HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-12-18, Page 7Su4ay
/��001, � hlroas.,1:wgrnpp,nre',�(Jn 1 tv Jn"IIK iii the Pardee, :nhl 11) the. sec
dlselplus nl that n1'{,nlehrr r�nl nt lho
ne„c:;lna. ('II spun b+'.lu F,lrghl
DECEMBER, 21, 11102.
Christmas Lesson - 1.uko 2: tl-b6
Cbmmeutaryt..__E phutatory. duet;
I)bo(oro Gm birth of ('oriel Litt Ilu-
maa Emperor, Caesar Augustus,
made a decree that the people
throughout his whole 4,nlpl00 should
be enrolled, with u Ilea 10 being
taxed. The Roman custom 41L8 to
unroll persona at the place of resi-
dence, bolt the Jewish onelom ro•
quire, the enrollment to take pinee
to tho native city. Ife0ata:0 of this
It became necessary for Joseph and
Wary to go to Bethlehem. Thn city
wills full and there was no romm for
tbonrtu the Inn, nal they were ob-
liged to lodge In a stable. While they
wore here Jesus was hurt in 8 can-
gd dame country —Nearly, prob-
ably not a mile from Bethlehem.
Sireplherde—"The employuteet of
tendinis sheep had been honored lo
the molter limos of the Jewish peo-
ple. Jacob, Muses and 1)01'111 were
shepherds. But now it was a call -
tug Mat ens looked upon by the
Jews with contempt,"
In the field—The shepherds un-
doubtedly had tetule or booths under
Which they dwelt.—Clark.'. Keeping
twatch...by night—Or, "keeping nlght-
watcliesJ'—It. 1'. 31ar. They watched
by tarns against wild leta..le Dud
9. Angel —Divine messenger. An-
gels (lave always taken u lively in-
terest In the thln4" r.? this world.
n'e frequently rend of then, 111 the
Old Testament, IL was tin angel that
appeared unto Zacharias announc-
ing the birth pilf Juhu, 111111 to Diary
with n similar mission regarding the
1011' thea,. tihnv of tfi•' Look -That
00111un• 0141eisier in velli, h the 1Pelty
is 0,pres,•nlr,i n- appearing fe 111011,
0101111`1111110 1.1111,'d ,100 ri!'reln;rtdt
nn nepenr:nnn• fregneetl0 attC(d-
1' , n; i.1 tills r, - , bg a company 01
I/ I. 1 .00cl t'•:Iln,r.— "'I'1) lilera I
meaning I:`t11ning (n (,nnp,•l." 1 11111 coals to
d,'elnr' 11)1, losing k'11ulnIss of the
Lord. 31y eissage will cense great
Jay. 10 to o uussnge le yon ideWs)
and 11 also matches to "all the
,I1. 14 born—Ise, 1x, '11, John 1. 14.
„Inn rid'" gee•, ler z; at ,begins Ills
rnrl.,ly ooreer 111 Ills ancestor's
,hon' :41t1'1 bundled )ears iheba'r u
{n„p•.t hnd prrd11
li.trd 1111, r>sl!tlf,lbahb'!r:
h at Ilelldrhrnl. Chill.- The
1(,(104(1.1 one.l'hrlia Is lin' Greek
word corresponding to the Hebrew
cord 31, ,stmt. 111 ancient limo pro-
phets, Klestil aunt Moo were nnnlnt-
ul .with ail When set apart for their
suerl,1 o'urk.
12. A rll.<u—The 0)40,1 thing that
nould hate caused Them to doubt
11010 111.1,;• the 01,,11 nut„ them. "Any
Year n; to tyhethcr they may ap-
I pruner the nest -.horn i lei told otf'r
Wm 1,Iictt' homage In ills!" Iled by the
1,l hue ion of ilia lowly eouditiot,
while their carnal vires rd the
maw,' of His kingdom :1)•r liorch0
ennete1',nclr,i.•'-. leangr,
:Ill. A mulli1nd,-71111,. descended to�
I:,,ilor llir
,r1 111,11 rel Peace. 1fenlceu-
ly .hoot- 'l' he army of angels alder!
