HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-12-11, Page 6Card Gifts. A Christmas Gift of utmost satisfaction to both giver and recipient is: An Engem* Visiting Tsed rip 111 the aal s«lrl. Urn Choicest Yielded Garde printed hone tae plats, VVise Sal Leather isiting Cud Cele. We send these coin. plete to any address, prepaying delivery harges, for $3,00. Wile for oar new eelalofae. It will eeglaied you with lune deeds ed now ideas. We mail it Se mottesot. Ryrie Bros., Jewelers, Yango ant Adelaide Ste Toronto. iIt you want in enjoy each meal to the at moat patent unrl feel that your - ( stomach Is taking the good mit of - j 1.1(0 food you out yea hlioald try He Ws* Loug•Headed. I('hauncey Deposal "I naked a German butcher the other day the price of sausage. "'Fifteen cents n pound," he aald, ntkling atter a momentary pause, 'Anil 1 haln't got none alretty.' "1 naked him why he quoted a price when he could not deliver the goods. "'(ill,' he explained, 'If I hat der brise voutd be dwcnty refits. ilia 1 huff none, en 1 make tier brier low. It gltea me a rebu- ,htslln uod it 1„osts me nolldings.'" StolllaGli Disorders Dr. Carson's Tonic Stomach and Constipation Sitters It will give zr1.t to your appetite. in, ',animist ,m the It. 01 'tris super'«r 1on10 sent ht eo hangs for your Imine un,! address on post runt. p, r bottle 10 all Irngglnis or sent pre- paid oil rerelp1 of true. �:, till':'' •''err ,.0 nrelpt ret 0,' tet l,np1 to o'er pen tngr. CARSON MEDICINE CO , TORONTO SMOKE H I LDA 5 cent Cigar llsarontee4 Clear Ratans Filled T101'110 holiday Man tl,. narn,lpp11, lbs hem should have ag.n-11' ' o,isr, rh,=>r1 — Iiaegtraaoh.eux* WEBSTER'S international Dictionary td OWLISH, Biography, Seeguphy, tittles, ate, The Otte Great Standard Authority. %stip fdatrulms thanes,$ w wards res mos. 6e10111ns1Mbn* New it*te,thrnughnut Let Us Beed You a FREE A Testis Pronunciation Aga* lamest and Instmrdrn m.mrtainmem Alp IVeb.ter'a Cotlent este g)ictionary. I'a 144.0Illnshet,me, 8,vo 110,1:-..010001 • .elan 101 4nslh', W. ••nJ. lura lfl ,tx •' 1.1.PWR,Tm' r,0011S Ina i1rn } ea* S, A C. MERRIAM CO., Pubs , Springfield, Mast. Extra of Beef We nu the best lean beef, gel all rhe swam from (1, and concentrate it to the uttermost. In an Donee of our Extract (here le all the nutrition o1 margpotaods of berl. To get more nutriment to the moue is impossible. Oar Booklet, "flow to Make Good Thing, to Eat," mailed Tree. LIIBY, YcIElll d oast, CBICtIO. For a Cold that hangs on For obstinate coughs and colds there is nothing equal to that old reliable remedy Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum. Prepared from Red Spruce Gum it is soothing and healing to the Lungs and Throat. It stops that tick- ling in the throat, and after a few doses that ti);Itt feeling in the chest is relieved and the cold and cough pass away, Try a 25 cent bottle. Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum _ 4'►�t�O�wfNf4NtN!!!1 PHOTOGRAPHERS! ROTOGRAPH 2 BROMIDE PAPER Ile you know ilial '10ii1 g: re Ton alts".11.1 re+alts (ten nay- ill her 'ilea$$ se per" 1 \Olt .,,m! 1„o ..$.., as package ; 111.'