HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-01-01, Page 1tb anbatb: VOL. XVI. BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1903. 1 No. 21. Bylaw No. 11, 1902, —OF THE -- TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSH. A Bylaw to authorize the con- struction of a bridge at Lot Number 31 on the road be- tween the 6th and 7th Con- cessions of the Township of East Wawanosh, in the County of Huron, and to provide for the issue of de- bentures of the said town- ship to the amount of $65oo and to raise the sum re- quired therefor. WHEREAS it is advisable that the �pt*alalpel council of the Township of �aa0 Wswanoeh shall construct a bridge at lot number thirty-one, on the lead between the sixth and seyenth eonG.elons of said Township. AND WHEREAS in order thereto it will be necessary to issue debentures of the aid municipality for the sum of 18600 as hereinafter provided (which is the amount of the debt intended to be Mated by this bylaw) the proceeds of the said debentures to )Ie applied to the puvpoes aforesaid and to no other pue- de/11M ND WHEREAS it is desirable to bre the said debentures at one time to make the principal of the said bt repayable by yearly sums during t period of six years, being the aur- «ocp of the said debentures; which yearly sums being of such respective *mounts that the aggregate amount Eable In each year for principal and rest In respect of the said debt shall lilies as nearly as possible equal to the *mount payable for principal and inter - 40 during each of the other five years .01 the said period. AND WHEREAS the total amount Z,squired by "The Municipal Act" to be s•d annually by special rate for pay - kg the aid debt and interest as herein- after provided is 11219.08. ♦Np:AD WHEREAS the amount of the Irateable property of the Town - of Eat Wawanosh, according to lut revised assessment roll, is 41,449 010. AND WHEREAS there is no debent- ure deb of the said municipality. THEREFORE the municipal council gi the oorporation of the Township of Batt Wawanoeh enacts as follows :— (1) The aid municipal council shall upend the sum of six thousand five hundred dollars in the construction of a bridge at lot number thirty-one on the road between the sixth and seventh aosoaeiona lu said township; and for the purpose of raising the said sum, de- bentures of the said township to the amount of 58500, as aforesaid, in sums 4f not las then 1100 each, shall be kind on the let day of February, 1908. 1..(gu 4 The berefor, shall and bare interest rat tM tate of four per cent per annum ,tach of said debentures shall be dated Zathe date of the issue thereof and ll be payable in equal amounts in of he six years next succeeding ,t said tate, such amounts being made ,alp et the aggregate sum due each year .011 gamin of principal and interest. (5) Eaoh of the said debentures shall tba signed by the reeve of the said town- , ,shf , or by some other person author - by bylaw to sign the same, and all be countersigned by the treasurer, Mad the(.clerk of the said township shall ',attach thereto the seal of the munioi- ,ality, (4) The said debentures shall be pay - 461• or( the 15th day of December in daohygr ,during the said six veers at (the minion Bank, in the 'Town of Wiagbam,;.1n the County of Huron. (5) Dudngrtbe six,yeare from 1904 to 4900 inofusiva,. eIng the six years next ug the date of the lame of said �1• tures them shall be raised annual - by speofal rate on all the rateable ptOvsrty la the said Township of East Wawanosh the sum of 51289.96 for the purpose of paying the amount of the debentures falling due in ;each of the Said years respectively. (6) This bylaw shell take effect on the Ittb day of January, A.D.,1908. (7) The vote' of the ratepayers of the pad Township of Beet Weeinesh shall tabu on this bylaw at the igllowing spa awl planes, that is •to .e y : On Monday, the 5th day of January next, aing at the hour of nine o'clock fa • forenoon and ooutlnuing till five '• Cloak in the afternoon of the same Sagg, ,by the following deputy returning 011. 01111 Polling subdivision No. 1, at school house No. 10, con. 2, II. G. McGowan, D.R.O,; Polli-nit subdivision No. 2, at school hues No. 18, con. 6, John 8, Scott, D,R.O.; Polling subdivision No. 8 at school house No. 9, con. 12, John Elliott, jr., Polling subdivision No. 4, at the bouts of James Dow, lot 29, con. 10, Jobs Gibbons, D.R.O. (8) On Monday, the 29th day of De- oember, 1902, the reeve of the said town- ship shall attend at Marnoch P.O. at ten o'clock in the forenoon to appoint persona to attend at the various polling places aforesaid and at the final sum- ming up of the votes by the olerk in be- half of the persons interested in and promoting or opposing the passing of this bylaw respectively. (9) The clerk of the council of said Township of East Wawanosh shall at- tend at Marnoch P.O. at ten o'clock in the forenoon of Tuesday, the 8th day of January, 1908, to sum up the number of votes for and against the bylaw. Dated at Marnoch P.O., in the Town- ship of East Wawanosh, the 8th day of November, A.D, 1802. J. T. CURRIE, Rms. P. PORTERFIELD, Ctsac, NOTICE. The above le a true and correct copy of a bylaw which has been taken into consideration by the municipal council of the Township of East Wawanosh, and which will be finally passed by the said council in the event of the assent of the ratepayers being obtained there- to, after one month from the first publi- cation of said bylaw In the newspaper called THR BLYTH STANDARD, the date of which publication was Thursday, the 11th day of December, A.D. 1902, and that at the hour, day and places there- in axed for taking the votes of the rate- payers the polls will be held. 18d P. PORTERFIELD, CLERm, WI$Tt IELD. SCHOOL REPORT.