HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-11-13, Page 7COUNTERFEITER
Source of Many Bogus Bills
The Hill Issued Was a Dominion One
Dallas Itogns $3 11111s Also Pound
Wm, Stuart, Anson Raymond
and His 11'11'4 Art...med.
Toronto dl'vltch,-Iltticers of the
Toronto Detective Department last
night made three eremite In connec-
tive with the wholesale circulation
in title city of thoue0nde or vaunter -
tett {l and 'r2p Dominion of Canada
Mlle At the same timo a complete
plant for lnrning out 1110 11pnrlou0
bills was unearthed, and Is now In
posee!ei0u of the pollee. The plant
Includes presses, rollers, plates, like,
,,vile and an almost lnP.tl(alIHtlble
supply of paper. Willi the plant was
seized u roll of bad Mlle of the same
eerie,' that were )alt 1n clretdati011
hero and eub1aWently funu(I thele
way Into banks and afterwards Into
the lanais of loo (shiver. The notes
aro all Cleverly executed and not
welly detected The 11rreats are the
()Mecum o, an lavestlglttluu uxlcuo-
Ing Over n period til Min teen twill the,
,luring widen 11111 tau Deterll(C
Department nod turned) over to thew
at leaba a gwusand bdls,
Inquiry 11( Montreal.
Simultaneously with the arrests
here, 1.0I. Percy Sherwood, of the
DumiOlott Pence, stetted au Iuvesti-
g ute0o 1 1 Stenl(eal, which will hke(y
Mod other persons behind the hues
and put u slop to the Nether elr-
culatlon of bud one and two duller
noise. The prisoners here are 1411-
fhltn 13tuurt, a lithographer, aged
7U ,yew's; %iIO(l! Ray mond, aged lid,
proftletor of the Raymund Douse,
JS ,Renton as 'woe, and Raymond's
wile,•-Et1841:m h, aged 4.4. titutrt Is
believe+, to he the 10101er of the gang
who made their lieudipta eters herr
al Itayulold'e hotel, 1141.1 put their
had bills i1( circulation Imre 111(1 11(
MOutrottt. It was at Raymond's hotel
that the plant was found. Stuart
admitted IIIc guilt, but Raymond
and his wife ,made no statement to
tee pollee.
ilsd Hills Two Yenta ()Id.
About two years ago the first of
the patch of 1,111s which tho three
counter -
telt -lug rturnea lup ltd at T.
l Euton
store, and were handed over to the
pollee, Detectives traced -them from
.o a person to another, but nobody
could be found who 11141 not satisfy
the authorities that they :11(1 rout
mane fly theta honestly. The lnyeetl-
gation was continued without any
ggroWod results till May, when
I)tlteCLN'e James Forrest, one of lit -
specter Shark's broil men, got the
tuiorwatlon which brought about the
wields and the seizure of the coon-
teffehing plant mode Iasi night.
1)rle•otlye )"ort'rel's Dhuan'e'y•
Doteellve Forrest at that time
wee on duty at the Woodbine ranee,
aatd learned that a bag effort was
being made to put Kline of the Mlle
In circulation tllroegh tete betting
ring. The officer watched for days,
but gleaned nothing except a strong
suspicion quit an old Ulan, who ban
turned out to be tete prisoner, Stuart,
wax floodingresponsible
lthelottingsring a1410 nd alty
with the bad mousy. Eventually, the
detective quietly learned where the
old mlan was e
time he was no ping, and in
i'mage'd in other
matters, Forrest made it his heel -
Peas to look up Stuart thiLlu111 every
week the old mote would leave Ilay-
totande and now
believ1e(16fhat ( e city, l
theme tripe were smade
fur the purpose of grl1Utg rid of the
parley that he hail homed oat with
the plalst at Jtuymuterm.
Yesterday a letter was intercept -
sta edpd tlatttatyef ageni011 Wa4letter
bring the plates to tipudloa-avenue
anti College waif
10 receive them. Detectiv, where e Forrest
then secured the assistance of Detec-
tive Duncan, who was Instructed to
watch the Yoisge elreet address, and
;divot war ander arrtwt, 40 ermined
Inrpei1r.J. The officers ueked to be
rhyme to Stuart's! room, anti the
hull (keep^r tirrrted them npslalre..1
redia 1ht 14'14., p.1hl1(d oat wale thor-
„lghlr rrr'•rlinl. but nothing of 011
turrluduuling (11lraet,'r w1(',( (10011.
