HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-01-01, Page 6t
will tell
W1iin an animal Is all run down,
has a rough coat and a tight bide,
anyone knows that bis blood is oat
of order. To keep an animal econee
wield], he must be in good health.
is a necessity where the best results
from feeding would be obtained.
It tones up the system, rids the
stomach of bots, worms and other
parasite that suck the life blood
Nothing like Dick's powder for
• run down horse.
60 cents a package.
Leming, Miles & Co., Agents,
to30000.000 tl
All Bodily Aches
Says Mike to Clancy.
"Kepc alive, Mike; we're rescula'
ye I"
Voice from the Debris - Is Mg
Clancy up there wid ye?"
"Sure he Is."
"Agt him mei he ho so kind as
If step aff the renins. I've nnot;h
MB top aT me widout
A Determined Widow.
Lawyer (to the widow) -The law
give. you a, third, madam.
The Widow -Well, I'm not going
to take any chancre in that dlree-
tion. I shall proceed to hustle for
my third, faire as I did for my first
and second.
To prove To you that Dr.
Chase's Ointment is a certain
and absolute euro for eaoh
and every form of itching.
blood I ngand protruding piles,
the manufacturers have guaranteed it, soots..
Umonleli In the daily press and ark your nciglc
bore what they think of it. You can use It and
getyour money back it not euro,). 60c a boo, at
all dealers or Flints Winn, HA1•ka & Co.,Toronto,
Dr. Chase's Ointment
Hard 00 the Doctor.
Old Lady -My 'sol u1 'e never did
'old with doctors, atei 'o wouldn't let
mo send for yer till 'e was real bad.
What's wrong with him, doctor?
Doctor -Mainly eenlilty, Mra',V11-
Old Lady -Lor', note! And I destiny
'e wouldn't 'ave 'ad it if 'e'd
'a4 yer goon enough.
113o -You arc a cruel, heartless
flee -dean• nbsnr,l! A motnent ago
you meld I heal stolen your heart,
and now you say I haven't any.
Cure •
Your Cold
with the old standard reme-
dy that has stood the test
of 40 years experience and
is more popular to -day than
ever before.
is carefully prepared from
Red Spruce Gum, retaining
all its healing, soothing pro-
perties. It is pleasant to
take and is always effectual.
25 cents. At all Druggists.
How Shrill a Girl he Introduced
llurieg the Season of 1002.03?
llow sill II a girl he tetroduesid?-
at a remotion, at a dance, or at a
series of ,inners given by the binned-
Inte ftuui.y Gr ht'. frlrI,ls't Tau old -
1)11411100(11 reception covered a Mul-
titude of etas, for it Woe possible,
even with an enormously long vis-
iting list, to give an entertainment
and not Inert any one's feet -
lugs sine all ages could be includ-
ed in the invitations and, like a wed-
ding, many Individual.. of social-
ocialenuvding, who had not taken any
prominent part In social life, could
be remembered. For the last few
year., however, these largo at ter -
110011 receptions Intoe been going out
of fashion.
Four days oflea are chosen when
the mother and her daughter re-
ceive their friends. The Idea of the
four days Is that there may not be
too many people present at one
time. The difficulty Is that each one
of the guests le likely to watt un-
til the last day, so that the pre-
ceding afternoons will be dull, and
the fourth so crowded as 10 be un-
bearable. With a Wog visiting list,
even niter It Iran been revived by
some socltal mentor, it Is Impossible
to invite even desirable acqualnt-
Luc,.N to dinner. and to go btough
the list would he 10 take up every
evening during the season. A dance
eau include but one set, or nt the
n 001 two -the debutantes end the
younger married people -and then
there will be no end of heart -burn -
Ings and Jealouoles, for few private
houses I1m01' ballrooms large enough
to Invite everybody who le desir-
able and to maintain to rigid exclu-
stveiress is pos,iile only to a favor-
ed few. Brit this problem has to be
faced by many mothers of debutante
daughter. of 11K00-03, and cense.-
(merA.ly there will be every form of
entertainment given, The old fash-
ioned reception card to the effect
that Mr. and Mrs. rind Mies Blank
will be at home from 4 to 7, will
be the accepted form of invitation,
and Mrs. Blank and Miss Blank will
receive Mrs. lila ilk's and Miss Blank's
friends (and enemlem) while Mr.
