HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-12-18, Page 6'-,.e.etre.e.oeNewee ut.....a.r.s.....e 20 MILLION BOTTLES SOLD EVERY YEAR. J , Happiness Is the absence M rain. and mil- lions have been nude bonny through being cured by Sr Jac,' ' ('n • f F. HEUMATISM. NEURALGIA. T. ?:I ;ACHE, HEAD- ACHE. LASICTI,SS, SCALDS, BURNS. SPRAINS, BRUISES and ell pains for which anexterral roust/ can be w Sed. f1 never fails to cure. Tbuu'nude who have been de- clared Incurable et baths and In hospltdn have thrown eway lh^.r crotchcc, being cured after - using Sr. Jere- r:, On . Directions In eleven languages accompany every bogie. TRADE, MARK. CONQUERS PAIN leeeaee«eeswee.aora 1158 Ruling Piodo11. .. Detroit Free Press. Doctor—Your 'temperature t8 up to one hundred and seven. Auotioncer tdrot. rlly)-Hundred un' Woven ! Hundred an' seven ! Going, going, at aundreti an' seven ! Who'll make It a hundred an' eight 1' Dr. August Koenig's Hamburg Drops as a blood purifier, strength and health restorer, and a 'poodle for MI stomach, 1'vor and kidney trou- bles, leads all other s`mtlar medicines In its wonderful sales and marvel- lous confidence of the people, espec- ially our vast German population [b is not a new and untried product, bat was made and so)d more than sixty years ago. Horse health is one of the most important thing, for every farmer to consider. Dick's Blood Purifier will build up a run down horse. It tones up the system, rids stomach of bots, worms and other parasites which under-, !mire an animal's health. 50 Cts. a package. LEEMING MILES 4 CO. AGENTB. - • - MONTREAL. Jeweled Brooches. THE Brooches here men- tioned may offer a desir- able suggestion for Christmas buying. Each one is of artistic merit as well as surpassing value. Ne. 13320, at SS, 1e a Sur and Crescent design of fins Perla and gelid Gold. No.13317, at $10, Is a rococoo scroll beige In solid Gold, mounted with a Ins Amethyst surrounded with Perla. No, 13309, at 024, lea Pearl "Sus Burn " of exquisite beauty. No. 13400, at 542 le s Clover Leaf, paved Ohfloe Pearls, baving for be eletrt a beautiful Diamond. We guarantee safe delivery, and eller. fully refund the full price If a eludes le la any way unsatisfactory. writs ter our a,. catalogue. Ryrie Bros., Jewelers, Tone and Adelaide Street,. Toronto. •••••N•N•••N•••NN ti. HOTOGRAPHERS ! I D0 you know that • Ro ,gl III1uInparknge2U Iltrph Bnlmlde 1aper fur ROTOGRAPH • • • • MIDE PAPERve nu different ereulte than • 1 other romlde paper? w sem yon a , , . O nR nbU and pra'pny czprcaa rhurgee. It. . VISE Canadian Agent • 13 Queen 8t. W., Toronto ••••••••••••••••••N• Supply (Cut Oil. Fre nu Deo er, Col,; One d;kv the I,y,1(ut wee froll•n ire, 0511 the next do I10' mi'reemie di 1 not Coln('; and !,e11 I11(0 (1 my little n10111 A!11de by tho n111knl1111 1!1,I not come, she ern 1t1 soberly. " 1 s'56lrr him h,s &alit is froze up." Piles To prove ro you that Dr. l'hnse's Ointment is Anthem and nh.,nlwle cure for each and every form of itching, bleed ingand pro,radine riles, the manufacturer., have guaranteed it. Scotee- tlmonlals In the deity press and ask lourneigh- bors what. they think o' Y1. Son can use it and get your money bark 1f not eural, fin„ r box, at all dealers Or EMS AV lm,111TBe 1L ('o„Toronto, Dr. Chase's Ointment An Official Refutation. New 1' otk'rliLonc. , ,Maurice Grau te;1,, a storey about a short t from Dawson City, who crust- ed ,with him from Europe recently. 1 smoking cabin group was lflscusd- leg the t'rcentrlciti,'s of the Amen- ' can climate, Tulle Waif resented by lite sheriff, ” 1 don't nndcrs.ta n0,•' he remarked, "why Amcrlcaue perslat 10 talking against their owe country. It gives persons on the other able a very weed,' haw): eselon. Wily, everywhere I went I .