HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-12-25, Page 4dMMIES mcmUACHIE BANKER. lA GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, BLYTII, ONTARIO. 1088 DISCOUNTED, Sale Notes a specialty. Advenoes made to farmers on their own notes No additional security re - (piked. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at twrent Hilton. We offer every accommodation con- sistent with sate and conservative banking principles. 8N111i1TED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Real Estate at lowest rates of interest. IEAL ESTATE AGENTS. Persons wishing to Bell will do well to place their propertyl�on our list for sale. Rents t5IITET;ENCiNG Al all kiada prompLJy attended to, ONSUUNOE, We represent the leading Fire end Life Aseurance companies, and re- spectfully solicit your account, OFFICE HOURS: 10 A.M. 10 8 P.M, $fxltn.la (Saris. L fa DiOEINBON, • BASBIBTDB, SOLICITOR, EEO., Leaaa, Minn a, Meyers blck oat Wlc�am. Money b ;MASON, B.A., BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC.. 0u7lfPel{W for 1nlot Ranaiton Otoetoiiabeak, o it store, Blyth, lone? te lead. J, S. JFBOKE, DENTIST. 0aee 1c the Pretoria bleak. Blyth. Spun attention paid to the preservation of the at. oral with g0000dhwork p0old work sped lloy sent 0. LINDSAY, M,B. •J PRYBIDIAN AND BURGEON, Emma to Dr. Talc Graduate of the Dni- 'Careity of Toronto, Member of Conga of Phy sinus and Someone of Ontario. Formerly of Tondos, England and Edinbnrgh,Boot � lie• p1WI of600 and reatdenee, Mot yuiddby Dr. Tait, Blyth. W, J. MILNE, M,D.O,W. PHYSICIAN tyAND BURGity EON. M.DQpuy�iteaaAUnivversity: Fellowrof Trinity College; OWit�e and of member Goner. of Pkyeiotaoa liargeo01 or Ootarb. 000001 for the RammRusty0 xor 01 hotel, Aueeci Ofikeoatr yth, door b of the T.J. HOOKBTBP, BARBEE AND TOB4OpONIOT. Choke stook of Tobaeeoe, Olean and Plea on band, Gse argent Blyth. Penni Steam Laundry, C HAMILTON, AtrOTIONESB AND VALUATOR, Lund, Lean and Iuuran ° Agent. Me, on ist n�� WAD oM street, biotin prompt attention. A,N. RI&PWIH, IT, AMgBIP AGENT, The Slder•Dt winter an Francp.Oanadlen Aloes o' resented. IleeaO tlokots sold to aHyl Nem« Europa lee m rasa summer :4s of sailing �ftar !tarnished oil application to Tun BTasaaan onion, Blyth. pROF. S. L. TAMER, IJANDFACTOBINO OPTICIAN AND EYE SPECIALIST. All Vada or li eotao'ee and 'Eyeglasses mace to order. Sputa' anew Lon given to fitting the ap♦e. Oriel. by ,,.all piomrtly attended to. Uinta of parties using my name as tIaemppllaoy guntrnies valb -Estwhining ablished 1873 entg 9648 Elohmond Skeet W., Toronto. ALMA LADIES' COLLEGE $t. Thomas, Ont. (TWENTY-SECOND YEAR) The farthest south, and one of the latest and hest equipped in Canada. Preparatory studies Graduating Courses—M.L,A., M.R. L., Piano, Organ, Singing, Violin, pine Art, Elocution and Physical Culture, Domestic Science, Commercial. Healthiest location. Moderate char- ges. Write for catalogue to REV. PRIN. WARNER, M.A., B.D. Winter Term Opens Jan. 5th. • A 1nr!rt brogreuive eohooi and one o1 the bete On tate continent, This is a strong state. meat bol it 1e a true one nevertbelees, The ROOG our school has a large attendant* L Wawa it le a wide-awake, bottling, working, raalt•prodeuing school. Recent graduates bare amepted positioner et salaries ranging from SU a month to WO per annum. Write 801 out naw ..Wogs.. W. d. ELLIOTT PRINCIPAL A. 0. U. W. �11, mi Na Lae, a maor al bolted n, mate In the Workman hail, UMW k, M /be end end 4th Thursday 1n every h N eight p.m. vlsltlug brethren are Wrif+d. N Qonntfr, WEI. T. J. Hues - 42 FOR Ota f lgtit liftanbarb. L z. RIILDWUN, Panama. TIN HMV STANDARD, published every Thursday morning, lea live Wel newft papa, and has a large circulation Its Blyth and surrounding country, making it a valuable advertising medium, Sub• ieription pries to any part 01 Canada the United Stales only Ons Dollar per annum la edvanes ; 11.60 will be charged If not so paid. Advertising retie op appplyication. Job Printing neatly gall sbeaply essonted. Cerrespprldenee of newsy nature respectfully solicitsd. THU*SDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1902., ONTARIO'S SICK CHILDREN. Opportunity tor Every Citizen to Join in the Noble Work of Bring. tog Health and Uappineee to Young Lives. *taw 4tat A Merry Christmas AND A Happy New Year TO $LL. WE ARE RIGHT IN IT FOR We have a large and varied stock of goods suitable for the holiday trade, No use trying to enumerate or quote prices. Come and see for yourselves and you will be pleased. J. A. Anderson When a farmer puts his seed under mother earth he expects it to bear bushels of grain in a few months, So 1t is wlih the merchant. He in- veata money in merchandise, counting on a profitable turn over. A father pays for his son's education anticlpatiug that It will provide the