HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-11-06, Page 7Don't forget the old Iran with the fish on his back. For nearly thirty years he has been traveling around the world, and i, still traveling, bringing health and comfort wherever he goes. To the consumptive he brings the strength and flesh he so much needs. To all weak and sickly children he gives rich and strengthening food. • To thin and pale persons he gives new firm flesh and rich red blood. Children who first saw the old man with the fish are now grown up and have children of their own. He stands for Scott's Emul- sion of pure cod liver oil --a delightful food and a natural tonic for children, for old folks and for all who need flesh and strength. SCOTT & DOWNS, Chemists, Toronto, Ontario. 50o. and $ I.00 t all druggists. Not a Good likeness. The little daughter of the house watcues the minister. who was nuk- ing a visit, very closely, and finally+ sat down beside him and began to draw on her slate, says the Duluth Tribune, "What are you doing?" asked alta Clergynttan. "I'm making your picture." said the Child. Tho minister sat very still, and the Child worked away very carnee4,1y. When site stopped and compared tier Work with the original and shook her head. 'I don"t like It mnoh." she said, '"Tafn't a great deal like yon. I guess I'll put a tall to it and rail It a dog." What Makes for Tenlperenc'e. Ncw York World. It 1s a (net pro4evl by drink etatle- t1*a that America Is becoming more temperate, but the best authorities do not attribute the improvement to the effort./ of legal peu,tities. Hard drinkers aro no longer countenanced by desirable society. This le one r'eform'atory force, ani a stronger one yet to the increasing demand In .many Innes of badness for men who ,aro always sober and reliable. New York central and Hodson River Railroad. Tie above nems Is a household wort and Ds superior ereetlence of the road should be eibelent to attract most people, hut now that the rate Is the same to New York and plats eat as by other lines no further re-' etnamendatlon should be sought. Every- body wilt tell you itis the beet. Brant Was Progressive. Unlike Bed Jacket, Brant was pro- greedee, seeking always tbo welfare of hip race. He was married three Rimes, and 'vas the father of nine children, and it was moot gratifying to hip pride and pleasure to live to No two of his eons graduated from Dartmouth College. His sixty-four gears of RIO were well tilled with CdWorks, and when death came 1UM tollowera laid him away beside the little Episoopal Church, winch he turd built at Orentl River, now called Srantford, the ret church erected fa Pope; Canada.—From " Joseph Brant, the Indian," by ,Helen Rath- bun Parry, in Four -Track Newo for november. No Theology in the Schools. Kanas City Star, 'The decree of the Supreme Court Ot Nebraska forbidding the ree.itation eJt til•', Lord'. prayer and the tinging Of Moody and Sankey hymns 1n the public schools do; a not Interfere In iIM rllgt tent degree with the pure welt of these exercises In tee Aun11ay schools nor around the fatally hearthstone. Pride la the molter sin of ,the devil.—E. 11. Chapin. An Itcouomleal Man. The saltire pointed out to the stranger an old man who Wag past -leg, "That man," said the native, "tenth the world on close figur- ine." -nee, , little money go a long en}s, dors he 7" "AI e11, rather. Last winter he put 2111' int; doors into a big building W.+t he owns, and he never took t 4•10 out aguiu all slimmer." "Pure 1(1:1 t ter of economy ?" "I: tarts) " "I:nther scull and mean, I should thwk Thr cos) of taking out and palling back the revolving doors (2.2)21 12,14 to be great, and he's (;;,int: his temente and their pat - 01, a 102 of unuwe,sary labor." 