HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-11-13, Page 6BMmerkable Surgical Ca.e,
Philadelphia Public Lodger.
A few days ago a Mies Death was
brought to the German Hospital to
Ile operated (1140(1 for npprndioltio.
She was a daughter, she said, of
an undertaker.
The Surgeon's name wbo Was
chosen to perform tilt, oprr:'ion
was Dye—Dr. Frank Hackett 1)ve.
When the operation was Over boss
Death was placed iu eh/u•go of two
Wes Payne is the clay nurse; Miss
Orono is the night nurse.
The patient le recovering rapidly,
and In a week or so MIH/ Death will
1;r0Odsti,Y0 to Dr, Dye, Miss Payne
and Mt.. Drone.
Disproving an Adage,
"I can never marry you," anti the
beautiful blonde.
"But," pleaded the wealthy old man,
11won't you make my life happy for
the short years I will be here :' 1 :tilt
troubled with (t Irnak and faint
"In that ease 1 neeept you."
And yet they say taint heart never
won fair In(l3'.—ClIkago \awn.
pp ,4 al`. /)tae
°were, l
Sad.r .d by best English medlealj ournals.
$opened to Brltlsh soldiers In South Afrla*.
I.r all Throat and Oland Troubles, Lumps,
, Old Sores, Ulcers, felons, Skin
SiEema Pimples, Stilt Joints,
ab.umatitesm, Lumbago, Sprains, Bruises,
Plies, Cuts, Sore Feet Pleurisy.
Sold by Druggists. 2bc. Try it once.
Lihby's Natural Flavor Foods
Cooked Jolt Ea.mb Right, fled, put "obits, -
Opening oan., You get them .t poor grow',
—teat u the I ilevrkleltalaand
nad,JInerri Yon weeep
bones with.
eat LtaPs FooD0 when IOU suet try them.
gfor oar booklet "Row To Moos U*m
oose To EAT.” It will ha sena tun
EACH ONE of the nine
Diamonds in the Brooch
shown here is a faultless
This is our No. 4704,
which we sell for $175—We
guarantee the quality.
Write for our new cudogue. It
Illustrates as unlimited variety .t
choke level prices.
Ryrie Bros.,
Tempe and Adelaide sows,
From tnrtmy dht't 00 purchaser, saving
over half In .price. To Introduce oar four In
one combination Instrument wo w1!!, on re-
eeipt of ave dollar'', ship one of Gusto Instru-
mento with luntl•n,tlnu book. Many will rr-
111e11111er these ttletrUaieli1, 0t 011 rxh11,010n
1)t late ex Ionitinn. Sante are told retail for
1 welt e dollars. Only Molted number of mules
*111 be made on 1 O 111411) 01 Introdnetln:1,
ltnynl Music Co., 1 n 'forou(o .l rcude, 'l'orou
to, Out.
1 'untetener.
There are vntdons expenditures
(1111t ya•event the aceumulat!on of
riches, bat the prier mild for a
clear cohscienee keeps mighty few
people poor
all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Elem.
lehea from horses, mood Spaeth, Curbs,
Splints, Ring (tone, Sweeny, Stifles, Hpratua,
Sore and swollen 'J'hroot, coughs, etc. Have
d:0 by use of one bottle. Warranted mho
most wonderful Bletnt.h Cure ever 6011*u.
i Sold by all druggists.
Trivial Suit That Has ()Peopled the
1 Jlttenion ol'Many Judges.
Thyro is tow In the Willed Stetw
Supreme Court for the Re'0nd time
a eta that has become famous be-
cause of the prrsisteler of the par-
ties concerned anti the slunk anal iu-
cohed. (.I.'ven yeard age o young
(((1141 in the 'mplo,- of the Wabash
Railroad Company resignei, and his
re-Ignat ion was neer pled. Ills
wages ryas (1ot pttd, and bo
brought ...nit for them In the i-onrt
of n St. Lnnis Justice of the p0aec.