Th„ „Hirer: well unl ids, told ep•nl
u. fl n- ulanite., In eousulUtllon. De -
((alit e
4 -rlit1 1- ere:1 leaner(.( that the
hntelkeeper WAS Misleading them, and
th4y dIl'Idr,l to return to the hotel
:(11 ^.•sire!, the whole bnlhhnE. For -
m.4 11goi1, litter clewed Day nlond,
(lot WA him plainly that he war+ not
u•IIi1.g lir truth.
The officer,+ then went 141 and
eeerelied the p'ncr, and In u room
which tarred out to be the real one
used by Stuart was found 111e press
and yellers. The seared' wag par-
sley', and writp;e'd In the apron which
had, hien worn by the hotelkeeper
only, a short than before, was found
plea, ilea, pialoe, hike, and acids.
This 'vowel was found hidden on n
garden verandah oil 1Ride of an up-
stairs wirshnv. The petrol wagon
wan Palled, nd,d 1ho''holo outfit waH
taker, to 111e \1'llton-avemle station.
When the uffieern pieced 314. and
Raymond under arrest, the lat-
ter swuo„td, and had to be amidst -
rd to the &lutl0411, where sir re-
vilyd, unmet' flue treatment of Dre.
Commons Passes Grant for
South Africa.
Speech by Mr. Chamberlain --Thr ('ol•
oninl Mrretury Thinks Etre the
Sloe, I4 itgnfnr Hale Sol llrusprd
the FoeslbflIt iex,
London, Nov. 10.-tieucrI1ls lkllha
and Delarey and ex -President
Sehalkhurgrr were prrs'nl to -night
Anderson, Iiargreu'ew and her Gun -
at the debate in the House of Com-
Ily p`lysicinn, Dr. )luorlmusP, Tho milli over the Civil ,Ser -Ice eetL-
ambulance awl the police matron, mala placing tae uddllioual amount
rr'. Whidden, were 'mina -toned to re- 01011'01 as a grant to aid the
moor 31'r(. Raymond to the female Trorionu1 and Orange River l'ol-.
quarter, art No, 1 elation, Ray- (int. daring the p -roost fiscal year
round wan' detained 11.1 No. t station,
it B1U,000A00, which rndrd In an
agreement to tole the sum inques-
Colonial Secretary Chamberlain, In
1(11pon110 to criticisms til the 111141 -
euro from the Opposition, depre-
cated pesslmlini over Sethi .1frl-
caw 11(fnlre, 111 Kali 1111 fact ;hut
the Boer prlsonl'r1 %'011111 1111 be rr-
)ullrlaled this year esce,'ded toe
most sanguine rxpCctaliOiO. 11,,le-
0:11111 lhnt 1118 sole do,it'„ in tints,;
to South Africa was to MAIM tu-
gelher a kindred people.
Spends HIM 1,111' and PorUuu' 111 lk11111-
ing the Sun.
Nie,, Nov. Ill.-it'll°r Yler11ie, who
hi lis from l'u 1(u, and Who Is reputed
to 1N:seem( more mil0one than 11 ere
ore u04 -4a i11 the year, Is probably
the holiest mllllonalro alive.
,`imp' year,, ago an oil fortune-
ortuneteller Male Rat "beware of rho bUm-
mer soli,' lord he has til'lal and
distorted 1111' w'ordk until he has be-
came 11 lapp.,104014 awl desperate mono-
maniac. His oho I1lesesshlg fear is
led n ray of strong dnyllght or even
n draught of fresh air should strike
Ills holt.
Ile 01(11(4 lit the Hotel do Paris,
Mlont0 ('aril, la a travelling carriage
more Ink , a 1041111' thou au ordinary
equipage, '191, tvindel1411 of w,es1 were
sealed, and In the abeolutel,v dark hr,
terlor, surrounded by 'three thick-
m'sl1'H of heavy curtains, sat Senor
Nitride In black eolltlxlr.
vulumbioUIIIv draped sedan chair
nes rO11ddPlld by the mad mullein
mire's head valet down the hotel
steps, curtains were draped from the
carriage to the seam' Chair, and the
balloted neat leas invlelbly eonveyevl
to the nmgolll'ent suit of apart -
meats( reserved for lam.
