HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-11-20, Page 6ProverbS.-. "Wlfhen the butter won't come put a penny in the churn," is an old time dairy proverb. It often seems to work though no one has ever told why. When mothers are tvorried because the children do not pin strength and flesh we say give then( Scutt's Emul- sion. It is like the penny in the milk because it works and because there k something astonishing about it. Scott's Emulsion is simply a milk of pure cod liver oil with some hypophosphites especially prepared for delicate stomachs. Children take to it naturally because they like the taste and the remedy takes just as naturally to the children be- cause it is so perfectly adapted to their wants. For all weak and pale and thin children Scott's Emulsion is the most ment. BOILED THE NEWS DOWN. Hel10elt' Obeyed 110111 mions, Tet His Work Illi Not Please. Alt amusing story is told of the editor of n gl' rihend Loudon evening aewelmlw'r. who. in tis' rtr'rnaI rush- ing to Ilresx 10 gel nhavol of the opposition, was constantly Intpree-' sing upon Ids reporters 1110 neves- (lily of co mleusl ug all news .1 terrine loner explosion hod lair el pines on hoard a blg Klllp lylug at Portsmouth, "flet down there as (lard /VI you ea1!," he said to one of Ids men. "i1 you natal, the I Lit) train from Lon - 11011 bridge you'll he there soon af- ter _ and ran Just wire us some- thing for the fifth edition, but boil 111 down." Ind the reporter went, ,kion after 8 o'clock that after- noon they got 11 wire from Idol ; "Terrific explosion. lL•u!-o-war. 110111'r empty, t':ngliwer full. /111111141 to -morrow. No flowers" JgURNA(. OF THE BIi OARS. Newspaper Printed by alai in the In- terest or 1 be Mendicants. Innovations 111 j0111'n111(0111 are lint generally looked for 111 Europe, bat Paris of late has been huing n few things in that line 14112(11 have 111'01 distinctly non. The latest Is it J0urnul for beggars, whll•tl has been started for the pur1(o.1' of (1issrt0- 'eating usefui information among the mendi('nul fraternity, and the price of V•111114 Is ,-, cents n copy. At a glance it «'0(11(1 slim as If the charge was rather high, Com sidering the supposed straightened means of ii(4 renders, but presum- ably the editors 1114(40 what they are about. The advertisements furnish inter• eating reading, for beggars tempor- arily out of n Job, tlltagh 11 is difficult 10 understand 1(4(44' the advertiser could expect to reecho 1111 answer to the following: "11'0001,-A blind matt, alto can satisfactory treat- play the flute a Illtll'." Probably 0044)1' unforlunit le dumb - m1111 will tell las blind confrere of We will send you 114) raeanr) . Herr is 1ln111lee sample of an ad - he Penny, 1. e i - 4001 1001.5 4210111147 1011141.1 requires sample free. - awkward qultti(10111Ions t "Wanted, -.l tante Milli for the 114 .are 41,0 'hi, phture In seaside; one with4iut a right aria tae (0•,,1 1,i a 'abet „ .,.a the preferred." 'A,402,2 at , n( 442412., e et i nrel.wn y'oa buy. In 22212111 Ion to "NAN." of this kind, SCOTT 6c E30WNG, rlot10vnt s of Iortlu'nlag christenings, burial' 211141 hh'thdays of rich pee - Chemists, pie are printed, so that On keg. Toronto, Ontario. ger 11(24}' Rum,- Where to go 40 prtsee,ttc 1110 101'! 