HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-12-11, Page 7VOTE FOR LIQUOR ACT STANDS AT 205,2&5, With Many Returns From the Counties Yet to Come in Total Vote Reported :-- Stealfurd and Alexandria, the nia- FOR 128,815 jority in each town and city wau la fn cur of the Act. ,In uev'er:II con- AQAINST 76,469 etilneneles, notably Chatham, St. Majority I -or Teta' Vote 52,346 Thelon and Brockville, the vote wee clan\ llere are figures: 205,285 F, Toronto, 1) a,. 5. Toronto 14,747 The PruhUtttloalats of the Province Druutptun ... won at decided victory In the vote of lknwmanvll1r yesterday upon the liquor act of 190_. Welland Cornwall Thtx morning ,the figures are so in- Brockville ,wtt4>lete, owing largely to the lm- Orlllla per'ect arrangements for collection, 81. Mar,v'i) (that there is no method 01 aacer- Kineardigr 0111111gSt. 1Vtog whether or not tho total Orangev3tlo tnnn vote cast fur the 'act will ,he sufft- lit. Cntharinec, .,. ,,, Merit to put It Into force, ,but It Is Moult Ste. Mario hardly expected that the requisite Woodstock notal 'of $12,723 votes ,will be Ingersoll Owen Sound •....., ... reached. ' Ooth'rloh The ratline received from all points Chatham ,up .t111 Ude morning give the total Brantford Nolo cast as 107,502 for the act and Clinton (From Friday's Daily Times.) Gnnanoque ... 65,$08 against it. Thu Is a major- Berlin I cmbrok0 its of 42„189. The telegraph mom- Cobourg patties state that complete returns Bcllecllle in most of talo constituencies are not included In .this ,total, the .had con. dither ru tt.o country roads hating made 11 impossible to gather the results of the vote last night. lit the Const11111'110.4i. Codatltuency. For. Against. Brant, 5 ......... ... 846 Brant, N...... ...... ',881 Brockville... ... ... 1,446 Brute, C... ... ... 1,008 Bruce, 8 ...... ... ... 1,007 Bruce, N ... ... ... ... 1,669 1,024 Carleton ,., ... ... 648 Bulletin ,,. ... ... 2,511 -- Durham, W...... ,.. 1,192 Durham, F....,, .,. 1,458 • Elgin E... ... .,1,196 Elgin, W......... :.....,395 wkea. N ... ......... 504 100 :184 93U 411 8332 507 286 5143 309 • 102 133 397 1,88: 1,865 870 859 72 482 55 065 502 352 785 1,80,1 1,567 719 284 343 70 983 672 130 266 1,573 236 484 567 301 565 :170 5:32 :395 204 143 380 153 402 275 '53 380 4,617 721 784 893) 570 1,152 443 541 1,07'2 326 752 647 037 1,035 142 793 5,14; 2,282 2,583 :3,001 672 256 2,706 1,480 1,:389 455 :318 1,148 196 174 012 572 331 551 529 Fvoutoluo.., ... ... -- Glengarry,,, 780 Grenville......... ,., 719 Grey, C...... 469 Grey, N ... ... ... ... 1,890 Grey, 8,,. ,,.... 656 Haldima nd... .,. ... 883 Haltom... .,. 1,150 Ham.lton, W.., ....,1,664 Hamilteen, E...... 2,265 Hastings, W.., ... 1,001 Hartings, N....., 926 dustings, E... ,., ... ,860 Huron, 11118 Hilton, 8,,.... ... 1,496 Huron, W' ... ... ...... 1,413 Kent, W' ... ... ... ... 456 Kent, E ... ... ... ... 912 Kingston.,, ..... 1,483 Lautbtpn, E. .,..,, -1,078 1,078 Lambton, W......... 1,(:85 Lanark, S... .,. ... 1,041 Lanark, N... ... ... 1,153 Lennox,,. .,, ... ... 1,643 Mdd'leeex, W.,. ,,, 1,381 Mldd1esee, E... ,., ,.. 1,249 Mtidiesex, N... ... ... 559 Monok ,,, 846 Muskoka .,,,,, ,,. -- Norfolk, S. 793 Norfolk, N. 332 leprthnmberland, W1,087 Northumberland, E1,038 Ontario, N. 1,743 Ontario, S. 886 Ottawa 1996 Oxford, N. ... 1,3313 Oxford, 8, 1.918 Parry Sound ... 926 Peet 1,573 Perth,N. 1,432 Perth. 8, 872 Peterboro', W.,. ... 1,065 Peterboro', E.., .,, -- Prescott , 457 Prince Edward ... ,..1,020 Renfrew, N. ... ... ...1238 Renfrew, 8. ... ... ... 1,105 Thieve,' .., .., ...1,050 *mime, E. 008 1631imcoc, W. 327 Slmcoe, C. .,. -- Stormont ...1,245 Toronto, 8. .,,,..:3,848 Toronto, N. ,..,..:1,757 Toronto, W.,. .,4,424 'Bernet°, E. 2,581 Victoria, W. ,..1,279 Victoria, E. ... 850 Waterloo, N. ...1,074 Waterloo, S. ... 2,037 Welland 1,080 Wellington, W. ,.. 1,460 Wellington, E. ... , (181 Wellington, S. ... .,. 2,084 Wentworth, N. ... .,. 