„ 11„(0ges ph ((1 g011 taper for #l.Lu ant prrp.,y repn're ckl0rgrn. icy it. / Q ♦♦ 18. Y ISE ' ,'u,dtan Agent 513 Queen 81. W., Toronto i®004•ea♦oeooeot►H•••••oe•• .A Itwtld;no IteN,'lllblallla'. Kai --„t; t $10 `las. "h, 11 sok I;I,' anyone you k'novr?” asit.,l o t ei;;:,t t(1i lin }t>utll at n card ill 1,i U he 1thrr 11114111 od n t enerahle id,l inna 'alio inti h. en gazing at hind i(ilrllt l.1 I h'f0 1,' ,ton alt," returned the old 11(1111, "1`1111 10011 like an rant to mine 111111 dies! twenty years ago. 1 h{lrx p, though, that 0111' find jtet n lit lo Mort' 11,1rlIotn('he than you hoe got.: He Hated to Tell 1t. Exchange, At n r'a'I'ttt s<'Looi examination ley the `a loos 1t01C1, nn officious mrm- ber ilit tut. lt':1 that he woolel gl;e n t rrtotn class a lesson on "wool," r. intt;o ;e writer to the `''ottiah .inn ti'1111. .After lecturing to the r1.ti !I, 11 for At considerable time without 11111. appearance of ntTen- tl,n (foal lbs' ('11160 he stopped short awl began 11rn'siloniltO one dull -look - Ing 151,1. -Well. my 0(1,' soil he. 1a hint. 1:111 I of 1 1'• Lily 's picket, 'what iss tl.is jut kat utnda of 2" The boy Lain -aim (11,1011 flit 21^11d, r"ai•iint.+sl ((111'.' 511 Oil. "('rime. rotor, my INT." m1ni11er tot.,inglS Slit; "don't 1'u know what your Jack^t is made of 1" With ('yrs atilt on the floor til^ boy answered: 0It wail mail, 1612 0' mil fnither's aoltf hreeks." Chili Nance, A good rule for Able favorite sauce fa as follows: Peel and floely chop ;twelve large tomatoes, uot overripe, utd put into a preserving kettle with ono largo white onion finely chopped, and ,two cope of vinegar. Boll slowly oto hour, stirring often, then add ,two rounding lnbloomooufuls of augur, one rounding tahleeasppoonful of salt, one level tableelpoonlul of cinnamon, one rounding tea oonfnl each of clown and ginger, a level tenapoonful of ,hlack pepper and cayenne to make a.e hot as Iikod, and continue cooking slowly until as thick as desired. Seal in wall Jars. Millard's Liniment Rrllevrs Neural• gla. JUST A DOZEN. Twelve Goal Parodies on Popular Proverbs, A word or(l(ant Counsel t When day' are bleak and thou RN. lung aria cold, keep Ferry linvfe' Painkiller In the house. It le your 101(ht'ul friend, to It Willi y0111 parents' friend. External end Internal axe, A Twisted Miracle. "Well, Unele Rnedtrry, how did you like iho sermon ?" "Il war a llow?ill earnest', Morse John." "What wan It about 2" "It war 'bout do uter'ele ob roes th„ itiatnd loaves and five thou He ell (1011106 1(In' fed to the twelve 'p01(11(e." "Seven thousand i(s'tv('s Mal five t'lotsnnd fishes being (el to the twelve aigrettes. Ilut where 110116 the miracle come In 7" (Inch' 1tn:Murry mere leant itis head 1t Ir'w miners) meditatively, Then Ile replied : 11011, 1tau'se John, de umr'elr, 'cor,lin' to ml- perception of 11, (deem -11M a 110,51, Is (lite day nil didn't hoot." 1. .111 is not b,i01' lira's bluer. (.til le no; gold that glitters.) _. The pledge in time ,vavaa crime. (.1. 1•itch .in time 6, tea nine.) 3. It's the long r.:nr that cures aloes learning. (I1'1 n long Ione that hila no turning.) 4. Silo utlk11 marl salt. talks foal, (Hr I:ulgha beat Who laughs ince;.) fi. Who can't be cured should bo hnsurel. (11'hal can't be enrol must bo endured) G. Thema nt'xny a (Ip 'twist tile meat n011heUp, (1l111'rr;il wane' (1 (111r)'1101vl iho 0911 nal 1141' Will - 7, The Mauer' the 1601 the colter 17:11 111.111, (The nrarir the fails the tweet - rt• the 111Pa1.) 