HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-11-20, Page 7OPENING OF HEARING
Commission Began its Work at
Scranton To -day.
Abetr at of Statement Presented by Mr.(*Michell Acting for the Mine
'bis trsL _The Nezardous Nature of the Work and the Many Fatal.
Hies Occurring Brought to the Notice of the Commissioners -Hopes
That the Result of the Arbitration Will be to Establish Better Relations
•ltatween the Parties.
Scranton de„pl telt soy s: The rom-
nSssithe, upµwIute)1 by President
Loose telt'to arbltrate the differrn:'ee
bel ween the nnth encite mine workers
and their employees began the hear-
ing of the mimeses' side of the ease
today. Totlowine 18 an abstract of
Mitchells etatt'melt for the min -
Mr. Mitchell prefaced his suite -
went with the hole: that the commie -
11r111 tooted rnu'r't•ed lu estub11sh111g n
reht1to'netee between tee oper1lor4
and the miners that will insure peace
and 4Ulbd)Ly In the industry for an
tIo' 41e sand definite tfooi rtuereasel pee lar
tin• ,duet's, a shorter work day for
the laborer's, the weighing of the
conthe lereselltorlia1) 4))rt4411101�t led ot ot.
ler Mille, Mr. Mitchell spoke Mt fol-
lov4ll oa the question of Maher
wat;rs'. "01 the 117,000 men end
hoes employed In nod almond the
mines, (+trippings, wnaheries anti
breakers in the anthracite coal
fields, 64,1)72 or sit per cent. :u'e
employed on contratet or piece' work,
tine remaining 80,000,117 per cent. err
empl0)e,l by the bone, day, week or
uwittle Of the 64,07_ contract amen
.17,804 nee miners and )6,268 err
miners' idiom's.
"'rho work of it meter and It nee-
er's laborer Is extremely hazard-
ous; In filet, it Is more dangerous
than employment in any other Int
portant industry hl the world,
'the ltt4ke Taken.
"The number of persons k.Iled and
iujnred 141 greater than In ally other
industry. Each day the nntlu'neite
coal mines are in operntion 2 6-10
eerwue 108e their lives, awl three
times ars many are maimed, auad ye,
these mail receive less wages nnnu-
11)) than are re.e:ved by men p:1• -
(orating precisely similar work in
of her Heide, under more favorable
anti lees hazardous conditiou8. 'tree
number of years n min can retain
1014 health and strength in thee oc-
t•np:ttloe Is limited. The entire 20 rt.
c1 u)e tvitk'h they demand 11e an n-
erease In their wages would not suf-
fice to carry all ins,^are of one
110'118llnlf doIlnrw.
"It ):ems hull llir and lust t:uit
The Immediate rlmely le the stp-
aredou of the emcee by lao•, ter
i l01bunalion of n. location law by
which it maim be mums (limited for
lvllltee 10 lice among the Mucks,
end the meting further oat of town
of the native locations. Three Meas-
ures are denunwh41 by Uie ne'esstties
of the eau). The I1ou801g of the poor
1. the mixt immediate problem. And
w hat Is needed is n helping 1)1111
'society 10 nesIHt the pour to tweet
small cottages, which money inn le,
rrtlmmel by the monthly inetahnrnt
4vete1. ---
Education Bill to be Forced
Through the House.
London. Nov. 17. 1 n. 111. -- tier
wages pi'1 this,' 41¢841,•,, of stork- Henry ('ampbell-l3nnnermnu rallied
ecu slwuld 1)4 041 14(11'it 401 login- the Liberal opponents omite
f the mi
ee, then wages {rail to 811 11(41 alei- 011110 t bell In full strength )eshr•
9)11,8 it other Indasirice. Is it err. day, when he propelled an amend-
ment to I'remier Balfour'8 , guillo.
tn0)1y not jest to n,:k that tli' tine motion," as his new 04011)o'1
nti""1.c+ rew•ivns high lung" ars for the ecieatlflc use of the closure
pail to miners 111 the bitt.aniunu4cu'tl re oday 1),v day nus rough'} described.
or in
the 8rl and mud gold men's' There was the usual exchange of
u1. lu teh r limn oropp•'r mines' � It • b
all u) which work 66 l"48 hnrardoln+, comp menta and reproaches e -
(leer from liability to testiest', retirees tw-ecn ten tau efdas u. the 110ns0.
