HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-11-20, Page 4• McITINCHIE & RIINCE'titz gitIth g/tanbarts. and earry on ranching 01 8small BANKERS. Tipid4BACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINEStS. BLYTII, ONTARIO. OTIS DISCOUNTED, gala isoiaa a specialty. Adsaness made to farmers oti their own mots. No additional security re- quired. JransT ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates. Wieffer every accommo,',, on 0011 sistent with tote and cos r vatiVe banking prim pies. UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Beal Estate at lowest Tates of interest. UAL ESTATE AGENTS, Persona wishing to sell will do well to place there property on our list for n1 L nts collected. ,OOKVEYINGING (If all kinds promptly attended to. • 1111111AKE• We represent the leading Fire and Life Assurance companiea, and re -1 aPeetfully solicit your account. OFFICE : 10 A.M. to 8 P.51. 131.01114113 eardS. L. DICKINSON, ' liARIUSTER, SOLICITOR, LTC , edicitoe tor Erik of Hamilton. Money to Loan, Offloe, Meyer block, WiAgtun. - ------------ 1. 9. JACESON, BARRISTER, SOLICI Fox, ETC. conveyancer and Notary Tobin. Solicitor for Rewit.o1 Ramilton, Oiliora, Pretoria block, over Powell. Wore, Myth. Mousy to lead. j11, JEROME, L.D.S. • DENTIST. Mee in the Pretoria block, Myth. Special attention paid to the preservation of the not. ural teeth. All priest or, low as is couniateht with good work, Gold writ a specialty. j C. LINDSAY, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Seemlier to Dr. Tait. Granata of the UM vanity of Toronto. Member of Vollege of Pb Moline and surgeons of Ontario. Formerly et Loaden, En Iland and Edinburgh,ficalatl, boa pitals. Ottku aod reeideune, Hist lately otion. pied by Dr. Tait, Illyth. W.3 /dILNE, M.D.0•11. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON., Vuivereltv of Trinity College; M.D., art's University ; Fellow of Trinity ?Oedipal Dr, Turnbull Rua and of member College of Ptiveicie us G. Toms. and Surgenne of Ontario. °molter for the G. Morrison County of Huron Office, one door north of the 1J. Taman 00031Eareittl SOW', Queen street, Blyth. A. E. IIRADWIN, Peaminsion. THE BLYTH STANDARD, published every Thursday morning, is a live !scat news- paper, and has a large circulation in dlyth and surrounding country, making a valuable advertising medium. Sub- scription price to any part of Canada or the United States only One Dollar per annum in advance; $1.50 will be charged lnot so paid. Advertising rates on opplieation. Job Printing neatly and Meanly executed. Correspondence of a newsy nature resoectfully THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1902, Revised Mother Goose. Little R. -Peen once kit her sheep, And cinililti t tell where to Mill them ; An ad In 'rim STANDARD she placed at Olden — They came with their tails behind thein. Blyth Council. A special meeting. of Blyth cnuoil was Iseld in Industry bail on Monday evening. All the members present. The meeting was called for the purpose of considering what action to take in the threatened suit of Mr. J. Liviugston against the corpora- tion. Conn. McNally moved, seconded by Court. Sloan, that the clerk write Messrs. Proudfoot & flays, solicitors tor Mr, E. Livingston, declining to pay th,.. necount.—Carried. Council then adjourned. Shooting Match. Ten members of the Blvth gun club drovo to Auburn last Thursday and succeeded in defeating the club of that village by a score of 264 to 218. Below is the snore :— Myth— 200 yds. 400 yda. Total R. McWilliain....10 2u 13 IC, MoCommins 7 21 Neil Taylor 19 9 28 Wm. Quinn 18 1U 28 D. Stalker 12 17 29 P. H. Douglas14 15 29 S. II. Gidley 18 15 33 N. li. Gee ry 8 4 12 .1. A. Jackson 13 28 H. T. Rance 18 7 20 Total. .2431 Auburn— J. Cumberland —.17 11 28 Wm, Dobie 8 12 90 T. Lawlor.. 