1nn with sU('ePds, 5212'. .421 fi 220:all duaggistl. -'0 rte ]'1pl'k TIIlIrs. The Man With a Hobby. New York Times, There to 41 dl0poelllon to d.o'ry hobby riding 110 an otrupnllou un- worthy of a noun with a full Inlellec- twta equipment. Tbo man of one Iden may be a 1101'0 at times, and is com- monly tip voted by peoplfr with 110 Mens and no ptlranrount lasers, but atter all lin ie the Puts 10110 ntr0ln- p1101C0 111001, and without hie Insist- ent purpose and continuous Indus- try Iu 1110 pru'tle/Aar propaganda. to which he devotee himself wally of the influences which make fur plu- grr's, and from wl(loh 1110 hllmn11 race (tech es an hnmenxurnble ag- gregate benefit would cease to he operative. "Dr. August Kalnlg'x Ilembnrg R.11aat Tra," writes Mr. F. 82.tsch, of Ilorleon, {Vii., "enaldr.1 mo 10 get rid of all 01/01111ate cough; we (1'"1 very grateful to the 111.rolera of %hid malleins." Piles To wore to you that Dr. Might All flying Some, Chnxe'o Ointmeulla acartaln l'1cl-ciaud Plain Dealer. A Slander Refuted. Exehiimm. ,Taggstry-1 undrrehnll, xi r, that you 1.111,1 I drank like a fish." wnggsby-It's n 110. 1 never knew yen to take n drink of water in your Itfe. and absolute cure for each and every form of (robing, " Yee, 1)o have hero Married .rven•' blerdingand proi red lag pilo, teed years on the (lila of (Mother, the manufacturers hove tmarsnt end 11. Ser t1'.• tiled are going to intim. all our al. I tl 121417 prods and ark year Mende to bell us celebrate IL" bore what they tidal( apt, Volt con limit and I get Jour money buck if not cured, (leen box, at "Tile seventeenth anniversary! I ,dldealersor y;palNx0a,l4A'1•Stl& Co..TorunW, never heard of celebrating it, le It Or,Chase'$ Ointment anything like the silver 11nniversary, OP the china anal%erulu'y?" " Yee, tl's the coat anniversary." A Iloellr Story, DO th. Right Thing when sure ehext end Thi' (,0l'mnn papers are leliiog a Whiten throat wart you Om an all wlaler - story 11110111 a Berlin holy 10110 0'110 mid tLreatene. 1,'140 the 01(11x•14 old n'nu•'ll, seal by lair phy sielau to 4)114' of Perry Davis' Paluklllrr, awl get rid of one the well -k ut0ru "curve" Ill tier' rel nl0entr•loar hoar.. LL 1)d 341 ,'.nl.. - "1:1. (:rave Yard Cough" le the cry of lor- lun'd lunge for wary. Utry 111,111 alrrcx 111 the form of AIleu'e Loner Ilnlouni. which Io wad will, good effect ec011 hl 1.011S11 Pi l" 11'x eery Magee. Neva neglect n rough. ltmotsl + n ,e, 1 neigh - 100 Bough nn Yellow BPAMI. Yet every editor In ihl0 cloy knows that no moo has done so touch to lower the tone of the press through - mg the United States as Ilan Mr. Hearst. and knows In addition that the candidate In in eery wily unfit - ('1, both morally 111111 0PnU111)', 111- 011i10 hon fnn111y antecedents, to hold any orrice In We gift of his fellow - citizens. V He -Her wealth is enormous -.70(I pounds' 1411e-F•normoas': 'fist hundred pounder sterling ? Ho -No, anthracite. moms t adNeed by best English madleal JOurnds, •trull.dle British soldiers In South Wee. Pee all Throat and eland Troubles, Lumps, ebseeuas, Old Ser.. Ulcers, Felons, Mot 01 toxemic Pimples, Siff .1.Ints, Rheumatism, Lumbege, Sprains, $eels.., P ile.. Cuts, tore Peel P!.urley kid by Crumpets, Ilio. Tim it ones. Horse Health is one of the most important things for every farmer to consider. Dick's Blood Purifier will build up a run down horse. It tones up the system, rids stomach of bots, worms and other parasites which under- mine an animal's health. 