HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-11-13, Page 8DONT FORGET That Wu sen• ',drat \ve rugae and mean What we sad'. e WILL BE 'CO VOPR. ADVAN- TAGE IF YOU WANT To GET A Watch, Clock, Chain, Locket, OR ANY THING IN 'TIE Jewelry Line ,AY BUYING IT FROM AN UP -TO DATE JEWELER, IN DOING SO V I SAVE MUNE 4%1w 33.4%.1333 ... TEESWA-I E R tndepeadeat Order of Foresters. The Independent Order of Foresters are inaugurating a vigorous winter campaign and for the months of No- vember, December and January are remitting to new mentbel% the registra- tion and certificate fees, which appli- cants usually have to pay upon joining. The order has Made wonderful air des during the your, and will add to its membership many thousands during the next three months. Its ntemberehip roll now contains a sped deal over 200,000 of insured oe `beneficiary members, Its accumulated ,funds reach to almost $6,000.t)0); and "these funds aro increasing at the rate of three-quarteteof a million dollars a year, notwithatandieg that the order pays out $500 every working hour.gf the year to widows and orphans. A record of over 412,O4000 already paid promptly on death claims steeds to its credit. The 1.O.F. is undoubtedly a ,great and progressive institution The report upon Reinvestments, made by a committee composed of able and inde- pendent brethren at the supreme court meeting in Los Angeles, stated that in ,an the investmente of its funds the supreme axeeutive had never lust a dollar. This is certainly a nnigro ex- perience. Mr. C. H. E. Rea, A.I.A., F.E.A.S., the actuary of the order, recently Stated in regard to it ; " After exhaust- ive tests•I have failed to find a weak spot in its structure." We congratulate the order and its :supreme chief ranger upon their work. ,Riot Stuff for the Govertnuent. 'From the Wroxeter correspondence in last week's Brussels Post we take the following: "In the daily papers of last week I noticed tkat Sheriff Rey- nolds had been appointed returning officer for East Huron on the referen- dum to he taken on December 4th, As iahis is the second time this year that ,the sheriff Inc been appointed in this 'riding it would appear that when the government appointed a man to a re- numerative position they also feel i ouud TA give him . all the plums that are going. We are not finding fault. with , our sheriff, we know him to be a capable ,man but we do find fault with the system which gives government offi- cials everything that is going. We thought when we returued our member !by 450 of a majority the goverment would give some credit for having some ,oapable and hard-working moi m the 'party but it seems they do not thick we rave one capable of acting as re - .turning officer. Air. Editor, I think it is too bad that men of the riding of NE East Huron ere parsed Over end the blessings of your heavenly home. We positions given to outsiders. We have wish to reme.nrber you, and to have this men among us who have taken the wish reciprocated we ask you to arcept platform for years, on behalf of the this pias of silver as a memento of our Reform governnteet; men who have assocettions together while in Blyth, gone throes!' the riling perfecting the Knowing that we must parr, we now oganiOat:on; Illen tvlw are thoroughly commend you to the keeping of God, capable oftaking any 1'nsition and yet and with a deep sense of our lose, we they are forgotten moll an election is bid you adieu, and as a last word we approaching end then they are splendid again sayfarewell.—Cosone IATION, t l!owe, Mr. Editor, ti;ie is not a case Trinity church, Blyth, Oct. 29th, 1902. or suer grapes for as you are aware 1 -- have pot yet got even a vote but wait I Blyth Public school linpnrt. may have one soon and then —. 1 am Below will be found the standing of well pleased to see that the government the pupils in Blyth public school for is proetising economy in regard to the October:— regietry office at Goderich. They have Div. No. 1.