Ile Was given judgment for $H1,410.
The pnmpuny took nn appeal to the
Circuit court of the etty, but wits
'gain drfratod. Then it carried the
er;e to the supreme court of the
Silt,- of 'Missouri, which affirmed
the deci„ions of ow lower court R.
'1'11011, in the contention of the conn
pint that the ((01.111 of Missouri had
1.ailed to reeognlzo tate nets of tint
tuotrtr' of a Risttr state, It was
taken to the .-uprrnle court of mite
foie .l Staled. 011ier com14ltcaltons
1•'1114' in through attachment pro-
eredto,qs by a (rminor of the plaiu-
1111 against the road. •
ltler the cane had berm on the
docket 01' the aupr)nu' cum't for it
year n .440(11!on we 0 handal down
affirming* 1111' decisions of the M!4-
:o11ri courts, Then n hill of Inter-
p!„nd,'r (41,4.1 put In by the company
and a demurrer to the bill by the
attorney for the plaintiff. Far a
time the 011.5e caner before the
St. Loa t., court of appeals. to still
b,, decided against the company. An-
other 11101 ion for a hearing In the
stale 0.11p TM), court watt denied, but
nn 11(Pltcation to Jt,1ICP Brewer to
nave the nude certified to the (Mll-
e.! Slates auprrlae 001111 carts grant-
ed. aid there 11 is now for the ger-
o11,1 lime awaiting adjldirnitun, Tliis
was flu' first edge of rt young' Ilis-
soari lawyer, and it has leen the
making 04 him. AN h1) has .von 11)
every contention, the costs hove
intim on 11' eonlptny, whim 111114
tuns far paid out over K11,1100 to
save $810(4 —Chicago chronicle.
' Minard's Liniment Cures La Grippe.
A Common
Bred Cow
When toned up by
Dick's Blood Puri-
fier will give as
much and as rich
milk asahighly
Jersey cowgives
upon or-
feed, and
a Jersey
cow when
will wonderfully increase her yield
of milk. It saves feed too, because
a smaller amount of well digested
food satisfies the demands of the
system and every particle of aour-
slahment sticks.
60 cents a package.
Lowing, Mlles Qt Co., Agents,
Sewing Girls Have Fewer Chance.
Than Their Sisters Generally.
N'ond'r lien often been expressed
at the number or metvung gh•Io who
never wed. The fact 1s that the
girl who plies her noodle for n, live-
IlhlX)d is out of the way of getting
a huehand. Silo does not rune in
contact with men in her work, as
other girls do, and with so little time
for anything but her work oho does
not make the acquaintance of mar-
riageable men. The very nature of
her employment evelude0 men from
her society during her working
boam ller associates, and even her
employers, aro almost invariably of
her own sex. No chess of women
are more deservtag of good hus-
bands than are the Women who make
their living with their needles. Miley
are usually modest, refined and do-
mestic. They do not hunt hug.
halide. and, being 00 Wilndrawn
from the dally lives of Wren, husbands
.M not usually hunt them because
they do not timidly know of them.
What Kept Him,
Jam10 was the faithful henchman
of a certain squire. Ho was not
particularly Intelligent In appear-
ance, but the villagers maintained
that Jamie "was no' situ a foo' as
Ile looked.'" Ono of ills duties %vee
to exercise hie master's dogs. Un-
known to the hqulre there was a
deadly feud existing between Jamie
and Brn—a fine Scotch collie, Jamie
had been bitten anti had sworn to
be revenged. One morning he turned
up at the hall mints ono of lila
charges. "Where's Ben?" demanded
the squire. "I dinttm ken," respond-
ed Jamie, "fie wad stop an' coont
the stenos at the bottom 0' the
river, sa0 1 left him." "counting the
stones! What do you moan ?" "Why,
sir, I flung a stand Into the wa-
ter and Ben fettered It. if Ile isn't
menthe the 4tnnes, what keeps
him? for i hoe 1111 seem him 'yne,"
"Do yon moan to say he's drowned?"
