HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-12-25, Page 3ira/triadud, it .1 altia arttowdeid-o/natalbe-tv elub1 , i07tic%ecv 'e• ti• f"7• ** rwhen I love you?" I Mrs. Blake, with Algy by her tide, with their neat boots, their waxed Thus the sweet golden days pass 1 in (nickeling flannels and with u ten- rnwatnwhue, and high collars that by only too swiftly. Ileekle brawl- nie but and shows In Ills hand, coulee threaten to sever the wtndplpee at Ing mountain streams and through Bret, and then Mine Wake :plxsirs, their devoted wearers. But, for all wild, unfrequented glades they roam I n:ivanotng leleurely, end surrounded that, theme gallant officers of Her In happy freedom, What would the by nu fewer thou five officers.. who Maleste'e 1911th Royal lcattcrbrtin solus of Urunla aM n have wale if meet have been Imported from the. I'Inngrrs nru mea-sucl ae they are_ they could here sant ter Maurice and uu;ro1L oc.rreet'.1 and mon aro Karoo In the county. Ludy Dermot ltthobiting a small I lire they now, worahipphtg the hotly to the Highlands, riding and beauty', eurruuudmg Iter like a Loey- walking from morning till night, gutted, as it were; and verily the spending the whole day In the upeu , ituuty b,oke abarmiee to -day, 'Dees - air, (felting for trout -anti catching el all in white, with 0 width lust, awl them, tot -In the brown, pnvilug' n width parasol sluullng her lovely' etrenm ; If they could have Been the Moe. Very slowly tele comet, languid - bride throwing Iter line with Judg-• ly bowing to her raputlnutnuca Her mall and decision, and Inngleng with f(on le paler, perhaps, dein usual, glee when she landed the spotted, ntu.l tho sail, golden curie lying on xhhring 'mulles on the bank ? her torehcatl are et en moro c+Irelull,Y And with the thelia lit the scented terming -ell than they generally are, hummer air, the eweat, free life of Very graceful, very exquisite site perfect luipphiese-no letters, no looks, Miens it her attendant nrwspaprre, no anything from the cav,tliere, who are looking r0illld 10 Imey world uulslde-Ulpev would be see If three tiro any other pretty xnttent to dream away her 11fe. girl( on tho ground,; for then. suns 11u1. S r Maurice, after a time, finite of liars inwardly feel that (lvo men hIm thoughts turning to Ile home oanuot talk to ono woman at a time. to take up his life where he left It But Miss Illnke thinks otherwise. If off to Is•gln the new life with Gilroy, they cannot balk, they cell wait aeon " JMrling, xlutll wo go home next her, and elle intends them to stay week 1" In; wid,gers In the 1weight at her oldie one Priming ; and, for an answor, she Fenr of the Misses (;rlmehmv her baud In his. aro playing a virga game toge- ther In finned drovers, gurgeoes CHAPTER \►'Ill. wtlh crewel work, and the sight Not even the member') of Flora revives the henuty liken Klass or Illdte's uu'n huusehuld crer truce champagne, Next to having men wLet she fell when sin upeued 1h„ worohlpping at her own ehrluo le mtntlig uutvepnpere and sew die: eft. the pleasure of seeing other women auuocetaeut of tier Maurice Dennut's without any. it urrLige. Wltlt a calm faco uud n Mho Blake elgniftee her intention eteedy 4ulce, she read the paragraph '01 playing, telle off( three of her uhnal ter the benefit 01 these rnt„e Delmore to ploy, gives the fourth die breakfast table, and remarked, Iger parasol to hold and the fifth Is left staieline, with nothing to oto 0IPSY'S 11ARRIA6E 4444444444444* "Who lits boon putting such non-, must be Nome rtwatun :or lib hole -in raise Into your load?" lie said, heti hemmer eeterlage, 'where no one laughing. "My darling, I have (lemon oven lepowe whist the bride wore, my way; 1 am eutielied with her; oboe tier M1tuvellltig dross woo, or earl 1f you say nay more I shall be nrtythlug, very angry with you" -looking down', eweoe coulee bo have 'seen In 4hat with love La Itis eyes at the weirdly girl -a otuptd t4tltd? Wthy, even