Former Government Official
in the Police Court.
Teru1On 0,4ilell.-air. Alfred 'Me -
'Maga') lute adhcIlor for tlle'fee.t-
(.4lly of 'the Ontario lioveruulrnl, ILI
charge 0f the rollectlon of succrs-
slun duds., wee plareel under ar-
re81 rarly yesll'rday morning by
Detective black, who bad sworn
out a warrant charglbq 111111 w1114
the 111(.11 of +O,951.14'I, Mfr. 11c1kn1-
gall's duties were, to recelve sue-
140siuu dat1Ps, which were usually
paid by' elimques made out in favor
of the Ontario 1ioventment. Fre-
quently, however, 4xecul(rrs made
them out to Mr. McDougall persud
ally, and it nos charged that he
duetted some o1 ,hear. to ors own
In the Police Court 3entertlny
McDougall ens arralgued on two
charges. The (fret rues to the ct-
feet tliat, lieing hl the employ of Ibo
Ontario tioverament, and befog en-
trusted with the receipt, custody
and management of certain valuable
securities and moneys, he stole on
Nov. 141114, 1800, a cheque, dated
Oct. 1'5, 1800, for the auwuot of
i$:;80, Issued by 31olero, Cbloholin &
bogie, on the linmhlton dt of
the Canadian Bank sr Commerce,
and also the sum .4 8880, which
tin lack raid o4 the pre'entatton
of the cheque. The other charge
says that on Dee. 20, 1887, he stole
n. (Urine for 86,504.88, (fated Nov.
29 of the same year, which had
been Issued by William Mortimer
Clark on the ,xlandnrd Dank of
Conndn, and that he pretreated the
cheque nod alone the 101(0y which
bile paid upon 11. Thyme two ehequel
covered suecesslon duller on lir
Helen Leslie! estate, 1f !Mathis, 'hill
the Jane Hunter estate, or Hamil-
3Ir. 1[ei)ougall asked (hal his rasp
be remanded for •a week, 111tllou1
Ids pleading or circling, its (lis e011-
cltor Wns 1101 Kestrel. This was
done, 11111) the 111 ;swim! retired to
Sir. Curry's room, where he hail
been mttll called,
It le understood that In addition
to the wgmclflc rhlu'g(11 made i11 the
wassail of arrest the following fur-
ther charges ale likely to be pre -
(erred; Enib 1(1(44 }2,800, the Kings -
burg estate, flrnn1(01,11 $90(1. the
(tattle estate, (;oderlelt; 816000, tie
Hui! relate, Pembroke. and some
entailer amounts. The iteciffit'll has
been c i'rfntly kept under eurveil-
lunce, and 1(N 110011 Ile 010 InRlmllt1
111'41' carefully examined and the
amounts not forthcoming, the ar-
rest W111 made. For He41111 time after
the first dllceepin,cy was *masv-
peed Mr. 141elton/gall'N mental nud
physical condition was ellrh that It
was not possible to secure a defi-
nite statement as 10 whether he
had the money or not. At 140 tlmo
(luring the intritlgotloa rook! the
uceneell have evaded arrest loci he
so desired. Tho firm of McLaren,
Naedonnld and SImp103' will repre-
sent 11r. SIelklnunll, while the
follow the young luau should Ise l'r01eu'x prop 1N In 4110 hands of the
WIN out. Forrest went to ;Violins- Hon. S. C. BIWil I
rime and College street, and 0041 Hem. '. 1(lg
1'944 "diva the, yrn.nR a 1s of age w,
conn, ('114114413McDougall, who Is about 04
3 .n ' is arrested at him
followed by Detective Duncan, locoed Iwme 44 ('hurler Street. Inc comes
op. Very ei1 a Stuart appeared, 0 un0 of n. P1gldy respected Canadian
was hajtjed a parcel. The two men fatally, le an mule of Judge Aiclloa-
tth1 sn separated, Stuart going down Weill ant was formerly n prominent
Iilfkdlna-avenue. lie turned at Oxford
member of the Toronto city Connell.
