HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-11-27, Page 8NT FORGET
That we say what we mean
and mein what we say.
Watch, Clock,
Chain, Locket,
Jewelry Line
A.. NE. 13.11.1333
trans—Mise Margaret 'E. Walper,
second daughter of Mr, Abel Walper,
of Berlin, a former well known resident
Qf Exeter, was married in Berlin on
Tuesday of last week to Mr. Herman
F, Frost.... Mise Nettie Gardiner hu
• ate to Toronto, where she will attend `
the Presbyterian Ladies' college. She
was accompanied by her father... , Rev.
J. G. Stuart, of London, conducted the
tfwsat anniversary eervicea in the
Exeter Presbyterian church.... A quiet
wedding took place at the Main street
persouage on Wedneeda afternoon at
three o'clock, when Mr. Wm. Isaac was
united in marriage to Mise Ida Sweet,
etfoond daughter' of Mr, Thomas Sweet.
The aeretnony was performed by the
Rev, i3, Miilyard..,, While Mr. Thomas
Snowden, an employe of Mr. Paul
Oates, of Usborne, was moving a
barrel in the cellar recently, he in some
Intoner got nae of his hands caught
between the sharp edge of the barrel
Ind the cellar wall, smashing cite of his
UNPIN bedty, necessitating several
stitches to close the wound.... The mar
Asp took plane in Crystal Citq, Mani-
toba, recently of Miss Maud Iiandfotd
to Mr, Oswald Hiebert, of Morden. The
bride Is a daughter of Mr. Caleb Hand-
ford, formerly of Exeter.
Basszes. — Miss Ethel Musgrove,
daughter of Principal Musgrove, who is
pow attending the Clinton model school,
Awe been engaged to teach in tl,$, No.
flowing, for 1908. The sallry will
ue 1100 par annum. liiw Musgrove is
fortunate in enuring a sohooi so near
�r enuring home... .The remains of Mre. Mar-
a J• itinaman, daughter of the late
oho Carr, were brought from Platen
Ste Wingltam and interred in the ceme-
Wei here....The Oddfellows are mak-
' leg improvements in their hall in the
'Hawn block. A number of partitions
are being torn down and the severe! .
small rooms at the north of the lodge
room will be converted into one large
'MOM. The new room will be used as a
reception or dining room as may be re- o
re. When the repairs are cons- p
the Oddfellowe will have lodge s
rooms second to none in Western On.
talo.,.. Mr, John Cole, a former resi-
dent of Winghats, died at Khtcardine
on %today' of last week. Deceased bad
• been sick for a year with dancer of the
throat... Aix. and Mrs. J. R. Munshaw y
'intend to return to Wingham and will S
live in the residence now occupied by a
M.r. T. J. Maguire on Leopold street.
Mr, Maguire will remove in about two a
weeks to the rooms in the new Van -
stone block.,,. Rev. Richard Hobbs has 1
received an invitation to become pastor I
of the Strathroy Methodist church,
The chances are that he will accept and
remove there next Juno. His saeceesor
will likely he Rev, I. R. Gundy, et
pretirnt pastor of the Strathroy church.
:51r. ,lames Clendonning, well.
known to'1tittny \Vinghamites, recently
purchased a 100 -acre (arm near Blen-
heim. paying 810,000 for the place.
The farm is one of the hest in Kent
county and hae splendid buildings.
Mr. Clendenning and wife are at present
in Winghmn visiting hie mother, who
lis seriously 10.,,.Mr. Wesley Walker
had the misfortune to step on two up-
turned nails while entering the chop at
the back of his furniture store the other
deyy. They entered Lis foot and made
ugly wounde,...The Grand Trunk has
decided to continue the afternoon train
from Wingham to Toronto, via Palmer-
ston, for the winter months. The tra-
velling public will be pleased to learn of
this decision.
