HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-01-01, Page 5ELECTION CARDS.
To the Electors of the Village
of Blyth :
•Having been nominated for a member
.of the School Board for 1008-4, 1 take
this opportunity of soliciting your vote
ae.I will not make a personatoauvas.
Wishing you the compliments of the
.usason, I am your obedient servant,
To the Electors of the Villager
of Blyth :
Your vote and influence are respect-
fully solicited for
AS Public School Trustee for 1908-1904.
Election in Industry- hall on Monday,
January 5th, 1908,
To the Electors of the Village
of Blyth:
Your vote and influence are respect-
fully solicited for the re-election of
as Councillor for 1908.
To the Electors of the Village
df Blyth :
I take this,method of informing you
[that I ern .again a candidate for a meat
at your ,Council Board and respectfully
request a fair.ghare of your votes on
Monday text, I believe the system of
,house to house canvassing ie wrong
,and should be abandoned, and trust
,that none of m} friends will consider
dbat they are neglected.
Wishing you the mompliments of the
stetson, I have the honor to be your
2tuatbfa and obedient servant,
k moi. 8LOArN.
To the Electors of the Village
of Blyth :
Tour vote and tafluunce are respect-
dnliy soliclted for the re-election of
u Councillor for 1908.
To the Electors orthe Village
of Blyth :
Your vote and influence are respect-
fully solicited for the re-election of
as -Councillor for 1908.
CountU Council Election
To the Electors of Div. No. 7 (Blyth-
Wawanosh-Wingham), Huron county
Your vote and influence are respect-
fully solicited for the election of
ae your representative for 1906-1904.
Polling day -Monday, January 5th, '08.
county Council Election
To the Electors of Div, No. 7 (Blyth-
Wawanosh-Wingham), Huron county
council: -
Your vote and Influence are respect-
fully solicited for the re-election of
ae your representative for 1908-1901.
Polling day -Monday, January 5th, '08.
County Council Election
To the Electors of Div. No..7 (Blyth-
Wawanosh-Wingham), Huron county
council: -
Your vote and influence are respect-
fully solicited for the election of
John T. Currie
ae your representative for 1908-1904.
Polling day -Monday, January bth,'08.
To the Electors of Div, No. 7 (Blyth-
Wawanoah-Wingham), Huron county
council :-
Your vote and influence are respect-
fully solicited for the re-election of
as your representative for 1908.1901,
Polling day -Monday, January bth,'09,
Annual Meeting.
The annnal meeting of the Moble Braneh
ASNeelturat society will be held at the Com.
=wets' hotel, Blyth, on Wednesday, January
IRI, 1908, at one o'o ock p m. The auditors'
report will be received, °meets *Mateo, end
any other blames that sen be tr+nseeted wit
eecom,e before the meeting. e. E. BaeDw e,
-Mise Lizzie Butler is viaiaing Lead-
Jlyry friende.
-Mies Pearl Chellew has returned
from her lengthy visit with relatives in
Thorold and Ss. Catharines,
-Mr, James Denholm hag returned
/tome from Whitewood, Assinibola,
where he has been for the past year.
-Miss Coulter, of Morrie, is spending
the New Year's holidays at Sebring -
villa, the guest of Rev. and Mts. Fink -
-Mr. J. H. Chellew is in St. Cathar-
ines this week attending the funeral of
his father, who died ou 3/onlay in the
88rd year of his age.
-On Wednesday evening of this week
midnight services were held in Trinity
church from 11 to 12 o'clock The
celebration of the Holy Comtnunion
took place at 12 o'clock.
Store wishes
all a
-The collection on Christmas day in
the Churls of England is generally
given to the clergyman. The collection
this year in this parish was as follows:
Blyth, $6,80; Belgrave, *8,48; Auburn,
-On Chrietmae day 'fir, and Mrs. J.
E. Coombs entertained a number of
their relatives and friends from Tucker-
emith, McKillop, Grey, Wingham and
other places. There were 88 in the
-Prof, Dobie, assisted by Prof, John-
ston and Miss Eva Johnston, both
artists in their particular lines, will
Bgive ail exhibition in Industry hall,
lyth, on Monday evening, January
126. Admission, 150. Do not fail to
hear them.
-Mr. J. E. Henry and Mr, Munroe
left Monday morning to visit friends in
London and vicinity before returning
to their school's again. Mr. Henry's
malty friends will b, pleased to know
that he has regained his health and is
ablo to take charge of his school again.
--Mr. R. McWilliam, who held a re-
sionsible position in the Blyth handle
works for the past three years will
leave on Friday of this week for years,
where he has secured a position
in the handle works in that town. Mr.
McWilliam's family will not move from
Blyth to Walkerville till next spring,
Christmas Tree Eatertatnmant.
Industry hall was well filled on Mon-
day evening, December 22nd, the occa-
sion being the annual Christmas tree
entertainment given by Trinity church
Sunday school. The stage was nicely
decorated with festoons, mottoes, eta.,
flanked by two large Cluistmas trees.
