HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-12-11, Page 2siseseldallaammilabigiaos
aides Woman's Medicine,
So says Mrs. Josie Irwin, of
325 So. College St., NasbvilIR,
Tenn., of Lydia E. Pinkbam's
Vegetable Compound.
Never In the history of medicine has
the demand for one particular remedy
for' female diseases equalled that at-
tained by Lydia E. Piukham's
Vegetable Compound, and never
during the lifetime of this wonderful
medicine has the demand for it beeu
so at as it is to -day.
From the Atlantic to the Pacific,
tYidthroughout the length and breadth
of this great continent come the glad
tidings of woaau's sufferings relieved
kr it, and thousands upon thousands
Of letters are pouring in from grateful
Women Baying that it will and posi-
lfvely does cure the worst forms of
male complaints.
";alts. Plnkham Invites all wo-
I��;;een who aro puzzled about
*keit health to write her at Lynn,
bass, for advice. Such corre.
goudenee is seen by woolen only,
Mid no charge is made.
Bed Tape lit Murata.
' Through the explosion of a po;v-
der magazine several persons were
recently injured in Batman, in Rus -
sl Among them was the soldier
who was on guard at the gate Med-
i* to the magao(ne. One of Ole
aline was shattered and there was
as ugly wound In his chest. ''lull,
though on the verge of fainting,
k " remained steadfastly at his
ere bra colonel ill saw; and
acid :
'What are you doing here? Don't
y see that the magazine has been
wn up and that there te notit-
1 for yotl to guard? You look
f -dead, and I outer you to go
n once to the hospital."
Colonel," was the reply, "I Gan-
net do R. My servant instructed
mil to stay here."
"Out your ae{grnnt bas been kill-
ed' r(m0nstratrd the eotaiel.
"TING does phot rrnmrent mi " said
i I' soldier. "There nap only two
persons elm Pau relieve int, from
duty, my trrgeant 01111 my Em..
4e4 Ing that the main was deter -
tubed to remain on duty until re-
tie( ed, the colonel telegraphed the
tam to the Mieleter of tear and
the latter at mice tnid the matter
heron, the (tar. I-Ith the result
that the latter sent a despatch
'Melina the soldier of duly •tad at
the same limp nnnoimn'lug lilt mien -
teat of compering own him n gold
sada' and n derorii los. \o1 an.
11 This despatch teas banded 10
Iv. ioldter did he ('ous111 to µo
n, the' Iulepital. He had (hen been
fourteen hears on duty.
I 'I'he Ingenious Chinese.
Peter anode. of (lolls Cally; com-
pleted rrrrntly a tour of the world.
Id the people he eouversel w Itlt the
Chinese mist iugnresxod I,hn, Thie is
whal Ito hRON on that topie:
"They tell you the French are
economical teal Ingenious. They
point out to you hoe Use French
train rats 10 t'lrvw rho-' Moth from
lone» tint nrr newt in mmvntinrtur-
ing, and they declare Urs people,
(«than thea kill rate, 0 51' their thine
for glove«». their fere for caps.
t'helr Isomer for toothpicks and their
tendons for gelatins'. A0 Hutt maty
be true.
"But in pertain parte of China
they have trained guile that fish for
thin, find it good gull will fetch Ile
'Boiler front HO to 100 pounds of fish
a day, They have 'trained cats that
kill hide hints for them -a0 or 40
birds.'Bgito, to an nnimal..1ne1 they
have trained dogs that, day in and
day out, work llke trljt 115 keeping
the crows outof the rice Beide."
The Bfo x11
The blood is life. we derire from
the blood IU,', power, twain y, antl
meson, ao llir doctors hove' been
sttyl ig from. ohne immemorial. A
!motley body. a (reel] appearance,
and generally all the abilities we
posse.' depend on tent source of lite.
It is ttterefore the linty of every sem.
slide man to Ir','p the' blood as pure
and normal as possible. Natio*, In
Its Infinite wisdom, has given n$ a
thrrmnnteter ledlttuting the stair of
the blood, which appeals to oar rea-
son, by giving notice of Its impur-
ity. `mall eruptions of the skin, to
tvhirlh w•e stvtrealy pay nay ttttotg-
lion, headache, ringing noises in the
ears, lat,situtt', slteplr'stnese, are
generally n sago that the blood is
not, in Ito normal stale, but Is filled
with noxious subatanvee. These
symptoms deserve our full attention.