1'12 .lust It," explained the ua live "lee's staking them work for him for nothing. why, ho stores lie the ponvvr generated by those 4,424- turd uses it to run the ele- vators. achy, the man 10 so (Mee that he doesn't get toad, because he (!links hie anger would (muse him to give out heat tlutt he'll need in the 42iutel' ' ('Iticago I'ost. Ntinard's Liutm; lit le the brat. , Prima Facie ('nee of Lying. Chicago t' hrontele. The latest olive story comes from New York. An Irishman who had recently flowered considerable wealth desired to dine at Delmon- tce's for the first time. As he sat down his attention w'as attracted by a man at the next table who was reading a newspaper and eat- ing a dish of olives. Whet' three or four Ic:d disappeared the new- comer turned to the waiter and said: "What's them he's eating?" "Elites, sir." "Bring me ileo 4004117" Wiles they ensue the !Heilman slapped two of them into los mouth and began to then-. Liuddenly he spat them out, stone., and all. He looked at the am, who was calnl- 1}• eating 1122 ay. 'Then lie went over, touched hint on the sltnuleer and said: "F,xeuse ate, slr, but do you like throe things'?" "Yrs, air." "You're a liar." TO CURE. A COLD IN ONK DAY Take Laxative Bromu Quinine Tablets. All druggists refuse the money If It fails to care. E. w'. Grove's efgltatur. Is on each bus, 250. Al Her Own Risk. (thio SAO Journal. " limp your month shat,' co lattn- red the brutal husband wU's teas teach- ing his wife to play ping pang. " How dare 22222 .,p.:nk 10 me like that ?" sir dcntned,vl. " All right, then, keep It open," he acquiesced, "hut remember if the hall is lost, you pay for it." 1111)en Your Joints are Slla'a,d your num. dee are sore from cold or rheumatism ; when you sprain or bruise ,yourself, ferry Davis' Painkiller will take out the soreness and he you right Ina pay. Avoid substlt stets. listen TOM Cat --Ted, 01y boy, but you were at your grand,uothe"'N funeral last month. Office Cat—Tessir. hal this IR only her second life, sir.—Princeton'Tlger. A BOON TO HOlfaltallN—One bottle of English Spay lu Liniment completely removed a curb from my horse I talcs pleasure In recommending the remedy, an It acts with mysterious premptw'ws In the removal front horses of hard, suit or calloused lumps, blood ;movie, eptint,, curbs, ewebny, .tim9 and sprains. (1001402) ROHR Farmer, Markham, Oat, Sold by all dnegglats. Not an Encouraging Sign. Phlladelpbi► Press. " 3 4lrppose your chatters of winning tato affections of Miss tray are as good as the next fellow's "I don't know. She called me 'Jim' very nffOCtiooately last night." "You don't arty :' Well, that's pro- mising. Isn't it "" "Hw1111y, ronsidaring that my name happens to be Torn." STATE Or Unlit, CITY OF' TOLF:oo, 7 a. Lt CA. ('u1'\TY FRANK J.('IEN,:v mattes oath that hell the se1101. partner of the arm of F. ,f. Cagan* a ('o., doing hominess In the City et Toledo, Coup ty raid State atoreeeld,end that old Om will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL- LARS for each end ever/ rue of Csr1na0 that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'a CATARRH Cent,. FRANK J. CRENNY. Sworn to before nae end subscribed In mr preseneo,thla with day of December, A.D., 11180. 1 0EAL) ,111111 Notary Public. Hull's Catarrh rine le taken Internally and nets directly on 1 he blood and mucous outfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, tree. F. J. CHENEY a CO., Toledo, 0. sold by all druggists -15e. Hall', •Fninll,y Pills are the beat. A. W. GLEASON, Heavenly Vigils. Cleveland Plain Dealer. 