Toora,—A lot of the farmers are busy
cutting straw, in fact it seems to be
the order of the day. The straw is
very long this year and no doubt live
stock will do much better by having it
cut short,... Mr. David Kechne Is home
at present sppeending a few days with hie
parents... .14. Isaac Quinn arrived
home safe from the west. He says
Manitoba is the count�ryy.. Mr, James
N`ilaon has engaged Mr. Andrew An-
derson to work for him for the next
two menthe,,,, Mr. James Potter sold
a fine thoro'bred cow and calf for tho
neat sum of $120 to Mr, A. H. Jacobs
of the let. line. Mr. Jaonba is (mutely
in some fine stock.... Mr. JH
McClinton has engaged Mr, Thomas
Cook to work for two weeks Mr,
George Lawlor and Mr. John Brad-
noch left on Tuesday for the lumber
woods near the Soo. —Mr, R. D. Cam-
eron gave a grand lecture on temper-
ance on Friday night last. He spoke
for about two hours. The church was
not as well filled as was expected, but
those who did hear the lecture will,
without doubt, vote the right way on
December 4th.
WAIFS,—Tire dour mill of Muses.W. F. Stewart & Son is running night
and day.... Mrs. Roes attended the
wedding of her brother, Mr. R. A.
Clunie, and Mies Bolton, of Listowel,
on Wednesday last.,,,A prohibition
mesa meeting was held in the town
hall on Tuesday evening....Brussele
salt works shipped five cars of Balt this
week, The annual Bible society meet
ing held in the Methodist church was a
grand'succese Rev. R. Paul ocoupied
the chair. Splendid addressee were
given by Revs. Ross and Cosena..,. No
coal can he obtained in town at any
price.... Fire broke out in Jackson's
livery on Tueeday afternoon of last
week, but the firemen got it under con-
trol before much deluge was done,.,,
Brussels is booming Belt has not done
for 20 years, More real estate has
changed hands in the last three months
than in 10 years before that time....
Mr. Charles Ritchie, of Morrie, has
purchased the Turnbull reeidence on
John street,.,, Mr, James Turnbull has
purobaeed the residence of Mr, John
Ament near the station,..,The annual
meeting of the Ladies' Aid of the Metho.
dist church was held at the parsonage
on Tuesday afternoon of last week.
Mrs, W. T. Stewart was elected presi-
dent. The society is in a flourishing
ondition,...Mr. George Oliver has
urchased the Wilson property on Mill
treat.,,,Mies Maud Coaene, of Trow-
bridge, is visiting her brother, Rev. T.
Wesley Coeene,...Mise F. Pelton of
London, is visiting Mild Jean Pelton,
and other friends in town....
Mrs. Cosena is spending a few' days in
eaforth,,,,Mesere. W. F. Stewart &
on have engaged Mr. Cherry as assist-
nt miller, ...Editor Kerr and Barrister
Blair gave addresses on the referendum
t Constance the other evening....
Brussels will vote on the Lockridge hy-
aw ou Monday, December 1st....Mrs.
creel, of Seaforth, is 6pending this
week visiting friends in Brusssle and
see Weal 11r SLOOD 6 5TRL'
Aiiemmud 14104,,
o►t -riontfeal48
a if Ors90isf s 0 Chtntu
j Price Is panda: $1.00;
bis bottkp tor $8.00 ,
No remedy covers so large a field
of usefulness as ST, JAMES WAFERS.
They are indicated whenever there
is a weak condition, as they tone
up the different organs and bring
strength to the tissues. '
Palpitation of the heart, poor di-
gestion, sleeplessness, weak nerves,
anemia, and chlorosis, are quickly
relieved by ST. JAMES WAFERS; they
also repair the waste caused by hard
work and fatigue.
ST. JAMES WAFERS help stomach,
digest food and send the nutriment
through the blood, and this is the
honest way to get health and strength,
the kind that lasts, develops and
breeds the energy which sceafn-
plishes much.
"8t. James wafer famish a
most powerful evidence of the
vastly increased power of medi-
cament by combination ()INN.
clops pharmaceutic prepara-
tions. I have used them with
good success when my pelotas
needed strength."
