HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-10-23, Page 7IRISK MEMBERS MAKE A SCENE. O'Donnell Shakes His Fist in Balfour's Face. ' HEALEY AS A UGANDIAN Makes satirical Spaeth Irish Affairs Will Only he Discussed ii' the Lib- erals %%ant It Irish '1'hreatln to Make it Iiot Per the Tories. L0114011 despatch : Parliament was re -opened to -day without any of the usual formnlitlee. Tho House pro- ceeded immediately to the business of the day as soon as the Speaker took the olmlr shortly after 2 p.m. The session is likely to hast until nearly Christmas, agement and cheered vigorously. The epeakor repeatedly warned Mr. O'Donnell that le was out, of 'order, and en exciting scene followed. MV'. lirllour moved the suspension of Afr. alkenirll, and the tatter crowed the floor, stood In front of the !'render, shouting defiance, and shark his fist in Mr. Jetliner's fare. The House then seependal Me. O'Donnell. lllr. Manic stalled quietly as the Irl»h member ehoutod and gesticu- lated, and other members of the Cabinet, fearing that Iter. O'Donnell would actually nseault the Premier, moved tow,uris him, but Mr. O'Don- nell, having concluded what he had to day, returned to 1111 aro t n.ne then lett the Holum. The debate Was then closed by a von of 263 to 148. Mr. Wyndham again came In for some lively hlseeng as ho returned front the dlviMon lobby. Me. Balfour's motion was then car - rid by a vote of 262 to 145, and the 110(100 went Into committee on the Education 1(111. Mr. O'Donnell's su(penelOn will probably ho only for a week, as the new relax Increasing the penalties for dleorderly behavior havo not yet been passel. Owing to the highly contruverelal character of the Education Bill and the unbending deterlulnatiou of each side, the (ee0lon promisee to be the ,most serious party struggle tu' House -of Commons einem the Met Liberal Ooverumewl, retired from office. Seven hundred and fifty wmwndmente to the Education Bill await consld- Oratton, of wldab nu'mbar 588 have been proposed by the Liberals. During an exciting scene l'romler Balfour moved the suslktssion of John (eDonmell, and the latter crossed the floor, stood in front of Mr. Balfour, shouted defiance, and retook hie fist 111 the Premier's taco. Mr. O'Donnell twos 0u011endrd by a wove of 8e1 to 51. A Turbulent Debate. The o tting opened with a turbulent debate. Premier Balfour reeved that the remuloer of the session be me trely devoted to Government buel- nese, whale he explained, would eon - Wet mutely of the diseussku of the Education and London Wetter Dills, whew the Indian budget, the Ugattda Railway, sugar bouottro, and the oup- ply vote would etabie the procedure to be carried out. The Trausvual, he added. would oleo require attention. fumes Bryce, leader of the Liber- als, in the auemice of Sir Henry tamp - bell -Bannerman, mlttlly protested, and then Patrick O'ltrten, of the Irish members, asked that at least a day between now and lhristmao be devot- ed to dheusslon of the serious saga Of affairs in Ireland Mr. Balfour replied that If the re- quest came trot: the Liberal leaders the Government would grant it, but they could not notice it from the Irish paWm. O'Brien thereupon made an ho- pas0toncd epeecie warning the Haase that Ireland was on 1110 verge of re- volt. Evolt. The Co attutton, hn sold, was practically emended, and now the members were gagged In the only Parliament they had Throughout Mr. O'Brien's remarks the Trish membere kept up a perfect Storm of applause. Where Mr. Wyad- boon, the Chief Secretary for Ireland, entered the House, they hissed him loudly, and the Speaker, who was fre- quently on hie feet, asking (of "Or- der," sternly repreesetrt the demot- 'dratlont Upbraided Baftbur, Mr. Lloyd -George, backed up by Irleb members, and T. 1'. !)'Connor, Increased the excitement b -v bitter- ' ly upbraiding Mr. Balfour for de- claring that Irish matters must only bo discussed ey favor of the ITVnglleh Liberals. Only after a beat - ed colloquy with the Speaker was Mr. O'Connor prevented from vole - Ing abuse of Me. Wyndham and a description of the alarming state of Ireland, which the other Na- tionallet members had not touched un. During the afternoon the Speak- er's ruling raised renewed clamor from the Irtah benches. Members of the House of Lords, as Spectators, crowded into the House of Commons in expectation of a scene, for the threats from the Irish benohes became more and more demonstratives The elineax