—Clans 1L—D. Graney, L, in the past three years telly demon- Holmes, A. Cowan, E. Tenpins, N. strated to the public that an appoint- Stewart, lis Marshall and R. Sellars meat is unnecessary now and that the fees can largely go into the provincial treasury." Give the Lawyer a Chaim. We would sooner Iun a newspaper than practice lews Both professions are notoriously abused, The lawyer ie generally misunderstood, while the editor is understood too well. Our sympathy goes out to the lawyer,—the ordinary abused country practitioner, who dresses well, looks prosperous, talks authoritatively, and waits --for the business that never comes. Many people put the lawyer down as a licens- ed shark, whose business is to do them rep, and for this reason many men are fearful of having anything to do with a lawyer. Its a mistake. '!'here are lawyers and lawyers, we admit, but, he is a good fellow,'and can be counted among the best principled "nen in the country, and a man who seeks advice of hie lawyer will have no reason to complain so far es honorable dealing Roca, Not only is the lawyer unjustly abused, but he is the subject of injust- ice, chiefly in allowing every 'Ton. Dick and Harry up and down this country to practise legal conveyancing without qualification or license. The result is many importal,t documents are not properly drawn up, are bupgted, and unfortunately the mistake is not detected until too late to have it reme- died. A great deal of costly litigation in Ontario is directly c}rmgeable to incompetent eonvevaneers, who have tio,knowledge of law except what little they pink up through the government statutes. No business man of experi- ence will let other than a lawyer do hie conveyancing, but many fanners and others, to save expense, will go to the cheap incompetent with his business. It is not fair to the legal profession, any more than it is to alliw anyone ami everyone to practise medicine with- out a license. Address to Mee Flora Watson. Below will be found a copy of tire address given to Miss Flora Watson by the congregation of Trinity church, Blyth ;— Mist FLORA WATSON : Dear Flora—Time? Thou who wait - eat for no tnan, thou who hest seen God's premises fulfilled, thou who wilt Peer into all eternity, thou who has seen many charges in our little band of workers in Trinity chureh, Blyth, thou art eibout to witness another .change iu the removal from amongst us of one whom we deespiy esteem. When we call you !'lora, we are pleased to know that the very name recalls your noble deportment, your graceful manners and your more than ordinary lady -like bearing. \Ve do not epeak as those who know not ; we speak as we do know, and testify as we have seer.. You are about to leave us and go far away, bet we Are proud to know, that far away is in our own Dominion of Canada; and that even though you ere leaving your parental home, ou are doing e0 to be one of two to plant another, even your own home. In this very important step in life we hope that God's blessings fur your future he ]pi- nes8 in your new abode may follow thee, and that in this your temporal home you may have a foretaste of the 41yt STREntTH TO tvff't t i wUT yct Ci e; atw5\"he„47 ENRICHTHEffiCODt?"dHGll his 111/ .Ondon.EyMontreal Bey •PRICE^ SRITAIN4- AMERICA DruggiststkChemisf` ,prtcetnCanada: $1.00; Six bottles for $5,00 a V Nervousness predominates in wo- mei', but men are also subject to it. Excess of various kinds causes it, also intellectual toil and anxiety. ST. JAMES WAFERS are peculiarly indicated in any form of nervous de- bility, as they tone up theentire sys- tem and restore the nerves to their normal condition. They are indica- ted itt exhaustion, mental inertia and senile weakness. They contain no alcohol, not being a liquid remedy. Their effect therefore is not that of a mere stimulant, but tonic and permanent. ST. JAMES liVAritios help stomach, digest food and ecud the nutriment tl:rcugll the blood, and this is the honest way to get health and streught, the kind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy which accomplishes much. "T am partluslarly pleased with At. James Wakes. They have D en•+orcially useful in myprae- tice when employed in nervous troub.es." Dr. A, J. Cense. Birmingham, Bag. SI James l4'J/errere nor a marl rrmedy; to Mensmerolr deer'', re• remmred,ng lhrm le rhea pahrxtt n( mad eke iv, nada 1001 tr,ae+t. Where dealers are not sell Int the Wafer, they ore mailed upon te• eeipt of uric* at the Canadian branch : $t. James Nuhn Ce., 1728 St. Catherine $t., Nentrwl. equal, H. Armstrong, J. Bell and D. McLean equal, B. Taylor, P. Toll, A, Gosman. Class I,—M, Barr, W, Sal - 'are, E. Mason, It, Edmonds: Div, No. 2.