HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-12-11, Page 8DANT FORGET That we say what we mean and mean what we say. JV IVILL BE '1't) VOI'R ADVAN- TAGE IF YOU \\ANT TO DEP A Watch, Clock, Chain, Locket, OR ANY THING IN THE Jewelry Line .BY BUYING IT FROM AN UP-TO- DATE JEWELER. IN DOING SO YOU SIVE 1110NEY. A. Me BABE , , TEESWATER Blyth Public arhoal Report. Below will he found the standing of the pupils in Blyth public school for November :— Div. No. 1.—Class II.—A. Cowan' N. Stewart L. Holmes, 1). McLean, K. Marshall, B. 'Taylor, R. Sedate, C. Slater, J. Bell, A. Gusman I:. Jenkins, Id. Armstrong. Class I.—E. MRaon, R. Edmonds, W. Sellars, M. Barr, A. Wil. ford, Div. No. 2.—Class IV.—Pearl Gidley, Cecil Vail, Bobhie Brown, John Wet - Ron, Verna Bennett and Annie Stewart equal, Iva Govier, Eves. Stothers, Mag- gie Cowan, Clyde Herrington, Mabel McWilliam, John Potter end Nina Beg- ley equal, Miller Begley, Fred Jickeou, Willie Nicol, Hannah Mot,tray, Fannie Mason, Class Sr. III. --Sophia Barr, Fred Somers, Edith Gidley, Annie Bell, Het bie McElroy, Jessie Hirone, Andrew Coombs Leon Scott, Lizzie Carter, Martha divine, Div. No. 8.—Class III.—George Leith, Muriel Chellew, Roy Sime, Robbie Wanless, Russel Denholm, Rose Brawn, i oy Denholm, Melvin Nixing, Henry White, Bernie Edmonds, Clara Copp, John Carter. Sr. II.—lfyrtlo Nicol, Birdie Kennedy, Grace Stewart, Lily . Wanless, Frank Plummer, John Emigh, Wesley Campbell, Wesley Taman. Clegg Jr. II.—Walter McGill, Edgar Begley, Tom Moon, Vester Bell, Evy McCommins, Milton McWilliam. Div. No. 4.—Class IL—Sate Me - Laughlin, Willie Mains, 011ie McGill Archie Wells, Myrtle Pullman, Hezel Bennett, Walter Cowan, Lelia Begley, Willie Potter, Herd Herrington, Blanche Smith, \Vallie Moon, Stanley Chellew, Florence Taman, .Johnnie Mar- ehatl Tena Edmeeton. Class Sr. Pt. II.—Willie Burling, Rhea Emi,h, El- mer Nivine, Jimmie McCoulmins, George Burling, Grenolins Edmonds, Wellie Copp, Holtahauer. Class Jr. Pt. JJ.—Pearl Taman, Dorothy Tierney, Birdie Davis, Maggio Carter, May Densledt, ,Jimmie Ilirone, Jennie Kennedy, Philip Willows, Sam Govier, Walter Mason, Eva Henderson, George Haggiut, Norman Holrzhauer. Clang Sr. Pt. I.—Laura lWettlenfe-, Russell Gidley, Ella Wettlaui'er, Gertie Mar- shall, Doris Scott, Madeleine Tynan, Gordon McWilliam, Annie Butler, Al- fred Hagkitt. Class Jr. Pt, L—Alex. Butler, Rena Brsdwin, Lois Metcalf, Joseph McLaughlin, Reggie Carter, Eddie Mains, Johnnie Cowan, Emma Taman, Redella McKenz:o, Annie Rob- inson, Currie Campbell, Gordon Holtz- hauer, Lena Burling, Wilford Nivitis, weekly gatherings of a sods! nature, in every neighborhood, where the young peolle—and the old people, too—lnav meet and get acquainted with each other, 'These gatherings may be liter. ary, musical, or simply somal. The abandounient of the old -tinge entertain- ments, county tithe, barbecues, loR- rollings, quiltings, wood -cuttings, pytb- lo dimers, spelling matches, corn huskings, etc., has well nigh ruined the social hie of the rural communities, and there scene no place where village and .countryy folke can meet together. The farm folks are especially in need of this recreation, as they aro cut off frorn each other by bad roods and lack of imitable meeting places one -halt the Year, and by hard work the other hail. This lack of social life is largely to blame for the anxiety of the young people to leave the farin, There seems no other place for then to find enter- tainment near the hone than the eroes- reeds store or the village gelatin. 1 Would it not be well for the fathers and mothers W look to these things, with a view to making farin life more attractive to the young? 0..1.11141.41 f4wte fe,Rtater. Monday, December 15th. flood farm, farm stock and implements. Ni lot 87, con. 2, Etat Wawanosh. George A. 1liendersun, proprietor, C. Hamilton, auctioneer. 80, the Loner Eroninge, What are our young people doing, now that the long evenings are with us? This is the playtime of the year among the farm folks, and there should be PUBLIC NOTICE. County Council Election, County of Huron. Publlo notice le hereby given that a meeting of the F,lmtur, of County Division No. 7, 00m - posed of the Monicil,eiitieo of East and West Wawanosh, the Town of Wingbaw ,0d the V11- lege of li,,th. will bo held In F. Wheeler's t,rgoo and repair ahoy, Belerave, on Monday. Doeein er 220d,1209, at the hou' of one o'olook ran., for the paiso s of nomtnallog candidates 10 repiese0t them in the Oo,mouI of the Conuty of Heron for the years 1090 and 1801, and that lu Dace a poll Is demanded, poll. will be opened on the 010 day of January, 1N18. 