HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-01-01, Page 2TIIE CROWN PRINCESS FLEES FROM SAXONY. Strange Disappearance of til Wife of the Crown Prince. Left During a Pell and Skipped Away -All Europe hunting for Her ----Fled From tier Home at Salzburg After Midnight Dec. a and Iles Left No Trace Behind --Rumored Domestic Discord - Left Dummy in tied. Dresden, Saxony, de»tuttedt: The Praccee the mid perceived a dummy Crown Princess of Saxony fled from ber home during the night of Decem- ber 11-111. The Drewleuer Journal today says: "The Princess, in a state of In- tense mental excitement, suddenly deserted her family at Salzburg and went abroad. The Saxon court anc- tlona for the winter, Including the New Yoar'e reception, have been can- celed.' The foregoing paragraph in to- day's olficial journal, which was in - sorted by order of the Klug and Crown Prince, hoe turned into truth ,what for several days pant has been :regarded as 011 tneredlole tale. Tim Crown Princess, surrounded by her ladies-lu-wa ting and numerous at- tendants all servants of the Royal household, has vanished ao utterly (hat the police of every kingdom of Europe have for ten days been un- able to trace her. The official an- uouncement wits made le order to obtain the aid of the general public In !lading the Princess, and because the court fiction that she preferred to remtti0 In retirement at Salaburg further than to return to her hus- band and children at Dresden, can - trot longer be maintained. Developed iaou'nitru;itits. Acoarepanied by the Crown Prince, the Princess went to the castle of Emperor F'rantes Josepu, near Salz- burg, a month ago. A week after their arrival the Prince broke Ids leg while bunting, aid was brought figure. she awakened the luny -lir waiting, utld 11)1 latter, with other 111 1.111 bet's of the Princess' suite, searched 011 the neighboring apart- ments, then the entire castle, and nu- ttily the grounds of the mottle ,but no tritoc of the Princess wile found. At dawn the police of Salzburg were informed of tho dieuppearunce, and cmitelrte1 were made throughout the whole countryeide, but with no tan- gible result. Tito enquiry by the cud of (hot day had extended to all parte of the 1iingdam of &,cony, 011 on authority from Dresden on the end of the e0000(1 day to nil of Europe. Dragged Water 111 Vain. The theory of suicide was suggest- ed, u 114 a fruitless search for the Princess has been ntudo. Alt the ponds and other pl:o_s of water in the v cln- Sty of the ceetle 113 been dragged telt hout reeult. The dis;'.ppcararce of the Princess will doubtltts cense the circulation of meter storics. It is already related that site eloped, but enquiries made here 11r.ve brought out nothing to suhstanthau or euppot•t Lein supp0- sUlon. Due to Domestic Discord. Dresden despatch: The fight of the Princes Tc.s ceueel great exatement. 1t is rtpiorted diet the Arch.,Uke Fer- dinand, tiaeumtkumed by nue of the inert chtgalet rl.lins, went to Geneva, whither it was euppoeed the Prinosil had ilei,, but failed to find any truce of her. The Princess' brother, the Archduke Lcop0,S Fereiimtntl, Is 0011.1 to be with her, but nolh.ngo:in be as - Iota to Dresden. The Princess, how- eertnined as to her whereabouts. I: le officially explained that the ter, still remained at the castle. I'rl:.eeas des ppcnrunce is due to mete- ' she (Ltd 00 the people of the 1.::.l derangement. There is 1ttle Court did not know, except that the doubt, however, that it was (poutedPrincess, with tsliegloomy tenacity, us- by douieeilc discord, growing out of little does what the wants. Fora Ilex busbaid'e nlutio..s with an ac- ttle while tale explanation mut- tress of the Dresden Court Theatre. ;lined; then fragments of gossip be- It is asserted here that the Princess an to reach Dresden. It was said pfrrg ientfy threatened flight on this khat 1110 periods had surrendered ai000u11t, 111111 110(1 she wan incensed berael( to ht9ede of nervone excite- 111. fur father„ the Grand Duke of Tue- ptent, and that her eccentrlcltlee of c;iny, for count:;ling her to forg,vc Deportment caused much concern to hit.e etieegnd. She is a ild to be e11- er suite, and to some of her Auo- ciente. trian kinsfolk, who were staying In L f rumored here to night that the %ate castle with her. It to now 'b0- Princess way accompanied by the 'jeered that she was under surveil -1 French tutor of Ther children. 