'Mary. what are you sitting out On that cold porchfor? Doo't you know it's 11 ollock"" "George and I are looking for the new comet, Ma," "Bot the new eoinet Isn't due for several nights," "Well, we are la no hurry, Leat," For Want of It. Ho had a blase appearance, but his clothes were threadbare and hie hat shiny. A Irlend approached and !gassed the time of day. "You don't look well," Bald the --- latter gympathetfoally. "What', the To prove to yon that Ike matter?" Cbsso, Ointment is acertain "No ; I don't feel well," nnewer- Piles and ahsolute euro for sac► ed the too utterly fatigued one, "Yon and every form of Itching, wee, when I drink too much chan- emannhettlrerahoveguaranteedlt. beetes- pa g'ne I'm Ride for a mon ill," onlalainthe da(lypress end a'kTour estate me Irlend Smiled. what they tint oftt 1'on con nee it and 1 ..in that SO 7 Wee, dear bo our o01e back ff nM, emrnd. (qu a box, n1 ye 7ou'�• fielita/nsor)roYAesoo,Borru& b.,Toronto, 'etre to die of old age." Dr, Chase's Ointment mimed be whistled to his dog tied to tourney. TRAINING THE EYESIGHT. Vision of the Ordinary /torte) May be Improved by Cultivation. Lord Wolaetey having lately re- marked upon the good sight of the Boers as one oause at least of their good shoolldg, and having ascribed this good sight to its constant reor- der) in the open air, llrudenell Carter has pointed out that It is not merely a question of open air, but of the training of the eight upon things that are attar off and difficult to pee. " Vision,'" he says, "Ilk" every other nerve function, must be cultivated for the, attainment of a 111114 degree of excellence. The visual !tower of London children le not cultivate.] by their environment. They see the other hide of the street In which they live and the carte and tenni- bugs of the thoroughfares. They scarcely ever have the 2104111,1 attee- tton directed strongly to any object which is difficult to ROO or which subtends (t 11eua1 neve- approaching the limits of visite lily honer, the peeing tltnction 1s never exerted to anythtug Ilk( What 14honhd he the extent of its powers. With a coun- try 01111x1 111, rase ]s widely- differ- ent.' 11r. (carter wuuid like to see a place glveu to exeelletlee of vision among the Valliant ph'ecal qualifica- tions which are habituall? tested by oompetitton and for which prises are awarded—The Hospital. • Minard'e 'Antal lit the beet Halr Re- I &toren, , Just a fettle flint. Chicago Pete " Your father doesn't seem to re- gard me ver,' favorably," remarked Ghoul', "Dope to think I m too dash- ing?" No," wearily replied the girl win was already 1n her third season. "He 11tluks yen are too slow." Minard's Lints, nt Cures 1,a Grippe. Almost heady. Juilnn)', have yua put the milk tickets out ?" " And lo. k,d the doors?" " Yes'm." "And emptied the water pan under the icebox?" " Town " "And filled lee match sates?" And est the alarm clock for nix?" " Well, put the brick to soak In the coal oil and go to bed."—Chicago Tri- bune. Mlnard'a Liniment for Rheumatism. Loaded Down. Punch, Visitor—No, I won't come In. if I could Dee Mr. Jones for two min- utes? elervant—what Home ,ball I guy, sort'? Visitor — Prof. Vanderspilnkentoo- ttehetmer. Servant --Ors, sure, ye'd better etre In and bring It wld ye, sort. Lifebuoy Soap—disinfectant—is strongly recommended by the medicsi profession se 'safeguard against infectious diseases. ee How it Ended. Th -Bits. Elle—MelvIUO says he tldnke pla- tonic friendship is tho thing, and that be will never marry. Maud—I used to know a fellow who geld that, too. Ellee—Where ie he now? Maud—Upstatre playing with baby. WHAT'S HOME WITIIOUT MUSIC? From factory direct 10 purchaser, sal'fug over half In price. 1'o Introduce our four to one combination Instrument we will, on re- ceipt of live doll,, rs, side our of these inetru- meots with Instruction book. Many will re- member these instruments us on exhibition at late exposition. Same are sold retail for twelve dollars. duly limited number of sale, will be made on tide plan of introduction. Royal slush' l'o., 10 Toronto Arcade, Toros to, Uot. The Spendthrift. Once upon a time there was a spendthrift who made lie father very unhappy through hie profligate hab- its, "My son," said the parent, "yo+r spend every penny that you get, and It must cease. Remember that the pennies make shillings, and the Mei- ling@ hake pounds. Ir ,t'ou do not change your habits of always spend- ing to habits of judicious waving, I Will not spare the rod." Tito admonition had no good ef- fect on the youth, and he continued to spend the pennies before they accumulate Into shillings. Hie father epoko no more about tho matter, but he applied the rod most vigorously to him, until he howled with pain. Moral.