1n each pol0ng sub -division At the time ri.d place axed by bylaw of the Municipalities in the told eounty 'tviden. P. PORTERFIELD, Nominating (Meer fur County Coourll Dn)a100 No, 7. Dated Luts 10012.301 Deoawber, la 2. 170 Good Farms and Saw Mill For Sale. No 1—Wt let 86, eon. 5, East Wawanoab, eon - tau dog 101 acres, 00 sorsa ;neared and to ei good date M ail ovation, 4n aol'e. partially pleated and 20 aures oft mbar loud. The eoii Ie a gond loam. Then Is on the place a good brick dwell• tag house 40x94, Doe and • bait storeys, 5100 klioheo at4obe •, woodabed 20x90, and 0100, cellar under full else of house; good clittra; goat well and wind mill convenient to house nod oat-hulldmge; tram, barn 00155, with 0000o stables under math; two frame due ling. let90, ono and a half storeys; 0 steam law 51,1 O0:00, two storeys. with boner, engine and all 00105. 0My waohinay for wan0ta0tnring lumber, lath sad enloglue, ell In gauu ardor. Nn. 0—n lot Ot. Bon. b, !0000 Wawanoah, con- taining 100 acres, 00 acres cleared and in a good elate of cultivation, 20 eoree of timber hand. 2 here Is on the place a good frame baa 40100 and 20feet high with shoe stables uad.,r the tali 011e; good flame dwelling 90000, one and a half storeys, 01,05 one tower kiiohen attached. No. 2-14 lot 5s eon. 7, East Wawanoah, eon. *Mining 100 sores, 90 semi almond and in a go d state of cultivation, 10 acres of timber land. The soil is a good clay form. On the place then to a good frame dwelling 22:80, atone cel- lar, al ,.13 kitchen attached 18008, toe end a half storeys ; hard ail aft water; gond frame barn 40:00, with stone stable, under; frame stables e nd thud 9400; good orahrrd. 'rhes plaoe is well drained and lire a never failing sprtme rink ulna Through 1•. For rul1 particulars apply to Tama 11. Tor - Loa, Westfield P.O., out, or t0 C. ltcinxTee, Nlyth 1' O., Out. est Lime! Lime! Anyone in need of Lime in any quantity should write or telegraph us, and we will de"'er the same where re- quited. 0. Nicholson & Sons TWO MILES EAST Of BELORAYE, BELORAVE P.O. PREPARING FOR BABY, �•v OITE STQE1;6T8TOlVf%�Niat 4114 cOp0MA0I,WEARjoiff,t t7ENRICflTMEOLEO910 kaioTME CONSTITUTION OMIon.110ifirtai.G,lEos{0" ORITAIN4/ AMERICA all bruggisrs 5 Cheng PetginCanada t $i3OOi ,fit bottles for 85.00 When a baby is coming the ex- pectant mother needs to take special care of herself, for upon her health depends to a great extent the health of the unborn babe, If diet, etc., etc., etc., is not watched, the start in life of the future offspring will not be a satisfactory one. It is a mistake to take liquid medicines at this time, for they all contain alcohol. Their Steady use has the same effect u habitual liquor taking, consuming the vitality and hardening the tissues. If you are weak you need a tonic, not a stimulant. Don't take medica- ted wine or alcoholic medicines; but take ST. JAMES WAFERS, they area tis: tie builder and a reconstructive. ST. JAMES WAFERS help stomach, digest food and stud the nutriment through the blood, and this is the honest way to get health and strength, the kind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy which accom• plishes much. "I have aged &t. Jamie Widen for years. Nona better." Dr. R. J. Maddox, Louden, En, St./own H'afer., ars eof a reccd remedy: to ttenameros: doctor»r. Commending lhre; to thew palieett we mail the formula upon regent. Where desler'ere not selling the Wafer', they are mailed upon re. ceipt of price at the Canadian branch ; it. Joao Rt%1ne Co., Ir81 et. Catkerlse at., Yutrnl. Bylaw No. 11, 1902, —OF I'HE— TOWNSHIP Of EAST WAWANOSH. A Bylaw to authorize the con- struction of a bridge at Lot Number 31 on the road be- tween the 6th and 7th Con- cessions of the Township of East Wawanosh, in the County of Huron, and to provide for the issue of de- bentures of the said town- ship to the amount of $65oo and to raise the sum re- quired therefor. WHEREAS it is advisable *Oat the municipal council of the Township of East Wawanosh shall construct a bridge at lot number thirty-one, on the rued between the sixth and seventh coneesstou. of Raid Township. AND WHEREAS in order thereto it will be necessary to issue debentures of the said municipality for the gum of 16500 as hereinafter