8. \Chi 11 1hr 1111 1 goes onto the - CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED nlih 1,0t'AT, .AI'l'Lll .l'i'I(INH, 00 they °1111 reach the Weil 1t the dboeas,'. t'atarrh 111 a 1,100,1 or v400111111 haat! disease, ;ad In nater to rare It yam mast 1a he lutcrturl 10111- 01101. IL0I, l n tnrrb 1'111',' lo taken lttter- nally, and 110(0 dimity on the blood and 111110111s stsrfnl'es. 11 rill's Catarrh Care Is not u 11111101: uuvllriur. It. was prearrlhed by ane t,( 1(lo heal pbyxb'i:oss 111 Thio (.0111itry for rears and Is 11 l - regular prrsrription. (t larro 'pomvt tat the hest 1,'mks Valor.", rontbioe'd with tin' 1(1',) 11100,l purifiers, noting directly un the nloWatle sal ttaves. rhe perfect comhl- naiion of the two ingrt'«Il'ols is NI lust pro - dimes *.1(011 n•uudert'ut results in rasing ('s- law,. Mend for test Mondale, fm0. & t'11., Prop0.,Toledo, O. 00111 by liruggist 0, prier ;fie, Haile Veintty 1'111. On' the beet. AgammallIM P rice or bila', Writing, Three manuserlpt poems In 011' Ra.ndwrilingr of ('liarl'N Lnttrb (0111" sold; for P,9,70 recently in London. Didn't Want Crackers. Thyro once was a young lady, 11r. Whn uw11101 It bud parrot that tor. H,' would llkewlal' binspheop', Unitas: language extreme -- All of which, go the Indy mild, ehr. Minard'e LlaLmrnL Cures Dandruff. Pntnter. ('hump. The beggar bad n miller 11(1 "Deaf and Dumb," and the ,passing philan- thropist stopped In front of him. " I'd ilko to give this luau some- thing,' be wild to lila compnaloe, "but how am Ito know that ho la deal (554(1 dumb ?" "Reed the notice, sir," whlapared 1ho beggar, cautiowdy. Weleotne si Nunnhh,e after moral Is 111P relief when res ubatl0ato, Puttees 'mulch ham been 11riven away by Allen's Latta Balsam. No plain In It. The good ean•t Ia„U. 'rake a hot tic tome with you thin d,y. Her Point 'of t' leer. Philadelphia ledger. A young Indy applicant for a ec11001 out west, says a St. Lottie humorist, wife warted the gt,estlon : "What is 3o00' position upon whipping chil- dren 1" and her reply was: "My t.eual poalt1on Is 071 0 Chair, With the ekIl l held firmly across my knrea face downwards," She got the school, ENGLISH SPAY'IN LINIMENT removes all hard, dolt er calloused Lumps and Mem. Who from herds, Blood Hpavlo, Curbs, Hpilnts, Ring Bone, Sweeny, Htlan.Spralny More nod Swollen Thrust, Coughs, etc, Sero ,80 by use of one boots. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by all drogglsta. Result of Now York Export's Analyses of Csnadlan•Mado Bosse. Dr. Delmel bInen-Weal Co, writer: " We sent samples of the leading "soaps made In Canada to an expert "In New York, and had them titer- " oughly analysed. As a result of " this analysts, we and your ' Sun - "light Soap' to thoroughly cleanse " without danger to the clothes, and " we are therefore pleased t0 recom- "meod wearers of the Dr. Delmel " Underwear to one Sunlight Soap "for willing." Try Sunlight Soap—Octagon Bar— and you will see for yourself. R24 Bettor the lig nest. Exchange. "Topley and his wife have parted" "You don't lacy so Whatever-" "Yes. Just caw lam king her good - ),ye and start for the office -0 (Bang: Sion: Whnckt !) Ire ,believe MIN ARIL'S LIAI LENT the peat : Matthias Foley, Oil City, flat. Joseph Sauer, Norway, Me, Chile. Whoeleu, Mulgrnvr, N. 8. Re' R O Arm trong Uulgrave N IR s, ISSUE NO. 50, 1902. Always beneedfora Children Maws Teething, should) loathes Iho chll,L eortensUngueIb1.W WI (01014 Celle sad la the best remedy roe Ularrboa, EARYRRN OHIO FARE FOR SAT.N- rent hergQolne. Send for dreerlptlre list. Addrrw P. 0, pug 1Jt, Tuungetowtl, (1, TEN COURSES BY MAIL Leading prufeeelone Ihormighly taught. Expert, Instructors. Indl- rldunl attention, Hand for handsome eata- Iogue for particulars. Carnal ndsnes Deport. moat CENTRCI BUSINESS COLLEGE, Tweets ,Can. ifIPERIAL MAPLE SYRUP. The Quality mondani from Orem to Oeesn. 1"our money back If notenUdar(orr ROME & LA FLAME, Anent., Mootnel, HIGHEST TYPE OF BACON HOGS ate prod tired by OAK LODGE YORKSHIRES. Flret and Hweestankre at 'rerontOln baron elapse* Dile year. First rued Hweepetar re at the winter fair torr nueeesslte yenta, !tock of all ogre at moderate prices, J. E. nuarrIIOVlt, Hulloed, Ont. Lock Bon 0. A GOOD FOR " Pierre Landry, sen., aiike.muurhe, Nat, WATCH lR2.35 Thome IVa hays, 5hofflrid, N. 11. Hatldlesioaed. Madge -How l6 it ,run lr not going out yachting with 'Charlie ng.dn 2 • Dally-lt took both leis hoods to manage the boat. DR. A. W. CHASES 25 CATARRH CURE *.. u' Is sent direct to Ibe diseased GArte Jr the. Improved blower, ears are Ment chore Mr ale passages, stops droiping in the throat and perrnauann Carel Catarrh and flay Fevrr*Elowet e. All dealers, ur Ur,A. W Chau Acne Co, Toros* sad Buffalo It that says keep hate Preach, Not Practice, Toronto Star, is almost needless to mention t11e l'lurug) professor who n 11!111 run Ilvecoufortably and a futully 00 $300,1 year, doesn't to funk(' the experiment. No Whale Theer, Toronto Star, '11,''3 talk of .sttu'ling it di.,tillrl'y In Toronto to 1,:1" tap bet't SlIgal1 ((1011)1)' 1(((501'. 'I''lcnl',. one great beauty 011 a distillery. It lute 110 refs/Ft-hogs rat some awl Malan be- luga torl,.lans' 1101 rest. Monkey Brand Sotp makes rapper like gold, tin like silver, crockery like marble, and windows like crystal. Il More Than He Had Pbhlodelphia Iinlletlu. ,Tudgv'--O( Coarse, 1 might lit you off, Canty, If you hod an alibi. Casey -Shur% yer honor, 1 haven't wan about ow, but here's nrr lush' quarter, 1f that'll timid ,re. Mlnard'e Liniment for sale every- where. Gracious : 11rlsllmutade Blade!. She -1 Have tried every known rem- ade for my freckles, but they will not go away. Ho -There is nothing wonderful In that; nothiug W01114 like to leave. Iso fair u lace. And He Wien Crusty. 1011,1 Ant --11007 trail the (dente 2 Second Ant -Neter saw smelt a crush In my Ilfe! Some our ret clown en the pie. ,aftuard's Ltuimrpt tures Burns, etc. A Cutting Jest, 7Ib811,, Th^ Husband filming the quarrel) -You're slwnye making bargnlov. Woe there riser a time when you dkin't The Wlfc-Yes, air ; on my wedding day' tiro the Lr; files oat of the clam- l:nglleh Crowding Out French. ary. W111 't p:o;'rty P111er11 the ,)oar iota file; oat or the wiinrrow,) 'J. Jt :ri, 1.r ta;•t(', man, rather than I r( n mire, 18101'11' 1b haste, and rep0lit at lei: 101'.) 1O, 11'10' kit ten, 6r w pie. (he, Litten, titer 015.) 