The Blyth Standard, 1902-11-06, Page 1VOL. XVI. he Christmas Photos AT iuurt IST 0 BLYTH. fltrieads will always %pendiste o good !Photo of yourself, eepedisily if It Is Mounted on our up-to-date Christmas ...Cards..... `We Have tie Yeru Latest Coming. CALL AND SEE THEM. AOur Prices Will Suit and We Will Make Our Work Suit You. IL R. BREWER PROPRIETOR. T. B. MoARTER MAMAGER. 1 tb t nbatb.rm BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1902. bank, A large vault ie being built.... Miss Agnew sister of Dr. Agnew, who has been ill In Philadelphia with android fever is now in a fah wsy for recovery. 'Miss AR new's many friends wild be eteassed to Won that she is get- ting better ....Mrs. E. Johnston has sold her house and lot on Victoria street, near Lower Wingham, to Mr. Wm. Patton, of last Wswanosh. Mre. Johnston has moved her household effects to London and will reside in that airy, NULLETT. Toots.—Mr. Fater Brigham, son of ex -Reeve John Brigham, bas gone to Crowstand, Ass(aiboia, where he will teach the Indians in the art of up-to-date farming, The position is a government one andhas a lucrative salary attached. We are sorry eo lose such a popular young man from our township and alum with his many friends wish him goodhealthandtprosperity in his new home in the far west...;The auction sale oo the farmed Mr. Robert McDole, near Walton a few days ago, was the best 'held in this•seotion for many yearn, Bath horses •Mi cattle sold dor good prices. One •heavy draft mare, with fail at foes, theeught 1228, and other horses sold at proportionate prices. Average calves molted 144 per pair; s 10 months old Hereford bull, although not pedigreed, brought 181; Q' wo-ya old hetfeand NIN$AUL. Biters.—Mrs, W. R. Hedging re- turned beam from Manitoba on -Monday evening.... Mr, Percy Carlisle, of Ger- rie, is home for a few days....Ur. T. Wish is starting to erect a new resi- dence on theilot adjoining his property near the school house,.,.It ti under- stood that Mr, Joseph Caw centempistes leaving town in the near future to take a position In a new manufacturing eetablishmeotinToronto ....McGeor BLYTH AGENCY. Joynt, who has been in Luoknow for the t three menthe metal his 'Notes.Discounted and Collected. Drafts ,issued. brother, is home aaggain....Mr. George Hudson has disposed of his residence to General Banking Business Transacted M Richardson,f Famine for $410. No. 13. BANK OF HAMILTON Capital, all paid up, $s,000,000. Reserve, $t,600,000. Total Assets, over $so,000,000. «TARES TURNBULL, GENERAL RIANiAAER. Mr. o ....Mr. E. Ramsay, of London, is the guest of his cousin, Mrs. John Petty. . Mia Mamie Joyot of Luoknow, hi the guest of her brother, Mr, George Joynt, of this place. MORRIS. Uairen rx Weotootr.—A very pretty wedding took place at the bautlfal home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Farrand of Morris, at four o'olook on Wed afternoon of last week, when the r eldest daughter, Marietta M, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr, Sylvanus Pike, a prosperous young wee perfrmer ormed by Bev. hFranoilii Swsun,..of Bluevale, in the presence of c, 198 so on, he whole about 160 invited guests. The bride ed tfR786.... Word was receive was liven away by her father and lookevery swat in a of white SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Sums of $t and upwards received and interest allowed, compounded half yearly. sale reach gown , ed the other day of the death of Mr. organdie trimmed with insertion And WALTON. Henry McGregor youngest son of the ribbons in bow -knot design and carried DR. Anneraoxa Warns—A. letter; lets Daniel Mouregor, book -binder. a bouquet of asters. Tie bridesmaid them Dr. Armstrong, formerly of Wel Deceased had been a resident of Cleve was Miss Arletta Farrand, sitter of the ton, aye, that sites atsyfug swells 1a land ler about 26 years, and was also a bride, and looked very pretty dressed in ' the hospitals of New York he sailed for book -birder. He laves a wife and five white organdie trimmed with insertion Liverpool, thence on to London, after children. Ifs sow aged sbontE7 yearsand ribbon and carried a bouquet of which he prooceded to Edinburgh and •. Mr. JAR Lamont is having the sweet peas and carnations. The room Glasgow, but atter a short alar he re- house,which he recently Y moved onto was ably supported by his brother and tamed to London as he Bads this oily