,where, 11 '11 bbeing d, he 1118- 61(01atimt on 111 Stock Exchange
covered that he Walt being sW1Jnl1ed, 111 stated by hi11 roma.de 10 111' the
1or lie immediately turned Imo
n cause el Mr. Vi lloiiga11'e difflrultleo.
lane. The officer then pounced on He Was suspended by the Govern -
and placed Ulm limier arrest, The Hent on Sept. 711, pending un laves -
,$,I, man had the Oundle of pl1lignt ail Into his accounts.
and a roll of the hud bolls iC)1 10f ll Into 110141' n(r 114(141' haul
him. ,( tune, was then taken 011:1-4.1. beau int( IP far hall. and It Is nuilpt'-
car to the Renton a('tiue. statt0U' stood that the Crown will tot eon-
' he was locked 1(P• sent to the making of each an or -
I'm Rnhlly 84 Ili. (ler onleme security la a very sub -
After being twice cautioned, the etanttal !mount can be obtained.
oil mon remarked, "Well, 130.1 4, y ()Wye
caught Inc; I'm guilty"
After I+luart had been placed In
rho cells Detectives Duncan, Forrest,
and Tollcrmau Guthrie wont to Ray-
mo1u1',1 Hotel, and had a talk with
Ra.) wend. The Potolkeeper was be-
hind the b:1(', and when told that
The 3111t644y-Harlln Com/4410y have
dn'Idrd to divide their western ter-
ritory, owing to rnphi cxpuleston of
baslt.res, not will establish hend-
gtmrtcro nt Calgary similar to Wlu-
t.Ip(•g. -llr, 1. W. Bowater. of WIn-
nlpeg, will be manager or hae Cal-
gary orae^h.
1411('11 rooms 114 n Ihu' for 1114 personal
use. 1f„ hire lit the centre roomof
the seven, with a atm art 11111/11 light
111141 m0 fresh air, the whitlows bnr-
rtraalyd, Ilned with felt, and curtained
double flimws and a kind of tent nroun•I
Ids (usceptille person. The other six
rooms, therm na each 8111P, 11hnitered,
eurt1in0(1, and securely locked, are
Jimmied b3' the strange guest for no
other purpose than to keep oft the
Chamberlain and the Students.
London, Nilo. 111.-'r1i . li'Irnts 1(i
l•mlerelty College Sellout, 11,1,1'01,
presented an aJdrIN14 to -day to 1Ir.
Joseph Chamberlain, the Colonial)
Secretary', wlshl14 him a pleasant
It'd successful 1ibit • to Suullt .1f-
Mr. Chamberlain. who wits oda-
tutted at London Unhereity 8111001,
made na address, 114 which he 4111
that he believed there wet, uotlting
Innen ImpoI'tuu' than to supply the
deficlenctea that separated Eng-
lishmen from those with whom 1.110.:,'Came to closest competition, of
(Bonn -10y, America, Canada da and
Australia. He Nand U1' thought the
time was coning when the Cloven -
:neat must give mote attention to
the higher education of the young
men, He thanked the .1Udell le for
their good oldies for n safe and
pleasant voyage, and salt Ile look-
ed forward to the future. He was
convinced that there lens a future
which hail been ausuhuclr undo•' -
140(11, even by the mo,,, sno41ena,
In 01 Me 1.0' 1110 to rut denial;.(,
Of 1114' Kim; hi South .Africa.
Great Interest in Meeting of
Three Kings,
Cin 11'hnl 3Iay b,' the Oul,r,nlr .1
Time 01' (Ileal iriteriubnuentn
Ahead '1'I%' l'ops' Relative liming
Cuban 141nam'Is-liritIs)" '1'1110'
Returns Show 0w,w1h,
New York. Nov. 10.-Contineutnl
ruUaor mongers 111,4 1'4111 beat 'pun
Imparting diplomatic significant:- to
the 1pproaehiug (11l(s of tit (term to
En,lmtur and the Eing of l'ortog'tl,
enlrl+'o the Cellon couresp1mlen: of
the Tribtw'. One point um ;Owl)
the attitude u'. the drilluutal•: Idy
1114.111 str,•ss Ls tont the Portuguese
31inIst,v' 144 Lidalui le lel ,uuurrt1e
Irarn.l of 1114 royal family here, alai
la le n i10 itiml to (inIhita(' (hu
lintel -it' of the East African 1044-
4reslot.0 u( Portugal to Britoil' nail
WELL MERITED GROWTH. (I, ramify. This Inllmtley dugs 1101
in'pay a 1vilbuWm',se 011 the 15(11 of
-•_ (11.1 Lisbon Ministers to (0.111 1111-
Among the pebll.atlons (bat came popthu ley by props..+lmq (11' !illma.