The Miaisteriai'sts could assert
lug lees experlenee and 1(418 skill, anti that tate debate had already out
lm 1)'(1)1 paid thein labor fn 1hr 1111-' e
He elt( teal field8',„ ort the protracted iti or 1S 0f the
original cduattlml bill of 1870, end
What the 'keened Means. that the obstruction had been ear -
lit 1teiportiug the demand for the recd to an unreasonable length.
redtclioa of 1111. boors of day ether- The Liberals could reply that the
"r4, Mr. elllchell showed that It 1 proposal Tor endowing the denum-
emeemt)vt to poetically a demand 'notional 8chb0)8 out of the raters,
for 20 tier cooe iieren4r• of enngten- without adequate provision for
radon for 88,(11)0 tarn, or 57 per local control, required critical ex -
cent. of n11 mine cmploym'#. He s•tll nethmtion, mrd that the hill 11118
feather that the right -hour day le been thoughtfully diseeseed and
the st11lll4rd working by the mining muterinlly improved be the pro-
111+ln4t•). bright home oonetilut•' a loeged debate41.
(111,4'8 work in eh•' coal mines of
(tient Britain, all the silt pr, gold
mud replier mimes, 1)144 in (e0 hdto-
nduotJ, coal mini% ill the different
`'la lox of the cull ttlry.
Defending the third demand that
the Inhere shall he pall by welted,
and that 2,3111 pound) shall (•onst1-
111rr n ton, lir. :Mitchell declared,
that "The anthracite compnniee net
eitlsfbvt with net extra legal turn of
from 2,740 to :3,130 pousie env,• 11
eest'm of docking, through w'hlrli
they npproprlatr additional part of
the miners' (ermines. A miner le
dueled all the way from 501) to L-
10)0 pounds upon it ear, 119 e pmelt y
far loarlhlg hnpurillr>s for whi,'h he
108 already been pennitzed to the
(etvie of from 711(1 to 1)00 teenier
ern 0x(40114 of impure weight. In other
words he 1s pnulehOd twice for the
scum 9Tfenee."
Mr. Mitchell then took rip the
fourth demand of the miner; for n.
lends agreement, with the neve,-
holey e111ei)iner3 for the adjustment
of all grievancee,. lle omtllnel the
1 14to1y ;end toliey of lite l 1111' 1 'Mew
Worker:, of .tnierlci, and explained
that le els einistllattun, the ;1n-
ihrucllr ash bitunrhmrue nine work-
er' 111(1 same rule for Ow local )014-
(0nnolo of 1rn'))) alffalt•s, eon.) reused
141111 11 plea for the children.
--- - - - _- --------- -. ---- - whites 116 have ler lens' self-ree-
CHINESE CONVERTS KILLED. unit but ale° to many respectable Iwo:settee Tho House divided before midnight,
It is nanny understood that where ' olthaugh the 12 o'clock rule had
whites live Intermingled with blacks I been eu8pend011 In expectation of a
and .11'imales the most revolting de- ' tlolouged debate, and the Govern-
velApments will occur. 1041140orp' meal emerged with a majority of
proper,11118where the whites are dwell- 1.d. The bill will now be passed
ing, Is full, and people aro living In , b) \ovember S8lh.
many lnstairms lu back yards In
ro0m8 that can only be dnc�rlhed as
hovels and not fit for human limbi- FRENCH NEGOTIATIONS.
tattoo; but there IN no alternative 1
-louses or rooms of decent descrlp- :11. 1MIca88(8 Pennlsr lu 4411 N'ilitld
thin y,re not to be had Laurier.
Aer04.6 the street from Arededorp
Is the Malay location, and many of louden, Nov. I7. -A Hauler des -
the owners of the houses are 84111 patch from Paris to -day, referring
occupied by poor willies. , to the negotiations curried on in
The :robs, efelttys mud other col- Feenee by ell' Wilfrid Laurier and
red races, else made room for these Hon, W. 8. fielding, of Canada, ear(
whiles, and at present the whites that those geetirmen left satisfied
aid blacks 1110 side by side, inter- with -tbr.rrsull8 obtained, but that
mingled. In some rause the whites tate success of the negollattofe bangs
Ito) lel the yards of the blacks. on a condition which bas not been
Time aro white children bring realized yet, and which does not seem
rc'arcd, 4vbdt 1140 social eundidoi le to make much progress. 11. 1)elcuea,
than the 0(1006 are 011 418111ng tertn4., the Foreign (,Mater. lel0mise4 Sir
and the nets' (leeredlti.oa e, ep- Wilfrid Laurier an ann0111 hubsldy of
patting, add self rsuret le the (10,004) to the company running a
last 6tage8 of renin. Trench line of stcamehips between
In order to substantiate what I France mud C'tum,.a. 1T hen 811 Wlifid
say, 1 1.118t11 1101` three. ceases that the Laurier 1ilE visiting Lillo he used
carred• In ono 8lreet 111 the Malay this prontlee to induce nur11ufnetur-
Locution. reef( to 11nd money to perohame the
1. A white woman, whose , hue- atram(rs, tied wens assured that the
bund is a pristine' of war, took up utmost would be dot;, to that (nd,
with a blah Hutu, and f8 living pub- but this 118 yet has amounted to very
Ilcly with hila. little.
