HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-12-25, Page 2HEBREW MISER
Uro two -cent atnmpe which the com-
futny ouvcd by not having to write
to blue
Nut long lige 110 was (mete 011e of
L £VES 100' 000
, 1 1111 penslunrrs who (011101 In 1110
0,' Viols ut the syuligogur, rrcelvbrg
n Hmnll allotvanrc. 1lubhI Jncolro sail
lie moo the N 0(011 1 0104(1 hr 1 101a01
1 Inw and liturgy.
i Onr, of Ilio Inht requests 0(m, lll,tt
biN remains fro havered 111 holy Moo -
sum Cemetery.
Lived in Rags and Died in a I Coroner' A. J. Jelnason Imre n
Iwerrnnt for n Ingnwt to he held
aon the body on Friday nftornoon.
e Dr. Norman .Anderson will perform
1 a post-mortem examination today,
Charity Ward.
1.1re•don the ,elms of Hebrew !lento
veleta Meekly Ow '1'weety-11ve
l'e'ts -"My 1'cs11 My beer 1" His
Issl Cry.
A. Toronto dcopotclt 0nyr: 11
Hyman, a Hebrew, who used to
gather rags and ree newspaper§
on the eremite deed In the public
ward No. e, net the (leneral Ilorplla
yesterday afternoon, and over J1 -
000 worth of evilest nue feat upuu
Mal, representing neenritiee in Vurl-
our corporations.
Ilyman was 70 years of age, and
had been living 10 Toronto for
thirty-two yc:u•e. For twenty-five
Tear., unfit fart spring, he lived on
tree cbarUly of the Hebrew Benevo-
eelent /Society. The members re-
ceived some Inlhnatlon at that time
from a 'lock broker am to the man's
wealth, and they fnitltuted an In-
✓ estlgatlou, and as a result the char-
ity ceu,ed, Il being proved that he
was very wealthy.
HO slept to u sued In the rear of
another Hebrew's place on York
t roet, and occupied 111. time In ga-
thering rags 111 the (morning, and In
tate afteruouu .old newspapers, and
It 11 said, often told tales of his
eutferBngs to cuelomere, so work -
lig on the feeltngr of emote of them
tbet donatlous of 'Inver were often
He gave hie name. all Henry Zollnekt
It the hoepltal, but EU Hyman is
hls right name. Ile also went by, line
name of Davis,
Chimed 10 hr 1k-iI11111e.
Last tiatl.rdny 140 was admitted
to tee Ila petal n a try sire. men,
st tering from par 1(11101149 and pluur-
lrT. He Bald he was In deotdatt cir-
4.'L taltnes. He sur raggedly drool-
ed, and from las upp(narun'e it watt
jedgrel that water and he bad been
struugcrr for a long time. He said
to had no money, and that he had
to borrow u rtret car ticket to
of to tho hoopltel. RebblJacobs, of
77 CLtrch elrect, puutur of Holy
Blo'wom Synagogm1, lin wild, wits the
Wily friend lad had, The rabbi was
seat for, and visited Hyman daily, I
Deceased Intimated theft lie hard
scmethingeinemtent to tell the Rab_,
ht. nntl at different limos seemed i
a.ltol:t to airline) it, but put It off 1
tate yndCrday, when he tram ,too
weak to m' ke tiny statement, tho:.gh
to made dosperale shiers to do so. '
Ills Dying thelery,
Tu I.i+ Inst Ir00111110 110 go.po! out: 1
"My 101st, me vent l" Then We left
Site of the Trinity Buildili
Brings $2,215,277.
New York, Inc. 23.—Tho negotte
hops for the purchase, of the Trin-
ity Building at ill Uroadway by the
Uelltel 8tatrw Really and t'uustree-
1 hurl 11)11 (ny and the Law(ere'
Tilt, 111611111 111'0 Company were eon
('11.1491 laat Friday.
The tl'ItOlrer of the J. C. Ayer »dal
heti oma for a higher Ilguro tun
that obtained by the luterosle weds
lard sold out, (1441 achieved their (sir
owe. They secure 1 about 500,00,
moremorethan they would have don
had they teed et the v1(01111011 04
(',•pled by the other interests.