Dr. Charles Sall
Liverpool, liag,
St. Je Wet Wafers are sot a secret
relets: to the monstrous doctor! re•
rounnnd,og them to their fatieM(e
V/e Miall the formula Yeas report.
Where dealers are not selling the
Wafers, they are maned upon re-
ceipt of price at the Canadian
branch : it. ismer Wean 0e., 171S
St, Cetherlee It., Meatr.,t.
Trowhridge,...Mr. A. Hielop, M,P.P„
and Mr. John Leokie were in Goderioh
one day last week.'...Mr. 3, H. Spats
ling, of Whiteoburch, was visiting in
Brussels last week.... Mr. John Wynn
is recovering from an attack of grip.,..
Mrs, John Thompson has returned from
a visit to Seaforth.,,. Mrs. Scott, of
Clifford spent Sunday in town.... Mr.
John Forst hae returned from Mani-
toba.... Mr. and Mrs. 13. Gerry have
returned from a vieit to Blyth and
Seaforth Mr, Robert Oliver and
bride have teken up housekeeping on
Purnberry street Mrs. Darling, of
Ailsa Craig, is the guest of Mrs. Paul.
Mr. George Henry was in town
last week shipping hie household effects
ro Toronto.,.. Mr. G. A. Deadman is
visiting in Delaware and Chatham....
Mr. Hugh Williams is recovering from
an accident...Rev, Father Northgraves
preeche'd a etirriug sermon on the refer-
endum in the Roman Catholic church
on Sunday of last week ....Sermons on
the referendum were preached in the
Methodist and Presbyterian churches
last Sunday. Revs. Cosena and Ross
exchanged pulpits in the evening.
Comm MKartsce.—The eounoil met
according to adjournment on November
17th; members all present, the reeve in
the chair. Minutes of last meeting
read and passed. On motion of Messrs
Jackson and Taylor, Mr. Code was
instructed to have culvert on sideline
between lots 10 and 11, oon. 7, put in a
Proper state of repair. On motion of
Messrs, Shaw and Taylor, the follow-
ing persons were appointed deputy -
returning officers in case a poll be re-
quired at the coining municipal election,
namely:—Polling sub•divieion No. 1,
A. Laidlaw; No. '2, Wm, Taylor, No,
8, C. McCrea; No. 4, Thomas Miner,
OP.; ; No, 5, W m. Elston ; No. 6, J,Robb. .
n motion of Messrs, Code and Taylor,
the following accounts were ordered to
be paid:—Jamee Sharp, lumber and
repairing culvert, $7 • R. Richmond,
repairing culvert, $2 ; Id. Healey, clean.
ing ditch, $3; F. Guttridge, tile, *12.50 ;
do., tile for west boundary, $6.25; do., •
tile for north boundary, $10; do., tile
for Brussels boundary, *10,50; James
Robertson, drawing rile for west boun-
dary, $1.60; S. VanNorman, putting in
culvert on west boundary, *8; Wm,
Geddes receiving box for culvert on
west boundary,*1' A. Cantelon, dig-
ging ditch, 85; R. Yrouill, job at Sun-
shine bridge, $25; James Robertson,
team work on west boundary $3; T. J.
Bt•yd ges, team work on west boundary,
28; Wm. Isbister, work on west beun-
dar', $2; F. Wheeler, whiflletree for
grader, $1.60; R. Thuell, gravel, $1.68;
Thomas M. Henderson, culvert on north
boundary, *4.25; ilowick Insurance
Co., $1.20; A, T. Cole, work and ma-
terial for culverts, *12.80; Win. Kear-
ney, work with grader, $12.28; C.
Wheeler, drawing tile and putting in
culvert, $5; P. McNabb, plank and re-
pairing culvert, $1; A. Shaw, part
councillor's fees, $25; T. Code, do., 825;
John Hopper, gravelling on sideline,
85.60. The council then adjourned to
meet again on December 16th.—Wet.
CLARK, Clerk.
