HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-12-25, Page 7gVgVgVM11fVNeaff JlVf JC 4flet
he Day After Christmas :
The matter of feed is of
do very little act -mint m
en of the day utter Christ/nal,
ut In England, SeetlauJ and Irmand
it Is a very Important clay, In Eng-
land sad Scotland It Is kuywn ns
'Boxing Day, and Is a Unlvoreal holl-
talloY• In Ireland It Is culled Si bite-
%hen'e Day,. or the da.y sacred to
trphen, the Bret Christian martyr.
Wiry ,the day set apart for the
honoring aJ the memory of a martyr
It♦bcrtld be given ep to the most bole -
roue and rodhsklug merry -making le
a puzzle, but ilio customs practised
oa Bt. Stephen's Aly, though sonie-
(what zaolided, date hack several
Centuries. It ;was for long a noisy,
Irlotouu oural'a.l, the young mea and
Ndldren dressing lu grotesque ous-
maim, not elflike these dunned ,ty
Canadian youngsters on Hatiewe'en,
'ane going Irma door to dour brggIng
S ad oaruuaing, It was from these
Ciwtome tial originated the auclent
'Dartnry rhyme :
IBark, hark, the doge do bark,
The beggars are crypiuu to town,
Ino W ruga and nowe in .tags
And sumo in velvet Selves,
In the modern celebration of St.
tr lten' boy In Ireland the pretty
little Jlritidlt bird Jenny Wren .playa,
e nfortunatcty, a must important
pare. On Cluatelmae u;ght the yuung
$nen and boys steal forth Into the
and among the hedges and low
ashes and take captive all thu
(wrens ,they can succeed In surprls-
Lig; and those they tie with gay-
0o10red ribbons ,to Antall holly or
evergreen ,buslues, In readiness for
hie morning. At peep of day all sorts
of add and outlaudldl costumes are
pput on, and Uso pwradere, or hand-
Iseggare, ns they are called, their
11110ee covered with cloth remake,
search from house to house begging
for coin and tld-bits and singing mer-
rily the snug of the ,were:
The ,wren, the wren, the king of all
Bt. Strelteu's Dat' she le caught In
the durze;
Thougli her bode's small, hes' family
is great.
etino tip, then, landlady, and give tie
u treat.
O p ,with tho kettle and down with
tine pan,
Tend to us quickly and Int us be-
Before ave leave you the curbs of the
Tale skylarking le continued until
afternoon, to en drouee and masks
lire removed, and then 1n the evening
COM ea .the ollmas of the fcetivltlee,
When young and old, In hollday (lease,
gather in ,berme, ,where they dunce
and make merry .tall dawn, with the
W ormy given them In the morning.
Due of the owstums is the tying
had torsuken the Lord. They were
SUn cpcw , Ilion lies..f School. land ns fUled with filthln0ee. Gal
of baskets filled with flowere, with
n tiny wren or loco letter in th
ceniro, 10 the door -knobs of then
sweethearts' houses by the yours
mon of the vllktgo, the lucky glr
that has the greatest number 0
Gaskets hung to her dour being the
may of every other girl in the neigh-
tremendous importance to the
Ir farmer. Wrong feeding is
r loss. Right feeding is profit.
The up-to-date farmer knows
what to feed his cows to get
the most milk, his pigs to get
the most pork, his hens to
get the most eggs. Science.
But how about the children ?
Are they fed according to
science, a bone food if bones
are soft and undeveloped, a
flesh and muscle food if they ,
are thin and weak and a blood
food if there is anemia?
Scott's Emulsion is a mixed
food; the Cod Liver Oil in it
makes flesh, blood and muscle,
the Lime and Soda make bone
and brain. It is the standard ,
scientific food for delicate -
Old Thee Christmas Fare.
Qlte late Sir Walter 1losant, writ-
ing on "Cliristnsas In Old Londop;''
says; A, to (il rletuae fare Itself, we
know pretty well what It was, In
the hooves of the better sort the
boar's head was the prluclpal (11111.