Is ropresentctt us surrounds,(!, the
throe) of (bal.—limn. ('nu). S'1'. I
Ding; ocl`...114, I'ea. ail:, •_9, 21, etltlil.
11. t,Iory ............ 10 lir highest —
('hrist Is 'Cho h;gliael glory of (test
On rural pencc—t'r'am to roan ;pone,.
with cod ; pace of ion'elenee. Goon
1.111-11,41 .her: :hewn 1(11 good will
by sending t,!,, ,Mcs.,luh.
16. Let us 1400 ga-There 14 no 1Ime
to low. Let its (00 DOW. "1'IOU 1s the
language or rilo,l1 nee de,;iring to re -
curve assurance and stanch h," by
seeing for tlumnelv)N "able •thing
which Id route 1,4 pass..,
11;. \1'1111 haste—Filled and thrilled
with holy Jov lh"y could not linger.
Aad 1, num--' 11 to pr 01'able 111,11 by'
rnuinmilitatlult lhrlr evpl'ri000(4 in
cath other their faille was greatly
terne: l hurled.,,
.17. 3Inde known ahreual—As seen
nn they had mast the. 011111 they be-
gun to toil the gond 1)r;es to every -
they '(0.0. They were. 1011:'
11rr1e111'refof aIle gnsln•1.
18. Wondered—The story of ,10444
Is the 0(051 wonr;o.rful story to tvhleh
11110190 Pars erre listened, 110,1 it still
causer, those who Ilenr It to wonder.
111. 1'radreleg 11em-11'rightert, or
earflally romblerhlg then. Every
euntstnnec teal treasured up in her
40 ltlorIfyh1.g end pro I,Ing—Theon
simple men relerned 10 the care of
their flocks givh.g glory to Cod for
n11 they bad peeeu and heard.
Teachings—Providence orders alt
Mingo for 1101• fulfilling of the Scrip -
God makes ns^ of 11110na0 pro -
frets to nccompll•11 divine plans—loses
In ills birth reproves the pride o, this
wont. It Is not 50 notch whirr a
person S" bora eta whet 111 144 after
he is horn. There le Joy in Christ for
the whole world and there 144 Joy in
flbn for you. Christ conies to reign
Int n eery humble 08,0, nu1111 10 only
Ip• hnml'Ity that n'e nre en0hiwi to
rn'Irr fl Is kingdom. le 17,1.4 Bin king-
dom' Is wholly unlike the kingdoms of
tide world
A prominent Southern lady,
Mrs. Blanchard, of Nashville,
Tenn., tells how she was cured
• of backache, dizziness, painful
and irregular periods by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
"Gratitude compels me to acknowl-
edge the great merit of your 'Vege-
table Compound, I have suffered for
four years with Irregular and painful
menstruation, also. dizziness, pains in
the back and lower limbs, and fitful
sleep. I dreaded the time to come
which would only mean suffering to
me. Six bottles of Lydia E.
Plokham's Vegetable Compound
brought me health and happiness In a
few short months, end wive worth
more than months under the doctor's
Dare, which really did ant benefit me
at a11. 1 fool like another person now.
My aches and pains have left me. I
em satisfied there is no medicine so
good for elck woman an your Vege-
table Compound, and 1 advocate It to
my lady friends in need of medical
help." --MRs. 11. A. 1LLARCLIARn, 423
Inroad St., Naahvlll0, Tenn.—tl000far-
foa if original of ahous !Mar proving genulnemu
awe al produced.
When women are tmubled with
menstrual Irregularities, weakness,
lelreornccea, displacement or ul.eration
of the womb, that bearing -down feel..
big, Inflammation of the ovaries, back.
ache, they should remember there hi
one tried and true remedy. Lydia E.
Ptnlcbam's VeretableColnpouud,
Peed pale girl; 011 S'v)tt's
We do not need to gi
the reasons ,illy Scott's
Emulsion restores the strength
Iand flesh and color of good
health to those wlio suffer
from sick blood.