712 Wentworth, S. .. -- York, E. 306 York, N. 1,808 York, W. 1,108 Algoma -- Port Arthur 312 Fort William 536 8. S. lfartr 600 Nlplssing, E. -- Ntpirxtng, W. Cot ---- els - ... ...107.502 65,263 How (Inc Cities ncl Towns Voted In the either and towns the total vote cant was about two-thirds that owe in the general election of 1898. With the exception of London, 8t. Catharines, Ottawa, Belleville, Dun- dee, Kingston, Berlin, Waterloo, :343 873 19:3 423 667 513 891 181 305 051 760 600 802 510 852 :10(1 254 319 419 :387 :376 58(1 Nnpanse 335 Waterloo ... ......... .100 Toronto .portion , 630 Pa rite London , ,,. 2,318 Alexnu:(rta ,,, ,,.. 112 Kingston ... ,,, :. ... 7,483 Glealppl1t 1,082 Smiths Falls .,. 522 Whitby ,,. ...,, 166 Potrolea 415 Dunnville 291 Renfrew ,,. ... ,,. 242 Fergrw ... ... ... 132 Hamilton 3,907 Ot*ha a ... ... ... 438 Ottawa ... ... .., ,,, 3,9913 Aerorn ... ,.. .. 178 Dundee ,.. ... ... 225 Milton ,,, .118 Peterboro .., ....,. , 1,066 Stratford ............ 774 Windsor ... ... ... 405 Sandwich ' Counties \Vith Complete Constituency, For. Brockville 1,757 Wellington, W. .,. 2,006 Peterboro, E. 312 Brune, 8. ... 1,60:1 Elgin, W. 2,035 Brant, N. .. 779 Wellington, 8. 2,015 Middlesex, ..,N. ,..2,002 Dntferhn '3,143 :369 There Is little change in the vote of the ellies from yexterday'e fig- ures, and there are few, of the other counties from which anything like full returns have been received. CHICAGO CHEMIST WINS FAME Ag'tinst. 13,183 133 82 108 38.3 513 185 155 168 76 855 982 520 1183 :3931 1152 283 658 906 179 202 1,131 :308 276 605 129 8:35 402 2,522 161 1,575 71t 181 1,7 207 81 128 72 3,372 115 4,(117 8:1 288 97 171 541 796 557 Mal 153 Het urns .Against. 730 618 105 1,259 1,43:3 423 1,153 470 Freezes i lgnid Sulphur, But That'e All That Happens, Chicago, Dec. 9. -or. Alexander Smith, professor of general chemis- try at the University of Chicago, who has been devoting himself to experimenting with sulphur for sev- eral months, bas succeeded in estab- lishing the fact, heretofore unknown to chemlets, that liquid sulphur can be frozen at a certain temperature. Although the discovery has no commercial value, It is considered a chemical triumph, In other experi- moite !n the way of analyzing sul- phur, Dr. Smith has determined cer- tain laws watch may havo much influence upon He future practical uses. He has separated the amor- phone, or solid, from the soluble, or liquid sulphur, and learned many facts of their natures under varied coeditlons. HORSE MEAT BANQUET. Berlin 11uucan1` Society to Blue Off an Aged Animal. Berlin, Dec. 9.-Dlstingulshrd mem- bers of the Society for the Preven- tion of Cruelty to .Animals have been invited to a horse meat dinner by the Fleischer Zeitung, the national organ of the German butchers, which says it drsiree to measure the sin- cerity of the society In Issuing ite recent appeal to the public to eat ewe loran moat, so as to be mer- ciful to Johnnie unfit to work, which would bo relieved of their sufferings if the oonsumption of horse meat Is made more popular, The Fleischer Zeitung has not yet received•nny acceptance to the In- vitation came, which wore sent out on Saturday, Tho paper promises to put ns good a horse meat tenet ns an accomplislie1 rook can produce, but the only nutterinl meet be nn agcl, rheumatic tweet, such as the society deeiree to emancipate. No young colts will do. The date set for the dinner Is Dec. 15. BAN ON THE ORDERS. Further Artion or French Govern- ment. Paris, Dec. 9.-Prenteri Cotnbes pr e- eented In the Chamber of Deputies to -day a list of 54 male religions order() which thee Government asks the Chamber not to authorize. 1130 announcement wan accompanied by oonuldorabie disorder. As each or- der wart named the members of the Clerical Right party chanted, amid leughter, "Pray for tint" M. Lasles, anti-Semite, shouted: 'You look, M Contbeo, ars though you were saying your litaniee." At M. ('ontbnet request the subject WWI referred to a committee. The Ilei of unauthorized cougrega- 1Ion:c submitted to the Chamber In - elude, the English Ihnssluulat fath- ers, thus onifirming the statement that thio order would be auuo,lg those sylppl'eeetl. flehressehresseliferesebronisgel � NEWS IN BRIEF Z pp 7NW.sss$esirltt Phase 16V wla e AN WAN lir. Oliver llo('lary diel at London, Ont. 1 11r. C. C. Robinson has entered the Toronto Mayoralty contest. The five Toron,o me,, charged with personation were remanded a week. Local Government o,ilehals must iu future give guarantee commodes' bonds, Queen's Unlverslty trustees rati- fied the appoiutmeut of Rev. Dr. Gor- don. as i'rlholixo. Edward Walker, a London milk- men, was arrested on a charge 0, personating in tho referendum vote, 11. Bremner, the prisoner In the To- ronto Junction el,00tmg ndair, was sentenced to fifteen years in the penitentiary. 