The Blyth Standard, 1902-11-20, Page 5BUTTER AND EGGS The undersigned is prepared to buy all good Butter end Eggs offered at our shop. Farmers will do well to sell all their Tub Butter, Fresh Rolls will anon be in demand. Bring your Butler and Eggs, and all kinds of grain and get the highest price in cash. MoMILL'AN & CO. OInsley street Blyth New Fruits —Miss Lily Heapy visited relatives in Walkerburne last week. C IP —Mrs, E. D. Chamberlain, of To- ronto, is at 'present renewing old friendships in IMMyth, —Mr, and Mrs, II. Necb, and Mr. and Mrs. 1'. Wahl and Miss Florence, of Hampstead, were visiting with Blyth friends over Sunday. —Mr. Samuel Gracey is in Blyth this week packing up his household' goods and making all preparations for the removal of bit family to St. Marys, —Much needed improvements have been made Di connection with the • Our new Raisins and Currants are Me.h,alist parsonage during the past beautiful goods. We cannot got nicer few days. A portion of the parson• —so clean and fresh looking. age roof has been re -shingled aid a Raisins per Ib., Inc ttew cement cistern built. Currants albs, for 25a —Rev, J. C, Gairdner, of Bayneid, while out duck shooting on the Bay- - JAPAN TEA field river on Saturday morning, New crop of Japan 'Peas are very met with a severe accident. While high in price and are going to be higher. stepping out of the boat, his We have a Zan Japan Tea that has gun accidentally discharged, badly made many customers for Is, end unless 11 at rho old rico, I the wholesale price exceeds 25c per II., woandiug his lett arm, we will stili so p —By adv, in another column it would advise customers putting in a will be seen that h1r. A. Taylor, who good supply. will take all the nice, clean, has been a highly esteemed and picked Fowl you may brius; alto much respected business mei in nice bright Dried Apples, Our prices Blyth for the past 20 years, is ram - are the highest for all kinds of 1'arnt lug from business. Everything in Produce. his store will be sold regardless of BLYTB'S DP•TO-DATE STORE, cost. Special bargains are offered T. W. SCOTT in china, crockery and glassware. ' —The Brussels Pot says that writs are being issued on various rving Up Business SELLING REGARDLESS OF COST NOW I8 YOUR TIME 1F YOU WANT ANYTiHING IN CHINA, CROCKERY OR GLASSWARE, AS I WANT TO BE SOLD OUT BY THE FIRST OI' JANUARY. Conte and See for Yourselves and Be Convinced. A. TAYLOR Pinsky Street BLYTH —Rev. Hugh Price IIughes is dead. The world has lost a good man. his works live after hi;n. —A new Meulary combination fur. nate has been placed in the Blyth Methodist church by Mr, N. B. Gerry. —A young man named John Pot- ter, who claims Wingham as his: TOWN TOPICS. parties in that localiiy in connection home, is in London jail charged with _ with the Daly farm sale contracts of vagrancy and horse stealing. —Read THE STANDAR clubbing a few years ago. The cases will —The man who has been operat• i come up for trial at Toronto but as Ing with bogus checks in Western list on page one, to what kind of a tight will be made Ontario towns swindled five Brant- -Messrs. J. C. Ross and IFNNC we are not prepared to state at ford merchants on Saturday last, 1 Quinn have returned home from. present. It is not likely to be one- 1 —Mr. T. H. A. Begue, barrister,' Manitoba. sided however, as there appears to. of Dundas, has been appointed clerk' —King street, between hill and bo room for considerable difference • of the county court of Wentworth I Morris streets, has been graded and of opinion at least. !county, to succeed the late Mr. S. H. otherwise improved,, —The Sunday school of 1313 th i —A mass meeting in the interests Ghent. Methodist chinch will hold a musical • of prohibition will be held in the —Mr, Robert Somers, jr., left on and literary entertainment on Friday Blyth Presbyterian church on Friday Monday morning for Stratford, where evening of tits week. The meeting he has secured a eituatton as baker. will be addressed by Rev. G. A. Bob's many friends bore wish him MacKenzie, of Stratford, and his good luck. subject will be "Shall we prohibit —At a meeting of Western Ontario prohibition ? " All friends of the . commercial travellers on Saturday 1 temperance cause, and those who nre night it was decided to hold the air i willing to hear the liquor act of 1902 nual travellers' bail in London on I discussed, are cordially invited to