HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-11-27, Page 3his 4r' ettiv.esao,fiuso f‘dtattettn,w e, le,4 cam, SY'S 1ARRIA6E 444444444+ Mrs, Aryan, got up ue the felry Godmother of Cinderella fume, lu black velvet and a hugo white mus• lin mobcap, and with a gold - headed cane In her hand, preemie ales through the rooms from group to group, making leer comments un the people, looking like a very wicked hairy Ood,uotber, Indeed, She halt. beside Lady Dermot, She looks regal with thousands of puunde' worth of diamonds' blraeing and flashing un her Anaoulb, white seek, and together they watch the wires of the waltz. Aries Blake, In powdered hair and brawled sack, floats by In *the arnto of a stalwart Highlander, and up go the Fairy Godmotber'e goldrhumed sesame. "Wm Blake al a flctitioue charac- ter -her great-grandmother 1 any dear, the preemption of some peu. pie I The Blokes' grandmother, lie deed! And here tames Madge In blue and sliver and powdered and patches -another uuccetor, I suer poeel Very pretty, she looks; but how ridiculous It tin ut her to think Captain Lefroy will ever marry her 1. And whom have we here? Ah, Sir Maurice, I hardly recognized you, In all your bravery I What are you, If I way ask?" "A boll fighter," laughs Sir War- ble, shaking hands with her. Then, turning to Lady Dermot. he ante: "Mother, where is Gipsy?" "Dancing, I think. Somebody car- ried her oft a minute ago," Lady Dermot replies, looking up at the handsome face of her son. Gipsy l■ engaged to Sir Manriee for the next dance, and he strode beside hie mother waiting till who cameo, Yrs. Aryan taps him with her sad bedltened muitttu-le, He le horde aware Unwell haw often wlth a sad, wistful expreeelou, hie eyes follow Gladys Blake. Gladys In lucking very sweet and lovely to -night In her hoops ami powder. She 10uke the pt • and lite euddeuly elnken words linen btruck home, "Ole turned Ilrhl;' Uric Bray says afterwards: "1 thought eke was going to (Hint.,' But Mise Blake had no intention of fainting -there lo only that one moment of agony, wltr-n the piteous mtsery ehowe in Ler eyes and lu the sudden quick closhtg of her Ilpe. fu a second dile le herself again, cold tied unopproachnble as ever. " I muse congratulate him,' she re - Werke, In her usual tache, eteadying her volco by a supreme effort. In all her life she has never felt oo miserable no she feels now. Blankly rcuntryntan approaches and aekl It'aby tirimehaw for the pleueure e; 1 companion. The band strikes up; to you." nerve. n dance. . hie arm goes round tilpey'e walet. "tree," she nntwere, sadly ; "tett I 1� As he scribbles her name on her "Our dance, darling!" he wile• wish tomorrow was over"; and then F )r invalids, for con- blankru ratnme. Mrs. GrlmsbaW . Pers; and they pace away Into the (Mee more she reifies her face to h'terposee: I crowd. Item, saying, "Remember, 1 truer him valescents, for consumptives, "It ie ouch a cruwua , mixed a cermet One lou tato her pleading ens, with every ono; but any friend of : !lie l" elle thinks. And Bow !glee then Ile tutee her hand and holds She never dreams of the sharp pain that pierces hie heart as he leads her Loss of Flesh away to another ronin, and together they dl down on a sofa. (Maden does nut seem to have emelt to sny, after all, and he also re- uutlue silent. She looks up at laid, tyltln troubled eyes, and Jerked uut a gtestlon abruptly. "Can we not prevent Jim from rid - Ing to-unurruw?" she asks. a burn- ing flush mounting to her cheeks as she speaks. "WIII you ask htm?" "I am afraid my asking would be of little use," Ila. Ker answers; "he Is determined to ride his owu horse," "You tried to persuade him?" in a lower voice. "Yee, he is not very Be to ride; It will take u stendy nerve to get over that eourm." The flush line died away, and Ola• eho teatohee the Rey, ever -moving dye Is 'My white when .he mortise crowd, and Retool to the voices and next' laughter. "Oh, Mr, Ker, fur my sake, try to A Spanish matador, with .bapei' prevent hip riding tomorrow." form and kingly head, bent to talk 1 would do unu•h for your rake," to a halo peteant•glrl, whose dark he answers; and as the end twee heart does not tench her shoulder, took of tele hie, she never drenmr pacers by.; Mutt he loves her, TWA sober, 'amid nein Iso only Jlmb friend, and her Atlee Blake enterer; only