'lance, Dresden, Saxunv, Dee. St. -Kong Leet Ionone in the Red. George and the Crown Prince Fred- , The narrative of the events at Selz- crick know a'do're the Crown Prin- burg durlcg the nights of Dee. 11 and (1080 Iosu1Ne MN eon;ht refuge, but 12, us to.d In Dresden, is that the they have decided to accept the (s- ei,rtnoeae, who appeared to be in an t'augement 0f the Primmer +dud her ne»' q,y toet' ull mood, retired be- husband as irreparable. They have lore 12 o'c.ock, and after the musts nude the Cabinet ,privy to the rir- 2n the re Ion. Three hours later, when euntntafees of the Princess flight. a m.dd looked into the Royal bed- as they see theta, and a decree of 1ehumber, something le the appear- divorce In tnike11 of 118 a neeefeary lienee of the bed prompted her to go sequ:'Iwe to the PrIueess' resolution Closer and examine it. 1nntend of the 1lt Leave the court forever. tORENZ FAILS IN ONE CASE. One Physician Faints at Sight of the Heroic Operation. Boston. M ase., Doc. 29. -Professor Lorena failed of complete motels 111 an operation for hip trouble at the Children's Hospital here yesterday, but the subject, a boy, 1008 past the age limit. Dr. Lorenz, succeeded, however, in placing the crippled limb in ft pad - Mon, which probably will help the patient niatelially. Two other cases were treated 1;1100084011y. During the demonetratlon In the first 0)1)40 oho 1)008nal force employ - cd by Lr. LUrena in breaking down, and in etretch(ng other muscles, made such an Impression on a man of middle ago, that the company saw the unusual spectacle of a phy- etclan fainting in the operatilug- room. A. Second physician was just sareal from fainting. .ht'►lVCV.e'fNev.ne'l L NEWS IN BRIEF Z reettpt1wCV CVOs 11.2 CA,NAtitAN A case cif smallpox is reported at London, Ont. The ifouse of ex -Mayor Shaw, of Toronto, wee entered by barglars. The Bank of Toronto opcuet a n?w brunch at Oakville. Thieve. took 13110 from the safe 0f the Union Mouth, Toronto. Col. Prior and Dir. Eberts, of the British Columbia Government, are 'begoing to Ottawa to negotiate for tter terms. Toronto's order for 1,090 tons of Hocking Valley coal has been can- celled. Dominion Lin- eteaumre between ivetpool and Boston w111 call at aditax. beginning next nlonln. The Court of Appeal will begin on Jan. 7th the hearing of the appeals In the South Oxford and Lennox elec- tion cases. Dir. Joseph Brunet mill appeal to $upreme Court from the decision of the Montreal court unseating and dlsqualtfying blm. A portrait of the late Principal Do.o 1.J -1. eloeitager was uavallad by; Hon.*John Dryden ext the McMaster Uulvcrslty at home, R Milani Henry Barnett, a colored lad, of 163 Clinton street, Toronto. 1110(1 under etrcumstance» which have been lnveetlgatod by the police. lion. J. I:-rae1 !Parte reftei a to 1ii.>'cu8N the report that he may seek a seat in the British !louse of Commons. ' Burt Barker, an Engilsh lad of 18, wit» Well at Port Colborne by a broken whlffletree striking him and breaking hte neck. The rafignetlon has been an - 00110(d of J. Francis Lee, WOO Wee Traffic M'pager of the White Piss & Yekon Railway. Sir William Mulork was banqueted by the citizens of Mosfot'd In recog- nition of itis eervlcee to aid of their harbor improvements. Mr. H. W. Auden, M. A., assistant m triter of Felten College, Elle - burgh. hex been chosen Principal of Upper Canada College. ,Rev-. J. W. McMtlian, Of Lindsay, will accept the call to 81. An- drew's Church, Winnipeg, with tee 