HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-12-11, Page 4mcmURC IIE & RANCE BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. BLYTH, O11'C t\ RI(1. MOTES DISCOUNTED, Sale Notes n spe:',ialty. A leauces made to furiaerr 011 their owe Rotes, No nd,litioual security re quired, mum ON DEPOSIT et Current Rates, We offer every firemen -iodation cnn- eistent with Fide end coeservailVe banking principles. 'UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Reel Estate at lowest rates of interest. !REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Parttime wishing to sell will do well to piece their property on our list for side. )tents collected. EONYEYANCiNG Me! kit promptly attended to. !Utsi.IR;INCE, We, represent, the reeding Fire and Life Aeeuranco compatible, and re - solicit your account. OFFICE HOURRS: 10 A,M, to hr PLt th giainDarb. CHEAP READING A. E. IeRADWIN, Pusi.ua.a, OUR CLUBBINC LIST r o ALYTIO STANDARD, publiand ever•, Anyone Revel,' a any of the below Thursday morning, in a bre :aced pewee eleidene nffere will receive e ropy of paper, arid has a large circulation 10 Tim STANDARD CHRISTSIAN Nnitwit Blyth and surrounding country, making fi•. It a valuable edvertieing medium. Sub- The Rtnndard and DaUy Globe. , It 25 srription trice to any part of Canada or The Hlltlltlatd and Drily mail no the United States only One Roller per biopsies •1 25 prrnrlrn in vonre L50 will be eherg*'rl The Standard and J not so paid. Advertising rotes on Alnorieen teeth -mien. Job Printing neatly and Tire tirnudiud and F.reni 9heaply excepted. Correspondence of a anti Ismpire sews, nature reet,erefulle eolieited. The Standard and ]':venin¢ Globe ---- 'fhe Standard and Daily Free THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, t41u2. Frees,... ___ ._._ ..____-._-__• .._ __m The Miamian -1 and Daily Witness The Standard and Hamilton Daily --Read THE STANDARD clnllino het, Tinges —lion. ,lulus G'Uouohoe died in '1'o- TheStandnrd and Hamilton Daily 1.0010011 Solidity eveUlig, Spectator ..,, —iron. Gorge E. Fostor will likely The Stnndard and Toronto Deily ho the Conservative candidate in the World North Ontario hee•election, The Standard and Nuou Free —If you would like to have cheap Press reading for the winter months, look The Standard and Evening Free over Tile: STANDARD clubbing list end Proem,.., make your rule riewe The Standard and Toronto Daily —The Liberal petition in South Ox• Star ford xaa'nl8t Sir. Donald Sutherland, The Stendnrd and Daily Adver- M,P.P., Dna failed end Mr. Sutherland beer retains the seat. The Libelwle will en- The Stendord and Toronto Sun - peal. —Below will he found the new officers Thdeay StandWorarldd and London Deily of the Bh',b Methodist church Epworth News M 8 50 8 25 8 25 8 25 1100 8 (8) 1100 8 00 75 2 75 2 60 9 60 260 2 111 Lengue:—President, 14r. E. l.. 1Vil- The Standard and Hamilton ford; first vice.prerldeut, Mise Lottie Bentley ; second vice-president, Misr,' lt,,chel Quinn ; third vice-president, Mies 'Mand Girlie,; fourth vice -prem -- dent, Miss Arlie Doupo; eecrelary, Mr, '1 - H. \Vettlnufer; treasurer, Mise Serail Busyness Wards. Bender; corresponding secretary, Mr, feriae Qui to ; orgsnist, Mies Pearl Gid --- ley ; ..rsietsnt organist, Mies bertha' L, DICEINBON, Newcoinbe; superintendent of Junior BLRit1STER, SOLICITOR, ETC, league, Miss Addie Tamen. —From a t111a11ciel point of view the' 6e14166t rot 1hrlkof Hammon. trooey 10 concert given in Industry hall on Wod-I jeoan. Omar, Meyer brook, w'tol;b.m' nesday evening of Zest week by the LaDell Concert Co. was not a success, (a A, JACKSON, EA., The concert was given under