Flora beautiful face that has so fascinated ►Slake would hove been n beteer him. "Hud ever a men e'-, sweet nvn'kti, 11111.4411 ',tarpon() kncvn-tt Int a wife?' he asks, with n trem'tr le bake, taro neeadieee hie vise. "Oh, darling, how happy hind ea tie II:Atuvt. And, w'hll'st the we shall be:" good people o', Unrm'aneen nee thus And they dream not that they ougiged; somewhere in she Wore Khali drink the cup of sorrow to the oue Hlgl.lande-the lade of flood dregs. Ho never dreams of the days and %toentutn, w ditch the trivet wave to come, with their passion and oC vis Avoxt loom atoms the 'More - their pain, Why should eel And Sir eleurtuo and rale 'brLde, aro upend - she, In her childish innocence and ltig the tlttyw to their lroneymoon. To- grnco knows not that through her gotmor Reay Mere) the breezy monl- will come to him the greatest :roe- tate belgh'us and ghee lobe the pe- wit of hie life. pie disttineve beyond, and, Ab, not Hand in hand and through in the Sante lenelino,ts of the males - the budding woods they go, and tin 11111s. talk bib/Melly to melt other panne to watch the trees shaking of all the years of Ituppiueee to come. reit their Irxtves and to look at They watch the groat sun dipping the bees of sunlight Peening on the behind the waves, and wonder limy mase of fairy green, the mowtnhhsldes will look whets • • • • e crimson with heather -bell by and by. After all, idea Blake Is unable to "Take me to the sen," eipsy said, carry out her intention of dunclug wife a (haat Molting to toe the w'hio at Bir Maurice's %yielding, for tho waters again. And they are as happy all the neighborhood belong to it. beet of reasons -that tho nturrta a an two children ae land In hand they Tide club is a never -falling i orhoxh where 81r Maurice was and Wilburnal In the bracing Moue- all unoharltabluuetr, and the fights horn. Ono fine morning the Dermot talo air. and the squabbles that take place family' coach, well plied with lug- "Volt look a. rent gipty now, lar- on tho ground are a eight to sec. The • gage, rumbled under the archway ling,' SW Maurice Nuys, laughing, mimeses dlvel° theneelvet lulu acts and driven straight to the station, nue looking at Iter glowing, sun- and Minuets, and atoll ret hates the Of course, every one neo$ it, and browned cheeks no she sits at his side other with a cordiality truly eur- drawe hie own conclusion, Otte die in the warm sunshine, the wind blow- prising. elder( that Lndy Dermot and her Ing her suet curls ncrue@ her fore` - But, for all that, the club lives and nleoo• are oft to London to purchase head, and Iter beautiful eyes looking flourishes. The Urlmehuw■ tutor It the trekleeetou; another lo positive out 'laches the sea, where the waves very highly, awe ploy In a gleeful that only elltti Dermot wits In the ere eparkling and alining fresh nod li to most artlstlo tennis carriage, and that the match la creep, leaping past the bowl) of the drreset and teuule aprune ; tied old hre&en off ; whilst n third eonfl• little xrtlllmats and running In an tho Mor Urnmedaw site o¢ a bench and dewily aseerte tlett Lady Dermot shore, foamy and white, Luna. Bio her girls like a lien watch- ing ep annoyer] at 81r Maur- "Oh, 1lnutloe bow lovely It all Is," i ng iter ohickea•t. leo marrying bre cousin that elle says, softly-"eo atIl1, eo beautb- The club to generally the resort of who will. nut countenance the fel, and no people!" old males and dilapidated colonels wielding taking place In the old par- •'No people 1" he echoes, smiling a and maps, who make tennis the tali Ouch of Drumoneen. little. "What em I, then ?" very omeltetee of life. But, on the The luggage teed Ito own tale; "I 'mean other people,'' elle rete tie, whulot It W a most euocesefui iuetl- eomeone to going sourewbere. The will 4 gnlek, upward sweep er her tution, and no matter how shaky It goeelpe goers any and every but the hong towhee that ellowe her eyes may appear when the sots rquabblc true unu very InurmLeuo reason that to look tete ids-"ntiWdv but you toe Jur and the general fabric is ttlr Maurice 11008 not caro to amuse and me, !Maurice. I neem ,want to threatened with demolition ,It al- tye neighborhood, auti will pot have Ne: aitytoody etre.