Blank will pot In an enforced ap-
pearance. Into. In the afternoon. In
this way nt least two thousand per-
sons can be disposal of. -New York
As Fire Spreads to dry graze, no noes an
Inflammation hi the throat grow down Into
the lungs. Dad promptly with a 0001 on with
n tire. no) when you begin to rough use
Allen'. Lung Baboon.
'those GUIs.
Cordclia-Aro you going to hong
up yrr stockings on Chrlstmas?
1101tenso,-Well, I certainly ain't
gone ter let them hang down Rice
A BOON TO HORSEMEN -One bottle of
English Spa yin Mel meat completely removed
aeurb from my horse. I take pleasure In
recommending the remedy, ne It acts with
myetcrIoue promptness In the removal from
horses of hard, soft or calloused lu mppx, blood
epnvin, splints, curbs, Sweeny, stifles and
GEORGE 1101313, Former,
Markham, Out.
Sold by all drugglete.
New Variety of Sunflower.
A Woman florist has produced a
new vnrtety of sunflower which he
.rills the Giant Bbmarck, or Ilellen-
thtas Annus Rhnittrekl:nsie. That It Ice
a giant le el Lineal front a ;photograph,
The slrtik Is fifteen feet high and
four te:'hee thlek and the flowers
mruleurm eighteen Inches across. To
obtain these results It Is neeeeeary
to sow flee seeds ht groups of two or
three whet the plants aro wanted
-for tit" , t,nllotVer does not stand
r.rnu0planting-drotroy all hat the
sttongrmt of each group of plant.'
not wh^n this is about five feet
high cut oaf the lower leaves and buds
and tea throw all the strength of
the plant into the crown.
Minard's Lldment Cores Diph-
A Timely Suggestion.
At a camp meeting, there were
elderly women sitting at the front
111 oak-spitt rocking chalre, We found
out later that they comprised the
choir, for when the parson gave 0yt
the hymn, "Oh, for a Thouenad
Tongues to Pratse,'' one of these eld-
erly females tried to "WI Ise" the
"Oh -for -a-" She end struck the
high C, end her tole() cracked; she
cleared her throat and began again,
"010 -for -:t -thou' and she was
an octave los-, while her voice sound -
41.3 if it was lost in her boots.
Just then 11 dehmet Block broker in
the crowd of listeners .lumped to itis
fret • nd erlixi out, "Start her at
five hundred, old lady, end eeo If
you can't. slot + her off." -Harper'.
,Magazine To: Juiy.
Humor or the 1)ay.
" LII;'.aning knocked the church
eteYtlNr (0,w1) sunm one said to
Broiled. leeker.
Yo r ; Sa ttin's ryes always flash
Jiro rr'.n a be 1.1008 a chut'cli steeple
And here':: a colored ,brother killed
another at a ramp meeting."
"Yew; Satan goes ter meetin' 'long
avid do rtes' or dm., en sometimes
abouts do louder'."
And It pr metier was drowned to
the river hast week."
" Oh, yes, B4tnn'e In de water, too.
Ho 'bleege ter, go dor ter cool off."
st, you blame everything on
lia.tan, do you Y
"Biers God," was the reply, "ain't
int what he'd fur?" -Atlanta Con-
Wife (during the quarrel) -What
made you marry me, thee?
Husband -Why, you did, of course.
ger Leat Word,
Feminine Egotism-Hesb:tn.l Our -
log Ow spat) -1 hilar have beim a
fool whys 1 m:u rl •1 you.: •
R'Ife-Unolol.bteilly. Bet the adage
Mill holds good.