our exchange (.leek ties weak Is 11na lit n ' 4l,.tlul 01 ttu'Ir 041-
that Ilttlo anneal messenger, Void's 'Nal .•n, 1:(11 grip of Portugal
Almanac, published by The 1)0111 1(11,14 11.1 v0louira 1118 heen
Wsltilue Co., Limited. This Is Ito
sti:'t,gtheu•rt shoe lir (0,41 of the
eighth' annual appearance, and Its `Pitt.,^h 'uloid. s. Liobun's wain win -
growth l,, the estimation or the pub- 'kJ"' 100k, out Upon H(drul. Iunl
Dm is attcstud by the fact that In 101 (l,g(1l 11( s,'lling her Ens, .1frl-
tb cl 1'l 'Care of Its life Its circa -
lotion ''11if possessions would bo 111 llllnq
c years
1k:!de.'!I le f,1,llolhd 04 '(xsiun4 '111
Iw.a grown from Llwtlsamdl to i
many 11111110111 and that 1t le now ill" (.11-1 of 510101.
prinle;l in many Iaugungne and id 'nip 11'0 huyal %asiln will [1011,11
formai In nlnt(urt every Engdl(h-speak• ntertabnur41l 011 a (urge 440,1 I.! al
lag home as well nu In nearly every `(11,,Irf1 1 11 :uul (1'in'Isor. Tie r„
In III br n d, 1'1111 of Stale 8411. tens nl
quarter of tete civilized world. (\'f,,l^lir fur eh.' kink of ('urU,14wL
Do.kl'e Alumnae (Offers somewhat with n Stitt, banquet h, St. livor es
1 from other publications or the klud I K-'
In that It Is 81111 from cover to 111 1nn I p1( 41113 a elr.4yt'c ntcetiog
of (LI!•' Ord11' of the Gutter, 0111111!1
did :an 4 oleo on 111411 Juane.
Th f Royal a tertatantenl trill hid
11 wills 1111' departure of (he 1.1'0
lhit11,41 sot.•rrlgle, Intl will ni' r0n-
1111411 der Se1era! months. all the
.\nthasdndur4, 3liulst 'rs of the frown
curl (faders of smart s1( Let tieing
11,0114,1 in tarn to parties al 11:111-
(11h4Latn and '4ludsor.
The Pope Welcomes Cubans,
Come,. Nor. 10. -Tae lips to -day
rrzrh el -trehhis)lop Chapelle (the
del, gate 11( Palma nod Porto Pico and
1rrhl,hhop of Nr'w Orleans) Ire pri-
vat„ :tallow 1• to -day. lreitbistlup
('limp^Ili' presented 10 the 1'oothf
(them( young Cubans w'ho are (tudy-
lug b. re for the priesthood. 141.1
Pella ss cordially iveleorned the (du-
111,te, Witt ellel1 of them his hand to
kiss, alit dien:iss:41 them ,cell, an
nn000le. 44'utolfelion for (',lou and
1'orlo hare.
Ilrhlxh Trade Grown.
i.ondon, Vi10, 10. -.The October
or (lin liourd of Trade
Lows llr rea'es lit $12,51.1,500 ltu
imlmrts nal S. -,,,4.:1J)011 1n exports,
corcr.,nith useful information. TIM
data, weather Iodination*, etc., are
prepared by expert scientist,' and
1(040 establleli'ed a reputation for ac-
curacy, while tbo ontlquatol joke
that 91'as nyulo the ordinary alnlaoao
a byeword Is 11anlgnoti from Its col-
umns which aro filled Instead with
simple straighlorward talks on the
ruins of health and Interesting ac-
counts of some of the various cures
that have been accomplished by
Do'ld'e Kl1n+'y Pills and Podd's 1)ys-
pepefa Tablets.'
And It might bo remarked here that
people who aro promo to overlook
scull rcaelhng simply because the cores
aro the work of what they call a
proprietary medicine, devote much
4' I
1 fel nnsl far lose truthful matttor.
