HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-11-13, Page 41C IUACHIE & RIIKCE the 1i h tandaxbe'ofee
elrgratifl d'1'hehtimeuh of the evar'sI M '31[31XXXXX XX2.1
13AN1ERS. coma for the policy of economy to call It
halt, as the last thing the government
-u` wants to make money out of is the
' RANbACT A GENERAL BANKING Taw BLYTR STANDARD, pnbliehed eve y iutercllto of intelligence. To raise
BUSINESS. Thursday morning, is a live local news- money q
paper, and has a large circulation in y out of the post Mike in order to
Kara,+r r U rlrc il Blyth and surrounding country, Making bonus steel works, or even ateflllshipe,
s e it i valuable advertising medium. Sub- would be the extreme of materialism.
►cription price to any part of Canada or ,U u rortunatel too, the euforcemrnt of
.^-,---.7-e--- the United Staten only One Dollar per y.
NOTES DiSCOUNTE,D, mount in advance ; $1.60 will be charged these econoriea hits been in various
Sale Notes a specialty. Advances 11 not so paid. Advertising rates ow details .vacillating and unequal, and
(Dade to farmers on their own tpplication. Job Pri ti n ti
thea I' caseated. Correspondence
u nq . ea a dna thus harassing and injurious to busi-
notes. j'to additional security' le- aewo' nature respectfully solicited, nese Interests, The post office is a
tluited. favorite object lesson presented by
1I1141,9M8T.ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates, THURSDAY, NO\'EMBER Id, 10t32, those who hold that utero aro many
We offer every accommodation con-' public services that. can by better per -
slaw with sato and consortativu MOBN FOR PROHIBITION.formed by the government than by
banking principles. I During the course of Ilia prohibition private enterprise. Itt Great Britain
UNLiIIiTED PRIVATE FUNDS address at Kingston on Tuesday last, the system has been extended so as to
To loan on Real Estate at lowest, Hon, 8, C. Biggs, KC., in speaking on include telegraphs, telephones, and, to
rates of lnteiest, some extent, the express business by
the referendum, said:
GENTS "S d I asked Premier enlargement. of the parcel Pest delivery.a
L Beinin A Some
Sys ago e
Persons wishing to sell will do well Ross whether he was going to vote for
Except in the parcel delivgry, govern-, 14 Come and See Them.
to placet)JIeir property on our"}fat the measure or not, He replied: "Yes,'ment tnanagement has not toren as
for sale. stents cnlloo1 d. I am; and more than that, I shall: successful in Great Britej.n as private
, CONVEYANCING shortly address a circular to my friends, enterprise ill this country and in the4
•Of all kink promptly attended to. and supporters to the effect that if they ; Unite,l States. This may bo owing to ` 5000 f bs. Dried Apples
conditions not common to all countries•
have any regard for my wishes they' 1
AMERCE. re' Sir Wm. Mulock has deolnred himself ,
also will vote for the Referendum bill."
We represent the leading Fire and {u favor of following the Ih itish pro- i Wanted.
Life fully ante companies, and re- Mr. Biggs added "'!'here is no doubt ,
tigspeetfully solicit your account about Mr. Ross having made this state -
but while it may he ndcisable'
tnent, and if he does not keep bis word, to place all government telegraph lines
he will hear from me later." under the control of the post office
OFFICE HOURS : 10 A.M. to 8. P.M. department, with a vie* tp possible j Anderson
CAHIT$T CHANtIEO AT OfTAVirA. extensions in the future, the project is a
Hon. Junes Sutherland and Mr. Ray- one which ander existing conditions
Blitiri08g jQPdS. mond Prefontaino were sworn in by may safely berdeluyed, As yet, WO do ' ,B YTH
the governor-general at Rideau hall at not know what revolution the wireless i r1
EL. DICKINSON, noon on Tuesday, the former as minis• system of telegraphy may bring shout, ,,,g r p
BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, HTO., ter of public works and the latter as tut there is no need as yet for a change. g:N63E21M 1411 MENZINC3EXI1rilid
Nolte/tar for Bank of Hamilton. Mosey. to minister of marine and fisheries.
taiThese But if Mr. Blair gale his trans•conti- .. _
ga. Oma, Meyer blpok, Wtughem. are the cabinet changes which have notal government railway, there would
followed the rtthe of0 Hon. J. be a parallel argument in favor
J. b JACKSON, aA.' Israel Tarte front the government. "Srin. Mulock getting his post office
BARE:STEIL SOLICITOR, ETC. The transfer of MT. Sutherland to the telegraph System.
