HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-11-27, Page 6LIBBY'S NATURAL FLAVOR FOODS Are U. epee/tel. Pref %l1wpeeeked 4'A HA ED t 0010x, sled come to you Fresh, Dainty end need Pet op in convenient eked d7 yes. A.0. ourgrncer. 1(001to .17 ho .iI order 01 00 0007 7050001. I'rapond 011(707 LIBBY, McNEILL & UMW, CtttCAGO The World's Greatest Caterers. Our aswr, YiY ofeniltrwiehath, 7 Ono. TMIM, 0 40th Anniversary For eesr forty Y.an Bray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum AS A SPECIFIC FOR COUGHS, COLDS, Erc. Au been Iceled sad has become the Family Cough Speller uI thousands throughout Caned. and the Molted Stater. It nevtr son mare popular nor more largely used than it b to -ley. MERIT ALWAYS TELLS. Cough Remedies come and go. New preparations are tried and abandon. ed, but the old reliable remains. The present I. a trying season for both old Rod young, and colds, teeny aught now are est to remain tot the winter unless promptly cured. No better remedy eta be found than Gray's Syrup SOLD DY ALL DROd0111T.. lat.x.itat juat„.a.ascat, An Effective Dunning Letter. No Danger. 4 TRAMPS' SION LANGUAGE. rgrlevir IT irir-or7r er • t (Inc 111 1It' few obligatiOne to o0ed1,1'111g 1agtiboad recognizes lo tial of notify mg his brethren of he 'hereabouts of lrleude andrne- 1 con 0. To 0110 this 110 employe the 1 eldest of languagtes, one that e(rlt 1 the Ila;l`Iterel ran rend, An ex- t traun! tiost'rlbes, In "Dual HOUAe- 1:lrpil,3," 111e meaning 'Pr IRs i le - tures Ile (maid along the highway , (Dole of 0011111 t 1101 houaekeeporo Old doulltieee ha1teu to copy and display 011 thele 00100 prem sae, t1'heu VII some white grlto post 1 flvuel the sketch of a gtkII, 1 stole farther down the road; 1 had a strong objection to being riddled full of hulr'e so early to my career by same litrepld farmer. Tho outline of a dltg of warlike proportiuu., with w11d oyes and ferocious teeth, often mad mo go breal01t these. My summer ward- ruho 0011)1 Got In condition to al - 1010 of further mutilation,. if 1 felt bene ()hough to kick a y elpiug cur, I eetunterlxl In roek- Iesnly 10t the gale which bare a portrait of a toy (log. Once pant tum, mai coup usually get a bltc. .1 big round "0- dors not make ono wild to approach the premisoe it adorn N. It meth. it liosteee with a !allure of adamant ; lu other words, "the marble heart." .1 mingll• "X" Kande her a croeo- salt', nh;rh with ,hall exertion may 4'11111 a meal; two N'11 metol that you have got to saw longer in exchange for u meal. The rigu every tramp looks for anxiously le table with a coffee - 111141 a 1110.00 Upon It. Squid that gate- o, t dwells u motherly soul, who will welcome the most dl- btpiluttol hobo Into bur kitchen, and set lief0ru ilia n gout, square lural. She may tit beside him, Inquhring as to his trotthlee, and she why gine tum n mother's advice. Or elle May hate It Amy to tell of a way- warl boy, lost somewhere in oho great world, and all the fen oho n.e., n fin lam huopitality is that, in the bit of her $fleet, he way look about for her [thy and 1) give Lin the being, message of a mother's longing and watching. r A youth was engaged as a Junior Pmt. W. Hodgson Eliis, Official Analyst to the Dominion Govern. meat, has proved by analysis that "Sunlight Soap is n pure and well- " made soap. and han a thorough "cleansing power, without danger to "the clothing or skin." Clothing is worn more In the wash than in use where common eoape are used, and the hands are Mable to eczema. Try Sunlight Boap- Octagon Dar -next wash day, and