HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-11-06, Page 8THE MAD MULLAH Of SOMALiLAND. Who lie is and What the Trouble Is nil About. si!.l.:.n.wsMA+HGiAs...80i�i�tAir1sRW ll'hlettgu l'hrouirh.l ,;Ile 111 ler. Pathan roams., although (treat Britain Is again 111 trou- ble. 'Chis time It :s the Mad 1101- 11Irii nn, 11" 1:111 net luiv dap In the 1('011111 tie` ISrltl,b wore het ing with duh ul' 8owu101110 who in dlspalltl11 the Ahkl1101 of Swat. the right of the British 11 g1terll Ablullnh had accepted tt1U,000 le Idmsor 410,1 his y,00,,, „Id ,4l the , Al from 1411 • gooses representative. fend c u considerable whit If h`1' had surreptitl0urly invested fuun11cn1 fullawrl"i Iwo Ircltu'0d f i lerable force of i' war against King E,hvtu'd, Selera' 1411 4'08011 alfa he lots found to be n G4nsral Anderson !tad, planned to tough customer to dent wltit, hat- talk" a °Mace turd soMe t1a Yttllah Ing Noon one of this chief obstacles in 1lulntitm of this ling of troun- to an early settlement of the war P•1 Tho latter knew this or sus - in lho smooth 1l" Iron molly u0rr- meted It lull after uppetre1n11y agree- nt if body of come, however, laid It was hoped sullh eelllwho t'Otn114 g on the Brills!' that Ids rebellious spirit was 1'f- purls told 00001111 General Anderton fechullly rak, utllh 'lues nut off a prlson:r nlmost under the 0,ve14 r to 117:;71;,e0 the can" bun' e em - nl his troops. lin wad un1,1' rrlense'I ever, for his Id' now salt l0 N` as e »flee a Iwl yntcnt of k50,0))0 til 41 full of tlg1t as ever nn,l (1011 „quip_1401 6(duns from lhr Mod 1tu1141J nn pod fm.' carrying on It protracted ' the alrtlesof lvflrhu'c, resistuuce to the British author A Plows Leader. toy. tiomalllnu l Is but n small mutt- TI11 ;,Ltd 1Adlah 14 811 deeply re- try 14ltuuled some tea degrees 111(1111114 tiult h,tl( the 14 111011 in hie south of the equator—ural' the 0+Imp aro engaged ht player when northwest roast of Africa. 11 Is (hay nee not drilling or attending for tato most part n desert, 0111 ' to flute ramp duties. The nullves the people „boo. h,l' nude 111th aro absolutely fearless of death and the surrounding trlhes. They ore believe that defeat ender this Yid nomadic, like must desert ,dwell- Mullah is Itu{gi 1t,te, 11 1111 hold to ern, wed n11 attempts to civilise I alt,, slew th'llt hearts' Is the reword them hive 101(000 0111110. ''111.11' 1'0- of 111 those. who die by tate bullets Ilgtu11 is lluhamwrduu, 1001 like 11 of Um lotted (1111. followers of 1Ile prophet they fli1 I "rent itrItolu 1.e 111 nu butnor for with Qesper0llun, drrw0ag It a 0.800 stn then ar. Talo Iko s llampaigr passport to 110111011 to fall In hitt- tle, • vet. Of cola's, India Iwo au 0n0r- operatlons of the 111111lhdlnt, moue army of native troops officered 1 Mnllnmmed ,t lulhlh,' ltegnu hy' Eagttohlnen, but to e('nd them early In 1409, when 11e led a raid away c'ou'ld be to tevito,another up - against a neighboring tribe on the riling and Uro old mutlity le sot for - pretext that its members Fuld stolen g tell.,Personally,the 11011 llullgh is an meads trout ids people, Flu was thee, ralruoCluury mnu. J10, elide despls- e% ordinary wallah or kriest, 1014! alter' o towbar of sucees1ful odds 1'111 the civilization of the effete U jreclaimed himself the successor) 100'111, fns secretly made a study of ei the nation, assented Mr 81111gellle-I every invention the 1(01014 of which 110 altitude toward the British pro- elm, to his fa n' city. 11 Is rnmured te0torate guveriuwul, and nn- 1 that among