HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-11-27, Page 4IIICIIIURCHIE & RRNCE BANKERS. I RANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. BLYTIi, ONT4IIt1O. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Sale Notes a specialty. Advances! Made to farmers on their own notes, No iidditioual security re- quired. INTEBSaST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates, We offer every accommodation coin eistent with gate and conservative banking principles. UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS Te loan on Roal Estate at lowest rates of interest. SEAL ESTATE AGENTS, Persons wishing to sell will do well place their property on our list for sale. Route collected. tff9NVETANGING � tafpatll kinds promptly attended to. NS@�CEL We represent the leading Fire and Ws Assurance companies, and re- epeotfully solicit your account. (OFFICE HOURS: 10 A.M, to 8 r.M. Busin.ae Cards. X. L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC., /DHOW IbpM Mee, Meyer block (Marmara. to ,( i1.rJA0EBON, j BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETO, Con and Notary Public. Solicitor for SiIDtlbn. Ofiloee, Pretoria block, over dPowilh's glare, Blyth. Money to lend. J S. JEROME, LD.S., DENTIST. 0600 latesth. the Pretoria block, Blyth. Special tion geld to the preservation of the nat.. �ptod work prise' woorse low •i silty. i j a LINDIAY, M.B. PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Ngeeleor to Dr. Tait. Graduate of the Uol- �elaa�e as d of Toronto, Member OntariCollege oorr ly oof f Latdoa, England and Ed tnbureh,Bootlsnd, hos. p11 11. Mee and residence, that lately 0000- W e by Dr. Tait, Blyth. W. PlITS10UAN AND SDRGEON. Vntverelty of Trtoity college; M.O., OOP " Unttsmtty ; Fallon of Trinity Medical U011110, cud 0i member Dopes. of Physician' end tampons of Ontario. Coroner for the nal eros._ Omae, one door north of the. COMIneralal hotel, seen "treat, Blyth. J, HUCK$TEP, BARBER AND TOBACCONIST, Choke stook of Tobaceoe, Cigars and Pipes on Ate. �elBh foorrthe Parisian Storm Lauodrl, `` HAMILTON, AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR. QaLand, Loan and Insurance Agent. OM., on handle' gilllreceive prompt attention. 8max- e A.S. BRADWIN, STEAMSHIP AGENT. The Bider -Dempster and Franco Canadian Mao represented. Ocean tickets sold to say Mt 01 Europe. Low summer rates/low in force. Name" of Werner' and dates of sailing furnished on appliaatton to Tua BTINDkan o1B,;u, Blyth. E0F, B. L. TAUBE, MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN AND BYE SPECIALIST. All kinds of Spectacles end Eyeglaese+ made to order. Special attenttoh glv.au to attiug the eve. (Orders by mail plomr0y atte Al to, Beware of parties ualne my neurone I employ no irav01000 agents whatever batiefeotloo 101010te1. Established 1878. 254 Richmond etteet W., ALMA LADIES' COLLEGE St. Thomas, Ont. (TWENTY-SECOND YEAR) SGhe cloth gitanbarb. A. E. #3RADWIN, Pnentenne, 'NB /LATH STANDARD, published every Thursday morning, is a live'Acal newe- r'tper, and nae a large circulation in dlyth and surrounding country, making it a valuable advertising medium. Sub- scription price to any part of Canada or tke United States only Ono Dollar per Annum In advance ; 51.60 will be charged If not so paid. Advertising rates on application. Job Printing neatly and obesely executed. Correspondence of a 'Away nature respectfully solicited. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1902. BIG 910016 POR CANADA. Mr. C, 111, Hays, general inanoger of the Grand Trunk Railway system, made the Renouncement that the Grand Trunk would have a trans -continental railway system. A. new road will be built from either North Bay or Clraveuhuret, on the line Of the Grund 'Trunk, to either Bute Inlet or Port Simpson, B.C. It will traverse New Ontario, Mani- toba, Saskatchewan, ABsiniboia and Alberta, by way of the Peace river, and also British Columbia, with its terminus on the northern Pacific coast. The new road will be known se the Grand 'trunk Pacific Railway Coto - pa n , The necessary legislation will be asked for at the next session of parlia- ment and the work of survey will be commenced without delay. It will, when corupleted, it is esti- mated, cover 2600 to 8010 mirex of track, and coat between seventy-five minion and one hundred million dollars, It is expected the work will be completed within fire years, A HOPELESS FIGHT. Mr, E. King Dodds, in a recent issue of the Cauadiau Sportsman, protests against the intention of the hotel- keepere to put up a fight in the present referendumcatnpaigu. He say;: 'There is no organic tion in the interests of the liquor dealers of a character suffi- ciently widespread to ensure active committees in every polling sub -division in the province of sufficient influence to overcome the public apathy and ensure a really large vote. Again, the task set the prohibitionists is one they can- not perform, and if the solicitor of those liquor men who waited upon the premier so frequently just prior to his referendum speech in the legislature had drafted the bill for hire, it could not have been Inore satietactory to the trade. It simply did what the premier intended it should do, it killed prohibi- tion, and the vote in December is merely a formal funeral over the Rssae- sinated remains. When Qntario was organized from end to end by the prohi- bitionists, when the temperance senti- ment was at its strongest they were only able to poll 180,087 votes in their favor, Now when the conditions are less favorable than then they are called upon to poll 218,012 more iotas or they lose the fight. Their leaders know full well that they cannot win under such a crushing handicap, and the electors of Ontario of all conditions are equal certain that it is a hopeless fight for them and it is this general belief in the hopelessness of their cause that will keep thousands of voters away from the polls when the day of voting o0mes round. The sten who are responsible for this action of the liquor trade as a body will no doubt raises large amount of money, but they displayed a lament- able lack of judgment in forcing a fight that neeeasitatee suoh heavy ex- penditure. There was absolutely no tenable excuse for the position they have assumed, the government gave tho prohibitionists a task they cannot possibly perform, and in our judgment the wisest course for the trade to have ensued was t0 do noticing except t0 rave supplied scrutineers at the polling booths to prevent any unfair work being practical," The farthest south, and one of the largest and best equipped in Canada. Preparatory studies, Graduating Courses—M,L,A., M,E,' L„ Piano, Organ, Singing, Violin, Fine Art, Elocution and Physical Culture, l Domestic Science, Commercial. Healthiest location. Moderate char- I gee. Write for catalogue to .1IEV, PBiN, WARNER, MA., ATTEND THE BEST—IT PAYS. CUT POLI'T'ICS OUr OP IT. From the Kincardine Review. The Chesley Enlerpriee a"eges that many Liberal votes will be cast against prohibition on December 4th, because prohibitionists said so many harsh things against Ross' referendum, but it thinks these will be offset by Conserva- tive votes which will be polled for FFnoliihition merely "to put Ross in a hole," We do not know but that this is a fact, but we ere no reason why it 'should be. Prohibitionists had ample reason to be dissatisfied with the condi- Gone lone whirh Ross imposed upon them— Ross who was their guide, philosopher and friend. We do not know that Conservatives owe aught to the prohibi- tion party or the licensed victuallers,' In this riding, for example, the govern- ment made gains from bout sides. Roes' provincial prohibition and Whit -e ney'e opposition to it lost the opposition candidate votes alnong the prohibition- ists, while on the other hand it did not gain trim one vote among the liquor dealers. On the contrary he can name half a dozen Conservatives in the traffic who \'rated i(1051 Igt 111111, Accordingly we gee no reason why political considerations should influence ono Co'+servnti;e Pate in this riding. 