The program was very full and attrac-
tive. No time was lost between the
numbers, thanks to Rev. Mr, Edmonds,
who proved an efficient chairman, The
children i iters acquitted theroeelves very cre-
ditably in the various recitations, dia.
bigots, etc. The Chrietmae carols,
under the direction of Mr. A. H. Plum-
mer, were very pretty and musical, and
added greatly to the enjoyment of the
evening. Perhaps the three most at-
tractive numbers ou the program were:
The three oriental kings in gorgeous
costume represented by three boys; the
Ping Pong drill by 10 young ladies, a
charming production, and the Cbrlgttnae
cantata represented by tour Santa -
Clauses, from east, west, north and
south and four groups of children. It
was elaborate and effective, and reflects
great credit upon Mr. Plummer and
Mise Edna Hamilton, The distribution
from the Xmas tree closed the proceed.
ings at 10.80. A few young men dis-
tinguished themselves at the tuck of
the hall l y throwing candies about to
the discomfort and annoyance of those
who happened to be hit, otherwiee the
evening pealed off most enjoyably. It
would bo well on occasions of this kind
to have the constable stationed in the
hall to overawe these hoodlums,
During the past few days Blyth
homes have welcomed many visitors.
Among those whom we noticed were;: -
Mrs, Menzies, of Staples,
Mr. W. J. Davis, of Ayton.
Mrs. Allan Burt, of London,
Mr, Wm. Moody, of Berlin.
Air. J. M. Kelly, of Detroit.
Mre. Leach, of Tillsonburu.
Mr. henry Bell, of Toronto.
Mies Dora Moody, of Berlin.
Miss Mina Proctor, of London,
Mr. Arthur Wikse, of Clinton,
Mr. Frank Bawden, of Clinton.
Mr, Niles Morgan, of Brussels,
Mr. T. B. McArter, of Aylmer.
Mr. Jamas Moffat, of Stratford,
Mr. A. Kneeshaw, of Goderich.
Miss Grecs Bowden, of Clinton,
Mr. R. B. Carter, of Port Elgin.
Miss Jean Morrison, of Torohto.
Mr. Robert Barrett, of Ingeneoll.
Mr. Samuel Crawford, of Embro.
Miss Lizzie Bradnock, of Detroit,
Mr. George McCully, of Stratford.
Mr. John Cunningham, of London.
Miss Emma Shoemacher, of Zurich.
Miss Minnie Thompson, of Clinton,
Mr. Win, McCreight, of Wingham,
Mr. George htcG, Stewart, of Detroit.
Mr. J. E. Moser, of Carberry, Mani-
Mr. Charles V. Floody and son. of
Di troit. .
llr. Wm. Lamont, of Bay City,
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bentley, of
Mr, Peter Elder, of Rounthwaite,
Mrs. T. M. Carbert and children, of
Mr, and Mrs, James Simon, of Jean-
nettes Creek,
Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Richmond mil
son, of London.
Mr. and Mre. Wesley Walker and
son, of Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Graves and
children, of Seaforth.
Among those who spent the holidays
sway from Blyth wereMiss Morrison, at Goderich.
Mr. J. W. Bel, at Goderich,
Mr. J. A. Jackson, at Seaforth.
Mr, Arthur Sims, at Platteville,
Postmaster McKinnon, at Toronto,
Mr. and Mre. 0, H. Reese, at Milver-
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. McBeath, et
Mr, and Mrs, W, J. Sime and child-
ren, at Brecefield,
Mr, and Mrs. James MoMurchie and
children, at Clinton.
Mr, and Afro. Wm. He.bkirk and
children, at Brussels.
Death of Miss Plummer.
Last week's .Clinton News -Record
contained the following account of th
Death of Miss Ida Plummer, sister of
our townsman, Mr. A. H. Plummer:
'On Friday forenoon Miss Ida Plum-
mer breathed her last, She was the
second youngest daughter of Mr. S. G.
Plummer anal a lady of the moos ster-
liltg nature who enjoyed the respect
and esteem of all who knew her, The
illtteas which resulted in her death ,vas
contracted while serving a. a nurse at
Providence, Rhode Island, a few years
ago. Some time since Mise Plummer
recognized that her stay.upon this earth
was of short duration, but she accepted
it with true Christian resignation and
was ready when the .final call came.
The services at house and graveside
were conducted by Rev. C. R. Gunne,
sector of St. Paul's church, of which
church the deceased was a Member.
The pallbearers wore: George and
Henry Sturdy, of Auburn, Albert Mc -
Brien, of Heneall, W. D. McBrien, of
Clinton 8. L. Scott, of Toronto, and
H. J. Tibbs, of Goderich township.
Among the relatives who attended the
tumid were: Mr. and MPs. S. L. Scott,
of Toronto; Misses Mary and Annie
Sturdy and Messrs. George and Henry
Sturdy, of Auburn.