If more attention were paid 10 those
symptoms, and steps tnk,'n to re-
• move tthen, then many tlineseee from
which we t, .ffer would become un-
known, and t'ho human Maly 'would
baoome stronger and healthier. At-
tention thereby() should be )arid to
those warning 'ague, and the blood
min be purified 0.151 poisonous sub-
stances rtmrc'vtI from it by the lite
of Dr. August Koenig's Hamburg
Drops, discovered more titan 80
years ago.
Cnrrrnt Literature gives this ex-
ample, of a boy's de'eeripliou of a
Oac;tslturd : 'One of time', dog's that
tiro a dog-aml•a-hull long and only
half a dog high." — - -
airs -
Tog or1R WORD
embodied practically the entire eontenta
of the myriad letters daily received from
our patrons.
-This universal and unqualified satistae-
tion to patrons is our proudest achieve-
ment. It has been, in fact, the corner-
stone and foundation of OUR MAIL
ORDER aUSINESS-the secret of our
growth -the builder of our success.
-it you are out of town, and not con-
versant with the design, quality tad
price of our
Watches Brooches Rings
Pendants Chains Lockets
Silverware Toilet Articles, Etc.
containing photographic production of
our goats.
-On page 2e you wilt find our Special
Ladies' 14)- Gold Watch, fitted with out
epecml movement, frier sol.00. This
watch is full guaranteed by us.
Buy from the Manufacturer and Save Money!
Wbea writing for Catalogue, mention this paper.
156 YONGE STI*0*
All ,the tobacco that I nee 1s grown
In Cuba, therefore nothing but Hat-
ana tobacco over goes into any part
I of atty of my cigars. 1 employ Cttban
,workmen only. No wholesalers, re-
tailer, commission talrenten aur bold
• aoeollatn-that's all In the cigars.
i iSMOKF'dl. No dealers nerd apply.
I8 LOCO wad In the last Naar. ONE
I enpply yon, THE NEW WA TWO
TEARS, for the some motley you
pa, tho old way one year. These
tlgare are superior to Imported 15 -
emit Thrones. The name of my cigar
is No. 72. Price
$2.50FOR A BOX OF 50
Lring equal to flee oelite each. I
prepay all express or postage (routs -
tel IA, and thus deliver to you Tree
all over Canada. Sand money With
order, one or more boxes, and you
Shall ,he a customer of mite. Some
have ordered the fiftieth time. Bay
wite,ther mild, medium or strong.
Toronto, Canada
«7 Ktng
St. Emit.
Sunday school.
DECEMBER ll 14, 1902.
The Boy Snulm4- 1 Snm, 3: 1-1l.
11ttnnu'utir5.- 1:t,phtn tort. Satn
url ,tt'n:s p1010abls burn about B. C
114(1. Vera 0(1.15 to life Ile wile taken
to 'Shiloh, the religious capital of
1orail, and ,put inline the charge of
Eft, ,the high priest. SA mud wee Elle
assistant nett) the death of the Int -
der, after Attach he,becn.nu' jndgc and
pl•ttphrt let lortu'l. He ,w•ne the incl of
the juiigte4 and the aril In the regu-
lar tuecosefat of ,prophele. "Ell's
public' (Idles ma,v have engrossed hie
a,tletlh,n and energies/ su that he
negheted the proper training of ifs
men (indent. Be that as it may,
it Is true to -day that mans' 0 man
in so absorbent lit public affairs au to
neglect the gmmatinent r4 his own
1. The chilli 11towel-'ktmael Is
so,)pOserl t t .hare been about twelve
stare old at the time. ,His May In the
,laherunclt wow to perform those
rosy services which ItIs strength
would allow, such its gpr'uing the
,kora, lighting tie' lamps, etc. He ltd
not reside In the eiunetuatry, but 111
one of the trot»s around 11, which
wore kept for the use of the priests
end Locales. Ell, the high ,priest, kept
Samuel as his eprelnd attendant, not
because moll au utflem alts nesigttetl
him, but because of the detap Inter-
est he telt in hitt. He was Samuel's
btatrurtor." was precioue - Toe
recaning is that direct revelations
from Gat had become exceedingly
fare. This was because of the sin -
Damao( of the prima hood and the
2 At that tine, -At the 1inle,wlttn
the ,word of (sat was rare and there
W05 great spiritual thtrkitess. In his
pinto -In his lI,ual place of rest. It
1011.0 ht the nigh 1.
