HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-11-13, Page 5BUTTER AND EGGS The undersigned Is prepared to buy all good Butter sad Eggs offered at onr shop, Farmers will do well to sell all their Tub Butter. Fresh hulls will soon be in demand. Bring your Butter and Eggs and all kinds of grain and get the highest priee,in cash. M°MILLRM & CO. Mosley street - Blyth New Fruits Our new Raising and Currants are beautiful goods. We cannot get nicer —so clean and fresh looking. Raisins per ib., 10e. Currants 'iIhs,for 26c JAPAN TER New crop of Japan Teas are very high in price and are going to be higher. We have a 2bc Japan Tea that has made many customers for us, and unless the wholeeale price exceeds 26e, per Ib. we will still sell at the old price. I would advise cuetomers putting in a good supply, We will take all the nice, clean, picked Fowl you may bringf, us; also nice bright Dried Apples. Our rices are the highest for all kinds of Farm Produce. BLYTH'S OP -TO -DATE STORE, T. W. SCOTT TOWN TOPICS. —Miss Clara Moffat is visiting in St. Helene this week, —Mr. Thomas Watson, of Lucknow, paid a visit to Blyth friends on Sunday. —Dr. Albert Perdue, of Clifford, vis- ited his brother, Dr. J. N. Perdue, on Sunday. —)dies Mabel McBrlen, of Ripley, is visiting at the residence of Mr, George Moore this week. —The regular meeting of Blyth L.O.L. will be held in the Orange hall —Mr. W. J. Davie, of Ayton, was at EVERYONE CAN HELP THE raw ipAGiAti''AtAVAIL�1/4141'4At+'1441q�141�� 11AiA�A►I�A�IIAi hie home here over Sunday, —The Minims I.oakltart, of St. Helena, CONSUMPTIVE. visited Miss Nina Lockhart last week. 4A --Messrs Wm Bull and John Den- holm The New Few Consumptive Hospital holm are away to Manitoba on a bus]- Will Admit Consumptive* Absolutely nese trip. WllhontiCharge. —Mr. John Kelly and Misses Kate The appeal being made on behalf of the and Eesie Kelly, of Goderich, were in new Free Consumptive Hospital, built Blyth ou Tuesday. under the auspices of the National Sani• --Mrs. A. M. ljabb, of Teeswater, to tarium Association—the That Free Con-' visiting at the hone of her parents, Mr. sumptive Hospital in Canada—is one that and Mrs. Hugh McQuarrie. touches olosely the heart -strings of every --Mr. Joseph Page has sold his rest- man, woman and child the broad Domin- deuce on Drummond street to Mr. fon over, Where is the community, far John White. The price paid was $1tt9, or near, without its sufferers from this .Rev. J. Edmonds will conduct dread white plague? We are all in-' divine service next Sunday morning in terested in bringing thew relief and re - Auburn, afternoon in Beigrave, and storing them to health, family, and evening in Blyth. . active citizenship again. —Why we should vote for prohibition One important step in this direction on the 9th of .December will be the has been taken in the erection of the new subject of discourse in the Methodist, Free Consumptive Hospital, due to the church next Sunday evening. i beneficence of two Toronto citizens, and —A meeting for the purpose of organ- which is now nearly completed. When izing a lawn howling club will be held the workmen go out of the building, and at the Queen's hotel at eight o'clock on that will be almost immediately, all that Friday evening of this week. is wanted to make it ready to receive the Miss Zelia Carder had the mister- consumptive is that it be supplied with tune to slip on the terrace in der , beds and other furnishing appointments, father's lawn and evening last week and: no charge whatever being made for 1 badly sprained her left ankle. The - admittance. accident confined her to the house for i The National Sanitarium Association several days, , are already carrying too heavy a debt to 1 —Mr. John Mills died at hie residence undertake the furnishing themselves, in West Wowanosh on Saturday even- i but the way is open for each one to help ing. He had been ailing for several in raising the $10,000 needed for this months past with cancer. The funeral -purpose. The sum is not a large one, took place on Tuesday afternoon to Tenthousaadindividual contributions of Bull's ceinetery and was largely at- 81.00eaoh out of a population of nearly tended. Deceased was a highly es- 1,000,000 people would accomplish this teemed and popular resident of Westend. Some, of course, with their beads Wawanosh for many years. I racked by the sufferings of relatives, — We understand that Mr. W. G ra- friends, orfellow-citisens;wili,outeftheir ham,ex•reove of Stanley, and