For tie Ir two -Muth* they rt''elser
$50_',500. The other eleven -Muth
brought $1,65_,777. The property
therefore, eoel Ile new, owner)) $_,
It rue/lettere 10 foot on Broadway
..202.5 fort on Tie:taws street, 40.1 0
Thee, -Thee, -place, ate! :38.7 (rot ot1
Trimly clndrel yard, and contalns 11,
180 I. et. The aggregote Iorheul
VI'h,m Hyman entere•1 the. hospital
Lee had a lorrl, which 11e naked
t *l (4144444 attending him to put
away for olt(t-keeping. Ole) threw 1t
into a Irul'eau drawer, not (1011143;
teat It contained auylldrrg of varh.sr,
Belt win 1t wa,e opened lifter the
man'( death it wits found to ennui(
a large number of ereenrit(es aro! re -
()sheer, They were 1n envelopes, all
addreeoed to Mrs, teephtn Hyman,
Ct(Ullliville, Oa., near 1$trects(Ille.
et ie is dcceauel's widow. The
;terra lout 1111 been pressen( com-
pactly, 60 we to form am small a
port• 1 r0( poneible. They were wrap -
pet in 0110 inti., nod arolmd that num
the handkerchief. 011ier vale✓able
eoripl was (0,4114 In decunsel'm Vest
Had It not been for tile mat's dy-
ing exe lanutlon, the penile would
likely have been thrown brio the
fib 111109. 1'
leaved King n Hebrew lawyer,
Who knew rf Hymen's wealth through
roe Investigated) !net Hoeing, went
to telt holtal lifter hearing of the
drain end hie examination revealed
the (net tont the A TO:1400d wee worth
aver $100000, meetly In emlulllos.
bruit Willi Maty Ntnue.
touched Mrs. armour eu ut'tply that
e 91144 thriven.'thriven.'her hielnlud to write to
' Mrs. Black thanking hen' for der let-
itter mud relying elm wooed endeavor tu
-' )flee Protest/toe Loren wee "rbc Male I(07 whose: leg ware crippled" before
o he left .1merlee.
i True to 1119 promlrr, when Prober -
our Lorena load finieh0d hie demon -
1 err:aloes nt the New fork Polyclinic
H yeetrrd.ty and guile 1u 1)r. Newton
M. Bhnfftr'o resideuoe fur luncheon he
0(1(44 caked to look nt Captain Black a
boy, n oblld of five, bright eyed find
• i Itiusolu. The great doctor declared
o flu' wore it (motile one end Dr. ethaf-
flr turd the permits flat next Bun -
day the facilities of the New York
, chute Hoagnllnl for Crippled Children
Sent Boll to Armour Girl
Treated by Lorenz,
New lurk do.patuh: There line been
uu mor, leader malduu1 iu (I n ex -
1" ..'.1e4.:() 01 1'.ofro»or Lorenz ill 010
Country 114114 that of y,sterduy, when
he cauw111W 1110 uhdd of u humble
calailboat captain, Tomas Black, of
Rmeleat. Thu umpteen II witched wilt -
tem to Urs. Ugac•e Armour euugrat-
Wutin4; her upon the succcme,ul oper-
attue the henna expert bud Per-
im mrd upon little 1.uirlu, and wle,alm
toe the cold's compete r(voturntloo.
Thr lllacke' only child wuu similarly
Aceoutpanying tbls letter woe u.
dull, ch4.0p, but neatly dt'es1e,1 hl
(white baby 0301Ilo, and marked!
1001; le PLATA Al(310llat,
lelt0e1 A 1.1TTLIi L'01 9110SE LEG
10 Cltll'l'LED.
The simphel(y mud 11 uccrlty of one
mother's note of rymistthy to an-
other whose wealth had enabled her
to procure the e'rvieea of a wort.'
femuus surgeon at a prLrocly price
price w0ee, therefore, at the rate
about P104 n :quare fort,
The Is n go0.1 prier. for property
on the west elle of Broadway, butt
wooed be pawed at their dlepeaul
e site of the Trinity building Is E{
nulque, with frontages on three
1lol0ugl1fal•ri Iin'.I 0p11) to til
11g;,t 014 all 61:109. The present bt,lld
Ing will be torn down Ile.X Moe are
repented with n twenty -story struc-
Foreigners Forced to Kneel
From Moosejaw to the Coast
C P, R, Track
1V1uutJx'g despatch: W. M. Whyte,
100e141.ult 1.1) President tiltaug(nnerey,
of the C P. 11.. who returned 11e14`
10 -day, from Montreal, announced
that the company will endtu't ike
considerable cunetruction In the were.
