HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-11-27, Page 261R1'S STORY MAY BE TRUE,
But the Circumstances are
Much Against Her,
\1.w Tork report : .1 quarrel lie-
lweeu Job's Johnson, a y en. s old,
e bartender, and May dalton, .0
yetirs old, his common-law wife, ro•
1.1111541 yesterday 101 entree in the
killing of the former by a bullet
wound nn the left temple in the
front parlor of a furnn.{wd room
house at No. .11l Lawrence street,
Brooklyn, which the couple haat oc-
cupied for three wceke. The young
111)111111 declared that Jollt,.uu had
Whet himself, but she Is lucked up
011 a charge of murder.
Ever since the young cunple dame
to the house there had brew numer-
ous quarrels between them. Wm.
Itasmus, the Janitor, says that the
di1.turbaace in the front parlor be-
came 1.o e•lol0111 yesterday morning
that he decided to go and try to
settle the trouble or have the pair
ejected from the house.
Just 1111 he wait about to enter
the room there was a report of a
pistol, and 011 opening the door he
saw Johnson Tying 0t1 the bed face
downward, and the woman stand-
ing alongside with a revolver in
her hand. lie ran to the street
and told Policeman Michael !'lune,
of the Adams 'Street Station, what
he had Just seen.
Wheu taken to the Adams Street
Station May Hutton declared that
Jo'h'nson had committed suicide.
Johnson, according to her state-
ment, came home drunk about 4
o'clock In the morning, and imme-
diately began to quarrel with (inc,
the trouble continuing almost un-
interruptedly until 9 o'clock. Dur•
Ing the quarrel he threw a beer
bottle and a glace vase at her and
test exbibited a fresh gash on the'
bead (n corroboration of her story.
The broken bottle and vase found
on' the floor of the room convinced
the police that tire part of the
girl's stutement was true.
Fhially, ehe says, Johnson quiet-
ed delve, and, picking up his coat
and waletoont. told her to go out
and pawn them and with the pro-
ceeds and $2 additional, which lie
gave her, to purchase a eecond-
band retolver. He explained that
he wanted the weapon to protect
Tile young woman started out with
tho clothing, turd let n neighboring
pawnshop pledged them fur $., and
t hen bought a five -chambered revol-
ver furl tg4. hhu told the pawnbroker
that her husband was all alone in the
house and wanted the pistol for Relf-
On her return with the weapon
Johnbn gave her 10 cents to gu out
nod buy some cartridges, and she
went out and purchased them. When
lite came back Jolineon found that
they did not 1u the weapon, and at
his direction elle had them exchanged
for bullets that weal' fit.
Johnson, while lying on the lied, Me
flake fitted the five cartridges into
the five chambers of the revolver,
and while she was In another pert of
the roan preparing some elgarette
pictures for the adornment of the
walls, ire suddenly exclaimed that he
was tired of life, abed, putting the pis-
tol to lits bendy shot Manacle Running
t0 the bed, ehe seized the revolver
and had it in her (land as the Janitor
rushed in
The Janitor explained to tin' police
that lie 11(11 not witness the shout-
ing, but that the woman was stand-
ing over Johnson with the revolver
In bee hand aa he entered. 1110 first
statement, he said, to the effect that
he heid seen the shot fired, was due
to ills excitement at the time.
Capt. Bedell, of the Adame street
stat on, dues nut event the girl's ac-
count of the shooting, but is strongly
lnelined to the theory that stir fired
the shot herself tvhile the quarrel be-
tween her and Johnson was in pro-
Attacks a Stage Hand and Punches
Hie Head.
Cincinnati, Nov. el.—Thome J.
Tote, who for ,thlreeen years has
been chief property man and aselst-
ant stage manager for Richard
tdtns1ieb1, is no longer connected with
the company. Me Le nursing a sore
zest and several ,humps on 1110 head,
aid he says Mansfield lo responsible
for the bumps and sore places. In-
oLdentaUy, he has rt,tained attgrneyc
and a damage suit for a large
amount may he filed ahtnlnft Mane -
field unless there le some sort of
compromise preceding legal action.
Torn woe with Mansfiehd up to end
hietuding Monday night, and it le
claimed that at the close of the tent
B eene In the fourth act, Mansfield,
enraged at some error he Heid Yore
had suede, etruck him five times on
the head with erunething that hurt
es much Yore thinks the actor need
au instrument harder than his hand.