Hllband-What's that ?
it lfe-A full for 111(10. - Chicago
A Modernized Verden,
Montreal Star.
Life le real, life is earnest,
And the grave is not Its goal,
Its great aim, thou sadly teeniest,
Is to get sufficient coal.
Many of 115 might bei happy if we
did not suffer from disorders of
the liver. Then we ought to use Dr.
August Koenig's }Iamburg Drops,
which cure the disorders and bring
the whole system to a healthy con-
1"ootbali illustrated.
Buffalo Commerelol.
A Bowdolnh:un, Me., farther saw
the Bates-Bowdoln football game itt
Brunswick. A neighbor asked him
about it. "Nothing to tell," Ile said,
"Just let 20 bier Bogs out In a
soft field any clay and then throw
dotva a peck or so of coni In a
sack and sedum go for It, and
you'll know 'bout what it game of
football looks like to a farther,"
A Good Talker.
"Cinquefoil is considered a pretty
good talker, isn't he?"
"So people say. I have only beard
him (,leak once myself."
"And how did he impress; you?"
"Why, when Ile first got up he re-
marked that he had nothing to say,
and he said It for Just forty-five
1flnard's Liniment Cures Distem-
More to Follow.
Baltimore Sun
Sylvester -She is a woman with a
past, I understand.
Randolph -Yes, and more costing.
Charging Women Less Than Men
At the old 'fashioned inns and res-
taurants 111 Sweden 1t Is customary
to charge less for women than for
mien on than theory that ut they do not
oat so much. At some hotels 1n Swe-
den It bili and wife aro charged
as one and ono -half persons if they
occupy the same room. A husband
and wife may travel as one and one -
halt persons by railway, and oleo by,
the poet routes, furnishing their
own marriage.
Mimard's Liniment Cures Garget
in Cows.
A Nery Neat Hitt.
Canailan Baptist.
Very many of our subscribere seem
to have forgotten that money is
needed to pay the printing and pa-
per Mlle of the Baptist. We cannot
forgot it, flowerer, and we wish to
share the anxiety that this eon-
atanlly recurring oversight causes
us with the friends who should re-
lieve us.
We offer One Hundred Dollar!' Reward for
nay came of Catarrh that enema be cured by
Hull's Catarrh Core.
F..1. CBENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
We, Om underelgned, have known F. .1
Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him
perfectly honorable In all bushese trans-
actions and financially able to carry out any
obligations made by their firma.
Water a Tneax, Wholesale Drugglets, To-
ledo, 0.
W ALUM, KINNAN a DL ea1•IY, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cure le taken internally,aet•
Ing directly upon the blood nod mucous xur-
tare of the system. Teetlmoninl! sent free.
Price --75e per bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Hall's Family ]'ills are the hest.
Reflections of a Bachelor.
A painted cheek and Its blueh are
soon parted.
Tho kind of a woman man tikes is
tit• kind that ;want, elm, to like her.
When humanity beglne to think It
stops ,having fun.
The man we never can forgive Is the
mon who caught us trying to do a
wrong to him.
During the year the apace devot-
ed to advertising MINARD'S LINI-
MklNT will contain expressions of
no uncertain sound from people
who speak from personal experi-
ence as to the merits of this Brest
of lbaueehold Remedies.
Part ot'the Bluff.
"Why," elm finally ventured to fal-
ter, "do you look o sad when we
are sitting thus?"
"Because," he answered, gazing
tenderly down into her troubled eyes,
"a man always looks sad when he
holds a lovely hand."
She was something reassured, al-
though she did not altogether under-
Mlnard's Liniment Curee Colds,
Good Point to Christian Science'
Nebraska State Journal.