brawn and mustard always formed
part of the (oust. Among the rich
people the great Christmas dish was
the peacock. The bird was first
killed and then skinned with the fea-
thers adhering to the akin. Ile was
then roosted and .tufted with apices
and sweet herbs, and basted with
yolk of egg; the skin and feathers
were titan put un him again, and
so, with the splendor of his displayed
feathers he sat royally In the diet],
served with abwnttalice of gravy. One
would think that the gravy would
spell the feathery; ono would ask
tow the bird within Clue(' loathers
could be curved at all. One detail
Is pleasing; the peacock was brought
in by the Willow of the Imola, preced-
ed by molds carrying wax tapers,
and was pct before the principal
guest. When the banquet was less
splendid, the peacock, without the
feathers, went Seto a pie. 10 addi-
tion to thin noble bird, they served
at Christmas pheasants drenched
wltb ambergreaec, and pies of carps'
tongues. It was not, however, every-
body who could afford peacocks and
plus of carps' tongues. For them
there were (upon(' and geese -re-
mark that no mention is made of
beet and mutton at the medieval
feasts; they were Ileals too corn -
mu ter torah -ale and banquets. The
Christmas dinner In most louses be-
gan with plum voltage or plum
broth, which !oust not be eon -
founded with plum porridge. 1t con-
sisted of pinln tewttuu or beef broth,
thickened with brown bread, and en-
riched try the whetter; of meths,
currants, prunes, coves, mace and
ginger. It strtto Its If It would bo
good. Mona pie, or "shred" pie,
wee oleo a necessary part of a
Christmas (Dost. Nor [neat one for-
get furmenly, a dish of wheat ball-
ed ID broth and served with milk
and the yolk of egg ; nor plum por-
ridge, which were 'the predeeeesor of
the Immortal plum pudding. Other
plot/ there were-(Iele Ile, goose plo,
pigeon pie; and there was the won-
derful Well called Apple Florentine,
DECEMBER Ifel, 1902.
key le 1(0 te,/419.
Saatmary-Lowson I. Topic, Jeshun's
Melee ememeeltou. 1'l.tcc, to J(irons,
uppmlte dere:„o. After anuses wee
dead Joshua was told to arise and
1eaad the people ever Jordan Tutu quo,
son. The Lord teal Joenwt to be very
coureg'euuy fur no man would be
at(1 1 stand agaluut him while hu
Ibid. Ale was Wow, told to oarefully
,e obey tee law which God had givou
him. Jeanie then commeedeJ tIe peo-
ple to prepare vlotuale, for In three
' days they were to ass over Jordan.
11. Tap.o, Ivrea; entering Canaan.
Place, the Jordan, opposite Jcrtolo.
Before they crossed toe river two
• alleles were neat over, who brought
back word that the people were
Mica with terror.
I11. Tope, the capture of Jericho.
Place, at (legal, near Jericho. The
Lord gave Joshua Careful directions
ale to how to tuko the Illy of Jericho„
ami they Joshua told the people
What to do. They were to march
around the oily once a day for as
dsyti and on the seventh day they
were to march around ,even thew,
Alma tho priests were to blow with
the trumpets and the people were to
Shout, They dib as the Lord had
Commanded them, and the walla fell
Illo'wn flat,
IV. Tuple, Caleb receiving hie In-
MI anoet Placa Gligal, It hetes been
a iotfl
nix years ewe the Ieraelltee
asxttred Canaan.
V. Tople, Divine protection. Place,
Shiloh. Teo Inheritance or the tribe
at Levi wee •10 oltlm, which were
quite evenly dletrlbutcd among the
tt!'lbest Six of these shies tvere choses
AN oat(es of refuge. Kedesh, Shechem
and Hebron were on the west of Jor-
don ; and Better, liametI and Golan
on, the east.
VI. Topa, ,Toehaa renewing the rov-
amant, Yltne, tih°rhem. Joshua, wan
mew, an o;1 noon, rind before he died
he asecml Ird the people at Sheeltem
and gave them hie parting advice. He
nailed on them to diatom whom they
would were, Jehovah or the gods ut
the Cenaantlee.
VII. Toplo, the apostasy of Israel.
Plato, Cannan. Joshua -died, bring 110
years old. WhIle he heed the people
S ea't'ed the Lord. A few years alter
him depth tho Israelites forsook the
Lord and served Beanie. Bee/twee of
tide the Lord delivered them Into the
bands of their anomies, and the hen -
then natione greatly unstressed tliem.
Tho Lord rained up )edges, which de-
livered them, but. t'llen the Judge
wan dead the people corrupted them -
rives worse than before.
VIII. Teen, the mei effects of wine. ,
Mee. probably Jerusalem. The pa-
tient had been proeperoua but In the
144rt of the prosperity the people
pr•ouounoctl n woe upon them because
of their terrlblr eine. Ephraim should
bo devtroyvl,
IX. Tuttle, the triumph or Gideon,
Place, al the foot of Mound (Jilboa.
