The Blyth Standard, 1902-10-23, Page 814°165
Dg5r G0l•.,to ERS;
daC /Ltf ,nCALL'40yy, pte i
FOR SAIF r Alt O$u46I5TS, PRIGt Taa .acao,lss
CH vixen Norrees—Union thanks.
giving services were held in the
I, oidesboro Presbyterian church last
Thursday. An offering, amounting
to 1411.70, was taken up in aid of the
Sick Children's hospital at Toronto,
...The anniversary services In the
Msthodiet chprch pitied of success-
fully. The church was well filled.
The choir of the Blyth Methodist
Church sang well, and Mr, John
Wilford, of Blyth, made a good
tahairman. Mr. W. Lyons favored
the audience with a recitation, and
Itev. T. 13. Coupland and Rev. J.
j(ennedy gave excellent addresses.
Toe not proceeds were over COO.
£Iectten Petition. Broppae:
Eighteen election ,petitions and
/trots -petitions have ben dropped in
Oatarlo, the largest number at any
one time in the history of election
courts. Five are Tory petitions and
five Tory cross•pctitiols. The other
nine ate Grit petitions, three being
" cross." The five Tory petitions
against Grits are: Centro Sinlcoe,
M, Davidson ; West Huron, M. G.
Cameron ; South Wentworth, John
Dickenson ; South Norfolk, W. Charl-
ton, sod South Bruce, R. E. Truax,
The cross petitions in these are
against A. Thompson, Centre Simone;
J. L. Book, in South Norfolk, and
Dr. Clapp, in South Brow. The Grit
`petktiei a against Tories are r East 1 BLYTII LIVERY
Ifamilton, 11. Carssallen ; Wrest iIrun-
ilton, Mayor Heudrie ; south. Huron,
Henry Either, and Manitoulin, R. R. 1
Gamey. The cross -petitions In these
aro agablst S h' Washington 1n l
Wo et Hamilton Dr. Griffin, East
Hamilton ; D. M. Brodie, Algoma ;
51. T. McLean, South Huron, and J.
M. Fraser, in Manitoulin. They will
all be formally dismissed next Satur-
ihir. This leaves 24 instead of :34
petit!enls upon which the battle in
the courts will be fcnght, and nine
fnstea.3 of 17 cross petitions,
IIon. J. Israel Tarte is no ityllger a
member of the Dominion govern-
ment, ilia resignation was sent to
Sir Wilfrid Laurier on Monday, and
on Tuesday was accepted by the
premier, The minister, in hie letter
10 the premier, pointed out that the
objections to his utterances on the
tariff raised by Sir Wilfrid himself,
led to his resignation. Mr. '1'arte'a
letter was written in a friendly
strain, wishing Sir Wilfrid speedy
restoration to health, aid also ex-
pressing his wishes tor the future
welfare of his colleagues, " Most of
whom had been kind to him." Mr.
Tarte added that he preferred flee -
dont of speech to even the great
honor of being a minister.
In his letter rf acceptance, Sir
Wilfrid points out that Mr. Tarte',
attitude led him t l inform his excel-
lenOy that he would have to demand
Mr, 'Carte's resignation of the port-
Sir Wilfrid pointed out further
that the minister's taction was such
as to impede the progress of coned.
tutional government, and entirely at
variance with custom. Mr. Tarte,
the premier added, should have
brought Ma views before the cabinet
with a view to getting unanimous
consent, and if failing to do that he
wonld have to conform to the views
of the majority or resign. Not until
he did thea was he free to address
the pubile, Sir Wilfrid said that
this was not a time to discuss the
economic side of the question, and
thanked Mr. Tarte for his kind ex-
pressions regarding his health.
Rural aehool Librarle..
11 catalogpe of books recommended
by the education depal•ttpent for
rural eoboot Lthrppies perp been pre
pared, to which is appended tt ,copy
of the regulations under which math
libraries can be established and main.
twined, the government promising to
aid the local authorities by small
grants of money. Insp ors and
teachers can do a great deal to in-
terest the trustees in this movement,
and once a beginning has been made,
the local libraries will be sure to
grow In size and value. Money to
purchase books can be raised by
school entertainments, and donations
are expected from graduates of the
"old los-school house," who have
attained flneneial success, and have
a kind remembrance of their old
When sea air is ordered to a nervous person, she usually
rushes down to the seashore, spends all her time ou the beach,
frets more or less over the expense,
and returns after two or three weeks
to make np by extra work for the
brief holiday. The result is an ex-
aggeration of nervous troubles. The
time given to the cure was too short.