° ways rights itself, azul manager to et wetding." Ile and filpay will be "Neither do 1, MY utMnig," 'he rhos- live down the mandate, start fresh marrlel quietly some fine moruing, were, emlWng Into bin weeet free. carer(, end go on gayly as over. awl the newspaper announcement "'lent, You see, Ohpoy, there are ser once n week the militia build play will lee all there will be to gratify Vain ',Melee that oue awex to nu; i very- loud, braggy music on tho the ouriusity of the neighborhood. tety," lie goes bel, 'with n vague idea ground, and tea and hake are la,d And the I)rumauoou folks are ludlg- ,f wlrnidlrng lip for the In'xcltutlonw out In the tent, and the county mike- naut aocordingty, and fool as U they aC !nix U@nnRry, "and one tvtnnot bens memo rolling In In their cur- ium been robbed of a legltimnto vole make one -10 w0( remarkable. You and rbnl'reo uud play tomtit', drink tea, )rot oe gossip and ae certeiely dr I will (lave to outortadn, and tee en. The Misers (irimehnw peep at them from under Dully Varden hate, and other sweet young creatures cast sundry longing glapc0e at these smartly-etreseel breinge, In the centre of wham Mande Mise Blake, one hold- ing aloft the white parasol to shade her lovely face, and the other four worshipping, And nil too soon the Thain party leave the ground and drive away. 1To be Continued,) PEOPLE'S QULER TASTE. 1.11 Ile ( fli'in s Disgust Ind The) Mote on Murder. "The cruvbig for tweets a fellow. creature done todeatlt ou the stage, or fur reading about Ll In n novel, las 11 strwigo faechlatlon for many estimable people. It le singular how anything uuualural is regarded In this country +10 very ourreot and proper ; w1111e many things that are quite in the (ordinary healthy comets of nature me regarded as sinful le lee firm degree. "11 you write nn affeoling little story about a man, and a woman Who loved each ether very touch, hue eventually overlooked the customary currtessty' but gore on her sylph-hku form. visit to rJiuroh before srttlhtg mat• 11'!ma n terrible humdrum affair thrown Into a hundred grnceful tars, many people will refuse to read It all Ix:" movements et every moment o1 the your book on text ground that It 1e grlre gillBloke,flushing g de for time, sinful and the libraries will push It her daughter's sake, made 0 must .Mrs. Bryan enjoye the eight great- back at you 'with righteous lutllgna- uucalltd-fur rattle amino. the ly, and mouse over to whnrr, Mrs. tion, BM U you pen a dainty story breakfast cups; and. Alg ,the tx,ly Blake is sitting, feeling horribly tier- of a bad man waylaying tho little other member of the auuseltoll Pell- sous fret 81r Mnurlce's marriage may heiress, who Mande between him and sept, 'looked quickly at Inc bititor' s be mentioned. Mee. Bryan levels her the fatally creates, and baolting her uumuved ince, uud muttered some• giant' at the lair flora and gives a foto eternal lest wile a brick, the thing about Dermot belug cut awed preliminary snort. name goad people will probably - air. "Very glad, my dear, to see Rile scramble over me another in their tome* it off eo well." 1 haste to absorb the lovely Waite, " 1 Wunder how Miss Blake will ',Vee, Flora playa very well,' mire "lel the first case, you will have take It Y' Tito point greatly veer- mute etre, Blake, wishing Mrs. Bryan dealt with to phenomenon deliberate - were at Jericho, or Home equally re- ly designed by nature; and, am we ladles, and not u few df them feel mote spot. all know, nature Is really painfully very glad that ilio beauty of the The old Indy gives Iter moot mellg- Ignorant on the eub)oct of how to county has been cul out. "UoW von nnnt chuckle. run