HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-12-18, Page 5Reador the Christmas Trade During the past few months we have been making great preparations for the Christmas trade. We -imported our Fancy Silks for Waists and Fancy Japanese Silks direct this season, which puts us in a position to quote very much lower prices. This season will eclipse any display we have ever made in Christmas goods. Japanese Silk Goods. teres Cushion Topa at 25c, 86e. end 40c. $Mk and Satin Cushion Tops, embroidered with silk and gold, in colors of pink, 'tile, rettide, cardinal, canary, etc., at 60c, 63c, It and 1.450. Japanese 8tik Drapes, embroidered with silk and gold, ,9in piin , sky, to'quole, reelds, etc„ at go dick Table Covers, blue, green, turquoie, pink, reside, embroidered with silk end bold, heavy knotted fringe, at $1.60,111,95 and 82, 811k Blouse Goode, in blue end white and pink and white lace stripee, worth 800, for 40c,. Brocaded Waist Silks, in new designs, in all aolore, very special, 76c. Fano Brocaded Silk Waist Goode, in white, blue, pluk, turquoie and reside, worth 1.1,25, for Il, A special Ilne of Heavy Brocaded Silk, in ell colon, worth 11.60, for $1.25. Japanese Silks Tamolines, 'Metes, etc„ at 26c, 50o, 75c and 81. French Flannels and Bilk Mixtures for Waist., in fanny ribbon stripes and floral designs, at 50c, 76o and Ill. Handkerchiefs Mike a very acceptable present, We chow a very large stock of all the new styles for ladles and gents, and the little folks have not been forgotten. Cblldrsn's Fancy Handkerchiefs, with pictures and floral de.igne, et 2c, Ile, 6o, 8c mid foo, Ladles' Muslin Handkerchiefs, embroidered and trimmed with lace, very pretty goods, st 6c, Se 10c 15c and 25a. filllk Henditerchiefe, in plain white and cream, in all Mole, wide hemstitched, some initialed, othere plain, at 20c, 25c, 40c, 50.;. 75e end 11. We show nearly 2000 New Handkerchiefs itt all the newest etyles at all prices, Millinery Section. You will find every deelrable novelty in this department. Under the management of Mise Stewart this department Is rapidly growing In favor. You will fled Stylish Millinery here, but style is not everythitlg, it must be becoming to the wearer, That's • whore oar Millinery melt], In giving every lady a Hat or Bonnet tbat becomes her. As the Beason for Millinery le pretty well ad- vanced we are making terrific reductions In prices of several line; to cloth. In some case. Ready-to-wear Hata will be reduced to half price, and even less, as they must be cleared out before the end of the season. +. Fur Goods. Ladles' Astrachan Jackets, in all sizes and lengths, at 122.50, 823, $80, $96 end 110. Ladies' Ceperinee, in different conibi'tstioni of Electric Seal and Astrachan, Electric Seal end Oppooeum, Sable and Electric Seal, trimmed with tails, heads and chains, at $8, 14,b0, 80, 18,1)0 and $15. Ladies' Ruffs, in all quellties end prices, from It to 11.5. Men's Fur Coate in great variety, Fancy Goods. Art Sateen., in new patterns, at 1'2 c, 15o and 180, Art Muelins at 5c, 8c, 1Oc, 12bc and 15c, Chatelaines, in all sizer, Jit leather end steel ' beaded, for belt or wrist, at 36c, 50c, 75c, el, 11.50 and 12. Fancy Applique Collar., in black and colored, 60c. Vassar Comb. at 6c, (Go end 16c. Pompadour Combs at 10c, 164 and 25c, Dress Goods. We always take the lead in Fine Dress Goode, end this season we have surpassed all former efforts. A few specials are here men• Coned which wilt give you a slight idea el' the stock we carry ; Black and Navy Serge at 25c, 50 and 75c, Bleck Satin Soliel. pure wool, et 85e and Il, Black and Colored Homeepune at 25c, 60c, 75a anllh Bleak Broedclath Suitinge at 75c, it and =1.60. Zibeliee Dress Goode at bee, 71m, 81 and 11.6u, Cashmere, itt brown, cream, sky, royal blue end cardinal, at 1310 sud 60c. Gents' Furnishings. We show something very natty in Men'e Silk Neckwear, in Bows, Knots, Four -In - hand, King Edward and Flowing Ends, bought specially for the