3lr, W. T, Jennings will report to the next Toronto Couneh meeting on n genera: system for the entrance of radiad railways, l the County Court, deputy clerk of the Crown, and registrar of ,Surrogate for Ilaldttnand county. At O.go do Hall on Friday, before ,iu tiers Street and Britton, argu- Ineat was heard on two chargees o; hiring rigs against Donald Sulher- I•wu, Wueervative M. 1'. 1', for South Oxford. Judgment was reserved. BRITISH AND i"olIFIGN, Intense cold prevalis throughout Great Brit/aim The education bill ,passed its sec- ond reading In the house of Lords. Tito Cuban House of Representa- tives ,will prgbaidy rej:ct the pro- posed treaty with the United States. Tile State of Illlnoto ham declared a cattle quarantine against Ontario, Quebec, Pennoylramat and New York, us ,writ as the New England States. The llrttish Board of Agriculture lens fitunatev( its ,willingness to re- . move the embargo en cattle arriving from New Englund ports whenever the American Department of Agricul- ture considers the outbreak Is sup - pretreat, NEW RAILWAY PLANS. western Road Via Onhtre; to Runkle. BufbUO, Doe. 8. -Tile Incorporation In thie:ttate of the Niagara 'prarnefer Company, of Buffalo, to construct a Litwin ral,rond between Tonawan Ia end Bufta.o, and the application died at Ottawa by the Niagara Grand 1bin.nd Bridge Company for an exteo- tion of time In witch to complete its works, token in connection with the foot that Canadian engineers have boon making a survey of the land on the Cannabto side of Niagara Itivor, opposite the north end of Grand Islamic leave given rise to many ru- mors. It lx elated that a western road will seek eutraunce to Buffalo through the Province of Ontario, that a new bridge will be built ncroes the Niagara River at Tonawanda, and that the Niagara Transfer Rail- way will be the connecting Ink with an eastern road. A special to the Ex- press from Tonawanda says: The N'i'agara Transfer Railway will con- tact with a road which the Northern Pacific contemplates building across Grand Leland to Totntwnnda. RUSSIAN BEAUTY JAILED. Deserted by Husband She 'Weds Him With Acid. Vienna, De•. 9.- Ryfka Offenbach, a Russian adventuress of extraor- dinary beauty and daring, has just been sentenced to three years and a lu1lf int prison here for blinding hor former lover, Rubin Starno- viez. the man of a wealthy merchant of Lorz, Poland. Ityfka ran away with Rubin, who had stolon a largo emu from her fa- ther. When the money was gone Ru- bin dotterted her, and she blinded him with sulpurlc acid. She wax sort to Siberia on a life sentence, but, by making love to a whole series of officiate, she escap- e1, ural, after extraordinary adven- tures, reached Carlsbad, where she art cop as a reigning beauty. The Itusrolatt police discovered her, and, in order to escape them, site suddenly married an old beggar at Lemberg, thus becoming an AIM - triton sobJeot, She left the beggar Immediately after marriage, and 3m- madittely resumed her oareor In Carlsbad; but Rubin's brother got her arrested, and she has been sen- tenced to prison In Austria. Among her admirers, 1t Is now said, were an archduke, and two German princes, who note every exertion to get her free. A Hungarian nobleman , of great wealth, dazzled by her beauty, Kae written her that she I can; go to hitn when released and he will marry her. He calls her not only the most beautiful creature living, but a heroine, Mr. Arthur Harvey, at tlta Toron- to Astronomical Sooloty, announced; an important discovery regardingI the deflection of the north mag- nelic pole. A DRAUGHT OF DEATH FOR AGED MERCHANT. Suspicion T