tho prisoners token noencod that he Intended to rule the years ago by this queer chleflalu Is taterlor, Ieao'Ing the 008411 to the on, Engdsh officer, who woe, as most Suropeaes, (}rout 11 1011, With the British officers are, a graduate of Hae 1,u Its Lauds, (1-011 unablo, Sandhurst, which corresponds onds to our r war Reit l'olat. The slur Is that Ibis to, futuish euf(1clutvt I'rntrcllun to Y HIS WINDPIPE SEVERED. him. The Brooklyn .fudges tell the, slur!' LIS 101101'8; Un0 day a 1hnbhy and lotlma'ioes 1'0800; \010 Sr, Ohl .N1 1.4.114 Drn1h day walked lido the office of tl'hdr hock sh.s.tine. 'ledge Marvell :ld said: Ito L'no, \. ., l''•:p;urlu .t 1[08101,111 "Judge, 1 ant le lin 101 leek. 1 (011 at nrrilent ur('011111 li le nu'rllu!; nt :1 00,11410 of dollars to get 11 Turkish ,114, 1'l (11111 0f 1'11140 1(10nd, 141', bath. n 1110141 111111 11 shlu", mil 111th will, 11,nu l'I:n'k'e 11Orbur, \lip)• I'll he 111 decent condition to ti•il by teit011 n y 0111441 10011 of u1y frlrnds.,, 111411 phu'1•, n;nur,! Jetties Nirkin0rn, Thr 11nllry 14(14 h(1ilel '0000 1114 01101', 111th taw 00001057 that 11(tnl- :(.,1 w! 1-1, r llul \lt•krl'euii, 1041 1111 life. The 4110041 1114th left 1011 home ab k e'ch,ck to shoot Will thlckx. .144 h,' 1111 urn FrUn n 11on14 to dinner Ida fodder wast t,• took for 111111, anal found the den! (Maly beside a large nock. 1t is sttplo4nt the charge 110- (ih`1Nally ro`aled, entering the, throat 111(11'ualplttcly srv'erinf; the witelplpe• tint friendly or neutral natived,wlU) man hue taught rat only Itis 11011 '(1Z moult Ilii t 1108144wd44 of them language to the Mad Mullah, but 1141414 ed the Mod :n,utli,h, brlllg given sb)w11 blm ibo mysterl'e of tele - t tj choice of duhtg not 110 bang raid- scattily, the Itlephono and other hit in Maren, )i)0) ,, le' 'ttn1kOd 1111 things, including the science of m111 - X' 1141141.1- xpaedhlon of 1.500 men Lary strategy arid the of arms 111 -inst. Kat, 11 111.1 ultbuugh hu generut, .,00 Met and retreated the The Mullah is pereonully so Strong a of 114111118/11 tn.Ilrelt lien- that Ile is 00111 to be able td break eta'k'troop% with ellen n (tread o1 an Iron bar to two ae easily as the hln► that 00 attempt 101(0 umrIle 10 nocrngo man snaps n %talking stick host [ IIs '0114 to 10 had Ile has n nos n soothsayers ay ;i t 8,00000 toil'. T1reu years 111,0 1 tests about him, whorl he cons Ill r gOQO toil osvere with only 111\14 141' 1(1es; now he Las 41,000 leen, a 08 +411 po11411(!0 ncoaelons, good percentage of them nrmell 11'1111 rtflest secured in rattle on caravans. ' Has (liven Much Trouble. it was the Mad 2411111111 who light- ed the fire which (nvepi front nt end to end of the northwest frontier of British India when hu 0810441 the (x00(4fu of tiro Swat valley u0'I Marched down with a horde of ftiu1 tribesmen to invest the British ppoQets at Malukaland turd 1'hudl1.ura d(st1'lots• Ile Is 1111 old 141111, lean and gaunt, but possessed of remark - 'able vitality. ilo Is a Most eloquent ppeeclrer, and 1114 wild fountwtslrl wet ke with extraordinary effect upon the Fathom!, 1111 svhfrcls. His preeelrt plan is to form an al- liance with the Mgertalu tribe. which will enable him to 10114 80,000 wen agatnet the British. if the feint la the ddreotlon,o( Der is e11CCPslful the British will have to invade this 1f1- Jurtul0 country, There will be heavy llgbting, and the natives aro well supplied with rifles and ammunition and the Innes of communication with the British aro liable lu IM broken at any time. Hle I arty Cnr•44', NOW BRITISH TEi�HITOBir 14 WANTS MB. CHAMBERUIN. Originally the loud linnets 1.000 from the Boner country. lila home was in the village. of Vega, and Ins real uame le Satlullalt. 