came unexpectedly. Mr. Healy, amidst intense excitement. said In toy tones: "I rise to speak am a native of Uganda," Mr. Healy's Keen Satire. The House wee convulsed' with laughter. In a speech which on all tildes u -as oharaetertaed rte one of the finest retires ever heard in the House of Cbmmono, Mr. lively, nl• ways as a Ugandlan, thanked the Premier for his con(hleration, which enabled the Imperial Parliament to devote time to dlecusshnl of tie - !Donal affairs. Ile complimented Mr. Balfour On Ne1ng able 10 suffici- ently detach himself so as to he oblivious of the vital dieturhnncr prevailing "1n that dletant and 1lls- treesful country, Ireland." Shook Flet at Premier, Mr. Redmond regretted that the Irish people could not with arms in their hands etrlko q blow against the violent tyranny to which they were eubjeeted. Zlhe present action of tho Government, he declared, af- forded a rcadon why the Irinh mem- bere would tabs the first opportun- ity- of hurling the Ministers from oi- lier. Ultimately, Mil'. Balfour moved the closure, nod the uproar broke out again with renewed vigor. John O'Donnell stood up ami refueed to give way to the Speaker. Ills fel- low lea tbonalbets aloe ted encour- HE WEDS A 00111108011. Wears Long Hair Now and Goes Barefootee, REFUSES MONEY FROM ENGLAND St. Paul, Minn., Ot. 20.—Arthur Forteeque Is the most lntereotbng individual who has arrived to the city of Mtnneapoue in many months. Ile reached there to -day from Asslniboia. Ile to barefooted, his hair Is 18 Inches long and of the blonde variety, and he refuses to answer any questions that seem to be too much coacerned with the affairs of thle world. Fortesque arrived in Mlnneap- olls in 1880 and lived there until near the close of 1901. He became known as a landscape painter, but, being In need of money, began de- corating windows for persons who desired to secure stained glass ef- fects without the expense of the stain. Fortesque was then a fash- tunabty lead and handsome man of 25. He got a remittance of 4100 a month from England. A year ago be refused to receive any farther financial aid from his uncle in England, who le chief eteward on the estate of the Duke of Port- land. This decision on the part of For- teeque appears to have been duo to a religious convection. Early In hie Minneapolle career Ile became In- terested to Christian Science. About nine months ago Fortesque left Minneapolis for Aesbnbbola because he felt more at home under the British flag. Now he is the hus- band of a Doukhobor, whose relig- ion be Itas adopted and whoop pern• liar habits he indorses. PEASANTS FROZEN TO DEATH Corpses Found on Parte Driven 10 HERE AND THERE 11111 IY,I,YY,Y,YYYYYY IIIc The strike of the French cont min- ers has been settled. Three schooners, carr; tng over 2- 000 tons of soft coal, have rc.(chiel Toronto. Toronto etriking jewelry workers will return to work p^ndleg a set- tlement. Several revels were wrecked and other damage done by a gals on the 0(11(011 coasts. Tho Brttleh National Fieleratlon peeved a etrong resolution against the Ednention bill. The German Coal Minors' Asioeht- lion hue forwarded 811,250 to the 'Belted States etriking miners. The Haytlan revolution bas col- lapsed and the leaders have taken refuge on a United States cruleer. The Turkieh Government claims that the Bulgarian revolutionary bands have been completely defeated. Two men were rather eerionely in- Jured by the collapse of a scaffold at the Ogilvie mill elevator, Winni- peg I'. 13 rettlmated that 100,000 out of 600,000 school children in Now York City aro 01(110torl with eye 1110- 0(000(4, Cholera le raging in Palestine, and in one city alone the average num- ber of deaths le between 30 and 40 a day. A few days ago M. CadIgan and James Tracey enjoyed a bear hunt near Llndeay, killing a grown bear and two large cube. There be difficulty in manning the manufacturing departments at the Central Prison owing to the decreas- ed number of tnmatee. Idle. Alex. Stewart, of the Brock - vine Customs branch, bas been placed on the superannuated list, owing to age and failing health, The Toronto Exhibition of this year shows a surplus of almost 112,- 000, after paying all liabilities, in- cluding Met year's deficit. Tho promotion of officiate at Oe- goode Hall, rendered necessary by . the appointment of MT, Me.tndrew as Inspector of Legal Office's, have I been announced. H Co., Q. 0. R., won the marching and firing competition, with 68 pointe, the 11. C. R. 1., being second with 60. 