hat Poison Was Placed in Bottle of Beer. Now York, Dr'r. 9. -An inver,tignt'on by the coroner into the sltddl'11 loath Met week of George F. Leyte, a wealthy manufacturer in Brooklyn, haft developed cons.derat>le of a tnys- tory, Tho Invettlgatlon Is proceed- ing. Leyte teas over 70 years of age and is said to have Isnssesed an es- tate of more than $700000. It was his custom to cyst hunch In the rear of his plaice of business. Witit his daughters to made his home. In apart- ments above. On Tuesday the 'lunch - ton was brought as usual and Leyh went into the cellar for a bottle of beer. Ile took It from a case con- taining twenty bottles. On tnking off the top he found the beer flat, but drank part of the -lass. It tasted bad, and he silted to the office ley, whom Inc asked to tante the beverage, which, be srtid, was bitter. The boy put the glass to hie lime and said the same. Lryh 1110810 and started ncroes the room. 8tteklenly he fell, and tiled In twenty minutes. The doctors found that his death probably was causal by a strong irritant ioison. At time it was be- lieved the stuff had leen placed in the bottle for sefe-keepeig, and thrtt Ley'I> had taken the fatal draught by mistake, hut a study of the whole affair Is call to have convinced the coroner that the top of the bottle had been taken off and a large quantity of poleen wits poured into the beer. Tire beer that renvained 3n the bottle sad the gloss used showed a quantity of sediment. An autopsy will be performed and the contents of the bottle analysed to ascertain tho nature of the poison. COAL STRIKE INQUIRY - HAS RESUMED BUSINESS. Several Witnesses for the Miners Their Statements. Scranton deepatch: the proceed- ings of the Coal Strike Inquiry yester- day were of a more or less desultory character. Six witneteres wore on the Arend during the two scissions. They were President Mitchell, two photo- graphers, two miners, and the wife of a miner, Mr. Mitchell was on the stand for a short time only, and was called to show that a 20 per cent. Di- oreasts to wages cid not mean a cor- respondeig Mercuric iii the price of owl. Tine puotographors produced pnotograpns they had taken of the lOmes of mineworkers hi the Hazel- ton region, which territory was un- der investigation to -day. N'. H. Dettry, l'rer:Meat of a local union, gild the men working for Coxe tiros. tare paid all average of $7.20 a week, and all contract miners are re- quired 1.0 stay in the males from 7 n. m. until 3 p. ut., whether or not they have enough curs to fill with coal they have mined- lie said a black ,lot exists at the C'oxe Lathes and that he was on it for nine mon tbs, be- oausc he refused to work a breast which netted him only $:1 a week. Ile Mao complained of the docking 1.; s - ten` ln the examination of Dettry, hurl Darrow- brought out the statement that the Cote company had refused to re-employ upward of 400 num nf- 1>4' the strike vans declared off, This number was subsequently reduced by the company coneenthtg to take back some of the nom at first barred,. alike lltdd;ick, a Hungarian miner, II tretifled that he earned about $2501 Met year. I30 also complained of the docking tyetrnt. Ile submitted his wage statements for the Inst year or more, which showed the largest me - than $1 omt of 'd.money he received for any two weeks to have been a little more lire. Mary Troland, the wife of a miner, was the brat witness. She told HALF ARE COUNTERFEITS. Startling Statement Regarding Amer- ican Silver Dollars. A4uslilgton, Der. 9. - The state- ment was made at a mut of the taleteller td l'omuvrrer by I'ran- cls C. Moore that tit 50,000,000 silver dollars now in circulation, it Ix within the realm of possibility that not le;;,; than 40,000,090 are ocanterfcltl Mr. Moore predicted tale state- tnen1 upon a report made to him by the president of one of the leading hanks in this city that of 1130 sil- ver (lettere turned into the sub - Treasury by the Institution of which ho 1s the head, no fewer than 170 were confiscated by the Gov- ernment its •be(ng counterfeit. Mr. Moore's remarkable slat r- elent came as a ,protect to the re- port of the Committee on Finance and Currency, to which had been referred the question of suggesting rlleneuree that would tend to pro- vide ngniast a money situation .curb as we have had recently to deal with. DEATH IN THE STORM. Vessels Wrecked and Their C'rew's Lost, Hatteras, N. 1'., 1)e:. 