'rhe referendum is 111 our opinion a nhikeehi;t, ben it is costly, and we may as well get some value for our money Ly obr,tieing au accurate verdin 011 the prohibition question. If you h live in prod' bi Won and If the act of 1902 meets your n; proval, vote for it, 1f not, vote ataiast it. As for Liberate who purpose voting against it for political nateons only, they too have no reason to do co. Pro- hteitioniste may have railed against the referendum (and they had sufficient cane( but in the main they voted for Ro,o just the same, except where they had prohibition candidates. 1'or Liber- als to go against them how merely for partisan purposes would t e base iugrati- tude, fur the Liberal party in Ontario Soren' rn •1,1010, brave ecceptod rood pnsi- 11001 '.1 4.4'+ s' i5, 80' and 50+ per 1" riti', and a few da' aro .11 0p1,nO0tiou wa' rm•oty. d 01hr- iag ogle et our a /doar"B of tot 0,011 a emery of 5000 p01 a'e.uw. 'r, it, it 'be rind of evder", you are tooktoc for ne Lo W1, t eat eth"ol 1A, attend. Catalogue free. Maier this month 1t po.s.ble. W. J, ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAL A. O. U. W. Btvth Map, No.145, An^tent Order of United Workmen, tueete m the wnrk'aeu hell, M11',. ' month on the sod dp.m S Viettiogr brethren tare gordialty invited. !t Comoro, W.M. T. J. Hock , ague,jllOoapae. CI hes hadthe bulk of the bandit of prohi- bition votes for many years. Cut politics out of it, genttetnen, and vote yea or nay (10 the question, Inaking sere, however, to register ,your honest convict ion. MULLETT. SNITS.—Misves Ads and Susie Roder - nue and Mr, Wm. Roderous, of Wine - ham, are guests at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Laundy....Mi', W. J. Dunlop, who has taught in S.S. No. 7 for the past year, has reelgne+l and will take a college course, Mr. E. C. Wil- ford, of Blytb, will be his successor, BOAR.) OF HEALTH,—The board of health met on the afternoon of Novem- ber 16th, and received the health offi- cer's report from which it appears that there have been a few scattered cases of scarlet fever, measles, and a few cases of typhoid, but none of a severe type. There has been also several cases of diphtheria, none of thein proving fatal. Otherwise the township is free from epidemics and in a good sanitary con- dition. The number of deaths from all causes reported to the division regietrar during the year is 22, being about ono - fourth less than last year. COUNCIL MEPLT190,—Hullett council met in Londesboro on November 15th, with the members all present. Bylaw was passed fixing places for holding Inomivation and eleorion. The deputy returning officers will be as follows: For electoral division No. 1, John Fow- ler, at Temperance hall, Kiuburn; No, 2, James VVett, schoolhouse No, 6, Harlock ; No. 8, Patrick Quigley, at schoolhouse No, 2; No. 4, R. Adams, Foresters' hall, Londesboro ; No, 6, Wm. McCool, at schoolhouse No, 6; No. 6, M. Braithwaite, at Temperance hall, Londesboro; No. 7, J. Fiugland, at schoolhouse No. 9. The following ac- counts were examined and ppa'eed: Blyth corporation, for share of c(ivieion court room rent, 87.50; Huliett and Goderich township, boundary ling im- provement, $27.87; M. Mains, repairing Quigley's bridge, $15.75; 13. Churchill, gravel, gravelling and hauling gravel, /155.61; John Shobbrook, spreading gravel, 56.87; Wm. Wheatley, hauling gravel, 539.25; John Barr, repairing culvert, boundary Mullett and E.Ist Wawanogh, $10; John Barr, one sheep gilled by dugs $6.66; James Owning, gravel, $5.25; Wm. Rune, hauling gra- vel, and working in pit, $4.57; W, B, Patterson, repairing bridge, $7; John Fiugland, for tile and dralniug, $6.15; A. Glazier, spreading clay, etc., on deviation road, con. 6, 511.25. Council adjourned until December 16th, when it is expected that all the township ac- counts for 1902 will be settled. LONDESBORO. CHURCH NoTE0.