HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-11-20, Page 8Spedallsts Io the Treatment of Nervous, Blood, Private and Sexual Diseased ef
nee and Women. 23 Years In Detroit.
SWIM Names used without !Written Comet. Cures thwirsealeed.
Thousands of young and middle -a614 elm are ammany sw•pe
to a premature grave through early abuse or later income'. Chas.
Anderson was ma of the victims, but wag rescued is time. kt•
,ay.: .1 learned an evil habit. A cheese soon mine over me.
I could feel it; my friends notired R. I Micame nervous, deepen.
dell, gloomy, had no ambition, easily tired, evil forebodienna,
poor circulation, pimples on face, back weak, dreams and Moine
at night, tRed and weak morniogs, bunting sensation. To IWO
matters worse, I became reckless end contracted • Need laseese.
I tried many doctors and medleal failed till Drs. Ian.
Indy ic Bergen took 1.7 8111 In one week 1 felt tatter, and M a
new week, was entirely eared. They are the °My tellable sae
110111.1 Specialists in the country."
RBAD6R-Ws guarantee to curs yot or no pay. Ter ran an
Oak. We BRYN a reputation and business at stake. Beware of
trawls and impostors. We win pay S1,000 for any case we take that oar NEW
We treat 0114 0110 Nervous, Debility, Yarkocele, Stricture, Weak Marts. Klases
and Bladder Diseases. con,ultatim, tree. Bootie tree. Call or write for Moieties
Lod for Borne Treatment.
6 :b''!--• 1 ''!^:k ''-.; '.' ',y ,EJ.
Wromesentu and bridesmaid were
ilh,pensed with, Hearty congratula-
tions hdloived the ceremony. A re-
cepri00 was held in the evening and
n very pleasant time enjoyed by all
The supper tables were well supplied
and all went merry as a marriage
bell. Wedding gifts useful, velua-
ble and beautiful were bestowed 00
the bride. lib% and Mrs. McArter
will make their home in Brussels
where they commence housekeeping
with the good wishes of ally rela.
!Ives and friends.
5 Nrrs.—Mr. W. 11. Monkey and
family, formerly of Morris, who
moved westward to Brandon a few
years ago, have returned to Ontario
and are imw residents of Toronto, '
There are worse parts of tills old
Dominion to make a home in than
the province of Ontario. We wish 1
Mr. Cloakey and family success.... i
Mr. and Mrs. W. &Heide attended the
funeral of the late .John Mills in ,
West Wawanosh on Tuesday of last
week ....Me James Clark has re-
turned from the west, where he
spent the summer.... A new roof has !
been added to the residence of Mr..
John Jackson, who lives on the
Petch feral. ...Mr. David Walker
has developed into quite a stockman
and has recently built a silo 1,0 his
farm ... . Turnips ars mostly all in
and nee a good erop.... We are !
sorry to hear that M. It. B. Alcock
le under the doctor's euro with pneu-
monia Mit IA: many friends hope be
will soon be o.k.
Death or Moan Itattenhnry.
On Thursday evening, November
6th, death removed one of the best
known men in Iluron county, in the
notion or Mr. Isaac Rattenbm'Y, of
Clinton. Ile had been in poor health
for some time, but the immediate
cause of his death was pneumonia
contracted while out bowling on the
Monday previous. .
Mr. Hattenbary was a son of the
late Wm. Hattenbury, the pioneer's
friend, and was horn In Clinton nn
November 24th, 1844. Ile was Was
about the third oldest native born
resident. Engaging in business at
an early age, he continued proprietor
of the Rattenbury house until April
IF.95 when ho retired and was sue.
ceeded by his brother, Mr. Joseph'
ltattenbury, who had been associated
with him fur over 20 years.
If be had a bobby, it was love of a
good horse and some of his happiest
hours were spent in holding the
reins over speedy pacers or trotters. ,
He was a superior judge of the noble
Messrs. Rattenbary, Gentles and
Mooney were among the first to ship
horses from Ontario to the Dakotas
and Manitoba and carrying on the
business extensively they reaped
large profits.
Ile had not enjoyed good health
for some years and last winter lie
spent in Southern California with his
brother-in-law, Mr. George Wilcox,
of London,
Mr. Rettenhary was Impetuous,
outspoken and warm hearted. He
had no enemies but many friends
who sincerely regret his death.