"Wort of Moomej rv," 0011 Mr.
Whyte, "the line to the meet Is to
bo ulmoot all rebuilt. Taut le, the
line' Is to be lore or less chungod tu
straighten out curves and leeN1ni
grades. Tim expenditure will he
ann9lderable. The early spring will
Dor a start of the work.
"Tho blegrel 0uamtrucllen Nchrmr
that has 40011 111111M 10(0)11;" con-
tinued Mr. Whyte, "i0 It new, IInn
that will bo built from ,t point onf
the 11111111 lino between Yorklon and.
Prince Albert, westerly unit north-
we,0t•riy, 10 a 10)int 011 the Nortel'
Saskatehew,in liver, In the vicinity
of Pialtichn-d, from there to IN etnski-
wln on the Culloory and Edmonton 1
line. a line will 11141) txr eonstrurted
by tbo C. 1'. 12. from le point neer
('101.4.!: bridge to u Caine t0 con -
mot will, tho branch to Pleasant
Tile C. P. 11, aro now (1111111,(1 n
great deal of attention to the bring-
ing In of furl, and Mr. Whyte 0,1191
1.1111 naw (lint tiro 011911 of the grain
truffle war over there should be be-
fore long a rolnploto relief from the
fuel scarcity In the went.
"Tho truffle. ilii, year," maid Mr.
Whyte, "has been enurmoue. The
road 'has boon taxed to Ile utmost
a!pncity, anti In file last two or three
ydvtre bas grown greater by 2(el or
800 per cont."
41e1'1'IKurrs In 1''amoue ('ouspliney
(:191•M 1)11 P61Y)11'.
There were recelptm : 100 for cash
depoelto with .1. E. Amos et Co. Ile
had orcurltles in the Canada Per- 1
manett, Western Aesuranee Co., Brit-
ten Ca anthem Leen Co.. Cluuula Land-
ed and National Investment Co„
Beltieh-.lmlrr'Ico ti A1,04. rn nor Co., To- 1
(onto Electric Light Co., Cl/1lMlmerO'
Oa. (1n., Dominion S.nvinge (1(1 Loan f
Co., Union boon and Sawing() Co., 1
London end Canada Loan and In-
vestment Co., Dominion Tee -wettish.
Co., and other corporations.
His widow enure to the city met 4.
night. She mall oho had been in 4,1(1)0
eircumetenceo, but that recently her f
houeo nt Chnrchville 1 n 1 keen en- a
ternd, un) all her money and rale- a
niece stolen. She W911 poorly drone- b
ed. Lawyer Snlnuel lain:; Is lonklug
after her entereete Ile heeded the
papers left by Hyman over to her, t
and advanced tier money to purchase t
new .clothes. She Pall her husband
used' to go up to see her in Church-
vllle oecaoinnally. They were mar-
ried in 1870. r
Begged Even Postage towel's.
'Whenever Hyman bbughl securities
An left Instructions that dividends
were not to be sent to Shim, but that Ili
he would omit for them. When he a
did Dull ho always insisted on bovine r
Nearly six years ago startling
ileclo»uree were mode with regard
to what ground a widespread cou-
opirecy of Ieencliarism, in the,
Township of Melanctltou, in Duffer•
(70u11ty. Fin;.: were freluenl,
anld there ppeared to be a care -
ally phoned oysteut of operation.
11 bray of 181)7 Mr. Jubilee Fer-
guson sent the chief firebugs,
level and Jam•.. Ballard awlM-
unn)5,0111 tu the Kingston Peal.entlnry for twelve years each,
1Vlllia1.111 Corbett got eight you're
and James E. held five year9. Thu
lmottncement le mado by the Or-
ngrville Poet that these men 11(44
ern released, expressions of local
Mollie hllie been hacked up
4y a letter meal by the County At-
orney to the Department of Jus -
Ice. The mal wore pardoned on
By agreement Britain will build a
nllwa,v lino through .ibysolnla,cun-
neeling the Soudan with Ugandi ter-
Germany Is planning tate laying of
n eubma-l1e cable from the Azores to
itch (Warm, The: etllt ment emsu-
100 from a high authority, and le
xtrelneee rlgolflcant at this time.