The Mddlanites wore greatly °ppres,-
lig God's pcop:e. The Lord called
Old000 as a deliverer. Gideon called
the Isrnclttes together and resem-
bled au army of 32,000 mon; re-
o-quests the "fearful and afraid" to
return hone, and the army was thus
Fibroid Tumors Cured
' Note the result of Mrs.
Pinkbam's advice and medicine.
"Some time ago I wrote to you de -
'scribing my symptoms and naked your
advice, You replied, and I followed
allour directions carefully, and to-
am a well woman.
"The use of Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound entirely ex-
pelled the tumor and strengthened
my whole system. I caa walk miles
"Lydia E. Plnkham'a Vege-
table Compound 1e worth five dol-
lars a drop. I advice all women who
are afflicted with tumors or female
trouble of any kind to give It afaitlnful
trial." -(Signed) Mne. E. P. Havas,
358 Dudley St, (Rokbury) Bogue.
Mass. -WOO forrolt If original of about latter
jawing genulnanue cannot 1. praarreea.
Mountains of gold could not
purchase such testimony- or
take the place of the health
and happiness which Lydia 1':,
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
brought to Mrs. Boyce.
Such testimony should be accepted
by all women ae convincing evidence
that Lydia E. Plnkham s Vege-
table Compound stands without a
peer as a remedy fur all the distress-
ing Woof women p a0 ovarian troubles ;
tumors; lnfiamptatlons; ulceration,
falling and displacement of the womb ;
backache; Irregular, suppressed or
painful menstruation. Surely the
volume and character of the teetlmo-
nisi lettere we are'daily printing In
the newspaper' can leave no room for
doubt In the minds of fair people.
Send for free
Be amt then 1111 Wont in
the lore of a label bon 0e
wrapper of every bottle of
kmu ^ion you buy.
Toronto, Ontario.
Sea and ell all druggists,
rehired to 10,000. The Lord then
tested them at the brook and only
^(l0 men were retuned, and with tide
Sn:n11 force Gideon put to flight the
Mldlonlllsh army,
X. Topic, Ruth's choice. Pince.,
Stehle Bethlehem. There was a fnm-
Inn In the land or Israel and Naomi,
with her husband and two eons went
to tho land or 11fonb to Ileo. The
sone married Menbitieh women, but
after a few years batik sons and
their father riled, leaving the women
widows, Naomi then decided to re-
turn to Bethlehem. Orpah remained
In Ideate but Ruth clavo to her moth-
rr-tn-Ino and chose the true pod.
NI Topic, the doom of the uneodl; .
Pince, %Bolt Tho child Samuel as-
sletel fill in the tabernacle service;
001 epoke to So muel ; Samuel at feet
eu ppoaed Ell had called 111111, but art er-
wards understood tint It wits (he
Lord; tiro Lord told Samuel what
ho Intended to do against Ell, be -
on tote 'hle sons had "made themselves
vino" and Eli had "restrained them
XIII. Topic, the birth of irate,
Place, Bethlehem. Mary and Jos-
eph were at Bethlehem; tam rio'ivrre°
ehopherde keeping watch In the fleide
over the flunks; the angel of the -
Lord appeared to them ; a light
atone around them; they were told
a( Saviour was born; it tltr'y would go
Bethlehem they would tial the
vuung child In a monger; they
went and found all as the angel had
7Tboughte.-Those who filly follow
the Lord wilt revolve rich splrltual
blessings. Whatever Gad commands
Me to do Ile Is reul11 to usenet us In
'loIng. Wo alwuld always remember
Ootl and 1nle goodness to us, Tito
thinge that are linpn,ettdo for us to
do aro very eney for the Lord to
perform -it was not n hard thing
for Gal to overthrow the walls of
/relcle, and he can }net ae easily
overthrow his enemies to -day.
l'll Ui'ICaL sl'Itl'EY.
Lesson 1. The leader's promise,
1101i,8 trap dead and a new leader
WAS drmnndr•d. T1Is leader proved
to be Joshua. Ile was commanded
to bo strong and of goal courage.
Oat's promise to h:m was calculat-
ed to Inspire him tvitll indomitable
strength. '.1s I wee with Moves Do
I will 111 wltth thee; I will not fail
Mee nor furcuke thee," Ile tea, to
be strong, 1. In faith. 2. In expecta-
tion. it In zeal. 4. In endurance.