00110(1 nt of the Presbytery. Iron and '!keel manufacturers, members of the Canadian Menufec- turere' Aseoclatlon, met to consider euggeetlons of members regarding the tariff. Wm. Porter has been arrested on a charge of assaulting, with Intent to rob, Richard Wood, of Flea11e1'lon, who (111 1110 to Toronto with (1a8h to bay a home. The proposition is on foot among quite at lung circle In Toronto to helve Georgi r. Matter come out ns nclyoralty candidate, 1f that ge'i- tl Mau le willing himself to come Io'w:ud. Ila. S,,lnes Fisher, Icon. t'htu'les Fitzpatrick, Hon. William 1'ettersen, ld.tn. .1. Israel Tarte and Mr. R. L. lorden were Among the fineakere at the'banquet of the Dominion Com- mercial 'Traveller' ,1ssoclatlon at Mont rtv)l. BR1TIStl AND FORC'ON. an underground railway for CAI - ea go buelneeo sections Is talked of. ti'n'nu111 electrical firms are organ- izing gigantic combinations. Don Carlos, of $paln, le saki to have abdicated In favor of ills son. 'l'he State of Connecticut was de- chtrel tree of the cattle disease. It Is .believed that President Roose- velt wIll consent to act as arbitrator in the Venezuela trouble, The personal effects of Mascegnl, the composer, were attached at Chi- engo, and ills .hate le ngeln abate finned. Marconi, the whsle»» telegraphy inventor, talks of going to Cornwall In a short time to make arrange- ments for opening the system for commercial ,busyness, More United St item patents were h'sucd to residents of England dur- ing tit^ year than to people of any other old world land. A LONG VOYAGE, even Week(( From Amtrak to England, dROSSINIi THE EQUATOR. f leasure and Excitement of Sleep- ing on Dock. i,ATIN" Flus IdgALS PES DSP, A ship, a shlp, don't you see the ship?" wait 8houtc11 from bow to stern, and all, eager to get a glimpse of this welcome 'v'isitor of the deep, rushed to the lee gide, where 111 the fair distance could bu 801111 only just with the nuked eye u speck agudnit the horizon, whit), by degrees, grew larger and 151g - et', Mall Camels and mouth were plainly' cisiblu without the aid 01 field glasses. 011, watt joy, to fit Wet be auto to rest the eye upon something or 10111110 object tram the outer world. That 1031 11100 1.11 81/0101 to have been muletphe11 to amity, so lung dues it 1e'm »hire Icuv'lub .tasU'ai,an shutes. It really is u great notedly truveteug ua the8e vast south:re ((clout, (111.1 W imeee up 0110 31 10.1)1 W 8011(3 (1010 11 to,lucll a life for sewn ocean. .,lacy lime weeder beef 8aou a1 Lotman u( Lutc .0 (p1tt, tad 1 woad] u6.13 w gut: my raiders a. 1e1W ulna ui how the tone et passed ,u110:14 a sttiil (011.1 of (hell pu»uluger6. •Illi 1 r1 weer i» usually 1.1.1,8') 111) tvith ruaklhg acgeutditunc08 and cbou.lag 011eo treatd1, iterangeat coalultwue for the (00,0(10 gata*ri tied e01.110W' everts, also cutluel'ts, dauc.ug and cunni part...t8,, and as our follow pat- eettgere oft ties trip 11(013.1 11)1100 (0 neap ail Aeetralut', some of aid cuuutry 1) 111), it »;M:3 wluwut nay- 1qg that were W116 111) lace u1 0111t(8Ctaeli t, and, remarkable 1,o rayl they were all of the Saxoe tongue, nut nue except.0u, oud many an interesting ,war was spout lu gsietay watulliug or ladeni11g to the Liu hlotory, mere or tees, u, Inane of our felmw passenger». 'ihcre tor•, times 1 have enowu eleh at 61I'eh1Kr1• sdtag next wit, ask if 1 Kuow one of 111y beet (riottds, W1)011 upon further (tc- quaiutallce he or sae may also prove to be a friend of the »/111113 Party, wheat wail a meet pleasant sw•pri»e. We h.tti a eve•al fairly good artist». 