you will ere Prot. Ellie is right. No one should know better tba he, 22 leek by A (frit of lawyers, anti h3' luny of filling la hie time and testing Its worth, un his first day he 5011, Old 10 write a letter demanding pay - neat of n debt from n client who vas long in arrears. To the great nurprlee of Ids employers ti cheque or the amount 01.11141 the next tiny. They sent for the young clerk and 10ked hlm to produce a ropy of the ettrr which Iuid had shell nn 11131011- H1111111; result, Tile letter ran tie Tot - owe: "Dear Nlr,-If you do 1000. at nice remit onymota of Ow amount which you owe us 5000 w111 take able that w110 amaze you:' An Infallible Sign. Alice -1 wonder how old Miss Sere. teat fig ? Amir -Well, elle m certainty ever 'forty! Whenever elle speaks of her - '.elf and friends she always says "We girls." -fudge. )hoard'. Liniment for Rheumatism. One hundred nod fifty landlndle hathns peen eunla1oneol at Vienba to taking in lioardcre w if flout the per ■tioton di the police. i W'orld's Great 'Wonder. The grentest by tar among great gk'ograp111011 font 01018 Is the Nettle haste. If nil the continents sial lo- buull forming the filen of mho earth were JINNI Iu one great continent, Ito extent would scarce equal that of 1011, great ocrtn, and 01 the moss of all the lands of the globe above see level were p oared Onto the Pacific haply more flute an eighth of the basin westhi be filled, states the Geo- graphical Magazine. Three-foarthsof our world surface le water ; a Tull third of this vast expanse, or a quar- ter of the superflcee of the phtnet is that of the great ocean, while its abysses are of such depth that a full half of the water of the earth le s gathered into Its basin. In every r view tine Prielfic Is vact, nit vast - art to tax 11 Imo to 'same?, our pavers of contemplation - dd KELPION" Endorsed by best English medleal Jorrs ala. $vpNled to British soldiers In South *Olga. For d1 Threat and .lead Troubles, Lumps, 11 , Old fors, Oloers, felons, 1111, Douses Eouma Alalia, Etps J.ieta, Shumstlsm, lumdago, f refea, Brunie*, Mies• Ctea, Sore het Pleuris� Reid by Druggist., Ile. Tet l snag. 1'1111111 II'l'll. 'Phe 100 kV, (ragm'ut o1 eonvrrm- tlne ,0(110 otrr.hl,lyd In 01 park last $urekly morning bgtwoen two well - tinseled bunco: " Dol ,von nolire that girl who looked no pollrlldly- at Its JUNl nQW Y' " No, dear. W111,lt one?" "Il war Just 4010 ta0 wore pne.oing Atte Achilles' statue." " Olt I Do you near the one, 1n a gray Eton Jacket ,with .blue on ret ver0 and a strewed ,klrt to match, a blue hat ,with it big bow of green velvet, pile gray kid gloves stitched whit black, and a pale blue silk floutcal undelwklrt, high -heeled pst.t- -01 h-ather shoos, a spotted tell alai blue IrnrA01 1" 1'es, dr6r, that was the one." "No, then, 1tlidn't notice her, In fact, I hardly looked at her."-Chleago Journitl. Minard's Ltoimcnt the beet Hair Ro- rtoresr. • 1 . 90 PAGES 1L1,CSTRATING THE nCST AND NF.WI!001V WATCIIES JEWELRY RINGS SILVERWARE CLOCKS Etc. 10 a Lound 170 $U* 19*3 CATALIGUL nowslwitnuut We have taken tato piing to make this Catalogue out -eters euything we have ever published, as tee realize there is going to be exceptional trade from out-of-town. Many of these goods are exclusive with us, and cannot be found in any other catalogue. Raving systematized the Soling of mail orders, von are sure of satisfaction, both la regard to pro10piness anis accuracy, If you are not accustomed to receive COPY OF OUR CATALOGUE, SEND FOR ONE u being manufacturer. wean save you money, Suggestions from Catalogue No. 20 No. 3516 -Pine Peart Crescent fit 50 No. :G111 -Gold -I,10, 1 Bracelet . 