50 cts. a package. LEEMING MILES ,1l CO. AGENTS. - - - MONTREAL. "CYKO Photo Paper. I Prints et night by any Tight Sample dnacn, 4 t 2. with package of Developer 42201 p4011, mailed for 24r. Bold by S. VISE 213 ua�m SR W V O G peon to Can:Also Aent 1)41111)• Ile gnl'c her n leiter whirl, purported to 61' a prescrlp1lon for her teat own, lime, 111111 n'11ieh 4114' pPr,1'001 10 the' 1100.o1' at the "Carl:' IC rend as follows: "Rep, Meows. C. C. Hklharde & Co.: Gentlemen, -Theodore Dornan, a cus- tomer of mine, W1M1 completely cured of rheumatism utter five years of suffering, by the Judiclouo u10 of 1liN- AnD'S 1.1N1MENP. The above tact can be verified by writing to him, to the parish priest or any of Ids 11rlghbore, A. COTE, Merchant, Rt. Isadore, (jus„ May 12tli, 181110. 11.1,, tediegn, \, D. ori, eel, Il, 111111- 1'141, 111411, rhea. 14Plltrn, bend, vied. l erneln, tel, 111110, x. r. h. r. Inn peeled something was wrong when- and the tantalite, the 010044/4 of l'uu- gsunnl;)nai. 1„ seihr. gat. les. wehnu, nnterli hehaUnt. derv(, elle. 10111. I he signed lltls cheque 4011110ul, aunt aro as Aran as a 11111011'.'' ges, tool,0le. Verxtal-N. 11. E. N;' . walling for 11410 10 go into hystel- These, II, h, ore uppro.linuttoly The (doctor perused the bites again Ica, some of lh0 (1F11)'l L s Involved in the .I rd 14010 tical the letters 1)10111 put _ oonslrnnlLng td 1111' vanilla 1. lemma, in proper order ran as follows: SPEND THANKSGIVING DAY 1N- ]rrohlrm¢ N1(111, (;er 4- "ilupien ale die Gans urdentllcb, ihr NEW ENGLAND. ❑eullleP ofLt rliwoP11111(O' w b1' 0x1'ra0.00011'. st dax. %11.111'0 sir }hr ober 'Ile bed- . A. Critical diplomatic relations with ern eIuzrl11 44110 .chr 1a114114um.-- ' the Colombian (ie'ernnu'nl, w'h4c1, dnmit so 11u gatte ewe( Monate Ten Dollar Excursion Via New York - can only he overcome with great 1st- lalhe hat 11111 1'r x11'1-lelcht genua•. Central. lienee and toleration. d, The bieetl- 01, \'erxt4mlru 7" In English these To 81)x404, worcextor, Telmer, able lucreugo of rx1Wnxe above the I ortthoroughlols ytlwrl1.11Thereeistgoose nothingl e6rg�i�Idor Noveuberi LI,iltl�ll ,lou oalrlullfln nrlol0hserrles of rx Plxurrtlmr the floater with Iter. But pull out' glad ten n11yx. _ that the cost of nils mele(21114lug 111e feathers one by one, very' NettNI*W York Central ticket with the expenses al welted in Its op- , x41 Ulnt her husband mai agents 101' full purl len lnrl, • erailon will he to our lilver 'intenthale n couple of months' text, by about 512,000,1511! a year, while the 1 which means hr luny perhaps be re- - tariffs resulting irom the w'orlt'a stored to health. loo you under- Learned Hu liwwrn wen. - trade will, on the Pinny rxtimntr,' Staid f"' New York Timm glee ON only 87,000,0140 thus leaving The doctor shook ION (lead dub(- Pa -What did you learn at school a deficit of $5,00[1,900 nycur.--Pelee' oust) over her, and ordered 410'0 to -day, Bobbie?' Muc(j0leen in Lrslle'g 11'rrkly. womb' of 110• 114(alexercise, bathe, Bobble -1 learned to say, "Yew, sir." waters and rest. New York Trl- Pa -Are you noway. going to say, MI.nard'a Liniment Corea 1.a Grippe.I butte. "Yee, dr"? Hobble -Yep! TAY( of a Hind. Wool on T'Olhrr leg. • 'Chicago Chronicle.' 