Christmas trade, at 20e, 25e, 35o, 50e and 75c. Men'. Silk Mufflers, in black and colored, at 25e, 50c, 75c and It, Men's Lined Kid Gloves, dome fastenings, worth 75c, for 50c. Men's Fite ?Noche Gloves, some lined with silk, others with wool, at 76.3, 81 and 1460, Men's Underwear, in all ei.eei and qualitfee, from 25c to 11.26 per garment. Our Wool Fleeced Shirts end Drawers at 450 are extra value. We show a large stock of Men's Cloth and Fur Cape In all the latest styles, also Felt Hats in all the new shapes. Gloves. Ladies' Undressed Kid Gloves, assorted colors, worth 75c, for 60o. Pewney's high-class French Kid Gloves, black and colors, in all glees, at 11 and 11,25. Gloves. Tewne's best quality Kid Gloves, In black and colors, in ell sine, dome fastenings, et 11 and 11.25, Lediei' Rine emod fllovee, in white, black and fanny colors, st :'5c and;4un. Children's Ringwooe Gloves, in white, cardinal and fancy colors, at 20c and 25c, Children's Imitetiuu Astrachan Gauntlet', in white, grey end black, et Otto, 60e mud 80o. Ladies' Grey and Black Gauntlets, in all sfses, at 05c, 73c, 9,c and 81. Christmas Groceries, There has been a sharp advance in the price of several lines in Groceries, eapeclatly in Tette, Canned Goode of all kinds, Raisins, Figs, Clwaee, Etc, Wo natured our stook before the advance in prices, and can sell them much below the present prices, Brown Sugar, 50 the, for $1. Tomato Catsup in'2 1h. tine, 8 cans for 26c. Tomato Catsup iu large bottles, 5c, 8 1b.. New Selected Itaisins for 25c. 41bs. New Cleaned Currante for 26c. 8 lbs. Large New Prunes, vm'y choice, 25c, 2 lbs. Evaporated Peaches, bright geode, 25c, Japan Tea, now worth 85e, for 25e, Red Retie Tea at old prices, 25c, 80c, 40o and 50e. Tart. a Ceylon Tee in packages, 250, 86c, 403 and 60o, Now Dates in pound peekegee, 10e, 1 cans, one each Tomatoes, Corn sad Peas, M. Choice Ingerenll Cheeses, 14c. /ring Sugar, 7c a.lb. or 4 lbs. for 26c. We carry a full stock of Extracts, Candied Peels Spices, Pickles, Vinegars, Golden Syrup anil everything required for the Christmas trade. JVe always pay the highest price for Butter and Egg'. When the printer allowed us extra space in his paper this week, we thought we could give you a full description of all the goods we carry suitable for Christmas presents, but our space is filled and still there are a great many things we would like to tell you about, However, the above will give you an idea of the immense stock we carry, and when you are ready to buy your Christmas goods come direct to our Big Cash Store, and we will show you a stock second to none in the county. Make your selection early, and get the cream of the stock. Foot Warmers for Winter Weather. That's what we have got. Cardi- gans, Overshoee, Lined Ruhbers, Leg- gings, Overgeiters and Overstocking,' for women and ehitdren. For man— Loather Leggings, nice soft stock ; High and Low Overshoee; Felt Boots, Tong, short and medium lengths; also an Immense stock of Heavy Lurnber- meo'e Rubbery and Hocks for men, boys and small boye. We ask you to all and see what we have got. Our Grocery Stook u se usual above the average. We have everything you need for your , 3mae Cake. Our Ltatstne and Currants *reclean and fresh, and at dose prices. 1LYTfl'{ OP -TO -DATE STORE, T. W. SCOTT TOWN TOPICS. —Mr. A. Nicholson, of the Bodmin lime works, was in the village nn Tuesday. Mr. Nicholeou makes good lune, and consequently enjoyed a very .ucoeeeful seamen's bunness, —After the council meeting on Tuee• clay evening Reeve Sims entertained his fellow members of the council, vIllage officials and editor to an oyster supper at Stothers' restaurant, Those present were Reeve Sims, Coun, Sloan, Coun. Mcnally,MCJerk Scott nTreasurer Elder, Asaeror McGill, Chief Barr end Editor Bradwin. The only ofRcisl absent was iCollector Bell, who was unable to he ,prenptowing to severe attack of la wri gaa. An excellent bill of fare, con- .eferifea. f oysters, rabbit, grapes, oran- tbings, was