4 50 No. 3!rts4--Ladies' Iliemon,1 1(1110; 10 its No. 42e -Child x Whole Pearl 14 mg 1.50 No. 4408-I,nd,ea' Solid Gott (;uar.1 .................... • • 11 fa) 11 W Nn.4.(t(-Ladies' ilk. Gold-filled Watch Nn. 4519 -Sterling Silver unit lirrnhh1 50 No. bait -Sterling Sliver Match Bona-. ....... ,,.... ..- 1 b0 'When writing for Calatngur, mention this paper, AMBROSE KENT&SONS MANUFACTURINGLIAAITIEo JEWEI.EII S/CVERSMITHS. 156 YQO N G E ST,�a��5�' } 1,4(1 RICHMOND 5 6 Bringing It Home, When Mortice Malin mode n famous speech for the dedication of a build - lug that had cosi many thousand dollars devoted In the reformation of hal I'oy a, Ira 11110 "it all this whieh has horn ovoid upon this building reeldto in the reformation of one boy, it ie money well *pent" Somebody said to hint: "Mr. Mann, k, you think One boy lo worth till that rnonr•y T' lie replied. "Yee, if ll to my boy or your boy.-Prl- dhar3' Educut.Oi. A German's Ill Intake. Many Indleroue mistakes are mode by foreigners in grasping the Mean - lug of eomu of our common F:nglle1t exp1ee8lon1. A young German at- tending a Western Slate waivcr- .1ty translated "The eplrlt la will- ing but the flesh to weak," Into "The ghost is willing, but thin meat is not able." And a Filipino youth fairly est the claim to an uproar by the statement that "Out of eight, Det of mind," meant "The Invisible 1s in- !1PnA1,11IA MAT BE DANOER(ol'H, but It hurt.• It seem' to tear the face with red. hot 'darer,. Hlay Indoors and one ferry Davi.' painkiller, The blessed freedom Irum pain which follows cannot he told, Pop and Oscar, Chicago American, "L1tUI. Omar -Pop, tate book says I his Ltdnleo ore hill of idloey'tturaetoe. Whet 1s an kllosyncraoy?• Mr, GOoacm-Ilow. 1n thunder .Mould I know ? I never etudled Chinese. -Di, ago Aw'lrlcan. STATS oe1,10119100.,, C100 er\0TrY Toteno, 1 e, FRANK J.Cneeer make' onth that helm the senior partner of the drat of F. J. ('x70.17 a Fe. doing badness In the City et Toledo, ' County and Stateaferesaid,and thnt.ald arm will gay the .7010 00. ONE HUNDRED D01- or intention of taking too muco. LAM, far enrh and every rll.e of CATA.aa One treats, the other, Or others, nm Oho case muy iR, considers it manly to treat in return, and un- manly not to do mo. What are the consequence.? There are In 0111 majority of rners as many drinks as there are drinkers, ending too oftcu In all being too full. Now, the men who do thle ere not mea'* men -they are not ollr worst t'.Itl- sons, by any means. They are what we might call jolly good fellows, and honest, withal, but they are adhering to a custoim that he lo - Getting Even With the Mussel.. Ing much' harm -probably more than A man condemned to death recent any other custom practised In our Iy On Frame 5010 naked, according eoclal Rile. to custom, which ho would prefer I for hie last meal. Ile chose anomie, ldlaard'a Liniment Coro. La Grippe, which, though Ile favorite dish, ho wild, canned film a terrible Indo- An Anxious Felber. gemtlon. "Tole tine however," he Thr doctor came .lowly down. Idtd, Rr1m1y, "they 07111 not hate Mead's. C. C. Richards & Co Oentlemon,-Theodore Dora's, a cus- tomer of mine, wag completely cured of rhea/nail= atter five years of suffering, by the Jadlcioue use of MIS- AHD'S LINIMENT. The above fact tan bo verified by writing to him, to the pariah priest or any of hla neighbors. A. COTE, Merchant, St. feeder% true., May 12th, 1898. ISSUE NO. 48, 1902. Mrs. Wln.low'a Soothing H cup ahoa``l shway. be ivied for Children Teething. 