1 young whale girl, drawn into
tau, 401•Lex by this wlek,si women. MESSAGE OVER SEA.
and who at present 114 es with her, -
hum taken up with an Arab' 0lrirbei t'unfh•uuttiun or Fuccrs8 n)
3. .1 young aha ie girl, age, 17 1'x18Brc(u f'
eauw. was 0)1e-re:I a 8ltmttleal 111 110
Arab shop at (3 per month. After .hour, Noe, 17. -'elm elluictry of
n time the girl was eethwed, :end Marine has received a deep:it h from
then left her meteors house to lite the teteutin of the 11. 1111„ cruiser
1(1) 1) an 'Mai, in 6pi1' of Brat pan- Carlos .11bet•te, which was placed nt
161,10,1 hallet0d on err by het• )me
mite, and efterw-altdls the enlrentlea the 1)1 ta6))I or 841100 Marconi for
or her parents to m04e 00 from wlrel4411 ttlegrepll experiments, and
her emptier. The mother 0118 06001, (4•1)111) 141 110w at 'ydn17, Not Stets
"Wily did you tome to live In this (('1, steeling that the ship Mille coin-
locntlon l" elle replied, 'Theis' was mullein 1ed by 111011118 of the illll.aalnt
0(01 4741111 a room to be held in Ire- (}stet.: with the station tit
' 11ed00)), and 1 1.8)43111 1101 get another C'or'nwel1, England, throughout the
house." "What rent do you pay?" voyage end alter entering the port
"Two {4umd8 a month," of Sydney.
The Morality Law' slates that If The experiments confirmed the pos-
e colored man colentet8 with n. white eihilit( of r0mmenienling e.muline-
(401aa11 with her moment, that the oualy with Europa and America dur-
penalty i8 up to six yell PH' imprison- Lug the navlgntkin of the .%llantie
meet, 44i1h fifty lashes. In the face 11t a dtstnnce of at irate (3,000 miles.
of such a drastic Ina, which wee en- It will be easier to nester cont-
acted because of the oanger of the rnnnlcat'on when hletralments more
demoralization of the w•hltes, w41 powerful then these that wen be
have such conditions in the fare of curried on ships ere installed at
open day in our midst. , shore stations.
Liberal Argument.
The Liberal argument arias well
grounded. There has been no a 1.
et•uction In the ordinary' sense,
end the. time of the House of Com-
mons has not been wasted by men
iucompeteut to 111501194 tun subject
with intelligence and Judgment.
Hou. Mr. Breve, Sar William Ver-
non Ilareourt', Lloyd-afeorge and
the 11'elsh tnembers leve made
alai, incisive eperche8, and the hill
hug been amended in various; de-
tails and rendered more logical and
c0n41i6tettl. The 1.ibernds have been
justified, moreover, 111 9ay1.1144, on
the strength of the by-eleetious,
that tete country was behind 4hem
and against the Mlnieters. Logic
and reason were set aside In y'es-
terday's closure of the debate.
Healy Suppo't6 the Bill.
The proceedings, 011 the whole,
were fume, tend the discuesion tvould
halo been tositf4ely ,hill but for
the interposition of Mr. Timothy
Healy, vibe lute returned to 1Sest-
mio6ler atter a long absence. 311'.
11(11114 declared his intention, as nn
Irishman and as Catholic, to tote
for the bill, and argued that the
tlo4 ernmrnt was engaged 111 n Just
and holy' cause. The Liberals listen-
ed' 111 chilling silence, while the Tor-
ics were naturally dellgltled.
Government Alajority'.
