HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-12-25, Page 5We Return Tnanks
to farmers and others for the very
liberal patronage given in the past
season. We are still in the market
dor 411 kinds of Grain, Butter and
Zags, Poetry, Ete. We offer you
leo trade, but the highest price in
.cash. Wishing all the compliments
.o1 the Season. Store W Rent.
•M.ley street • Blyth
Store wishes
- 0«4-40
-The Canadian parliament will meet
ton February 12th.
--If your adv. is not in THE STANDARD
you ere missing trade,
-Mr, and Mrs. C. M. Burling and
,children are visitiug with Hamilton
-Blyth monthly (sirs will be held on
January 18th, February 10th, March
'llyd and 81st.
-Miss Amy Elder, of the Toronto
conservatory of music, is home for the
Chriewnes holidays.
-Er. David T. Smith, of the Detroit
medical school, is holidaying with
friends in Blyth and vicinity.
-Mr. Ephraim Gray, of Ann Arbor,
is spending the festive holidays at the
home of his brothers in Belletk,
-At a meeting of the trustee board
of the Blyth Methodist church on Tues-
day evening, Mr. Fred Haggitt was
appointed caretaker for the ensuing
-At Oakville hard coal sells for $6.76
a ton. Friday morning 26 wagons were
tined up to get loaded, some of then
coming from Brampton, Streeteville
Meadowvale, Port Credit, Hornby, Mil-
ton, Palermo and Bronte,
-A Toronto school teacher strapped
a had pupil into submission, and now
the father is raising a row over it. We
are glad to see that the school board
stands by the teacher. The chances are
that that father is sowing a crop of
dragon's teeth. Better to have taken
the bad boy and applied any further
persuasion necessary to snake hint offer
the teacher a prober apology for bis
conduct. Many a man grows up to
thank his parents for compelling due
respect and obedience to prectwtors,
The boy who gets the notion that his
lather backs him in treating the teach-
es with contempt is likely to occupy a
prison cell in later life.
-Judgm ent has been given by Mr.
Justice Mecllahon in au cotton tried at
Goderich without a jury. It was in the
moot Berry vs. Daps, and was brought
to recover damages for an alleged
breach by the defendant of a covenant
eontain.d in a bill of sale of defendant's
drag busineas to the plaintiff and his
ton that he (defendant) would not
'directly or indirectly engage in the
demi business in the village of Lucknow
or within agradiue of ten miles there -
that be would not open a term nfor have part in
a third or further drug store in the said D PATTERSON
vises* during it term of ten years.
-Mr. Wm, Jackson, who recently
sold his farm In Morris, has purchased
Dr. Jerome's residence on King street
and will take possession on February
let, The price paid was 81500. W
welcome Mr. and Mrs. Jackson to
Blyth and trust they will long be spared
to enjoy the comforts of their new and
beautiful home. Dr. Jerome is now
looking for another house, either to
buy or rent.
A meeting of the electors of division
No. 7, Huron county council compris-
ing Blyth, Witighain, East Wawanosh
and West Wawanosh, was held in Mr,
Frank Wheeler's wagon shop, Belgravia,
et one o'clock on Monday afternoon of
this week. There was a good attendance
of electors from all parts of the division
and considerable intereet was shown by
those present in all business pertaining
to the county council, ,Mr. P. Porter-
field, township clerk of East Wawanosh
was the returning officer and received
the following nominations '-
Matthew Lockhart, farmer, of East
Wawanosh, proposed by Peter W. Scott
and Robert Buchanan, both of East
John Webster, farmer, of West
Wawanosh, proposed by David Cook
and Richard Leishman, both of East
Donald Pattereon, farmer, of East
Wawanosh, proposed by James McGill
and Walter Scott, both of East Wawa -
John T. Currie, farmer, of Eaet
Wawanosh, prt,posed by James B.
Nicol and Gavin Wilson, both of East
John Wilford, gentleman, of Blyth,
proposed by Alex. Lelshman and J. A.
Brandon, both of East Wawanosh.
A, E. Bradwin, publisher, of Blyth,
proposed by Wm, Robertson, of Wing -
ham, and John Cole, of East 'Wawa -
At the close of the nominations a
public meeting was held. Mr. Wm.
McQuiilin, reeve of West Wawanosh,
was moved to the chair and made
an excellent preeiding officer. Short
speeches were made by all the oandi-
Messrs. Lockhart and Patterson
briefly reviewed the county councj1
work of the past two yeare and said
they were in the field for re-election.
Messrs. Webster and Currie said
they were candidates for No. 7 division
and asked the electors for their votes
and support. Both promised to faith-
fully represent the division if elected.