10 u 10 .1. Nagel . to 14 '24 • E. Helwig 18 .0 18 W. Moore 12 0 A, Jackson 17 18 A. Askwith 18 12 25 C. Rowson scale, —Mr. G. IL Maxwell, M.P. for Burned, died at his residence in Vancouver on Tuesday. Ile Was ll Liberal and was first elected in 1890. Previous to his entry into the politi- 1 arena lin was pastor of um First 'Presbyterian church at Vancouver. —According to the report present. ed at the regular meeting of the London lair board the total gate receipts Inc the last exhibition amounted to 619,1)00, or $7000 more than in 1901. Other receipts amount- ed to about SO000, and tic credit balance to $3000. —In the plebiscite of 1994 there were 180,087 votes east fo prithild• lution In Ontario, imd 108,494 against it. In 1898 In the same province 154,498 voted prohibition, and 115,- 284 against. The vote demanded for prohibition on December 4511 is ' 212,739-32.652 more than were polled in 1994 and 58,241 more than were pulled in 1898. Tri It CRD ALE. Am,kettnit,-111 New Hamburg, on No- vember Pah. the wife of Mr. 111333:-)'A macher (nee Clara Wettlaufer), (...f a &tighter. THE Tom D. MELVILLE,-1.1 Loinb.shoro, on Novell!. her 14th, Mrs, John D. Melville, aged 49 years and fi 010175110.East Wetwanosh, on No -1 vomber 14th, Miso Rachel Wilson, aged :77 years and ti months. Blyth, on Novem- ber 19th, Miss Syhilla Wettlaufer, aged 19 years. IILYTH 018171007T8. PE11173113212EZZEIBMX211LX Vi We Have No Hard or Soft Coal or t'41 14 Corner in Wood. But we. have a splendid lot of Gents' Good, Warm and Stylish Overcoats. You will do well to see them before buying. We have also just received a large lot of Gents' I Gloves and Mitts for fall and winter wear at sur- prisingly low prices—to see them means buy. 03111101K3131C3EX9301G20111 Also a line of Crompton's Celebrated Corsets just arrived in all the newest designs. Business in the Millinery department is immense. Another large lot of New Hats just received. Come and See Them. 5000 lbs. Dried Apples Wanted. J. A. Anderson Myth, Nov'. 19 —WI..at, OA to 66c. harlot', — - 580 t, 407: Pe" 060 to I12c, 0.3,, 100 to 30u 106'. Ito to ltto.Vettr, 16 to 170. tdatoen, Th • . 45c to o. Hides, 51 to 6a. tic y, 0, 87 4, 1 1110 10 14o. 6 ore, tn 88. Flom, 01,00 to 50 .15. Wcod, 81 70 to 82 Wool,1277 to 15n Tu. keys, ic 60 00, Gene, Co to 70. Lucke, 0 180 to lc. Chicken% ke ts 70. ey re m the Window House to Rent. XX A hop, tkon'utotble sucl convenient Imre dwelling hou to rent. 01 the 000 µ • t' worodddied, large garden, choice fruit ttees, an etable if ri! oired. Ceinent eidewalidi neld r Whas in tho gate, Iiiwated ou Queen street nurth.1 pet ytb. Fur full ticoat.' appy to A. W. LOAN, 150 Huron County Council. I • The council 01 11113 Corporation of the Comity i of BM* Will meet in tete coutoil odawber, iu • the Towo of floc,rich, oo Toeeday, the god day of December next, at o'clock 301. W. 3.000, Clerk. P,ted at Godirich this 15th day 0! No. somber, 1,902. i I g .1 COOD FARMS AND SAW 12 o 12 ; MILL FOR SALE. 19 0 19 No 1—W/ let 85, eon. 5, East Wawanosh, cone 0 0 0 ' tend/to 104 mss, 00 emit 0(00104 443 to a good 1 state tit cul onion, '20 aeret nartlally cleared . 0 9 9and 20 ems of tapir, laud. Tha Boil Is it good . 0 18 13 I lump. There 10 ou Ds place a mind book dwell. 