4015P61.:005 Acrie5
ticAo, revep,i
;Ts Bti,G4 CTS
"trICIAL Efff '
vike 4.* ow:, Losel 1,e7Yeet
rick Kelly, a highly respected young
man of this township, was united iu
the holy boucle of matrimony on
Tuesday ot last week in St. Michael's
ehureh, Blyth, to Mise Margaret Me-
Istughiln, one of Blyth' s popular
young ladles. Rev. Father Mamie -
min oftleiated. The bride wore a
very pretty gown of blue and white
satin neatly trimmed with white
silk applique. A very beautiful
wedding breakfast was served at the
home of the bride's mother, after
which the happy couple and guests
departed for the home of the groom's
parents In Morris, where they spent
a very pleasant evening. The happy
bride and groom afterwards drove
,to their own home. Tam STANDARD
extends congratulations,
IlcAttrze— FekTost.— Wednesday
afternoon of last week wedding bells
chimes at the residence of Mr. James
Fulton, 8th line, Morris, when in the
presenee of about 50 guests Bev. A.
lideNab, M.A., of Walton, tied the
Matrimonial bow between Mr. Harry
B 1.cArter, a /ell known young
Man, of brussels, and Miss Minnie
j%'ulton, the estimable daughter of
the host and hostess. Miss Ella Me-
kter, sistar of tis groom, played
the wedding march in good style as
the happy couple wok their nhtees
at three o'clock. The bride wore a
becoming aostume of white organdie
and carried white carnations.
-411%,„, snits4rii TO VirAK
N.,141tYcj,.NrAR trlarr.va ,tyrliruNcrioromonos
( ti5i,
,,... ROTHE illoODe SRO, :
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‘-'%. alb0111/1106 ,
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icirtfreatC4 B. .
• -:4......'elliezPRICE---- '
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--. • :::?:
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4,,,,• ,,,, ,, , .„
1:1;lif, ,1
Priam Camas: $1.00
Mx kettles tor $8.00
A remedy which acts through the
fonctions of nutrition, by the building
up of new and healthy tissues is not
to be expected M manifest its action
in a few days.
When the disease is of recent ori-
gin, this early and immediate action
will often be met with. Otherwise,
when it has already lastedsome time,
the action ot the remedy must be
chronic like the disease itself.
This is why the length of the use
of Sr. JANES WAXERS will vary with
every individual case ; hut it is a fact
which no one will now deny that in
the treatment of general debility Sr.
JAME! WAFliNS produce remarkable,
and in some cases, immediate effects.
Sr. JAMES WAFERS help stomach,
digest food and send the nutriment
through the blood; and this is the
honest way to get health and strength,
the kind that lasts, develops and
breeds the energy which accomplishes
-to diseases of the stomach Bt.
James Wafer,. are almost if not
Mit': areet;" I have great
Dr. Edward a. Rohloson,
Cork, Ireland.
St mr.s Wureelew not a secret
remedy; tat4e 11,11/1V111dOt et" Sri-
cotetecva, vg Awn to !herr patonfr
we Olga I' itt formula upon request.
Where desiersate not sellingthe
Wafers. they Rte mailed noon re-
ceipt of prwe at the Canadian
Manch .Si Jim.. %fare to, 11211
St Wavle* St., Illestreal.
1,600 PACES
Printed on a good grads of clear white paper, and bound In Id dm% lettering 1161
In gold, with patent thumb Index.
By an arrangement with the TononTo DAM! ST/Ji WO arekl=
lion to offer our readers the most reliable Dictionary ever
at a remarkably low price.
• •
Sid ilhowing Week in AM Sheep landing.
Man a Sat x 10 t.t leeks,. hetet 11114.
This is Webster's Dictionary, bound to full sheep, with patent thumb Index, 1,000 pages. It is the ortgleal edition
revised and enlarged by CHAUNCEY A. Gooniucu, Professor of Yale University. It is megrafteentiy illastrated avA
contains the whole vocabulary of the first edition, the entire corrections and improvements of the second edition, to
which is prefixed an introductory dissertation on the origin, history, and connection of the languages of Waite=
Asia and Europe, with an explanation of the principles on which languages are 'formed. 'This work contains every
word that Noah Webster ever defined, and the following
SPECIAL FEATURES An Appendix of 10,000 Difficult Words, Pronouncing Vocabularies
of scripture Names, Greek and Latin Proper rinnies, Modern Ow.
graphical Names, Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms, Compendium of Biography, Heroes and Heroines of
and Poetry, Dictionary ot Nome de Plume, Dictionary of Mythology, Dictionary of blinked Terms, Dictionary
of li'ktuLliat Illusions, Lexicon of Foreign Phrases, Dictionary of Abbreviations, and FOUR BEAUTIFULLY
001,0I RED PLATES showing, In their actual colors, Flags of Various Nations, Pilot signal,' of Varicule NOWA*
All For $3.50
The funeral took place on Satur-
day afternoon, November 8th, and
was largely Attended. Among the
relatives from a distance who were
present were : Messrs. I. R Reid,
Montreal ; C. R. Shane, Detroit; 11.
