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The Blyth Standard, 1902-11-20, Page 1
VOL. XVI. BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1902. Christmas Photos folds six menthe ago did not exist. ,and repairing approach to bridge, Today there le an hotel, a large $5 ; Win. Purdon, rebuilding and AT general store, a blacksmith shop, repairing bridge, $8.50; James Mc. �ee� I� { r two lumber yards, two livery stables, Gee, building snow fence, $65 ; Rob. A9dMAIS tai IIAYYOI a butcher shop and our charch now en Scott, drawing and putting 1n nearly completed, They expect it concrete culvert, also repairing col. BLYTH. is going to grow rapidly. It le on vert, $4; P. Porterfield, services re- the railroad and a great many vleing voters' lieu, attending court United States settlors are coming in at Beigrave, rent for room, etc., by Friends will always appreciate a good here, in fact nearly all around order of the county Judge, 118.29; Photo of yourself, especially if it Is Blackfolds are Yankees. I met a Alex, Porterfield, services u con. mounted on ourCards up-to-date Chrietmae Mr. and Mrs. Treleaven in Wetavkt• stable, serving nuttces revising Tot. win, who formerly lived in Brussels, ere' lista, attending court et Bel. We Have the Veru Latest and I am continually running across grave, mileage, etc., by order of some one or other from the east county judge, $7.90; Wm. Robin. Coming. whose friends I know. The work son, selecting jurors, attending Tot. here is hard and not as comfortable ere' list court et Beigrave, by order CALL AND SEE THEM. as the work In the east, yet you feel of county judge, $4,60. A number that you are laying a foundation for of small amount', amounting to Our Prices Will Suit and We future soma. This is bound to be $45.50, for gravel, gravelling, re• Will Make Our Work a rich country and if the church ran pairing culvert+, eta, also received but make her influence felt Is bound and paid. The treaanrer reported Suit You. to be great, 1 haven't heard yet as cash on hand at date, $276.66. By. H. R. BREWER Walton, In fact I haven't gotten a law No. 10, 1902, appointing piece line from home since coming out of nomination, places of election and PROM reit Isere and I am getting quite anxious deputy returning officers for ensuing T. B. MCARTER to hear. My beet wishes prayers municipal election, duly read and MARADER. are with you and the work at Walton. passed. R. G. McGowan is D.R.O. Regards to Mn. Pollard and the rest for polling subdivision No. 1 ; John IlLD. of my friends. Ever yours to BBS. Scott, for Div. No. 2; John El. SAYF AN AMOROUS IELMAN.—Anservice, C. R. CARBCALLRN. lion, jr., for Div. No. 3, and John 4, Bylaw No. event which created considerable LAST WAWANOSH. 111b 91Div.s for 02, being bylaw to rein by interest here for some time has at COUNCIL MRrrlNo,—Coancll met the lame of debentures the ssum f length been settled. A duelling pursuant to adjournment on Nevem. $6500, for the purpose of building a young man, calling himself (lharlee ber 6th ; all the members present. , bridge on river at lou 31, con. 6 and Mitchell Dykes, has been stopping Mentes of last meeting read and 7, to be submitted to a vote of the u a guest at the Queen's hotel. adopted. Dr, McAah,of Ilelgrave, ratepayers for their assent at the Where he came from or what Itis appeared before the council soliciting next eneuing municipal election on business was few, if any, knew, some assistance for Albert fiaggitt, a ,January 5th, 1903, rend a first and Mn. Case Is the proprietress of the young man residing at lot 42, con. second time, Mr. Henry Deacon Qoeeo s, and an intimacy sprang up 5, laid op with a broken leg, and in was present and complained about between her and her dashing guest, indigent elrcnmatancee. After hear. the way he had been used in the Iso fact, Mr. Dykes and Mrs. Cae Ing explanations regarding Mr. L[ag.' matter of a ditch he had dug at or heoame ungsged, and were to be gist's cue, tt was decided that steps near hie property let by Conn, Csrr married ae soon as Mrs. Cnee could be taken to have him sent to the sometime ago which was u yet un - gel a divorce from her husband, Rome of Refuge at Clinton. The , paid, and thr'entened to take legal with whom she had not lived for following accounts were received proceedings agafust the council if some time. In the meantime Dykes and ordered to be paid:—James thio matter was not nettled right had Induced Mrs. Case to sign over Martin, gravel, $2.90; James Mar. away. Mr, Carr in self-defence es him her Interest in the hotel pro• tin, gravel and inspecting gravelling stated that as soon as Mr, Deacon party, and be hid also Induced Mrs. on western boundary, $24,20: Fred. finished this contract according to Fletcher, Mrs. Case's mother, to sign ).