County Model Schools.
The board of examiners for Huron
county met in the,Clinton model school
on Monday, December 22nd, sod com-
pleted the work of the model echoole of
the county for the session just closed.
There were in attendance at ti,e Gode-
rich model school 18 female and six
male candidates. At Clinton ts ere were
18 female and eight male candidates.
All the candidates in both schools were
successful in obtaining third-class cer-
tiflcates.' To obtain a certificate candi-
dates were required to make 60 per cent
of the total number of marks. Those
coodidstes who obtained 75 pec cent or
over of the total number of marks
obtainable aro placed in the honor list.
Out of the 45 candidates, 12 succeeded
in obtaining honors, The following is
the liet :-
HONORS -Mary Clark, Hattie Came-
ron, Pearl E. Jackson,'Pena Johnston,
Lizzie Lawrence, Edna Manning, Anna
E. Martin, Flora McEn'en, Ethel Mus-
grove, Sylvia Seel, Thomas J. O'Lough-
lin, Harry Walker,
PASS -Mabel Bailie, Laura Brydges,
Olvetta Brigham, Aunie M, Courtney,
Eva Dunlop, May Hogg, Katie Ham,
Mabel Harty, Mahal Jennison, Ella
Johns, Minnie Ker, Jennie Lowrie,
Josephine Lane, Kathleen McCourt,
Maude Porter, Lillian M. Robinson,
Edith Robson, Edith Taylor, Mary
Troy, Lillian Willson, Mabel Walsh,
McKinnon Cc Co.
=Ay 'Oa .
New Prints
and Ginghams
It may seem like forcing the season to
show New Spring I'rirlts atel Gingham% at this
season of the year. But our enstomers like to
get them early and have them made up during
the slack season when there is vety little other
work to do, We have been very careful in
selecting our Prints, as to quality of cloth and
feet colors. We have them in different quali-
ties, at 6e, 8e, 10e and 12}c, including the cele-
brated Crum's Prints, which are guarantetd
fait colors,
Fur Coats
and Oaperines.
We have d mu a large trade In Fars thio
season, We had to repeat several lines to keep
our stock complete. Our stock is in good shape
now, and as the season is pretty well advanced
we will make big redaotione In prices to clear,
but the coldest weather has yet to come and
now le the time to prepare for it,
Men's Far Coats, in Siberian Dog, Cub Bear and Bulgarian
Lamb, from $15 to $25,
Men's Fur Caps, Coney and Nutria, from $2 to $4.
Men's Persian Lamb Caps, fine curl. from $3.60 to 46.
Ladles' Ruffs, in Ohio Sable, Mink, Black Oppossum, Coney,
Etc., in all the new shapes, from 11 to $10.
Ladies' Caperines, with short and long fronts, in different
combinations, trimmed with heads and tails and chain
fastenings, from $2.50 to $15.
Ladies' Astrachan Coats, nice close curl, at $22.50 to 840.
We pay the highest price for Butter And Eggs. Wo will pay
be per pound for Dried Apples.
McKinnon ' Co.
'31_31y't 1.
Our Xmas
.. Display
Did it ever occur to you that in the matter of
presents for the Canadian Xmas season there is
nothing so practical and so thoroughly appreciated
as something to wear, such as a nice Fur Cap Ior
instance. We have them, all kinds and prices, from
$2 to $io.
Tiee, 25c to 75c. Braces, 15c to 50c. Gloves, 50c to$2. Shirts, 50c
to et,25, Silk Haudkerchicfs, 85e to M.95. Also Ready-to-wear
Suits and Overcu..ts in endless variety.
Remember we carry the largest
stock of Men's Wear in the town.
The Popular Clothing House
.. BLVTIR , .
Fred Bryyane, Clark Freer, William J.
Irwin, George Johnston, \William Ju-
rott, Robert King., Lin L. Knox, Mel -
burn McDowell, Charles Sawurs, Ed-
ward 'Stewart,tJohn W, Todd, Edward
myth, Dee. fit. -Wheat, Ger to 570. Barley,
890 1. 420. fete, 890 '� ale. oats, 15o to 300.
Eggs, 18c to 190. &.ti"r, 17o to 180. I'otatoee,
too to 130. Rides, 80 to 60. Ray, e0 M 87. Lard,
12o to Ila. Port, e7 to ee. Floor, 51.20 to $9.28.
Wood, 59 to ISP). Wool, 12o to 15o. Turkey',
11e to 19o. Gees,, 90 to 9o. Ducks, 5o to 10o,
Chickens, tic to e0,
-If your adv. is not in TuaSTAvoAnu
yol, are missing trade,
We Return Tnanks
to farmers and others for the very
liberal patronage given in the pot
season, We are still in the marktr
for all kinds of Grain, Butter and
Eggs, I'oultry,.F.tc, Wo offer you
no trade, but the highest price in
Wishing all the compliment;
of the season. Stora to Rent.
Dlnsley slrnet a IStyth