61yt STRtesniTO04(
G ktMernotin,wets
EY tNRfCh bit BLOOD 651111-14
'+kaaPR CE *
en Druggis 5 d GIe1N
Mohr Canada: $1.001
Six bottles tor {It.00 a
ST. JAMRs WAFERS are as good
for the nerves as the sea breeze ; but
in case of nervous weakness, like the
sea breeze, they require time.
ST. JAMES WAFERS are a tissue
builder and a reconstructive, not a
stimulant. Quick temporary results
are not to be expected ; but perma-
nent improvement will follow their
patient use.
y . JAilras WAFERS help stomach,
digest fond and send the nutriment
'through ,the blood, and this is the
t;onest w'ayto get health and strength,
Ale kind that ,fasts, develops and
breeds the energy which accom-
plishes much.
"from personal experience f
am able to appreciate the great
value or the Ilt. James Wafcra,a'
Dr. Chutes D. Camp,
Dublin, Ireland.
St. Janer N ofer, are ref a rmret •
remedy • lolhr ermero sdocton
commemd,ng Mew to their pawn is
we mail the formula rpm request,
W bete dealer are not 11•etling the
Wafers, they ere mailed upon re-
ceipt qt price at the Canadian
brancR; It, Lan Wafers Co., IRS
St. Cstgarina St., asntral.
Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S.
First.class here's fund Rigs for
hire et reasonable rales.
Best of accommodation to Cor
mercial Travellers and others requiring
Veterinary office at livery stable.
stamping ground. The free libraries
In the cities leave been so beneficial
to their patrons that there can he no
question of the appreciation 01 similar
institutions in the country districts.
1'he ilst includes books for little
children In great variety, scientific
books, books on geography and
travel, history and hisenieal books,
hkography, citizenship, poetry ;utd
fiction. The educational effect will
not be confined to the school children,
for many of the books will be rend
by their parents alno. The free
library is a natural supplement to
the free school.
Aleobni nod '1'ubereulosl,.
C„,t,dnnud by Myth W.1' 1.L'.
The evidence of the influence of
alcohol in the spread of tuberculosis
is rapidly increasing, and 11 1108"rte.
very serious consideration. A ph{,er
dealing with this subject was recently
read before the New York Medico -
Legal stclety and American Congress
of 'Tuberculosis in Hut session, by
Dr. 'I'. 13, Crothers, of Hartford, Conn.,
in which the writer made the lullow.
Ing statements;
" Probably no one substance in
oominon use disturbs the nutrition
and impairs the vigour of the body
more positively than alcohol.
"Statistics of consuuapttvee show
that n very large proportion of these
were spirit and beer drinkers in the
early stages, with marked symptoms
of dyapepsla, faulty nutrition, and
Spirit aid beer drinkers ere
practically starved, and suffer from
poisoned states through derangement
of nutrition and foods taken which
cannot be utilized.
"One author claims that 80 per
,cent of all coesaulptives have used
spirits or beer in excess before
consumption appeared.
" From enquiries it would appear
that fully 50 per cent of splrit and
beer drinkers in northern climates
die of consumption.
"The relation between consump-
tion and drinking is very close.
"The use of spirits to excess not
infrequenyly masks and covers up
Um symptoms of tuberculosis, but it
is quite certain that it never cures
the disease."
The time of year has arrived when the housewife's attention is
turned to the making of Pickles. We always have on hand the
best of White Wine and Cider Vinegars for pickling, Pickling
Spices and Yla1'orings.
Fresh Groceries and Fruits
Arriving daily. Our Canned Goods were bought before the
raise iu pt ice, thersforo we esti sell 'I' n atoes for ton per can, or
one can each of Tomatoes, Can and Pease for 25c. a pounds
Tapioca for 2bc.