Jamie wasn't 51110 on tho point, but
Ben "bad na coon up yet." It Wile
only when the body was recovered
that the squire found out the whole
truth, Jamie "flung a steno into
t' wetter" right enough, and Ben
followed—but by compnlgion. Ho
was connected to the "thane" by a
piece of rope.
New York Central end Hudson
River Railroad.
The above name la a hnnaehnl4 word and
the enpertor excellence of the road should be
nulOrlent to ottreet moat people, but now
that the rate 1s the tame to New York and
potato east ns by other Innes no farther re.
nmmendatinn should be solght. Every-
body *111 Iell you It the beet,
Sltprt•.t1/ions or01her bands Adopted
by 1'a.
Many and curious urn the customs
regarding brides. In Switzerland the
bride 011 her wedding day will permit
no one. not et en her parent a, 10 kiss
her upon the lips. In parts of rural
England the cook pours hot water
over the, threshold after the bridle{
coup!' have gone, itt order to keep int
warm for another bride, reports the
London Globe. The pretty custom of
throwing the 'dipper originated In
France. An old woman seeing the ear-
rlag' of her young king—Louis N41).
—passing mi his Way from 1lie 'htwill,
where he load just ken married, took
off her shoe, told% flinging It at his
coach, cried out, ""('IA ell 1 have,
Your Majesty. but may the blessing
of Goll go with it." There Is an old
superstition in Germany agnt401 mar-
riages In May. .t favvorite wedding
any In Scotland is Dee. :11, KO that
till` young ample can leave their old
life with the old year and begin their
married life truth the new one The
Italians permit no wedding gifts that
are sharp or pointed, comieeted with
w1,1c1) practice Is our superstition
that the gift of a knife severs friend -
slap. (Inc hrer1tiful marriage custom
Is that of the bride, immediately 1(f ler
the ceremony, flinging her bouquet
among her maiden friends. She who
eateh''. 1t is destined to he the next
Mlnard's Liniment for Rheumall.nn,
Parents Have Mulles to Perform.
Work villa Times.
The proper place for religious In-
struction Is 111 the holm' and In the
churches. Few parents who love their
children .could with 10 surrender tho
*aerial duty of instilling religion into
their 111(io hearts to it comparative
stranger who might tench them any
(object lona hl' creed 01 doctrine. Our
school teachers already have too
much to do without adding to their
I burden. The nest thing we know
some entlurshlst will rise up and
demand that the teaehrrs in Cana -
111t11 schools he ordared to wash and
dress their pupils.
Messrs. C. C. Richards & Co:
Gentlemen,—Theodore Doral/, a cus-
tomer of mine, was completely cured
of rheumatism aiter five years of
suffering, by the ludlelous 1100 01' MIS-
The above fact can be verified by
writing to hitt, to the parish priest
or any of Ids neighbors.
lferehnnt, Nt Isadore, (flue,
May 1^_Ib 18Dii.
Seel -et Jiarriage of One of Them to the
Duke of Gloucester.
"Ina drawing -room of ono of the
statrDeot mansions of P1111 -Mall, at
an early hour of the evening o[ Sept.
B. 17410, a ycnng and lovely woman
Was tatting alone. The house," writes
Mr. A. W. Jamie, in the Pall Moll
Magazine, "was the town residence
of Maria, Countess -Dowager of Wal-
degrave. The solitary' occupant of the
room With the 1.011.1111036 (011e of the
Misses Walpole), who, though she
was the mother of three children,
and hail (teen a widow for about
three years, -woe still in the flower
and freshness of the girlish beauty
that seven or eight years before hall
won for bre the passionate love of a
rich and powerful earl. Ere many
utu,,leltts had passed, a well -looking
gentleman, whew slight figure and
comely face entitled him to be de -
embed e0 a handsome boy, entered
the room. greeting the lady nlltetlon-
ately. Tu" gentleman was the Duke
of Gloucester, brother of the reign-
ing Sovereign. These two young peo-
ple hnd been 104ers for many mo11011.