—The following is the standing of the pupils of S.S. No, 8, East Wawanosh, at the semi-annual examination : 6th class—Willie Buch- anan, Grace Wightman, Lillie Taylor, Etta Tunney; 4th class—Ella Taylor, Myrtle Armour Balm Campbell, Hilda Boyle, Ada McClinton, Beatrice Auld, Mabel McDowell, John Rodger, Mildred McLarty • 8rd class—John Buchanan, Nellie Boyle, Earle Wightman, Clara Bamford, Maggie Rodger, James Mo - Clinton Dell MaLarty, Ada Stack- house, Cameron McLarty ; 2nd Sr. ciao —Alva McDowell, Russell Woods Cecil McLarty ,• 2nd Jr, class—George Hoov- er, Earle Hoover, Crlesy Armour, May Tunney, Currie Auld, John Johnston, George Cook; Part II, class—Thomas Rodger, Maggie Tunney John Boyle, Frank McLarty; Part I. class—May Cook, Jennie Tunney.—H, I, Moaaimm, Teacher. WEDDING BELL&.—At four o'clock on Christmas eve wedding belle chimed merrily at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mason, when their only davit. ter, Dora, was united in wedlock to Mr, Wm. Blair, of Westfield. The oere- mony was performed by Rev, J. J, Haste), pastor of the Belgrave Presby- terian church, amid the presence of about 100 invited gueste. The bride and groom entered the parlor to the strains of the wedding march played by Miss Christiana McClinton. The bride and groom were attended by Mies Ida Tunney and Mr. W. John Potts. The bride was gowned in white crepe•de- chene trimmed with cream lace and pearl trim mines, and wore the custom- ary bridal veil and carried a boquet of white lilac blossoms. The bridesmaid wore a costume of steel grey trimmed cream silk and pearl trimmings. Miss Ella Taylor made a pretty little maid - of -honor and was also dressed in whim crepe-de•chene. The bridesmaid and maid -of -honor each carried e. boauet of flowers. The bride received a number of handsome and useful presents. After the ceremony an excellent wed- ding dejeuner was served, which was followeby music, games and social chat, all of which the guests enjoyed. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Blair health and proeperity o'er the matrimonial sea. THE STANDARD extends hearty con- gratulations. NOTE:,—Mr. Herman Wightman, who is in business in Sault Ste Marie, CHRISTMAS BARGAINS . AT. . SIMI AV WWI SIMTI We haveust received all the Latest Christmas City Styles in Photo Card', Buttons, Beck Grounds, Floor Clothe and Tunes, and we are now prepared to turn out work as good as the best. We else Enlarge Portraits from the dullest photographs in Crayon, Water- color an4 Sepia tones. For Christmas bargains call and see our samples. (ialleiy will be open all day Christ- mas ane New Years. All week guaranteed. H. R. BREWER PROPRIETOR. C. JEROME MARAOER. ' Gundry, auctioneer, Goderich, Ont, le home for the holidays... Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Wallace, of Shelburne, are vis- iting relatives here at present the latter being a former Westfield lady .... Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Graham, of Stratford, are spending Christmas and New Year's at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Dun- bar....Mre. Hunter and three chil- dren, Mr. Collins and Mier( Hunter, of Grindstone, Michigan, and Mr, Wm. Redmond, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, are visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Redmond ... .Mr. and Mrs. Lennox, of Murmur, are the guests of tbe latter's mother, Mrs. James Bell, .Miss Susie Wilson of Toronto, is visiting her cousins, Mines Mary and Christie McClinton— .Mr. Ed, Arm- strong and sister Mildred of Shel- burne, are holidayin around their for- mer home ....Mr. John Black held a very eucoesetul auction sale last week. Prices were very high.... Mr. Roy Steakhouse is visiting friends at Paris and Brantford.,.. Mrs. Jame. Ander- son, of Plumes, Manitoba, arrived last week to spend the winter with her family here.... Miss Carrie Morrish of Benmiller, is visiting�her brother, Jr. H. I, Morrish....Mrs. Robinson, of Owen Sound, ie visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, James MoGi11.,,.Mr. Herb. Henry and bride, of Heepeler, are spending their honey -moon with friends here ...Mr. R. 11. Routledge, of Nile, is engaged with Mr. James Hoover.... Mr. and Mrs, J. Cook and two ohildran left on Xmas day to visit friends at Galt. _Mr. Bert Carter, who has spent the past few years at Pilot Mound, Manitoba, arrived home to spend the winter..,. Mr. Coventry, of Wingham, is visitor at the home of Mr. J. E. Ellis— .Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brett, of Seaforth; Mrs. Shorts, of Wingham; Mr. end Mre. W. A. Killougb, of Londeeboro; Mr. and Mrs. W. Mason, of Fleshertoa; Mrs. Eno, of Hullett ' Mr. and Mrs. A. Tunney and Miss Mary Bell, of Blyth, attended the Blair -Mason nuptials Meters, Gordon Wightman and Raymond Red- mond, who are attending the Goderioh collegiate institute, and Mr, Alfred Cook who is studying music, are home for the holidays.... Mr. Melburue Mc- Dowell has enured a school at Bete. miller. We wish him every success. ■ELORAVE. PARSED On WELL.—The Christmas tree entertainment at Bedpan on Tues- day evening, December 28rd in connec- tion with the Sunday school of Trinity church passed off well, The Blyth contingent added very materially to the program, both in the recitations and in the singing. The hall was well filled, and a most enjoyable time was spent. The distribution from the Christmas tree closed the proceedings about 10.80 Rev. Mr. Edmonds made a good chairman. A couple of turkeys, a goose and a duck were placed at the foot of the Xmas tree for Rev. Mr. Edmonds. The pro- ceeds realised were {x8,60, which will go towards a new Sunday school lib- rary. E'NTERTAINMiNT —On the afternoon of Friday, December 10th, a lege num- ber of the parents and friends of school section No, 5, Morrie, assembled in the school house to enjoy an "At Home" given by the pupils and teacher. At half past one the teacher, Mr. Wilbert Passmore, celled the audience to order, and in a neat speech called Rev. J. J. Hestia to the chair. A program, con- sisting of recitations, songs, dialogues and choruses, wee rendered most effi- ciently by the children, who, without any exception, performed their part in a manner whish ie seldom equalled on an occasion of this kind and reflected great credit, not only to themselves, but also showed the ability and tact possess- ed by their teacher, who had given each chilli that part to perform, best suited to develop the natural talents possessed by them. At the close of the children's part of the program the teacher was called to the platform and presented with a chain and locket accompanied by an address. Mr. Passmore wart entirely taken by surprise, but in a few well oitoeen words returned thanks, assuring all that he would treasure the gift very dearly, in loving remembrance of the pleasant associations which had been hie to share in the action and made touching references to the rtes which bound teacher and pupils to- gether, Rev, A. H. Brown, of Bel. grave, in a few congratulatory but sp. propriate words, referred to the basun• fol decorations. The trustees made a few remarks expressing their regret at losing Mr. Passmore, and it is not too much to say that the section bas found in him One whose services ars not t0 be estimated in money, and one whose position will be hard to fill. Bale Bstlaaer. Tuesday, January 18th. Farm stock and implements. Lot 48, non. 10, Baa line, Mullett, Wm. Youngblut, pro - primer. C. Hamilton, auctioneer. Messrs, Salkeld Bros. will hold their annual saleofpure bred Shorthorn cattle on Tuesday, January 18t1i, commencing at 1.80 o'clock, consisting of eight Lulls, ranging in ages from eight to 20 menthe, also ave females, three of which are in calf. These are the best lot they Lave vet offered, containing members of the Lady Jane, Sanefareid and Beauty femiliea, Terms—Eight months credit. Sale to be held on lot 5, con 1, Bayfield road, Goderioh township, one mile south u! Goderieh, Write for catalogue, etc., to Salkeld Bros., Box 59, or Thomas BANK OF HAMILTON Capital, all paid up $2,000,000. Reserve, $t,600,000, Total Assets, over $20,00o,000. JAMES TURNBULL, GENERAL MANAGER. BLYTH AGENCY. Notes Discounted and Collected. Drafts Issued. General Banking Business Transacted. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Sums of $r and upwards received and interest allowed, compounded half yearly. H. V. HOLMES, ApzNT, i• THE CREAT CASH STORE A Few Big Snaps for 'January. Boys' heavy Frieze Overcoats, .tzee 26 to 58, also a few Men's Heavy Frieze Pea Jackets to be cleared oat at sweep- ing reduction., 0® A bargain in Men's Wind and Water -proof Pea Jackets, Jut received direct from the factory a big job in Men's Fancy Colored Shirts. In tite Millinery department all Ready-to-wear and Trimmed Hate to be cleared out at tremendous reductions. 0 • Special bargain in Black Tea, regular 40e per lb., for 25o while it lasts, D. M. M c B E AT H BLOCKR'A. SA u Has made his headquarters at Metcalfe because he has found there the largest stock, nicest goods and most suitable presents-foralil.elasses. And best of all the prices are so low, You need not send out of town for Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Fancy Crockery, Bibles, Hyran Books, Albums, Fancy Baskets, Xmas Cards, Picture Books, Poets, Purses, Card Cases. In fact, almost any line of goods you can think of as suitable for Xmu Presents ban be found hero. We will meet the closest prices, it matters not whose price list you have. Give us a trial before you buy. We commemorate our 25th Xmas in Blyth this year. A Merry Xmas and Prosperous New Year to All. FRANK METCALF sT IONER ND BLYTH