provided (which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by thin bylaw), the proceeds of the said debentures to be applied to the purpose aforesaid and to tw other pur- se SAND WHEREAS it is desilrable to issue the Raid dehentores at one time and to snake the principal of the said debt repayable by yearly game during the period of six yeara, being the cur- rency of the said debentures; which yearly sums being of such respective amounts diet the aggregate amain* payable in each year for principal and interest its respect of the said debt shall be as nearly as possible equal to the amount payable'for principal and inter- est during each of the other fly.; years of the said period. AND WHEREAS the total amount required by "The Municipal Act" to be raised annually by special rate for pay- ing the said debt :and interest as herein- after provided is 11239.90. AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the Towe- ship of East Wawanosh, according to the last revised assessment roll, is 11,442,080. AND WHEREAS there is no debent- ure debt of the said municipality. THEREFORE the muninipal council of the corporation of the Township of ERRE Wawanosh enacts as follows:— (1) The said municipal council ghat( expend 1110 sum of six thousand five hundred dollars in the construction of a bridge et lot number thirty-one on the road between the sixth RA seventh conccasione in said township; and for the purpose of raising the acid cum, de- bentures of the said township, to the amount of 165)0, am a(oreaaid, in Runts of not less than 1100 tech, shell he issued on the lot day of February, 1903. (2) The said debt, and the debentures issued therefor, shell bear interest et the rate of four per cent per anunm; eauh of said debentures shall be dated on the date of the issue thereof and shall be payable iu equal amoupts in each of the six years next succeeding the said date, such amounts being made up of the aggregate sum due each year on account of principal and interest. (8) Each of the said debentures shall be signed by the reeve of the avid town- ship, or by some other pgreon author- ized by bylaw to sign flie game, and shall be countersigned by the h'ensu er, and the clerk of the said township shall attach thereto the seal of the munici- pality. (4) The said debentures shall be pay- able on the 15th day of December in each_year during the said six Year's at the Dominion Bank, in the `('own of Wingham, in the County of Huron. (5) During the six years frorn 1904 to 1909 inclusive, being the six years next suc000dieg the date of the issue of said debentures there shall be raised annual- ly by special rate on all the rateable property in the said Township of East Wawanosh the sum of 11239.96 for the purpose of pitying the amount of the debentures falliug due in each of the said years tevpectively. (0) This bylew shall take effect on the 12th day of January, A.D. 1908. (7) The votes of the ratepayers of the Raid Township of East Wawanosh shall he taken on this bylaw at the following times and places, that is to say; On Monday, the 5th day of January next, commaucing at the hour of nine o'clock in the forencon and continuing till five o'clock in the afternoon of the same dor, by the following deputy returning offi- cers :— Pulling euhdivision No. 1, at school house No, 10, con. 2, R. G. McGowan, A.R.O.; Polling subdivision No, 2, at school house No. 18, con, 6, John 8. Scott, D.R.O.; Polling subdivision No. 8 at school house No. 9, con. 12, John Elliott, jr., alto.; Polling Ruhdivision No. 4, at the house of James Dow, lot 29, con. 10, John Gibbons, D.R.O. (8) On Monday, the 29th day of De- cember, 1902, the reeve of the said town- ship shall ettond at Marnoch P.O. at ten o'clock in the forenoon to appoint persons to attend at the various polling places aforesaid and at the final sum- ming up of the votes by the clerk in be- half of the persons interested in and promoting or opposing the pegging of this bylaw respectively, (9) The clerk of the council of said Township of East tVawau0sh 0111011 at- tend et Marnoch P.O. at leo o'clock in the forenoon of Tuesday, the Oth day of January, 19011, to sum up the number of votes for and against the bylaw. Dated at Marnoch P.O., In the Town- ship of East Wawanosh, the 8th day of Sleighing!Sleighing! Nature is favoring us with a liberal supply of the beautiful snow which will make business bright and our customers will have to come early and avoid