11 Co„ Highlanders, made the beet time In marching, 1 hour and 45 minutes. MIr. Ooldwln Smith lute presently] a house on Beverley street as a gift to the Nursing -at -Home Miselon, To- ronto. 110 has also presented $1,000 moth to tho Working Boys' Ilomo and the Old I•'olks' Home. In the Ltegar election case Chief Justice Rlcilards refused to adjourn court to ercure Mrs. J'everett'e eve deu00, ehnrecter'zing the woman as un adventuress, who was trying to make mone,v out of her Merles. Chicago 1s to have a restaurant trust, Capitalized at $5,000,000, If the plane of certain promoters are curried out. All the barge testau- rante of the city, it le contemplated, are to be drawn under one central • het hagement` COMING TO CANADA. . United States Lumber Millis Being Tranelleted, Washington, 1)1..O. -1n the course of 11 few months the export duty on leather Impend by the Government of British Columbia 11)10 resulted to driving a number of United States eilwinlld 001014.4 the inc, and largely prospering the Canadian lumber 1101 0111/11/2', to a short report to the Stats Department (rout Unticd States Coneul Dudley at Vancouver. Ile also says that 8(nglee produced In Canada go into the United States, notwithstanding the duty. There le a dcmaml for five or sic thousand men to work in the mills and log- ging c: tep+, although the wngce of- fered are lower than on the Am - Odell 11 side of the line. Austrian Markets. Vienna, Ott, 20.—Snowstorms have already occurred throughout Bohem- ia, the Tyrol, and other Provinces In Auetrla. They havo been emote - Paroled by severe fl'oets, and skat- ing has been In lull swing. A shepherd was frozen to death none Auesee, and In two cases peas- ants who were driving their pro- duce to the early morning market at Budapest died et cold. When the - lnrts stopper] at the metal place the reins were still held In each rase by a corpse. The market ,people were e0 horror-etrbeken that they were afraid to, remove the dead. At Mernlclze, in Gallein, the vil- lage school has been closed because of the cold, tho local authosltles having no mewl, to purchase coal. A YOUNG GIRL'S DEATH. Annie I. Leonard, o1' Cre'entore, Aeei• dentally Asphyxiated. Toronto, Oct. 20.—Miss Annie I. Leonard, of Cz+oemore, daughter of Elijah Leonard, was accidentally asphyxiated yesterday morning at leo, 60 Beverley street. Her brother be at Bt. Michaele Hospital to under. go an operation, and Miss Loxm'ird cams to the city to be near him. She arrived hero a few days ago, and took her brother's former room at the above aeldrese. Mrs, George Heise, who keeps a boarding house there, received a letter from the postman yesterday morning for Mise Leonard, and went up to the roots to deliver It about 8 o'clock. She found the door locked, and detected an odor of gas. Drs. McCullough and Wilson were quickly summoned. They forced the door, and found 6lts111 Leon - ands lifrh'se boxly In bed. The gas tap was turned partly on. It Is sup- posed that Mise Leonard struck the tap with her finger after turning it off, and thus partly reopened the now of gas. Masa Leonard was twenty years of age. Her holy will be taken to Creemore this morning. An American eyndlcate has secure,' extensive water -power privileges at Fort Frances, Rainy River. Prejudice, whish epee what 11 pleneee, cannot see What let plain. —Aubrey De Vere. Net earmnge of the Erie Railroad Company for the fiscal year ended June 80th last, a0 given in the annual statement, just Oilseed, amount to $12,717,833, an increase for ter' year of $2,0222,505. SHEATHES HIS SWORD. Tolstoi Destroys His Play ,,The l nrpse• " at Request of Czar. Moor ow. (0 1. 2Q.—T1letol has 101(01' ed the two first acts of ilia drama from life entitled "The Corpse,' and will not take up the, work again, Ile shelved It for good, and there is neither a copy nor notew of the acts written, and now destroyed, CHISEL IN HIS HEART. t;mrly W'h„I Burst While He Was Grinding Tool, 11 11 York, 0•t. 20.