11. I 1, tit iho scawl that makes one f it, 1":,•t the c .11011 tion 11111 kr* 11'0 m:::,k.) 12. 11111 It r(du( hatter than 110 11101. (lLalf a loaf L: hitter thea no brow].) -London Tit -hits "They 111nna Hay Nall hing." S.$0$ $1,1i A marinas. A Scotch merchant was n candidate for munimpol hut(ore, (inc day hr en- oounter.d has mr' a gr Ind, nn,1 asked him 1f hr 1r:ia 1,14.11 tilling the cu0lu(n- tve ;til 111' went round that hu ma - Moyer way a candidate for the Town Council. "Yes, rfr',' 601111011 George. "And what du they guy I" 'They dlnua ray rutething, sir, Th -y jlnt 1nooh," English hs more nn,1 more' taking tae place of Flame]] as the language , of Rucala t court circles. Tee l'zarlat speaks Fossilise constantly, and the Czar too. hlra to express etlmyelf tin too s111N1 toughs. Send Or full particular*. Adamee Dept. A, VIM SUPPLY CO., Hamilton, Ont. POULTRY (bnelgnmen la of Poultry, Game, hut try., ilggx, Honey, Beans, ate., solicited, Will i:.,y 104 ante per Ib. F.G,lt, 'Toronto fur hlesw: h. lteterencrt-your lima hawker. Correspondence halted. Prompt rettrn:.. JOHN J. FEE'.:. root, TORONTO, ONT. [EMU LADIES' COLLEGE To 1111 Interested lu the rduent Inn of young lath.* or girls where an extensive mouse may be had, ineleri• hag !be common and high seined Sennett*, Science, i.nngu Agee, Muse, Fine Art commercial (lours,', toter, Training, liloeutlan, ,ort Needle Work and Phy- 61c111 ('ulttin' write tinter. A. B. 101M ILL, President, St. Catharines, ((lit„ 1,0' rnl,'nter that Oral you very special rates. ill SaTION 0(118 PAPten. Blood When an animal is all run downs hes a rough coat and a tight hide, anyone knows that his blood is oat of order. To keep au animal eeono- micelly be must be in good health. - DICK'S BLOOD PURIFIER is s necessity where the beet results from feeding would be obtained. It tones up the system, ride the stomach of bots, worms and other parasites that suck the life blood away. Nothing like Dick's powder for a run down bora*. BO cents a package. Looming, Milos & Co., Ageata, norowaAL The things nye are going to do are generally the things we brag about most. For Goodness Sake Wear ranby Rubbers The Rubber that has the largest sale in Canada, simply on account of its goodness. Made from (rte ) new rubber. ta,l, o "Granby Rubbers wear like iron" Muir •Special Christmas QfIer Owing to tit limited lit numher n( thelia suites etOclt thir advertia'naht will pus)tively not Amcor again thio year, nn11 to give any who are '11,11rvn1a of parchn0in 1 one of the '':nndnome st1111's ns 11 11111111n111 It pro ill( , we will slur, tree and deliver Xnin.1 EN', upon pa,m„t;1 of a $3.(S) 11clv/rit. .i Lf. 1,11:111IIT 4 1181(1,11-1 I'.tta) 1.9 .ANY STATION IN ON- T.1CI(1, pr(Ilortiunatl liLuwancl lead, to till 011tl,idn points. THiS 840.00 FIVE -PIECE PARLOR SUITE $27.50 Tilos' parlor suites 101 lamhnnucl,v upholstered In the hest Fr Pint vclunrN, fringe. turd, rite. to notch; beat tex%- pored 4611 String seats. 11,16 ;lilt la exactly as Illustrated and couoists of sora, plat- form rocker,. arm chair nM two reception chairs NOTE-S.'nd for our Xfua,+ ('.ttndrr,7nr of Furniture. Everything freight chargee paid. THE DUFF TT FURNITURE C011 Limited, 2, 4, 6, 8110 d 12 60(11.0 STREET, TORONTO