—Clang IV. --Verna Ben- nett, !label Mclkilliam, Willie Nicol, Annie Stewart, Clyde Herrington, lva Govier, Pearl Gidley, Nina Begley, Cecil Vail, Robbie Brown, Stanley Buchanan, Evva Stotlrers, Class 111.—Jessie Hlrous, Lizzie Ceder, Sophia Barr, Andrew Coombs. Div. No. 8,—Pupils examined in arithmetic, spelling, drawing and writing. Class I1L—Muriel Chellew, Roy Sims, George Leith, 'Russel Den- holm Rose Wettlaufer, Robbie Wan - lose, Rose Brown, Henry White, Clara Copp, Roy Denholin, Bernie Edmonds, Melvin Nivins, Sr. 1L—Lily Wanless, Myrtle Nicol, Birdie Kennedy, Gracie Stewart, Frank Plummer, Eva Camp- bell, Wesley Campbell, John Emigh, Mary Carter, Eva Mains, Emma Leith. Jr, II.—Edgar Begley, !\'alter McGill, Tom Moon, Lily Wettlaufer, Evvy McCommins, Div. No. 4.—('lass II. —Hazel Hewlett, Archie Wells, Willie Mains, Myrtle Pullman, Tena Edtneetou, Lelia Beg- ley, Olive McGill, Willie Potter, Wel. ter Cowen, Sam McLauchlin, Wallie Moon, Herd Herrington, Blanche Smith, Johnnie Marshall, Florence Taman, Stanley Chellew. Sr. Pt. Il,— \Vtilie Burling, Ebner Nivins, Rhea Emigh, Gwendoline Edmonds, George Burling, James Mr.Colnmins, Platip Willows, Jennie Marshall, Willie Copp, Wellie Holtzlrtner, Jr, Pt, 1L—Maggie Carter, Dorothy Tierney, Birdie Davis, Pearl Taman, May Deustedt, Jennie Kennedy, ,Jimmie Biretta, Eva Hender- son, Walter Mason, Sem Govier, Nor- man Holtzhauer, Sr. Pt. I.—Laura Wettlaufer, Russell Gidiey, Gertwe Marshall, Ella Wettlaufer, Doris Scent, Madeleine TanIan, Gordon Holtzhauer, Carl Einigh, Annie Butler, Alfred Hagggitt, Jr. Pt. I.—Lois Metcalf, Rena Bradwiu, Johnnie Cowan, Reggie Car- ter, Eudie Maine, Joseph McLaughlin. Alex. Butler, Currie Campbell, Annie Robinson, Emma Taman, Gordon Holtzhaurir, Redetla McKenzie, Wil- ford Nivins. MoUrefaht ye. Darr. On Saturday evening, October 25th, unventilated packages iu cold -storage. • —According to last week's Paris an altercation took place in front of the This causer the fruit to deteriorate Review competition is keen among the Queen's hotel between Chief Barr and when exposed to a change of tempera- grocers of that town. Here le what the Mr. Thomas McCreight, the result heing tura, Review said: "There is no run on the that the chief appeared before Polies —Mr. Robert McCallum, provincial balk in Paris. The eau la on gods .Magistrate Seager, of Goderich, on engineer, who has just returned from biscuits, the price dropping from IM Friday following charged with Renault. Northern Ontario, says that men are cents a box to 15 conte, or five Dents a Last week both Goderieh papers re- extremely scarce, and in great demand. box less than actual wholesale price. ported the result of the trial, which will ShantyMen, he says, are getting $40 a Other groceries have also caught the be found below. month as a maximum, and ordinary contagion, with the remit that one The Signal said; "A case from Blyth rates run around $80. Time was recent- grocer udvortieoc to call for you with a was before Magistrate Seeger on 1'ri• ly when 025 was a big wage fur a share carriage that you might drink a cup of day, Themes McCreight, n resident of tyinan, nod lots of them got $l6, At raven home iter which toryon wiltpurs that village, charging Jetties Barr with Fort William laborers on elevators are of advertising his brand of coffee. assaulting hint on the 25th ulto. Barr getting 22 cents an hour and carpenters is the policemen oI the village and got - ie a day, with jobs begging workmen. Competition is veru keen in the grooer t into analtercation with McCreight on . Naturally whet men there are are trade in Paris, atilt the shove methods the street on date mentioued. Barr , mighty independent, and employers of pulling trade from the other fellow started to rake his mail to the lockup have to be pretty Ellyn.aro not to he acurmended, and it Is not business, and scarcely, deserving of the and a rough and tumble light ensued in —Sir Wilfrid Laurier will