Hilghest Market Cash Prloo for Rutter and Eggs.
Bargains in Furniture.
---Stayner mcrchents will close
their stores Monday, Wednesday and
Friday nights at six o'clock from
now until April 1st next,
—Mr, Charles 'Taylor, of West
Wawanosh, has sold his fine team of
agricultural hoses to Messrs. Currie
& Hiroo], of Wingllam, tor $400,
—Mr. 117, II. Thompson, of Essex,
has been engaged as science master
of Goderich collegiate institute, at a
salary of $850. Ile was formerly an
assistant master at Goderieh,
—Mr. James Irwin, for some years
editor of the Brussels Herald, has
purchased a grocery business in
Toronto, He has taken possession
of his new business and will move
his family in the near future.
--Mr, J. C. Hay, of Listowel, has
sold to 1110 Elias Rogers Coal Co,, of
Toronto, 600 tons of anthracite coal
which he bought last March. The
price was $12 per ton on the cars at
Listowel. Mr. Hay made in the
neighborhood of $1000 on the trans-
--Following is the dividend record
of the Grand Trunk railway :—Full
four per cent on guaranteed stock
has been paid etnc0 1899 in semi-
annual dividends. In 1899 :our per
cent was paid on first preferred, in
1900 51 per cent, and in 1901 six
per cent. The second preferred
paid 31 per cent in 1900, three per
cent in 1901, and will now receive
its fell five per cent for 1902, the
first instalment of three per cent
having been declared in May, 1902.
The last year that the fall dividend
rose paid was 1883.
A farce assortment. of Lino goods just arrived. consisting of Bedroom Sets,
Sideboards, Extension'1'ables, Fancy Rockers and Couches, Prices are marked
debut to 1b0 11,west point for cash.
We have 25 Tables to sell at 88 oents eaoh.
Piing. in your Pictures and ,tot t neatly trained.
K XK Koc K K tK K&K K & Kc<K
If volt are buying a pair of shoes or a salt of
rlott,es you era particular as to the honesty nod
reputation of the merchant. Your health fa of
morelmpnrtaoce than either, yet you let quacks,
medical fake•, and of he: lima uge deceive you by
their decepOve offers of something for nothing.
Atter being defrauded by these medical sharks you
4y thin, all doctors are rogues, whereas, you alone
eies4 bser are to blame. Why not first demand from them
evidences of their honesty and responsibility ae
ereferencpxietiae,.ts, We have been located in Detroit 25 year, and can give best of bank
READER Are you a victim ? Have you lost hope? Are you contempla-
anyweakness? Our NewnMetb d Treatment will curee you ?What It has
done for others it will do A,r• yon. CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who has treated
you, w; i is for an honest opinion free of charge, Charges reasonable, 10053 FRS,
—The Golden Monitor" (illustrated 1, on nmeasea of Men,
Q'No Names used without written foaming. Private. Rio
Medicine mint Hverythinqg confidential. Question Lab and colt of Trill•
anent FREI.
a Kz1tK K& IS
—Some weeks ago a resolution
was ngreed to by the ministers of
Palmerston ,tp ,hold no fuuerttle on
Sunday. Since then share have been
some changes of Illinisters, and sev-
eral requests for Sunday lervices,
hut the ministers wish it understood
that they will still adhere strictly to
the rule above referred to.
—A special census of Orangeville
was taken to show that the town
had population enough for seven
hotels. The census was so glaringly
inaccurate that the people refused to
abide by It and petitioned the council
to not accept the work of the enum-
erators. The census will probably
be taken ngain by enuueraturs who
have souse regard for honesty.
--A couple of sharpers flim-flam-
mcd to number of farmer% about St.
Marys last week to tho extent of
$500, They got ten farmers in all
to sign a receipt for one dollar,
which they were supposed to be
paying on a quantity c1 poultry
bargained for, and It turned out that
they had signed Lbw names to notes
of various amounts instead. The
notes, aggregating $500, were taken
to 51r. R. 5, Box, private banker, on
Saturday to get cashed, but some-
thing mowed his suspielon and he
naked the two gents to wait till
Monday. By that time the seeret
was out ; hut 80 were the gents also
—out of the :nays- --- --u
Do you know that there
is no better ..
than those furnished by A,
Booth & Co., and here is
where you can get them first-
class. 'fry them.