1!114 (4011444- wad blown up )1y dynamite In I 89 by a British loroe. Kir Blndot blood and Jde divlelon marched tluough Boner after the battle of the Tanga pass. The Mad Mullah's (louse 1.1(444 the b1'e1 la the village, bat the only parts that escaped destruction ware the doors, wIdolt were covered with benutl(ul carvings 8)311 were carried away by the poltticul The Mut Mullah has (4040' forgot; tett the huld'•d wrongs done to ills (11'.1(410 Gy the British, 1(0'11 on tarry losslblo occasion lulus 114 holo hits head to barn 001 UP' 11(1)14111 a tldt `1'6. Although Ole lfud Mullah Ls NO 01110J, 1l Is only 0111001(141'1)114 like these that he becomes so seemingly mentally tut - balanced that he heeumrs n raving fanatic. Even his own men urn afraid of hint. He believes that be is des- tined to eventually tripe the British tiff the Grew of the earth, and this latest 111oeMent 10011 1.0 011010 that the idea has not been knockrd out of 111x1 head. • ,He has 111101111 been really relquiwel null the olticer of the British army who rail take 1116 great chief a prise otter 111 surd of great reward. 01 yell the trlhersa`11 that Igitr /1 550,1 taw Drilish 1111' diad Malta it is the only owe feared by the British soldier, for oho mystic pitrt of Ills personality Is rather hh1s"l-rnr,lliug to Tcmtny Atklus, who ran fa0» 1i111- letn without a tremor, hal who flow v1 1n lila heart le 11.4 mach afraid of ghosts and such tllhtge as the veriest Old wrom041. afany plana Hare been made to cap- ture the Mullah tlxlullnh by Ids fors, but all of thrut have failed miserably, 011 one occasion the British general, Anderson, sent n messenger to the mullah's, ramp, proposing a Ill o•th1g. The general proposed that the great chieftain, accompanied by six of hie moo, unarmed, should meet him 111 n kpot named and talk over the odd- tary situation, then a very- strained Australia Will Send Huri Invitation. an t:fishes 1110 ,fudge 111 11111 dealings with his fellow Ilion. Then it ocenl'- red In the dodge that perhaps hr had been n hit hasty In giving the 1lslur money. He Innkiol nut of the window 84111 141w oho 11111 11 needing for 1'nurl street. ttrabbing Lis Mil, he followed him straight Into a sit - loon and heard lite fellow say with al wave 01 1110 1001: "('01111: 011, mea; drink with m1'.'' Dawn well the two -dollar bill on the counter. Forward surged right or ten loungers. ,iust ns the hub0's words of Invitation were gutting cold. a long arm ringed ever the, shoulders of the thirsty, and .lodge Marra» said quietly bet firmly ns Britain Gets 'Possession of 1,1' picked up the brllg r "Not with my money" Delagoa Bay. AN IMPORTANT LAND DEAL. WiLL NOT AFFECT BOER PLANS. T,om1011, Nor, :I.—A demi:Itch front 4( 1htry, lust` -ally, states that (Ir. !Barton, the Premier of the .111x- (1'0,11411 Commonwealth, will 11101" 11r. Chamberlain, taw Colmslal ''C- (141411',%, who Is going to South .tl- sict4 on a visit, to 14xlemi his tour ler Australia. Secretory 1'llllt'rs said lu-dal that the Boer places would nut he affected by 111'. Lhamblrlalu's forth- cumlug visit to Mouth Africa. The generals believe the visit of 1110 Colonial Ree'etoy will he prudu0- live of good, and they !lupe it will result In an additional grant of money for the assistance of the burghers, The friends of Mr. ("hallrberl.11n arc much