11..: pantie. p.bttcrs had no trouble la a. tiring euejee.s, un.) our gosettr py Attie new.peper, pat:gamed once lied the al0,ere1 eortuou $.,r (10.11,1, »how Ing won(1cru11 Latent, %vitt 1t le more than i can say for the ,od or. A p.nny a peep was charged for this paper and then pltosed on. The eh:.h'man of committees, the Hon. 111 herd --, 1.d the hie of a wertyr wall dings r 3acbtd a c,I mux and a;e reetigned in (1eNpntur, A11110111.,.IDen 1e w'ere ln;uul.y 111:0111 alt m ;,t times, which wall! be the sig- nal ;or outbursts of applause. This. 1111 one class and go-lie-yot- please style of living seem0:1 like one blg picnic. One might wear the ulnae frock for tea a8 one wore fur br;n,kfuet, and 11. wadi] muse un- nollrtel. Wb:,t it relief. I am sure many will agree with mu that there ehoul t be no such thing aa 0(0011 d !I- mre or full dress entertuinmcnte on board n ship, but think iueteud u( a fine game of two's and three's or a turn at skipping the rope up on the forward deck where there was plenty of room and a *plastid breeze An !tour or more of thea healthful exer11 0, every afternoon, Sunday excepted, just before tee, was the finest appetizer. Coale it bo wondered at 1f there was a gen- tled ,t'mp tie when the bugle 0111 waa beard for tea, a rush to the 1a1ln to get slightly strulght0ned up 11 bit, Dui hili (0mmenced the work for the poor tabic atewnr.ls, but it loomed a hopeleeo tank trying to fill tide vague w -hole, for lmuuedittety gee moll was clears I away auottor haul to be prcparecl. Fite wile a day, not counting An three adorning cup of int 111111 hi/WORN at 5.:111 and another at 1.1 1).m. Aileen on tea. at S p,m., was the Indies' Liv01110 11011r when their own dear old ten trot, the Australian woman's delight, 111111 fllbol to 1110 brim several diodes over 10 a party of Invited Mende either In 1.110 dining saloon or In Dome 0oey owner on deck. The gentlemen toe weenier would be sure of an Invita- tion, and snob (t least of good things, composed of the ehoiceet 000- fectionery from a rich. fruit cake to 1.y lady finger. It the private »tore be exhausted there wart more at the bar, where an abundance of the same oonld be bought. at »tore prices. At 8 p.nt. Aare, slipper In served tar der any and every circumstance. :t steward with a 12 -gallon turn of ex- cellent onttnefel gruel In Neer loom - lug 1n the distance front lh(1 kitchen, and by tho time the poor fellow roaches the dining »nitron he le so eurroundcd with customers, armed with cups and spoons, Ito knows clot whoa to turn or whom to serve first with his huge ladle; beside title, there were epleldldbreed, butter and cheerio in abundance, which were so thoroughly uppr0ciatel that noth- ing tett empty distt08 were to 1s'. seen In a fete minutia. It was reafl5' quite a 80nl•CO of amusement every evening to watch Ude famished throng who had just two hours pre- viously taken a good Square meal. The spiritual part of these few hundred soda received no lack of attention either. It reminded one note of melted meetings than other- wise. Three Methodist and two Presbyterian miniotors were on board. , They contrived to have a prayer -meeting every morning at 7.15. to 8 o'clock, Snnlaye and week day8, the usual Sunday service at 11 amt., Sunday School for the children at, 3 pen., conducted by it prominent teeter of the Methodist Church In Melbourne, who oleo gave ,a few vent InUereeting 100(0,05 on her work among the 1/001. in the dune of that great elty, sometimes eerv1e0 for the miter» wait h,•11 on Tho forward deck, from (t to 7 p. m. tvhl,dn WON entero? into heartily by Fame of the crew, especially when well known henna were 15115, fol- 10wiel by the evening service from 7 to 8 p. m. WVetdneetay evenhrg prayer meeting was never omitted either. These meetings were very fairly' attended art a rule. Of came! It is weedless to say that the Sunday morning cervices were nhvays conducted after the Church of E1)51and form, which 13 the rule on board al, ills Dfajoete's ships, wherever (loath the Ileitis!! ,leg on the high 1eate the oupltile hint- ed? or the chief steward taking !hie 10:'01 0. if their happene.l no minister aboard to do At. Another notable experience was csmpleg out at n.ght wide crossing the tropics to it 0111 the great heat and et111ng atmosph000 of the cabiae and what it .1413 u. pus (1101.,' to Id 11 ! About .10 p. m. the (00men all rob., in their (treating govne un1 linen 11111,1, be teen at p.0, 0ssiolt re- 1,vlbil11l1 1111 11 1111,i 0. 