the rush and eucceed in procuring some of our bargains, Look at my Cheap Candies. See our Figs, 0 ibe. for25o. See our Rinsing, 5 lbs. for 25c. All other Orocoriev as cheap in proportion. Bushel Baskets, 2 for 25o. We have a very heavy order this month for Butter, Paultry and Eggs, so bring them along and get the highest market cash price for them, See in our window a beautiful 07 Rocking Chair which will be given away to a lucky guesser. Everyone purchasing goods to the amount of $2 is entitled to guess the limber of beans in a glass dish which will not be opened until January 15th, 1908, when the fortunate guesser will he presented with this loyely piece of furni- ture. Potatoes Wanted. GEO. POWELL PRETORIA BLOCK BLYTH Bargains in Furniture. A large assortment of fine goods just arrived, consisting of Bedroom Set Sideboards, Extension Tables, Fancy Rockers and Couches, Prices are marked down to the lowest point for owl.. We have 25 Tables to self at 68 Dents oaoh. Bi ing in your Pictures and get then neatly framed. J. H. CHELLEW ��BLYTH saruiniaouour FOR GOOD HEALTH To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripens Tabuius. They are easy to take. They are made of a combination of medi- cines approved and used by every physician. Ripens Ta - bales are widely used by all sorts of people—hat to the platin, every -day folks they are a veritable friend RI need. Ripans Tabules have become their standard family remedy. They are a dependable, honest remedy, with a long and suc- cessful record, to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stnbixtrn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, paipitatimn of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver complaints. They strengthen weak stomachs, build up run-down systems, restore pure blood, good appetite and sound, natural Bleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripens Tabules. Your druggist sells them. The five-eent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 60 cents, con- tains a supply for a year. R•I•P•A•N•S READY FOR YOU. We have just received entensive additions to our FALL STOCK of LADIES' and GENTS' WATCHES, and we have seine great bargains in CLOCKS—our stock is up-to-date and our prices right. In JEWELRY we are bound to suit you—we can give you splendid choice and close prices. We carry a full supply of the NEW PRESBYTERIAN BOOK OF PRAISE in all the different styles and prices. Very special values in WINDOW SHADES and WALL PAPER to close out endo. REPAIRING carefully done and at right prices. FRANK METCALF STATIONER ND BLYTH November, A.D. 1902. J. T. CURRIE, REEVE, P. PORTERFIELD, CLERK, NOTICE, The above 10 a true and correct copy of a bylaw which has been taken into consideration by the municipal council of the Township of East Wewauosh, and which will be finally passed by the said council in the event of the assent of the ratepayers being Obtained there- to, after one month from the first publi- cation of said bylaw in the newspaper celled THE BLYTH STANDARD, the ditto of which publication was Thursday, the llth day of December, A.D. 1902, and that at the hour, day and places there- in fixed for taking the votes of the rate- payers the polls will be held. 18d P. PORTERFIELD, CLERK. Farm For Sale or Rent. N 19 81.2 lot 49, con. 0 It .51 Wawanosh, eln- tatulug 49 mores, is uttered ter sale or rent, There Is on the place a good, large, frame barn with stone statues, frame dwelling house with Yuman/ attached a good orchard and a pod 'r artesian woli. h The plmie is well Booed and In good order. There are five met of fall wheat, 90 Rona seeded down and 90 tons fall ploughed, 1t is attested on the gretel road 11 '4 woes north of Blyth. O'or full partioula,s 1100 the p sprtetresa UR the promlw,, or Q 1laxronva, 1.111 05, 1741 Wswyxu.—Choice Roll Butter, 20c. Turkeys, undrawn, 10e. We buy kr cash or trade. A $20,000 stock to select from. G. E. KING, \kingham. 18*1 McKillop Mutual Fire Ins. Co. Pettier having monies to pay to the above company can do so to Frank Memel?, Blyth, twine your oards along and have 17d LOGSWANTED at Wingliam. WE ARE PREPARE& TO PAY FOR : Firs. -class Maple logs $14 per M First-class Soft Elm logs 014 " et -class Rock Elm logs 006 " First-class Basswood logs ..,$1.5 First-class Beech Logs tan " All kinds and grades wanted, Call and get our prices. The knit realm ��ai Limited OPERATIRO The Button & Peasant Chair Faetorj Wingham, Ont.