preowned wand other nice enjoyedheartilyby .ayseyone present. Alter supper shot t, w55 q and complimentary speeches were to by every member of the company. Vot4aef thanks were given Reeve Sims for CKa iospitallty and lie mud 'tire. Shot/lees for the excellent and delicious supper provided. A jolly evening was brought to *.dose by all singing the Matisse) Amyltetn and Auld Laug Syne. —The referendum vote in West Huron was 206 for the act, and leen iegalaot the act; mejurity for the act, Inc ;$very tnumoipelity in the rldiog Save a majorlrydor the act, —10. Frank ,Bainton went Sunday with Kincardine friends. —Me. Matthew Lockkert, of East Wawanoah, was in the village on Sat- slyda . Mr. Lockhart represented the Myth-Wawanosh-Winghstat division in Huron county council during the past two years and Is in the field again for reelection. He maiden; his prospects fur es -election Crory bright. S BM CASH STORE MITI Blyth Connell. The statutory meeting of Blyth coun- cil wee held in Industry hell on Monday evening. Present—Reeve Sims, in the chair' Courts. McNally, Sloan, Stothers end Milne. Minutes of Inst regular meeting read and passed. Court. Milne moved, seconded by Coun. Stothers, that the following ac- counts be paid :— lunlcippel World, sup- plies, 12.81; George White, drawing fire engine, 600; J. 11. Tetuan, work on Street 11; Wm. Campbell, relit of office for referendum vote, $4 ; Bell Telephone Co., 40c; N. S. Gerry, coal, $i.70.— Carried. COUR. McNally moved, seconded by Coun. Sloan, that the time for returning the collator's roll be extended to Feb- cuary let.—Carried. Coun, Sloan moved, seconded by Coun. Milne, that the poll tax fee of 1.l pia by Malcolm Somers be refunded, and that Wm. Crawford'' poll tax be re- funded as soon as he produces a receipt from the rite of Hamilton.—Carried. Coun. McNally moved, seconded by Coun. Brothers, that as the 14th iuet, wee a Sunday, the collaetor did receive taxes on the following Monday, 66th Jost , without the additional fives per oent and in order to allow the treasurer ample time to complete and present his fineneial etatemeat that we do adjourn to meet on the evening of the 10th hist., at eight o'clock. for the purpose of re- ceivnrg the same.—Cerried. Council theft adjourned to meet on Tuesday evening. Council rnet on Tueaday evening. Members all present, except Coun. Milne, Minutes of Monday evening's meeting rend and confirmed, Coun. McNally moved, seconded 1.v Coun, Stothers, that the treaanrerte statement as laid on the cable be ac- cepted; and that 100 copies be printed. —Carried. Ort notion of Coun. Sloan, seconded by Coun. McNally, a vote of thanke was tendered Mr. A. E. Bradwin, editor of THE STANDARD, for lilt regnler at- tendance at the council meetings during the year, and for his correct and satis- factory reports of the proceedings of the Council. Council then prorogued. .sees►. wedding Balla. From the London Free Press we take the following account of the marriage of it sister of Mr.,T. W. &oft: "A happy event occurred at Dlaple Grove, 13th concession, Landon township, the home of Jlr. and Mrs. James Scott, et seven o'clock, on the eveging of Decem• ber 10th, when t heir daughter, Amanda, and Mr. 1. Alfred Garrett were united in the holy bonds of wedlock. The ceremony wan performed by Rev. R. Wilson, rector of Trinity church, Blrr. The bride was given away by her father, and entered the parlor to the etrains of the welding march played by Miss Victoria Goulding, organist of Trinity church, Blrr, of whose chow' the bride was a valued member. The bride looked heeutiful in a handsome gown of white silk organdy, with train, trimmed with ruffles, chiffon and dainty Ince, with conventional veil and orange blos- soms, and carried a bouquet of bride's roses, The bride was attended by her two little nieces—Mies Alice Scott, of Maple Grove, as flower girl, dressed in Milk organdy, trimmed with white chiffon, end Miss Doris Scott, of Blyth, dressed