Messrs. Wilford and Bradwin thank-
ed the gentlemen who had placed them
in nomination and said that for the Frees
present they were not candidates for The Standard and Hamilton Semi -
county council honors. Weakly Times, balance of 1902
A vote of thanks was tendered Chair- free ... '
man McQuillin on motion of Meesra, The Standard and Weekly Mail
Lockhart and Patterson, and Empire and two pictures,
An interesting bit of news came to "The Doctor" and "Content -
the front during the speeches of some of -nen," balance of 1902 free
the candidates. During the past few The Standard and New York
years the town of Goderich has made a Thrice -a- Week World
practice of sending its insane people to The Standard and Family Herald
the Huron county House of Refuge, and Weekly Star, and two pie -
instead of confining them in the county tures, "Alone "and "Purity ".
jail until they could be placed in an The Standard and Weekly Adver-
asylum. When once in the House of tiger and Farming World
Refuge they were left there, although The Standard and Chicago Week-
theee is rio accommodation whatever ly Inter Ooeen
for insane people, The Standard and Word and
Works and Hicks' 1908 Alum-
-Mr. W. I. McLean, B.A., of the
Vankleek Hill collegiate institute staff,
is home for the holidays,
-Hensall curlers realized 5105 from
a concert held last week. Mr, R. Bon-
thron, "father of the curling club,"
attired in full Highland costume, gave
several Scotch dances. They made the
hit of the evening, although the coon
songs took well.
HAINTON,-In Blyth on December lith, tae
wife of Mr. Allen Balaton, of a son.
MCGOWAN: 1n East Wawanosb, on December
17th, the wife of Mr. R. C. weeoweo, of
eon (etill•boro).
$APe N.-lo Hunett, on December 18th John
worse, Infant eon of Mr. and Mrs. James
Rapson, aged 6 months and 18 days.
Anyone accepting any of the below
clubbing offers will receive a ropy of
The Standard and Daily Globe... 14 25
The Standard and Daily Mail and
Empire 4 25
The Standard and Scientific
American 8 50
The Standard and Evening Mail
and Empire 8 26
The Standardpand Evening Globe 8 25
The Standard and Daily Free
Press..,, 8 25
The Standard and Dally Witness 8 00
The Standard and Hamilton Daily
Times 8 00
The Standard and Hamilton Daily
Spectator 8 00
The Standard and Toronto Daily
World 8 00
The Standard and Noon Free
Press 2 75
The Standard and Evening Free
Press -+.. 2 75
The Standard and Toronto Daily
Star 250
The Standard and Daily Adver-
tiser 250
The Standard and Toronto Sun-
day World 2 60
The Standard and London Daily
News 200
The Standard and Hamilton
Twice -a -Week Spectator, bal-
ance of 1902 free
The Standard and Toronto Week-
ly Sun, balance of 1902 free
The Standard and Farmer's Ad-
The Standard and Weekly Free
1 75
1 75
1 75
1 75
1 75
1 75
1 75
1 75
1 75
1 7C
CountU Council Election
To the Electors of Div. No. 7 (Blyth-
Wawanosh-Winghaln), Huron county
council: -
Your vote and influence are respect-
fully solicited for the election of
an your representative for 1900.1904.
Polling day -Monday, January 5th, '08.
Countn Council Election
To the Electors of Div. No. 7 (Btyth-
Wawanosh-Winghem), Huron county
council :-
Your vote and influence are respect-
fully solicited for the re-election of
lnianettou granted restraining defend -
am from having any part or interest in as your representative for 1908.1904.
any third or further drug store in the Polling day -Monday, Januarylth,'03.
villegeof Lucknow during the remain-
ing,ppssriod of ten years. Reference to
the focal master at Goderich as to dam-
,.aps, , Coats of action and reference to
i be paid by defendant.
here are large number of books
which have been taken out of Blyth
public library and not returned within
the time required -two weeks. The two
weeks limit bee in the past been con-
siderably extended, but the library
board will insist, on this rule being
properly adhered to. It is not fair to
the other members when one person
keeps a book -especially a popular one
-out longer than the prescribed time.
The following is the list of books which
are outnow longer than two weeks, and
those who hold them will confer a fevor
by returning them at once: D29, DBS,
1j40 D41, Dib, D68, Peg, 1)70, 1186,
1)87, 088, Dill, D08, D98, D100, E2,
E8, E10, E80, E47, FAO E69. V77, ENO,
klg1, E82, E88, E90, E91, E92, E08, Ese,
De, F10, F16, F21, Fej4, 5'27, F80, F81,
F89, F40, F65, P139, Flo, F89, Fed, F94,
F97, F88, (478, G82, 111, H27,1180, 1184,
1(41, 842, H41, Hot 1146, 1150, 1154,
G 157,, N15. N29, Nat, N46, N66,
prey, off, N88 N95, N101, N104, N105,
117, 122, N128, N128, N140, ,N147,
)5188, N158, N164, N156, N159, N160,
,2(119, Nies, N165, N167, N188, V172,
l,1t78, P10, P22, P81, R20 R27, R80, St,
9, $46, S58, A70, 1317,'(T19,
1p, , %85, X88, %88, X84, •FC28
County Council Election
To the Electors of Div. No. 7 (Blyth-
Wawauosh•Wingham), Hurou county
council :-
Your vote and influence are respect-
fully solicited for the electiou of
John T. Currie
as your representative for 1908-1904.