Before Chinese Royalty,
Puke', 1)10 .— Tlir 1'0.111'11 of the
roust (+414'r ea ,ear Inmate,' stay ut
1110 ISunoner pelmet mud after sev-
ernl postpueeineute reveal 0everal
. naw leature.A 111 1110 situation in
One of teem W1(, teal lite EIup1'090
Dowager 1s again npprellen,lVe ee-
gurdlug the Emperor, who lel:I been
elo.,ely hupriouaed iu the Bummer
p:tiucc 011 the !nue, and who wan
1err0unded by on enormous gnarl
un 110 :cute to Pekin on the return
la the rotund place the return of
the court 1llulce1 a eliferout teet-
he; on the part of li.gli riovernmeet
oilielnl0. office,, cameleer' the
court. u1111 m.-ml)ars 141 the lira(' e
l'uunrli ton':aide foreigners. For
the Orel time slice the return of
rho court (rum Nlnn-hi, lifter rho r
Dozer troubles had ;Well settled, for- eigaerA who th
ensemble! /Ilene e 1
ionto tree erred by the court on Itsii
honiromuing, wore ill-1,,ml. Sone 11
were urreotrv( commanded to lunk( t
.obeisance to the court before the m
natives, and detained under ao'
heavy mIlilary gutted mall the 1107111
cavalcade lend levered bv.
Impartial (beavers deelure that it 1
le evident t heft the rondlllons of the 1i
Emplre n'irlo'h are better now than
they hove been 'Ince 10011 have
greatly inerrneo-t the I101dnes44 awl t
ronn,lrnce of the Oovernmeot. Theist
att(hurttles aro also resuming their n
HOUSE 3,000 YEARS UI.D, yt
aie b( j. "" a 11INNESiER TRUST A fRC
Totnt i1lo \lI'teriel
lion eit,'i, , d the 11141,
There IH all outbreak of "bin
leg" among cattle In the Heights()
hood of Verona.
Thu reflurt that t11c0(1 ll404 (v1r'
Io91 In I lin VIcloria I1ot, 1 (Ire at
towhee 1e ct0dirmed.
The long-talketouf movement of
Manitoba. wheat to ltiuneapolls for
grinding 114 bond has begun.
The C. P. R. has ordered 500 100(
freight ears to bo built at Sault
11to Marie.
,Mr. A, 31, Little lima nominated fort
(ho xuranmeed In the LegIOlatere,by
lbu Llher(le of North Norfolk.
Among the bequests of Mrs. Warr,
of Killgeton, 161 one, of 110,1)10, for a
new organ In 8l. 3Iary'a Catlaedlral,.
Fire deetr(grd the (4rnftoi elwese
fnctor,t', and 1110 employees' sleeping
on .the premiers had to make their
escape through n ,window.
The. Toronto Boned of Control 1100
ordered the purchase of more fuel,
tu'luding 1,000 tons of Hocking Val-
ley coal at Ite.30 in Toronto.
Aid. Il irquie lae aunouneet his
cautildecy for the Mayoralty of Nt.
e, 1u
Cutherieteoppueitiun to ex -.11d.
A despatch from Sydney, N. 8.,
says nine vessels are 110hure there.
A Uoverument meaner will be sent
to relieve them.
Navigation Im closed. Thirty-
three thousand tuns of hard coal
have reached Toronto by water
Once the titre()) ended.
31rm. Steven t'Iemted commit to
Its Completion Has Been
109(01„- Accomp'ished at Last.
w lh0
Chicago, Dor, 23.—pion dottrelsJn
the completion of the Intertmtional
Ilareeeter Company were completed
yesterday by G. W. Perklue, part-
ner of J. Plerpont Morgan, when be
delivered leo Chicago le30,000,000
worth of (tock In t1110 combine. Mr.
Perkins arrived In Chicago Sunday,
but few knew of hlo presence until
yesterday. Ho event the greater
port of the (hay and evening with
Gyrus 11. McCormick.
Mr. Perkin' le etupping at the Chi-
cago Club, but Ito i