gratified at the an- nonllermPnt of the Australian ri11t- moment Inviting 11:48 to (Aland his south African tour to Australia. It Is suggested that Catlada officially support ' the invitation that Mr. Chamberlain return to England by way of Vancouver. It 111 unders(uu'I the invitation stands no chance of being 410081110011 unless strict Cm- it,tiuu Is 111111'"11 upon the 11)11111,0, umobile eeg0gement4. The Hager. Not, :I, --Germany nud Did ill ill have agreed 011 the dhlshut of South-east .Africa, according to a high diplomatic authority, who 1114 furnl,lied the following verslJi of 110. fact; "tictm1ny gets the territory from the Zambesi north to the border, of Its own coludy. Britnln gets eaorything south of the Zambesi, Including Loretto.) Marquee, Deingu11 Buy, anti Beira, which %ti11 that be the most north- erly point In British' Soutlt-East - 1frt . 1'ortuguene sovereignty will be superseded, but whether Ger- mn1ly and Brllalu will Uuy the re - glue or simply- establish 114 cuulrul elwilnr to 1110 .Ulglu-Egypt leu al' raug(melit, Is 111100.111 111, T1e Ow se plan Is regarded its the most likely' to be carried out. Treaty Still Kept nevem. "This acquisition of 1'orluguese territory was determined more than Ores yew's ago In a treaty between G4rwnuy and ureal Bri- tain, 10111011 eentulned n secret FATAL SCOTTISH COSTUME. YIENNS FMOUS f001 TOERI Aloe Chamber of Horrors were treated as dnugerw(e a)ll dis- gusting creatures. Tho 0111444 onntnhn- Ina the llolent owe were not opened oftener than0800 a Month, when men Would enter, seize the Irrhencre and eta( theme out to w ash In 111. At olds time the nolle were (Ottani-1 The (11' deg was d•xtu b; means 11f 11 tin sit''),- 1, triangular in sins., the isdttl111 rad of w'irich was in- sert,1d lit n eroded in the door 0f 1110 r •II. 11. the total was entirely Intuit, the mimosa. was expected to tot • 111 - 014,0, Himont front this dlr' cl- L,1 1111 uc.• oche wrr_. 0)01(11. inya 111," not -,a 111,1 (001001 1e,'1r thrown into rrlls 111111 sere rnlit•nl; dark, and if 1 1111 1 111 1101 011 1.1 1 thea thei w err put Meier cold , elorwef baths and thatches until they were eshassiled. Chola., nud 011111 dnurlu`s 1(1111'111n'k cells were used until nearly the mid- dle of the last reuttr,,, and it tuns 11, late ars 1414:1 Vlore the thilent 1n>ggr were remover! to regulurasy- lume that Were real!; 'Wanted for the 14001401-1' nrcurlllg to 11pslern Fleas. 7`ltis 1'irin a haul Tower, even In Its worst days, 101111 u bul'ell of rest compare,( with many of the other prisons for Itututies in I..ur- op1'; nail the 1'i,nua treatment of 0,101800 101 the lunutie was cniig1t- eu411 contoured with the ideas of soot eminent and well-disposed 111011 11 .. l'''ots. Helve and liora, of ller- liu, who 11'1(11,' learned treatises 111 which 1104 argued for the aseffil nod lrtrdieent ph sIoloMhs1 'had psychological dlt11nto f 'rhry 111111 1,11111 III the mecippnirlll lrrat mrnt. Their favorltq,fmplu- nlemt We n frightful. thing known as Ihe1 1-:ng;ish coffin. It was a Ioug, narrow chest, into which this mashie was forced. to be Razed. 'Then 1 lie lid was hltteeed down. The only upebli(41 In It Was .hist large enough to 1,1:11(1140 110 fuel• of the patient. 