—Isaac Price, emp;oyed In the umbrella handle man- ufactory of Berkson Bros., No. 215 Grand street. was instantly killed while at work yesterday. lie was sharpening al -inch chisel on an 1.111, Pry wheel one toot 1n diameter, The wheel wan making several Hemmed revolutions a minute toward the man UN hr hrid the chisel, with its edge from him, on the mimeo of the wheel. suddenly the wheel emashe'd into eeverai pkcee. The chisel was snatch- ed from Price's halide, its sharpened end was turned around, and it wait driven with tremendous force into the mnn'e heart. MAY VET BE A COMBINE. TURNED TABLES ON DESPERAOOES • The drama dealt with an actual, Two Shot Dead and One Fat' occurrence. A Set. Petersburg so- ciety girl committed suicide, leav- ing a latter wherein she named the wicked educationnry methods of the higher classes as responsible for her downfall. It is claimed that (ho Czar personalty prevailed upon Tol- stoi to shelve ills thoroughly real - tette play. lhtekers Deal 31ny Go Through Thls 1''ttll il'Moticy M Easy. ('hieego, t"i.'t. 2O.—Teo great pack- er' combine will be launched Urc. 1st. if the money market la easy, m7.4 the Chronicle. Kuhn, Loeb & company, the Now York bankers:uul financiers, will head the underwrit- ing' syndicate. Wherever there are ngenoies of several packere• In a city or town they will he abolished and only one general agency wap be (0- tnbllkhed, Among the first In the eombina- tlon are: Armour & Co„ Swift & ('o . Nelson Morrie & Co„ echwartz- wilecl & Sulzberger and others, THREE DRYS' f IgHTiNg, Venezuelan Forces Still Coml- batting at La Victoria. INSURGENTS GAIN ADVANTAGE. R illrnlvtn+f, 0 t. .0.—Tim batik near La Victoria, Venezuela, between the army commanded by Preeeleut Castro and the, re{ulutiouary forces, 0111011 !ague on illonday morning, was stili In progress this atoning. At that time the l'restdent had re- oetved reinforcements, uttd 11e had over 6,w0 men engaged against ale 7,000 men arrayed by the revolution- ists. Tee artillery played a more im- portant part than 111 previous battles. Shortly odors 5 p• m. the rev elution - ate appeared to hate gained an ad- vantage.. The Preeident'e artillery, which numbered 15 gone, had then been reduced to tour guns. La Vic- toria was crowded with !round+ d, and there were no provisions to the town. The Venezuelan Government lute had no news from Valencia, near La Vic- toria, for three days It Dude it lm- po0elele to uummuntcate with that city, even by way of Puerto Cabello, ne the terlgraph Imes have been cut. Vitleucla wall attacked Monday and Tuesday of tilts weak by insurgents under Oen. Riera. The British cruleer Indefatigable has lett La Guaira to carry provi- sions to Tucacae, 25 miles from Puerto Cabello, for the foreign reel - dente there, some of whom are said to be dying of hunger as a result of the concentration meaeures adopted by the Venezuelan authorities. The Indefatigable, in order to aecompliob her mission, will have to run the blockade of Turncae. IRISH AMERICANS' MONEY. \Phut Hae Become or $30,000 Col - Meted 1'1)1, a Statue of Parnell :' Louubunl. Ort. .11.--T111 Irish '1'uues, la au article on the procession on SumGny to the gravel of Charlet Stew- art Parnell, asks what 1109 become of the 16,1100 which John E. Rod - mond, M.1'., an l Ike then Lord Mayor of Dublin, collected In America, for the erection of a statue of Parnell in Dublin. The paper 'toys a founiiatlon Moine line been !lid near the rotunda, but nothing more hue been don.). It adds: "The money collected in America, If rea0onabby well invested, should AMOUR 1. to over 17,000. Dublin le pevod with the foundation stones of monupnente to patriots which have never got further for leek of tunde, but in Pernell'a case the money wn0 collected, and no account was ever given to the American subscribers or the Irish public." HEN. BULLER HOPEFUL. That Hr Will Get a Chance to ('on- fotutd Traducers, "I fear 3Ir. William Carey says more than he knew. At the sante time he has somehow produced a story which le much more nearly the actual truth than any that hear boon pro- dueerl in this country. I am confident as ever that when the Government cease to be afraid of the truth 1 devil be able to show that I did my ditty for my country in South Africa." The foregoing is art extract from a letter reeelvod by Dr. Murray Mc- Farlane, of Carlton etroet, Toronto, from General Sir Redvers Buller. Dr. McFarlane forwarded to the dogged fighter a copy of the World contain- ing an interview with William Carey, who was a tagnaller with Oen. Bul- ler's army during the march to the relief of Ladysmith. ally Wounded, RAIDED LONE FARM HOUSE, Intending Hob Three Aged Men - Beal one Insensible and Tied An- other (Mond Man Gets Free and Shoots With (feed Effect Three' PHM E11111 114.d. ('levriund, Or't. '20.