Fret Again itild Noto' He ite ('nnnph•ndy Cured. Indian Brook, Victoria Co., N. S., hee. IS.-(`plv'l.11.;-Angus le. Sl Dou- ald', son of the postut:Is1e1' here, id prominent among th000 111 this 41► trlct 10.110 Hwrl(1' by Dodds Kidney I'1 le as a here cure for those terrible pains do the Iwck lint are Due of the durst sym,lrloos of Kidney Disease, And Mr. etclx)nald bas good rn:18uu for the stand he 10kevt. While et work 111 the coal pits he etralucd las bs.ek, and was dual Nemo to 11.11 ngolly of pain. The nearest doc- tor, twenty-five n1.8 o.iv. y, 50118 watt for; but he, coital bio little to relieve its suffering. Tete 511,8 in October, 1001, and he couldn't do a Hand's turn of work till 1110 spring of ieee, Then n hotelkerper mit-hied him to try 000d's Kidney 1'Lis. That Mod - keeper didn't Hee him regain till last Anguet, and then Itis first question tonah "Angus. boldo your b; ck 0' "As well as ever 1l Neat;unHwerrd Angus, "What cured It 0" "bolld's Kidney Pi 1x ()erect me repel trey." And the 1'otrlmuater at Indian Brook 1m rlwaye ('rally to testify to the truth of lite son's st'-t(m et. Pains In the Back, lumbago, Rheu- m :limn, Drop ;y and liear1 Dieonee aro caus0d by (1,18pnsod Kidneys I)odd's liidnry Pills will cure them. The Teel of Faille. Two little gizls, aged, respect- iv'ly, 6 and 8 ,years, were (tisane - sing religious matters, relates the Christian Registrar. The older one said to her sister, "Which would you rather do, live, or die and go to heaven ?" "Why," the y0ttng one Raid, " 1 would rather Ike Whereupon the older one beret out with the em- elt:Olc mirk ewe "Sarah 11., what dices your religion amount to?" - Troy TP100 8, ASSESSMENT SYSTEM "Tie inoses make a nation, riot the '(1xtleel" Ix your home properly protected? • If not d0 not ;woe, 00111 In vont 1111111101111011m (ile urn rextl'ouurll of 1111 l'A NAIII AN 011)0(11 (lb` I'HOIPN 1.1111•:(0 DS. Tide order le worthy of your hearty eudoreanua for the following Orn solo 1 (1) UN surely t'nnndlnu. (2) It will protect your loved on08, (8) It In prog"''01"0 and "up to 4111t0." 14 It hes ihr h. x1 I, Ind of 0 gunrnndm, 01_5.050 001,10 CAsle .01 nmo1,1 IhyIt. d when yon , t 'u hn6,• L, aw:m I (50 it furs sou ins I e I (e It furnishes alxnrn err 111 the lowrnt rust compatible with wdrtr. (7 it to equitable, nil men -there pay the same rate according to their are. 8 it Is nnnnnged 00011 ❑nicnlly. e it le finder iov,•rnmrnt s,grrrvl+lon 5n8 fully authorized to do butuoea througli- nu( tho on line Dominion. (10) It fnru5l,en n "personal protection" l0 you are til. For full hdn''nl1l lm apply to the nearest Council, the Greed Recorder, W. F. NORTAGUle 11anthem, or to W. V. CAMP DELL, tinned organiser, Hamilton: ORGANIZERS WANTED, LIPERAL 'r1✓Itlts