—Ho who spends the pen- nies will get the pounds. We Just Go from heated rooms to the Bold outer nlr, and the rhuuge sets u. coughing. During whiter colds Is not hard If you take Allen's Lung &deem. A neglected cold L troublesome and daugeruun. rile Complaint. Pompous Mistress—Who 1s that man at the door, Hannah? yew Girl—He Rays he's the rent collector,. ma'am. P. M.—But, Hannah, we don't pay rent, hew Girl—That's what he says, ma'am. "KELPION""+orisrr"4"" m t R.dersed by bast English m.dleal Jeurnala. $opptlee to giNtlah sealers In south Mee. ler all Threat and O11we Trembles, Leans, abaossses, Old sores steers, Vel.,., 01U 01 Rasema rla,plsa, 5115 ,et.t., RAelm.tlsm, Lumbago,. Sprains, Braless, Phew Oats, 41.,. Feet PleerlsIt $I . by Druggists, Clio. Tr, 114111. "Prizes" with common soaps are dearly paid for at the ex— pense of clothes and hands. CHT REDUCIL5 LIICPENSZ Ask far the Octagon liar. .41 WITH MAKERS OF THE FASHIONS Ninny of 1fie hale are 1lntnhed with tulle or Ince on the under Mece of the brim. (Nte bis white hat 1160 Ell(' w1‘01e 1041 n Inua8d of American Beauty roses, There are the flats a0 usual, and many low crowns, but the blgher crowns talked of have not made their app('arauce 114 (hie early output of hale. Ile6xy rives ribbons are to be seen on the rlbbou eouatere and on the new hate. The 1lghtr0(1 and hea2i- ea goods aro being combined this year. The lightest of lubes and laces, as well as the heavy fur felt,, real lure and p1u011 rlbbou,, are used. Braidings or all kind,. are in vogue for. froggingo and tabs, while. long tassels in passententerie chenille or crochet cords are used on the fronts of Coate and mantles, or at the back, depending front the shoulders or the point of the fashionable monk's mood. There le no doubt that these long tassels and cords and other pen- dant trimminen w111 be greatly In vogue during the early wider, Colors now eporreu or as popular embrace the old fasltioned cardinal and ruby red, old red and old rose, and all toned of yellow, from rotten orange to pale maize. Blue, in Ole matelot, and the 1101Y autoinoblle tone1 promises to he contlnud, tsar has fancy yet altogether wearied of the lively grecs, pion cambinntion0 still seen.—Tho Millinery Trade Re- view. The new poptlua and mohair', again to he 1u such vogue tide fall. are scarcely to be distinguished from some of the soft -ribbed ,tike, While retaining their standard I merit of durability, the Frencill manufacturers have succeeded ]n' Imparting a very beautiful mer- cerized tlnl(s44 to the surface, 41(1(1, lie the materials are rendered much mo(e soft at)d pliant by the pro-' eess, the requirements of 'n'evelt- 1 Ing styles 1n making them up are wholly met.—N. Y. Evening Poet. s ,--- The millinery ornaments which l give the finishing touch to ele- gant creations of headweer, as pre- vion,l,l' recorded, run (Itis eeneall in rhinestone and cut. steel, wf111 WW1 show of stock pearl, and greater favor fbr cut Jet than has been manifested fol' a couple of years. Largo flat cabochons, hire and pins with large heads ore the conceits which seem newest In col- lections, some of these showing in device an Intermixture of rryrtttl, steel and pearl.