The fact that it is the best
preparation of Cod Liver Oil,
rich in nutrition, full of healthy
stimulation is a suggestion as
to why it does what it docs.
Scott's Emulsion presents
Cod Liver Oil at its best,
fullest in strength, least in
Young women in their
"teens" are permanently cured
of the peculiar disease of the
blood which shows itself in
paleness, weak 'less and nervous•
Hess, by regular treatment
with Scott's Emulsion,
It is a true blood food and
is naturally adapted to the cure
of the blood sickness from
which so Many young women
t om_ Sufft f,
The event, "The fullness of time,'
had come. Earth's Ural Christmas
daweett, The slow ages of prepara-
tion had Istsnt01, end rho first pro-
phecy uttered w,d the first promise
given Here received their fulfilment.
"Clod sent forth Ills iron." Toward
this event the converging currents of
heavenly purpose and of human his-
tory had tewopt, and bore united to
flow forever onward. a mingled
stream of sovereignty and salvation,
hearing blessing to every hand whi-
ther 1t should come.
(kith, glory. Tlw auprem" anti
righteous end of all divine mnnifes-
tations, either In the physlanI or
moral nnlversc, IN its 0011 glory.
O'uucenting the forcer, holy urns
tnfurmn, 00 flint "for t1., glory
they were null are, created," 71011
Wt will he glad to rend
a sample to any eulterer.
0, sma neat this picture ht
11' f.:aa e(.a label is ,n the
WR e0 nl every bottle of
Chen -late,
Toronto, Ontarlo.
"I hate crenle01 hint for 11130 glory"
By the prophet hr announced the
Nemo purpo80' 10 the clearer maui-
festallous Wad greater blessings0i
redeeming grace. "I do not this
for your solos hitt for none hoiy
unuu's sake." 'rhe song of the her-
alding nugcls suggests that In the
provisions of redemption God's
glory reveires its brightest 0est
fullest mn.nifestation. The 1'81l10140
tells OF that "the heavens Joelure
the glory of Coil, and the firma
meet showoth Ills handiwork,"
On earth peace. The world hail
warred first w•Itlt leaven and then
with. Itself. Rebellion n.gionst lite
skies hnd begotten antagonism with
010 0011 heart. Sinn hated Cud, nod
80 hated each other. They hal
d,stio,yed each other because they
had striven to dethrone the AI -
mighty. There mnsl of necessity
he pence from, and with heaven, be-
fore there could bo peace on earth;
; and Re provioinne must conte from
Ilin1 ngalnst whom there hod been
Good will 80(080(1 men. The de:'p-
est Inquiry of the human soul is
hero answered, How God (eels to-
ward no Is a rprost100 or supreme
moment, and this mon1rntnus 1090-
(1011 can be answered only by rev-
el n.ti0u. human vision Is leu lim-
ited, nod human understanding too
ens0iy bewildered to clearly ,lis -
rover lit Cod's m01hoot of adminis-
tering human affairs n well ground- To realize our folly nett fail to rid
ret hosls for hoop. There can oe:Pr ourselves of 11 hi to show a double
1 hr In the Infinite mature any 1.n.: depravity.
pulse or re(.r,ge or 1ln,lcll'rorn4. f
pin•ptl,:r", plane, nnt111(1104xpr - ONE YEARS SUPPLY
.)elan by their nw11 roslslal)cellHAVANA CICARS FREE.,.
will uPcumpl101t m Wehest ponai-
hlr a blur+, n 111111 ImpPlnm:0 of Au
rrrly cr)n.Lu•e William II. I'Inrit• t he lnhonce that I we li grown
LII cubit, therefore nothing but Hat'•
'.--_' ..--.. ---- awe lobteeo ere) gnn44 into any part
(lt ally e1 my cigars. I employ Cuban
4{,i.+44++4:•++++4+44+44++, .tre,rt:n11 old). Nu wholesalers, 1a-
a,taller, t:al"ivsmien WU)smP11 not' bad
FOR CHRISTMAS nceoits-.that's all In the encore.