Mr. Chamberlain, who followed
whiles who aro the viethus of dire 1 ylr. Healy, ttuulkly udnlilted tont
I the obstruction was justifiable.
Boxers Active in Many Parts
of China.
victoria, .�'r,t+, Nov. 17. -}tall 0)1-
810414. re1/01'4 m reerudesce11ce 01 the
Boxer movement in many provinces
and hard righting between the Boxers
and the Lmperraa troops, lu Szrehutn
the'1304100811144e plundered all the tile
(eget( between Tasecimu and Ch0ngtu,
and in one pane massacred 1,7110
Catholic (anvert4.'They, the last ad-
vices were received at Sitatighat from
Che1gte '14(ng(se It was besieged by
Iloxers. Ota Oct. 1 two parties of
}taxies entered Cbengtu, flonrish)d
knives and wa8e11 Boxer flags. The
propel were prude 61rlcken, and fled
to uonf081011, hit the prompt emit()
of the earrie0u resulted in the ltee-
rre being driven from elle cloy with
heavy lass, and eleven, IIeluding a
woman, looked upon as a prophet/tee,
were eaitllred and beheaded In
Pout of one of the 'amens. 1 peo-
clamatlou has been posted at Chrngtu
offrtinq one hundred lapis for the
heed of ettelt Boxer captured within
the. city.
.t fire at Kwell'», lewnugsl, caused
great lose of life mud property. It or-
iginated in a firecracker shop,
An the mem were testing powder. -
plo1lion followed, and the fire email
wad burned several hundred louses.
Many Chines() were burned to death.
Pure iili'lled houses all around the
Christl'tn Alliance m1416ime which w'118
ml4Cratc.hed. The reed) of this freak
of the fire is that ninny Chinese have
6fnoe come to the mission to be bale
Wed. .
Jolianne,burg Goes Nee Frim ie, le. a
I)eirrabie Place 10) ht )t1.
The following litter to the Trans-
vaal Leader slows that coullllmis
in Johannesburg are far from ideal:
Cir,-lt ryas an 111 -advised taceeme
engendered by the old liovernment
to place the poor whites side by side
with the 'Malays, Arabs, 11111110(, and
Kerne/efts 141 tate ease 111 the w'esl-
ern portion 01 this city.
It 11., now re6nitieg in the demor-
alization not only of such poor
absent, while their lenitive are being
Miner Robbed of His Savings
York Becomes Insane.
eve Turk. Nov. 17. --II line been
eetinated that the teed ,f 'Wheel
1S. yhdinlux lune rant mote than
any ether for a eapital offense in
any country where the English sys-
tem of jurisprndenee is 11) vogue,
The cost to the county el New Yolk
of the first trial approximated
4'1251t,0011). This 'vas expended in tar -
ions directions, largely In fres fur
handwriting exports, who were
brought llom distant (Males, and
for (1411,th)14 who elul(14orid to
flue ylulimmette. 111')'('111rnt 4 11,00
Itis 13111 hirthday to the time of lee
:ores). Tlfe defense expended 11)0111.
873;0111) in the fire' 'vial mud it Is
estimate,' that the total (01 both
in New
)lees for the 1))t, 111:110(4, w111
foot up nearly v;,t)1WOO.
licllo (0' Itobbet•e I11sane.
Nee fork, NOV. 17.- lbonwea'd
leund with it beg of gold nuggets and
hie pockets (1111 of email, a x,11011) h 111,
won, In ter nd11ca of Trench (,mama,
Jacques Ln Travers, a native of
Prance, lets been robbed in thief wily,
and 1s now 111 the 1118nIle ward ul
Bellevue. Travers end his partner lad
reached title illy uu their way back
to France, and. e8 neither umter-
elood Pnglleh, they took as room in n
lodging house neer the (lecke. Loth
displayed their treasures car(I(41lly,
and when Travers 'vent out alone 10
purchase a hatch he 1s believed t0
Intro been Induced t0 drink drugged
lliuor. Ile retnrnell shortly to MS
room, 1118 gold gone, tehen he renezed
its lose he became violently 1(011ue
and was tl,kru 1)1 charge, by the
In the History of the Canadian
Post Office,
teen in 1898 1 applied to Parlla-
nI) ll1 for authority to reduce the
postage, 1 ).011ited out that the 1110
mediate result would be a loss of
retinue, but that the reduction
400uhl lead to 1011 increase, use of
the po411. Of 110e, and that to about
three years the department would
110811 1 111 1y recovered its lost r1•4 -
(nue. The SOlmdllens of tele titw W118
c•halle11ged by our opponents on the
Iluur o the House, us it had been
prevloueiy, but we had no faith in
due. clews, and at the commence-
ment of 1899 1e01100d the Eugliha
rite loom 5 toe cents, and the do-
mestic rete hi Canada nn+i the rate.