the earth. In the second place, situ take It ?" "Oh, yes, to be sure! And flow you have unearthed a elle erlme. They are not left very long An Is Gladys? Is she pinieg for mad that le so far unnatural as to bo hap - doubt. Lefroy'?" plly extremely tare -and, am we live The county lateen@ee the great a1- "Me le In London," anewere Mrs. In topsy-turvy tees, you have pro- traction of 11. lawn tennis elute and Blake, with a sigh; her daughters vide(' a subject that good people elan aro not very eatlefactory, , some- read without feeling et all sinful In coneequeoce, "If tho villain meets the heroine on the eerie, end offers Iter a fur- nished flat e❑ the Wied (Side and five thou,tane a year for pocket money, respectable people shudder at the Idea and speak harshly of the book and its author. But if tho villain, with a wild ory of rage, epringe at the fair glrl'e dainty white throat, and Male Iter over tlto edge of the bectllug entre, mo that she Is dashed to emelt on tho rocks below -that le all right. There Is nothing lin- proper there. We can take that story home. I saw 9. play, recently, In which the villain of the piece was it really beautiful epoclmcn of raocal- Ity. lie bribed the IteireLti grand- mother to bring the little victim down le till) river, and then hepleb- ed the child up in a hurr,v and drown- ed It. Aa In watt not able to (lamb hie choice holt before he was dlaturb- (el, lie endo off when about half- way through, to that the little child could be brought back to die on the stage. "I do not think that any o@0 with hie coat off and loth hands free could Imagine anything more atroeto»s One n term like that. I didn't hear, however, One the public had '1Vili yon gel 1110 Home ten, please?" objected 10 the Incident In any way; sho Bays to 0110 of her eatalitre and though I believe, some year@ ago, the five make n dash to the tont• they hnd obJroted to a public per - The band strikes up a perfect lar- formarco becalm() 00m0 of the ladle. ricann of martial muslc, fled Mhos had their looses cut too low In the Blake's five worshippers return pre- nark, or too 'high at the knees, or wetly with tea and cake. eometeing of that sort, I think the Half the other women on the ground Idea ons that It wouldn't be cermet aro .obliged to gel ten for them- tor, n young man to sae a lady In blocs, and Indlguant eyes glare, at pubUo In nucha scanty attire, but dpes net take place in the nelg r climb ,ilia hillaidex old grew Mown tourco of envy, hatred, malice and fled (rationalize mildly with the na- lineai of the festivities that eh.uld la•rtalned, too, 1 supposh; 61141 70" liven who dwell in the email town of attend the marriage of the heather of whit pend, tear, you will gat '10 like Urumuneen. lq•umtneen Castle. The select fete of it ttf:er a time. 01(' lire, Bryan affects the tea -day thevounty aristocracy, will/ 0011 111M1 - She looks dublotre, and lie goal on: grettly, for 11 Is to her n capital on being amoug the favored guests "Everyone will pall on you, end you opporrunfty for eroding shafts of at the wreld,ng, are very molt nu- Will 1000 to return Rle Halle." hatred Into unsuepecting boeome, noyed, but protea most emphatla "What does' that 'mean?" pie Everyone is eo awfully afraid of her ally to have known all ahcut it from tusks' gravel -Y. the' [hist, while. ae a matter rd "You Belle fgnsmrt'mues," ho laugh*. cattail,. tongue that all are anxious to conciliate her. Mrs. Ilryan, there• foot, nut n few of lie ladies boyo ' 1 mean everyone will ohms and pay eta Blake, 1' i° sips the fta) tau Pell ra n ev lave will and all hhiut fore, lies n scut, with a cushioned mixture cul:uly and serenely. she n nice, choice nxhlblllon of child oltosen and ordered their drreer,e . sort d: il, and you 'ted have to bark, and the strongest cup of ten, . Icoks r80 e provokingly cool ; olhur gIrle murder was evidently calculated to Then those people who intended to g. and other little, nttentlone not en- who have beim playing 1101 Crimson do him a lot of good" -from Ain - give der Maurice and Ufa bride prow cohere tilde %tslMe." Joyce by tin hilar numbers, Stilt and era Irht most unher.umingly Mees, for November. , unto (Mange their mind suddenly, Mild "Oh, dear I" -with a pathetic die_ , throe she alts ami rally at mankind P P K- tliscover tihat promote Dor a private may in herr eyes. "But you will seen t+nit womankind grnernlly. alarm, after the exertion Oi mistime- with mo Dealrrlce?"about and sloop!ng for Unlls. Thu wedding are t'ota'lly unnecotessry. 