MARS (711:K1"4' frruu MAKER to
GIVERS e • 3MUKhal. Nu ,Irnle.rn need apply.
381,000 meld In the Inst. year. ONE
110\ ANO YOU ARE A ilE.0I1L IL
444+4'++4+444++4++ c1.ST0311:R. References— ANY HANK
ern • met„•,•, IN TORONTO.
Obedient &albit to, will, 011011,1 faces 1 supply Sou, 'Tin: NEW WAY, TWO
111111 happy' r1110110,YE:A315, for the same money you
1 001 of e:nbruldrred dollr,ys for C'igursInn
11 superior to ono
30imported h15-
her !wllsllr.l til'00 raid dlaraoas. The name of my cigar
One of the new collars so prettily
en;tbruider,d, nd u•hiuli may he made i" No. 72. Price
b,r daughter.
Sumo ftusslnn lour with which her
$2.50FOR A BOX OF 50
new gown may bo trimmed. beteg equal .to five cents each. I
A handsome front for a gown. , pi'('Pa,v all express or postage (regia•
A handsome hatpin or a pretty teredl, and thus deliver G, you (evils..
butterfly with ,,vldch her yell may all over Canada. Send money with
ba held. order, (Nle 0r more hexes, and rot
A handsome fan or pair or opera shall be a customer of mine. Some
lassos in a rutty anode bug. 1.1)00 ordered ihr nftleth tlmn. Sly
glasses ( whether mad, medium or strong.
Some gleve'i e1' pretty handker-
ehlefx (b it he suer. those are linen.) K. FERRIS 11 . Ka,{
Material for a 111'10 dress or for a i. KKt. lbaant
pretty nee( Waist.Tor..., Camilla
,1 111l1,1a01ao caulrrpiccn for her
table. The 1Uol). and Law.
1 box of flu: cant es urn Jur of A eertel1 well kuewn lawyer,
mnruohs, 1)r r.uoln other sw001, of whim, (010,' ix almuel 0(t luvulld, 11'.
which she is especially rend. telling n story which Illustrates Ole
A set of her favorite books er a often 1,01(11.011 11 a1.•uuscivue, alt 1)i
rerttpboek for her 0004pnper elle- the 'Jerky.
pines• On one twreaslon, It seems, bls wife
A sot of selss0014 In a leather 00440 ens auffrri"g iuteusely Iron) at nev-
er 0 set of silver setviliIC 11u1)1rmrnl4. sous bwulnche, and 1111uking, perhaps,
A bottle of her favorite perfumery
voice might soothe her to Moen,
a1' nn e,,i,„msn.tly fine boo 01 snap. Risked him to rend aloud to her, which,
Some bit of ,IIvet that she especial- he did as the colored maid trent back
1,v longfor finished In rho pretty
and forth about the room, setting
French gray' that 14 now So fasb-
things in order (or the ulgbt.
tunable and et tractive, I rescntly the meld quietly with-
piece. of stiituary In mnrbl,• n1' trete to the kitchen below, where the
brunet) and n Ixrl)stnl or it. old cook, "Aunt Phyllis,'' wise nulk it
A loonier/me sot of curtains for her 001Mdy to lock op and drpnrt,
parlor witelnwx If she wants them. •311. Alex pro' Jon good man,” said
1 the xno0d. htrytimdng. "11e settle' up
A handsome new brooch or It new ditr ren,tlu' de Bilge to Dries Alloe, au'
6:'11 0111.11) or n Wait ell, if etre Is evedid, ern olek."
A set of furs with ;1 groat big, "go 011, etdlc," answered "Amid
Nutt muff such no great-grandmother phylils," "dun' yo' know air, Alex atrt'
on n,o,l. rel' Un' no hi.bh:4 Ile"s a lawyer,"
A htoe tie, n. Jeweled rilerileOr n pair I --
j or brecelrts will surelyCool, nu,t;n'i'• CURED ONCE
het Alive all there Is nothing that u
I will so ple1140 mother an good c1111-
For Father,
A pretty scar( p!n.