Then tfans!lekd snatched from his
hand a heavy roll of ,parchment, he
plaints, and, threwing It at ham, cut
open the left side of his face and
blackened the eye. Yore avoided fur-
ther punbihment by leaving the
theatre, thereby causing 'Wingfield to
select someone else to finish Yore's
{Work for the reel of the perform-
The price of coal in Winnipeg to -
dee li $18.50 per ton, and the pros-
pects at present will warrant Ito re-
Ifehiutng at that figure.
The Canadian Northern Beli.way
Oempanv has seat out two surery-
Ing parties to locate a rode from
Fort William to White Rives.
Young Indian's Experience In th
Mem Diver Disb'ict.
Penetanguishene, \o1.. 24. — atm
Lanes, n tail, athletic, young buck
Indian of about twin1,1 years of age,
mens out with IIs rifle In the town -
010 of Freeman, near \ism Inter.
Ila' awns 1110110. Suddeu13 lite w010e11
le a peck appeared 011 the scene and
made straight for the young Leil:lo,
They had winded h1m, and were try -
Ing to run Klin 1101.11. Ste wailed
1111 the. L,rertuet ,1.04(t, within twenty -
lice yards of Min, when he raised his
1111e and sent it bullet into his hoed
a(uarekv In .the middle and a little
below the oyes. The peek kept on,
and were within thirty feet of hint
when agal t the rllle sent a bullet
through another head. Then the re-
nutanhtg three ,turned tall and fled.
Sam brought In the heads and :dies
uu Tucstla,-, and made affidavit be-
fore the Pollee ltaglstrate to get the
Government bounty allowed for the
destruction rid the two wolves. The
trader of lite pack measured six feet
sit Maims freta tip of tail to nose.
Ile was an old veteran, and hail been
in sonny fights, as his head was
,carrel and seamed all over from old
wounds, one car had been at some
date completely chewed off, and the
other pretty badly lacerated and
Kansas hypnotist Caught Paechtg
Hood Lown Air Shan,
Emporial, Nen., report.: .l report-
er and Night Marnital Low last night
caught Professor Van Ora teeming
roof down un eight -inch nlr theft
to hie wife, whom he buried haat
Saturday night in an alleged hypnotic
:deep. When burying her Van Ora
;'t,tttel that elle would remain in an
; ntnterruptod 1101.11 1111 Wednesday
night at 8 o'clock.
Van Ora had burled the wolvan in a
box 30 inches deep and eight feet
long. He ha: been going to restaur-
ante at midnight when no custom-
er:, wero in, and buying milk and
,uan41wlchew and passing them down
the shaft.' The (00111101 w0411(1 then
sll+ up 111 the box and Oat her lunch,
Vat. Orn has contracts for exhibi-
tions in 'revere' towns In Kansas.
He also claims to have a contract
for 30 Jaya at tho St. Louts Exposi-
tion. Ile tsrlll probably leave Kan -
EWA, as the exposure will rula lite
How Chimpanzee of New York Zoo
Forgot His Own Peril.
New York, Nu, .4.-1 six -riot
chimpanzee ::axed one of his keep-
ers from being burner to (leittil In
a fire In the itionkey-house In the
Zoologleal Park In the Bronx en Sun-
day. Curator Oilman; says so.
Some mischievous parson causol the
fire by throwiog it match Into the
chimpanzee's cage, setting Its bed-
ding of hay and straw ahlasc. The
keeper tried to mixer the ape. HIe
dotilev caught fire and the animal
rolled Min over and over on the floor
1111 the blaze wail extinguished. The
chlmpanzPC himself was badly- burn -
and his head and feet are now
wrapped in handagea.
Vigorous Campaign Against Apostle
Salt Enke City; Nov. 24.—The Dlh
terinl Alliance of Salt Lake City Is
preparing for a vigorous fight
against the election of Apostle iteed
Smoot to the United States Senate,
and, falling In tile, to carry the fight
agalnet ham Into Congress. A plan for
organized efforts on this line„ 11 Is
said, has already been outlined, and
will be taken up at the next meeting
of the alllanoe. The general idea le
to make a fight similar to that
wagod against Brigham IL Roberts
in the House. Not only will the mat-
ter be brought before the non -Mor -
mem of the State, but 1f the tight la
unsuccessful in the Legislature then
an attempt will be made to make
Mr. Smoot's election a national lestte,
Walla petlllon will be drafted to Con-
gress asking that Mr. Smoot, as a
MO official of the Mormon Church,
be refused a seat in the Senate.