Bakery, Grocery
or Confectionery
We keep the best qualities and at
rock bottom prices, Come and see for
yourselves. Mont believe 11,resay0,
they often mislead, The proof of the
pudding is the eating of it.
Strayed onto the premises of the ander-
Maned, Int 3a, eon 4 5 .t 5. avenosly, en er
about Juno 1011, 190*, one ewe Jinni,. Owner
eau have same by proving ',roper'y anti paylug
all expeuee., J. E L''LIA*, myth I'M. 9e
A splendid Macre farm, centaurs of the
east fait of int 311, vim. 1, heat Wawaoosh, good
lame house with hhtoben, barn 241035, and shy d.
30140 in wnith then, Ie good et,bldrg and hard
water of never fatting well. There is 8 80,011 et
huh, lame of ..roha,d, 30 , Trot under ouldva-
t on, Wane, %ceded ,lov'n Thu lam is Altus,sled II toile* from auburn en 1 6u rods irons
school. Purchaser can hese poss6sdoo Dorf.
Fur farther paruoulara apply to H. oovtan,
Auburn P.O. 9d
N,tloe is hereby Given, that a Court will le
hello pursuant to the Voters' List Act, be ala
Honor the Judge of the Counts; Court of the
County of Huron at 11 'grave on Wednesday, the
2901, day of Oct^bur, 1002, at 10 o'clock a m., Ou
bear and determine toe %morel complaints of
errors and 00)1e lune in the Voters' List of the
Municipality of the Township of Nast Wawanosh
for 1800. All persona having ',mines, at the
Court are r, qurad to attend at the a Ad tape
and p10os. noted this 15th day of October,
1002, P, 1'oa1'nurllaLU, own of the MmiPt.
patty, lOb
No 1---W4 lot 95, non, 5, boast Wawauo,h, eon-
tainlog 100 acres, Go - erw, elearea and to a g ed
elate .1 cei,ivatee, 20 rotes partially cleared
and 20 sorcx of t tuber laud. The coil t, a gond
loam, There :s 00 tem p,nce a a•nd bnol. dwell•
ing house 20434, one 80d a half storeys, with
tlmhun attache-,, wood-ahd 20450, and atone
cellar under full else of house; hood olateru;
good well and wind mill convenient to bonne
a',d out -buildings; frame bar, 50155, with morn
,tablet Undor'4ath; two frame dive lama 18%20,
one and a half storeys; a Meant saw 0(18)100,
two storeys, with boder, engine and all aeoee-
nary machine y tor 0s,ufactuing lataber.
loth and &largk s, all in goo order.
No. 2—, 1 lot 34 eon. 5. Mast Wawanosb, eon-
1xlnane 100 acres, Oil sores Memel and :n a gourd
elate of cultivation, 20 aoro, of timber lend.
There 14 016 tan leve a good frame barn 401100
o1 20 1,. t high with 14,08 stables under the
full site; good name dwelling 20x28, one sod a
belt awrevs, 1st,' nun storey kttehon atteehed.
Nd. 9 -Iia lot 98 con. 7, Heat Wawanosh, sun.
tenting lou acres, 00 sores Memel amt in ao d
state of cultivation, 10 acres ut timber land.
The null lea good clay 1000). On the poo,
there is u gond-frame dwell log 2Ja00, atop* ae6
ler, Ivan10,aleu atteohod 18128, one and a halt
01005* 1 urd ands it water; gond Herne barn
40180, with moms stades under; Ireton (Wines
and .1.d 24n60; good orchard, 'Ihla plum 1a
well drained and has a never failing 8pnup ruu-
nf*gugh 1'.
ca lull pa. touters apply to Tgnh11s H. TAT -
Lon Wo,tasld P.O., Out, or 50 0. 1i8HthTnN,
tllyth P.u., 010) aft
Lime! Lime!
Anyone in need of Lima in
any ggautity should write
or telegraph us, and we will
deliver the same where re-
R. Nicholson & sons,