Clacas, Toronto, and Fred. Hiseox,
London. 'lite pallbearers were:
Messrs, W. Jackson, 11, T. Rance, I.
R. Reid, J. Copp, C. R. Shane and
W. J. Harland. The services at
house and graVeside were conducted
by Rev. C. R. Gunne.
The deceased lett an estate valued
at about 1185,000. The executors
are: Messrs. W. W. Ferran, II. T.
Rance and James MeMurchie.
An InterestingEvent.
From the Glenboro Gazette of list
week we take the following ; " We
are pleased to record thls week the
marriage of our esteemed assistant
un the staff of this paper, Mr. Reuben
West. Mr. West's movements lately
bad aroused the suspicions of his
friends and his had been subjected to
a running fire of questionings and
chaftings for some time, but niter all
he slipped away rather quietly
Monday morning on the train for
Winnipeg. At the same time the
C.P.R. trans -continental express was
bringing a young lady from the east
towaids the western metropolis, and
a short time after the arrival of that
tridn at Winnipeg, the young couple
repaired to the Young Methodist
church, where the Gordinn knot was
tied by the Rev. F. M. Wootton. A
short honeymoon is being spent In
Winnipeg. The Gazette extends to
them hearty wishes fur n long life of
unalloyed happiness. The groom
hes proved himself an excellent
workman in his chosen profession
and we predict for him a successful
career. Ile is popular with all cies-
ees here and there wiil he a large
eircle of friends ready to extend
their congratulations. We under-
stand that the bride, Miss Flora
Watson, of Blyth, Ont., is quite
popular in the town from which she
comes. She was the recipient of
many handsome presents before
leaving for this country, among
others a silver tea-pot."
Vetoran Postmaster Dead.
Mr. W. H. Hacking, the veteran
postmaster Listowel, one of the
oldest pioneers of Western Ontario,
died at his home in Listowel on
Monday in the 93rd year of his age.
Born in Leeds, England, he came
to Canada In 1820, with Itis levelly,
his father having been the first Con-
gregational minister In Upper Can-
aria, and settled in York county.
The deceased was in the employ of
Mr, Cawthrtt, of Newmarket,and
took an Bettye part in the rebellion
of 183T. Mackenzie and Baldwin
were intimate friends ot his, but he
refused to join them in rebellion,
preferring constitutional means to
remedy abnses. Two of his brothers.
In.law were confined at Kingston
and sentenced to death, bat escaped
and were afterwards pardoned.
In 1855 the deceased took up land
of' -
The time of ymw has arrived when the housewife's attention is
turned to the making of Pickles. We alwaNs have on hand the
best of White Wine said Cider Vinegars for pickling, Pickling
Spices and Flavorings.
Fresh Groceries and Fruits
Arriving daily. Our Canned Good • were bought before the
raise in price, therefore we can sell Tomatoes for lnc per can, or
one can each of Tomatoes, Corn and Pease for 25e. Si pounds
Tapioca for 25c.
Highest Market Cash PMee for flutter and Eggs.
Bargains in Furniture.
A hires rosiorttnent of fine goods just arrived. consisting a Bedroom Bets,
Sideboards, Extension Tables, Fancy Rockets and Couches. Prices are marked
down to the lowest point for cash.
We have 25 Tables to sell at 88 cents eaoh.
Bring in your Pictures and got them neatly framed.
A&K Kei<11 K&K K& K3r, K
DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN Car. MlerryzAjtiriby M
'ciScK I&PS KNK KP'. K K K
in the Queen's bush, near Listowel,
and afterwards built the first store
on the lot on which he resided till
los death. Ile was a ppoitlled post-
master in 1855, and retained the
appointment up to the time of his
death. He was intimately connected
with the growth of Listowel, of
which at the time of his death Le
WAS the oldest resident.
In politics he was a Liberal, and
was a great scholar, speaking Feench
and Spanish fluently, and was well
versed in other languages. Mrs.
Hacking died about six veark ago.
The survivors are Mrs. J. Evans,
North Dakota; Mrs. J. A. Halstead,
Mount Forest ; Mrs. T. E. Hay, Mrs.
Donnelly and Mr. J. A. Hacking,
Listowel; Mr. F, W. Hacking, Pitts -
burg; Mr. C. Hacking, Stratford.
A son of the late W. 11. Hacking es-
tablished the Listowel Banner. The
funeral took place on Wednesday.
—Sue.vribe for THE StrANDA RD.
Lime! Lime!
Anyone in need of Lime in
any quantity should write
or telegraph us, and we will
deliver the same where re-
R. Nicholson & Sons,