1 Mg bones .21,231, 000 al d e half storeys, with I kitchen attache 7, wood.ehed 24x20, and atone . Total..218 ' cella: under full eine of lunne; good Cistern; . good well and wind mill convenient to house Bass" BARBER AND TOBACCONIST. choice stook of Tobsecos, Cigars and Pipes oo bawl Agent tor the Parisian Illteitro 1,aunds5, Qnoon street, Blyth. C. HAMILTON, AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR. Lana, Loan and Ineurtnes Agent. nraee, on Queen fittest, WAIL Orden left at Ths Dann Woe will receive prompt attention. A.B. BEADWIN, STN. A618111P AGENT. The Elder-Deuneder and Franco Canadian lines represented. Oceau tickets sold to wiy p133 01 Europe. Low auultiler rate' no w iu force 013035. 01 Woollen and dates of sailing furnished appitostion to Tot STANDARD 0111.e, Myth. peer. 8. L, MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN AND EYE SPECIALIST, Ian kinds of Spectacles and Eyeglasses made to order, Specht attrutunt 11070 01 I; ttIng the eye. Owlets by plotanti7 attentltit to. SaWara et irtios using my mune us 1 employ 110 travallIng a0e0t6 whatever Stifle! action guaranteed. Knablithed 1073. 234 litchinond street W., Tort, tu. LMA LADIES' COLLECE St. Thomas, Ont. cTWENTY-sEcoxt) YEAR) --- The tinniest south, and one of the largest and lost equipped in Canada, Preparatory widies. Graduating tourses—M.L.A,, M.E L., Piano, Organ, Sin•,ing, rine 'Art, Elocution and Physical Culture, Domostic Scieoce, Commercial. Healthiest loeation. Moderate char- gca. Write for catalogue to MEV. PRIN. \VARNER, M.A., B.D. Majority for Myth ..... 40 —The counterfeit 85 bills of the littrik of Montreal and of the Mul- lions bank, which have turned up in Toronto lately, the former having first appeared itt Lindsay, are thus described: The Montreal ones are on soft, greasy paper, quite unlike the good, crisp, genuine bills, and aro poorly executed photogravures. They are nutnbered from 900,000 up, and can thus be easily detected from the genuine ones, which arc numbered only up to 300,000. The Molsons bills are all of the. same number 214,428 II., and dated July 2nd, 1901. They have evidently beer, photographed, number and all, while the Montreal bills have prob- ably been numbered with a rubber stamp. The printing of botlt forger- ies is very bad, being frequently smudged as though made on a de- fective press. The black Mk on both bills shades into a dirty grey and the green tinting of the Mont- real bill 18 poorly imitated. —In Elderslie township, Brace county, the tendency among far- mers seems to be to go more and more into stock raising. This ne. cessitates owning or leasing large areas of pasture lands, and in the north part of the township several farmers have been buying their neighbore' property, and the sellers 111 many cases have signified their ' intention of going west" to secure ATTEND THE BEST—IT PAYS, large farms of virgin soil. With one exception every 6,, ,'m sold in North . , . 1..4 : I °-. ^ Elderslie means a reduction in the t I Jo — — population, and in consequence an tratIord injumry to C,Iesley, where most of these en trot—aced 0)411!' business. ,.... ' 1100.111 unto nate.; havo utotod geed prat Ilona at 6-40. 0(2., 071 atet 202 1.0) ,10•;11•, µIA O w da -e IS•ftlior 'WA, 1. tlIVII/ flor. Jolt ono of or (3,0,1(74 lA 31 it Ali Inty Of i .16 313)11.. '"Lis 1. 01,' 1 itu of ex Ms.,o you ate ',realm.; 1, AR 377 the 7 est ,ctiont attend Catalogue free. Eater this 1001101 lf possa.•.i. W. J. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAL A. 0. LI. W. Sloth lodge, NO.143, Ancient Order of COW Workmen, meets III the Workmen hell, Since block, on the Owl and 4th Monday In every nitattli, et eight p.m. Viotti brethren ore WO 0 1. N Cation, Wit T. J. R008. 