the hue. rfr BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC, piece of the Sip h baseball elub end it ie Coprevencer end Notary Puhl0M, killdeer for to he regretted that more of our citizens Bank or Hampton, Omaw, Pretoria block, over did not attend and give the baseball pee U'e stem Rlylh. Money W lend. club the patronage it so much deserved. Those who were preheat were more j ifiBOMR, LD.B, then pleased with the program fur- nished, and pronounce it one of the beet DENTIST. concerts ever given in Blyth. Mise Blue In the Pretona Llook, Blyth. Rpeelal L Dell, as an elocutiouial, and Mises at turn psis to the preeerratIou et tbo nat. Flanigan, as eoprauoiet, did exception - both. All prices se low sI Is caaelsteal ally well. TOW pod wort. (fold work a speolalty, Twice -a -Week Spectator, bal- ance of 1802 free .......... .. 1 75 The Standard attd Torotrto Week- ly Sun, Wallets of 1905 free,.,, 1 7e The Standard and f'armer's Ad- vocate....... .... 1 75 The Standard and Weekly Free Press ....... The Standard and Hamilton Semi- \\'eekiy '{'Imes balance of 1802 free The Standard and Heck.. Mail and Empire and two picturee, "The Doctor" and "Content - men," balance of 1902 free 1 75 The Stnndard and New York Thrice -e- Week World,,,..,,,. 1 75 The Standard tied Family Herald and Weekly Star, and two pic- tures, "Alone " and " I'urity ". 1 77i The Standard and Weekly Adver- tiser and Farming World 1 75 The Standard and Chicago Week- ly Inter Ocean 1 7u - The Standard and Word and Werke and Hicks' 1008 Alma- nac) 1 70 1 75 V/. It,_ 4 nd S1i11 They Come MORE NEW I anrlDS .1 RECEIVED, ANOTHER I,OT OF e Lades' aoatings All the new we.' Yes and colors, splendid geode at close prices. Ladies' 121 arty -to -shear Skirts -- Ct fitting. See our Umbrella Shew'le and the Please to make them. IIlgh. land Shetland Bloss, black, white and colors, 4 ekcius for 25e. Our range of Black Dress Goode is not beaten. A new lot of Double Breasted Suits for boys. Just the thing for cold weather. In fact our whole stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Etc., is very complete. A few of thoec Ladies' Coate left at $1,50 and $? Millinery at Reduced Prices. J. A. Anderson -d.-18LYT�-I 1 lir L�rA �7E a L "`A a!m,'ilrM7A.4 BLYTH MARRETB, The Standard and Weekly Globe Biytb, Dec. la—wheal, baa to 090. B►rfey, the Province of Onterio since PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. see 41•aOen to elle, 7, 97o to *Jo.1791, balance of 1902 free e,ggN r, 1711a to tena., Rett. r, lac too 1 170. Yo4tose, and picture of the Governore of C. LINDSAY, M.B. thosesaor to Dr. T.D. Oradnete of the Unl- ale to 4d0. Hides, Oa to do, Hoy, *0 to ax Lard, The Standard and Weekly Wit - cd 'Toronto, Member of College Id Pee- Iso 10 1st•, 001n, II to Fe. Fluor, 111.00 to Pass, liens Holism end Surgeons of 0u4rin. Fnnnerly nr wood, 81.70 to 114. Wool,19u l0 1511. Tote7e, The Standard a rid. Weekly Adver- London, Rsslanu rad Edtobarsh,800tiena bar ?m Id 90. Ooeo, tla W 70. boots, s 191 to 70. VIsola Oma led residenne, spat 14ely °eau- Cbtakens, do 10 lo. eda Lr, TMs, lllylb. W. J. MII,NE, M.D,0.1L 1P[[HYSICI.AN AND BURGEON. 