Irish Landlords Favor Discussion et
hand Purchase.
London, \o1.. ;:4.—.i poll of the
Irish landlords, wiilcln was under-
taker, by a committee of gentlemen
interested in the Melt question, 04(
the proposal to call a conference of
landlords and tenants, with a view
to the sale of the land to the latter,
Pas resulted In a vote of 1,128 to
578 in favor of holding the confer-
ence, for which arrangements will
he immediately proceeded with.
A circular announcing the result
of the poll Mae been sent to 4,1X1()
Irish laird -owners, who possess 500
acres and upwards,
Deputy Roche Introdtuss Important
Bill in French Chamber.
Purls, Nov 24. — Deputy Erneyl
Roche, who calls himself a Nation-
alist Socialist, introduced in the
Chamber yesterday a bit to compel
those companlee holding mining con-
cessions from tete Government to
admit their employees to a share
of tic, profits within six months of
the passage of this bill. The house
voted urgent consideration of the
MI, which was referred to the Com-
mittee on Mines.
Harangues New York Fash-
ionabies on Style of Clothes
New York report : Mrs. Carrie Na-
tion brake Iowa at the Horde Show
this aft anuon. She harangued the
teeltftude un the et tie of overdress,
tttlempttxl to break n hurtle of
ohulnpaguo, and finally was elected
from the building by the pollee.
Mrs. Natlott entered the garden
gt.lotly and took a ecat da the tier.
She fuel been there only a fete, nlnt-
0108 when her glue rested cal the
1103, where some 01 the t'ateterbtlt
family were eating. she stt,dilat her
progtumme, net then doeceutie1 to
the promenade. Stationing herself in
ieuut of the tandcrblit box she de-
livered a tirade on orerdres,,. in the
lett were seated Mrs. Alfred 1i. Vin-
derbllt. Reginald Vanderbilt, and
Miss Nielson. Alfred G, Vanderbilt was
leaning against the rail of the prom-
ouade and did nal ace Sirs. Nation
"Yon, ought to bo ashamed 01 your-
sr►vrs " the !roman Revenues' zit
theta. "You ought to be ashamed
to wear emit disgraceful cloth's.
Pak, !hent off, take them off at
once., and attire yoerbelves inure
The outburst of the woman at-
traet d a great crowd of people, and
(1,c oect,pants of the Vanderbilt box
were evidently eminirra.seed. Mrs.
Nnttou then turned her atteutiou to
oth.'r boxes. Filially oho started for
the cele, 1V11000 44111, bore dowd on a
ptirly of gentlemen who were drink-
ing wine. Mrs. Nation seized the bot-
tle, and, glaring at the men, shout-
: "Young awn, don't drink mica
filthy stuff. Yon are going straight
to ,toll. `Where Is the mao who
sells tills damnable stn.ff 1 Show hen
to 4(e', and I will tell ;tin what I
think of him."
Sirs. Natfon'e request vvas speedily
grant,ol by the a1.ddert appearance
of M. Villepigtm, the caterer at the
"Get out of this horrible business"
eh 1 shouted at him, "You are also
goiter to hell, and reining the bodies
and movie of men. You are dragging
Wm down with yo0y Shaw on you;
41.1.11)30 on you"
TVtc hrenelim'nn, however, pounced
11':10(1 Mrs. Nation, and rescued the
bottle, which she had repeatedly
brnteifshrd In the air to emphaalze
her retnarks. The p0iiec ejected her,
Edward Small, a Wealthy Widower of
Shelburne, Asphyxiated.
Shelburne, Nov. 24,—E11ward small
widower, who has been living alone In
Ids residence on Andrew Street, was
found dead in bed Hila afternottu,
deceit resulting from asphyxiation by
gas front a 1.0,11 stove. Deceased eats
fast Seen alive on Saturday night at
10 oclork, when he made some pur-
ohabec ni a local hardware store. The
attention of n puseerby was attract-
ed by the violent klekhag of the horse
lu the stable. Lpon investigation lie
found that the animal apl:areutly
Itad not been fed for some line. lie
then gained nu entrance to the house
through a window and found It full
of gas and the owner dead in bed.
Coroner Norton was notified, but did
not contactor an inquest necessary.