n glimpse friend, too. of hie Lar, and then site looks etcad- 1 The bond has stopped; another Ily Into Olpey'e glorious dark eyes,dance will begin dlreelly, Mr. Ker aa the two tutee; 01111 at the coespeaks again, lok of towel In the beauty's face "I think 1 we>rtkl let hitt ride tie Gipsy' almost uneonsclouely drawe a morrow, Gladys; he will get 011 all shale closer to Sir Maurice. right, end you know wo start for 110 does not see Mise Blake, he the Mediterranean next week. lir- is lute not noticed the strange tvay taking tide tour fur your sake, and in whlelt ole looktsl tit him and !de I have pr•omleed to btiug hum book When you can't eat break- fast, take Scott's Emulsion. When you can't eat bread and butter, take Scott's Emulsion. When you have been living on a milk diet and want something a little more nourishing, take Scott's Emulsion. To get fat you must eat fat. Scott's Emulsion is a great fattener, a great strength giver. Those who have lost flesh want to increase all body tissues, not only fat. Scott's Emulsion increases them all, bone, flesh, blood and ' 1 S cel b li ` ('011 at heart Kande the lovely to you' 1 eve idin mato your charge," L I ern of allow this girls to dance'• Mies Blake• end how I have loved 1 B y for Weak children, for all yours, Sir Maurice"— And bore, Blake knowe 1n her heart that ell it fast. who need flesh, Scott's elle makes an emphatio pause, j her Ilfe she hoe loved and must "I would die contented tonight Ii Emulsion is a rich and com- 'And you will take caro of Baby ?" I love this man. Through all the gay 1 kmt,w be' would make you happy." permit.' the fund mother, 'She Is ouch throng to-nlgbt she ems only bpm. "It be hie happlw oo I oar' tor," Portable food, and a nature{ a wad little thing, and It lo almost 1 "Our dance. Miss Blake!" - and murmurer the girl, smelly. her fleet bell!" the beauty dances and laughs and "Anel 1 youre," he whimpers, Thou, tonic. Heaven forgive the woman ! The 1 turo of n sweet, (Meaty maiden of a standing up, he says, "Costae -1 court Emulsion for bone, Baby had been out longer than Sir ( bygone age, her fair hair powdered not monopolise you altogether." Scott's M ani drawn off her forehead and 1n the open doorwuv they meet aortae ane remember. j Tho "wild 11010 thing" dupe her ; piled In a wilderness of carte and Captain Lefroy. He has deli ae!do the flesh, blood and nerve. hands ecstatically, rolls on the top o ter tea . "Oh, Slr Mturloc, Isn't it till lovely? = "What a nul.anco it will be get, And tutee you seen Captain Lefroy 7" ; ting the flour out to -morrow in time -lutvering her voice as her lips pro-' for the raced" she Rays to Me, pounce that dreadful name -"all in Ker, se they eta'na for one second rent armor, clanking about ? And how I together, "And do you like my dress, pretty your cousin lo, Just like a real Mr. Ker 7" little peasant 1" "It to very pretty," lie answers, Cnennocioua.of any III•nnture under- lying nderlying leer words, Slr Maurice moves away to search of Gipsy. "Come 111:1 walk through the rooms;' he Saye, on Dieting her, Ile mind full of the one thought tllnt elle be;uogs to him. Like a statue the lovely Miss Blake Cando, her blue eyes dilated, a gray pallor udtowtng for one moment over her face through the powder and rouge oo delicately applied to her fair cheeks. lire. Bray line Juet told Iter that Sir Worker 18 engaged to his cousin, talk*, and hne dozen@ of men at her feet, and hates them all. The news of SSr Muur(oe's engage• ment seems to have circulated pretty freely; ants erafty "mum• mem" who have long marked Lint fan, for their own are chilly anddlstnnt "Senelble man, to choose such a tonight ; and crafty "papas," too, pretty Innocent wife! You needn't begin to regret all the wee) wast• blush like that, my dear man, I knew ed so lavlollly at their hospitable you were engaged the moment you boards on a map who never came entered the room to -night. There- to the front after all. look at your ladylove; she le the "Who is she 7" All the women ask prettleet girl here to -night." It In adleparaging Bort of way "Tire prettiest, sweetest, end best became, all the wen are raving In all the world I" thtnts Sir Maurice, - aliout her • watching a certain small form gild- Mime Blase answers the question. ing by. "She is in coueln of Sir elaurico's, A chuckle iron Mrs. Bryan rouses I believe her mother wile a Spantoh hint from him dream. 