'sho tiny 00 welch the announce• !taint Miss L'lakn Codd hnvc half- Tailor, nod Ilulure, And others, wrno never 41re:vmed ti "Yea, darling, of evasive -at least, ` meat of Sir Maurice's marriage ale a-dozeat herd a ruvelin for the hall, glving Rote bride ur brl(le room tin the fleet time," tears fulls u nn a trn•dny, and to g g The cnuugon slur on pallors, that g Y 1 f Ii rile chose, She aced never exert "nine talars make a man," le said Mang, make 4 great talk of 'having "There needn't be any other time, the Imvu tonnle ground the members Itcrarlt ht the (rest. to be derlrvud from, the practice of ottrtnged their miosis. And so over need there?" O1pn,Y asks, eerlouel,Y• flock In n body to dlacnaa the event. ,Uel now she stands, 0e cool one, tolling the boll tea tc throe thee( ltvto'oiaak time hlnume[el In sir Sir Maurice look( somewhat aur• Tne orow'1 1e pretty tilek, the heed n rut umber, with lin ellghlret iter the death of a man and twice Maurice Demote, 'ntt'rrlago ix dl.a- Bled• playlet; lustily, the tea flowing like thiel possible on her pair, smooth termed, Rtll, ileo 11 'UbunUurltolt, the "Sty 'neither will help you;' hr. re• ,t;et'•r, '-bon a carriage drives up p throe tlrnes for the death olmpls announcement d; the wrdMng tarns, ae if by lnapiratlon ; "alto will' 11 su,,,,y street and pulls up at cheeks, sml int sweetly into those pf tt tvunutttr, 'Dinner- alta "teller,►' appears in Rile morning newspaper:., coachyou up n bit, But, my dare the gain of tin tonnle ground. Ln n ntIorh' utnlu faces around The men matte It to ulna. In the same way bha The team are cone:dent that there Ing'," 1113 cries r+tptutouely, ")lou couple of reenact' the Blukee appear etre nuns. all hive of thane. But there traditional Idea that hatters have have only to look as lovely nm you moil the ticepn and everyone uuteeto Is a magic charm In the mystical a lied tesnper memo from the old da exams, and tiro whoht cunnl,y %sill the Wille for the next few seconds, title "officers," andfemale hearte'are English wove moaning NIUHTId• fall tensa and warship you!" as they pause to look at the new nr- palpitatin' all route- In her heart furious, raging; ao OM "ns mad tie Poor deluded mall! The test of the rfcule. 1'I0ra thinks these "officers" Idiots, n hatter" is easily explained. male sex may fall Clown and worep gladly enough; but how about some' ------- - . - of t110 feminine dlvielon-tem Grier shows, for tnalance, and such as have Om puis0n of asp under their tongues ? ' "And Its we palm through London,. w•0 meet get the tovelleot dresses i that can bo procured. My mother nail - oho would help you to choose them," i ho goes on, cheerfully. "Swell Itreseee etre everything, I believe, and my ' wife meet be properly turned one'( A gleam of mirth flashes Out of , the depthe of OLpey'm eyes, n smile' eirttgglee upon her lips. I "Oh do you remember Maniere when you said it was all 'the coltles' 7" she, asks, lookIng up at him, niltwttiovauely ; amid then, with melon and sweet gravity, site adds: "You will help me always to do quiet sleep and reef. I shall never be what Le right ; no one meet ever without a box while I leave a baby'.; laugh at your wife, Maurice." A Baby's Own Tablets 01100 all minor sudden crimson f oodr( her oheeks as ailments of little ones, and are guar- elm goes on: "I think I amid bo anteed to oontaln no opiate 