Fearful of exciting the King's opposi-
tion, they were about to be secretly
married. Ten minutes later they were
joined by the lady's dom'gtio '(4030
lain, tete Rev Robert Morton, who,
prayer -look in hand, proceeded to
Perform the office for which he had
I cru Matted. It. was a scene fort the
(tage. The bride was still a girl In
.appearance, and the boyish bride-
groom in hie twenty-fourth year. The
ultar wttn a hula -table, littered with
knit'k-knacks and the volumes of the
11141 arty 110101. The time was be-
tween seven and nine in the evening,
and the curtained drawing -room,
that for the 00/11111011 did duty a0 a
chapel, was lighted with a few can-
dles. For five whole years the secret
was Jealously guarded."
Month After Month a e dd ,tleks, itnit
1001110 to tear holes In your throat. Are you
aware that earn a stubborn and long ne-
glected roil 1s eared with Allen's hung
Balsam? Cough and cold worry you no
Properly Reticent,
N. Y. Herald.
Mother ihorrifterl)-0h, Tommy,
what will your father say when he
SOPS that you have smashed his shav-
ing mug and broken the front gate?
Tommy—Well, mamma, Idou't think
1 w,utld like to repeat It before you.
ST.ATT Or (1:10, ('ITV Or TOLEDO, 1.4„
FR INH .t.l'In:NEY mike. onth that hate the
senior partner of the arta of F. J. C:u:NuY s
Co., doing business In the City of Toledo,
County and State atorennid,nnd tun teapld aria
w1)1 pay the num of (1NF, HUNDRED DOL-
LARS for each and every elm. of C11A00:
that cannot be cured by the use of 1.1A1.1,',
Sworn to before me and subscribed to my
pmeence, thls 0t b day of December, A.D.,1886.
Notary Public.
Hail', catarrh run. ie taken Internally and
acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces
of the votes'. Send for testimonials, free.
1'. ,f, CHEENEY Or CO., Toledo, 0
Bold bynil drngglois-75e.
Haire Family Pills are the beet,
Eve Tempted Adam.
And Adam has been tempting Eve
ever sines. Itnaglne a man selling
a woman rancid butter while keep-
ing her attention fixed on a "prize"
given with the raneld butter! A wo-
man may be tempted by "prizes"
to buy common soaps, that she may
not know w111 goon ruin her clothes
and bands. Hat she soon rinds out
the difference between common
soaps and Sunlight Soap. She finds
Sunlight Soap --Octagon Bar—a prize
1n itself. Her clothes last longer,
and her hands are saved from
eczema, 220
Cruelty No Name fin. 11,
Brooklyn Lite
Clara—Don't you think It's cruel
to wear birds on hate?
Maude—Norse than (111(1—it's un-
Lever', Y -Z (IV lee Head)Dieinfeetant Soap
Powder is better than other soap powders,
as it also acts a a diainfoctaut, 14
Mohlnn's ()pillion of Man.
New York Weekly.
Prnelbrnl Father—Has that young
man who wants to marry you any
money 7
ROnIahtle M1101—Money 7 H•' gave
me a cluster diamond ring studded
with pearls.
Prncttea1 1'at her --Yrs, I know, Iins
he any mom'y lett
Minard's Liniment le the beat.
Reasoning it. Out.
Whale agton Star.
Boldly—Mamma, ant Ia tad?
alamnut-1'es, Bobby.
Bobby—And is MS new- papa MY
glee -father ?
IManlma—Yeti. •
Bobby --Then, ata I Its step -Rudder?