This Is simply' another exemptlfioa-
tiol of tho general tendenoy to
dodge that w tIch Is Useful m the
Stanbridge Man Succumbs to way of aside
But Waido hvm Its value as a book
of reference to the healthy and sick
Peculiar Treatrnent. alike, Dodd's Almaltao Is a wonder-
ful evidence of,tow an enterprl'c wIll
flourish when It le foundrol un merit.
As the circulation of Dodd's Almanac
has grown from thousands to mil-
lions, so has the domain of Hold's
Kidney Pills extended. Eleven years
ago they were placod on the mar-
ket to Toronto, after years spent In
the Investigation of Kidney Disease
and Its cure (ladled to their discov-
ery. 'They had their own way to
make, and they made it. Al One man armee en was benefited by them he
or she told another. Their fame has
spread till it covers ono continent
and hoe made Inroads into every
clvihizcd country in the( world, nod
The Dodds Medicine Company line
grown Into one bf tho largest con-
cerns of lte kind, and we might even
say one of 1111 largest influences for
good 011 the American coullnent. And
all this Immense structure has been
built by the hands of, those ("hum
Da1d's Kidney Palls have raleed from
Ueda of sickness rind suffering. Ene1.t
ono told otliefra. That is the secret
of It all.
Bat It Is not the intention here i Passenger. 1 ijui'ed.
their tlmc to gorging thele mlule
th 1080 lutcreoting, Veer won'ier-
aunt mmil 111-9it('ll-.1s the 4','444l1l or
11 4e1'cllel reuuered by n corelee's
Jnr,1, Miss Virginia (lobehle, 11 no con-
ducted 11 private sanitarium 011 1St.
Ruben strait, wee arrested this
nllrruaut, :Ilnrg0.1 with being crfu-
141111,r responsible for 114' dWath of
Frederick Bell, or. xtnuhridge. The
case le 0 rather pioneer one. Slims
01)11)1111' operated a prhu.te hospital,
designated It sanitarium, and treated
her Deltoids upon the WSW of 11(1411(1
dirt. air. Dell, woo was 70 yenrc (i
u.ge, entered, the institution it mouth
ego, svifertig from, N1ow1011 ir10Me.
Ile died on Sunday morning, Nov.
:aal, mud it Is alleged Ito was started
to (Wall)
Mism I4141rl11. le n 11enihe or til'
8,elenlh Day Adventists. She 111,'11 111
St. Loots, 311., Imp 11( two yPU1TN ago,
and %011e there 00e1.41 04,4 n 110111/ 41
Willer 144 the um' f1 Montreal. In
1,014 1.41houce )Ilse (icrheillo 'acid aIle
Mel hod dlifl:ulllesin St. 1.1'111', al,
hud boon arraigned in court its i1(
the present case. She had not been
To Tap WIslrrn \I'healllelds Lund
Reach the l'uc111'.
1\'Innlp!a, Not. 111. -\tiny Imre nee
naw lnelinrd 11( the idle( blip the
(irand Truck len ilnny Compeer is 'pe-
ntad the npplieatiun mile to heed
1(u extensive system of railways+ In
3inull0ba. It le well known that
Malinger 11113' 10 111110114 11( 1'x('1111
the sy4lent 11( the coast 111111 11( lap
'the weeteru (1'0111 Melds, 11 11f1 1'1-
Altorney-(ienera.l 11am11lutlb elate -
meat that pastern c,lldlallsl5, 11(11.3
capable of constructing an extensive
network of rnilti'n30, are behind 1hr
whew. Iu1K 1111111 it aluioet ,1 cer-
tainty In the inindP of many ((fritter
eastern Ca 1111 ilia me,
C'arele Nal tun in Aevident Oar of l5
to go tato the lheorlem+ on which the , a 1',•: k, \.,4. 11(.- Tl,• II;,•.rk Uha-
IksiQ'e Eemo11cs Ivork nor to mon- mond l:tprr.s, of the Lehigh Valley
,tun any of the wonderful curds they L'ailr,uel, which lett .1,•rse,t' ,'llr west-
aottletuned, however. The hospital hate nccompll4hr+e(, Thry are 0"14 tint,, butted 11 1_.1' 11.111. 10 -day, 41'na
was fairly well pah'Oniz,41, Ind 01 almost Coln 111011 knowledge, for, like nreckial 11,111 the J4esry 3[emdulrs
oar the It IS dated, forty pali(eltl Nelda? Almanac, Dod118 Kidney P1114 sou 41 ens) of 7c\vnrk, about 1_..[O
were there under treatment, but and Ikold'n Dyspepsia Tablet c, have :1,111.. ,
p.nf„ nnq Ultimo !leapt(' were mare or
gene•rmis donations were always found their way Into every con- 1 lens eerlousl,, hurt, (1141' 0111:11 uu,l he
accepted with thank,,. The treatment munity nail Into almost every home• en}h4• bring teener/fed. The mei--
rl-ghee by Mss (1,1mllle reinstated of The fi1i'n1Ion Is to simply %velcnmo 4,11-1y Whims] were taken to the hos-
iketids, and trl111 Illill'kM 1111 1111 alm011 Davide Almnnao for 11108 and to root- pitul. Tho ,.111.41111 ran (111 a 41111ng
total nbse41e,' 0f solid feed. MLvlleal 'tend It to the consideration 40 the and collide 1 111th an engine slanting
men who mad(, an nutop,y of the nubile generally',
Io hies'.