visit Ilot dignity of enterprise.” which McCreight got the worst of it.: Springs, Virginia, for the benefit of his PICKLESI PICKLESI The time of year has arrived when the holsewife'.s attention is turned to the tnel:ing of Pickles. We always have on hand the beet of White Wine and Cider Vinegars for pickling, Pickling Spices and Flavorings. Fresh Groceries and Fruits Arriving daily. Our Canned Goods were bought before the raise in price, therefore we can sell Tomatoes for 10c per can, or one can exalt of Tomatoes, Corn and !'ease tor 25c. U pounds Tapioca for 25c, Highest Market Cash Prioe for Butter and Epps. GEO. POWELL PRETORIA BLOCK. t- Bargains in Furniture. it large assortment of tine geode just arrived, ccucisting of Bedroom Sets. Sidcbonrds, Extension Tables, Fancy Rockers and Couches. Prices are marked down to the lowest point for nosh. We have 25 Tables to sell at 68 Dents eaob. Bring in your Pictures and get them neatly framed, J. H. CHELLEW ---"BLYT3E it Ko K Ku K K:;cK K K, r'K« THE QLD FOGY 000TOR FAMit;Y Doctors ere alt right as general practitloner% but they are not specialists. The sexual organs set• petty the most intricate and Important system In the human body and require the most skillful treatment. You might as well expect a blacksmith t0 repair youe watch, as a family physician to cure Sexual complaints. We have made a specialty of these diseases for over 30 years, have invested tens of thousands of dollars and Iraq every facility known to medical science to cure that. Every case le taken with a positive guarantee of No Cure -leo Pay. BLOOD W01E0E-Whether inherited or smoked. is positively cured forever. The visa le eliminated from the a stem so no danger of return. Hundreds of caws cored by as 7,5 years ego and no return; beet evidenced a cure. aaavOVC DiBILITY-*04 other eomppltoanesa, mica as emissions, drains in the urns, vertcocel sex weakness, etc., are cared by our Nov Method "Nes meet under a positivegaarantee-II0 ARUM T. We eine alb DI /10{11 OP MIN *N0 WOMIN. CwealtMlsnPea seeks its. Write for question blast foe private Rome Treatnwnt. Everfthing conadentlal. DRS. KENNEDY £ KERGAN. lbs alae.!Y $?RIR?. DETROIT, WC& KK Kc.„ K K I( K&K K Evidence was given that after Barr bad 1 health. back in the. GOOD FARMS AND SAW street he su neck him on the head with JONSUMPTION AN UNKNOWN got complainant on his his baton, and the medical testimony showed "!tat they were not gentle tape. DISEASE IN TEN YEARS. 51r,'Senaer gave his decision on Tues- 1 -- No 1-W4 lot ss, non. 0, East Wawenah,Oneer day, findingagainst the defendant., i Statement of Dr. John Ferguson -The Outing len atom, 40 soros nleared antea good who he held had used unnecessarilyatsto ,d Dumyat on, 20 acre" partially cleared i New Free Consumptive Hospital an anal 2e serve oft tuber land, The coil Is a geed violent means to effort the arrest. Barr ' immediate Helper to this End. lona. There re on tbu ptaoe a good brlok dwell• was assessed for costs of $lt6.40, or in Iing house 20001 one aid a halt atorays, with The statement of Dr. John Ferguson, salsa ati„see wood•ehed 2ox80, and shoe default tel dayd in tract. E. N. Lewis I one of Toronto's well-known physicians, cella tinder fall' elan of house; good cistern prosecuted and E. L. Dickinson de• good ash and windmill wove' ant 80 hosts fended the case." I that "if consumptive patients were pro- and out.buildrnge; "rums barn 00a85, with sbne stables uuderneatn; two frame dive els 1gaN, The Star said: "At 11 a.m. Friday, . perly isolated and treated, within tett nue and a belt storeys, a steam eaw ml l eexfl0, James Barr was charged before the ; years from now tuberculosis would be two storeyalwrth bmler, angina end sII Dewe• , P.M. with aggravated assault, Thomas - one of the rarest of known diseases," soy mach ne y for mauufaoturing 1amhey 161,1101210 ahtuglne, all in goon order. McCreight, of Blyth, being the coin-' ought to grave an enoouraging stimulus. _ 1 Inc e1• eon, d, ICwt Wawsnoah, 000-- . plainaot. The evidence showed that i to the friends of the new Freo Consume; a sic o11(0iler. 8,on 9,00 ol.. of limb i b1d. the plaintiff had made remarks about rive Hospital to hurry slung suhecrip ,there is on