young man with the powers of mind to put the body and head at work !u gain- ing a livelihood. Yet the seed may not bring forth groin, the merchandise may not be sold at a profit, and the young man play not reach the ideals of his father. In all these instances the expendi- ture of money to a speculation. It may bring happiness and 1t may not. Today the Rosetta! for Sick Child- ren, Teronto, is performing a Heaven - born n;lssion on earth. It Is renewing health, removing pain and straighten- ing distorted limbs of hundreds of •BILECIRE AFTER young Canadians, boys and girls who will yet make their mark In this grow- ing Dominion, but who, were It not for this noble institution, might have al. ready filled an early grave. That's where your dollar can find a way to bripg you pleasure and profit without any doubts or fears as to the investment. Money is always at work. It is cee.seleas In its labour, but In no spot 1n tide fair Canada is It put to better service than at the Remittal for Sick Children. You see your money Is at work from the very day It is placed at the Hos- pltalb disposal. Your investment Quickly brings you back joy, for your contribution has entered into the task of life saving, body building and health giving. Look at a few examples of the work done In the Orthopedic Department. The feet shown are those of children who live outside of Toronto. You see the condition "before" entering the Hospital—and you see the condition "after" hospital treatment. The par- ents of these children could not afford to pay for treatment. Do you know of any child so situated? Then have him sent to the Hospital. BLFOR1. a ran. The Hospital for Sick Children de- pends solely upon tate generpsity of the people of Ontario. It requires 436,000 a year for its ,maintenance, and It stands to -day as a monument to the big hearts of Oniarlo people. Lo. cued though it is in Toronto, It is not a city inatttutdon; it to provincial, The child in the farthermost regions of Ontario has the same rtgbta and privileges' as one that may lay. nut door to the Hospital. The Ontalio child is on a level with the Toronto child. Neither has an advantage, it takes a dollar a patient per day to maintain the Hospital. The Ontario Government contributes $7,000 a year or almost seventeen cehtas per patient per day, for there are always at least w t 1 l HE .ARTY GREETINGS =FORM AMR one hundred and twenty children under treatment. This amount from the fovernmont is all expended on main' tenance. Then the corporation of the city of Toronto gives 17,600, or seven- teen cents per patient per day, and remember, not for Toronto patients, but for every child no matter from what point he may come. And in ad- dition to rite Toronto citizens donate 46,000 for the maintenance of all :agents. Again remember all these gifts from Toronto are devoted to the main- tenance of patients trim all over On• tarts as well as the city itself, and the children that seek relief from places outside are very numerous, and it ought to be as great a privilege and pleasure for the generous citizens of the province to contribute to the main- tenance of this Hospital as it is for the people of Toronto. Ten years ago the Hospital was en- cumbered with a mortgage. Year by year the mortgage has been reduced, and it is now paid. The Hospital must proceed In per- forming its great mission. Money is needed to maintain it, and this appeal esroan. ACCEPT EVERY WOE. A. TRVLY appy Xmas S. EERRINTO, ELYTE w-. LAVA. is made for that purpose. Hospital work cannot be conducted without money. To keep the machinery nun, Ing the dollars and cents of the people of Ontario are needed. Nurses, do- mestics and officials have to Ilve. Their wages must be paid. True, it is, that some have to pay— yes, all who can afford it are expected to pay --but those who cannot pay and can produce the certificate of a clergy- man or known ratepayer of the pro- vince to the effect that they are too poor to pay, can have maintenance and treatment free of charge. This year an effort is being made to clear away a bank overdraft created by coat of maintenance. Every dollar sent us helps to lighten the load that is being carried. Let everyone who can spare a dollar forward it u Quick u the goad thought strikes Lira.&, SO Douglas Davidson, Secretary of the Hospital for Sick Children, or to J. Roes Robert - eon, Chairmen of the Trust, College street, Toronto. Bright and wide-awake business men appreciate good printing be- cause it is a prominent factor In the conduct of their business. Large firms Invariably judge their cus- tomers by the kind of printed matter they use. Get yours at THE STAN- DARD OFFICE and you will stand on safe ground. . grtietio printing at %lair �riooa . e • - THE BLYTH STANDARD BLYTH - ONT. ?wi�JillKt'It?iy't,IK ulll'kahl toll G jt