HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-12-25, Page 1VOL. XVI. be THE STANDARD CHRISTMAS NUMBER. The Christmas number of THE STANDARD is now ready for dietribu- thin. Copies can be had at Mr. Frank Metcalfs book store or THE STANDARD office, The price ie 25 dente per copy. All subscribers who have already renewed their subscriptions to THE STANDARD for another year will get one oopy free by calling or sending to Tim STANDARD office. AU subscribers who renew for Another year will get one copy free. All new subscribers will get one dopy free, WALTON. A Suooses.—The entertainment, under the auspices of the Ladies' Guild of St. George's church, which came off on Thursday evening, 11th inst., was a decided success, To say that the hall NM crowded would only be putting it mild; it was literally packed. Long Wore the program was started every available foot of space was taken up, while a number failed to gain admit- tance at all. The pastor, Rev. I. M. Webb, occupied the chair, and, under the very trying circumstances, filled the position very acceptably. As, in cases of this kind, when the over- s)rowded audience are not too comfort- ably seated, it is always more difficult to keep good order, The following is the program which was given: Chair• mass address; instrumental, by Mise Dora Kinney ; recitation, Mr. 1'. Mo. Fathom ; polo. Mr. James Jones; dia. logue Cinderella; le, itation, Mise Mag. Rio McLaughlin; Bolo, Mies Aggie Telfer; drill, by nine little girls • solo, by Miss V. Cardiff; dialogue, 'taking the ensue; recitation. Mies Carrie Jackson; solo, Mr, ,Tones; darkey dialogue, The quack doctor ; recitation, Mrs. White; pantomine, Rock of Agee. The ladies certainly deserve credit for the success achieved in this es well as former entertahimeute. Though they are comparatively few in number, yet the god work they have performed during the past summer ie something Almost miraculous. The proceeds of the evening, with the box of clothing provided by the Guild, will be sent to the Indian home at Sault Ste. Marie. 1tb. nb BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1902. No. 20. Long may they prosper in their good work. If there were any present at the entertainment who did not have the wants of the inner man supplied, it is not because there was a scarcity of provisions, but, owing to the over• crowded house, it being almost impoa• eible to pave around the eatables. OONaTANGI. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES. --The anni- versary services in connection with Constance Methodist church were held on Sunday, 14th inst. Three very able and eloquent sermons were preached by Rev. Dr. Daniel, of Goderich, to large congregations, On the following Mon- day evening a very pleasant and suc- cessful anniversary meeting was held in the church. Although the weather was not favorable, there was a good attendance, the ehurch being well filled. A splendid program was provided. Excellent addresses were delivered by Rev. Dr. Gifford, of Clinton. and Rev. 1. B. Wallwin, of Seaforth. The choir of the Seaforth Methodist church was Alm) in attendance, and delighted all by their well rendered musical selections. The proceedings throughout were emi- nently successful and gratifying to all interested. Thecongregation have their handsome church free from debt, but, during the present season, they have erected comfortable and commodious sheds for the accommodation of the horses of those from thecountry attend- ing the services, and the proceeds of this annivereary were designed to meet the outlay thus incurred, and we fancy this object has been more than attained, u the proceede of the Sunday collection and the Monday eveningentertainment amounted to a very handsome sum. MST WAWANOSN. DEATH of A Plouttwn.—With the death of Mr. Wm. John McQuillin, another of the landmarks of the early settling days in the township of West Wawanoak has gone. Mr. McQuillin came to thie country as a boy with his father from Ireland in the month of May, 1641, being then 11 years old. He was born in Armagh county, on May let, 1880. The Megaillins first settled east of Toronto, near Smithe Palle, leaving there for this locality is 1851. Their father then with his sone started to olear the land surrounding the home where Mr, McQuillin died. The de- ceased wee married in 1868 to Mary Wadsworth, daughter of the late Mr. Join Wadsworth, whose family resided for some year. in Kinloss township. Mr. McQuillin .as a mall whose integ- rity was known to every one. Ho was a consistent christian, a member of the Church of England, and due who took a moat active interest in the welfare of JACKSON BROS. - - CLINTON Selling Out . . Giving Up Business The largest and finest stock of Men's, Youths, Boys and Children's Clothing and Furnishings offered without profit. What does it mean to you? That you can save a lut of money if you take advantage of this big sale. December is a month that all merchants look for good profits and a good business so would we look for good profits if we were not going out ,of business, but we are anxious to dispose of our large etoek just as quickly as possible and we are not looking for profits. In fact a big proportion ,of our stock le less than we paid for the goods. What more could you wish ,for—buying goods right now when you need them at prices lower than you could possibly buy anywhere else at. ,DO YOU WANTIf you do you will buy one from us when you see them. They are as good as we could select and you can have them now without any profit. We have all ,A FUR COAT ? kinds. CHRISTMAS BARGAINS „AT.. RUM Aft a1L P7, BLT We have'ust received all the Latest Chrietmae City Styles in Photo Cards, Buttons, Back Grounds, Floor Cloths and Timex, and we are now prepared to turn out work as good as the beat. We also Enlarge Portraits from the dullest photographs in Crayon, Water- color and Sepia tones. For Christmas bargains call and see our samples. Gallery will be open all day Christ- mas and New Years. All work guaranteed. s That is the amount the ladies are paying us for 4 