father of abundance, do better than this. Fifty Mre, James Sime, of Blyth, who re- dollarewillfurniehabed. Whatis needed cantly took up his nosidenee iu Toronto, is that the amount be raised quiokly,.thet lies decided to return to Huron county, tho many knocking at eke doors of the He miseos the friendships and amnia-'• National Sanitarium Association may tions of his early days, and finds that find a plane open for them, life in Toronto is too exclusive for him. Contributions for this purpose, $1.00 He has not decided where he will looate or more, will be received by Sir Wm, R. in the country, but will be back about Meredith, Chief Justice, 4 Lamport Ave., the 20th of the present month, Toronto; W. J. Gage, Eeq„ 64 Front St. —Mien Flora Watson left on Satur-' West, Toronto; or National Trust Co., day morning for Winnipeg. Her father Limited, Treasurer, 22 King St. East, accompanied her as far es Toronto. Tormto, Fifty dollars will famish a Shortly after Miss Wateon'e arrival at lfed. Winnipeg on Monday she was married UlatrusdnQ 9hontinq Accident. to Mr. Reuben M. West, foreman of the Olenboro Gazette, and a former Our citizens were greatly shocked on member of Tine STANDARD staff. Miss Friday evening when news reached the Watson was one of Blythe most pope- i vitlags that Mr. P, H. Murray had lar and estimable young ladies, and the accidentally shot himself while out „psxt Monday evening. best wishes of many friends here follow shooting in the woods near Brucefleld There are many cases of diphtheria her to her new home in the west, on Friday afternoon. Deceased only sin Wingham and the public schools are Supplementary meetings of the . moved from Blyth to Brucefleld three , closed in consequence. West, Huron farmers' institute will be' weeks ago yesterday. —Mr. Matthew Morris, of Brantford, held es follows: Wingham, November' On Friday afternoon he went out is visiting at the home of his parents, 24th ; St. Helens. November 25th; Port shooting with a couple of other gentle - Mr. and Mrs, Enoch Morrie, in Hullett. Albert, November 20th, and Auburn, , men, and while in the act of shooting a --Conductor Fitzgerald, who has been November27th, The woman'e institute 1 squirrel up a tree he accidently tripped „ill for sometime at Victoria hospital,will meet every afternoon in a separate over some brushwood and fell to the 1 London, with blood poisoning, is re- hall. The speakers will be Mr. A. , ground. His gun, which was cocked, .petted to he very low. Elliott, of Galt, Miss Maddock, of went off, the whole charge going .r -A meeting of the officers and direct- Guelph, Miss Green, of Loyal, end . through his left side just below the .en's of the Blyth branch of the Upper others. A special invitation is given' heart. He was found a few minutes Canada Bible society was held last young farmers to attend the afternoon i afterwards by one of his companions claming. Tke meeting was called for meetings, There will be a good musical • and removed to his home, one mile, odsespurpose of appoiuting canvassers program at each evening meeting. away, and medical persistence called. and c eotore. —A fugitive deer, chased from its His injuries were beyond all humau aid . r, Huth McQuarrie was seriously haunts by huntemen, struck Kincardine' and at five minutes past three oar ,Injured' about the head and shoulders one day last week and took to the Saturday morning his spirit took its: , one day last week, He was riding in a, water eouth of the G.T.R. depot and flight. , wagon when the..neat broke and he was swam out into the lake. Two parties' Deceased came to Blyth last January t thrown out to the ground. His injuries in rowboats went after him with lassoes. !from Egmondvilie and accepted the ,thaw since confined him to the house, Ho swam over a mile end a half out, position of engineer in the Blyth flour Jut we reglad to learn he is recover- from land, hut was lassoed. He was a - trills, During his residence here he Ing• fine big buck, In towing him home hie, made many friends and was thought a —Oats, Getlljge Powell gave a " kitch- head became entangled with the rope, great deal of by his ern; loyer, Mr. C. ea shower" ,,party at her pretty home which pulled hits under water, causing' H. Beese. One month ago he resigned on Wednesday ,evening of last week, death by drowning. On landing, all his position at the flour trills and pur- The party was given in honor of Mies who took part in the chase were served' chased the American hotel at