{nth, digging drain, $37,85; John terms of agreement signed by Mr. edlsoharge ofa mortgage for 16000, Cole, pathmaster, repairing bridges, Deacon himself when job was let, the which she held against the property. cedar timber, etc., ;;.25 ; 51eKinnun pay for same would soon be forth. Thus Mr. Dykes became the pro. Bros„ gravel, $19.80; W Deacon, corning. The council then adj urned prletor of tin Queen's property, and drawing and putting In tile in cul- till December 15th next. without having given any valuable 'arta mad gravelling, 621 ; II. Me - consideration for it. Having thus Gee drawing tile, putting in culvert WEST WAWANOSH. become poa,esscd of the property, SR _ DEATH OF JOHN MILLS.—OH Baur.he thought, Dykes was very much day evening, November 9th, there lea demonstrative in his attentions CHEAP READING paned into the great beyond Mr. to his affianced, and commenced -John Mills, aged 69 years, one of patting on airs. His conduct induced OUR CLUBBING LIST the ploneere of this townsbip, whose Mn Glue 10 reflect that she had not ranks ere being rapidly depleted by noted wisely in dealing away her We have succeeded in making very property, and her suspicions of liberal clubbing rates with several met- the grim reaper, death. Born In Dykes' sincerity were aroused. She ropolitan newepa tare and are in a voei- Donegal, Ireland, coming to Ontario Y tlo,, to offer TNA liI.V 'U STANDARD, the in the thirties, the family lived brought the matter before the police brighteist section nd bentnt local newspaper fewspae tpu d many years at Kingston, and moved mrgbtrite in London, accusing any of the below mentioned well-known into West Wawanosh in 1849. Since Dykes of fraud in obtaining the ppappere at very low enures. Read the then Mr. Mille shared in the priva• release of mortgage. The ease was tollowin List carefully and make your - atone of the hardy pioneer's, and of 'finally settled by Dykes agreeing to choice of bright reading matter, for it is i,,.3 eery enjoyed the prosperity +Ii a the hotel property again pieced the chants of atits-rims;— y le. P Ps Y of Mrs. Case. During ;in 4►re name The Standard and Daily Globe... S4 25 which Providence has bereaved on ,ane short time he had the deed The Standard and Daily Mail and our agriculturist.. file quick per. Empire 4 25 ception, energy, diligence and IDYkss,Wortgeged the hotel for $800. The Stendard and Evening Mail ►ira rase amines the responsibility The and lyd and Eveninn Globe 6re 25 considerable s reel enabledhim to cot er for the;f iortgage ; hence she wilt be The Standard and Daily Witneea a u0 property, but these qualities, admir• ,out juet,1390,tu the end. The Standard and Toronto Deily --- Star able as they may be, are not the •WItbTON. The Standard and Toronto Week- 2 factors which secured him the esteem Air ;INrgRRe�txo I,RrrRR.—The =ly Sun, balance of 1402 free1 75 of bis very large acquaintance. His Wowing interesting letter was re. The Standard and Weekly ilei, more than ordinary natural ability, g gand Empire and two pictures, .calved .by Die Sym, Poijlrrd from "The Doctor " and "Commit. ready band, and large sympathetic Rev. f, ..R. tAr�,cellen, 84;, who re- men," balance of 1907 free..,1 76 heart gained for him an esteem more gently went west fn,uk here end will '1'hP Standard and New York than is usually accorded. fie was ,tee read with ,interest, we have no Thrice -a- Week World 1 75 an ardent, outspoken Conservative, Tin d Weekly and Family Herald and by his ready knowledge of doubt, by his many well wdahers In and Weekly , tar, and two pie• this section:—'['hie is my first night tures, "Moue "and "Purity". 