42 1111,00ADEIL T,L, show how the com-ondanoil of farnis reduces the population let as talte as tin illustration the P,th and 1 lth concessions, from lot 30 to lot 35 ; the 10th concession from int 25 to lot ; the 9th concession•from int 20 to lot 25, and In that area of 21011 acres there are only seven resi- dent farmers, or an steerage et one resident farmer for almost 300 acres. If the exodus continues Elderslie will in a few years be in the hands of cattle kings, who will throw down the cruse fences on their big fame and out.buildiwo ; fratun barn 5.1,56, ‘Vall P1000 Addeo under 0,7 11; two frame dwo ling, 16090, 0013 9111 bali iflOtept; a ateatn 0010 164.1 Nano, two tiforora. 1,11 onglue and ell neeea any moehioe.y for Dikalllitatarillg 1,01150, lath and shingles, all in good order. ±30. 0-- t- 1 lot 31. nos 6, East Wairanoth, 000. tithing 100 towns, 80 Korea cleared and in 1 good agate of cultivation, 00 noree of thither land There 40 ou toe plane it good frame barn 40000 and 20 feet high 7$911 11 ,00 stables it ochr the foll µ180; good truth, dwelling SOWS, one and a half gtorevp,w,th ous Morey kitchen %Meshed. No. - lot 38, eon. 7, Nest Wa wettest), 0o07 tattling WO asres, 00 acres cleared and in a go d state vf cultivation, 10 ecten of tituher land. The soil le a good clay loom. 00 tbo ghee there is a good frame dwelling 22.010, atony aol lar, at 2 537100 attached Ilix29, one and a Milt store9s Oar 1 end n ft miter: go, d frame barn 40%60. with atone mt.:odes under; frame ,taboo and shed 21%10; good ondoird. Tide place 10 well drained 03,73 1155 a never ftiiing sprIng ruin uing through I . For tult 1,001011151011 'l'ily to Tkostas 11. Tan. Lon, Westfield P.O., Out , or to 0. ttalroaos, mythr.u., out. tttf BUM LIVERY and SRLE STR3LES 64$ Wtil, 6Q Si Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. Q Q. QQ. GAS Q First-class Horses and Rigs for hire at reasonable rates. Best of accommodation to Com morels' Travellers and others requiring rigs. Veterinary office at livery stable. KING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTH. Salentito AmerInall Agency for °ASIA'S, ?Rem /NARKS, D881010 earth's, COPyitirsirs, oto, Por lnfor,0001011 and 1,,30 Handbook write to ellestNgute C,‘)I'esecor11 ', o403. ing patent) in AMerlie. taellvevavitatve astitko:10caoguitybeny 10;,,wiscabrobouetgobineftobr: 'aenUfipititerican ,tfr 11:11,111 TZLITITIIZA'Attbot rnenrIlr.410beriertrats,,rttiV&ma outman, BetwAway, Nor ork tg.". the Window ..„ HIGH CUT SHOES FOR MEN Arc the very excellence of Footwear for this season of the year. They keep the feet and ankles warm, and act as a fme support when used as a skating shoe. We are showing a special line of High Cut Shoes made from box calf leather, leather lined and having a heavy double sole. They sell at $2, $2.75, $3 and $3.59. Pass our doors and you pass a privilege to save money. S. HERRINCTON 33 T...a "Sr tedP,4011016171101101/011474,110 FOR NOD HEALTH IF To preserve or restore it, there is no better prasetipcjon for men, women and children than Ripens Tahules, They are easy to take, They aro made of a combination of medi- cines approved and used hy every physician. Ripens Tu- bules are widely used by all soros of people—but to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripens Tatules have become their standard family remedy. They are a dependable, honest remedy, with a long and sue. cessful record, to cure Indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, eleeplessness, muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver complaints. They strengthen weak stoinachs, build up run.down systems, restore pure blood, good appetite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody del Ives constant benefit from a regular use et Ripens Tables. Your druggist sells them. The five -cent packet is enough r an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 60 cents, con- tains a sapply for a year. R•I•P•AeN•S 1 4