A t of books by les favorite au-
Some silk handkerchiefs with em-
broidered 10(1181s.
A student's lamp for his own par-
ticular use,
A INA ilo of buy ruin nod witch hutcl
for shaving.
A patlr 1)i high slippers to keep his
feet warm and protest Ids ankles
from draughts.
A watch (•,b or n pretty charm.
.A hook rest, In 0.1110!1 he caul keep
the Ixtnk lie Is brolly reading.
A chnmole ease fur his glosses,
nhleh ulny be made by little fingers.
A stritig bull, w'hieh IS 111001,1 n ready
for Medan( use end which can b0
male by lilts fingers,
A purse which has a place for notes
na well no for cletnge.
A whisk with n ant er Lundin and an
engraved inoregriuu.
Sumo handsome neckties and gloves.
A leather-oovr'mot 0,81(0(0 with pil-
lows g-ataro for Ids dem
A letter (Ile or rack or a largo
blotter for hie desk.
.A pair of warn) wooly glov or n
warm muffler, ,r, If its Is a soclely
man, n,,lack satin shield l0 wear
with hie dress mull. .
An umbrella with hnndfc,mely Mud-
ded handle, or a awe with silver
A case for exchange tickets, which
Itis Iltlle daughter may make.
I Pictures 01 Wm laved ones lrrettily
If a loNer of skating, got 111m a
fine pair of skates,
A warm sweater will also add to
obs comfort when 4kat::.g.
A table for his den.
,.., 0. . lo do„„,III 1
THIS PICTURE PUZZLE represents a Celestial washing. /bout him
aro pictured faces of three customers. Find these three faces, mark each,
then read and sign the accompanying request, return it to us and we will
give you ABSOLUTELY FILER, without any money, a finely gold -finished Chate-
laine Brooch and Secret Lo.ket. We wish to impress upon any who may be suspicious
owing to the unusual generosity of this proposition that there is nu catch word or scheme in it to
deceive or disappoint yau. We do actually give the Prize if your answer is correct. Frankly, we
have adopted this method of prize giving, simply to interest you in our business. We want your
goodwill, rand enlist your service: only by offers that will merit your approval. Upon receipt of
the prize you cannot help being impressed with the generosity of our business methods, as
it is admired and worn by the most fashionable ladies. The Locket opens and will hold two
photos. itis the embodiment of artistic skill and beauty, and makes a most charming decoration.
With the prize we will send you 10 boxes of Standard Llectine Medicines to sell, if you can, at
35 cents each, then return us our money and we will give you, absolutely free, a beautiful warranted
Solid Uold Shell Ring, set with 5 Simulative Rubies, Emeralds or Opals, a Nethcrsole Illusion
Bracelet, an Imported Parisian Belt Buckle and a complete set of Table 'Tennis (the most
popular game in the world). Never before has there been gathered together such an array of beau.
tiful premiums for so slight a service. We know this from thousands of testimonials praising them.
all you have to do is to solve our puzzle en sign and
return the request. The prize and medicines, will be `
promptly mailed postpaid. and even if you do not sell the medicine you at least get a beautiful prize for simply making the effort and
Dodd's Kidney Pills make no
Halfway Work of Kidney
J. J. 3lcllonsld hod Rheumatism and
lJropxy,wtto Cured by llodtl's Kidney
Pills, and hos hod no Bourn of fie.
Trouble lire Fl 1,e 1'enra,
Windsor, tint., Dec, 1.—G'.pcelult—
ft hes bit nekauwledged for .4u,
years that Uehl's Kidney I'Ills
would cure any ease of Kidney 1/14 -
ease, and of late those interested
in n)rdicn1 061'Ilee 11Ire bran watch-
ing those cures to 00011rince them-
selves that they were permanent.