4 %nigher utensil was the "fouls HORRORS iT HAS. SEEN 'wheel," which wlty to all 14ICON • and In design not hong except 1. magnified squirrel cage lvilh 1110 •' (umJhu 0(held. The rating lunatic ((4111 lmprisonr,l Lt 111,11 wheel ,111111 1441 there 11 11111 It stopped ('0v01v- 0ug, (0hleh fact watt accepted 1111 in- dication that the 01011111 stud wort: - ed itself oat. A Reminder ol'the Days or l'rurlty to 14001144 Husks 1111' the Invuu' 110111 1 4. n tCvl1.111el0111481Iunarrlt, !rut the Scene of B1u•bnruus `'•1111 10001' brutal were 1110 Iron masks used as Irate as 141117• 101110 Pra011c44s, of these were unearthed recently from the cellar of the 08111180 asy- lum n1 Andrruncll, Hermans, and 1'lenna's fatuous '1001 To ,o be razed. That meals the moot at of preserved by the present .1lreetor of the institution. 01110110 1(1 tut• a=duct u{Waa d4scrlu'1'1. oar of the ills! rernldulug reullnder,v The facts 110'4' Withhold at first because tirent British' desired the of the cruel and lgunrn11 treatment a'el'1 egue1e territory to be free of the insane that obtained 111 Europe from our olsuralluns 011 the part 0.1.08 ns fate ns Ihr. lx'gtnniug 111 Ow or the doers, 111111 Innerly- b'cuu60 duet century, tcrmany is uuxloue tImt a more amicable feeling toward England There. are many 1leuuese lining 10' dhV11141 develop In 110 hithtrblit,i day who can remember hearing the before the people are informed that shrhks NM yells issuing (mu tips 10114144'104' Iwpu lier10arlY ',oar 41(1,0 fool Tower. There are physicians dt- hetl of acquiring Lorenzo Marquez has been given apt' bog a 1010 remember the thee when111 It is boli0lcd the 110111/111 1bovurn- that g0val buh.ding nett and 'lcau('a meta trill bogie etteuahr 11110,100 hu- lay enabled hand nud foot and 110110 movements 111, L01.en7.0 1I11.14100Z as to go near them. These plys'ieloob 100111 ad Its 1401errlgnly 11ub beenr(n.ew!,el' 414,000 awns us to the nlillty' mowed. Th.. new territory' is 0 very vnluubl' ndd,t',on to Karr Ed- of various instrumento 04 lurtare, want's smith African possessions such ab 1110 -nigh/111 cuffhl" :11111 the Lorenzo 141001110z, 011 oho north- ''(001'11 wheel:' a west sidle of Delagea Bay, las lolls 1'014 11,0 11(;011 1'uul Tuw11) 1 Mien the only I'ortnguesn settlement 011 the east 4ide of the continent. 7'11,: built by 401 enlightened and estop - British 11(1014 long deel•e11 to possess' timothy kindly monarch, Josep,1 lt., 1t. One time a British captain hoist- 101(0110 101e 01 utaukuld guided til Ills eel the Britian flag on Part of the Ole. Its construction 14(1.1 tie treat - Mod unocrnpied by the Portugues,', meat 4U'en t(1 4114 1(11114t,', burU:u'1e but the Holme authorities refns,sl to as U1ry' seem uuw, trtua4phe 1l 014110111 Its annexation by rlgllt of Pauoath'tu'upy al 1110 tlwe. discovery. The 1'ortugut•se a few- When 11 was built, hl 174(:1, the in - years age were anxious to se11 the (4114)14' were u'clurd us 1001140 :11:111 hay, and offered their rights in it criminals. They were kept Lu 1'(11141 u( to the British for few thousand Pri-kon11 141111 14,1ulded by 1111 4114 11 114,4 dollars, The 8rltleh Fofelgn office and loathsome ,I18en4e6, referred the mutter to the arbi- Enrnror Jus -pit trent 111, fur '1 1'1 tratlot of Marshal, lfeMuhol, then tml'dteul e111:11et aunbled 111111 to go et President of France, (('110 prongttly 11Wrdnl the Inud to the Portuguese. Now It Is safe to stay that millions will b1• paid for the district, It Is the great fart for the Transvaal, rind through It the Bores got most of their gene anti ammunition during the recent 1001'. Petra is 1110 Um' part of immen11r 0nlue to the British for the development of Manama- land. asnn- land. Aloosed Auger or Spectator11'ho Kil- led the Mon Whit Wore it, Chicago, Nov. :1.