01.441' 00 01m, (10? lir 401.1110,111. A }eros smile adds an hour 10 l.rr'41, ("111 NTT / C011040Nsrnnn Lacey, of Iowa. 1:1A011 J.0ev m nas21kee SOLI, that helm the one'. Ilfe-1'L heartfelt laugh, a slut' ' 004)4 that during tate loot e0001(1 senior aortaer of the firm of F. J. cueooya (t grin, not a moment, of nlugrros n down east member 1.0., doing huldnea In the (•Ity of Toledo, _ 1toff atoll' lly the food forsakes ids I f the County aurIState aforesnld,Ondlbat$aidarm - tryen ). Sunlight Soap will not ISSUE NO. 47. 19O & burn the nap off woolens nor the surface otf linens. Mk ter tae Octagon U. •a+ - -Busy Day for the 44.1',7.1`. Dent e1' Pod, In ons day' the W. C. '1. 4.. l'4(11rr11- tbrn at Pert Mad runsblored the 1111nor truffle, tobareo, 14212(1.0, .11ermonisat, Mob Ilolenrr, military npprnprinitoos, child labor and the coal strike'. Yet 040 are toot that when woolen get together they talk of nothing but dread and ihrir neighbors. Ont 111x111 such lilt' 011n410rs: Mlnllyd's Liniment the best Bair no - snorer. For 11 Holl ('oro. A soft corn is certainly n ter- rible sorrow-. Hail` the poor man bathe Iain loot for twenty minutes in very hot water, 111 n 11ppl,v an 04! tnlrltt made of equal purls of vnlcy'Ilr acid awl eImp1y crrulr.Hake u mh)Inlnr" hislinalt of a wail of cotton batting. and put Mr. Worn asleep for the night.-l'hicago her- ald. A H(lost 'PO HORBN:ME:TI-000 bottle of l:ugn.h Spa On Liniment. (•otupMl1ly removed a curb trout toy horse. 1 Hilo plenaure 10 reconmeaufog the remedy, ON It uet0 with my0terinne prempttu'lls In the removal from horseo of hard, son or rnlluumed lumps,blo d .parin, spltut1. carbo, oweely, 014100 um) 1pr0lux. 012(111(11. Remi. Farmer, \1ar4141ul. tout. Hold by all druggists. Site Had Nuxptrions. Montreal sour. Cushier -I can't honor that (+MID. madam. Your huidnind's 0$c0Ul(L 114 overdrawn. Woman -Overdrawn, le It 7 1 11ui Filled (t\1'unl. Chicago Pont. 1To 047110 euttiug an Hem from a 11(10 apaper. "11 1ells 11010 a 110110e ens ru1)11(it amD I want to show It to my olio," hr. expinilu•dr "1Vhat 410ud will that do a frh-IkJ I, nlutrelL "A whole 101," was the reply. "1.4111 tree, thin h0n0r 1)1114 robbed while the mall wag at church will) hili wife. "Ray (" eAch1tmrd IIto friend, excit- edly', 'yon haven't got n dnpllcate copy of that paper', live you 7' 111nard'e Liniment for Incantation'. Mrs, Winslow'. Soothing syrup }should always be u.od for Children Teething, dl soolbeo the child, .eftnna Ute ua aura "la colic and lathe best remedy for Diarrhoea. IT111: 1(1I1 4441010 1,111•: AH01'IL1\f F: l 14nrl,•II' 4l;xlnbllxhr,I 1x1111 w';ula 4141 00th•„ agent (1111111 or lvu11uut right where' you ore. \ulrouher and lhreulber are bat ue11"1e for ba01urxx, 44''!0' 10 Ua' Hrpretory, '1'nru111 ., unw. ler purl leolure. 1A8?E N OHIO FABS n'nl'b tgdips. final for ,l aerial' s'1' IIsi, Addreee 1'. O. Box 2112, l oultgatowu, o, CANADIAN VETERANS }'our L•mds will gr'nll �' Inert.1)4011101r vnluellt onrr. WritonnNor In'rtieall.o•0..1u11asnu&Fou- ol e, 411 lb,rannag l'lonada'a's, Toronto, tint. TEN COURSES UV th„ranghlr (might, Expert Inxtruetor1, In(11- vlhut ut leutlo11. Soln� for heists,»tie 1,14)4. iogur for )21rttc11hvs. Correspondence Depart. meat CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Toronto , Can. IMPERIAL MAPLE SYRUP. NO PAY IN IT. Coot ul' 1he Panama - 1'nual Slay Huii Into Hatt'a 1011lon. At ',regent the lace. id to build a canal with locks, 1 U1 1 have nu