December 26th next. attend. A select musical program —fir. John Sherritt has sold his will be rendered by popular local. cottage at the corner of King andi talent, A silver collection will bo, Queen streets to Mise Pratt, who heal taken in old of tho campaign!itiresigned fund, been conducting a dress and mantle, h —Sir henry Strong as resigned snaking business in the Cook bloek, the chief justiceship of the Canadian for sometime past. Aries Pratt wit! supreme court, and bas been appoint• remove to the Sherritt cottage at ed chairman of tho commission to nee. revise and codify the statutes. Sir Henri Elzear Taschereau succeeds —A union temperance meeting; Sir Henry Strong as chief justice of was held in the Blyth Methodist• the supreme court. The vacanoy church on Sunday evening at the created by the latter's retirement isichree of the regular service. Ad-' dresses were delivered by Rev, A. lined by the translation from Toronto Ju tice Arm.ur of ohn , Mr. court, of tef Mr. sJustkie Moss of the enlu t I of appeal becomes chief Joh neanJBr Brigham and IMrs.eBMyles justice of Young. the high court, vice Armour, and —Last week's Goderieh Star con - Mr. J. J. McLaren, K.C., Toronto, is, talned the following reference to an appointed to the court of appeal, vice accident that happened to a grand- Mosssen of our respected citizen, Mr. J. evening, December 19th. —Miss Cora Bowden left Clinton yesterday morning for Guelph, where she will study for a professional untie at the Homewood sanitarium. —Miss Rachel Wilson died at the residence of her sister, lura. Ellen Rath, in East Wawanosh on Friday last, She had been an Invalid for a great many years. advertisers have usually grown from email beginnings. When you learn that you can sell some. thing through THE STANDARD ad. verdaing columns, ycur growth, step by step, into a big advertiser may be envier than you think. —On Tuesday evening the Young People's society of Trinity church elected the followiig officers for the ensuing six mouths:—President, Mr. A. E. West; viee•preeident, Miss Grace Edmonds; secreta ry-treasurer, Mr. John Moore; organist, Miss Edna Carder; assistant organist, bliss Ella Metcalf. —Mies Sybilla Wettlaufer, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Wettlaufer, died yesterday et noon. She bad been 111 for the past eight 1 ..His Honor Judge Hardy, of W. Bell : "Johnnie Felker, aged six weeks with typhoid fever and Brantford, has rendered an import- yetire, broke one of his arms on stomach trouble, The funeral will ant judgment in the recent arbitra- Monday by a fall. The little fellow ,take place Friday afternoon to the tion suit of George Gordon vs. the is getting on all right, and will be 'Methodist church and then to the village of Etnbro. Ile awards the around again before many days." ,Union cemetery. To the bereaved plaintiff she sum of 640 as damages —Mr. T, B. McArter, who had worts and relatives we extend cur for the decreaso in valve of his prop. charge of Brewer's art gallery here sympathy. erty by the construction of a side -'for the past two years, has resigned —fl rather peculiar circumstnace, went in front of it above the level of' his position and will leave is a few , occur: ed recently on the farm of, the land, Mr. Gordon receives in days to take a position in a city addition county court costs. The gallery. Mr. C. Jerome, who has Mr. James Brown, near Wingham, , ipme 17 years ago Mr. Brown lust jdgment is one of the first delivered been connected with Brewer's art n puree containing about ei00. in actions arising from such claims galleries at Blyth and Brussels fur Diligent search was made fur it at as Mr. Gordon's and will therefore sometime, will have charge of the the time, and finally given up as establish a precedent fur future suits gallery here. We regret Mr. Me. of a similar nature. There is a Asters departure from our village strong probability that tho ease will and wish Mr. Jerome every success. be appealed by the solicitor for cor- —Mr. Jeremiah Fitzgerald, one of poration of Embro. the most popular of the Grand Trunk conductors, died on Wednesday night DONT F O R C E T of last week at Victoria London, niter three weeks'' illness s ' and proved to be not all utterly de- from blood poisoning, which he eon - faced. 