in whites embroidered organdy, over blue satin, and carried the ring, hidden in a basket of pink carnations and smilax. The groom, who is one of the most populer young mon of Louden township, is the youngest eon of the late Mr. Win. Garrett, of Granton. The presents received by the bride, who is it general favorite, were beautiful, numerone and costly, the groom's pree- ent being it handsome piano. The guests, numbering 25, were restricted to the immediate families of the non- tracting parties owing to the very saricus illueee of the bride's brother. After a social evening the young couple loft for Fairview, the pretty home of the groom, 10th concession, London township. The bride's going -away gown was a tailor-made costume of cas- ter cloth, with pretty blue Dresden Bilk waist, and large black beaver picture Mit, with black ostrich plume. Mr. end Mrs. Garrett will be at home to - their friends after December 48th." —Jar. John I1eacom, ex -reeve of Goderich township, died at the resi- dence of hie father -in -Jew, Mr. Wm. Patrick, of Merton, on Saturday last. Ho was 50 years of age, Hurrah for Christmas I Which le the season for merry making and exchanging ofcon- gratulntions and festivity and this is the spot to procure yuur eupplles for the occasion. Hun Bons at various prices, end Candies in abundance of all kinds, the latest out. Fruits and Uystere unexcelled, Good fresh Groceries and Eatables in Bakery line always on hand, and as cheap its the chenpest— quality considered, Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a lIappy New Year, R. R. DOUGLAS BLYTH —Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jones, of Brucefield, spent Sunday with Blyth friends, —Mr, Robert Ferri"' is e. candidate for the reevoehip of I{nllett. For stop erel years pest he hes represented the township as councillor and proved him- self to be a useful end popular official. He has the right fettle in hiin to make a good reeve end the efectore of Hallett will he highly honored in having a gentleman of his stamp and tact as their chief magistrate. —The annual '.;hrietmxe tree festival in connection with Trinity church Sun- day school, Blyth, will he neld in Industry hall on Monday evening next. An extensive program is being prepar• ed and a good time is promised everyone who attends, —Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Roberton, of Hallett, were the gusts of Belgrttve friends for Sunday. —Mrs. J. E. Coombe is vieitiug with Lucknow friends. —Mrs. Wm. Totten, of Wiarton, is the guest of Iter daughter, Mr., Bert Bainton. —A very enjoyable time was spent at the Blyth Presbyterian church last Friday evening. A past and present tea meeting was held under the sne- pices of the Sunday school of the church which proved to he a very unique affair. A good program of music and song was given by Mies Pat- terson, Miss McNaugliron, Mise Taylor, Mise Sadie Sooners, Miss Anderson, Mies Lockhart, 51r. Win. Moser and Mr, Hugh Somers. Mies Ella Anderson WWI accompanist. Short Addresses were given by ltev, A. McLean and Rev, 9, M. Whaley. We regret that owing to the crowded state of our columns with advs, this week we are unable to give a more extensive account of this de- lightful affair, 'Phe proceeds ,amounted to 842.0,1. Mr. Alex. Elder was the happy chairman anil the program open- ed with prayer by Rev, .1, Edmonds, i► /► /► m► /► t► tom► /m► /'► A ♦ TA ♦ Our Xmas . . Display Did it ever occur to you that in the matter of presents for the Canadian Xmas season there is nothing so practical and so thoroughly appreciated as something to wear, such as a nice Fur Cap for instance. We bavi them, all kinds and prices, from $2 to $to. Ties, 25c to 75c. Braces, 15e to Soc, 4Jlot ee, tele to $'2. Shirts, 50o to 61,25. Sidi Handkerchiefs..35c to 11.25. Alen Readyto-wear Suits and Overcoats in endless variety, Remember we carry the larges stock of Men's Wear in the town. The Popular Clothing House S. H. G I DLEY . 13LYTH . .