HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-12-11, Page 5Ready for the Christmas Trade. During the past few months we have been making great preparations for the Christmas trade. We imported our Fancy Silks for Waists and Fancy Japanese Silks direct this season, which puts us in a position to quote very much lower prices. This season will eclipse any display we have ever made in Christmas goods. Japanese Silk Goods. Fancy Cushion Tops et. 250, 35e arid 40e. Silk and Satin CushiouTops, embroidered with silk and gold, in colors of pink, vile, reside, cardinal, canary, etc., at 50c, 05e, 81. and 81.50. .Japanese Silk Drapes, embroidered with silk and gold, in pink, sky, turquois, reside, etc., at 50c, 85c and $1. ;Silk Table Covers, blue, green, turquois, pink, reside, embroidered with silk end gold. heavy knotted fringe, at 81.50, 81.90 and $l. $flk Blouse Goods, in blue end white and pink and white lace stripes, worth 50c, for 40o, ,Brooaded Waist Bilks, in new designs, in all colors, very special, 75o. ,Fancy Brocaded Silk Waist Goods, in white, blue, pluk, turquois and reside, worth 81.25, for 81. A special line of Heavy Brocaded Silk, in all colors, worth $1.50, for $t.95, Japanese Silks Tainolinea,'Taffetas, etc., at 25c, 50c, 750 and $1. French Flannels and Silk Mixtures for Waists, in fancy ribbon stripes and doral designs, at 60c, 75c and 8t. Handkerchiefs Make a very acceptable present. We show a very large stock of all the new styles for ladies and gents, and the little folks have ,not been forgotten, ,Children's Fancy Handkerchiefs, with pictures and floral designs, at 2c, tic, 5e, 8c atld IOC, Ladles' Muslin Handkerchiefs, embroidered and trimmed with lace, very pretty goods, at 5c, 8c, 10c, 150 and 2Ge. :Silk Handkerchiefs, in plain white and cream, in all sizes, wide hemstitched, some initialed, others plain, at 20c, 25c, 40c, 50c. 75c and 81. We show nearly 2000 New Handkerchiefs hi all the newest styles at all prices. , Millinery Section. You will find every desirable novelty in this department. Under the management of Miss Stewart this department is rapidly growing In favor. You will find Stylish Millinery here, but style is not everything, It must be becoming to the wearer, That's where our Millinery excels, itt giving every lady a IIat or Bonnet that hecemeis her. As the season for Millinery is pretty well ad- vanced we are making terrific reductions in prices of several lines to clear. In some cases Ready-to-wear Hats will bo reduced to half price, and even less, as they must be cleared out before the end of the season, Fur Goods. Ladies' Astrachan ,ia,eltets, in all sixes and lengths, at $22,50, $25, 82), $35 and 810. Ladies' Caperines, iu d,ffment combinations of Electric Seal and Astrachan, Electric Seal and Opposeum, Sable and Electric Seal, trimmed with tails, heads and chains, at 18, 84.50, 40, 88, $W and 815. Ladies' huffs, in all gnulitiea and prices, trona 81 to $15. Men's Fur Coats in great variety, Fancy Goods. Art Sateene, iu new patterns, at l2$c, 15o and 18a. Art Musline at 5c, Se, IOe, 12jc end 15c. Chatelaines, in all sizes, in leather and steel beaded, for belt or wrist, at 35c, 50c, 75c, 11, $1.50 and $2. Fancy Applique Collars, in black and colored, 50c. Vassar Combe at 5c, 10c and 15c, Pompadour Combs at 10c, 15o and 25c. Dress Goods. `nave alwuys take the lend in Fiue Dress (otitis, and this eea8on we have surpassed all further effurte. A few specials are here men- tioned which will give you it slight idea of the stock we carry : Black and Nevy Serge at 25c, 60 and 75c. Black Satin Soliel, pure wool, at 85c and C. Black and Colored Homeepuns at 25c, 60c, 70e an1$1. Black Broadclath Suitings at 75c, 81 and 81.50. Zibeline Dress Goods at 60c, 75c, $l and 81.50. Cashmere, in brown, cream, Sky, royal blue and cardinal, at 85c and 50c. Gents' Furnishings. We show something very natty in Men's Silk