1 soothe, the child. editing thaguets, aures wla6 twit and Ie the beet remedy for U arrhtea. NIXTBRN OHM FARIS 1'OI[ H.tL7- r'al bargain'. Heud far drrrrIPurr Ilei. Address 1'. O. Dox 21'!, Y' ulugetlWli, (1. TEN COURSES BY MAIL Le"' 101 roM'Isq thoroughly tUulgbl, I':xln'rl lust rumor.. Indl- 01duu1 ell^rel Ism. Scln1 for handsome cata- logue Inc pa et lealu r.. Correeppe�ndenea NHS. sent CENTRAL BUSINESSCOLLEOE,Target°,Cuts 111PERIAL MAPLE SYRUP. The Qua110y ptnndnrd from Ocean 40 (tcean. tour money baek If notealldae1ory 1001(7 A !AFLAME, Agents, Montreal. HIGHEST TYPE OF BACON HOGS 1170 produced by OAK LODGE YORKSHIRES, First 0nd SWingl.t gkPn at Toronto In baron rins0,', this year, L'Irvl mild Sweepstake. IL 1 the whiter 1n(r lour sweeten re year.. Stock of all ages nu moderate prices. J. E. BIIETIIOUJR, Burtbrd, Ont. Lock Sox 8, DON'TIt o ,r 1 wo nretZrlas 1 1. 0l poor wnteh hel'anee IG 01 Inn prtevl. Far 14,35 wet a,'II t' all it 01tt `odea nn a Win tell with handsomely engraved case, and heavy gold ,lute, open filer, stem wind and stem I sol, 1;47run1„r,1 a :V.112,010'17 timekeeper. A a',.0 wntrll• 111100 before the December rush is on. 117 mall postpaid. Address Dept. A., VIM SUPPLY CO., Hamilton, Ont. POULTRY It Made a Difference. A moon of literary aspirations who hod hog way yet to stake jot the world wrote a poem, which ho submitted to his wile beton+ rending It out for publication. "Why, }Henry," she said, on looking It over, "yon have moot' 'hundred' rhyme with 'on- ward" "Thnt'o, all right," he replied: "Tennyson did it." "Ire," repined iia wife, "Tennylann could (00 such a thing, but you ain't, Henry." THAT TORMENTING ('OL.11 that made Volt wretched last whiter will net tome hark 0.i you take Alien's Lung Buten t when your throat ta raw and gore. This ndmit'able remedy' 'titres 1rntu opium. Tithe It 1tt time. 0111 Rejoice Woman's Heart. The "pickup" Is the popular name of a new idea in Jewelry. 11 le an ornamental buckle, designed to hold up the 1kirt while walking. It may slip be worn In front with a ribbon belt, or to keep the bodice, the belt and the skirt 111 proper relations lit the back. When wishing greasy dialyse cr pots and pang, Lever's Pry Soap (a powder) will remove the grease with the greatest ease. es The Pernicious Treating System, (Monte Standard, P1c1on, Nearly every man knows what might be termed bar -room eti- quette th Quette le like. One, two, or more, enter a bar -room, with no desire that cannot be cured by the use of 1iaLL i'ATARnu Cunc. FRANK ,1. CHENEY. Sworn to hrrere mr nod eub.erlhed 1n my presenlr•,tlde (00.00 duy of December, A.D.,18N A. W. GLEASON, { REAL} Notary Public. 11 a11', Catarrh Core le taken In•ermdly and arts directly on the blood nndmuroue aurfncre at the system, tend for teatlmoolale, free. F. J. CHI1NI(Y a CO., Toledo, 0 Sold by all druggists -(tie. Hairs Family Pula are the beet. PonaigRnments of Poultry, deme, Rutter, Eggs, lhoney, Benne, et+'., sonclted, W111 pay • 10 rents per lb, ',Avg. Toronto for beeswax. References -your leen! bander. t'nrreapondt'nce Melted. Prompt returns. JOHN J. fEE ni. i` TORONTO, OE al too chance." ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT remove. 111 band, suit or eallouaed Lumps and Hlem• ' Licosa from hnree., Blood Spud], Curbs, Splints, Ring none, Sweeny, Stifles, sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save gra; by use of one botth., Warranted the most wonderful Wendell Cure ever kuowa. Hold by all drugglet', Hon. Reymond rr"fnntat(1n w;ue Elven a rolt•tig rocepllon by Jim East Kat Liberal l'h:b, o! Mintreal. Piles To morn to you tied) 0..h. C\seoi Ointment lin certain and absolute Duro for each anti 'ivory form of Itching, bleedingand protruding piles„ the manufacturers have guaranteed it. Santee. 