In patience. 8. In courage. 'revere
Is no place fur weakness Ln God's
srrrIoe, "Let the weak say, if ant
strong. "
IL The passage of the Jordan.
The events connected with the, re-
,narkab(e experleece were calcu-
lated to mnko a dreg and lasting
lmpreeelon upon the minds of the
Israelites. They could eertalely
point to one place in their pilgrim-
age and exclaim, "There rind met
II. and brought us through the
waters dry -shod. There the mercy
Dont, the symbol of Gal's Ino noel
mercy, led us v°1, ly ne 11) the li 1-
Inr of fire Ian illtellderueee." !1pw
hieeerel It Irl t" h the these clear,
definite experiences of Ood'a love
and mercy.
111. Jerleh'v ' vn.ire1 of the strong-
holds 0f Inlqul'y I'; 1"e world, The
city wan ettartly shut up. No on
mild go int uor oould any on
enter In. The 'whole splrlt of th
people was reeletivo. Their attltu
In very enge ntivo of the reeletanc
of the human soul agaloat th
higher powers whleh wuuttl con
quer It and lead it to a higher
nobler life. It 4s even Inc mor
euggrstive of the more coneplcu
out serial and political evil, wttio
have become no securely entrench
ed It our national Itfe, How ttr
they to be dislodged? Home Josha
must appear -a man of Cattle sad
man of perseverance,
IV. Lalcb and ills Wherltanoe. I
hie service of God Caleb WAS, 1
Independent, 2. Truthful, ll. Cour
ngeoue. 4, Unselfish, L. Wholly d
voted to Qui. For lhie eerviee
wail rewarded, 1. With long lite.
Continued strength In old age.
Rentful posaesviou of hie portion
the land. Tire sure rewards of no
secretion: L, A hereto splrlt, aha
'Merited by virtue and manlloess
2. Good Judgment, growing out u
experience to coping with tlilflcut
problems. 8, Sincere respect of a
friends and evou foes, 4. A nobl
fearlessness that looks undtsmaye
at seeming u:.eurmountable 11111
cuitlee. Before the Ctirtntlaa her
all enemies become servants, a
difficulties become helps aid u
terrors become eteurees of refresh
meat. The children of Anal( stll
hive In the spiritual world. Do not
Incethem. !feet them bravely, coo
flednlly, and conquer them. Melia
will grandly reward His follower
who always bring back a "good
1'. The mltn-eluyer and has refuge
The olttea of refuge were establlsue
1n. order to put a limit to a splrlt
revenge, while at the same time pro-
vision was mune for the adequate
putrLahment tt( crime. There has al
ways exleted among civilised natlous
a strong eunceptlon of the value of
human 11(e, and the punishment in-
flheteil upon the murderer hiss alws ei
been severe and eumettnes even vin-
dictive le Ile character. The clues
of refuge were not founded to pro-
tect the guilty, teL for the shelter of
the hutment
e Ali ,the tobacco that I urn 1e grown
e In Cuba, therefore nothing but [dav-
ana tobacco ever gore Into any pert
e of ane of my algnre. 1 employ Cuban
workmen only. No wholesalers, re -
taller, commission salesmen nor bad
h aceaante-that', all In the clgara
- C1(J'BS DIRECT from M:1KEII to
SMOKER. Ni dealers nerd apply.
a 881,000 sold In .rho !net year. ONE
Ct fl'r)NODN References -ANY DANE
• I Apply you, THE NEW WAY, TWO
- YEAIt,3, for the same money you
e- pay tJte Old way one year, These
nae Clgare are eaprrlor to Importsd 15-
L sent J3avaraa The name of my cigar
• ie No. 72. Price
° being 2 50FOR fAOBOX OF 50 1 omits each.
i prepay alt express or postage (regls-
teredJ, and the, deliver to you tree
t all over Canada Send money with
11 order, one or more ,bolus, and you
e shall be a customer of mine. Some
.1'bavo ordered the fiftieth time, 5'ty
- whether mild, medium or strong.
! R. K. FERRIS g
Toronto Canada
the enemy meet be ascribed to Him-
- 'self, but Jill cheese luetruunents must
be reliable -of good metal. Such le
a eavarlabty the divine procedure.
X. "If a man love lite, he will keep
Illy amamaIJmeets,' sold Jesus. And
said Belo to the canting Jewi, "Ye
d have not the, leve of Gud la ,you."
of Ah I Rhat Le the great lack, the caueu
of all the tremble. We rase have all
know]tdge, all fnith, be able to work
_ miracles, make great eacriftare. But
L( we have not lore, it pro(iteth
✓ dthing.