—Next Sunday will be missionary day in the Londesboro Methodist church. Missionary sermons will be preached morning and evening by Rev. .1. W. Robinson, of Goderich. Special offerings and subscriptions will be taken for missions. On Monday evening following, at 7.80 o'clock, Sir. W. R. Lough and Rev. Dr, Giffpr'd, of Clinton, will give missionary addreeees. There will be special singing by the choir of the church. An offering to aid the forward movement for missions will be taken up, Card of Thanks. To the many friends and citizens who so kindly aesieted us during the long illness of our daughter, Sybilla, we wieh to publicly return our hearty thanks. We appreciate the kindness and sympathy so freely and heartily shown us in our bereavement.—MR, AND Mas, A. WETTLAUPER. THE CRADLS. BALLAN,INE.—In Blyth on November Jath, , the wife of Mr. Andrew hallantyne, of a son. KELLY.—In Morrie on November 19th, the wile of Mr, John Kelly, of a sen. TAIL'S.—In Morrie, on November 20th, the wife of Mr. Charles K. Taylor, of a eon, TOLL.—in Feat Wawanogh, on November 15th, the wife of Mr. Wm. Loll, of a son, TUNNEY.—In Morris, on November 80th, the yds of Mr, Arab. Turney, of awn. THE ALTAR. CAMPBELL—CLEOO.—At the redden. of the bride's parents, on November 15111, by Bey, C. a, Steele, Mr. Malcolm J. L. Campbell, formally} of Blyth, to Mabel Victoria, da0ehr ter of Mr. and hr.. W. 11. Clegg, all of baulk Ste. Marie, M1ohi500. THE TONG, MCMICHAEL.—In Seaforth, on November Seth, Mrs. Jame/ MoMidasul, aged 70 years, 4 months and 11 days._ BLYTE MARKETS. Blyth, Nov. 20.—Wheat, 68o b 700, Barley, Plc to 420. Peas, We to We. Oats, 29a to 81e, Fggo, 17o to 180. Butter, 18.3 to 170. Potatoes, Oto to loo. Hides, 5o to Po. Hay, 00 to $7. Lard, Ito to 140, Port, 117 to 18. Flour, 51,90 to tags. Wood, e1.71 to 82. Wool, 12a to 100. Turkeys, 70 to 9a, Aeons, 0o to 70. Dooko,0 Lila to 70. Chickens, 5o to 70, —The annual meeting of the Ontario Fruit Growers' association will be held in Walkerton on December let, 2nd and 9rd. Dr, McWilliam, of Thameeford, and Dr. Murray, of Lakeside, have secured a ten years' franchise on a telephone line between Thatnesford and Lakeside, ft is their intention to have the poles put in right away. —Mr. Wm, Murray, of lot 27, con, 11, Ellice, near Rostock, died suddenly Friday evening, aged 67. Deceased was born in Waterford, Ireland, and came to Canada about 46 pare ago. His kitchen attached, woodshed 20x80, end B10he widow, eight acne and five oNlar ander full eine n} house; 6�od aieeern; survive, An Sill They Come MORE NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED, ANOTHEII LOT OF Ladies' Ocratingfet, All the new weaves and colors, spie ndid goods at close prices, Ladies' Ready-to-wear Skirts—perfect fitting. See onr Umbreila Shatvls and the Ross to snake them. High. land Shetland Floss, black, white and colors, 4 skeins for 25c. Our range of Biaok Dress Goods is not beaten. A new lot of Doable 'Breasted Snits for boys. Just the thing for sold weather. In fact our whole stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Etc., is very complete. A few of those Ladies' Coate left at $1,50 and $2. Millinery at Reduoed Prices. J. A. Anderson 7 l 1 r A T A A 1 A Tij They're in the Window Xs:DX What's in the Window XOX HIGH CUT SHOES FOR MEN Are the very excellence of Footwear for this season of the year. They keep the feet and ankles warm, and act as