his farm oa coo. 18, enlarged and very the wedding march sou played by Mn. the most imitable in which to continue much improved generally. It will be • Spence, of Newbridge, aunt of the i hie desired spatial work. There are commodious and very comfortable dwel- bride. After the usual congratulations 'hor•lly scores of hospitals here of ling, and will add greatly to the appear- all repaired to the dining room where a elation, kinds available for doctors to knee and value of the property. We bountiful supper war carved. The hereby ware • certain young lady to 'mune and extend their professional brides travelling braes was a dove theht stadia and abundance of of material in a ri answer ready at an Y colored ladies' otic, trimmed with yontjsition of 6i millions. On Baur- time•••• r• and Lear hes erected applique. The bride's presents were Map soil Sundays one baa time to see a new windmill for pumping water into numerous and wetly, turd by the look the many plan and objects of interest his stables.... We understand that Mr. of some of them the young couple need It would take months to w the Daniel McGregor, one of the old resit never be in darknw. sup Ming sad I dente of this township, has anted his over t evend was tin !Werra• eh in Imglfah and Scottish history. ?annul his son, Charles, an r.Elliott mental music a dowel till the wee old sit of Edinburgh, the timbre Spans; both of whom have Men on sma' ioursot the meeatng. Everybody ♦seas, b toe most beautiful, with its !mama MT mime tin . Mr. MoGragor �,� to enjoy themselves. After fermium and surroundings, in the land. intends to ensue into Sattforthr, hie wishing Mr. and Mrs. Pike a happy Atfew of the places he has visited are witaris a daughter of the late Charles and prosperous life the guests left for maims pboea and manes we 'sad of w d ]t ed ver ke g sloes Edinburgh castle, John Knott's house, Rocas a prominent furniture dealer their respective homes. of to and she rsaentl 'came foto ssd boarded' a few days in t6s house in Bron YWennues Betts. Atidve o'clock on which Sir Waiter Scott lived with his possession' of mayoral thousand dollars, Wednesday, October &led, a very pretty pther, Windsor mien and castle, the her abets of her father's estate. We wedding took place at "t$pruce Avenue rein ter ofd Eton college, Stoke Pages ateagratulete ber on her good+ fortune. Farm," Morrie, the residence of Mr. where Gra wrote the Elegy inacountry RAST WAWANOiN. and Mrs. Adam Halliday, when their oharob and and where he now lies, Cit daughter, Christian, was married to yy Seven sr Paarna.—Two small ohii• of Brussels, The road .140.1 where John Wesley u Mr. Thomas Walker, to preach, Westminster abbey, Bt. Paul's, dren of a friend of ours were chased ceremony was performed by Rev, J. J. cathedral, the Royal museum, Booking• across a bold one day recently by a Ramis, of Mental, the louse Ming Item palace and the mausoleum where (*rufous oow, and in telling abut the attractively decorated for the a sin alts late Quetta Victoria and her husband escape the tittle girl said : " We were with pleats and autumn have The now lN. The greatest preacher in the saved, mamma, in answer t0 prem. bride war given away by he. rather ally stoma to ba Rev rather Parker. I told Tmm'y to pay a be nn an }�e and looked very swat and graceful in ( gty�aliouel, at prevent asaieted b aei.he didn t remem any praq*r. I Dov: J. Campbell Morgan, Moody, esu him bo eawhat papa says at the opseaessor. Score are turned away breakfast t table, so he shouted, ' For tem the door every service as they are what we are about to receive, make us truly thankful.' Then we crawled orowdod out. under the fence and were saved." WIMONAM.'Oarruaay.--Tbaabject ofthis sketch, Lasalu.—An entertainment will lte Mrs. J. R, Reld, was the second you - of ;it:to the Presbyterian church ou 19 children of Robert and Jane ;it: evening of this weak by thewalker. Her prole and family ma- y committee of the Westminster grated b Canals and settled near the gh- present town of Smiths Fails for a gelid...MieuCarrteMaadoaald,dou • time ter 1' Dr. Macdonald, M.P., has reres in 1880, where tire. Reid was th;asd the general secretaryship of the Methodist They ohur were pband taught of the e You Woman's Christian aasooiatfon Mtld dln the way o[ godtaugk their h it at Ottawa to accept the position of travelling secretary for the students' was converted when