HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-12-25, Page 8K tX K & ONT FORGET That we say what we mean and mean what we say. JIT *ILL Br TO YON{ ADVAN ME IF YOU WANT TO GET A Watch, Clock, Chain, Locket, OR ANY THING IN THE Jewelry Line BY BUYING IT PROIf AN UP-TO- DATE JEWELER. IN.DQINO SO YOU SAVE MONEY. AL. NE. SAB$ , .. TEESWATER Bylaw No. 11, 1902, —UF THE— TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSH. :A Bylaw to authorize the con- struction of a bridge at Lot Number 31 on the road be- tween the bth and 7th Con- cessions of the Township of East Wawanosh, in the County of Huron, and to rovide for the issue of de- ntures of the said town- sbi to the amount of $65oo End to raise the sum re- quired therefor. WREREAS it ie advisable that the lulclpal council of the Township of ]cast Wawanosh shell conatruot a brf at lot npmher thirty-one, on the between the sixth and seventh concessions of said Township, AND WHEREAS in order thereto it will be necessary to issue debentures of the said municipality for the sum of 18600 as hereinafter provided (which is the amount of the debt intended to be greeted by this bylaw), the proceeds of the said debentures ,to be applied to the purpose atorsseid and to 00 other pur- pose. AND WHEkgAS it is desirable to leans the said debentures at one time and to nuke the principal of the said debt repayable by yearly mums during the period of ell; yor.ro, being the cur- reltey of the said debenture,; which yearly sums being of such respective amounts that the aggregate amount We in each year for princigel and pterast i treepect of the said debt shall as nearly as possible equal to the amount payable for principal end inter- est during each of the other five years of the maid period. AND WHEREAS the total amount 1 quired by "The SIunicipal Act" to be raised annually by apecial rate for pay- ing the said debt and interest se herein- after provided 1.11289.98. AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the Town- ship of East Wawanosh, according to the last revised aseeumeat roll, Is 11,441080. ANI) WHEREAS there Is no debent- ure debt of the said municipality. THEREFORE the municipal aouceil of the corporation of the Township of East Wawanosh enacts as follows: -- (1) The said municipal council shall expend the sum of six thousand des hundred dollars in the construction of • a bridge at lot number thirty-one on the road between the sixth and seventh concessions In said township; end for the purpose of raising the said sum, de- Sentures of the said township, to the amount of 116500, as aforesaid, in sumo of not lees than 1100 each, shall be issued on the 1st day of February, 1908, (2) The said debt, and the debentures issued therefor, shall bear interest at the rate of four per Dent per annum each of said debentures shall be dated on the date of the Issue thereof and ahall be payable in equal amounta ie each of the six years next succeeding. the said date, such amounts being made up of tha aggregate sum due eaoh year on aocount of principal and interest, (9) Each of the said debenture. shall be signed by the reeve of the aid town- ship, or by some other person author- ised by bylaw to sign the same, and shell be countersigned by the treasurer, and the clerk of the said township shall attach thereto the seal of the munici- pality, (4) The 'aid debentures shall Ile pay- able on the 190 day of December In eachear during the said six years at the Dominion Bank, in the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, (6) During the six years from 1904 to 1909 inclusive, Mina the six years next succeeding the data of the isage of said debentures there ebail be raised annual- ly by special rate on all the rateable property in the said Township of East Wawanosh the aura of 11289.98 for the purpose of paying the amount of the debenture' falling due in each of the said years respectively, (8) This bylaw shall take effect on the 12th day of January, A.D. 1908. (7) The votes of the ratepayers of the Rad Township