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The Blyth Standard, 1903-01-01, Page 4
JRRIES @CC[IURCHIE BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. BLYTH, oNTttmo. ROTES DISCOUNTED. Sale Nota a specialty. Advances made to farmers on their own notes, No additional security re- quired, INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates, We offer every accommelation con- sistent with safe and , onservative banking principles. VNL1111TED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Real Estate at lowest rates of interest. JRU ESTATE AGENTS, Parsons wishing to sell will do well 6o place their property on our list for sale, Rents collected. •NYEYANCINO Of all kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE. We represent the leading Fire and life Assurance companies, and re- speotttifly solicit your account. MI= EGU19 yo s.x. to 8 PM, Balsam; (Saris. E L. DICKINSON, 8ANDIST8R, SOLICITOR,Soliener Rank of Hamilton. money Le Mee, Meeyer btook, Windham. to -j A. JACKSON, 8.A., / BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETO. Conveyancer and Notary Pablio, Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton. Offices, Pretoria block, oyer Poweb'e Mom, blytb. Money to tend. j 8, 11R0101,LD.B., d DENTIST. OtAee to the Pretoria bloat, Blyth. Special etWatioa paid to the preservatloa of the net weal teeth. with good work prices wafSI t a peciow as ialty. consistent J a LINDSAY, M.B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, SucowIor to Dr. Vit. Graduate of the tab trinity of Toronto, Monitor of College of Play - 'deism and Fn;ndanEdubgh$od paalls. Otnoe and residene.,1011 lately ooan• pied by Dr. Tait, BIyab. W. J. MILNE, M.D.0.M. PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. M.D,O.M., University of Trinity! comes; M.D„ Queen's University; Fellow 01 Trials,Medical oiled«, end of member (lollrge of hysiolsoe and t ,rdeons of Ontario. coroner for the 0 out' ,t Huron. Oates, one door north of the Comm,-. olal hotel, Queen Wrest, Blytb. "Is HUCE8TEP, BARBER AND TOBACCONIST. Choice stork of Tobaccos, Clean and Pipes 00 hand.nseen for rt6 a Parisian ,team Laundry, C. HAMILTON, AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR. Land, Loan and Ioauranoe Agent. Office, on Queen street. 81y40. Orders left et Two bran• MAD ogles will receive prompt attention. BR4DWIN, STEAMSn1P AGENT, The Elder•Demptter and Fratieo0snadlsn Doesresented, Oman octets sold to any Past of Europe. urope. Low summer rates now in foroe. Bannof steamers and dates of sailing f rnlebed on appllostlon 10 Taa BTiN0sa0 office, [Myth. rm. 8. L. TAUBE, MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN AND EYE SPECIALIST. All kinds of Speotaa ea and E7 lawn made to order. Spiritist attention elven t aging the eye. Orders by mall promptly attended to. Beware of parties aslon my name ae I ewp,oy no travelling agents whatever. Satisfaction guaranteed, E.tabhebed 1979. CM Richmond 111.11 W., Toronto, ALMA LADIES' COLLEGE It. Thomas, Ont. (TWENTY-SECOND YEAR) The farthest south, and one of ttte largest and best equipped in Canada. Preparatory studies. Graduating Courson—M,L.A., M.E. L., Piano, Organ, Singing, Violin, Fine Art, Elocution sad Physical Culture, Domestic Science, Commercial. Healthiest location, Moderate char- ge's. Write for catalogue to REV. PRH WARNER, M.A., B.D. Winter Term Opens Jan. 5th. A lstgs, pwgresetve school and one of she beet on Chis continent. This to a strong state. meat but It le a true one nevertheless. The Teasel one school has a large stlendaooe is because 1t is a wide.awako, hustling, working emult•prodsotng school. Recent graduates have ' Swept el posltionv at salaries ranging from est a month to ego per annum. Write for our 000 .10.10000. N. J. ELLIOTT PRINCIPAL A. 0. U. W. 117th 106p, 110.110 esteem orderer United meets In