very young, and voloatese movement for foreign mar asterf und t delightdo theMywork. Afterr. and Mrs. sl *ow (ht use rr perforos. rmances in onehReid were married they moved to, the ot pup lath cenoeaion of East IWawanosh, Western on Friday ndr evening last, where they raided till the strong in - he Western Foundry Co. have asbed taloa graduaily weakened, and, the soused to build • (oat bridge over memory of everything butt Jesus and a* Maitland river, so that their work- His love tat1e4, end she was called to osteo can reach the works mon oat - be for ever at rest, Mrs. Reid was 72 Witty and ave them crossing the years of a and bad been ailingfor n t Trunk braise The Sons of nesay� w o, when she first had an d will hold their annual concert attack of inflammation. After rave - .on the wetting of January 8th ... *ring from that, she never reamed to be lman d en Friday evening ethis hat a gradual ,maaiNag of the ins ew cur m t club well ; another attack tat spring caused willll kkss 11idecline and about two d idr•' months beton death it was discovered to law Wingham. hu that a tumor of the stomach was the not beim enjoying the bat of health for trouble. In her lest moments she nometlms past and will move to a frequently said not to wap, for ahs warmer climate.... Mr, Frank Hogg dia4 Victoria hurts!, London war going home to be forever with twlmorningolot week. Jesus e dim on or 18th, and serious worms some weeks laves a husband, three daughters and ego by falling down the elevator in two sons to mourn her demise. ]lean. A. Young A Sons'tdughop. He Stmts.—Apple packing has been the mar Nomad from thsas injuria, order of the day and "orae fine fruit has ( ei ssssin of the brain is given as the been put up.... Mr, George Kuhns hu puns of death.... Mrs. D. J. Monte- left here for Berlin, where he has been gen, and three eons, who bare been engaged to work in the sugar factory, siadaRg with her pante. Mr. and Mrs. George is a right good fellow and will tl, Youhfil, for the past four menthe, be much missed in this neighborhood. pttaned to their home in Smiths Falls MARLOOK. last wak.... Mr. Peter Deana, jr., left ,awn OR Thursday. He has 'soured a PROHIBITION Mairtsa.--A prohibi- stuation on the Grand Trunk ....Mr. tion mating will be held in the school J. E. Davis has sold his drug business house at Matlock on Friday evening of to Mr. Walton McKibben son of Mrs. this week commencing at 7.60 o'clock. 'Philip McKibben ....Mr.George Paul, Rev. T. W. Cosene and Mr. W. H. of Winnipeg, was visiting relatives in Kerr, of Brussels, are expected to be Wingham and Whitechurch last week. present and address" the meeting. Rev. Kr. J. H. Stephenson hes built J A. Hamilton, M.A., and Rev. John &two new wetting rooms in the Wing- Keauedy, B.D., of Londesboro, who item skating rink. The rooms should. have been appointed to superintend the be warm and comfortable and are a campaign in East Hullett, will "iso be est improvement over the old rooms. present. A collection will be taken up Pstrna of the rink will appreciate the for the gond of the prohibition cause. • lethst , Workmen have commencecomar - - eke 4 in the costore in There is a strike ia..the priatiag .,Ugook for , the Dorms % tab at *amou. an eateisite gown of white organdie trimmed with insertion and fine mat- inee of chiffon, with the customary veil ar and orange blossom. She oried a shower bouquet of white rose and aeparague fern. Mia Flora Toney made a pretty little flower girl in a dainty white muslin dress and carried pink carnations. The wedding march from Loheogrin was played by Mia Teale Halliday. After the oawmony a reception was held and, following the usual oongratslationa, en excellent sup- per was served in the dining -room the dsoorations there Ming pink and white. The bride's travelling dress wee a tailor-made suit of navy blue cheviot with a blouse of pale gran silk and her hat was biaok velvet. Among the guests from • distance were Mies Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walker, Mr. Alex. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Mo- Kelvey, Miss Sarah Motaughliu Mr. J. McLaughlin Brussels; the Misses Livingston, of Bigth; Mr. and Mrs. 11. Young and Miss Florence Yountt, Mr. end Mrs. J. Young, the Misses Maude and Mattie 8allows Mr. W. Sallow., Colborne; Mia E. Hayden, Mr. Hay- den, Me H myndman, Mr. Hyndman, Newbridgers. and Mia Robertson, Toronto; bir. and Mrs. John Fraser, Bayfield ; Micas Cleft, Clinton ; Mr. Adam McLean, Harriston. Norse.