yards of Tweed to make a dress. We told you about themrbefore, but you may have forgot. We have over 000 yards of double -fold Tweeds bought ,for our wholesale factory to make boys' suits, •They are a little light for this and we have more than ,we vont. The ladies tell ,us they are v lovelyeand just the thing, They are worth 60c and 75c. You can buy Under We think we have the biggeet and best stock of Under- clothing in town. We will let you be the judge, if you come in Clothing and see what we have. We do not want any profit, We must have them out of the house, XMAS Gloves. Ties. Mufflers. Silk Handkerchiefs. H. R. BREWER PROPRIETOR, C. JEROME MARADER. the St. Helens congregation, to which he belonged, one of his sons, George, having entered the ministry. He is eurvived by Mrs. McQuillin and four eons and one daughter, Mrs. Edward Haines, and Richard, James, George and Albert. Four of the family had gone before, William, John, Emma, and Rebecca, He was a life long Conservative. All who knew Mr. McQuillin will miss him, and only those who knew his home life can have any idea of how he will be missed there. DTA CANADIAN PORT ONLY. Hon. Clifford Sif ton is said by an intimate friend to have remarked in regard to the construction of the Grand Trunk Pacific railway, that if the Grand Trunk or any other company gets assistance from the government for a trans -continental line, it will be on the express condition, which will be fully guarded in legislation, that it makes the terminus a Canadian port, and that its trade is to be exported through Canediah channels, Further, that some point in the province of Quebec, on the St. Lawrence river, far enough east to be kept open all the year round, should be selected and reached by the ahortoet and most direct route. PRESENTSAre all good thimonngsey foht r Yyoubuytnae Preeefrom uote. e. You will save JACKSON BROS. 4C1LAIN TON. Established 1854 Established 1854 BANK OF HAMILTON Capital, all paid up $2,000,000. Reserve, $1,600,000. Total Assets, over $2o,000,000. JAMES TURNBULL, GENERAL MANAGER. BLYTH AGENCY. Notes Discounted and Collected. Drafts Issued. General Banking Business Transacted. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Sums of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed, compounded half yearly. Alma Voltage Notes. The annual meeting of the Alma college board was held on November 20th, and was the most largely attend- ed in the history of the college. The reports presented show e. good increase ip the enrolment of students, a gratify- tng success of Alma students at the local music examinations of the Uni- vereity of Toronto, and at the examina- tions for univeraity matriculation, and a recent expenditure of 12510 in improve- ments and furnishings with 11000 more to be expended in new furniture, etc. The board authorized the publication of a paper for the college and 011 a basis that assures a strong and permanent periodical. For generous and thought- ful benefactions to the college, hearty votes of thanks were passed to Mrs. Lillian Massey -Treble, Miss R. A. Wass, the Alm Daughters society, Mr. A. E. Wallace, and Revs.. Hunter and Cross- ley, The board appointed as executive Messrs John Baird, John McCausland, treasurer of Elgin; 9. Chant, mayor of St. Thomas; J. H. Coyne, registrar of Elgin ; J. B. Morford, superintendent Michigan Central railroad ; Thomas Stacey, Wm, llisdon, manager Erie Lion Works; Jolla Campbell, J. W. Eedv, manager Atlas Loan Co.; W. L. Wick- ett, brrrieter, etc.; Rev. W. Godwin, chairman St. Thomas district ; Rev. H. W. Crews, B.A. ; Rev. W. R. Young, L.D. ; Rev. John Potts, D.D. ; Rev. A. Carman, D.D. ; Rev. Principal Warner, D.D. Mr. W. L. Wickett, barrister, St, Thomas, has offered a cash scholarship of 160 to encourage art studies at Alma college, The echolarahip ie to be award- ed to the student who shall be adjudged to have done the best work in Mr. Wm, St. Thomas smith's department for academic 3 ear i9U2-J8. Ale A. E. Wallace, of Toronto in addition to the gold and silver metals recently offered by him to the Alma Commercial college, has offered gold and sliver medals to the Alma music conservatory, Revs. Hunter and Crossley have con. sributed 425 to be applied as prizes for students snaking beat progress io Bible study in Alma college. —The Central Business college, Strat- ferd, sustains a national reputation for thorough, progressive end advanced educational work. trills college enjoys a large patronage and many of its graduates are to be found teaching in business eulleges. This should Owe that the 0.13,0. is a popular school and a sale ono to patronize. Mr, W. J, Elliott, the principal, offers to send his handsome es talogue to all who intend securing a business or shorthand educa- tion. -- Subecribo for Tug STANDARD. H. V. HOLMES, AGENT. THE CREAT CASH STORE A Few Big Snaps for January. ii Boys' Heavy Frieze Overcoats, sizes 26 to t8, also a few Men's heavy Frieze Pea Jackets to be cleared out at sweep- ing reductions. A bargain in Men's Wind and Water -proof Pea Jackets, Just received direct from the factory a big job in Men's Fancy Colored Shirts. In the Millinery department all Ready-to-wear and Trimmed hats to be cleared out at tremendous reductions. Special bargain In Black Tea, regular 40c per ib., for 25c while 11 lasts. D. M. McBEATH BLOCK.. —BLYm_- 2 r ,r U Has made his headquarters at Metcalf's because he has found there the largest stock, nicest, goods and most suitable presents for all! classes, <tiil besi of all the prices are so low. You need not send out of town for Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Fancy Crockery, Bibles, Hymn Books, Albums, Fancy Baskets, Xmas Cards, Picture Books, Poets, Purses, Card Cases. In fact, almost any line of goals you can think of as suitable for Xmas Presents can be found here. We will meet the closest prices, It matters not whose price list you have. Give us a trial before you buy. We commemorate our 25th Xmas in Blyth this year. A Merry Xmas and Prosperous Now Year to All. FRANK METCALF ST 1TIONERAND MTH