—Iletattue. hr /rite 411',:0.11 111 11 ,v;.,k11.,11 ea/luno', Jebu .1. Walker, 1.14 :JC:S 1'uulbr:' fdreet oath, was shit 110,i killed 1? Dattlal, Cit„ b; .1011 n Perry, 10110 Is Bahl to hr n uotorl,us (11111r30 ler IUnul Dal - tom .1 telegram rerelvld 410,41rr4Iar (14)0(1 he William 14';IL'g,r, No,' 1111 1ou1.111111eh1 auto' south, Mrs. 't'al- ker's (lUe'r, nu11canlee•1 11r. Walker's denlh, The shoaling took place on Baler - int,, (1156.' 1st h. +' 11(111' last y', a1' Wal- ker I111d 110011 ono of the ronttagers'-1 of the sik+ 111otrs comlecttd 10th .lost, linbl'a•nu's cirrus. It was In tail.^ endo show that It' was shut. .teeordhtg to the accounts of 111' affair published In Dolton, R'alk•r' had appeared on u stand 111511111 Ihr' tent dressed ht u 811111lsh uniform and carrying bagplpos. Perry entered 1 the trot and at once begun making remarks about the. dress, but no', attention was paid to him by the 811bw people. Perry continued) to 0011 to Walker to leave the stand rind take off 1112 costume. finally Perr;v ' drew a revoker, it to charged, and fire] 015.0 ' shot, the bullet taking effect In Walker's abdomen,' Walker was n futtkve of AM Wets', U'eotlaad, NO DRINKS WITH HIS MONEY. .lwlhte \1'(111111 Not tludnre Imposition Pr,t'th'rd by 1a tread 114.11 1. .1(181ice -Mary 1a, of the Solarium, t'ota't of NPW Turk, is one of the 1141st benetnfeilt of when, 11111, 1'k" others, , 0liker to be iaepostd 41011. H» is (Pry 1111! and tender-hearted, and tong' who 0a'h'rst:lnt the latter 111111ity of hos nature nee disposed to tali» tollaninge of 11110. Not very long ago he caught ;in J1111)051,'r just 1114 1414 t"lIOW was performing the list net of 0 swill -fling trick mala Two of them look exactly like 'he sire !racers' w)sk5 worn when:le:- Mg the rolls, The third 114 her gtore Ma K0101, nod male ruMrely of 'ex- tremely heavy sheet this. It has 11,0 helps pierced for the eyes and 00144 1111,1 1114(01100 for the mouth. 'Co girt. the wearer air there are a fete very small holes In the top of 110' helmet. These appliances 01,'re used for patients that had 1111' habit of Int- ing or spitting. 'rho offenders 1111,1 to wry" them constantly. Th • wire masks were taken off oa- t0 al nein times, ant thou 'lapped right on again. The still more vio- lent pallc01, who had to wear the tin h:1mr1 often were not relieved of It, ,1 ell 111 001, but were fed through Ib,. hale that serve) for a wtowiiglt.rr. The front of Oils gen.'snme 1141111 entering was 110 lir- ratlg;cl that 114 rotld bo opened like 11 floor. TM. 1,I I times of frank, unreasoning 14r„tulily. %viten Moat ',ea were treated so hateful things, had passed away long before It struck any one that the eco of three helmets and simi- lar Instruments was vicious end harmful. It ons a ragulur part of the treatment of the Insane nolle 1887, when a royal decree forbade 1t. - sue tone. T1101•1- was 11(1 tlullgllt 1❑ 111', Joliette.' Itrl'141rt, 10 a recent the mind of uuyu11e lu 00110(144 that rel kw of the primitive and erlrel me - Insanity could U1, cured or nw(lio'- lleo.ls 10'11 (veil into the nineteenth atm!. Taus, wall 411 1116 hawQldly, the cel turd'. remarks that Ids 14'(I1y of Emperor 410(1' l 1101 111101 d'li :01 umke 'ha 814141100;011: use'! 111 Insane asylums of lets -bulagng northing (Ufercut 111 the Inst I;enerntlon lute 00111110'011 10010 a )Meson fur thedpsane, lint th'ut, they all date hook tliteet- Toe token cohtutue site stories, l,v to the tortures used In til' prls- ralrll 10111 11enty4i4;11t tiny I,`lls 1 trio Of the (1 riot 11.114(11 the insane lighted try' small windows, seiroely 14001100 was confined is 11 matt:r of 1.,.344‘ts' than hluprt101e', burr'I bra,- i tours with (1dt,Inn's nal 14081.