tbP pima agood trstna barn teats what he would do to Barr, who is the tions towards the furnishing of this iusti- ,„a 2n lent high with tt ne sables ander abs ' village constable, and that on the i button, capable of admitting at once flay tuft etas; goon name dwelling 20a0B ens and • ' ac,:asion of the assault Barr had appro. patients, and without any charge. nattatonya, w.thone storey kitchen attaahsd No. s-Ei lot se, non. 7, East Wawaaoeb, MP ibended McCreight and after a hard fight , The eurabilityof tuberoulosia is clearly ainiag 100 sores, 00 aeree olared and ins e I had him on the ground with one hand-; in evidence in the records of the Muskoka !twist outtive 7uon, 1a amen net MmMr I ad cuff on, and that, when In that poli• Cottage 6anatoriuttr, under the manage• The etie 0a .nod pfreme dpeloa Sian, nonetho lso. tion, the plaintiff being undermost, he mentofthe NationalSanitariumAssecia• tar.wi•naunlienattaen«digags ono 8048 hall struck McCreight two or three severe do , and under whose auop res the new Pt ears; hervl end e R w•wr sad tnaeMnt 1 blows on the head with his baton. Free Consumptive Hospital has been OM: with Pinna «tails. uader; trams ttablea and Prod 2axli0; good orchard. This picas Is ; The P.M, found the charge proved and built. In four years 610 patients have walldr,00oaa dhasanerertafnn{apnngres• adjudged the defendant to pay costs been treated, and more than 65'! have „tug mroagb 1 atnoneting to $86, but refueed to allow been cured or so helped that they could r, For lull particulate apply t t' Cwas 11..Ltn j, plaintiff his own costs or his doctor's go beck to work, caring for wife or child Myth P.u., nut, 00 bill, holding that he was iu a great or those dependent upon them. measure responsible for the meeting The new Freo Consumptive Hospital is when the assault took place.” MILL FOR SALE. situated in Muskoka, not far from the BLYTIi LIVERY Muskoka Cottage Sanatorium, tho two —In a report to tite Canadian de, gentlemen who have generously borne pertinent of agriculture Mr. W. A. the cost of construetieg the building de - MacKinnon, who has been watching the siring that the same benefits that have arrival of shipments of Canadian fruit tome to patients of the Muskoka Cottage at London and Manchester England, fienatorium, by virtue of its excellent oG oG OC G states very emphateseliy that a goodsituasion,should gotothe poorer patients, deal of second and even third rate fruit whoa, only hope is in pdrnittanoe to the Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S.a is being sent to Neth places in boxes Freo Consumptive Hospital. and expensive Wilson " cases, with All that is wanting now ie the furnish - the remelt of causing loss to the ship- ing of this Hospital with beds and other PROPRIETOR. pars and arousing stemieiou as to sub- necessary appointments. The National Sequent shipments of the kind. With Sanitarium Association, because of their GO GG Go CO respect to the pears that have come heavy debt, ere unable to undertake this iii from Canada, Mr. MacKinnon states part of the work. Only let the many that if they are of the right quality and whose hearts are touched by such die - properly packed they excel airy Caii- tressingcasesas are constantly chronicled turnix peers he Was able to get lust in newspaper columna, send their contri- summer. There ie, however, too much butions of 111.00 or, if possible, $5.00, variety in the style of packages nod $10.00, or$50.00, and -no time will be lost methods of packing to create a brand in opening wide the doors of the new Hence there is not the same surety of a Hospital. Conntribbutious Meredithwill he received cei Justice, regular trade as w•ouid be the case if a by more uniform system were adopted, 4 Lamport Ave., Toronto; W. J. Gage, Mr. MacKinnon•utters a warning in re- Esq., 54 Front St. West, Toronto; or gard to the danger arising from too , The National Trust Co,, 1.4aItarj, ,much excelsior packing (wood fibre) iu Treaserer, 22 King 9t. East. and SOLE STOKES First -plass Horses and Rigg for hire at reasonable rates. Best of accommodation to Com. mercial Travellers and others requiring rigs. Veterinary office at livery stable. MEG MND QUEEN CRISIS, BLYTIL