'or happier If I thought I was never to harmful drug. They aro weld at 28 eye Mies Blake again. She hated me Dents a box by all dealers, or you even tbe fleet ndght I came, and I carr get there by mail, poet paid, by was eo frightened." writing dlreot to the Dr. Williams' Sir Maurice stoops and Mewl his Medicine (b.. Brockville, Ont., or - wife on the 11pu. 8dtenectady N Y , • "My own whet does it matter, 11010. "What a surprise our friend Sir Mrtarietex marriage wag to every - Indy!" enorte bare. Bryan, next. "It wax a most unlucky Investment for the hcurte of the neighborhood. I was hull, on good authority, that no fewer than fourteen young ladles fainted tette morning when they maw it In tho ptipera. I am glad to ace tote daughter has more settee, ory don.T " etre. Blake Color', fwrlouely, Ae many nm three different eote aro Mending around, listening to every word, literally rampant to snatch up any crumb of gossip. "The new Lady Dermot le very lovely," goes on the old lady, thor- oughly enjoying tin attention, and tho dletreto and: anger on her listen- er's ince. "Ills mother hates the match; but Sir Maurice pleased him- self, in spite of everyIxxly," The game is over. MIRO Rinke, with her five attendants, approaches. "Hew do you do, Mee. Bryon ? Heard of the welding, I suppose "VII be bound you havol" snaps Mrs. Bryan, III-nnturcdly; and certainly she le n terrltly rude old lady. But Mies Blake elands tie If elle has rot heard, calm nm n statue, Whet to Ito When fishy 10 Tort l•nl and Slrrpless, It le wrong to take up a wakeful baby Prot the cradle anti walk 1t up and down tho floor all night. It de- moralizes tate Infant and enslaves the parents. Baby does not ory for the fun of the thing; it erlex because ie M not well -generally, became C. atomaob Is sour, ile little bowel"( oongeeted, Ito skin hot and feverish. Relieve It and 11 will sleep all night, everyy night growing stronger in pro- portion. Just what mothers need la told In a letter from Idea. E. J. Flan - dere, Marbled on, Que., who eny(: "I cannot say too mach ht favor of Baby's Own Tablets, They have worked like a cluu'mwith my baby, who was very restlees at night, but Baby's Own Tablets soon brought n four Hospitals in Montrea he Doctors Could Not Cure Mr. Cloutier—Bald He Would Never be Well Again - After Six Years of Helplessness He Was Cured by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. The oast of air, einem ('Inutier. olio( ,r, 110 Lagouthetere street, MOnlreol, de cross msro eueluwndkltl)n- 1ng nonce, usually swerve For nix long yore Mr. ('lo11100 was me invalid, unable to attend to Idyl work, and much of Ids time was spent In the hospitals of Montreal. The lectors gave him no hope of re- ooverybut, on the contrary, told him that he would never be well again. . A treatment that wilt restore to good health a person whose oaee was conslde're,l hhpeleKs mast he it( more than ordinary vnnl', and t1114 i0 only one of ,t serine of remarkable cures that II/1Ve brought nivel Ly the 1100 of lir. 'Chase's Nene Food. Mr. it'mou Cloutier, xborne,ker, 110 Legouchetlere etreei, 110111i tt, QUO,. Motes; "1 or O1c years 1 1111.4 1101 able to work, my- 11115CW were ail um Arent and nn' alone -eon b.ttl. i had 000Mo nttacke of head') elle, eoeet 1101' sleep, and rid fermi with shuttle, pale( In the meth of my b lien. I wee hi four hot+ldtele, hat the doctors nonld not cure me. They call I would' ewer hear :'c: b'. Ui eplte of their dee non L is gall the use of 1,r. Chase's N. erne Food :,ane thereto ago, and I r.in role -lee ,l pleat 1 owe my 1 1 to this tu''deite. I have 110ly (wen at work far r tw'n weeko, ,gel Mllrtr that my health has been fully 1411- siorn ,1Itisr i 11 t t ere ," m „ e.11 my temimon;v to the !task of ooh• Ire from peren:'m who have been oared by 1hle it -metered medicine. Dr. teh,wo Ne'vr 7001, :,O cents a box, 11 hoses for $::.50, at ell eirnlere or lelmatreon, Bate' k the, Toronto.