Deceased wa8 a retired tanner and he
supposed to be worth about fi„1,000.
By Recent Purelase anti Arrange-
ment, Enters Moat hwest States.
Toledo, 0., Nov. 24.—Tru' Grand
Trunk Railway will pay $1,500,000
for the Detroit and Toledo Shore
Line, title to which will be acquir-
ed In about two weeks. To cover the
exrteniilon of its linea into Otdo terri-
tory the Grand Trunk will Issue $2,-
000,000 In boucle, paying for the com-
pleted portion of the Shore Line the
amount stated and uttllaing the re-
maining $500,000 to extend the
road north from Trenton to Detroit.
The Clover Leaf le a minority
party to the transaction and Joins
with the Grand Trunk In guarantee-
ing the new $2,000,000 bond Issue.
It is eettmated that the Grand
Trunk's London owners are ambiti-
ous to build a great transcontinen-
tal railway that will prove a for-
midable rival to the Canadian Pa-
cific, the Vanderbilt east and west
llnes and the Gould systems.
One of the plane of the future 1s
to give the Grand Trunk free acmes
to Southwestern Amerieta over the
Clover Leaf tracks.
Hhosez District nt'1'h'ance Terrorized
by Savage Pack.
London, Nov. 21.-1 nob of mad
wolves has appeared in the Rhosez
district of France and created enor-
moue havoc among the flocks. The
villagers aro Ina state of pante, and
every night retire to barricaded
homee With their sheep. They do sol
venture abroad after dark, and
,von In the daytime only In company.
The wolves maul every sheep that
they encounter. A small farmer had
a whole flock of 18 torn to plea*
Fifty-two ahcep belonging to another
farmer were so mangled in one
night that even their skins were
valueless. Requests have been trent
to the Government for a regiment of
Alpine troops to hunt the wolves
down in the mountain lastuelsec
where they take refuge.
Ice Collector—Tills i1 ev•tsperatIng. I've culled forty time! for '
the len money. What shall Ido next'1
Bridget—Suppose 01 tell tin' misses to send th' Ice back?
WilNnm $fuer, Goes 10 Kingeh ti lie•
Four Years.
Toronto despatch '• 0111 William
Stuart, the confessed counterfeiter
and forger, was sent to Kingston
Penitentiary for four years by Mag-
istrate Denison, sitting In the Po-
lice Court yesterday.
The old man expected a heavier
sentence, and was surprised when he
was let off so lightly.
When braugnt up from Jail title
morning, he was taken to Crown
Attorney Curry's room and question-
ed. He said fie did not want to div.
close anything, but if put In the
witness -box he would tell the truth,
but he begged that he be not used
as witness agaieet tie Raymonds
unless It was really necessary.
Mr. E. A. DuVernet appeared for
Stuart, and told tate court that up
to the present time the prieaner had
It good character. Messrs. A.
E. Kemp, M. P., Alf. ,Jury, and John
Taylor, cigar manufacturer, all
knew Stuart for years, and never
had any reason to doubt his honesty.
The mngletrate enquired how long
the oounnerfeitfng had gone on, and
was told by the Crown Attorney)
that the Mlle were brought to the
attention of the pollee two years
ago by the T. Eaton Company, who
were kind enough and honest enough
to hand the counterfeits oyer to the
In the cells the old man wept for
his blind daughter when asked about
hie fatuity by Constable Pryce. The
convicted man said 11 was his love
for her that made lain etoop to do
what he did. He was a first class
engraver, and earned good wages,
but lived up to all he earned. When
he grew old lie could not gets a posi-
tion on account of 1111. age, and 1f
he had not been penniless he would
not bare misdirected ills energies as
he did.
Was Responsible for Death of Two
English Missionaries.
Pekin. Nov. 24.—The Military Man-
darin Lieu Lian Yu of Chenchou-Fu,
in the Province of Hunan, who was
responsible for the murder of the
English rnIsclonnrios, Brion and
Lewis, last August, was put to death
yesterday at Diatomite, In the pres-
ume() of the British Consular repre-
It has been reported that Lleu Liam
Yu had escaped. The throne re-
eently issued an edict ordering that
he be beheaded nitd title order was
cervical out.