Bruce - Flora Watson, who wae.about to leave with subpoenas to appear before the I field. He posseesed a quiet, unaesum- for Glstiboro, Manitoba, All those Mayor for infraction of the $eine laws. 1 tug disposition and was highly respected present hada merry taus aryl the guest In the excitement of the chase they had • by everyone, of honor was the recipient of many forgotten that tltdy were all unlicensed. I The funeral took place on Tuesday lawful kitchen utensils. The man who made the catch pleaded afternoon from Bruoefield to the Eg- -The services last Sunday in Trinity guilty and was fined $20 and costs. The monrlville cemetery and was one of the .Ohnreh were of a patriotic character• others were let off. largest ever seen in that section of ' The pulpit and reading desk were —Beginning with December bib the country. Thera were 185 vehicles in brighteaed with sags. The prayers, Elder -Dempster steamers will sail frotn the funeral cortege. Psalms and lessons were appropriate to St. John, New Brunswick, for Liver- Deceased was iii the nth year of his the occasion, and the rector preached pool and Bristol, England, each alter- age and six years ago was married to froth the wgrde: "Aimed is the nation nate week. 'Their lino new 90004011Miss Roth Jones, of Leedbnry, former- , whose God is the Lord, and the people twin-screw steamer Lake Er ia leaves on ly of Blyth, who, with three little child - that he hath chosen for his inherit -the above date for Liverpool and has ren, is left to mourn the loss of a kind • anon, aceoutniot etre❑ of a —There was no evening.,eerviee ie passengers. Those desiring to spend the t,ereaved widow and other relatives the Presbyterian Operch last Sunday, Christmas in England would do well to we extend our sincere sympathy in „owing to the anniversary services being make inquiry about the steamer Lake, their hour of sorrow. hold m the Methodist church. For Megartic, December lith, for Bristol, several years past it has been the sus- making through connections with all THE emADLE, tom with the Methodist and Presby- principal points over the Great Western MaVrTTte.—In East Wentworth, on , terian churches in Blyth to dispense railway. Frequent trains leave daily November 7th, the wife of Mr. Henry with the evening service when the ocher for London and make the trip in two McVlttie, of a son. , church was holding its euniversary ser- and a lair hours, Throughout the THE ALTAR. • leo This ie as it should he, and summer Beason the Lake Megantle has shows the noble Christian spirit that proved herself very popular with the KTLLY—MOLAUn1ILIN,—At Sr. Mich - exists between them, travelling public. She is un-to•date iu aol's church, Blyth, on November —Mr. Charles W. Lawrence has sold 1 every respect. Speoial low railway lith, by Rev. Fattier McMenamin, his farm, south heti lot 1, con. 5, Mor-! rates from Blyth to St. John. For full r. Patrick Kllyol Blyth. to Miss rte, to Messrs. Taylor Bros. for 88400,'iiiformatipn apply at Pits STANDARD Maggie •, The farm. contains 80 acres, is a choice - office, Blyth, THE TOMB. ,.one and le goodcrder, Mr. L•ewrence —Tho anniversary services of the AIURRAY.—Ill Brucofield, on November intends mov!tig froni Huron county.: Blyth diethodiet church were held lest 710, Me P. 11. Murray, formerly of Jae has always sen an excellent citizen Sunday and Monday. Rev, C. W. i Blyth, aged 38 years. and he has the best wshes of many ; Brown, I3.D., of Mitchell, preached MILLS,—In West \Vawanoah on Ne - friends fol' his .f w d are. He trill t able and profitable sermons to large] vendor 8th, Mr. John Mille,aged 69 held an auction sale of )arm stock, im-audiences on Sunday; in the evening Soars. ',plements end household, furniture one every available space in the church " ] t all three classes of and loving husband and father. 'Po Monday, November 17th. was tilled. On Monday evening a full —A $20,000.00 stock to select from. • —Some of our contenmeeeries appear house enjoyed the excellent musical' Rutter, lfio, Dried Apples, Sc. 0. E. to be indignant and surprised that the and literary program rendered, which KtNct, N'iugham, 18tf anthracite operators have int reased the,. consisted of a number of splendid an - price of coal, Did they think the cost theme by the choir, eeveral excellent of the strike was to come out of the•.ivartettes and duetts by local talent. pockets of the coal operators? Let' and three well rendered solos by Miss them make no ouch mistakes. The cost Belle Smith, of