lieu that this will ever ire done. A Kru- level canal Is We 0111y 01111 11111 will finally be 1(11141411!. The tick at Pan- ama is eig'hlceu fret; the tide 1U colon 1K eighteen inchr0. %Viten our englnel•ra get duw11 Illi" Ula Culebrot IV they' 0.14) 0011 (IONS, Very r,nso0- ubly, report that the leeks and gat•x are great 1tup0dlmentu. People here look upon a spa -level calla! us u fore- gone uonclusluu, 1ty' sinking oho ('u- (1lg'It cut eighu'cu feel more (lulu the present 1401'1'('7'u tx,ll bur, (Ills re- sult Dan he oblaltos!. 'Thal m0una f11ty' 01111011 dollars at ml" clip. Be- fore. o- fore we have mastered the problems of health, rail., wind 1(11)1 tier, m0ln- tltln cutting and level dredging, this isthmian ditch will probably oust half u bllhon dollars, The Colony.' in 4 errrnmPul la 11- othera11111'x1101. 1 111111 141'01'1-111 luny' eadaveraauons with Pr. Mints-Ipar- rand. the (111.01 p10duel of l'ulu0biun civilization, 1111 aIle Jurist ted for- merly 1 iovrl'nw' of the Province of 1'lutmmn. Ile opines that all plo'14es 111 C0111111 11111. favor the cunei, and (aver giving A(nrl'Icu all rrueun11L1r 10n01's- 4110nP. Hnt even this Kp'rhdid, broad- gn.ltgr• ('olotuhuln elata'stiot h0ei- lalex 010,01 junking over to 4114 1111' jurisdiction of l'nlumu awl colon. Palatma city is n 44):144isb )'01an1unity of 212,1.100 iaimlhlu(ts-very charm- ing in situation and miaaall2 411 hiK- 1 tory; bel Jolol 1404 1111Fnaitlll')' as can be. AR nay genual friend, 1'nptabl 130N'r0, of the l'am1mo Railroad, ex- pressed it : "Between the ilravy' rains Thr gnnllty Mondani lrinn Ocean to Vcruu. (bur muuey bark 11 not taiU0factOry HOSE. & I.AELA41K, /teas, Montreal. BUTTER AND EGGS • 01. 1.T ilk', white brans bought outright, Cheese, l'onlb and Exlrarted Honey Gaud Wattle, tar handling, Consignments rollell(d. 1 'orn'gaaudrarr I vllcd 1111.1 1100111 It:intended to. Hexw ax and (lurk wheat Iioaev wonted. 11111 pay 2:, maim per Ib. for loe,wwnx. JOHN J. EKE, at! ',rout Sl. Eliot, Toronto HIGHEST TYPE OF BACON HOGS err lrrodnrrd Lr OAK LOt)(a'; Y011KKIITHE13. First and Swea•pst nkeg at 'r,.r,nu/tn lua'ut1 a'141xerx tIilo yen r. 1' I1xt 111111 Hw'1"'lletlIkee it 1114' winter 14411 four 0uer0xefve years, Stock tit all ogee at moderate prices. J. 1' 1. 131t1•.'I'HOt'H, Burt')rd, 0111. Lock Bus 0. HAVE A LAUGH 11,y eendln tar one of our 1A1'011140 ''AMEBAS. 1''10'" xt Srr,',, the ht+' Hirst at trout tun 111 every 11111 RNum.Yt1ill' Irb'udx grut'egnely 11101 ugrapheddul'l moving Sb1ertx 01000114 the moat In- dler0ue Idrt 111'0, Intlghulbl), Four(ubh' 10'100 01 xalld fun All grow hit trout laughter. 21 rents by m+,il, (1,1e1141n11. Address Dept. A. VIM SUPPLY 00., Namnton, Ont. alYIOKE H 1 LDA 3 cent Cigar 0uarantesl Clear Horatio Ytltad suggested to him that some o tnr1ff schedules Pltoula be reduce.(.; "And where would yon begin 7" asSts1 (,arey. The Ya'Atm thought (1 would be it go1111 idea to put bides ou the free Ilst. 1t .truck the Iowa man that his conxtitueuts 000)111 riot favor that cut, so 110 sold: "How 10001(1 your people like free boots nod shoes ?" The Yankee hastily replied: "Oh, (hut's quite u different. thing. Naas and 1110es lin ven'L enough protection now."' '('Ito town, man said "317110'' and I ((alkyd nw'ay, tike a Demerara Team. -1 member of the bar of Bn(falo, nnla,l for leis ungovernable temper, %Idle arguing an appeal at the gen- % era! leen of (lie Supreme, Court, was greatly Irritated by the frequent ex- , pression 01 dlsernt 1141,h• by the court to Ui, acorn0P.10ns or law. Pausing• abruptly. lie 414r111bn141, with marked 1 emphasis: "I( will. 10101talxr. be rceunahle In me to remark that Oda court strong- ly rembnls 1114' 0f it Demerara team.'