Norra,—Rev. Dr. Daniel, ofGoderich,
preached missionary sermons on the
Auburn circuit last Sabbath. The
congregation eubseribed liberally to
this needful cause.... Mise Annie Noble,
of Stapleton, ie staying with her
brothers, Messrs. Themes and James
Noble..,,Mr, John Black has beet,
seriously ill for the past week bnt is
recovering.... Mrs. Joseph Johnston is
laid up with an attack of quinsy...,
Raster Nelson McGuire, of Mount
Forest, is visiting his grand -parents,
Mr, and Mrs, George Sowlar Mr.
Thome Henry, who has been living in
the Hiondyke for the past five years,
returned home last week.,,,Mesers.
Andrew Auld, Thomas Tunney and
Albert Taylor have returned home
from the west. All had steady work
while there.,,, Mr. R, D. Cameron, of
Lacknow, gave a lecture last Friday
evening on the Liquor Act of 1902, A
large audience was present and enjoyed
the lecture very much.... A meeting of
temperance workers met at the home of
Mr, A. B. Carr on Monday evening to
organize for the corning referendum on
December 4th.... Mt•, 11 I. Morrish has
been re-engaged as tesoherin Westfield
school.... Mr. Wm. Lynn, who is em-
ployed with Mr, Wm, Johnston, was
married to Mies Pearl Ferguson, of
Auburn, last Wednesday,,
BRIRFs,—Mr, John Twiss, for some
years in the employ of Mr. T, F.
Coleman, salt manufacturer, was in-
stantly killed Saturday morning in
Coleman's stable, When found hie
hand was holding the electric light
wire to which was attach,d an in-
candescent lamp. Twins leaves a widow
and 11 of a family.... Mr. Robert Bell,
of the Seaforth engine works, has re-
turned from his trip to Manitoba.,,,
Mrs. J. G. Wileon and family moved to
Sintaluta, Assinihoia, last weak. Mr.
Wileon has been there for about a year,
,.Miss Tytier, of Toronto, is at pre-
sent visiting old friends in Seaforth....
Mr, W. D. Bright has returned from
his hunting trip in Muskoka.,.. We
notice by the Saginaw papers that Mr.
Joseph Shanahan, a prominent resident
of that city, died at his reeidence there,
after a few hours' illness of cerebral
hemorrhage. The deceased was a
native of Seeforth, having been born
here in 1881, but he hes been a resident
of Se inaw for c2 years and had become
one of the leading sten of the city. He
wxs n brother of Mrs. ,Toho McMann
and Mrs. Dixon, of Egmondville, The
Saginaw papers speak in the very high-
est terms of Mr. Shanahan as a roan
and a citizen, and his doatit is much
regretted by the community there,
Mr. D. McGregor and family have
removed to town from Hullett and now
occupy the Willie residence on James
street.,,,, Mrs. D, D. Wilson is visiting
frieride in Guelph. ... Mr. W. Ameut
has leased the Coleman sawmill and is
having it completely overhauled and
The time of year has arrived when the housewife's altanlon jp
turned to the making of Pickles. We always have on hand the
best of White Wine and Cider Vinegars for piokling, Pickling
Spices and Flavorings.
Fresh Groceries and Fruits
Arriving daily. Oar Canned Goods were bought before the
raise in price, therefore we can sell Tomatoes for foo per can, or
one can each of Tomatoes, Corn and Pease for 25c. 8 pounds
Tapioca for 25e.
Highest Market Cash Prloe for Butter and Eggs.
~W-4% WIt%Wsift
Bargains in Furniture.
A large assortment of tine goods just arrived, consisting of Bedroom Sets
Sideboards, Extension Tables, Fancy Rockers and Couches, Prices are marked
down to the lowest point for cash.
We have 26 Tables to sell at 88 Dont* eaoh.
Bring in your Pictures and get then neatly framed.
To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription
for men, women and children than Ripane Tabules, They
are easy to take. They are made of a combination of medi-
cines approved and used by every physician. Ripens To -
butes are widely used by all sorts of people—but to the
plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need.
Ripane Tubules have become their standard family remedy.