the Workmen hall, Milt e bdeek oaf the gad and 110 Thursday in every >e it at tight p.m. Viattleg brethren are ,.Ta • iallyo/aped. D ,(7111100, W.M T. J. Hoot the f iUth Pattbarbe A. E. BRADWIN, Punting*. [L TAH BLYTH Se'ANDARD,ublished every Thursday morning, 18 a live boat Wt/M paper, and hu a large circulation in Myth and surrounding country, making it a valuable advertising medium. Sub- scriptio., price to any part of Canada or the L nitod States only One Dollar per annum in advanoe ; $1.60 w ill be charged if not so paid. Advertising rates on application. Job Printing neatly and titeaply executed. Correeperdlence of a aewey nature respectfully actieited. THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1908, BAD RAILWAY WRECK. The Grand Trunk Pacific express, running from Niagara Falls to Chicago, collided with a heavy freight train at Wanstead atatiou on Friday night Iasi. Thirty people were killed and 40 injured. The accident happened at 10 o'clock and during a blinding snow storm. MUNICIPAL NOMINATIONS. Nominations for reeve. councillors end school trustees for the village of Blyth were held in Industry hall on Monday between 12 and one o'clock. Mr. T, \V. Scott was presiding officer. 'The following nominations were made: FOR RICER, A. W. Sloan, proposed by Richard Somers and W. A.. Carter. A, McNally, proposed by J. A. An- derson and John Wilford. Wm. Sims, proposed by A. McNally and N. H. Young. FOR COUNCILLORS, Dr. Milne, proposed by T. J. Huck - step and John McMillen. John T. Carter, propesed by Wm. Campbell and Richard Somers. Joseph Mothers, proposed by John McMillan and W. H. McElroy. A. McNally, proposed by N. H. Young and W. H. McElroy, A. W. Sloan, proposed by Frank Met- calf and C. Hamilton, W, H. McElroy, proposed by A. Mc- Nally and A. W. Sloan. Dr. Lindsay, proposed by Wan. Sims and J. G. Emigli. FOR TRUSTERS. David Cowan, proposed by A. Mc- Nally and John McGill, Dr. Milne, proposed by Wm, Sims and S. Herrington. A. H. Plummer, proposed by R. Mc- Comtnint and J. G. Moser. Wm. Campbell, proposed by Richard Somers and J. T. Carter, A, E. Bradwin, proposed by N. H, Young and W. B. McElroy, W. H. McElroy, proposed by John Wilford and James Sims. Frank Metcalf, proposed by A. W. Sloan and Elarn Livingston. Robert Slater, proposed by W. H, McElroy and John Wilford. A public meeting was held in Indus- try hall in the evening with Mr. T. W. Scott as chairman, Reeve Sims was the first speaker and in a masterly and able manner reviewed the municipal business of the peat year. He dealt extensively with the flour mill and showed the electors what a good bargain had been made. Mr, Sims said that the village would have to pay $189 interest each year on the loan for 16 years, amounting in all to 32086. For 10 years of that time the mill would pay $829 school taxes and during the re- maining five years 3128 general taxes, making $752, which, when deducted from $2083, leaved a balance of 31888, which is all the mill cont the village. In another 15 years the mill will have paid for itself and will not owe the vil- lage one dollar, saying nothing about the amount of business it brings to the village. Mr. Sims Raid that Mr, Besse told him only a few days ago the', he wan glad Olathe had come to Blyth and was well satisfied with the milling business be was doing, The reeve also referred to the change made in con- ducting street and constable work and that the change was a money -saver for the village. Last year the village re- ceived $94 from the weigh Reales and this year the amount was 3224. The amount of work done on the streets his year by Chief Barr would have coat the village $150 under the old plan, but ,under the new it cost the village nothing as street work was part of the constable's duties. The salaries for. merle paid the sanitary Inspector, dog tax collector, poll