There le one thing 1n favor of
Christian Srlence-it denied the In-
Jurloue effect of eating mince pie
upon the system of one whose soul
le attuned to the divine harmonies
at the right pitch. To us a mince
pie le a mighty toothsome piece of
mortal error.
What shrunk your woolens ?
Why did hues wear so soon ?
You used common soap.
Ask for the Octagon Nur, ■q
A Domestic Disarrangement.
They hail boon married three
m0n1h0 and here having their 13th
quarrel -an unlucky number, b3' the.
"You only married me for my
money," he said, telae exceeding
"I didn't (10 enything of the
kind," she retorted.
"Well, you didn't marry me be-
cause you loved me,"
"1 know 1 didn't."
"In hen.t'eu's name, whet did you
marry me for 111011 7" he cried, it
dthis.espair, for he had not expected
Just to make that hateful Kate
Scott ;you were engaged to cry her
eyes out because she told to give
yon up and 000 me get you"
Ila fell down on the white bear
rug at her feet and rolled over on
It until he looked like an animated
" Great Caesar, woman l" he
shrieked, "what have you done?
Why, I married you Just because
she threw me over."
And by the time dinner was ready
their sweet young hearts were
once more so full of sunshine that
awninge were absolutely necessary.
Monkey Brand Soap cleans kitchen uteri•
ails, steel, iron and tinware, knives and
forks, and all kinds of cutlery. ,e
0111 the Famous!
Chicago Itecord•llerald.
"What would you do If you were
to wake up to -morrow morning and
find yourself famous?"
"Lle down ngaln and sleep till I
fell like gct
ting uri for
The North Mud Doll, slow. and with 10
comer the twinge of rheumatism. Drexe
warmly, stay In inure as nwelm 1x eon run
and rob the swollen Under muscles with
Perry Davie'. Painkiller. 2) tad buc.
Indianapolis 91m.
May --They say he has written a
successful book of fiction.
Stella -I knew Ile could ,to 11. You
ought to see some of the love letters
he used to write to me.
10 cent Cigar
Guaranteed Clear Butane Filled
Stang(' Story Circulated by Buddhist
Priests in Burmah.
The "Tames of India" tells a pretty
story about ilia Burmese belief in
the transmigration of the soul of
the late Queen Victoria. It is well
known that nowhere Is the memory
of that Sovereign more deeply cher-
ished than In Burma, and In her life
that reverence was most marked in
many ways. Few. however, imagin-
ed that there was anything in it
more than the loyalty which most
of the oriental nations under Bri-
tish away exhibit. Burt according to
the story now told, there was a
d eper reason for the exceedingly
marked demonstrations of regard for
the Queen. The Times of India .aye;
Since her death the 0tory has
grown up, and I. now told eerlously
to their disciples by Buddhist priests
in Burmese monasteries, that In the
transmigration of Noels, in which
the Buddhists believe Queen Vic-
toria was once it Burmese maiden.
In the beginning of the nineteenth
century, they stay, there was born
tin Rangoon a daughter to a poor
Burmese couple. The pair were haw-
kers by trade, and their daughter
helped them to sell fried and boiled
peas In the street. Later on the girl
took to selling flowers, so that she
might have the wherewithal to make
floral offerings at the Buddhist
shrines. She became known through-
out Rangoon for her piety and gen-
tlenese, and when site died Oautama
Buddha granted her prayer that she
should be born again where elle could
do the maximum of good 10 her fel-
low beings, and iter soul passed Into
the cradle of the 1311 nt Victoria.
ISSUE NO. 1, 1903.
Mrs. Winstone Soothing Syrup eio*
always be used for Cbildreo Teething. 10
sootbee the child, softens Oedema, euros wind
rude and is the beg remedy for Marries..
V t11y of Mixed wood, imitable for brick
horning, Inr Iw mediate use; state cosh price
Loh, your *action. Simpson ]lrlck Co.