6..slflc'herslty' Pe1low�oI trinityV30.'t'01D{sad of member College of 1 byelatans u spm o1 Ontario, Conover for the o Huron Ogles, ueen needs Blyth. north rh o1 the T j. HUCHITEP, HAHBER AND TOBACCONIST. elce stook of Tobaccos, Cigars and Pipes on bM a. Agent fu81r the Parisian steam L►pudz , uads c HAl1ILTON, A17CTIONEEO AND VALLATDR. Laid, Loan and Insurance Agent. Ma, on goals 'ISlrecel a promptth. Orders 't at attent attention. an Swan. BRADWIN, STEAMSHIP AOENT. The 111Aar•Dempeter and Franco Canadian Mae represealed. Ocean tloketa sold w my Samos 1 of Europe. Low enmaer rats. now In force. tioe OP p0at 10101onmt0 Tei dates r 11400 °o e, ninth, p110, 0. L. TAUPE, MANUFAC"IR1N0 OPTICIAN AND RYE SPECIALIST, All kinds ri Spooloe'el and ISM laasnr made II, order. eeecial atamtim, 1 Sven to littler; the eye. slaters by mail l',um„sly attended to. )levan of partlee urin0 wy 01100 Me 1 ewploy 110 4roreIH0g e•9antr wha'ever Sariefaew,u gunrooms, Eittbiah0.11001. lid Rlabmuad street w'., Toronto. ALMA LADIES' COLLEGE St. Thomas, Ont. (TWENTY-SI-ICUNU YE.tlt) The Goths sontl�, uud 0n0 of the largest and h, rs uyuithed h1 Canada. Preparatory stint Ifi. Graduating Courses --'LLA , M.E. L., Piano, llrg:ut, Ste ing, Violin, Fine Art, I Ir".ut 1'' and P'hysicel Culture, Domestic, Seisms, Commercial, Healthiest lonatinn. Itlodcrate char - gra. \%rite fur catalogue to ON. Ililti.1V.IRNEII, W.:1.. B,it, Winter Term Opens Jan. 5th. Central: 1 05; 1 li0 riser.......................... _ .. The Standard and kastand West, Hears Belling of Heavy Clothing at a paper for young Canadians... 1 bn' A. R. Smith's, Chisholm block, Wing- The Standard and Canadian Buy ham, for the next 15) days std why? Magazine...................1 50- A. R. Smith hough], at the Three Days The Standard and Toledo Weekly Slaughter sale in Toronto last week, Blade Men's, Youth's and Boys' Raglan Over- The Standard and Northern Mess- costa, also other }'aebionable Overcome, enger ...............••.. •....., 1 25 Suite, Odd Coate, Odd Vests, Odd The Standard and Christmas Pants, the forest and heaviest collection Number, balance of 11M)2 free 1 00 i of Clothing, Genie' Furltiehinge in The above rates ere for new eubscrib-, Winehain, Chorea—See A. H. Smith's ere and also old suheeribera who pn,y a Men's Suite, double breast, for 14. Ilia year in ndvanco. Caah must acc"m• patty each order, All weekly subscrip- -Read THE STANDAIta olabbingi tions must he for it 3 ear. list on this page, I Sand all eubscriptious direct to --The provincial secretary cora. THE STANDARD, plains that persons ere committed toKrill, OMT. asylums as lunatics who are not so, BLYTH and that this ie done to relieve those' �L 1 1 it Lterl ]ERY responsible for their maintenance. • A large, prngrneeivo rehunl end ono of the 1, titan tale Mn[e,e*,l, '1',,,, ,e a $],rung rtele Mira hilt it lo 0 trap 011P 10,111lU i,',4. 'PLM P n ,rlr re 1,,,,l hue a fur::+• etteoJeece 1, 1000 It 19 u wino., wales, hording, working result -produce,: 011,1,,,;, heeonr grwluetoe herr 0Mep1d pueirl.m n[ rel.,riee ronglr,c frulu PIS a month 11; 401(1 pert t.:91101. write for nor new eeteieeue. W. J. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAL A. O. U. W. , B1r1h 108gr, No, 141, .Ancient Order of United WotkmAi, meet, lu the workmen h,11, M1111 More ort the 'dad sea 4111 Thursday la every rased,, at e1011t p.,n. vultl •n brethren are « dI.UT holm 1. Y Conine. 85.E T. d. Hera. ▪ 80700000. 42 CONSUMPTION AN UNKNOWN and SRLE STA DISEASE iN TEN YEARS. Statement of Dr. John Ferguson—The , New Free Consumptive Hospital an Immodlate ldelper to this End. Tho statement of Dr. Juba Ferguson, one of Toronto's well-known physicians, that "if consumptive pationte were pro- perly roperly isolated and treated, within ten yuarO from now tuberculosis would bo - cue of tire rarest of knee diseases,"_ ought to prove an encouraging stimulus - to the friends of the new F1'ue Consump. tivo hospital to hurry along suhecrip•' boos towards the furnishing of this toet.i- tuttl,11, capable of admitting at ones fifty poticnt,, and without any charge. The enrabililyol tuberculosis to