tax collector, etc., were all saved this year by the con- stable performing tie se duties. The reeve covered the ground se fully , in his speech that there wasn't much' left for the other candidates to doss with. All the other candidates who were present at the meeting made short speeches, in which they either stated their desire to stand or retire, Muses. Sloan and McNally withdrew as dandi- dates for the reevesbip and stated that they were again candidates for the council hoard. Dr. Milne was nominat- ed for both the council and echool board. lie decided to contest the coun- cil. Mr. McElroy and Dr. Lindsay have since retired as candidates for the coun- cil end the other candidates will appear on the ballot paper in the following order :— CARTER, MILNE. MCNALLY, STOTHERS. SLOAN. Messrs. Metcalf, McElroy and Camp- bell have retired as candidates for the school board and the ballot will present the following names BRADWIN. COWAN. PLUMMER. SLATER, Potting will be held on Monday next in Industry hall front nine a.m. to five p.m. Voting for county councillors) will be held at the same time and place. DISTRICT NOMINATIONS. MORRIS. Reeve—Wm. Isbister, by aociame- tion. Couneillore—Thoma, Code, George Jackson, George Taylor, Arthur Shaw, all by acclamation. EAST WAWANOSR. Reeve—A. B. Carr, John McCallum. Councillors—Gavin Wilson, Wm. Beecroft, Wm. Salter, John Menzies, John 11 Ellis, Win, Stackhouse, Nath. Johnston, J. B. Tierney. HULLETT, Reeve—Robert Ferris, by acclama- tion. Councillor.—Wm, Patterson, Wm, Moon, Henry Warren, John Barr, Win. Mills, Wm, Lee, Robert Armstrong, Thoma, McMillan, Richard Carter was also nominated for the council but withdrew, WANTet.—Choice Roll Butter, 20c. Fresh Eggs, '20o. Turkeys, redrawn, 121c, No. 1 Mink or Fox, 34,00 Our IL00 prize given eway weekly with 32.00 purchase was won by John Engle- son.—G. E. 0(1No, W ingham. 20tf CHEAP READING OUR CLUBBING LIST Anyone accepting any of the below clubbing offers will receive s ropy of THg STANDARD CHRISTMAS NUMBER free. The Staudard and Daily Globe.,, 84 25 The Standard and Daily Mail and Empire 4 25 The Standard and Scientific American 8 60 The Standard and Evening Mail and Empire ,.., 8 25 The Standard and Evening Globe 8 23 The Standard and Daily Free Press 8 25 The Standard and Daily Witness 8 00 The Standard and Hamilton Daily Tinos 8 00 Thebtanda.J and Hamilton Daily Spectator 8 00 The Standard and Toronto Daily World 8 00 The Standard and Noon Free Press 2 75 The Standard and Evening Free Press.... , 2 75 The Standard and Toronto Daily Star 250 The Standard and Daily Adver- tiser 280 The Standard and Toronto Sun- day World 2 50 The Standard and London Daily NRWa 200 The Standard and Hamilton Twice -a -Week Spectator, bal- ance of 1902 free 1 75 The Standard and Toronto Week- ly Sun, balance of 1902 free1 75 The Standard and Farmer's Ad- vocate 78 The Standard and Weekly Free L Press 1 75 The Standard and Hamilton Semi - Weekly Times, balance of 1902 free L 95 The Standard and Weekly Mail and Empire end two pictures, The Doctor" and "Content - men," balance of 1902 free 1 75 The Standard and New York Thrice -a- Week World 1 70 The Standard and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and two pic- tures, "Alone " and "Purity". 