XI. Man cannot live unto lem+relf
alone, neither can he die to hlmeel(
1'1. Eradication to the service of
God. The cunbeeratlun of the gathers
will net suffice for the eons Joehnrt
Wile now nearly in sight of the oelue-
lL'r! ally, rind tele heart's etrongeet
rk:btre was to Imre behind him a na-
tion wholly (leveled 10 the service of
the lying Gal. The people "preeented
themselves before 0od," end 1n r a -
ewer t0 the earnest exhortations raid
appeals of Joshua promised, L "flu,
forbid that we should forsake the
Lord to serve other gods," V. xvl.
2. "Nay, but we will eery the Lord."
V. XII. ^. "The Lord our God will we
a•rva nod 1111 ounce will we obey,"
1!1. Dteohe,tlecco wrought tuna's
rule, forfeited 1'r:radiee Obeilei me Is
the only road that trade back to J'ar-
adteu nod cl•runl life. ('Irdst'e utmdl-
enee In meeting the demands 01 law
opened the puedbilltrs and privi-
lege of obedience to man, "11 thou
wouldst enter lido 111,, keep the
111. Intemperance tnce is it national ns
will nit an 1111,1 roil crime, cod pro-
nnuneed n woo nn the drnnkatc.l mol
drunkard nwkrr. Seo Uto. Ji. 1.1: I.
(tor. vl. 10 .1 fearful fate awaits
while the nation that for reveeue or
whatever selfish cuos'dernlion pru-
1rcts and perpetuntra the sheen and
the liquor traffic, troves a blasting
heritage of dt®stse, crime, Insanity-,
misery and poverty to the genera-
tions rolieteing, result big In 0:11101,!
decay and ruin.
IX. What an army gathered at the
yell of Oldeon, apparently ready to
do and Ilaro for God and Larnrl. Tint
fray dry; of woliters' tarn and
threateingperils freau Midlan'e for-
midable host, dampened Its ardor
and cnnrnge• S• that whim 01.1ron
said, "IYhosoever 1s fr satin and of raid,
let film return and depart,' twenty-
two thou''anul retnrnc.1 Mine. Gal
ire t i not only rodeo, 111r,nt to ourll
riuull numbers that the 0lrt0ry over
Wonderful Cure by Dodd's
Kidney Pills Causing Much
Dame deeeph Mtllette, 01' St. linetalre,
'Pelle ol'llrr Patlle olid llew I'it.ily
She got Rid ul"Thent.
Sl. Resuire, D'Arttatntra, Que.,
8.-(Sp,010t)-,ileum IiueCanada
of tele nc,glaborlwut tu,re Imo been
ttrn=n tali( u• tatty on the numerous
cirrus resultlag from Gat use uC ho.IJ'e
hl.iney 1'ul.,. tn... ,t dl+rnsee OChihru-
m.•,1 n, (t ek;ee,wr, II -art Disease
and oven Catarrh hat° yielded read-
ily to tabs wonderful 1 rut,Jy, and
p. epic oro fast learning tow- Im-
portant 11 W rant lin Kiln.'yi
naot:IJ be kept In ehnpo to perform
to 1r duty u, rcwuung Iwpurith.•
frau 1 blood.
On, of toe who epx'nk out often
nikl earnestly of two goal Im'nf,.
hl Iney P,lle nave Juno Is the gool
Maid Joae:pd MI trite. She
ed frons, Willy Complaint nod (a-
tarre, eel Le note e oueeetely ori r,l.
H Is roil 'to be !Iv urt,ua'01 ut ta:rl
mo epeake an fo; OWN
"L staflerel wtx',t from malady of
(no K(,r yo• It sr1.1 1n the
loins ant gave the great petit and
L.reefort. 1 took t,'u Lova of
Lo el'e hi In' y 1' Ila and am lrcefoet-
ly well."
"DolI'.o lilln^y Plie ere a grand
rocs, 'y for ow, 1 t':Iva t,a1'., hl' -
m y Pilton ru) eertl.lc,tto from u 1,1
Di my Milers, onrc sufferers, now
In Foo' nr:'Uh, en t" w.tt( Deme
Jo'' pa M II I t' In stn Ing the porno's
0 1 0'el' 1 1 m y PI I. Tne,v have
proved rots'l0 It, ly Id t uo dioses
eel Ina F,an le a rl ('neya 0:11
steel be tor• ta'•.^t.