Brussels. Miss Minnie of strikes, protective tariffs, subsidies, ' McNaughton, of Brussels, added. erucic alienation of poplar rights, bad laws to the enjoyment of the evening by • of all kinds and failure to enforce food sw•o well rendered and touching rem - laws, all comes out of the pockets othe' tations. Brief, but very kindly wended people. The great donkey, the public, addresses were delivered by Rev. A. is heavily laden. .McLean, Rev, J. Edmonds and Rev. C. —An interesting experiment ie about W. Brown. The financial part fell a to be made in the cattle trade. The little short of the $150,asked for, but it Northwest, Territorial government is will doubtless he made up iii a few days. arranging to send 24 steers of grade Rev. John Holmes made an excellent cattle to be.gxhibited at the winter fair, presiding officer. at fluelph. After the fair these steers Wig be fed in Ontario for atx months Gerald stfyon Not Guilty. and then Apt to the British market. The trial $f Gerald Sifton for the Thewperiment is intended to find out murder ,of his father on June 80th, 104)0, if It will got,be more. profitable to feed took plce in London last week and the cattle. in this province.If such late no.Seturday night the jury et: - proves to be the case, Ontario farmers fuelled a ,verdict of not guilty. Thi will be able to ship young cattle to the was the second trial, At the Drst triol western prairies, and alter & year or the jury disagreed. two bring them back here, for final ----+ • 1 preparations tor the market, ' .—Subscribe for TRH OTA$DA1ip, Lime! Lime! Anyone in need of Lime in any quantity should write or telegraph us, and we will deliver the same where re- quired. A. Nicholson & Sons, TWO MILES EAST OF BELORAVE, BELBRAVE P.O. A 'A II McKinnon & Co. Blyth. REM' I UR �'1i'l( The recent arrival of $1000.00 worth of Ladies' and Gents' Fine Furs in Men's Fur Coats, Ladies' Fur Jackets, Fur Caperines, Ruffs, Muffs, Caps, Etc, is an event of more than ordinary importance. A few years ago some people thought it wise to go out of town .for their Furs, That time has gone by and they now look forward for McKinnon & Co's. Great Fur Exhibit, We are now able to show you the finest stock that has yet came within our doors, Buy your Furs early. There is no choice like first choice. Below we give you a few quotations which will give you an idea of the goods we carry : Black Coney Caperines, high storm collar, long front, 6 tails, ' regular $4, very special, $3.25. Caperines, in electric seal and astrachan combination, high collar, large cape, very special, $3,50. ,Electric Seal Caperines, high collar, long front, lined with satin, f, tails and chain, $4.50. American Sable and Astrachan Combination, long front, trimmed with tails and chain, very etylisb, $615. Bokara and Electric Seal Combination Caperines, high nollar, 8 tails and chain fastening, great value, $8.50. Alao a very large assortment of Oppossum, Electric Seal, Sable and Persian Lamb Combination Caperton, very stylish goods, at $t0, 812.50 and $15. Ladles' German Mink Ruffs, 4 tails, a snap at $L Ladies' Black our Ruffs, 6 tails and chain, $2. Black Oppossum Ruffs, 2 heads and 8 tails, 48. American Sable Ruffs, 6 tails and chain, $6. Ladies' Astrachan Jackets, in all sizes, at $22,50, $25, $30 and $40. McKinnon & Co. S1yti1. A A 3 .4:40,,,,,4 6I401 A A tA1fA1ra1.1r1i tAltlit?A4tj1:G'A„„„1IA� READY FOR YOU. We have just received entensive adJitioes to our FALL STOCK of 'LADIES' and GENTS' WATCHES, and we love some great bargains it! CLOCKS—nut stock is up-to-date and our prices right. In JEWELRY we are bound to suit yeti—we can give you aplendid choice and close prices. We carry a full supply of the NEW PRESBYTERIAN BOOK OF PRAISE 0 all the different styles and prices. Very special values in WINDOW SHADES and WALL PAPER to close out ends. REPAIRING carefully done and at right prices. FRANK METCALF STAID NERAND BLYTH ,I This el/Imbue is on every bol of tho genuine Laxative Bromo•Quiaioe TW1ste tW remedy feat nom p0008 4* ens deg. , The Popular Clothing House We have the New Fall Goods in great abund- ance and variety. You want to brighten up your dull winter toggery with some of these new de- lightfully stylish things for particular men's wear. You can rely on these styles being the very most correct New York or London furnishings. Wo have the largest and best stock of Men's Underwear in the town and aro selling stacks of them at prices that astonish .every- body. r7, .. BLYTH,. 17 �ci;