1 timentals In Ihn dolly pres', and ask your neigh., 1 bora what l.hey think of 1, 0010 can use It. and 11 dealert ;our x l or RogeNsoN,loney Ina. X If lAT I enroll. (t Co.,Toren1G Dr, Chase's Ointment A1ni:hog Change. A y-onng lawyer rrc,'ved a call from 0''11 -to -'In- farmer, a Ito was Le need of legal edit',', ,nye the Pilled( Iph'a Times. The 1;',o yer looked up 1 IT etnllArh. liltI to'd th" larnler 000010[ lgr rhonbl uo. Un bring asked 1 h (Marge, '1V, 1,'l's Call 11 three dol- P'r'," rep le.! th„ lawyer. The farmer handed over n flve-dellnr bill, The 11(11711' seemed eatbar raeerd, 'hitt, after .1lurching through his porkete rind the drawer. o1' Ids .leek, he rose to the nccaeiou, and pocketed the It111 Ito lie reached for digest. ''1 guess, , uelghbor," he remarked, an he resem- ed his cert, "1 shall have to give you two dollars' worth more advice." stairs, and entering the room In which the minter of the house was - oeated, said, "Sly dear mit., allow me to congratulate yon ! You are now the father of twin boys. Your wife is doing fairly well ; .0000 there are faint symptoms of re- lapse. 1140 I--" "H.nlnpse," fold 1' yelled the astonlohed husband. " 1 Was not aware they had relapses in much cases ! Whatever will we loo with tour?" Minard'■ Liniment le tIle belt. DEMILL LADIES' COLLEGE Can't Fool the Sea. Th-HIio. A young lady from London was vis- iting for the (lr.t tlm0 a country fair. Seeing a cow looking very .8v age, she said to ao old farmer, "0h, how Ran•nge that cow looks." "Yes, miss; IL's the rel p.trneol 7001 ori• carryllIg,"' 5001,1 tom farmer. "Well" elle said, "1 know It was n tr111t out of fnohlon, bill I never thought a country con- would notice "CYKO Photo Paper. Prints at night by any Tight Sample dozen, 4x5, with package of Developer and photo, mailed for 76e. Hold by S. VISE 6101 Queen St. W Toronto Canadian Agent '1'o all interested in the , rllurntion of yenng ladies' or (0(71051 here an exteaeive emirs+' may be had, lnrlad- iugg the eneiiinn find high Reboot branches', He sere, Languages, Muds, Flue Art, Commercial Course, 5'"Iro Training, Elocution. Art Needle Work and Phy- 'Ient indium,write to Rev. A. It. hft111,L, President, St. i'n Outlines, Ont., for unlendrr that gives you very special rate.. 3f r:FTiitY 151e PAPER. 1SMOKIC HILDA 5 cent Cigar Guaranteed Clear Havana Filled illustrate hero our No. 600 "SOLITAIRE" DIAMOND RING, which sells for $100. T1le stew ped the peat q,iilef, sod 1, emoted is 1bk, told. . W,aw°enffrelar no, 1��aeg0p�ri .0,011500. of p "4 leader 1••aV Reri r.t.n oar et0. Osr new Illustnnd eltlo.aawlU b forw.rded en request. Ile cheerfully refund Ike purchase peke where say ankle mimed le act perfectly rsllelectory. Ryrie Bros., Jewelers, Tease and Adelaide dtrlala1 Toronto. The Flow of milk will be increased. Why go to all the trouble of keeping cows and get only about half the milk they should pro- duce. Dick's Blood Millar strengthens the digestion and invi- gorates the whole system so that the nutriment is all drawn from the food. It takes just the lame trou- ble to care for a cow when she gives three quarts as when she gives s pail. Dick's Blood Purifier will pay back its cost with good interest in a few weeks. 50 cents • package. Looming, Mlles & Go., Apollo r10NTOBAL