:i. N;unurl was laid down to sleep
-Neer to Ell's room, ready within
calling dhnuiice, It tate old 14110(1
,dtould w:int nu,vthlng In the night.
It would ,iei'm that he lay somewhere
neer the hula' place, and went to bed
before the branch-liuope of the can-
dlestick went out, (the main lamp
Lever went 0111), proimbly tow'Lrd
initinfoil 1.
4. The Lord culled Samuel -God
mallei hint by his tame. SOme think,
the call cane from the most holy
place. Ifo nll,•w(red, liens am 1 -
"Being unacquainted with the via -
one of the almighty, he took that
to be only Ell's call, w,hieh woe .real-
ly tin t'nlI of God."
5. Thou callrs1..1 1111P—Sumuet's in-
dustry and rouliness to wait on Elf,
are good exittnplea to children to
tome when railed. Ile heart and runs
at every rail.
7. Did not yet know the Lord -
"Ile knew and worshipped the God
or Isratel, but he dire not understand
the way in whist' G0,1 revealed lam-
ent to his prophets. Ile had never
even heard that (sod spoke lit this
8. The third ttane-The call was
repented agaltt and again, for God
,ow that Samuel's fhlluro to ana-
lyse wan not from disobedience, but
from Zack of knowledge an to who
Pn1101 flim. In tact, the quick ane-
tver to Eli'', supposed call showed
that he wait ready to obey God an
atilt ae he understood it.
1). Speak, roc. -Thar, wits the astral
wry in whirl the prophets spoke,
when they hail Intimation)) that the
Lord was about to make saints Special
'omelet ion. -Clarke.
10. Canto and stood -From verse
15 we learn that Sanusi beheld a
vision as well /IN heard a voice, and,
therefore, It In the meet nntihra1 to
011d1,1 Mand the words "came and
mood" as meaning a visible) appear-
ance. Saltine! 000WPr ei-ile was
nomitia0r1 tile tient, and did not .lee,
but gave attention, and asked for
God to speak.
11. Staid to Samuel -Through Sam-
uel, whom Eli loved, Ood ;'ent a ter-
rible n1tesage, similar to one which
he haul prevloualy sent by 0 holy
man II. Sam. ii. 27-II6), but which
did not have eufficlent effect to en-
able Ell to compel 110 e0n0 either
to live n different life, or to leave
the nervtce of (hod.-Peloubet. The
ears slhotl tingle -With horror
and alarm. •1a: a loud, sharp, 4119 -
coolant note Orilla oar's ears with
pale, as the bitter tidings of Israel's
woo in tho judgt.tenl nbaut to fall
on We house would shock alt Is-
12. In that dos -It 1s probable
that 'this message wile emit to Ell
some' years before hls death, and
he and hie sons had Miendant time
to change their cmn'se. I will per-
form, etc. -I will bring all the judg-
ments ttgnlnee the house of Eli that
1 lin 51' s(e,,k'n.
Id. 1 luta' 0001 him -hod gave Eli
notice of T, lust the rod would be of
each in,htfert•net'. w111 judge Ills
honer forever -"I will continue to
oyetae judgments until it Is 'les -
aro:, ed. tlod rewards It as iniquity
to allow tthlldren to rhrxtse their
o'wat rct1 ways. Flt's eons were
wicked 'noir father new the
Lord, hu; Inc neither taught Isle
ohlldren, nor reetratnerl them by
parental authority" Restrained
them not -This doe's not eignif}
that he showed no sign of tljsplea-
tntre epithet their wickedness, for
he did chide them, but too gently
but he diet not 11'trrely reprove
1111111 nod when that would not
restrain theta, turn them out of
their oflier.-Reason,
1-14. 4hall not be purged -That is,
the punishment threatened against
Eli and Itis family shall not he
pretested 15 all their sacrifices,
telt shall certainly be executed. -
Thoughts. -"The lesson Isere for
the yon ttg Is most Im(xrrtant. Salil-
url tans ladnstrioos In et'rving God
In the little things which' he was
utile to , 1
h . Thi( pr'.•pnrrd the wary
for Rod to rett'a.l greater things
to him, If the young will be bumble
and diligent they will find that
the surest ryas' to higher things.