1 75 The Standard and Weekly Adver- tiser and Farming World 1 75 The Standard and Chicago Week- ly Inter Ocean1 70 The Standard and "Word and Works and Hicks' 1908 Alma- nac 1 70 The Standard and Weekly Globe and picture of the Governors of the Province of Ontario since 1791, balance of 1902 free 1 86 The Standard and Weekly Wit - nese.... 1 60 The Standard and Weekly Adver- tiser 150 The Standard and East and West, a paper foryoung Canadians1 60 The Standard and Canadian Boy Magazine , , 1 50 The Standard and Toledo Weekly Blade 1 60 The Standard and Northern Mess- euger 1 25 The Standard and Christmas Number, balanee of 1902 free 1 00 The above rates are for new eubscrib- ere and also old eubecribers who pay a year in advance. Cash must accom- pany each order. All weekly subscrip- tions must be for ayear. blend aI1aubecri THE s STANDARD, to BLYTH, ONT, Hurrah for Christmas Which is the season for merry- making errysnaking and exchanging ofcon- gratulations and festivity and this is the spot to procure your supplies for the occasion. Bon Bons at various prices, and Candice in abundance of all kinds, the latest out. Fruits and Oysters unexcelled. Good }'resh Grocer es and Eatables in Bakery line always on hand, and an cheap as the cheapest— quality considered. Wishing you all a Merry Chctstmae and a Happy New Year, R, R. DOUGLAS ffrAma„..42t4ec4m4ftwitt A Merry Christmas ANT) A Happy New Year TO ALL. WE ARE RIGHT IN IT FOR ;+ CHRISTMAS GOODS We have a large and varied stock of goods suitable for the holiday trade. No use trying to enumerate or quote prices. Come and see for yonrselvee and you will be pleased, J. A. Anderson +—.BLYTH CAS'c'IrsAIMILtit4W Clearing Christmas Overcoats and Clothing Oddments Christmas trade has broken the assortment of several of the popular or most useful lines in Coats and Suits. Those who have been waiting to see what Christmas has brought will have a great chance for a few days to remedy any over- sight on Santa Claus' part. Come and see the clearing re- ductions we are making on Overcoats and Suks. &eEen'e Over©oate Overcoats that wont fail to give satisfaction, They confirm the latest dress styles, they're honestly made in every respect, they will tit perfectly. As for valve, you can match them against all comers at these prices, and always find them the best. Men's Overcoats, made of ::cavy imported Ox- ford grey cheviot cloth made in medium length, box back style, ordinary flap p eltats, Italian linings, velvet collars, special 167, 1610 and 112. Boys' Tweed Suits for $3.50. Boys' Three-piece Snits, short pants, made of heavy tweed, in Oxford grey, Italian lined, special at 13.50. S. HEINaTO, BLYTH DONT FORGET THE STANDARD CHRISTMAS NUMBER. The Christmas number of THE STANDARD is now ready for distribu- tion. Copies can be had at Mr. Frank Metcalf's book store or THE STANDARD office. The price is 25 cents per copy. All subscribers who have already renewed their subscriptions to THE STANDARD for another year will get one copy free by calling or sending 10 THE STANDARD office. All eubecribers who renew for another year will get one copy tree. All new subscribers will get one copy free. THR REFERENDUM VOTE. The latest returns from the vote on the Liquor Act of 1902 as received by Mr. F. S. Spence, secretary of the Do- minion alliance, are as follows : For the Act 194,700 Against the Act 101,284 Majority for 86,488 There are no returns from Fort Wil- liam, Manitoulin, and Port Arthur. Seventy-six constituencies have for- warded complete returns, and there are yet 21 constituencies not officially re- ported. —Read TRE STANDARD clubbing list on this page. —THE STANDARD goes into the homers . . BLYTH and is read by the entire family, An adt', in its columns pays. That we say what we mean and mean what we say. IT WILL BE TO YO TR ADVAN- TAGE IF YOU WANT '1'0 GET A Watch, Clock, Chain, Locket, OR ANY THING IN THE Jewelry Line BY BUYING IT FROM AN IJP -TO - DATE JEWELER, IN DOING SO IOU SAVE MOM A. 111E. 33.1333$ TEESWATER THE CRADLE. NICHOLIIox.—In Auburn, on November 22nd, the wife of Mr. John Nicholson, of a daughter. Hum .Tost.—In Colborne, 011 November 28rd, the wife of Mr. David Hamilton, of a daughter. THE ALTAR. JILAtR—M411014.—At the residence of the bride's parents, on December 24th. by Rev. J. J. Hestia, Mr. Wm. Blair to Dore, only daughter of Mr. anti Mrs. Mark Mason, all of Westfield. —Subscribe for Tits STANDARD,