clearly in evidouce in the records of the Muskoka Cottage t•unntorinu+, under the manage-' 1,10111 of the National Sanitarium Assucia• ' tion, and under whose auspices the pew Free Consumptive Ilospital has been . built. In four years 510 patients have been treated, and more than 852 have boon owed or 00 helped that they c,mld go back to work, caring for wife or child ur steno dr'peodent upon them. The new Freo Cuusumptrve Hospital in shunted to \lwckuk►, trot fee from eho Muskoka Cottage Nnnatoritttn, the two gentll'mon who have rrla,eruualy Durno thocost of constructing the building de- siring that the same benefits that hove rent+ to paticnte of the Muskoka Cottage Sanatorium, by virtue of its excellent situation, shnnld go 1115110 poorerpatieuts, chose only Inge. is in 8'lmltlaa00 W the I Free (Innen nuplit, 11 Otani. All that ie wnutil,71"w is tho furnish- ing of this 11..etritar with beds and other necessary appointments. The National Sanitarium Association, because of their heavy debt, aro unable to undertake this part ut the work. Only let the many whose hearts are touched by such die. tressittg cases an are constantly chronicled in newspaper columns, send their crrntri- 1 butions of 11.00 or, if possible, 15.00, 110.00, or *80.00, and no time will he lost in opening wide the doers of the 11010 Hospital. Contributions will he received by Sir Wm. R. Morrluh, Chief Justice, 4 Lamport Ave., Toronto; W. J. Gage, Fan., 54 Front St. Welt, Toronto; or The National Trust Co., Limited, Treasurer, 22 King St. East. —Subscribe for THE STANDARD. 0101000010101 LES -- Dr. J. N. Perdue, \r.S.' PROPRIETOR. 0 0101 Q0 QQ 0 First-class }iorse+; and Rigs for hire at reasonable rates. Best of accommodation to Com mercial Travellers and others requiring riga, Veterinary office at livery stable. ICING AND QUEEN STREETS, RLYTR, Giving Up Business SELLING REGARDLESS OF COST GALL AND SEE OUR STOCK. If you want Cheap Groceries now is '1,111e time Sas 0801young is going tt, be sold. A. TAYLOR Diusity Strcd BLYTH a ,nn.ine 1 t Come in here and look around. There are hundreds of suggestions for Holiday Cifts at every turn. No difficulty in finding something suitable no matter what Me 8111 or ago of those to be remembered or the condition of your puke, '1'I1c spirit of the times whish makes till things better bas increased the purchasing power of the dollars. Small Furs SMALL PRICED. A (Inc stock of Neel( Pieces and Muffs 114 wee ever collected and prices that are exceedingly In- teresting. Easy Walking 111 envy eboce. Our Footwear 15 easy t0 wear and easy to pay for. ,7l Let no prescribe a shoe. We study the feet and tit various types correctly and scientifically. Shoes For all ore:tshlus and the present season. Shoes of every idyll.) but had :tyle, and every price but a high price, Slippers. moo's hongnln 111,1 ,lnlielte styles, flexible sole *2,00 'lea's Duntu11,1 Kid House Sl:prlwro 51.26 .Meo's Imitation Allieetnr Siipeer1 .75 llcli e Carpet Slip;wrs, leather faced .70 Gloves and Hosiery. Fancy Goods ,uta %lugs Novelties wont keep your hands and fact tval'111. But you have to look out for those needs too. We have them and lots too. HolidaU None too early to be giving thought to rip p holiday buying. That is why ire bring Kandkorchiefa cot ay stock s Tea y yourr notice, Our holiday stock im ready arid as complete 1111 you'{I find it between toss and Cliristmas Ere. It comprises as Nelecr an assortment as anyone could desire. ',ace 'frimofel Handkerchiefs, 5c to 40c each. Embroidered llnudkerrllieGt 7c to WI; each, Hemstitched, 60 to 401 each. Silk lllwdleitrelie fe l,elere, 5o to $2 each. HERRiNCTON BLYTH