from ('arindtl to the tutted Stmte41
to 2 cents, These reductions, unless
accompanied by an enlarged busi-
nres, would doubtless hate involved
a1. loss of revenue or about ems mil-
lion dollars a year, which, added
to the annual eitortage of about
eight hundred thouteawl dollars.
would have resulted in a shortage
of about eighteen hundred thousand
110(114t n yens.
.t few weeks after these reducl1on8
went into operation we had a bye-
(leetien 111 11'461 11(41'(0, :141)1 Ser
(7101rles Tupper and other of his
speakers nd'hrs8trlg the eleetore ¢s-
sn11ed me for these reductions, de-
cb,,rIng that whilst they 4voele bene-
fit the manufacturers, banker4 and
rich people generally, they meant
an addition of a million or dollars
at year 10 the deficit of the depert-
ment, which would have to be peed
by the 1at'nlere, the workingmen and
the poor people of the country. Dur-
ing the last three years and up to
this moment, that contention hoe
been very continnonbby advnneed by
our opponents.
For three ye11I'6 it wens to them 0
powerful campa(gn argument against
1(41. 1 have wellet1 p01iettly these
three years to nuke my reply, and
1 now p40(400e to make it, and per-
haps when I do sot 7011 will think
lite warranted In also indulging In
:1 little prophesying; at least I will
reek it, and say that never again
after to -night will our opponents
criticize our actions in the retitle -
lion of loitage to the people, or
00011 allele 10 it. (('hears.) My an-
swer to their years o: attack i6 that,
uotwll.IDt.nndlug our haling chellp-
ened the rates of pestege to the
people, that instead of having to rip-
ply 40 Pnrliaulcut, ale Waft neee6)a07
in 1898 for n vote of $781,000 out
or the taxes or the people. where-
with to )n1y the deficiency of the dr-
p,rtment of that year, we have
for the fiscal year Just closed, not
11)11411 of n d0ller, hut for the
first time in the history or the 001)11
0?') a ALI1pins-not n large one, but
still e. anrplui-of over $5,000.
((treat ebeering.) In -view of tele r'e-
eult, {w'rhnps you will 1111110 me )146-
tified, then, In prophesying that to-
night epee the attacks or our op-
lenents neon us for having cheeps
(lied the entee of postage to every I) by niton, or tie blow pip,', Iscum-
eiesied in ,ening' ^30 gh'le before he
141 i0)n•isvnlvl. 41 ('union mud
11,1141 Kong it is nut unt0un1 for girls
meet: len to bring .811)0, and tilos)
or foerteen to bring •T'll)).
Negro 1.t -('silt le( Repeat., Confession
MA is Not 1141 oted.
leatlunnale (1a.. Nev. 17 -Hypnotism
lam been (i plied as a t'8t to a
foreleg' eonyiet native eliller, et negro,
w ho conker:et the murder of Ou1te
'mermen sed his ),111(1 sertltut.
Miller sail he wits hired by a white
man to 0111 Beeirmile. Ilio cunfeeslnn
btus been generally regarded as u fah-
eicatien, 11ud he was put under hyp-
notic intluence to prole or dl8prove
l,1i strange) Story. •
In !168 trance 3ltll. r sail he did not
fire the She's that killed Bourqule,
but hearth them and knees alto fired
thein. lit tvn9 putt into it buggy with
1110 officers ¢11'1 mute, to go through
with what he alleges to have been
111.4 comtection whit the temp sly.
Still 111 a (ranee, he drove into the
country' and painted out rho exact
tocallto 41110:- he sail the shooting
'weltered. Miller d19cribrod minutely
four men who, according to his story,
murdered Bourquin.
Miller is illiterate. Ills story Is
not believe', la spit,' of its 11ppv:
eat hypnotic eouflrnt:item.
.1 Kentucky Beak Claimed to Have
Malted on Leli13314. ,
llarrulsherg. Ky., \n1.. 17.-1•:lijuh
Income, colored, probe hey the oldest
main 1n the 1101111, died here Tuesday.