Su newt 1111' hnbjeet of lute IPs-
Nou, Ions a very interesting char-
acter. Ile 111111 been given by the
Lord in answer to prayer -and had
brei oh en io minister before the
Lord, and it is while a mere fad
that (10(1 spathe to bite.
The sensitive ear to the spiritual
voice. "Speak, for thy- servant hoar -
ells" 840 many erre are filled with
other eollntld and voices HA to not
bear the gentle, sweet voice of the
Lord, It 1W% Pa mutfh to Iiie with
One car open to the heavenly Mild
dizzy whirl of this world, ail our
minds so disentangled from the
exciting, soul-talluring and apirit-
distrncting concerns of earth, sec-
ular and sensual, as to ever have
oue etara oYpen to the heavenly and
divine. So close' are the ears of
the general mast of people to the
voice of Gal, and so engrossed nrr
they with Interests that simply re-
late to time and wiles an to ne-
e tsltatt 111e blessed Lord to use
severe measures in order to mullet
their attention.
The eoridetesptston of (Sod -"He
came" to speak to and commune with
fallen 'non. Thin fact is no hill of
wonderful mean4ng as to astound
and almost bewilder the apprecia-
tive listener. Thank food, He comae
today. "Tire grace of God which
brhngetlt solvation hath appeared to
all men." He comps, the Shepherd.
seeking the lost 0nt1 wandering
forbearance -"He stood," clow
Patiently He waits erect when lie is
not recognized or receives no re-
sponse. Hte glorious Weston is to
instruct ng t'ewinseIor, to motet is
Irrnere,rtor. It is lose that actuates
Him in Ills wonderful mission. Ile
dewire, utot¢Itt but the welfare 41(51
eternal ltnppineet of Itis eitbjects.
Hie faitltttltttee-"Ile called as at
other times." Though not recognized
at first he still retionate tine call.
There is naught to be gained In de-
terring submission to the divine man-
date to same future period, with the
expectation of having the wary made
earlier, the ernes shortened or re -
(Meru, or made sees abhorrent to
"the old man.'' It 1e the sure Instru-
ment of death, and will cruelty to
the world and stn. Remember Jonah
-who in his rebellious course was
overtaken by the nerve storm, anti
was thrown overboard and swallow-
ed by the whale. There In the fish's
belly, with opportunity In the mercy
of God (for he might have been in
Itell), for calm and candW delibera-
tion conclhudon, "I will pay that that
I have vowed-ea''vation ie of the
Lori." When his tt lel One swung hack
Otto touch with the divine will he
was tit once release] from his pecu-
liar prison, house, but the Lord mall-
eo as at other times. "And the woad
of the Lord came unto Jonah the
sroond time saying, "Arise, go unto
Nineveh." The same old cross wee
on hand for prompt and full reeag-
nition. Jonah responded, and glor1-
0115 wore the results.
Babies (food Settlors,
Babies nater get seasick. I have
carried thousands of them In my
time," says an American Line stew-
ard In the Philadelphia Record, "and
in rough weather I have eeen their
fathers, mothers, hrotltere and slaters
keel over like soldiers before a can-
non -tall ; but not so avtth the babies.
Whother it ibr rough or smooth at
stn., a baby 1s always an excellent
tulle' -toes, jolly and ,with the eppe-
lite of a horse. Do yon know the
explanation of this singular Diet ? It
le an eimelo ae the 'act (s strange.