-111 a secdmlesi farm -house on a country road two miles from the village of Itochester, in Lorain county, ladt night, three aged men named Meech were attack - cd by oh deeperato robbers. As a re- sult two of the robbers were shot to death, one probably fatally wound- ed, and two of the bleach brothers are badly beaten. There are three of the Meech bro- thers, Loren, metal nearly 110 years; John, about 70, and Jarvis, aged 65. The old men are Bald to be rich. About 8 o'clock, while John was in the barn, he was sur)oundod by three robbers aril bound. Going to the house, they knocked .Tivrvle Meech into ineensiblltty by blows on the lead. John Meech worked himself loose from hie bonds, however, and, secur- ing a ehotgun, cautiously stole upon the three burglars who were working on the safe. Ile ekot two of them to death and fatally wounded the third ml1m The three oompanions of the men, who were watching outelde the house, realizing their danger, imme- diately got away. The third of the brothea•e, Loren, Is bedridden, and could offer no restetance, so lie was not molested, Tile authorities are scouring the neighborhood, and great excitement prevails. The would-be robbers se- cured no money. The wounded desper- ado was taken Into custody, but re - tutted to make any statement as to his identity, and there wait nothing one hilt person to tell who he was. The authorities believe file men are from ('tevetand. The outlaws are typ- ical tramps in appearance. REVOLT IN SWISS MILITIA. Government to Punish Men Who He. fused to Serve Against Strikers. (1:mm a, 0'1, .0.--a 11) 1;000 sequel has followed the strike disturbances herr'. The authorities hove announced that the 1111111 who refused to serve 1t 1111 the militia when they were called out to quell street riots w111 be tried 111 court-martial. Hundreds of the cgmradee of these men de- rinre that If there le any court-mar- tial they will return their rifles and 1gnlpment to headquarters and will not serve in the militia again. The Federal authorities neverthe- less peretst 111 their determination to hold the enurt-martial, and have issued an order that if a soldier when called to serve with the colors does not report himself immediately hr will be arrested and tried, and 1f found Without exams will be deprived of his civil rights. , Them was some rioting herr last night, and the cavalry charged with their entire& 011 Rome mru w110 were singing Anarchist songs. SOUPRiERE ERII TS RgMN, St, Vincent Volcano Belches Sand and Ashes, NOISE LIKE HEAVY CANNONADING Kingstown, Stint Vincent, B. W. I., Ort. 20.—A terrific eruption of the Soufriere volcano ' began lase night. During the preceding day (Tuesday) earth tremors upper - catty too slight to be cotleldered Important were experleueed'tu the centre and northern parts of the At 8 o'clock hast night there were unmistakable indicate:me of an eruption. ,'Rumbling 110114es were heard; they Increased until 9 o'clock, when the roaring volcanic giant belched out Its deadly con- tents. This eruption sus followed by a brief lull. Then, from 10 o'clock until 4 o'clock this morning the upheaval continued. The out- break was accompanied by all iu- ceseant and confused cannonading; there were incaldeecent clouds and sparkling matter was ejected. -liter rl o'clock the disturbance gradually decreased. but the noise of the boiling cauldron lo still aud- ible In the districts neighboring the volcano. Both craters of La Soutriere ape pxtreutly were actlee. They have been steaming all day long. Sand fell heavily everywhere from 1.30 to 2.30 o'clock this morning. :l1 southern points the sand is half an Inch deep; the depth gradually in- creases toward the volcanic 00118, inhere there were showers of large stones, pebbles and cinders. Tlnls eruption caused almost com- plete darkneee at Bridgetown, Is- land of Bat+badocs, at 10 o'clock this morning. There was it fait of volcanic duet there. Tice sand ejected during til is eruption has a stronger sulphurous odor than any previously tlu•owtt out. SAi) NEGRO WAS LOST. One Wa) 111' Aaneuneing a 1,1 utCbfag' 111 Loni.ftuve. N'w 1w100101, Ln., Uri..0.—Ati LW - known negro lynched last night at the 1100141 n River .unction on the Kellam Southern Railroad in 1'aleasieu ('arid. In a p10000nl quarrel ho sobbed a white man fatnay, but escaped. A party of whites started after hint and found him asleep in a rail- road car. They took hint from the train find marched him off in the woods, where he was "led." It was later given out that he was lynched.