Neckwear, in Bows, Knots, Four -In - hand, Ting Edward and Flowing Ends, bought specially for tho Christmas trade, at 20c, 25c, 85e, 50c and 75c. Men's Silk Mufflers, in black and colored, at 26c, 50o, 75c and 81. Hen's Lined Kid Gloves, dome fastenings, worth 75c, for 50c, Men's nue Mocha Gloves, some lined with.silk, others with wool, at 750, 81 and 81.60. Men's Underwear, in all sizes and qualities from 25c to $1.25 per garment. Our Wool Fleeced Shirts and Drawers at 45c are extra value. We show a large stock of Men's Cloth and Fur Caps in all the latest styles, also Felt Hes in all the new shapes. Gloves. Ladies' Undressed Kid Gloves, assorted colors, worth 75c, for 50e, Pewney's high-class French Kid Gloves, black and colors, in all sizes, at 11 and 81.95. Gloves, Fowne's best quality Kid (.loves, in black and colors, in nit sits', dome fasteninge, at 81 and 81.20. Ladies' ltiug,vood (:lova. in white, break and fancy colors, at and 35c. Childrente Ringwood (}laves, in white, cardinal Rud fancy Sole's, at 2'M and 25c. Children's Imitation Astrachan Gauntlets, in white, grey and black, at 40n, 50c and 60o. Ladies' Grey and Black Gauntlets, in all sine, at 65e, 75e, tkc and 81. Christmas Groceries, Thera has been a sharp advanee in Mie price of several lines in Groceries, espeeially in Teas, Canned Goods of alt kinds, Raisins, Figs, Cheese, Etc. We secured our stook before the advance in prices, and oan Nil thein much below the present prices. Brown Sugar, 80 ibs. for 81. Tomato Catsup in 2 lb, this, 8 cans for 25c. Tomato Catsup iu large bottles, 5o. 8 lbs. New Selected Raisins for 25c, 4 lbs. New Cleaned Currants for 260. 8 lbs. Large Now Prunes, very choice, 250, 2 lbs, Evaporated Peaches, bright goods, 26c. Japan Tea, now worth 85c, for 25c. Red Rose Tea at old prices, 25c, 80c, 40o and 600 Tartan Ceylon Tea in packages, 25c, 35c, 40c and 50c, New Dates in pound packages, 10c. e cans, one each Tomatoes, Corn and Pess, 28o, Choice Ingersoll Cheese, 14c, Icing Sugar, -7c a lb. or 4 lbs. for 980. We carry a fall stank of Extracts, Candied Peels Spices, Pickles, Vinegars, Golden Syrup and everything required for the Christmas trade, We always pay the highest price for Butter and Eggs, When the printer allowed us extra space in his paper this week, we thought we could give you a full description of all the goods we carry siiitsfble for Christmas presents, but our space is filled and still there are a great many things we would like to tell you about. However, the above will give you an idea of the immense stock we carry, and when you are ready to buy your Christmas goods come direct to our Big Cash Store, and we will show you a stock second to none in the ,county. Make your selection early, and get the cream of the stock. McKINNOFS BIG CASE STORE MITI BUTTER AND EGGS The undersigned is prepared to buy All good Butter and Eggs offered ut our shop, Farmers will do well to sell all their Tub Butter. Fresh Rolls will noon he in demand. Bring your Butter ,and Egge, and all kinds of grain and set the highest prioe in cash. McMILL,PiN & CO. •Insley street Blyth Foot Warmers for 'Winter Weather. That's what we have got. Cardi- gans, Overshoes, Lined Rubbers, Leg- gings, Overgaiters end Overstoekinge for women and children, For men— Leather Leggmg<, nice Butt stook, High and Low Overshoes; Felt Boots, tong, short and medium lengths; also an immense stock of Heavy Lumber - men's Rubber's and Socks for men, bove and small boys. We ask you to ,ash and see what we have got. Our Grocery Stock is as usual above the average. We have everything Sou need for your Xmas Cake. Our Raisins end Currants are clean and fresh, and at close prices. ;SLYTH'S UP -10 -DATE STORE, T. W. SCOTT TOWN TOPICS. :—Remember the date of Prof. Tau he's ,visit to Blyth—December 10th and 177th. —Read the half -nage adv. of Messrs. MoKinnon d; Co. in this issue, You ;will find something in it of