( What ?"' etclaimod the presiding Judge. "What kind ui a (1wm may that be?". "I1 ie 1411111 to be composed of two mules a 111 n jnckn.x," wax !4 reply. 04Ag fvorthe 01110 x (41 41f 04er11 H•ow U41RETPa0AN that ell 1100t be cured by the IMP of HALL'. l'An'AnRK PRANK J. 1'11414BT. Swore to before me and .uheerlbe l In my prwx'ure,Une nth day of llerrmlprr, A.D„ 1(400. A. W. ))LEASON, {SEAL Notary Notary Public, Hair/Catarrh C•1re U taken Internally and net. dlrertly 041 the blood nod muenue parttime of the system. Send for teatlmoolu1s, bee, 1'. J. ('H 41.4111' & CO., Toledo, 0 Sold by 1111 drugglsls-IM1I'. Ball's Family 1 -Ills are the hest. Breaking 11 Eaelly. Chicago Tribune. "well," sold the anxious young hue - hand, "la It a boy 7" Yee, Henry," repll3d the new grandmother. "Otte of them le." One of the beet Ionics for tine - nerves 1A a lung• brisk walk. I',1re air contains every kind of meth- - elite. After-dinner spenklng le 11'" art of 1441.41115 nothlug-briefly. Opttn and revenge Is the iretl,1 en- gagemeat. of 0 fool. No man of sense and religion carries 11100011 In Ms heart, IL in the creed e( eel - throats, gamblers and kindred knaves. 1 hearty laugh Is the mind's merry physician; furthermore, H olds di- gestion, 1hnkee up the system and 10 as good a tonic, to the, man or woman an the p1ker is to the fire. There lire mon who hale, hardly tasted llquor-cold, p'1P0luuless, la111 yet Hwy would sluff a 'ballot -box ter swindle a widow. You cannot mato a man think If Inn has nit the nppnrataO to think with. Dbn't grow down at the heel,/ nor wear a deckle edge on your 1 rons- ere. Some folks smllc-and then their fano flies back Hire a sprint; lock. 3Hnard'i Liniment is the bed, An Eye to Bus11lexa, Workington Star. "The Duke," said the European gentleman, "belongs to one of the most em1114111t and lnfMen ttal (am- Isles of our time." 'Indeed!" responded ihr American millionaire, w'11h Interest ; "who is !hls felher-lndaw 7" Monkey Brand Snap remora all stains, Nat, dirt or tarnish - but woo'( wash clothes. ad A MOST acceptable Chris'mns Gift Is a box of " Ryrio" station- ery, stamped In relief with a monogram. Re sumo . stee1 dk with 1117 Area lettere, 00 shows' shore. Sump from It 120 shale of shone mete papery Ana luralah enrelepeu to much, tors total cost of {1.00. The "die",inInn a lifetime. IFHu for 0m Du 11111104111. Ryrie Bros., Jewelers, Tens end Alohlds Sum, Toronto. 20 MILLION BOTTLES GOLD LVLRY TZAR. Happiness Is the absence of paln, and mil- lions have been made happy through being cured by Sr JAcoas 011. cl RHEUMATISM. NEURALGIA, TOOTHACHE, HEAD- ACHE, LAMENESS, SCALDS, BURNS, SPRAINS. BRUISES and a,l paha IcrwhIch an etIernal remrdY can be appiled, 11 never falls to cure. Thousands who have beende- dared Incurable at baths and In hospitals have thrown away I heir crutches, being cured alter using Sr. JAcaas Oa. Dl relIlors 11 e'.ever. Ianlnla¢ea accompany every bottle. CONQUERS PAIN •'No; 1 (li,11i t. P2011 .1 the kind luck you hear ub,lnt.'"-Puck. Oi