Men of New York hallways Ili Great
New Pork, Nov. 21.—The Vander-
bilt railway lines out of New York
are :eking the greatest wage read-
justment In railroad history, For the
Last thirty days the New York Cen-
tral, the Lake Store and the Bos-
ton and Albany have been readjuet-
1ng their salary schedule, and it
will bo sixty rhtye more before the
work is complete!. The advance in
wages to be made to employees will
mount up into the millions and all
departments will be affected by it.
It is conservatively estimated that
250,000 men will be affected by the
new schedule.
First In 2,000 Yeari,
Athens, 'Nov. 21. --The unexciting
announcement that Ibrahim Khan
Dovleti had been appointed Persian
Antbnssndor to the Hellenic Court le
morn Interesting than at first ap-
pears. Since Darius, in the year 491
B. C., Seat beralde to Athena to 40 -
mane earth and water as synthois of
submission, no Persian Ambassador
las been gent to Athena. Now diplo-
matic relations are about to be re-
sumed, after a lapse of 2,893 years.
The event will be celebrated with Im-
poeing ceremony. The Ambassador,
will shortly arrive here to preeent
his credentlala
Made it a Business to Go
Examining Women,
New Tork, Nov. 22.—,Barney Green-
berg, Who Uvea at No. 47 Orchard
ertreet, was taken to the Yorkville
Police Court yeeterday, eharged ,with
personating Dr. Lee K. Franklin. man-
ager of .the United Hebrew Charities,
add waking a physical examinetion of
several Women.
When he was arsalgnod Dr. Frank-
lin, three ((0:.)444 0110111 the eucilety'
had assisted and a little girl appeared
against him.
'Dire. Rebecca. Rosenberg said the
ratan visited her home a month ago,
ht,troduced Monett as Dr. Franklin,
acid promteed to mend her groceries
and clef.
Then he Inquired as to her health
and, ,though 1.110 told him she was
well, he Insisted on examining her
heart and lunge. He sold that he
would have to make another exam-
ination, and warned her to say noth-
ing of lila visit.
Wlirn the coati and the groceries
failed to come 'the went to the office
lit thio United ,Hobrtlw Charities to
sae about it, and there learned that
her visitor ,was an Impostor.
'Mrs. Sarah Flnkelateln, of No. 49
Clinton street, told a similar story,
as did Mrs. Anna Chorea, who Elves
at No 15 Cannon street. The young
mor, vlsttei( Mrs. C,herra's home aev-
eral ,times and went there last Sun-
day (when she wee ubsetyt and wanted
to examine her eight-year-old daugh-
ter. The little girl told the lien.gis-
trate that she ,pecame frightened
amt ran out of the house.
The young man showed up at Mee.
Cherra'c horse yesterday, and ,while
ho eves there Mrs. Finkelstein hap-
pened to drop in and save halo. Mrs.
1'inketateln at once got a policeman,
Mistaken "Conrtealee."
Mallfax Chronlot
vol. a long time the wife of the Oov-
ernor-Oeneral was referred to "by
courtesy" as "her excellency." We
were Informal some time ago by a
learned apologist for the custom
that it originated, in pre-Contedera-
tlon days. In the yearnings of a
former "Lady" eoknebody-or-other,
who wished to bo addreesed al "her
excellency," although there was no
pretence that she was entitled to be
so addressed. "The Lady" was dubbed
"her excellency," orf hand.
All wives of succeeding Governors -
General, acoonitng to our erudite
Informant. have been so designated
ever since. We do not dispute it 1
But until quite recently they have
always been so addressed only by
others than these of their own house-
hold. We have changed all that of
late, however. Now "her excellency"
trips as lightly from the tongue of
Hie Excellency- as from those of his
What a blesetng it is that no wife
of a former Mayor of Halifax ever
yearned to be recognized as "her
worship"! Had she done so, each of
her successors "ti office" world, of
course, have had to be spoken of
' by courtesy" as "her evorehtp" ; and
wo should, by analogy, have His
Worship of today; upon all public
occasions, referring to hie wife as
"her worehtp."
Great is each 'courtesy," the prae-
tlee of whleh "noblesse oblige." It
springs, no doubt, from the same
high spirit" that prompts our Amer-
ican neighbors to dub every man
with a moustache "Colonel," every
barber "Processor," and every re-
feree 4(t a dog fight "Judge."
The tele de Luzon, one of the Span-
iel' gunboats captured at Manila by
Admiral Dewey, is en route to New
York with forty-eight of iter men In
prone for, outinyr „