(wad (Diked /Omit Lhe in tenet cold in the Kloudlke, !contradicted It, of norm'. Ihave lived there nearly all my life, and I assure you that in winter It is seldom more than 71 degrees below." Ile Careful With Matches. "Every match i0 r10fe,'' said a dealer, "when carefully used, and no mulch h, hafe olherwis.'." The eare- lesnnvss of Jetoplein handling nuttcltos is 111elanC14t, l+,, e, or would be, if It were not a matter of dally observation. 'Unfortunately, the matches are none Roo good to be- gin with. The process of cheapening theme has beets carried a little too far. It is Hat an uncommon thing for the stick to break and the light- ' end fall to the ground or floor. It Is rather more common for a part of the ignited portion to fly off In the ecra'tchhlg. But the nmtches themselves. with all their taalte, be- have much better than most of the people wlio 1150 thein, ft Is an ex- ceptionally hussy person who gees that his luateh has gone out before he throw's 1t down, or takes any note of the place where it falls. In a large number of houses the com- mon receptacle for burnt matches Is the waste paper basket. A kind Pro- vidence sees that moist of the 'snatches have ceased burning before they reach the cosrtente of the baskets -but the marvel le that 1 mare waste paper baskets do not take fire and start eon tlagratlone. Doubtless some matches , are eater than others, but no matcher are so dangerous as moat of the people who use them. -N. Y. Journal of Commerce. 40th Anniversary For over Forty Years Bray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum A8 A SPECIFIC FOR COUGHS, COLDS, Evc. Has been tested and hos become the Family Cough Specific of thousands throughout Canada and the United States. 1t never was more popular nor more largely used than it is to -day. MERIT ALWAYS TELLS. Cough Remedies come and go. New preparations are tried and abandon- ed, but the old reliable remains. The present is a tryingseason for both old and young, and colds, easily caught tinware art to 'main for the winter unless promptly cured. No - better remedy an be found than Gray's Syrup 805.0 OW ALL DRUaalars. Yell of Syracusae Medical Students 1 t(rn teres "Well maul, nick man, dead man-et!ff; Uig 'cot up, eat 'Cm up, what's the dd.? numerue, tnlllerraUH, blood and gore. Syracuse medlooH, 11004." A 3LOON TO HORM (Mit3a—One bottle of English Npuvin liniment completely removed a curb from my horse. I take pleasure in recommending the remedy, as It acts with mysterious promptness 1* the removal from horaee of hoof, soft or calloused lumpm, blood spotlit, *pilule, curbs', .weeny, .Claes and sprains. GEOHUE 1109(11Farmer, Markham, Ont, Bold by all droggiate. 4 Thers'a Many a Blip on l('0 roads and side- walk,' is the whites !Sprain* and bruises follow. Thoth.the tine when ferry Davis' Painkiller vindicates Ila right to the confi- dence It has retained for sixty years. An Embryo Humorist. In one of tho Cleveland public ;tremolo the teacher gall to the class In Euglleh composition: "I wishev- ery member of the 0511.9 would write out a conversation between a grocer and ono of hid cuetomers, Introducing some pathetic Incident or reference." Antons those handed In wag the followhgt' tby a little girl: "What do you want ?" asked the gro- cer. The lady answered, 'A pound of teat.' 'Green or black ?' asked the grocer. 