8. -Tic' 01, - server of the Weather 13urean re - porta that the four-nm8ted schooner Wesley M. Oder went ashore near Hatteras Inlet life-saving station early tide morning during the storm. Shia won pounding in the surf about toll, off shore. mall 8.20 a.m., when the force:tat went over, rnrrying overboard the last man. Almost Im- mediately elle went to pieces. The life-saving crew could do nothing to euro the crew. No bodies have wash- ed nnhoro vet. Yonkers, N. Y., Deo. 5. -During the storm lo -day several barges that Make , n general story of poverty and said the money earned by her husband was not sufficient to keep her family of seven children in good health, tt'111 }hasten Mattes, There were no development`s this rooming looking toward a wattlo- metd out,► le the anthracite commis - hien. (tumors of peace are still cur- rent, but none of the attorneys un either tilde profess to have any in- fotmntiot on the scbjeet. The com- mission threatrne to adopt roles, which will hasten masters, 0 the at- torneys for both sides do not agree oft some speedy method of presenting rho stntietics and other data re- lating to wages, The Iawyere have held several coofereneee, and It is likely (hot they will viten coma to some understanding. Hill to pay Arbitrators, Washington despatch : The Hottse passed the bill to appropriate $50.- 000 to dedray the expenses of the anthracite coal strike commission and then ndjot,rntd until Fridaay. Tient was some criticism of the feature of ilk bill allowing double ealariee to members of the vernalis - ',inn now In the employ of the Oov- ernm'nt, and oleo because the bill l"ft the amount of the compeawttion of tit, members to the President, Kul all am. n.bnents were voted down. The hell wata passel without dlvielou. Mr. Griffith (ind,) offered an aav'nlment to provide for Lis) letyment of the expenses of 3nhc Mitchell, the l'reshlent of 11t.' United Mine Workers. He ex- toilyd the serve•) of Mr. Mitchell in Mitigate; tits strike to nn end, Mr. Cannon pill a high tribute, to Mr. Miele 11, who, he said, won a fellow citizen of Illinois, but sold Ito dal not believe Mr. Mitchell would rltorse st,e11 a "cheap John" pro- po'ltion. The amendment was voted down. were being towed up the river broke adrift, and 0110 of then( ;uank. Three brother; were on the barge that Sauk. One ens drowned and the two others were found 00 the beach in an tinennrelous condition. Kingston, N. Y., lee. 5. -Blinded by the driving snow, Bessie Hickson, aged fourteen, walked Into Rondout Creek and wen drowned to -day, while returning home with her little broth- er from a ;tore with supplies for the family dinner, BURIED BY WOMEN. A Woman Said the Prayer, and a Wo- man Preached, Chien go despatch : .A ceremony unique among funeral xervices was performed at 1(00>181l today, when the body of a woman was laid to rest by a party of her WO/UPI/trends. A woman said the prayer, it w'01111111 spoke the welds of eulogy over the body and consigned "dust to dust" at the open grave. Only one ratan stood in the throng of mourner's. Ile MIN iho Pen of the WOnlart ht the casket, but he took no Part ut the 8ingdr rite8. It was tee funeral of Mrs. Eliza ,tine Oliver lionah+w, who ttt 00 years of ago, the daughter of Captain Joseph Oliver, of the ('eul3- neutnl Army In the Revolution dry War. Following her lust WIN!). 8110 was burled as stated. There is an unconfirmed rumor Clat the Belgian steamer 7,t'ois'ii has foundered 1n the North Set :nil twenty-elght persoue herr been drowned. Thirty -sic eocialiot itieta'nge will 90 held In Berlin toele,1 to protest against the methods adopted by the Reichstag majority In eoaliny with the tariff bill. An official despatch stato8 that top Sultan of Merin was probably killed in' n skirmish with the hutch expels tion sent against the Aohineee at. 1'edil, Island of Sumatra.