'the bills were put under a flatted while attending to his duties. powerful Magnifying glass at htoin That we say what we mean Among the railroad officials and his real, and '10 of the $100 were found and mean what we say. fellow -employes ho was very popu- ,iegible. lar and his death will be keenly re- --Mr. W., W. Buchanan stated to a Toronto Mews reporter that .in con- IT WILL BE TO YOUR ADVAN- 000110n with the present prohibition TACE IF YOU WANT TO GET A ,campaign he noticed an absence of many old-time Liberal temper"s,nce workers at Mem meetings. Their meetings were proving a great sic• vicess, as an educational medium and the people were being waked up. Another prt tninent tettpernnct, work- er attributed this nhaence of many etroug Liberals frotn the temperance Meetings to instructions whish had BY BUYING I1' FROMAN UP -TO- —moire his loss. The funeral took been received frotu headquarters. DATE JEWELER, place Friday morning to the Grand Trunk station, London, and the re - Many Liberals were indignant at the recent defeats of the government Candidates in strong temperance rt dt nd attrihated it to the lost—and lost it was fur 17 years. A rad fence has but lately been re- moved between a pasture tleld and an atljotning one. Mr. Brown's son when in the net of plowing the field turned up the long lost purse. The bills were e11 on the Molsons bank, Watch, Clock, Chain, Locket, Olt ANY THING IN THE Jewelry Line gretted. He entered railroad life when a young man and when but 36 years of ago was appointed a con- ductor, For the past few years he had been running on the London, Huron and Bruce branch of the Grand Trunk railway. He lived for many years in Kincardine, which was his parents' home. Besides his wife, three sous—James, Edward and 11, rbert—and four daughters— Katherine Minnie Nellie and Ethel iN DOING SO YOU SAYE MONEY. mains were taken to Kincardine for interment. age, a Fem. WANTED.—Good Turkeys, dry prohibitionists, and, consequently Aa r $y $$ p they would take no part in the present campaign. picked and undraw❑ 10c. Dried Apples, 6e. Butter, lee. We buy for cash or . , , TEESWATER,trade, G. E. Elsa, Wingham, 15tf McKinnon & Co. 13lyth. ....SHOE.... DEPARTMENT We are now prepared to show a full stock of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers for the fall and winter trade. We are doing the shoe trade under modern principles. We have no ears expense in this de- partment and can shave prices a little loser than the other fellows. 13esicies, you get re- liable goods—goods that will wear and give good satisfac- tion. We are not confined to any wholesale house or manu- facturer. We examine all samples and select the best values from each one, and pay• spot cash, which gives us the inside track every time. Our shoes need no breaking in. They are matte to fit the na- tural foot. Below we give a few prices taken at random from our immense stock : Ladies' Dongola Shoes, laced or buttoned, patent leather or self toe cap, beery or light extension soles, all sizes, regular price 81.60, but ae we bought a large quantity we got them to sell at 81.25. Ladies' Fine Dongola and' Kid Shoes, McKay sewn, Goodyear welt, in all sizes at 81.50, 81.75, 13 and 82,50 Boys' and Girls' Standard School Shoes, in all sizes, at 75c, 81, 81.25 and 81,60. Workingmen's Heavy Shoes, extension soles, sizes 8 to 11, very special at eoc, 81, 81.25 and 81.50. A special line of Infants' Shoes, black and colored, 25c. McKinnon & Co. 33lyth. READY FOR YOU. We have just received entensive additions to our I'ALL STOCK of LADIES' and GENT'S' 1v A'I'CHllS, and wo have some great bargains in CLOCKS --our stock is up-to-date and our prices right. In JE1WELRY we are bound to suit you—we can give you splendid choice and closo prices. We carry a full supply of the NEW PRESBYTERIAN BOOK OF PRAISE in all the different styles and prices. Very specie! values in WINDOW SHADES and WALL PAPE/1 to close out ends. REPAI1RING carefully done and at right prices. FRANK METCALF I) It(fnl r 1>1 (1! l` 11 JE\VELER AND STATIONER BLYTH The Popular Clothing House All ew We have the N ew Fall Goods in great abund- ance and variety, You want to brighten up your dull winter toggery with some of these new de- lightfully stylish things for particular men's wear. You can rely on these styles being the very most correct New York or London furnishings. We have the largest and hest stock of Metes Underwear in the town and rte selling stacks of them at pores that astouielvevery- body, S. H. GIDLEY .. BLYTII