Toronto street, 'Toronto; telephone Main 70
thoroughly tnught. Expert Instructora. Indi-
vidual ntfent .Ion. Send for handsome cata-
logue for particulars. Correspondence Dain.
and .eteryy town
illAggea $
1.1111/14/1 1,1 Wit Mode t0 measure LA !I Ft''
sults, Jackets and Skirts: good eommtaslons.
i'1 10)1 To 11, .11 tig Cll., C;utud+i s Largest Tull.
ors, Toronto,
WANTED, AGENTS +ln ntleve y town
village lu
remota to all :MEN'S ordered clot hing• good
1' ,nunlssitus; union label. Crown Tallorin:;
Co . Canada's Largest Tailors, Toronto.
Tho quality standard from Ocean to
Ocean. Your money bath 11noteattetaetory
Ageute, Montreal,
Xmas Poultry.
l'erkeys and Geese selling higher.
IhttUr market firmer and large rolls of
elude° better In nod demand.
to alta Bees
ndvleli wilt pay r, nto. per
Ib. for errs uny's delivered sat Toronto.
Cousigunl°nts uuleorreepoudente solicited.
.3)1IN J. FEE, es Front St. East, 'reroute
'1'o nal infertile(' to the
education 01 young Iadtee
or girls where nn extenelee
01,0000 may be hat, tselud-
log lea common and high
school hranchee, Science,
Languages, Music, Fine
Art, Commercial Course,
Voice Training, Elocution,
Art Needle Work and Pay.
Meal Culture, write to Rev.
A. It. Dueled., ]h'eeldeet,
4t. Co thurhowl, Ont., for
ea h•ader that gives you
1000 npeclnl rate..
iN1vNTe1N TIIIe lAi3a.
WATCH $2.35
Scud for full particulars. Address
Hamilton. Ont.
THE Brooch 'which we show
above (No. 900) Is a Sun
Burst Pattern of 143,. gold
mounted with sixty-five pearls.
We send it to any address for
We have hundreds of other min.
You may eve a goodly .meant o.
your Christman purchases by seeding
for our 1002 catalogue -We gad 11 Inc
Yeo w111 end la It illustrations el ln•
mamba gift pieces at prima sweat
Ryrie Bros.,
Tonne sad Adelaide Strew.
`DIAMOND HALL." Est.3554.
makes n dainty holiday prreent.
I'Rl('E 53.00
is lust whet the boy wnnta for
11 11011day gift.
:PRICE $1.00
If cosh Is sent with order I will pre.
pay till express charges W any address
in Canada. Sold by
1j1 S. VISE 513 Queen St.
a+1 x/1.1+1 X11
Ae SoiIdo a44ld Ladies' 00 Oent'a Watch
ooete teem fZN 10 5NO. Don't throw your Mener•w•), It yon
want a WATCH that will equal for time any a rid soli W
made, send u1 your name and address at once and agree to all on
10 boxes of our Famous Vegetable New Lite Pills at Ste a box.
grand remedy and cure for all impure and weak conditions of the
blood, indigestion, stomach trouble, constipation, weaknees,nervods
disorders, rheumatism and female troubles. ♦ grand tonin and We
(milder. These are our regular 5Oc. size; they are easy to mil, ea
with customer who buys a box of pills from you, receives a Prise
Ticket, which entitles them *e a tine piece of silverware. a n'ttn1 e
the ammo.o�rtfe• your Ili.. Send ne year order and we will Nems( the
10 loxes and Crile Ticket! by melt, postpaid, when sold you send
tut the money 112.601 and we will send you the Wtoh with a
the same day mono is received. We are flying away these watches
to quickly introduce our remedy, and when you receive the watch, we tisk you to please
•how it to your friends. Hundreds have received watches from es and are more than
delighted with them. This ie a glorious opportunity 3o get a One Watch without paying
8 mat for it and Toa should writs at onow
Address it,
yt TNN NEW UFO•UMNDY 00., Dept. 320, Toronto, Ong