of Eart Wawanosh shall be taken on thie bylaw at the following times and ylabea, that is to say; On Monday, the bth day of January next, commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and continuing t111 five o'clock in the aft.rnoon of tis same day, by the following deputy returning o8i- care:— Polling suhdlvlalon No. 1, atichool bouee No. 10, eon. 2, R. G. 31of0wan, D.R.O. ; Polling subdivision No. 2, at school house No. 18, coo. (l, John S. Soots, D,R,O,; Polling ulbdivieion No. 8 at school houee No. 9, con, 12, John Elliott, jr,, D.R 0.; Polling eubdivielon No. 4, at the house of James Dow, lot 29, coo, 10, John Gibbons, D,R,O. (8) On Monday, the 290 day of De. camber; 1902, the reeve of the said town- ship shall attend at Marnoch P,O. at ten o'clock in the forenoon to appoint persona to attend at the various polling Await aforesaid and at the final sum- ming up of the votes by the clerk In be- half of the persons interested in and promoting or opposing the passing of thts bylaw respectively, (9) The clerk of the council of said Township of East Wawanosh shall at- tend at Marnoch P.O. at ten o'clock In tho forenoon of Tuesday, the 8th day of January, 1908, to sum up the number of votes for and against the bylaw. Dated at Marnoch P.O., In the Town- ship of East Wawanosh, the 6th day of November, A.D. 1902. J. T. CURRIE, Rrsavg, P. PORTERFIELD, CLUE. NOTICE. Tho "'bore is a true and correct copy of a bylaw which ham been taken into consideration by the municipal council JADED NERVES OF WOMEN Are many times an indication or symptom of tunetional derangements. They are in most cases due to functional wrongs, to which women only are subject. " OUT ON NERVES " women are the nightmare of doctors, "CRANKS" is often the designation f those patients by physicians unable to understand the cause of their Irritable condition. ST. JAMES WArus have rendered great service to such physicians in Great Britain, who prescribe them to nervous women, Sr. JAMES WAFERS afford great relief, simply by strengthening every organ affected by the functional a -•• •+ = wrongs in women, such as weak pawls Came: $I.00; ttN far $5.00 e stomach — weak backandweak nerves. Sr. JAKBs WAFERS help "tomtit, digest food and send the nutriment thtough the blood, and this is the honest way to get health and strength, the kind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy which scamp plilhes much. with naeIt.uaaseto pays them os my list of Nnabies.'' Dr. Chao. S. eptogsa, hoodoo, England. St. Jew Wafers err mor o rrrel rrs.Np: 011e wa.ure.r 4c.rs re remmrw4'y fhe.r b Sheer Winds w nit! 100 Annuls ape 'grasps. Where ,drW*r they nmillet nre- at the Candiesadiesbraoeh k, Gabriel 1n rpt G' Irt1 of the Township of East Wawanosh, and which will be finally passed by the wad counoll In the event of the assent of the ratepayers being obtained there- to, after one month from the bray publi- cation of said bylaw in the newspaper called Tug BLYTII STANDARD, the dm of which publication wee Thursday, the 11th day of December, A.D. 1002, and that at the hour, day and planes there- in Fixed for taking the votes of the rate- payers the polls will be held. 184 ' P. PORTERFIEI,D, CLEMI, McKillop Mutual Fire Ins. Co. Pardee having mottles to pay to the above company an do so to Prank Metcalf, 81yth, Helag roar earca along and have there - odpted, 174 House For Sale, A good dwelling hoop and one sere of rend, part of L o tt No, 40. oo North street, in tea VII- lege II- h uuw with kitchen and oola dshed seethed,rame dwelling s good (ems sable, Tel noon oo0taloe eight rooms ll well nabbed, scud aeono alae', hard and 'loft water. There an a lot of {cod Mating frail Wei grape, ninths, en., god prdeo tea lawn. DIl be sad reasonable, Fon fug par borders enquire of O000LIe hooey on the priming, re 0, I1Attmroo, blyth. Snit Farm For Sale or Rent, N 1.1514 lot 411, coo. 9 Esse Wawaoosb, WO. tarn 49 aores, le Oared for male or rent. There le on 4h,, plies a good, large, frame barn with stone stables, frame dwelling bone with kltoban attached a good orchard and a good artesian well. The place 1s well f tto.d goad Ie good order. Then are tin sorsa of tall wheat, - 90acres ended down goo e0 throe fall ploughed. 