'I think Jell take black,' she said; 'It's for a funeral.'" CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED with LOCAL AI' Pt.U'ATIONN, as they ran nut reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or runxtltetlonel disease, and to order to cure It you must take Internal hall's rem - Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter- nally, and acts 4lrectiv on the blood and mucous'turhu•em. Hullds Catarrh Cure 1n not n quack medicine. It vane prescribed by one 01 the beet phydriane In this country for years and is x regular prescription. It, tscom- poeed of the he'd1,nlr0 known, combined with the beet 111001 purifiers, acting directly On the nmr0us on Hares. The perfect combl- n atlun of the two Ingredients to what pro- duces such wonderful remittal In curing Ca- tarrh. Send for testimonials, free. 1•'. J. CHENEY & CO., Props,, Toledo, 0. Sold by Pruggglxts, price 75c. Hail's 701015y fells are the beet. Just Like a Woman. "1 have a outwit*,in store for you, dear," he said, eeatieg himself at the supper table. "Well, darling, I hope It's a lel:- Briery store," she responded, quick- ly'. -Chicago Newer Mallard's LUGmrnt Relieves Neural- gia. The amateur writer is known by hie astounding vocabulary. ARE YOU A SLAVE ? A Good Many Men are Without Know - Ing It. Tell your friend you Glean .to pend our life fighting for money and power, and he will, if he be an aver- age loam, applaud your declhlon ; tell lam youmoan to dwell in the coun- try, gaining a sanplc livelihoodfrom your h.hor, and ho will either not believe you mean or will conclude Jou are a heaters competitor In the eity'N race. Meet ,;maple do Bet know 1 they are the slaves of their modern ' Improvements, no -called They build he,uheet larger than they eau Oeetkpy- for show ; they pinchand serape year ' after year to pay for them, and after that continue plie.h.ng to pay taxes,repairs and other maintenance charges. A large bowel demands ex- pensive lnraltere. Then fine dress. And the dementia increase. The mattkelp,: Ince noxa on the grindstone, the W1111:1(1 w 'ar.e herself out taking care it .the fine feathers. No time to Just live Dud t'nJoy It ; got to make a show first -going to take a real rest, and cut off all the little vanities next Will t er-next summer- some other time, when matters are notau quite 0o pressing. Ienot exactly a loafer, hut I like Walt Whitman best or all our Arnold/Jan writers, ,because ho had sense enough to "loaf and Invite his flout" once In a while. I sera tired of hearing the everlasting preachers of the "strenuous" lite. Go slower, and you'll go farther and enjoy it better. Don't live to work; work to live. ,Bread and ,butter work, I mean. Leave a little time for the 'tort of work you find your chief pleasure in. -Frank Patnam In De- cember National. Wear ! That's "the greatest thing m the world,"—in anything that's worn. You get style, fit and finish too, in GrailbY Rubbers - -But the one thing we emphasize is their - Wearing Qualities. "Granby Rubbers wear like iron." •1, imaimorr KHAN®SoME WATCH FREE A Solid Cold tem..' off bent's Watch cosh Ina. 826 10 $60. Don't throw your Money arae, If you want a WATCH that wtu 011001 for (111(5' any bpltd gold Watoh mndn, mind na your name and address at once sed agree to Bell only 10 Noxell of our lemma Vegetahletrew L(fe Flit at ?lar a box. A ldsad rowdy and euro for all impure and weak renditions of the osi. Indigestion. stomach trouble con.11pelion, wenk,teov,nervoua disorders, rhrnmmt+m and female troubles. A grand tonic and life Nalrlr,. These are our replier 60, a(ze; they are easy to sell, as each customer win buys a box of p111e from you re•elves a Prize Tick, -t, which entitles them to aline Mere of silverware. Don't miss the chane et your life, Send w your order end we will mend the le boxes and Prize rickets by mad, pool old,hen