Orleveywowell Hammon. store,
h. Raney
PNotstry retoria cid.c. aok dtpr yer public works department and the ale- E N N
,pow4$1'e atm'er Blyth. Money to )end. 'ration of stir. Prefontaine to cabinet TTOR{F1 NCi8 OF FANATICISM.
rank were,definitely determined on Sat -
ignorance and fanaticism of tilt,
J S. MOMS, L.D.B., urday by the prime minister, who Russian it asantry fined illustration in
J DENTIST. acquainted his colleagues with his many way lt. The latest exhibit among .,
Om►e In the Pretoria blook, Myth. Bpeolal decision at council that afternoon, the Doukhoboms in the Northwest is a5 f qq Qualities
ma sa paid to the,,,umisi of the tet that of a young female who Claµns to be 1 U V, 12ia to l c for V e e
feral teeth. Allo the preservation low as to f the n t..., stitutional procedure, however, had
with good work. Gold work• specialty. the 1, Wen,. Ery, She has many fol- y ,Q
to be followed, and format announce-
ment of the cabinet changes wag with- • lowers,
fa 0. LINDSAY, M.B. i+
held until MOuday, 1n Rusaid, •Fatttsr John Kronstadt, a
:famous priest, has become the subject
Rsaeseor to Dr, Tett. Graduate of the Thal. POST OFFICE PROSPERITY. i of almost blasphemous veneration. A These are remnants and odd e from ds frothis season's se11-
„veralty of Toronto, Member of College of Pby- silent time ago peasant in the (lot• P
Natalie and Surgeons of Mauritz Former%p of
One of the heal proofs e[ the progressq a
, London, and Edinburgb,SCutland, hos- of the Dominion and the generalprosper-ernment of Kostroma wrote a hymn in lung' (also one bale of Flannelettes bought and sold by file
ptadb 0mee and reddens, toot lately ooeu- people q honor of father John, placinghim
pled by Dr. Telt, Hlyth, ity of the leo le is given in the lost pound) and known amongst dry goods dealers as Mill Ends.
office report for the last fiscal year. almost on an equality with the persons
TW. J. slats°, 51,11.0.01.
For the first time in the history of the of the Trinity. The Kroonstadt priest
rsysiQagpl_414D Stjity1NON. deiutrtmeut thers,ltaa been a Surplus of wrote a severe letter to the peasant re- I,he.lengkjls vary from 2 tQ I,Q and t_2 yards► Splendid
Quotes tvenity Feif Trinity
Trinity College
edoai revenue over expenditure. This is all' buking him for his blasphemy, but this qualities•in popular color effects. Early shoppers will get the
Quotes, and of member Coltegt of tyh etdaae the more significant when the vast had no effect, so that ho was compelled
a d S offs of Ontario. coroner or the to go in person to Koetrona in order to [fain snaps, so be on hand ,early. We hve sold al-
mabet r
(ready of Huron. no., one door north pi the extent of the territory covered by the
Commercial hotel, ten input, Blyth.service is taken into 9 onsideratipn. The put a stop to the growth of a sect which most half a bale in three days.
most striking feature in the report Ls was being founded to worship him.
J. $1)CKSTEP, the intirease in the number of lettere There are cases in which peasants
carried. This is indicative of two openly meintt in their conviction that ,100 Remnants of Flannelettes, assorted,in'Epglish, Cana-
CbolaetookofTobaccoe,Cigars and Pipes on things -business activity and a high Father:1On is the Christ., the re;ncarna- dian and American snakes, largessortment of solorin
band. Agent for the Parisian Steam Laundry tion of the Divine Spirit. In particular,
. Hosea Blest, Myth. steto of popular intelligence -and these' designs, inches,regular toe 12 %j
are further shown by the remarkable there is one aged pilgrim who holds fast g ` 28 to 36zC to I C per yard,
i' HAMILTON' increase in the money order, postal note'',to this belief in spite of all efforts made to clear at per yard, 80.
AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR. and registered letter branches. But it,, to turn him from it, and who, when he
Quo ''p LoanreeanydttIn Orden (Agentt TOmsmoK is by comparing the figures of the bull- is arrested and threatened with ppnish• tGDme in and see howyou can save money byspending {t.
Ilaanoma►IRlreaef epromptatt0nttou. nese done by the post office with the ment, declares with enthnsiastp that
y p g
- ---population of the conning that an idea he will gladly die for bis Saviottr.