11 1. sins ttead on the 0ravel road 1 IT mer .crib of 8lytb, For lull partied ate see the • ylcprletreee on the promises, or 0, bWILmr, Hirth, 170 Executors' Notice to Creditors Executors' Nottoe to Creditors of Alex- ander Wilson, late of the Township of Morrie, in the County of Huron, Deceased, Nobs ie hereby .{iron, pleasant to the elsmlol I2 that behalf, that all urethrae and oiling having 01.101.. al roe the utas 01 Alex- ander Whom, demand, wb Sled In thu year 1901 al said Tuwo.hlp of Morrie, w required, o0 or before the 90to day oI January, A.D 1909, to deliver to 1. Droll8amlito.l, berrl,ter, Lino - wet, 0ot, or to J. A. 11, 00.( barrister , Myth, Ont,, ,oilcan' for uo4.r p 1e essoutors of the hes Al.raod.r Wllwo, a wrllle0 alrterneu1 01 their 00011, acc'e'ss and 000up.nons, with full preloI11 aulermroyl ofboltb'I dbyrIhulewelme tad rel' the ongnIbu A0d WWI to further `in.0, that atter old tb w111 daprorrnd W dl atbo a the oitate of lbdn*d den*ed, heeled regard only 9, thole Malmo of saheb tsar may have sotto., and Snot Obey will bol be liable for the proceeds of the siren eo distributedto 10y 7q1110 of whose claim they had lot notice al Me dale of nob dlatlba000. JaaoAWuLatetllesinn JeeN Wruoa, t Dalai 1010 lab dsy of Deosmbr,19t11. 104 Giving Up Business SELLING - REGARDLESS OF COST CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK, If you want Cheap Groceries now is your time ere everything is going to be sold. A. TAYLOR Dinsley Street BLYTH LOOS WANTED at Wingham. WE ARE PREPARED TO PAY POR.: First-class Maple logs 914 per IS First -clams Soft Elm logs 414 " First -clan Rock Elm logs, , 816 " Firet-clam.Baelwood loge 118 " Flnutclase Beech Iogs..,..,,112 " All kinds and grades wanted. Call and get our prices. JI Wit Image l Liziloi OPERATING Ma Button d Felelot Chir Fantod Wingham, Ont. BLYTa MA1KRT1, BI))th, 0011. W,—Wbnt baa to 000. Paley, be eo leo. ron1, 56o to 61o. 0.le, 96o to Ms Igor, leo to 19o, bult.u, 11e to IBD, Potatoes, leo to tea lildw, so to eo. Hay, 66 to e7. Lard, ale to 11c. Port, If es N• Flour, 11,40 to 5100, Wood, el 75 to 5a Wool, Ips to Iso. Turkeys, fab Ones es, e0 W T.. I0ob, 6 Ile to 10, Chi,k.os, M a 70, WANTaD: Choice Holl Butter, 20c. Fresh Egg', 200, Turkeys, undrawn, 1080. No, 1 Mink or Fox, 44.00 Our $.rite prise given away weekly with 42.00 purchase wee won by Miss Ida. Callum -O. E. Kivu, Manhole, 20t1 i1t11+AA(t3fAlttdl, fi\t!I'itltdejtltsaf' t\t"ib4rt'ifet'44e1'i",w4ryt"`'i We know our customers are eagerly watching this space, so not to disappoint you we are going to quote a few of the many bargains we are giving, which are worthy of special notice. A lovely Golden Brown Sugar 8 lbs. foe 980. Choice Tapioca 8 lbs. for 95o. Nice Fresh Lemon Biscuits . . . ... . . . .. . ..... 8j Ibe. for 96o, Nies New Filljust arrived , ,,,.e lbs. for 95e. Nice Fresh Raislne ,.,,6lbs, for 460. We bought our Groceries early before the advance In Priem. so our customers are reapingthe benefit thereof. Righted market oaah prce paid for Butter and Eggs , Bring your Produce to us, be per pound for Dried Apples. GEO. POWELL PRETORIA (LOOK • . BLYTH Bargains in Furniture. A large aseortment of fine goods just arrived, coneiatin of Bedroom Bets, Sidelloerde, Extension Tables, Fancy Rockers and Couches. dote are marked down to the lowest point for cash. We have Sb Tablas to *ell at 811 amt. each. Bring in your Pictures and get them neatly framed. J. H. CHELLEW -BLYTH FOR C000 HEALTH To preserve or restore it, there le no better prescription for men, women and children then Ripens Tabules. They are easy to take. The; are made of a combination of medi- cines approved and used by every physician. Ripen, Ta- bules are widely used by all sorts of people—but to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripaes Tubules have