interest. —Wait for THE CHRISTMAS STAN- p,ARD, Out by December l5th. All aubearibers paying in advance will get one copy tree, —The Blyth flour mill is shipping' 500 ,sacks of flour to South Africa this week, The fame of the Blyth mill for maim - featuring good flour is extending to all ,gttart. re of the globe. —Voting on the Liquor act of 19112 .took place in the province of Ontario on 'Thursday last. We are unable to give ,our readers the vote in detail for Huron ,county, owing to antflcient r'etur'ns not 'having been made to the returning officers. The vet% in Blyth stood as follows:—For the act, 8i; against the act, 75; majority for the sat, 11. Oa :page seven of this item we publish the returns that we had succeeded in get- aing up to the hour of going to press. —Mr. D. D. Crittenden spent Sun- da) with Exeter friends. Additional city papers have been added to TUE STA.NDAIln clubbing lief. Read it. —Ouradvertising columns are crowd- ed this week end consequently we ere obliged to condense our reading matter. —Do you see? 11 not, do you want to see? IS ao, eee Prof. Taube and he will make you see, if there is any see in yon, Commercial hotel, Blyth, on De- cember 10th and 17th. —Mr. and Mrs. Jelin Drummond l itvd th great grand-pparents. TIM wife of their grand -son, Mr. George Shepperd, of Atlantic, Iowa, gave birth to a son on December 6th. We extend congratu- ilations. '—Mr, J. T. Currie, reeve of East Wawanosh, vas in the village en Fri- , day and gave THE Sraxnanu tr pleasant call. Mr. Currie will retire from the • reeveshlp at the end of the present year and will contest the Blyth-Wawauosh- Ve ngham division for the comity council. His opponens will likely be • the present representatives, Messrs. i Patterson end Lockhart. We bear the names of Messrs. Alex. Stuart and .John Webster, both of West Weivenosh, also mentioned for the representtttien of this division. --Santa Marie tent, No. 123, Knights 'of the Maccabees, hes elected the fol. lowing °Sleeve for the meeting year:— Cenm:mder, Sir lit. A, 1:. Brudwin; lieueleaut commander, Sir lit, D. Stalker ; record and tiniuice keeper, Sir Kt. ,loseph Sto'hers; (emplane sir Kt. P. 11'dluws; ehysici:m, Sir Kt, Ih•. . Milne; sergeant, Sir Kt. D. Kennedy:• ma•ter-at-grins, Sir lit. Charles Bar-, rett ; first master of the guard,, Sir Kt. Neil 'Caesar; second muster of the gnarls, Sir Kt. J: C. Ross: sentinel, Sir Kt. John Armour; picket, Sir Kt, Alex. Dingwall. —Messrs, ,llclierchio 1 Rance, pri- vate hankers, have dissolved partner- - ship. Mr. (Rance rethes from the firm to accept the position of manager of the Clinton branch of the Sovereign Bank of Canada. The business here will be continued by 1f.•. McMurchie, who has the Ise t wishes of ninny friends for continued and increased prosperity. Mr. Rance left on 'Tuesday afternoon to assume his new duties at Clinton, }le was a resident of Blyth for Dight years and during that time made many warm h ie,ds who regret his departure. He was at enterprising and popular citizen, and took a greet interest in eductti tel matters, being a menber of the school bolu•d for the past six years. 'Mr. Rance is no stranger to the people of Clinton, and the Sovereign hank directore could not have made a' better selection for their bank manager at that port. He is a popular, cour- teous and experienced banker, and will he the means of bringing volumes of good business to the Clinton branch of the Sovereign hank, To Mr. and Mrs. Rance we extend our host wishes for their future prosp'rity and good health, : BUYERS, iKeep your eyes on the advertising columns of i: The Standard. • • • YOU will find that the leading• merchants are represented thele 2 sod offer you the • Best that can be had for • • the money. —Mr, Frank Metcalf is in Toronto this week. —'there was no ?uorum of the school board on Friday evening last. —airs, Stotbers and baby were the guests of Dungannon