sold you send um the money 412 50, and we will send von the Watch with a A GUARANTEE FOR 20 YEARS the acme day moneys reeee(vrd. We are giving away these wntehes to quietly introduce our remedy, and when you receive the watch, we ask you to pleeee - - show it to your friends Hundred's have reoei,M watches from ns and are mere then delighted with them. 9' a glorious opportunity to get a fine Watch without paying 1 a cent for It. and you r( ',rite at once, Addr ass •leanly( 'W LIVERIMlfrtY 011.. ewer ;AMU, .,,r„n.o, one. Results from common soaps:) ISSUE NO. bl, 1902a eczema, coarse hands, ragged M ea, Winslow's Soothing tl ak* Clothes!, shrunken flannels. t1 to fit a, for eoftenaitboe um °e enroll wind cone and is the bent remedy for Diarrhea. \17 .lN'1.101) TO 1'11011ANI•. o.35' QI'AN• tit) of ❑Hard wood, nottahll+ for lrrlrk burning, Cor imuu•dlute use: state rush price 1 orb.) our eta! ton. Simpson Lieut Cu 1 11n•oa l0 strut, '1 0,110 to; 111, 11,1,0 Mnlu 0Ui IJNLIGffr 0 REDUCES E7[P,ENSS Ask for the Octagon Star Sometitnea it Brings it. ( 'olnmbin .Tester. Co' Iego Idiot--Tlint takes Bind Friend -What does? l'o:lege Idiot -Oh, the wagon, I suppose. say the cake. baker's We ,believe MIN.t,RD'3 LINIMENT is the boat : Matthias Foley, Oil City, Ont, Joseph Snow, Norway, Ile. Chan Whouten, Mulgrave, N. S. Rev. R. 0, Armstrong, Mulgrave, N.$ Pierre Landry, nen., l'okcmoatalte, N.B. Thomas Wasson, Sheffield, N. B, Ilear Little of the Losers. Cleveland Plain Dealer. There le one little thing certain anal that is that we know very little intent the losses by stork mark'lt sll,mits, Thu winners aro heard from bright ntel early, but the poor 'Deere keep Its the background and remain 1 for the most part unnotleovl. Tule to a pity, too, from Ono point of view. because their 111 luck might serve to point a moral for the Ili- mit iN(xl 'Mabe who fancy they know a ante Oleg when they think they sow it. Lever's Y•Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder dusted in the bath softens the water at the rams time that it disinfects. as A New Joke. Yonkere Statesman. She -Did you ever countenance a lottery ? He -Yea; I was beet man at my brother's wedding. Mlnard'* Liniment for sale every- where. 1 A Correct Definition, N. 1' Herald. Tommy -Pop, when doer a man reach a gl•oen old age? Tommy'(' Pop -Wellen ho 1te an oc- togenarian and marrlos a grass widow, toy eau. • Mhtard's Liniment Cures Burns, ete. Wanted to Know. Chiragn Inane News. Teacher -Years ago the kingdom of Spahr ran clear around the world. Tommy -Who chase! it ? Mlnard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. A glance can convey more admira- tion than an avalanche of words. Ry llrlbing the Nerves with opium pm may atop a rough, but the.lnfinmaatlon sora seem bud to 1001.00, Allen's '.ung Bal- oum containing no opium, goes to the root of the trouble and emelt derpeented affec- tions of throat and lunge. A Matter of Compulsion. Kansas City Star. "So you want to become my son- in-law ?" inquired the father of the young wooer, "Not by a Ma mod sight," replied the youth ; "but ai I intend to marry your daughter, I eu1poae lett bare to 1)e." ) TEN COURSES By MAIL ).ding thoroughly taught. Export Incl micron. Indi- vidual attention. Send for luuusxmne Mtge met'CENTRL particulars BUSNESS COLLEGE,, Toronto WPM. iI1PERIAL MAPLE SYRUP. The Quality atand ard from Ocean to Ocean. Your money back If notaathfaetory ROBE & LAIFI.AME, Agents, Montreal, HIGHEST TYPE 01. BACON HOGS rue produced by OAK LODGE YORKSHIRES, Flrat and Sweeps Ll leant Toronto In bacon classes tide year. First nod Nwerpstal es at the Winter fair four sureefed re yeure. !Stock of ad (0960 at moderate price.. J. E. DRETHOUII, Burtbrd, Ont. Luck Box 0. POULTRY Consignments of l'oultry, Came, Rutter, Eggs, honey, Beans etc., Nulled til. Will pay 28 cents per Ib. 7.0.10. 