a fine support when used as a skating shoe, We are showing a special line of High Cut Shoes made from box calf leather, leather lined and having a heavy double sole. They sell at $2, $2.75, $3 and $3.50, Pass our doors and you pass a privilege to save money. S. HERRINCTON BL''1'rTH Sale Register. Tuesday, December 2nd, Farm stock and implement's. Lot 25, con. 2, WI et Wawanosh. Mrs. Rebecca Mills, execu- trix. C. Hamilton, autiotieer. Huron County Council. The 0x[11011 of the Corporation of the County of Home will meet in the council chamber, in the Town of Goderich, on Tuesday, the Ind day of December next, at P o'elook n m, W. LANA, Clerk. Doted at Goderich this 16th day of No- vemhr,1502. House to Rent. A large comfortable and 000venient frame dwelling house to rent. On the premises are a woodshed, large garden, cholas fruit toes, and a "table d required. Cement sidewalks near the Bate, Situated on Queen street north, Blyth. For full partioulals apply to A. W. 81413. 15o Good Farms And Saw Mill For Sale. Not—W i lot M, eon. 01 East W swan/h, con- taining 100 acre", 60 Kora" 0leared and to a good state of cultivation, 20 acre. 1•artinlly cleared and 20 sans of timber land. The no11 1s a good loam. There le on the plane a gond brl,l dwell Ing house 20,84, one and a half storeys, with g e daughters I goal wen and wind will oouveutent to lienee sod ouOhutld,nae; frame barn 50,61, with mens —Mr. George A, DicLeod, Son of Mr„ tablas unden,eKtn � two trams don lin . I8,9e, C 0 , late Of Brucefield, no and 0 batt .dm•epe; 0 Air sew in .180x80, has been elected clerk of the distrlat. ton storeys, with I. le,, on; ne and ell Hoots e, for mwufaltmia u" 50, RoderickNLed s ' ante wsel.in p g clurt in Maine county, Idaho, on the lath and ebb+gle",.11 In goo order. Democratic iliacket, by a 1inalurity of No. 2-+l lu• 8f, co, 5, Eaer Wong^.05: , von - candidates trrNjorlty Of any Of 1}10 state al00 eorea, a0 a^roe oloarmt/idles Soni candidates in that county. Dir. Mc- 01.44 of culttv0.ton, 20 ,.,rna of ,(ober Tann. 3 lbmein oa for p+n re a good frame La'n 400,'10 1.eod's many old friehde in this county and 001e, -t high with stone ttabtoe nndor tb. ' full silo; good frame dwelller :0021, nue 01,1 0 will congratulate him oh his eucedes' bait 0)114yO, 0.110000 storey kltehen attnohed. —'rbc h0a101 of control of the fruit Na 8'- 0lot 88,100.7, Ee,t Wawanoeb, rrn• experiment stations held its annual (stung us) swiss, AO Letee eto,,od ane lex g1a meeting; at Toronto r n Mouda There sate of oultivation, 10 acres of timber Iced. The Edd is n gond .Ly loew. On the ,,lace are 14 stations In Ontario. r. A. E. [Jere 10 "good home dwelNog 29a80, scone 081- 111 t rTIngGOn, the experimenter at Walk- Lr, with kitchen attached ]x:• one and a bolt had sold $500 worth of apples and from 4usW, with stone etan es um er; rato trainee pp cud abed 27= good orchard. 'l hie place is bis 10 acres had netted $8W. At well 0 1010.0 and has •never fading g 09005 mu. 'tiaitland, in the St, Lawrence section, ul0,.)bmugh1'. b`ur tali }}'articularI 1pplO to Tnnssa0 Tut:: Harold Jonas got 7W barrels of r,r,a, Wo, 2,14 P.O., oaa, 00 te c. Hartmut:, !apples from five acral. Blyth P.O., Ona SII t 1 ton re ,orted that from five acres he f r ya • hard and oaf Neuceri ago frees i bit, Lime! Lime! Anyone in need of Lime in any quantity should write or telegraph n8, and we will deliver the same where re- quired, N. Nicholson & Sons, TWO MILES EAST Of BELORAVE, BELBRAYE P.O, Living Up Business SELLING REGARDLESS OF COST See onr Dinner Sets. One Dinner Set, worth 5213, for 517.85 ; others, worth 51L, for $8, and as low as $1a,50. Tem Sets from 610 to $2.1,0. Table Sets in glass f, um 81.50 to 80c. Goblets and Tumblers away down. If you want Cheap Groceries now is your time as everything is going to be sold. A. TAYLOR Diesley Street BLYTH,