Ile ehtino'i to he 1:13 years of age,
aIle ''herr is 11;1')117 11 doubt that he
10116 ns old as Stilted. He could re -
c011111 many incidents, of the war of
1812 14111:1) he would not have known
in any way but be ohm rvation. When
l.afa3ette vieted th141 pine In 1824
eerie Lige ser0)1 1111)1. lie 11 1K0 met
Aaron Burr when lie left Blenner-
haesetl and taunt here. Lt 1820 1:1i-
jnlis moiler pitted hint 414411081 an-
; Other negro whose Mester 10(18Iu111-
leering at Chub Orchard 8(40i.nge. The
thee was 10 be from the butler place
1 to Perryville, it (lista nee of 30 miles.
The muster 4)110Se Oa Hill was swift-
est was to gel both Degrees. Feettit
i made the run in foo' enure. Ills
rival fell deed hair tiny between the
Aol111) int tit, te6 I)0(' tu•ed u1. In' Al -
1110a 1'e(tlet.
1'11ris. Nov. 17. -The value wf ruhie8
le threatened with sensible Matinee
Hoe owing to the perfection 10
11. heir the menefaetere of nrtICVaiai
1 (t,11°s has Leen Intel) brougllt.
littl a•lo 11111(14 ml rh.bies could be
• mad, that were 011 eeperri'1:11 ex:tn11-
' 101110,• 1ppaueuty real. Examination
1:8 lir 0(1.70 tope. leave)er, re -
1 x,'111)11 finw's and imperfeetlons, bet
the Auaelemy of 7.ca'neee today et -
i a1111DVi apeeltaene o) artificial stoner)
nr11ohu'tur^:1 be 11. Vermeil!, which'
the numbers d(4,ierel were superb in
color, awl 11)1)14) 111 purity and bril-
liant'," to the grnt.1l1 rubies. The
eroc'sS d) pro 3u.'tiou. which is part -
Mt !zee 0)C utadn.-Sir1Pllli0013fMeek 1le,;.tk 4,'ly not w„ -)l).
111 Toronto.
`Hemel Shute'frodr Neill rd 11'1(11 ('at -
ton nod Di6tri0*
San 1'ratiel,eo. Cal., \o4 17.
110041 hong toll c044 41)4111' thou 111,1..
k11 g,',111 rut 1)11I in the 411114etrade
in girl bet were hong Kong, ('nn -
tun and 0L+tutlt pruvinees. Hen -
Me els of girls. rhirfl3 of teudrr pear's,
;r,' known to Is1 Ming in ,inter)
1, 'hang 1.04341. 'rile trek 1: rerriod
un 2(1 i,jc:c;t) that 11 is dnubtfni i1
11 ran b broken uie h4 the secret
quarter); of 1111, 'slay trade' girls
ere •1111 10 he bought and sold :lade.
Late') there has been a large de -
mend for good looking giele from
Ifni How. Hand of Helmut. with the
rr,(111 that priers have store than
t1,•1101l 1t 1(tei Huw bast month n
former :01)1 els• Ittotll"t•lese children,
ono of three )ears for e:10, :mil one
of five year. fur 13.3. (Iffielals re-
t) etly .a'iz,•I .1 mall Who end sae -
on ('un: patty Wt'111 Pay l elan Seale
()pen shop.
'Patein() littera tc,i--'I'ue etnik' of
lbs Uri 1,1 ' imp 0,1,1 by the T. Ld-
11111 I',nq.u:). 1.ic61.•.1, ons bean
NI1411(.1011te a ringed b.'Uveel •t
eununitLev representing T)pogrnphi-
11)I 1')1inu No. int awl the mtuutl'.r-
wenl of the 1)'l; ,Irptrtuten;nl (t01441
The trouble nes ler 000011) of
an nllemet Lunde b) the Typo-
erepldcnl Union to make ter )?,ton
printing bureau n union seep. Re-
cently the mien appointed at spec -
1111a1 committee and wetulclef them
to see the firm with n 1104 10 ad -
Justine the difficulty 'rhe (emelt-
tee was kindly t'rc011el, awl at the
eou(erence an agreement was e11-
Irr":I 11110 by 101)1(1) the 1000 w114)
Weill 011 strike will b' taken back
gild the union rate of w-ngr's paid.
The firm reserved tee right to em-
ploy union or non-union mum just rue
they desire'.