'remold lady hes peaemnt, and It le her own mother's Just caugbt sight of rho Orlmohaer dreso she le wearing to -night," teatime dttleg In a row on a "You don't say 80! wheat a bad sofa - the whole six - three match for Ido. A peasant, did you dressed as nureeryrhynne heroines my? Well, I always thought there -Little to•Peep, fled 12iding-hood, was eonaetidng common about her and Pomo other infantile person.-adork, forelgtelooking little thing." Ilio Other three are equally mita- Mies Blake smiles sweetly. buy dressed -a flower girl, with bale "She le very pretty -lovely, 1 kite of flowers, Napery Lee, In n thluk; but, poor girl,eho pun uo red petticoat, and with teat fletu Itt manners or anything!" a basket. and Baby Orlmehaw at. "Her dress, Is n little short, don't tired ao Simplicity, in u white frock you think 7" Hake another lady, and a blue mash. whose own feet would not bear la. "What a antlers on human 0a• epectlon. taros" laughs Mrs. Aryan. "Did "Pardonable wIth such pretty ton you ever see anything more melan- flee," returns a gentleman. 'That choly than those six epinsterl7" dress Ie ell right; and 1 don't thtuk 1 wbl ask one of them to Mince," 1 ever etw su bewltcldng a fees," Sir Maurice replies, gootl•naturedhy Right in front of the grouptloatm 'Poor thlage, they will colt there g all night 1" Gipsy dancing with 81r Maurice; and Oh, the Joy of the Orlmshawe, the the erltico have a very good view of innocent looks ere surprise, ns this the poor little tidng with no man- ners. hie eyrie etrtying from her face down over taw blue and diver brocade, and down to her Ilttlo high -heeled Metes. "This be n. nquaru dance. Will you dance It with mel" he arks, a slight Bush rising to his grave lace. Gladys puts her hand on ltl0 arm, and they are crossing the room to take their places, when she Tooke up Into her face, and asks: "Mr. Ker, will you sit out tide dance Instead? I want to talk to you about Rim." , A terra; TYI(ANT. The Trouble Not line to original She, There Ie no tyrant Ilke a teeth- ing baby. Hie temper beet due to original .10, however; the tyrant suffers more tbnn the rest of the tamely. He don't know what le the matter. They du. The trouble Is they tic, not always know what to do for his lordship. An (Merle mother writes to tell what le beet to do. "When my baby' was teeth- ing," Me says, "he was 8o crow; and restless that I hardly knew what to do with him. Ile hint a poor appetite, and ate but tette, and was growing thin. 1 got n 11011 of Baby's Own Tablets, and they made it great change. i1, not teas well, hair a eplendld appetite, :mrd slyest me no trouble at all." This IR the experience not only of Tlui 1 1). K. Schroeder, of ilannver, ')n'., but ole of thoneande 01 =Alloys all over the Dominion. A bah;; teething is cross because his blutel is heated and his little botvela con- stipated or unhealthily rebtxe•I, end his system heated by the ef- fort of getting the teeth themed! the game, Baby's Own Tablets art like magic not only in this, but In n1 ailments of little ones. Sold by druggists or sent post pald at 25 cents a box b' welting dlreet to the ler. Williams' Mediciee Cu., Brockville, Ont„ or Schenectady N. Y. "Iluw black she le l" -from the lady with the feet. "and 1 am sure elle ham a temper 1" . "Wouldn't give two straws for a woman who hadn't," remarks] one of Olpey's male champions. "They eery Lady Dermot le furious -nearly turned her out 01 (Rehouse," remarks somebody else, "She to no- bo-iy at all, you know. A niece, did you my ? Olt, well, In a sort of way 1 I believe she was a kind of conven- t's') of Lady llertnot's, n poor relit - ties; they took her In out of chor- Ity. It Is a great pity, for Sir Maur- ice. Is so nice himself ; I 1111 very sorry for Min." So they run on, null concoct all eorte of stance about the engege- uant. Mins Blake 110(08 UW/1), and off go the tongues ngaln. "It must be ten awful disappoint- ment for Mime Make; and really I don't think he treaded Ler quite fair - though every nue knows Rim ran after Min a great deal. Doesn't She look 111 to -night? Del you remark how drawn and old -looking her face 1s 7 I suppose she le cut up about It." Meantime the halt goes on mer- rily, and all enjoy tbettteelves alter their own fashion, Mr. Ker