1 15 political Oral's., his ability to weigh fettled in the west. I have been Thr Standard and Chicago Week. pnbilo questions, and to analyze the here for several weeks but have just1113:31lnter Ocean ..... .. —anti 1 ru motives and objects of public men, orccee1 Standard and Word and made him a power in political things ed tonight to getting coy 1Por sand Hicks 1908 Alma- 1 (o organizatluns. He was a Ileum of things unpacked owfug to the various Dao places which demand my attention. Tho 9tendard and Weekly Globe that dread disease, cancer. For Sly instructions are to alPply he rod Protiince ofre of eOntario since many months he suffered without Wetaskiwtn for Sundays until the Net, balance of 1909 free 1 85 being able to necerteht the nature of minister In charge recovers from his The Standard and Weakly Wit- cite' complaint. The Drs. 'Turnbull accident, and to superintend the uses 1 60 were the first to diagnose the disease I erection of a church tat lilaokf the rhe Standard and govt rind .Went, ' properly, but were nimble to relieve a paperfor young C naadinns1 5u or effect a cure. Ifo consuluod th { during the week, The two plme w The Standard anti Canadian Boy are about 50 miles npart so it uece,. Magasine ... ... ..... 150 elites considerable travelling. Wu. The ISaQudard and Toledo WeeklyB 1 50 tasklwin Is a town of about 1600 The Standard and Weekly Adver• people, a hnotn town that has just tiers and Paan and Home 1 yl meet eminent speciali:•r, in T„ronto,' who refused to undertake an opera-! Mon, 1''ur the last few weeks his sufferings were most inten=t, but ♦bout doubled in size during the last The Standard end Northern Meas. Partially overcone by opiates, eon, year. Everything is boom there sneer 125.atantiy admi,iete,ed. 1tev. 51. J. except religion. It seems to be aide. The tan 1904 from now till dun- . Wilton c t ducted s most l:.,pressivn tracked and the commercial epirit Tip, h" Wee are for new euh.criT fnr.eral ceremony, having attended predominates. However, last Sunday era sed els,, o14 4nb,crilwrs who par a him regularly during his illness. evening the recording steward old year in advance. Cash must acoom. The reverend gentleman paid a high me that It was the large,t enngrega• puny each order, All weekly snbnerip- tribute to his sterling worth se a dons must he for a year. citizen, father and neighbor. The tion and She largest eellectinn that Send all subscriptions direct to he had seen in the dhurch, so things THE STANDARD, remains were interred on Tuesday are beginuing to look better. Bleck. ' BLYTH, ONT. of Iasi week In Ball's cemetery. at f.,...,.t • No. 16. BANK OF HAMILTON Capital, all paid up, $2,000,000. Reserve, $1,600,000. Total Assets, over $2o,000,000, JAMES TURNBULL, pENDIAL MANAi S. MYTH AGENCY. Notes Discounted and Collected. Drafts Issued. General Banking Business Transacted. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Sums of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed, compounded half yearly. H. V. HOLMES, AGENT. THE CREAT CASH STORE HEADQUARTERS FOR ... STYLISH MILLINERY See our Carpet and Lace Curtain Department for goods at a right price. 0 Just to hand a big job of wide width Flannel- ette. Cut in any length to suit the purchaser. • We are showing an immense range of Fur Coats F' ©R M1111N They are unequalled in quality and price. If you intend purchasing a coat it will pay you to drive miles to see the above mentioned, as you can save from 20 to 25 per cent. caseee—e Try our new CURRANTS AND RAISINS for your Xmas cake. They are the best in the market and we sell therm cheap. D. M. M c B E A T H epTO "" �.._BLYTH 1 Are You in Business For Business ? If yen bad an opportunity of addressing 1,100 people it a ball with the privilege of delivering as address on your business and the wares you sell, yon would be apt to make that address as interest - lag a possible, so that your hearers would listen and you profit by it. It is just the same with an advertisement in Tan STANDARD. Yon have the privilege of talking every ',eek to hundreds of people and if you are selling bonen geode and tell the people about them In a straightforward manner you cannot avoid reaping a benefit. We stand ready and willing at all tunes to assist our patrons in preparing their advertisemente—yes, give them aaeistance that would wet from b5 to SO0 if a city advertising expert were consult - ad --and do it free of charge. lint bear in mind that no man can get out se good an Advertisement for your bueinees as you can. You know all the lit tlo details, the goods you bought at a bargain, and all that. Juat drop iso and heves talk shalt it. The Standard, Blyth, Ont. c