The doctors one dumb.ounuel, :lin
druggists astonished, and the peo-
ple (Allied nod J.eefful over the nun-
derful cures and tremendous sales
of the great ltrmaty--yl. Jacube011.
Every case of lineutuatlem-sumo of
many yours' etuu.:beg-bus glen way
to tlds powerful rau,aiy. a'huwetnds
of certificates like the (ollowlngral
be furulhel ar to its value;
George 8rWye'', Publisher of the
Chilton, \\'Ie,, "volksbelc," used St.
Jacobs 011 for ',',4titost unbearable
pale, In the beak, which had colo-
pletely prostrutea him." A fewap-
pllcatlo"+ cured hue entirely.
Mee. Feed Eberle, Bellaire, 0., wus
for u long dote eevvrely troubled
w ith Rheumatism. St. Jacobs 011
Instantly ram oil and entirely enr-
ol her,
Rev. Dr. B. leek, of Rochester, N.
1'., 'suffered so intensely from alive-
mutle pules that he wee unable to
preach. several nppltcatlone from
a bottle of Sl. Jneubs 011, "relieved
P. Haddon, Cleveland, Otto, says:
"'t'w'o atpplicatioaa ml 81. ,Incohs 011
ru•e+t me of great and long -continued
pain Iu guy foot."
Metiers. C. L. ltrnminge and Son,
Druggists, Muskegon, Miele, writes: -
"Mt. ,Iaeob, 011 ha, a wonderful sale.
We r;,,l.a eight betties at retail yes-
terday. Thig w(11 give you some
Idea or bow well It Is liked In this
Ma Louis Hinkel, of Pant Poeaten,
Bill. N. Y., says; -"I call 8t. Jacobs
1111 the best liniment I over used.
It cute) me of Rheumatism and pain
In the back."
Herman ltltlner, Manchester, N.
1I :-"1 have tt led St. Jambe 011, and
Nemo It eorrll'nt. .(11 those who
have purchased It speak of It as
simply t i omplu'ahle.'
Gen, G, I:rffle, I'alewtlne, I11.:-"1
was In b'd maiming from it swollen
leg, I noel 81. Jacobs 011, Ile effect
nus ttonalrv'(nl. The following day
1 attended to my bueincee agate"
Dr, Otto 1' uk, R etel, g, 0-, writes: -
"The rale of 8t. Jacobi 00 Is con-
stantly Increasing; It to prafeet by
ov''yboly, and never fang to give
entire sat }erection."
Ili rtlr. Mao leaves Gam .world with
angels, guardian angels of light to
escort lthn homy, ,whose loving splrlt,
await to bless him for hallowed In -
It iere :end helpful deeds In earth's
pilgrimage; or lu the ark shades of
a ruined Ilse, goes forth Into the
night of eternal (loath to meet the
Coelia of his elnhtl, Drlfle1 lite as
represented In the .wickedness, ro-
arttttnrut and hatred or his faller,
ruined fellow men. This probably V
the secret or the rich tnan'a desire
that hid brothers might not come "to
this Once of torment-"
XIl Our pat lieges ere great Tia
angel's i essng•o to the Bethlehem
ahrJ,herckr, flirt I,l.,rh us Irmo of
"police And gond will," Ilan h0011 ewnll-
Ing In tee. eralr'l Healer or tlil
ages, and with the converging ex-
perienee awl teet'merw or nineteen
ctsaturl, e hr raring di tora 110011 use
greet dhingc' err reglor'd ie us, "onto
,w'h'en marl: la (airs, uncle must ps
rr qutrv'd."
The Sunday Newspaper,
N. Y. 1'mt.
Waiving tor rho moment all fomes
of ta,.te and morality, there Is noth-
ing better ralrolated to soften the
bruin or n people than India:chain-
hilly to Coro m-rr that mass of mIl-
rrl; hooter nrtro. ecnn,lal, gosil) and
Illnrlrntlen which makes up the Srlu-
huy nrwpaper of to -day, 'Ib de-
vour title mess, anaconda -like, leaves
a nine, n:r ('.tr"tinal (ill,hnoa aptly ro-
rtnrk.a (it n, !th^r for worship nor
fur ratIoual recreation.
Pa -What red yon learn at,choeI
1.0.-11..). Bobble ?a
Beetle -I learned to ray, " Tu,
P I -are you always, going to say,
"Yes, sir 1"
Bobble -Yep,