—The, iItllInery Trade Review. Everything now pointe lo a tri- umphant fall and winter season for velvet, the new coats, jackets, - pelm'ines, and.redingotes opening up limitless possibilities fur a fabrc that 1s Invariably rlclt and becom- ing. Plain velvets, panties, bro- cades, grenadine overwrought with velvet devices, robes of fine 21110er wool tvitit velvet applique borders to make up with coats of velvet matching the border, all these SOtll be displayed when the regal Im- portations of new materials and dimes models are set forth to the shops and fancy dry goods house" of the city.—N. Y. Evening Post. /lessee, C. C. Richard' & Co: Gentlemen,—Theodore Dora* a mgr. tomer of mine, was completely cured of rheumatism atter five years of suffering, by the Judicious use of MIN- AHD'S LINIMENT. The above fact can be verified by writing to Ilam, to the parish priest or any of hta neighbors. t A. COTE, Merchant, St. Isadore, (due., May 12th, 18418. Unsatisfied Ambition. • Philadelphia Press He—I wish our soclal standing was more exelueiee, gracious I we're get- ting there. We're regular attend- ants at the opera and all the small functions and-- He—That's Jag it. I wish we were so swell that we didn't have to do all that. A Mistake. Haroer's Bazar. della—I came n ar intoning a pre- po0a1 last tight. Belle—Year 411' Stella—Tee. He :got down on hie knees, and I thought lie -van merely looking for a ping pons ball. Stops the Cough and Works UO the Cold. Laaatlye promo Quinine Tablets cure a cold In one day, No cure. No pay. Price 26 cents. ISSUE NO. 45, 190 4) BUTTER AND EGGS POULTRY, Y11.11e Beans l gilt outright, (cheese, (comb and Pixtracted Honey flood (oeltltlea for handling. Consignment. solicited. (brrvapoudencelnv'Itrd nndprotnpt- lyg attended le. Bowies and lluekwheet Honey wanted, Will pay 25 cent. per Ib, for beeswa r. JOHN .1. PEE, 62 Front 4t, East, Toronto Mre. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used for (children Teething, Ib soothes the child, softens thegume euros wind colic and to the best remedy for learrlims, IfIPERiAL MAPLE SYRUP. The Anality standard ]yelp Ocean to Ocean, Your meaty bark Root eatiwfactery RUSE' & LAFLAMN, Agouti', Montreal. FARM FOR BALE That 14,001 desirable property known as the ZItunlernum Farm, situated close to Bur- lingtatt Junctlru, euutnhdng 117 acres; befit windy tuna; abundance of fruit ; two ileuses and outbulldfngs, hold In whole or le acre Iota. Nosy terata Apply \1150 ZINI)IFItMAN, G.9 wellington mt. south, Hamilton, Ont, Blood Vaasa animal is all run down, Lae • rough coat and a tight hide, anyone knows that his blood is out of order. To keep an animal econo- mically- he must be in good health. DICK'S BLOOD PURIFIER is a necessity where the best results from feeding would be obtained. It tones up the system, ride the stomach of bots, worms and other parasites that suck the life blood away. Nothing like Dick's powder for a run down horse. 50 cents a package. Leotning, Mita & Co., Agents, MONTREAL, - Floral Pins. OUR NEW illustrated catalogue, which we send free of charge to any 1 address, offers an 12110 - ment„of gift articles almost unlimited. The Pansy Stick Pin shown Above has the AS natural color effects hard enamelled on 1444. gold. The centre setting is a perfect diamond. We guarantee the safe delivery of this to any address for $8.50. Ryrie Bros.,"!!" U. old Waldo Sia, Toronto. SMOKt HILOA 5 cent Cigar Guaranteed Clear Havana Filled STUDY AT HOME During spare hour.. COMPLETE COURSE IN PEN AND INK DRAW. 1N0 for all practical purposes. I LLeJ fTRATORINI ht demand. Large nalarlre ppeed. Ntndnule delighted. .A LAO FULL ('(1['140170 IS all commercial subjects, Inelur luy Telegraphy,PHYSICAL Ca)LTIIRE and w R1 INU. Each eour.e guaranteed. w'rlt* for'1eserlp- 'tYe rnlalogue and booklets, Address Correspondence Department Cootrei Business College, Toronto, Ont. n'. 14. Shall , 1'rhu•Ipnl. B "CYKO Photo Paper. 1I Prints at night by any light Sample dozen, 4x2, will package of Developer and photo, mailed for 26e. Sold by S. ToroVISE 616 Queenton 81. w Oa■adhtn Agent 1