1114L0 1110t11 1111(5 fades with ultimate And pi,low6 WU11d fur the upper (leek ale how oa tete steauner, where 1110 8111 101'N nave uleeady b,eu at work e1111 11814 - lug up the railing to make 1t more .e,luved. bale ore eunetteated by plu.lau two.,0ek c1110,1, (0gethera0'.. ulaukets spread lengtlnwl..e, flume 0. the more betanins wain„ hammocks. 1 61111 1 1 11e00r forget what a charm - lug view o, the heaven.+ one can get here at algut, and on waking up about 3 a. in. there,' right in our face, in all her glor- ious beauty, watt Venus, her appear- ance far exce.dirl t In r11da11. a any- thing i had e,er seen barer, with the moon as he: 000011 un,1 revel on the wane. About the second quart- s:,b.1tu had it 0.1 un1 a.h l'• ,.i.1. u e 110111 the lioriwa,aud there 8u'al„ In ,.cruse the water gleamed the 81)111)' Leering hgtd. 1 maligned to !ire pl.chcd my bed at elm extreme bow end 01 the vowel that Rigid, to 1110 110110 to (Vetere ie the sdtul. matting watch, nothing save the 0a1n01.1011t thump of the ((:row directly beuoa1.11 to rindnd one of tli gs of slit wend, :end the wonderful works of man, whose presence Watt evident and 10 little e1u0orra04,4, too, for when on the way to our cabin in the murniug one wou,d 01catuter betty lying about on the tower decks with bare feet projecting at one end and a hood at the other, pyjamas of every conecivddalo pattern, rising like Phoe- nix trout its t041les, mud Lying about firmed with bath towels, their path of gory lotdlig-but to the bath, one of which had been erected of huge proport)one, 0.110 01 8111, c10111, away up on the forward deck for the 11ac0n11n011t10a of a t toaell at )1 011111. lee, the man's res.bng pd..ce wee uul r.lwuye certain. I remember one poor fellow who had pitched his bed too near the drain truugl, got an awful ducking, quite unknown to the 8,t11 - ors as they flooded the upper deck le the early morning. This was the 0101108 of a very stormy and wet "8011 dee" that morning. sometimes when the alarm of ap- pro.tcelag rain was »:gnallcd by 1401110 of the officers from the bridge the greatest excltemont prcval.e11 among the women. In their anxiety to get dressed and floe with their beds to the cabin, they would fairly Wattle down the bidder, a tittle epleode dose orad officers enjoyed immensely. The children who 'were aroused to harts Now, when I reflect over mane of the discomforts of ship life to a great heat like this wee, It mutke8 one feel glad it's a thing'Of 1110 hast. For 11000nee, to have ton extremely stout companion hl the name cabin with you, a mlefartnne that has 110011 Mille 11010(1 at such a time. The poor souls, It le a shine to site 1111401- tune too, for they Were the very essetute of goodnature and tried Ho hard to 'alike the very least of them- selves, knowing so well that their rain (1718 1110011 more :temptable than their company, and then ttg8p11 the appevtrance of tier table 81111tnrd8 node pan feel that the foodas to its con+lltlun was very gtleetbOn3,I110, especially the soup! Many com- plained of It ibeing too hot to eat, ((11101) was true enough. ,But what about those who had the .preparing and serving for so many In this great heat ? I.Wiie often struck with the wan and thin appearance of the stewards, but It Io ea811,0 accounted for when one eomsidcre their daily routine of dntie-S, even ehrougll the hottest weather. Then ono sad occurrence of the ('0.ynge happened about this time, when an ngrd passenger succumbed to the trying heat and the hotly was burled ett 8101 about 8 o'clock In the evening, by lamp -light. This was a most Impressive ceremony, and the foot of there being no relatives or friends of the deceased on board made 11 nil the more folemu. The poor old sailer groat deelre 100N to reach the land of hos birth and to see the dear ones once