Pulling day-Moudsy, January 5th, '03.
To the Electors of Div. No, 7 (Blyth-
wawaeosh-cViugham), Huron county
council :-
Your vote and influence are reepeot-
fully solicited for the re-election of
as your representative for 1St -1904.
Polling day -Monday, January 5th, '05.
1 70
The Standard and Weekly Globe
and picture of the Governors of
the Province of Ontario since
1701, balance of 1902 free 1 65
The Standard and Weekly Wit
cess 1 60
The Standard and Weekly Adver-
tiser 1 60
The Standard and Eart and West,
a paper for young Canadians,1 50
The Standard and Canadian Boy
Magazine. ............. .. 1 50
The Standard and'1'oledo Weekly
Blade 1 50
The Standard and Northern Mess-
enger 1 25
The Standard and Christmas
Number, balance of 1902 free 1 00
The above rates are for new subscrib-
ers and also old subscribers who pay a
year in advance. Cash mast accom•
pany each order. All weekly subscrip-
tions must he for a year.
Send all subscriptions direct to
Hurrah for
Which is the season for merry.
making and exchanging of con-
gratulations and festivity and
this is the spot to procure your
eupplies for the occasion.
Bon Bons at various prices,
and Candies in abundance of all
kinds, the latest out. Fruits
and Oysters unexcelled. Good
Fresh Groceries and Eatables in
Bakery line always on hand,
and es cheap as the cheapest -
quality considered.
Wishing you all a Merry
Christmas and a Happy New
. , , BLYT
d t
McKinnon CO.
New Prints
and Ginghams
It may seem like forcing the season to
show Now Spring Prints and Ginghams at this
season of the year. But our customers like to
get them early and have them made up during
the slack season when there is very little other
work to do. We have been very careful in
selecting our Prints, as to quality of cloth and
fast colors. We have them in different quail.
ties, at 6e, 8e, 10o and 1*, including the cele•
bratcd Crum's Prints, which are gaaranletd
fast colors.
Fur Coats
and Caperines
We have done a large trade In Furs this
season. We had to repeat several lines to keep
oar stock complete. Our stock is in good shape
now, and as the season is pretty well advanced
we will make big reductions in prices to clear,
but the coldest weather has yet to come and
now is the time to prepare for it.
Men's Fur Coats, in Siberian Dog, Cub Bear and Bulgarian
Lamb, from $15 to $25.
Men's Fur Caps, Coney and Nutria, from 112 to $4.
Men's Persian Lamb Caps, flne.curl, from $8,50 to 86,
Ladies' Ruffs, in Ohio Sahle, Mink, Black Oppossum, Coney,
Etc., in all the new shapes, from $1 to CO;
Ladies' Caperines, with short and long fronts, in different
combinations, trimmed with heads and tails and chain
fastenings, from $2.50 to 815,
Ladies' Astrachan Coats, nice close curl, at $22.50 to $40.
We pay the highest price for Butter and Eggs. We will pay
5e per pound for Dried Apples.
McKinnon ► Co.
331 3rtil .
t► -i► s.gEo i► i► i► i► ► i i► i► i.
Our Xrnas
e Display
Did it ever occur to you that in the matter of
presents for the Canadian Xmas season there is
nothing so practical and so thoroughly appreciated
as something to wear, such as a nice Fur Cap for
instance. We have them, all kinds and prices, from
$2 to $Io.
Ties, 25c to 75o, Braces, 15c t0 50c, Gloves, hoc to e2. Shirts, 60e
to 51,25. Silk Handkerchiefs, 35c to 51.25. Also Ready-to-wear
Suits and Overcoats in endless variety,
Remember we carry the largest
stock of Men's Wear in the town.
The Popular Clothing House
sial[► czi► soil' ig ► a•► Sas. i► +If
Our fee returned if we fail. Any ono sending sketch and description of
any invention will promptly receiro our opinion free concerning the patent-
abtlity of same. illow to Obtain a Patent" sent upon request. Patents
ij secured through us advertised for sato at our expense.
Patent taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, .11
THE PATRNT RECORD, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted
by Manufacturers and Investors.
Send for sample copy FREE. Address,
(Patent Attorneys,)
Evens Building, WASHINGTON, O. O.
Tbts signature bon every box of the genuine
Laxative Bromo.Quinine Tablets
Rio eomady that niece a void In ono day