become their standard fitfully remedy. They are a dependable, honest remedy, with a long and enc• eeosrnl record, to care Indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, 'bowel And liver complaints, They strengthen weak stomachs, build up ran -down systems, restore pure blood, good appetite and Sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives mutant benefit from a regular rise of Ripens Tabules. Your druggist sells them, The five -cent packet is enough fur en ordinary 000aelon, The Family Bottle, BO mints, poo. taloa a supply for a year. R•I•P•A•N• K&K K&K Kr..K K&K 1t 'j, y( K,:K DRKENNEDY& KERGAN Ths Lading Specialists el Atmeries. 21 run In 141411, teak $eerrly. Ntoa oat of every tee men bast been guilty of Irayeradou opulent swan he their youth. Nature oevrr excuses, no matt' how yahoo, thoughtless or 1 wrist be wily be. The punishment and tel0erlag 1terr apomle with tiff alma The os escape from its ruinous result* is mope' scirnibc treatment to MInelerad 00. 50 The DRAINS, either by sightly lases, or secretly Ihroyh rhe arise, menslopped—the N ER V18 mat be built op and ievl'orated, the blord mase be pnr,fl the SCXUAL ORGANS most be vitalised and developed, the BRAIN mut Itll nourished. Our New Method Treatment prawns, all these regslremenle. Order lie Influence the bran becomes actin, the bleed prided so that all '116910. blotches and ulcers disappear; the nerves Iacono armor as steel, so that nano.% sue, bas0(01oees and deepoodency disappear; the eyes become bright. lin fiat tall and clear, teeny returns to the body, led the moral, physical and 115,11 sin Isms are invigorated; all drains Cease—no more rtl.1 won tram the a .t.m. Ths Tile various organs become oaten' end manly. we Invite all the addicted to all and conaett us conddentleily and fres of charge, Csrtete dissoanispea or n• Pay. We treat t.4 cure: w.rtooasis, Blood Disesteem, 11r1.lslre, Ousel. Ememdoam Urinary Orates alar ,asorrltta.ee, t4mn,4 sal Dlteobar`.1 Illdne sod Bladder se.e, 000OUL1TATIO>;6 FURS. faOSMS wawa. If unable to all, write for a QU8STI01 Dr,ANIIfr Rom. Treataial. DRS. KENNEDY a. KER©AN. Ida SHELBY ST., DISTQOYC, MC1S, K1:rK Kbt K K<,K KerK Kart it,'K Good Farms and Saw Mill For Sale. No7—W1lot e6, sou, 6, Ent Waw.no,h, non- tall.ing 101 sores, 60 toren owned as t era a g ,ted state of tuhlvatlw, 90 earn partially 0leared and ?D acres of caber land. '11,, loll lea good loan. There m 00 the plana a gond 0oot dwell Ing hour 90084, one ►n4 • half Motile, w11h Micheal attains wood -dial 90181), trod stone cell' under full alts of house; good cistern; goal well and wind mill (000,01enl to hones aid outbuilding)); frame barn 6006, with stone on band a hal( storeys; a steamtawlmi l 90Dc,q two storeys, w,ah boiler, engine and all neon. any mthhl0e.y for manufacturing Lauber, loth sod shingles, all In good order. No, 9-11 lot 64, 000. 6, Lan Wavier!), oou- Coining 100 sores, 60 nares ()lured tad to a good .tan of oultlnulon, 90 loran of timber hand. There it on the plea a good frame barn 4coMl nod 10 let high ailh stone ambits odder the full dee; good (reuse dwellh,g Man, one and 1 Mat elms's, yahoos storey Wennatt.eb.d. Na 9-119 lot M, ora. 7, Hut w w ed+,IlfePea. Mining of 6nniti►cion, acres earns of atimin sbber nod. Th. mil le ■ good °lay loam. On the 0000 then h . good frame dwellibe MOO, stone sel- ler, wad kitchen .tnnbrd 10099, eon nod a hall atoms: nerd and a It water; Rood (mine barn 4006, with *toile 'teles under; frame ewbies and shed 94160; good .,rch.,rd. '1hlr pleas le well droned sod has a tearer falling 1prieg roe. 0101 lbrwah r'ar loll panloulrs 11:1, to Tanen IT, Tag. Lars Westfield P.O., Out„ be to C. aarl10, 00, 1s11 tb 1'.V., nit, bit BLYTH LIVERY and SRLE STOLES Q 00 QQ WW Q Dr. J. N. Perdue, Y.S. PROPRIETOR. • QQ oo N e First-class Horses and Rigs for hire at reasonable rates. Best of a000mmodatida to Om* morels! Travellers end °thew ragdsiat riga. Veterinary of8oe at livery s$1b. CMD IND QUEEN STRUTS, BI,Tlf, —Subscribe for Tall BTANDAl1D.