For Internal and External npppllralion '
we have found Perry Bowls' Painkiller of
great value, tad we earl recommend it for
colds, rheumatism, or fresh wounds and
bruises.-4'I:rlstlun Era. Avoid nil hntitu re's.
Montreal Herald.
"Are you fond of birds :"' she asked
innocently, as eh' stood at the piano
tumbling the music.
"1 dearly love them," he replied
with never a shallow of suspicion.
Then she ran her slender finger
over the keys and began to sing:
"Oh, Would I Were a Bird,"'
.4 new nest will be built In the
Minard'n Liniment the best Hair Re-
1:0011x111 leaf.
A 'good many people think they
are 'very economical when they ab-
stain from going in debt for some-
thing ,they don't need.
PilesTo prove to you ,that Dr.
Chases Ointmuntlsneertain
and absolute euro for each
and every form of itching,
blending and protruding pilus,
the manufacturer. have guaranteed It. See toe.
timonialo in the daily proms and ask your neigh-
bors what they 'Adak of it. You can use it and
get lour money back if not en rod. One a box, at
all dealers or IIDMAN,ON,DA'I'r.4 & Co.,Toronto,
Dr, Chase's Ointment
ISSUE NO. 46, 1902.
POULTRY, White helli bought outright,
Chopin, Comb and )Ittraeted Honey
1100,1 fm'fllites for handling. Consignments
u111r1led. Cornwpoadenrm inv heel and prompt -
iv attended t1). Beeswax and Buckwheat
floury 0 anted. will pay 1:, cents per Ib. for
JIIHN J. FEF„ 62 Front tit, East, Toronto
Mr.. Wlealow's Soothing Syrup should
always be used for Children Teething. le
soothes the child, ,of tent thegum ,out*. wind
code and or the best remade' for Diarrhoea.
The quality standard from Ocean to
Tour money
1 ok If n,teattdae tory
Agoura, Montreal.
That molt detlrable property known an
the Zimmerman Farm, situated e1nse 10 Bur-
lington Junctlen, rontnluing 37 arms; beat
Kandy loam: abundance 1,1 trait 1 two hnlitee
and outbuildings. 1401,1 141 whole or 10 lure
lot,. Easy terms. Apply
40 Wellington al`. mouth, llutnllton, Ont.
bountifully engraved,
American lever, short
wind and 10111; ram, heavy betel 417*
til, stem a hut, stem set, reg11100 1•i
4410, hely guaranteed, 0 genuine gond
timepiece. A great bargain. Order
new. Sent Ly' mall, pont paid.�
Address Dept. A., VI—
SUPPLY CO.. Hamilton, Ont.
Study any of our TEN splendid
coarses by correspondence. 4,othinyt
like them. Results got rnntced. Seal
for our new catalogue ISPE('IAL1
nal thus take lour next hest step
towards a morn successful curter.
Correspondence Department Central
Business College, Toronto, Ont,
W. ll. KIM*, Principal.
Photo Paper.
Prints at night by any light
Sample dozen, 4x5, with package
of Developer and photo, mailed for
25e. Hold by
518 Queen St. W
Canadian Agent
5 cent Cigar
Guaranteed Clear Havana Filled
embodies practically the entire contents
of the myriad letters daily received front
our patrons.
—This universal and unqualified satiafaa
lion to patrons is our proudest achieve.
meat. It has been, in fact, the corner-
stone and foundation of OUR MAIL
ORDER BUSINESS—the secret of our
growth—the builder of our *access.,
—0 you are nut of town, and not eomo
rnant with the design, quality and
price of our
Watches Brooches Rings
Pendants Chains Lockets
Silverware Toilet Artides, Etc.
containing photographic production of
our goods.
—On page 28 you will find our Special
Lathes' Ik Gold Watch, fitted with our
special movement. Price 426.00. This
watch is full guaranteed by us,
Buy from the Manufacturer and Save Money!
when writing for Catalogue, mention this paper.