'Toronto for beeswax. References—your local hanker. Correspondence Invited. Prompt returns. JOHN J. FEE' iii. TORONIO, ONT, DEMILL LADIES' COLLEGE To ail lntereeted In the education of young ladles or girl, where 1111 extensive roars' may be hail, includ- ing the common and high 'echoed brauehea, Helene, Languagl'a, Music, Fine Art, Commercial Course, Voice 'Training, Elocution, Art Needle Work, and Plly- eicas Culture, write to Rev, A. 11. Dl:Mt.L, President, ('atbarine*, Ont., for eolender that gives you very spade! rates. MENTION Mile PAella. A ^ WATCHwldldurn- $ ■ J ,, ass gold elute 111111 hnudsemaly • ngnwe4 ruaefu dlerr- ent'lesiva, American 1"rare quick heat, stem wind and atemsat, .peen 10', and heavy bevel crystal, regular la she, Ivo Inches in diameter 101111 short wind anti lung run ,131 h0ura,and fully anent it teed ley the makers, a reliable time- keeper. This watch le good value at 55, but all we not for It is *R.00 —Hud mend It to you by mall pustpald. In buy - Ing thla wnlrh yon rue no risk, for it NOT AS REPRESENiEB send 16 hark to 110 0015 WE WILL RETURN YOUR MONEY. WE ARE RELIABLE lad will carry out our pro. udsrs, and yon are am made In sending um your money ns you would be In giving It to any merehaut in your own town. ]tememberyou do not 1(1(1,1 to open the back or front of title watch to wind It up or set the hands as Nome of the cheaper watches Offered, but 1s wound and met try the stem. The mine is not nickel or white metal, but hum a HEAVY GOLD PLATE that will wear'and to much ouperlor to the ordinary g1,oldplute finish. !tend care- fully the above description, for we guarantee every word to he true. This la a wares that so man or boy need be ashamed to carry, and It eon be relied upon every time. Pity a little more and get a really good 0,1100, What (multi be nicer for a CHRISTMAS PRESENT from the lather 1q 1110 buy, or tram the voting maul to his father, or the mister to her brother, or the young lady to her gentleman lrtend,than this beautiful watch? A most demlrnble gift. Everybody who receives our will be delight- ed. We advisee you not to mho this oppor- tunity to mecum a watch that will give you perfect aatlstaetlun for many yars. Remem- ber we return your money It the watch 1s not as we repnseut D. Write your name plainly, aad address • VIM SUPPLY CO., Dept. A., Hamilton, Ont. 8MOKIE BARRISTER 10 cent Cigar Guaranteed Clear Havana Filled r••••••••••••••••••••••44•44•••••••••••••••••••••i AnotherXmasSpecial It is ,well to remember that b,4 purelm.ing your Kiwis Preheats Ifrom 118 that W11 PAY ALL FREIGHT CHARGES TO YOillt STA- TION, and Faro yow all further trouble ; also ,that you save • the ml,Idleman'e pro rte ,by buying direct from the manufacturer. ♦ WE GUARANTEE DELIVERY XMAS EVE IFDFMA1ED. 1 $I2 Turkish Easy Chairs $ 7.89 Large drum arms and roll 'lead, exact as Illustrated, Ihenntl(ully AAP - bolstered In the best English Tap- ", ostry, springs all over, seat, edges and back, exoeptiona'.ly conn ortable. This is one of ,the most accMt'tble 4 etcrt('T AS folow.) aeons presents for ett,hse lady es jz gentleman. These chairs are ttp- holFtrred to the, fo'Imting shades: Blue, golden brown, terra cotta, oihe, erbmaeen and green. Freight paid to any station h1 Ontario. Not0.-Sand for our Xmas Catalogue. THEDUFFETT FURNITURE CO LIMITED I 341 Yonge and 2, 4, 8, 8, 10 and 12 Could Street TOSSONTO •N•••••••NNN•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••