more, ,but Now the laboror'o task is o'er, Now the battle teat' is .past, Now upon the farther shore Lands the voyager at last" As our voyage approached the end the all absorbing thought was bow to pack and stow away all that's not wanted, a difficult task for those who hail a family of children. I wish my readers could get a peep 1101')1 into the hold on one of these occasions, what a weird see0e would meet your gaze, all under electric Tight in the bowels of the ship. Many packing away, other» nailing tie mending lu some way much abus- ed luggage, and the best of good humor prevailing with all. The last day seemed the longest of the 49, owing to every one's great anxiety to land. All the concerts, dancing and card parties were some- thing of the pant, not forgetting the chew; tournaments, my favorite amusement. I felt quite triumphant btu the fact of having beaten all the best players on board, and they, really played very well. The W0111011couIli have held quite a creditable bazaar with all the pretty and useful articles that had been made, Many wore able to keep their hand In at the wash tub too, having every accommodation in the way of laundry room, stationary tubs, plenty of fresh water, heated by steam, drying groundo were le- gion on the opacities decks, a hot flat iron could always be had from the cook for a small fee. But, "throw up your hats, boys!" 0011)0 'me 1'118 heard to Any, for the are at hist striding up the dear muddy old Thames, and Tilbury clocks are nearly reached. Then two last Mmes are spent In bidding adieu to our friends of the ocean. At laid the are being towel into port. But listen, the Anstrailan call, "COO -rte," come» across the water from one anxitn1Niy wadthlg among the throng on the pier, which greeting haul a most cheering effect upon all hie countrymen 0n board. I conclude by quoting the follow- ing lines a8 they occurred to me when descending the gangway of our goodN1ip for the last time: "Rolf on, thou deep and dark blue ocean, Tho) vast and ever sounding »ea, Wonderful ort thou, great element. I love to wander o'er thy billow» And hearken to the though'tl'thy waters teach - Eternity, eternity 11(1(1 power." J. `M, Hamilton. HMS USED MAMiEEE Blew Up a House, Killing the Owner of it, ATTEMPT AT COWARDLY MURDER Hannington, W. Vn., Dec. 2B. -The residence of Robert Floyd, two miles north of here, wan blown up with dynamite by robbers last night. Mr. Floud was killed Instantly, and Mrs. Floyd and tho servant girl were serl- ounly injured. The house was com- pletely demolished. One 011ounand clol111r8, Which, it le add, Floyd had In the louse, is missing. Eollne, Ala., Doo -v A. M. Bass, foreman of tido coal c1mt08 of the Mobilo anti Ohio Railroad, was 011- CA and J. le. Jones, agent of the road iitre, WW1 W011 1111011 11041 1)181)0, while sitting at the nippertable of a hotel, the 1050)16elne firing through the window. There is old clue to 1110 perpetrators. Bloomington, Ill., Dec. 24. - The jury In the case of Daley Carlton, charged with the murder of Mrs. J08eph Leslie, has rendered a ver- dict of not guilty, Her plea was self defence. Meg. Les le who was from sleep would ore, "Mother, have sa.ld to bo jealous of Mise Carlton, we got to de" attempted to horsewhip the latter, No, wo hadd yet ft between two and waylaying her on the street. Mies three weeks of iife on the ocean wave Carlton, who find been WltrnOd, aar- beforo reo.chhlg the home.ltad, but ; rigid a revolver and shot her as- thn hew days' heat was over; sallant when attacked. we bed crowedd the the eq equator and were breathing freely again. The old sus- „How 18your friend the carpet lora of punishing the un In Itit.ttd le� cleaner ,1, lod the mat. merely a thong talked of noWndllysj, "Alas!" cried asked the Pat. rug, and tales are told 0f ole crossing "all Is over I He shook me for a ger, games played on them when crosaing with none Princeton Tiger. this mysterious line, money. " -Princeton