Babies) don't get seasick because they
aro acenwtomed to trete rocking of the
er'a'Ih'. That nrn't'ment Is much like
the rocking' of a ,-hap. A baby aboard
ship, therefore, Is merely a baby In
an nnnsuatly big cradle, and there Is
nothing odd to him about the rook -
Mg, for that Is ,what he has been
accustomed to all hos lite."
What She Couldn't Remember.
A Batton servant, like many of Iyer '
eines, does not keow her age. She
Inas lived with then family 11 ycarl,
and Inns always been 28, But not
long ago she road to the newspaper
of an old woman who had died at
the ago. of 108, "Maybe I'm as mild
as that mexdlfa said she. "Indade.
I can't rem,cmber the time when f ,
ws,aD't alive."
Consumption is a human
weed flourishing best in weak
lungs. Like other weeds it's
easily destroyed while young;
when old, sometimes
Strengthen the lungs as you
would weak land and the
weeds will disappear.
The best lung fertilizer is
Scott's Emulsion, Salt pork
is good too, but it is very hard
to digest.
The time to treat consume•
tion is when you begin trying
to hide it from yourself.
Others see it, you won't.
Don't wait until you can't
deceive yourself any longer.
Begin with the first thought
to take Scott's Emulsion. If
isn't iso t really consumption so
much the better; you will soon
forget it and be better for the
treatment. If it is consump-
tion you can't expect to be
cured at once, but if you will
begin in time and will be
rigidly regular in your treat-
ment you will win.
. Scott's Emulsion, fresh air,
rest all you can, eat all you
can, that's the treatment and
that's the best treatment.
We will send you
a little of the Emul-
sion free.
Ile sure that this picture In
Os ,"nu of a label is on the
"rapper of every bottle el
rima sinn you buy.
Toronto, Ontario,
Sore and at; all druggdat&
From en Old 5lgnboard.
The following, Buys the Westmin-
ttter Gazette, is copied from an ,old
aignbout'd In Cornwall:
Foutpenoe n night for bed.
Nispeneo with tapper.
No more thee five to sleep In oue
Nu beer allowed in the klteheu .
No snaking when In bed.
No Outlaw to be washed on Sun-
No boots to ho worn in bed.
No dogs allowed upstairs.
No gaunbLng or lighting here. ,
No extra ,charge for luggage,..
No razor grinders taken in,
Organ gritxlcrs to sleep in the
By Izlklah O'Donovan.
Donkeys, °liaises, handcarts and
thinker let on hire.
Mangling done here,
1' He Wasn't Troubled.
It was evident that the obedient
little maid was tr'odbiel.
"Mamma Insists that I must not
see you any more," she said, regret-
The resourceful young man only
"Well" he replied, ettrelessly, "1f
she Is satisfied to have us meet In
the dark, 1 a1"-Brookly it Eagle.
H. S, Barnes, of Rat Portage,
Tells of the Trials of the
Early Settler.
Suffered Terribly nom Kidney Com•
plaint, but was Speedily Relieved
and Cured by Dodd'e Kidney Pills.
(Rat Portage, Ont., Nov. 23.-(11,ec-
lal.)-Everv.body in lint Portage
knows H. ht. ,Barnes, father of a
former Mayor and one of the oldest
lydlabitantti of the metropolis of Nqw
Ontario. Though seventy-nine years
of age, Mr. Barnes looks younger than
many men of meanly fewer years, and
10 possessed of ,wonderful vitality and
A pioneer of this oiletrict,',idr. Barnes
tells many tales of early life In the
',wilds of New 0atario, .but none more
Interestting than the following;
"I otos terribly troubled with Kid-
ney Comglatot. I stttfered severely
(tvltlt pains across .illy ,back, and with
a scalding, ,burning sensation .when
utinating haat 0104 very pntnfal.
"Though I had little faith In pro.
prictary medicines, I had a box of
Ikthl's Kidney Pills la the house that
I. had procured dor my wife, anti tom. -
111(,1(1 ,taking them with good eitect.
"It ,was oat long till my acqualut-
ancos Martel to greet me on the
truest With 'Ht11o, kir. harass, how
young you are looking.' They worn
not astray. I frit smart, too, end
feel younger and la &better health
that I have been dor years. my
Kidney Complaint ,was completely
cured by Bodd's Kidney Pllis."