friends during the past week. —Remeinbe• the month organ bend concert to be given at the residence of Mr. 8. Herrington next Monday even- ing. --The scriptures teach that it is not good for a mall to live alone, but there are a few old bechelore i11 tide village who evidently dont believe the scrip- tures. --Mr, G. E. Denstedt, of Gerrie, Agent Inst Thursday and Friday with Blyth friends. Mr, Denetedt reported busi• nes., brisk in Gerrie and stated that be was well pleased with his now home. —Rev. C. H. P. Owen, of Luckttow, will officiate in Trinity church next Sunday evening. Mr. Owen will preach in Auburn in the morning, and Bel - grave in the afternoon. Rev. J. Ed- monds tekes his duty at Lucknow and Sr. Helens for next Sunday, —The following officers for the ensu- ing year were elected on Monday even. ing last by L.O.L. No. 003;—Worship- ful master, Bro, W. H. McElroy ; deputy master, Bro, A. McNally; chaplain, Bro. John McGill; recording secretary, Bro. W.F. Hunter ; thruociel secretory, Bro. John Mains; treasurer, Bro, Jobe Wilford; director of cere- monies, Bro. James Gibson ; lecturer, Bro. Joseph Hunter; committeemen, Bros. Richard McComtnius, Robert Vint, J. E. Taman. Absalom Taylor, Wirt. Gibson, • —The annual literary and musical ente, taint -tient in connection with the Blyth Methodist church Sunday school will be held in the church on Friday evening, December 19th. There will be an interesting and profitable pro - grant of readings, recitations, dia- logues, solos, duetts, quartettes end choruses by members of the Sunday school and Epworth League, Resisted by the Westfield quartette, Blyth %eolith organ hand, Mr. Win. Lyons, of Lon- deehoro, and Miss Carrie Shortreed, of Walton. Rev. John Holmes, pastor of the church, will occupy the chair. Admission, 10 ceute, —Rod Bylaw Nu, 11, of the township —Mr. E. C. Wilford is attending the of East Wewanosh, on page eight. Clintor model school examinations this —Bev, Wet. Penhall, of Atwood, was week. in Blyth on Thursday last and called —The last meeting of Blyth council on many old friends, for 1902 will be held to Industry hall ea —Mr. S, Herrington has enlarged his Monday evening next, advertising space in this 'ieeue. He —Mise Ada Brigham, of Londesbore, is having a nice talk with holiday has been engaged to teach in U.S,$. buyers. No. 12, }Judea and Morris, The salary —Dont forget the past and present is 8010. tea meeting to be held in the Blyth —The annual Christmna tree enter - Presbyterian church ou Friday evening sainntest in enemies)) web Trinity of this wok. Go and enjoy yourself, church Sunday school will be held in —Mir. Joseph k' cher, n'l.o spent the Industry hall on Monday evening, De• past few months working in the lumber comber 22nd. mills at Bannockburn, arrived in the village on Friday and will spend the winter with Mr. john Curring, of Hul- lett. —Mr. Jamese A. Hewitt, of Grlmaby, a former resident of Blyth, met with a serious misfortune on Saturday night. His planing mill at Grimsby was de- -A severe snow storm set in Suter- strayed by fire. The loss le retween day night and there has been snow in 81000 and 85000; insured for 111000, The abundance ever since, The weather fire started in the engine room, Mr. has been extremely cold and the sleigh- Hewitt has the evmpathy of unsay old ing very gond, although the snow drift- friends and neighbors in Blyth in his ed badly in places. great los.. The Popular Clothing House 11 l!1! New We have the New 1'a1l (;umlml, in great abund- ance and variety. You yam lin, heighten up your dull winter togw cry with some of these new de. light£ully st}lish things for particular men's wear. You can rely 011 these styles being the very ,most correct New York ur London furnishings. We have the lereest and hest stock of Mien's Underwear in the town and are selling stacks of t hem at prices that astonish every- body. S. H. GIDLEY .. BLYTI .