alone does not dance, nm' does he contribute In any way to, ward the general Mistily. He etaade about by hltneel: in coruere and at doors, Ills plain evening dreier look• lag out of place amongst tate gay A TRYING TIME Is the Period When Young Girls are Merging Into Womanhood perked by Pale Faces. Heart Palpita- tion, loos tut Aplo'I 11)' and (:rar1l11 Imenleude-Ilett• 10 llrrn'onn' l'ondlt inn. cumbersome ermor In which he ap- peared tib a knight In the early part of the evening He So now clad In black veltet, and look% the very 0111- twdlment of manly beauty. "What 0 dismal face, John I" he laugher. "Came, man, you must not be the (len 1-1 s-bteaI at the tenet ; It would augur ill for our luck tomor- row. I 1pok rather like death myself" -touching Me sombre garments. "Heaven send that It be not an omen that I break my neck over that hawk taYmurrow 1" tllndye dui ere as she listens to elm. Then he sty's: "You are engaged to me for this' ; 01111 It,.. arm goes round her walla. Mr. Ker watches them through the crowd, and moire the look of perfect contentment on Gladys' face, As he trees her to -night, oo will Ile think of her often In the days to come, with thnt sweet lnappineee eldoing In her eye& " Aral les our aolaer Mnnrle,e Is en- gegnl tit Inst I" Captain Lefroy re- marks, during a pause It the dr,'ece. (To be Continued.) After babyhood, the most perilous time In a y'awng girl's Illy Io when she Le peel catering womanhood. It is thea Alnat she 1s subject to head- aches, dlznluo8s, Ileum millet/Won, feeble appetite, and bloodless cheeks and elm. The., cotelItI00 may easily develop Lute eun8uue9tIon, and to prevedit tills -tie keep the young girl in good heelth and strength, moth- ere should invest Ripon their taking u blood -melding Joule, melt as Dr. Williams' rink i'llls. Mrs. Henry ALclityre, Port Da,Llouelr, Ont., give; mound nalvtce to other mothers . In ;melee ori lids kind. She save: " About .three yeare ago the, health of my daughter, lier111, ,began to I fall. ,9he grow weak and eleme,t ua- nd11e to 91111111 1110 I1v18t exertion. She,' ',uttered from dlslressh'g lu•ndr,cheb and falatiag fits; her ,appetite left' 11'" and she 1(141 110811. 11)9 111 melt money o11 mtdlr;llee, but they did not help her, Then I took her to u doctor, and although Ills Irentw(nt' wets persisted In for n long tlmcalte sermnl to I,0' growing worse, and I began to tear elle w'n8 going Into consumption. Then 1 took her to 111 specb,llet, but his lrestun'ut was likewise utsrtee'soful. Finally upon the ndvlcr of u Indy friend, a ttomtut' practising In tripe tg0. Bertha began ueing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and before long there wee a deckled Im- provement In tier condition, and by the lime she 11811 taken 111110 110100 elle wee once more enjoying the brat of health and lind gained fifteen 10111108 In well1lt. I would 0lrnnldy a1)rler all atnlllnr mufferere to give Dr, Sullies' Pink Pills a ear trine, as her ease seemed :is hopeless as meld be." Are meas' e".1 railing' girls and tvo- Inrn, sufferer," from l:icknrhl, head- nebee, hedtafnlsltIon to work or ex - 1010 above by thrlr 101' 1111 ehnllow choke (hat they err ht 111 health, w111 find 91011114 rrllef, bright eyes, rosy cheek," and metier health h, a fair ue0 of Dr. Willlanee Pink !'ills. You can ()blade these pill, from ally medicine dealer or by mill fnstpeld, at 50 011119 n 1)011 Or 8111 hotee for $2.10, by writing direct to the Dr. 1l'llllnme' Medlelne Company, Brockville, Ont. Never nceept nny- thing etas which a denier may sny to "Just no good." FOUR GOOD SHORT STORIES "'ilei In a tillage In Scotto tel eoveral workmen were engaged le builliug a largo brick eteltetere, fuel there wee a had Carrier working ul the job whose name was faddy. The foreman came to Paddy one day and said: "Paddy. I ,think 1 w•Ill laws to get another 01011 In place of you, 10s you 11.0 t00 1101Y for 1110 place." "Well," stye Paddy, "1 a01 sorry you think 00, but won't you give um aauother chance," and the head eau cou$,:nted. Paddy then started to work again, hut thought ho would try a little esllenne, no the next morning he bought wino mute and dropped two or three In moll hodtul of mortar, and of course w11eu rho bricklayers saw the nuts they But to work to eat them, and the delay thus en- abled Paddy to catch up un