hotly slated that 11,411 (
ult the deceased nr of Um passengers Hurt wile 1 he
die,, of )tart-att011. POWDER MILL BLOWN UP. noteri,us Mrs, ,'arms Nation, of Kan -
Woman Responsible._ >i(, Ilcr 1,014,1 4111111 slightly cut.
I11 addressing the jurors Cormier J01111 Prince 1((ll44d tit Windsor NIA Is, -
310111 law said the ,'1111' 1.111, 1111 int- Quebec.
)s)rulpl °sic, to
which be knew no
precedent. Mr, ,fell had evidently 1111'• :lr \till+, (fur.. flit.
died Of Ktarvullon. '' l' point to be 1 xplosion took place to -Illy at half- Itimers( St III ('out (nue Their Slasx;u•-1'r
l'11114.11 IN.'''. wp11 w1,, 11101 rrslNmNllllr 111,1 12 e'clnck at th' iinncluul
He 111111 titled the treatment nN rlJlru- !'"neer \111111. 090 mal w:14 kith"1 \;1'1erL;. IL.,'.,Nu1.1,1-The -t ',.401'
IOUs and salt that while ell -e outwith. outright( John Prince, rhe mat S(,inn;ul 31:uv Lronght 114(4,^ 111;11
(any! 11040 been urtiag In good faith, k41own ns the teeming 31111 lens 11111-for,'Igr, 10'nrmlls ore seat leepd
her naivete and ignorance could not (11.1(1! Uo p10111. 701 rnuugh is ie(t n11 11 Pr (1rwg 'Cu, ainl Ulu Ituv•r
exculpate her before the last'. In his t1 glyr ((nye idea of the Cnuso of ,li.lurbaneee rd 1101)" rife throughout
ophdot the Jurors 1'1111111 oiler the lie (explosion. Tho unfortunate man the 1'r 14lare lit Szecluoul. The rees.l.
arrest of all paellas connected dl_ killed toes the D1113' person quit that their female leader, N01,11 1'11141,
rrrlly or indirectly with 314•. Bell's
worked In that mill. the rfunnlnn In- "thrldens of Mercy," cps capture,,
going to the lnstltltiou, atm aeem». were scattered for some distance to the battle louWht untsLlr lir walk
places la hie death. la any case the in frngrnellts. 1111 -leaves a (11(0' ,i ,l (lr Cheng 'Du, is untrue. The Boxers'
Jury 44(10 1,01tlt4.l to declare that the three chhWren• female lender 1: nl4rut 17 3'eer0 of
pubis should be pclttetr'1 againstage, nud the 110111031 cnptlLI' "1 nn,l
x411'11 lnslltution.1. .1. G. 319sou, the 11041011 man who beheaded was over 61). 7'Ite Rover's
TbI' Jury returned a verdict hold- )s charge -1 with the murder of 3tise eout(I'uc to x111.1 out-lir-the-i)'uy 4'll-
tag :Luse OObellle re4PJllelble, nud her Morton, of 1111)Hax, N. S., and other loges, and setcrul rlmrchee have hetet
assent f0116wtd. iconic!) was remnndtal. , Luria. awl the c,llrrts massacred,