(iradunlls the coinietlou ke forced
that 1(0,1,1 buttes Pills mire ons:
end for all. One more prof of this
Is furnhlud hy John .f, 31clktnlld,
u weal -known former, now resoling
nt No. leo 1.t(lglun.i' 1)L^rule. Five
years ego he was troubled with
itheumatism and Drop4,4. Inc two
sears lie suffered O'rflhly, tied the
tll(fereet mrdiclues he tried failed
to relieve hint. 111s Ings were salol -
null the pale; he suffered were
most' nettle. Ile itvrd II'J'(''4 Kidney
I'llls, was cured, nod 1114 Cure Cane -
ed quite It 0,11011.1. 1011 al the tlnr,
air. McDonald, ('(11(1114(0 of his
cure recently, nnl,1
"I hnyr hnd no retern of my trou-
ble u14 to the prrseet, and I nm
oat anxious for any. It Is with
pleasure 1 rob0in•ledge that 1knld'i
Kidney 1'11144 carrel m'. 1 faunal
thrat jttal ns rrpreornte,l, 0.11,1 they
did for n0'' far more theft 1 ex-
pected they would.
sea `YlYS'kf'A~e4'e:t.+.xt•�'Ai.
Szcias.z: CI;
In 011000 til,,) i.'rp 4:,1'+:.11011 7:01
111 n xem,'what prrnlit! t• 1411)-. Tbo
a fetter of the imn,1, , into the
wn,s! eel esti, ,+ellen a straight
young oak, choosier alb mo. t perf€(It
that he eon Ital. 11.' brin 41 it in, (40130-
1111: "flout errlllnl;, awl 10 happy
Christmas," to whit;l those present
reply : "May tient gran} hntli to
Uwe, end mnyrwt 0.10,11 have riches
Chinese Puezle
Request for Puzzle Priam
and Medicine
EL6C1',ct, Mr,'ICINI Cr., (.010100)
7'w.•14w, 054,
Stns-( have found and marked the three r: ces in your 01,lure
('urns, and if 0000, t s.,.•1 mea C'hatelame liro,eh an 1 Locket and
Ten.rc,•nt Boxes( 01,'. tine Leed+cine, I ngree to make an earnest
eeorr 1'n sell the Medi, me, and return y'nu the .mn ey with the under•
acdtag that 1 a•-, tote' else tet this sem,. a ga: el t;old shell ('0(000
Huls, n Nethetsole Illuwm ala, stet, a hal ,an nelt !0 ,rkle and a s•t
'hank. 11 t Lel to ,ell the AL d, nal 1 w u tarsen it 10 you
or ao days, a,d retain my Prue 1,0 «aster,:,,, }hut Yuzate,
II. L. L
nterpreting our Picture Puzzle. Write us now "today.” You
risk „nothing, as we do not ask one cent of your money. ELECTOR MEDICINE CO., Limited, TORONTO, Ong:
nt,J.e'r'Jn.'0a 4'.'....
. t'1', ,,......era.a
and honor 1”' Th.•n th<.'y throw stet'
hint grains of turn. Presently the
young erre is pi 0011,1 0(14:,01 the c018114,
n'here It nn:thts until Christmas
to"r11ing, which they salute by re-
1,,' ted firings of 0 pihtnl."'
'rhe ti,ti' :a,I dial in 5,•o'via is pork.
The 710.01001 4011113- i1) $1,11- in. 101
pitlr0, 1hemselv(00 uti Uirnigh the
year so as to (1:01' nnatey miough to
1.n) a pi at 0 10011,0010v. 1I:"wcr,'11 to
n Ioii,o pii'er 1!' wood, ihr pl,r, 08 turn-
ed or rt Id zing fire until cooked,
t1.^ (0000 0,• 0.0 11'11.04 1110 1,"0(0084 with
hcreneinr, ;nlerrnl, After runner
sli,rie8 1110 ',Ltd 1111 songs sung.
890111 ('Inns. who In the person of
1w honorisi wriest in pre0ent•to re.
01101' In"trnd or to give peesents, de-
parts oiler the feast, de,enr..ted wdtft
n long ring or mtkr'e around his
lurk, and laden with such gilts as
his frlpn:Io 0:11 bestow,
If rnlnlres great wisdom to deter -
'Mae whether 1'11 nlniorr,lully cleat
person 3m foul or philosopher.