them. Again the foreman came around nu, gays he, "Paddy, you are dolug better now." "Aye," *nye 1'nekdy, "un' If you'll give the a few more pennies per week I'll keep alto whole Job going In mor- tar," At the City of Dublin 11 le an eslab- Willed rule to give u reward of 1.5 4u anyone saving a person from (Melee - Ing, but it the letrty is dead only .el Ie given. One shy two hard -up Irishmen wore sltttng on the end of n dock, smoking and bewailing three fate, when n hnppy settees struck Mike. for he said to his friend: "Int, you Jump In And I w111 n'acne you, and wr will divide the rctvnrd." "It's 11 gO," Hald rill, and in h" went, and immediately sink. Nov, 7ilkt''e alum, to make nlovey- was good, only en bed mate forgul 1011 that he could 1101 swim n stroke. Pat, un coming to the eurllace, took 11 look at !like, W110 W81 still 0n1u1- leg, and Own hr went fur tee iee- und tinge On coming up he W1/0 quite 'istotdshed to see Hike mull t;tk'ulg flange mate eooey, se down he went n got t, nod on rising fur the third and itet time, and e'eiug 7llke tusking !le move to cave bins, poor Pat ninny drowned no he managed to &philter ou"Ilt: e inhere, Mike, if you don't lull me out (1118 then it 10 only ten 'Mil leer • w111 he etlln f 11'e will send you n free sample, Be sure that this picture In the form of a 111x11, on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy, SCOTT & BOWNE, CIiEMISTS, Toronto, Ontario. e0c, end ;It all druggists. two week' leave of ubsenoe. The l'u:auel was n severe diecipll- u:n (11 11, who did uttrot brllo-e in ex- tending Lau a pltt111•g08 10 1118 corm, ,old 011 1101 hematite to use a •uhu'1fugo in evading the grantitlg of 11111. "Well," sold the 1'ulnnrl. "tuba, do you 111111 a tnv weeks' furlough lot -1" Patrick nnswerrd: "Me Wolfe 18 \1'rt sick It the children are not w-, Ill :01,1 if ye di,iu't Iniad, she W1/11111 like. to lutve me home for a few weeks to Kite lira• a bit of a esertalee." l The teams eyed hitt for a few nd 1111111408 :cod le: "Patrick, I might grant your rrqueet, but l gun 41 101,0' 1191111 ,1'0111'8('11(1 (Isle morning, retying that she didn't went yon Moue, that 7011 weer 11 11 111911111,0 1111,1 russet t110 titer -u-heu- eter ;l were there. .elle hopes I wow( let you hate 10117 nwro fur- -That *ruler le. I suppose 1 can't gel the furlough, thea?" said Pet, "No; 1'111 meld pmt, Patrick. It tvonliln't be well for me to do 8o un- der the elrcunstunees." It was Patrick's turn now to eye the Colonel, ere hr alerted for the *or. Stopping meldcnly, ho en111, "1'11101101, clue I satyr something to yet 7" "Certainly, Patreek; what is it?" "Yon won't gvt tout, Colonel, 11 I way it?" -Certainly not, Petrick; what is It ?" "i want 10 say there aro two splrmhd r liars 111 tele ano, end I'm ear et them, I net 0r was married In my life," 10148 art ee g g or recovery of the dead 11011y'," An 1'04111111 11 wl1e ordered to make n coffin, which he did, and to 1s11tnt the lmcrlptton on the ltd, which he did, after a fashion which caused •a little excitement In the ehurcbyare( Ily dint of following the written eupy, he managed to get as far as " itielmel (1'Itafterty, .aged --," lout try ere Lr W011 hi, 110 c011111 not imitate the twenty-eight. So he flniehed It diel- self. When they came to bury elichnel, the coffin stood at the grave side, find the priest spoke ns fullews1 "Alt, he woo a fine lad; he's lying there se still, take!' away Ln the erlmc of toile., venter, he wee, too, only' --." here the priest looked down at the coffin - Mete (0 810 haw nld Michael wa•1. "110 was e111y," said hie reverence agate, and hr put hie g)itsers 011 01111 went metre', to etre how old he really uitF "fie mux 11111." 111• ee11111111,1. "seven Ihousluld seven hundred on, 81111 7 11>111 years old," S Serious !Charge. Judge -\\'r.1, officer. nhatie the °berg, egatee1 this women ? Ine olficer, yet alaarr. ,fmbfr-':0 1111 11 Olt tell ),1%11' Fto',v, ibllcrntnn--It WON tllle War, yrs ell` tier: 1 woen-ro(rtlie Int 'aisle night, an' 1thrall l0kisslea'ale sirreel't- cd me, all' a1 1 pinehrd her 'night tele ale there. 1 , emirs -Flee dollar amt 1-08(1. \set! l:el. Have Two Ifeurl,, Patrick O'Mara, a private In the The eel Iles tato Feporntr' heart's. Ninth Regulars, went to the Colonel unr Melte 80, the other 160, awe of hie regiment end nskeed for a n minute, ; -