-.Ba,v. J. E. Hunter bee been appointed to take charge of Trowbridge circuit for the balance of thieoonference year owing to the decease of Rev. Rob- ert year, Mrs. Phillips will now tine to occgpy the personage until next summer.... Mr. M. Bleak, teacher in. B.S. No, 8, is engaged for 1808 at a salary of 1865. Not many teachers step .as long in oma section am Mr, Black. A new teacher could not have been engaged for any less &slaty and in moat ORBS a higher one.... Mr. W. U. Wilson has received a prise of $t0 from the Rennie Seed Co. of Toronto, for weighinggrowing a Aetle least 800 pounds. bar. Wilson has shipped this giant produc- tion to Mr. Rennie. Judging by the Sine of the packing box he toot home to 'hip the squash in it was no baby, Anything W. C. undertakes to do he does it in No. 1 style and this 600 pound squash is only one more proof of this 'tetement....Owing to the bad weather end dark nights the meetings at Sunshine have not been very largely attended.... Messrs. Frank and John DeWolfe have returned fromves in an u- naided aOlio dittPsterboroy, tilocalit it - t H. T. HOLMES, AGENT. THE GREAT CASH STORE SEE OUR RANGE OF BEAUTIFUL FURS Ladies' Coats, Capes, Caperines, Ruffs, Muffs, Gauntlets and Caps. Misses' Ruffs, Muffs, Storm col- lars and Caps. Coats and Caps for men in great variety. SEE OUR F'UR ROBES They are excellent value, Hearing selected this range of Fine Furs from the beet mandfacturers at the closer cash prices has placed us in a position to.wive ,you money. New is.the :WHO to take advantage of the moneysaving pricos. .A big job in All -wool Blankets, good large size:and much under the usual price. See our Men's Fine Dress Overcoats. They are the correct style and are selling well. s Jest received another large consignment of Rubbers at rock bottom prices. O See our MILLINERY DEPARTMENT for the latest novelties. D. M. McBEATH BSB S . Swift who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Il'. Russell, hu returned to her home near Stratford. ... Farmers are every busy now with the root crop. Sugar best harvest on and a oar of beets will be shipped to Berlin from Brussels.... Mrs. Parkinson and daugh- ter Lena of Leeds .Englaud, are on a visit to Mr. and )yrs. Joseph Stubbs. Mrs. Parkinenn is a niece.... Mine Jamieson has been wiengeged as teach- er in Anderson's school for next year at an advesaoe le salary. We wash her success, ... Miss Jessie Cole went to Wingham last week where she has a situation.... The ample of apples this year Is poor.... Mr. Walter Yuill and family have moved Into their new resi- dence. It is a comfortable, home -like building where we hope they will enjoy many happy, prosperous years. The old log house stood the storms of many a winter ... .1dr. F. McCutcheon is quits poorly but some better than he was— .Min Janet Hood, of Bluevale, is visiting her parents on the 5th line. .. Apple crop along with mangolds, turnips and potatoes makes a lot of work. —Dr. Snider, Conservative M.P,P. for North Norfolk, admitted corrupt wit isWilma •n t, and staading res4rlal. ned the EXETER. Irtens.—Tbe willing workers of the Trivitt Memorial church met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. 'Frank Knight. The "othety was setusalisd for the winter.... Word hes been re - caved that Mr. W, H. Parsons, who left here a few years ago for Edmonton, Alberta, to conduct a hardware busi. cess, has sold out and that he will return to town shorts • ....Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Huston and 2 r. Wesley Huston attended the funeral of their nephew, Willie Huston, at Princetown on 'Sat - last, returning home on Monday. Mrs. James Creech, while returning home from a neighbof'e hone last week, in some manner tripped and tell to the ground on her arm, sustaining a painfdl injury ....The infant daughter el Sir. and lire. Wm. Mitchell died au Wed- nesday of last week. —Alma college, St. Thomas, cele- brated its 7lst anniversary on October 80th by a book reception and a piano- forte recital introducing Mr. Thomas Martin,, recently engaged on the col - loge staff. OverS00 books were added to the college library including a gift by the Alma daughters of London. Mr. Martin's splendid playing was repeat- edly and enthusiastically encored. —Subscribe for Tea Bra Drita,