They are a dependable, honest remedy, with a long and sot.
coastal record, to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and
stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism,
sour stomach, bowel and liver complaints. They strengthen
weak stomachs, build up run-down systems, restore pore
blood, good appetite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody
derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripens Tabules.
Your druggist sells them. The livement packet is enough
for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 60 cents, eon -
tains a supply for a year.
put in up -to -data condition for the
manufacture of staves, eta Mr. Ament
is a hustler and will make things hum
around the mill lilies McKinley, of
Egmondville, has had the degree of
B.A. conferred on her by the senate of
Toronto university,.Mr Arthur War-
ren left on Thursday for Birmingham,
England, where he will visit his rela-
tives....Mr. F. Guttridge is nearing
the home stretch with his drainage
contract. He has had a big and un-
pleasant job, but If the weather keeps
favorable, he will get the contract
completed this fall all right. He has a
force of about 20 men at work.... Mr.
and Mrs, Wm, Aitcheson are now com-
fortably located in their new and com-
fortable home in Harpurhey,,,,Mr.
Harry Town ham been conned to hie
residence for It week past with his old
enemy, stomach trouble, but we are
pleased to learn that he is now on the
mend .... Mr.Ed. Hinckley has returned
from hie deer bunting expedition. The
party he was with secured 10 deer, two
of them failing a prey to Mr, Hinchle,y'e
get, He says game was plentiful and
that he had an excellent time.,.,'. Mrs,
James McMichael died on Monday,
NOTae,—Rev. G. N. Rutledge, of the
Toronto conference, has been appointed
pastor of the Methodist churches on
the Walton circuit. He preached his
inaugural sermons len Sunday of last
week.... Dr. Armstrong who has been
pursuing his studies in Armstrong,
York, and
also in the leading hospitals of England,
Scotland, Ireland and France, returned
to Walton on Wednesday.... The an-
nual Sunday school convention was
held in Duffs church on Wednesday of
last week, Revs Messrs, Jarrow and
Mcleab, and Mrs. Gardiner spoke in the
afternoon, and in the evening the meet-
ing was addressed by Itev. T. Wesley
Cosena and Mr, 0. P. Blair, both of
Brussels ...A concert will be held in
the Methodist church on the 28th *net,
—Twenty-two caves of typhoid have
been reported in Toronto so far this
month, much in excess of any Novem-
ber for six years. The medical health
officer says the weter is pure, and
thinks he ham trace of 14 of the oases to
one milk dealer.
The Standard and Daily Globe... 24 2G
The Standard and Daily Mail and
Empire 4 26
The Standardyand Evening Mall
The Stad ndard and Globe 8 26
The Standard and 'Daily Eveningitness 13 00
The Standard and Toronto Daily
star 2- 60
The Standard and Toronto Week-
ly Sun, balanes of 1902 free. -. , 1 7b
The Standard and Weekly Mall
and Empire and two ppictures,
"The Doctor" and "Content -
men," balance of 1902 free 1 76
The Standard and New York
Thrice -a- Week World 1 7e.
The Standard sed Family Herald
and Weekly Star, and two pion
tures, "Alone "and "Pttrity". 1 76
Th Standard and Chicago Week -
lee In ter Ocean 1 70
The Standard and Word and
Works and Rieke' 1908 Alma-
nac 170
The Standard and Weekly Slobs
and picture of the Governors of
1701, balanhe ce of 19 Ontario of since
1 66
The Standard and Weekly Wit-
ness 160
The Sta dard and Eat and West,
a paper for young Canadians1 60
The Standard and Canadian Boy
Magazine 160
The Standard and Toledo Weekly
Blade 1 50
The Standard and Weekly Adver-
tiser and Farm and Home 1 et)
The Standard and Northern Meee-
en 25,
'The Standard and Chrlstmes 1
Number, balance of 190 free 1 00
Anyone accepting any of the above
clubbing offers will receive a Dopy of
The above rates are for new eybaorib-
ere and also old subscribers who pay a
year in advance. Cash must a000m-
pany each order. All weekly aubserip-
tions must be for a year.
Send all subscriptions direct to