•11,41 114, 1 for bring demented left as the mom- Sanrtins. (WO lunatics, or fowls 1414' 111l14 (('err puniAtell fur being wl'ked• they were valid then, were boort,- The II11p)cme11ts of punishment were mud in mai yell, 11'ulls 111141 (*0,.'rs adopted apparently as u mater ,.1 u1' s11.1 1110.1110.1 with rings awl Mks e0111'ea when the huletlos were trans. to tv111ch th, 14 un.ortl0utlr creator b 1,11011 to'n6,1'Itlme, - were mialne•I with 10,81 fetters. Ver; qul^t lunatics were taken for b,ccustuu;ll 1014,116 111141101 1110 eorrl- Paul Ro,•4411grr, of r'doeketf, Mout.. dors alai ...meanies cart le It.r! Lev been made d,feo,lenl in 11 +811 ganle,1- pltns. '1'11 ` Mapes ie 0'11•,1 annutense' by the U. S. Lrl+tric14 .1t- 11: tlr.1 to -• ) .we; t0 assure !Orwell * 1 .,-ncy, Thu 1}uvennuent Maim: the that his r, iodations ((:1'0 bring 1,b- ,lefrndant, while 1100118,1 1111h'aant (00(411 faithfully. Ho hod 400,tte,1 i 4+11,1 In•llng gnnrterwn ler' 111 the them nut Ln Ir,s ulya bawl, ;01,1 1411,' 14,11111 1l. 8. Cnvnlr,r In I'll1'111 :118 } muni trblul d0lnhls Lad bavL pro -I 14lalwnla. In 141(4 and 1141'. lril'd Oiled for by hlu1. 1 v0 Ire(olnt.fo' a lora.. (111 ,0011 .1 But lila (shuts were without 0,101,-' •nppilts, together 101111 .174; 111 Lille 111111, ;u1J 111 a n,-ult the :,;male$ lu„nry. ON THE THRESHOLD Of WOMANHOOD Many a Girl Falls a Victim of 111s Which Affect Health and Happiness All Through Life—Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Just on the threshold of womanhood, that trying period when the whole 57>ten, 1P undergoing n rom- pinte cIuoigl.10:10.411girl falls a victim 01 rhloro$lo, o' green (10111101.5, Her ,11e1•u.u11,,1, changes and rine be. opinesmoron'', de.goadellt and melancholy. Tile 111414, 111.. 1. rhlttigl able, digestion tulprr(1ra and weariness and fatlgpe; are t'tperleitced on 1118 ought 'sl exertion. Blondes Lrronu• 1st IIId. wa..y anti puffy, brunettes boonuu''mkly Ind greyish In color, with 111111811 Ilnek rhlgn ruder the eyes. , 1'w\n10111ntiul shows a remarkubie decrease lit the qulily of tile, blood. Iron 411,•1 such odder restoratives an are admirably e,mlhnrd 1e Dr, Chase's NPrCP Food are demanded by the system. The regular and per- sistent non or lir. ('halo's Nerve Food cannot (1111 to lrenerit any girl or young woman suffering Isom aldo- rosle, frmlr11e Irregularities or weakness resulting from poor bloodn001 exhausted Herres. It reconstruct. wasted tissue,. gives color to the' cheeks and mew/11111114 to every organ of the body. mei!, It-llllamti 73 Palace street, Brantford, etntr: "My daughter, who one working 1n n grocery store, became s0 weak lend run down in health that she sad 10 give no her tlositloc. Hbe 10115 81140 pato and n r- v011s. 11011 had very distressing nttac'ke 01 headnrlrn. I got n box of De C'hase's Nerve Food and started her nstng it. I could easily see an 1Mptovement In bor 10ok1 and 511e had net ripe( taking It long before her color Ileum', 'ell' much better, her nerves more steady tied her headaches dlarlppear0L.l8he le now et- tircly carol of her trouble, o.nd consequently we value 1)r."Ohaee's Nene Food very highly" Dr, Cheer's Nerve Food is woman's greatest help, because it forme new, rich, Ilfe-surtaining blood. 111. dente a box, /t hetet for 12.50, at all deniers, or Edtnatleon, Iota & Cu., Toronto. ,