K BRAWLS, of the energy, activity and enterprise this is the spirit which prevftis
We Have No Hard or Soft Coal or
Corner in Wood.
But we have a splendid lot of Gents' Good, Warm
and Stylish Overcoatav, You will do well to see
them before buying.
We have also just received a large lot ,of Gents'
Gloves and Mitts for fall and winter wear at sur-
prisingly low prices -to see .Mem means buy.
Also a line of Crompton's Celebrated Corsets just
arrived in all the newest .designs,
Business in the Millinery department is immense.
Another large lot of New Hats just remixed.
BTEAa1s&1P A4$NT, i of the people can be obtained, Thus a among the oaxe people in the North-
Eldoente i. Om and, St, told
any •population of, say, five and a half mil-, west, who have been wandering Si E R R I N T 0 N
inns reP Bumps.
L summer
un t rate tots to any ' through the snow in search of the
ppass t pfl4mope•LOw Yllremer ?steeper/ In lbws. hefts Ill rood numbers sent through
ST,pl»eofSteamers and dates of exiling furnished I the (nails 282,855,000 letters and post Redeemer, and are ready to die for
• on eppilatlon to Tam Brasnaya mire, Myth. cards of all kinds duringthe their religion. It was the same spirit
year. R I
I This, while showing great improvement -if those who talk of using force to
PwOP. 8. L. TAURE,
MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN AND compared with the past, is still a very restrain those poor people would stop to
EYE SPECIALIST. I poor showing compared with ether think of it -that saved the Christian . 114
Ail kind,oT epeetae,es and Eyeglasses made' English-speaking countries. It gives religion from extinction in the early f fYag
42.2 es the number per head for Canada centuries of our era.
for 1902, compared with 05,9 in 1901 for Therefore, be gentle with the religious FOR GOOD HEALTH
(sheat Britain, and 181,0 in 1.900 for the fanatic.
.l,nited States; for New South WOOS, DLY IH MARKETS.
58.78; Victoria, 66.62; jslueenslagd, Blyth, Nov. Ig. -Wheat Ifo to 050, Barley,
see to 400. Peas, 58.3 W 13o. Oats, 050 10 800
44.8`3; South Australia, 50.85; Western lsgge, Wu to 170. Bator, 150 10100. Potatoes,
Australia, 77.58; Tasmania, 61,87, and 180to1/ . IR"' It , 0. Hay,55to51 ata: r •
New Zealand, 51.75, In 1898 Switzer- Wood, M te.aea64.1o5ol0 Duow,e1TSotoo.
land beat us with 48.7 a head, and' oblokena, 5o to 7e,
to order. Special attention Riven to fitting the
.>a Orders by well loom' fly attended to
illaware of parties using my name as 1 employ
wo travelling agents whatever Satlefaotiou
skeet toW.Toronto. 10TJ. 154 Richmond
St. Thomas, Ont.
.The farthest south, and ono of the Sweden in 1898 with 40.6 a head. .00 . LIVE STOCK MARKETS.
.1ar_jleat and beat equipped in Canada. the other hand, we are ahead of the Toronto, Nov Il -Receipts et the asitia mar•
Preparatory studies. German empire with ire 84.8 a head in 1 5fye sheep au,l letpbe, 747 bogs, and 2b calves.
Graduating Courses-1\f.L.A•, M.E. Trade was on the whole fslrl9 soave end prices
L., Piano, Organ, Sin ing, "Violin, Fine 1899, and of Franco and Algeria, with a little firmer than teat weak, Etport, 544u to
• Art, Elocution and Physical Culture, ,their 24.9 a head. Compared with 1890, :56 ; a rs mite ertra to gin 55,10; export ane
butehota mixed, $4 to 54.40; hatcher leaden
,Domestic, Science, Commercial, and leaving out the 'Yukon and Atlin 53.06 to 5a; fair to molum loads, 5320 to
Healthiest location Moderate Char- 53.00 rough and inferior mixed cattle, s2 75 to
gee. Writs For catalogue to services, Sir Wm, Mulock shows fine es, 7rbere was a frit demand foC feedbK siesta
1 P' q progress in the increase of 844 Offices in • Tight weight.; good bonito, lsteers, 1000tto 1160
REV. PRIN. WARNER, M.1., R.I), the ordinary postal service and an in lbs., 53.(0 to 54 23; bans, 52.60 to 5336. Sheep
and lambs were aotive, mud alt sold; exI'ort
creased 'nail carriage mileage of 4,461,-. twee, 50.26 tQ,;uo; iamb•, 5x.26 to 5a 76. H000
109 mile,, Post office savings banks , are steady at 50 Inc the Leat and 5676 for light
show an increase of 260, or 84+1' percent, TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET.
and money o
orderfficls ova h omegas 1010. d i To06ronto. Nov. 11.-Dellvariee of grain on the
4;111 ;
{ 1
1} f 11 '
O(• 1 I 1
Ira ard,` 0
r warket today totalled 8800 W,bo,
'- by 751, or 571 percent, while there are! seatnet 2500 buapels yesterday. Priebe': aro
-steady, HuyerO report tuese sales: White
now 41r0$ postal 0010 offices, which is d=wheat, 800 barbels at 700 to 720. Red wheat,
There ' 200 bushels at 71 1-1c. Goose wheat, 800 bu•bele
new departure, 1 here has been an • at Seo Barbv,1500 bnabela at 461.20 t0 411-2C
I incrrnse of 86,819 in the number of . Oats, 1006 bueltela at 21000300 Rye, 100 bushels
savings bank accounks, or 28 er•ent. let 611-2a Ray, nnmmy, so lease xt us to
Naomi graduates have eccapt ,d gond post.
510; mixed hay. M6 to 50 •rho market tar
Oboe at 540, e,5, 550 and e(Y1 nor month, and n
arid an increase of t36,o05 1❑ savings deeeso,l L"ge is 11010 )y. lluotvtIons ern 0760 t„
raw' days ”do en a ,pncatlou was received offer. , 58. !'IIP 7.001 kat Ier p0latne0 to arta, with de-
fog one of aur gia uetns of last Lean u salary 00 bank transactions, or If(i percent. The mond go. d. DOalere pay Lem 76;I to 860E h,.g
%4580 per minim. This a the tied et evidenen in ear:uud lou, tbo latae f u Photos edea 14e -
money oder traneacrions ftave increased tri prise, 550 n, 5100 a bag Eggs, newlaid, 22e
you aro ,nokiot ter to to the 1 ol,t school b t, , to ev. Cheese loo to 130, butter, pound runs
µtend. Catalogue free. Enter th,a month if by 28 ,d42, and the total has increased 160 to 100 crooks Ha to 190, lithe 140 to 160, iu-
poseible.. ' by $8,802,906. Although there was fertor110 to 14o; creamery, 10010 210 tot prtutx,
' W. J. ELLIOTT - 'PRINCIPAL 181 to SW for tube, Spring chickens, 400 to 700
$19,081,862 more tranntpitted by the ver pair. Fowl, 400 to 000 per parr; Dunae, 5gc
' postal serf ice in 1902 than in 1806, the tiWe eeie oro tpai per. urke3 pound, 100 to I20per pound.
A. 0. U. W. I total amount of postal notes alone last
Blyth lodge, No. 147, Ancient Orderer Uelted year having amounted to $1,012,026. Oslo $ewleter.
„Workmen; meets In the Workmen hall, if his object was to gave money on Mondeo, November 17th. Si lot 1.
;bleak on rhe 2•,1 and 4th Thursday is every con. 5, Morris. Falco stock and lulple-
p,pteate at eight ',se. Vesting brethren are the most educational of all departments, mems. 0. W. tSb no t e, lrroprietor.
aeseisii7Isvno'. N Ctansa,Wtet. T, J. Bre* .
nyyl LtsoOanaa: 41t ; the postmaster-gebcral dies reason to, C, }dannilton, auyttonear.
To preserve or restore It, there is no better prescription
for men, women and children thy.n Ripens Tabules. They
are easy to take. They aro made, of a combination of medi-
cines approved and used by every physician. Ripens Ta -
butes are widely used by all sorts of people -but to the
plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need.
Ripens Tables have become their standard family remedy.
They are a dependable, honest remedy, with a long and suc-
cessful record, to mire indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and
stubborn constipation, offensive .breath, heartburn, dizziness,
palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, W41scular,rheumatiatn,
sou' stomach, bowel and liver complaints, They strengthen
weak stomachs, build up rain -down systems, restore pure
blood, good appetite Flpd sound, natural sleep, .;Everybody
derives constant benetlt,from a regular use of Ripens Tabules.
Your druggist sells them. Tho five -cent packet is enough
for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 60 cents, con-
tains a supply for a year.