HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-10-23, Page 6Linin c!'khlinMALS.
If ;LTei 'r'S Lizard and the Lamprey
tEel, Both alitew Zest/did.
0 le peajnt'bi oo .afore inter-
coue�kety le the world ID a hiti-
t thab'NeW ?colas d, and to
P Dandy is due the credit of
k made some very( ,alu.1.41e or-
reeearchea in regard to Nome gore clutrauterlwtie. fatties of
t potttattry,
1y emery one hon heard of the
til taxa, the curious, Iguana -like
leg creature, now found. un only
or two Islands oft 111e coast
w Zealand, and supposed to be
1odde0t living type of n:,imnl on
1 face of the globe. Our, of the
curious features le an organ on
head, which rut doe time was
0 of as the pineal genet but
W Dr. Deady discovered to be
ra_emality a third eye. IN paper
,the subject causcvl the greatest '
ill eqt 1a the English scientific ter-
mad, as an illustration of the
W Lo which research le specialized
ye it may ba mentioned. that
Dr. Dong/ demoted himself to l
u �ei, hied eye Oaodis-'
18 1Jgli• bioklglet to ;
rs. ki tie/ skeleton, an -
01 msr t - Las,. for so forth. la
a t therefore, aur anoto-
mtl4dal knowledge of the tuatara
to be complete.
recently Dr. Deady has die-.
ed another New Zolilaad erns-,
tat poesesstng a third eye. Thiele
t New Zealand lamprey, n favor-
1ticlo of (mei amongtlie Maoris.
third eye le situated right on
1' the head heel to covered with
a lin Nigher of skim It Is doubt -
fu Whether it 1s new of any prac-
t neo for peeing, brut Dr. Dandy
be vex that at one time, tar back
to ;fake world's tlletory, there were
tw Agyes'on tulle beck of the lamprey's
He is further, ad the opinion
11 at One thee the tuntara also
ha two eyes where now only one re-
m la the tuatara It is the left
e which has survived, while In
1T*mprey It le the right ane.
Engiish lamprey has Only two
ey and is to thnit extent Inferior
to New Zealand congener, but
i _ Its Compensations, for was It
accorded In our history books
WI that am English King died
eating too many Inntpreye? No
Il deprive the English lamp-
thn,t dlgtin:+tio;o. Behold yet
r •ta't'tnitoe of the wa,i 'In
whrlr the hl8tdrloni a8e0etl,tlons of
t d world eounterbalaace attrao-
tiofig which we owe to 'Nature
A'Joke Either Way.
(Smart Set.)
Peeend—Y, call that a joke? You'li
mar be able to sell It,
Higeoriwt—well, in that case ft
w11kt b joke oa 08.
"ripe, and if you do sen it it will
br joke on the editor."'
Toa cannot bell "any Mil Mug"
ry advertising. Many liniments are
dud. etely Mer PerIyNer1a' Pelnkilier,
xl the test of misty yen re, To-dny1t
popular than ver. 15 m} *O centro,
(N. '. Herald.
-Notting to Equal It.
-Everyone has heard of Kt. Jambe
011 for rheumatism. strains, Onion,
lame hack, nod ell muscular aches
and pilus, but few know that there
be teething to equal 11 for rellet'hig
aching fret, troublesome corns, and
for softening the harsh, callous skin
width frequently forms on the soler
of the feel. Anyone suffering from
sensitive slits on the toes, sties of
the feet, or bet nren )lie toes, should
rub a little St. Jacobi, 011 on the
sore shot every night. The imme-
diate rclicf obtained 114 glmply won-
No houseleed slimed be without
St..Yeeobs 011, It will be wentet
after eel, trot, after tennis, after a
dav'e lasting; in flet, it fir the
athlete's friend. All chemists sell
et, Jacobs 011 and n 50 rent bottle
la eufflelent to prove beyond a doubt
the abort etatemente.
Otherwise Kngaged.
Madge—Do you think the minlster
offended any of Ids congregation by
whet he said about Sunday golf ?
Mfarjorle—Of emirs), not. Nobody
who plays golf ens there.
Take Laxative Bruno Qulnlne Tablets. �ATll�l
druggists refund the t010ey 1t It hills to cure.
E. w'. Grove's eignittun• limn each box. '
"Thry''lo got n lot of typhoid
fever tit Withhington.''
"Whet cIustre it ?''
"The Potomac R:ler drinking wa-
"thinking water? I spoons that's
the ',einem the Congressmen never
get tt."—Cleteldnd Plain Dealer.
There ie no Mut''thing on a harmless
rough. The trouble gars from ltd to worm
unless rbrrtrd. AlIenT 1.014 Balaton 1(re8
the worst of colds. 1t shays tnaxntmallon
and clears the air pnxxngre.
A WHilleult Ung.
One night at etyoper MY little bro-
ther wee eating an apple. Suddenly
110 lifted up nl, ry0') and rri1.1
"If a grout ate a little 13°1, haw
00011 would he rote to the yore?"
Mlnard's Liniment cures Burne, etc,
The Worst Stage.
hire. Parvenu—Sad then the 1t hole
awful glory got Into the papers.
Mr8, Beenthere—Oh, well. matters
might be grill wori,e. 1t might have
been dramatized.
New York central and Hudson
River Railroad.
The Whore 1011110 IP n 110nsrh01d word nod
the superior rzeelh'm ' of the road should ba
sufficient to attract most people, but now
that the tate Ix the ante to New York find
points east as by other 11ue4, no further 11. -
commendation elmnld be sought. Eery.
body will tell vim ft Ix the Lexi.
Pepper Sauce,
Remote the Reeds front three large
OM- *Ind dice large Aleut Veppere
and Chop these' firth• h ine, oleo,
"Pja ittl
that makes the worl.% go a very stunk head of white cabbage
nad.sa large Onion. hex nil together,
Weir well aware of that; cover It it It two titbit -spoonfuls of
ealt and lease over night. 1f In, the
8It, < s the eeldg go fi latae— Morning the Dili:titre, le tee salt,
If t e rJd flQ,t. rluke t (rough a eullander with cold
water, pressing the liquid out with
a potato mnsber. .add a (reel tabie-
spoontul each of white mustard and
001e7 seed. Disoolve what! ouptel of
sugar In rem and our -lid)(' relents of
the hest elder vinegar and tern to
over the pickle. Beal In small fare.
iMs KbeW'ilow Ear.
The late Bir T!rallk Lockwood, fitm-
ent English Lawyer, wag 01108 in
Yorkshire deletidirlg a-mae who wait
aeouMd of steallug a donkey, when a
wit for the prooeoutlon declared
Ile beheId the whsle proceedings from
afar. "Now, my inane' quoth Mr,
Lockwood, Bit be then was, "you must
be a;trezprfy easeful In your state-
monte. Tog say you watched title at -
fair troot afar. Tell me, now, how far
ou can bib donkey to really know
ts pointer?" its far oft no I am
from ou, maaster," replied the yoke!,
And(efrtytt subsided.'
Fromtoryy direct w eun•baaer, saving
over hal in price. To lntrndure n40 four in
ant cumh1ladnu fiatrunnart we will, on re.
cent of eye dollar., slip 'Inc of these Metro.
*itnt0'wtth hutrne(Ien hook. Many will re-
memb'er these Instruments 00 nn exhibition
et late IX PPoeltiaa. Snipe are sold retell for
twelve dolinra, yul(- Smiled number o1 sales
will be made Mn this plan of 1atreddctlon.
Royal Music Co., 1r, '1'or01l0 Arcade, Turas
to, Oat.
it May be so. probably of New Yotk origin. She re -
The hazier assail IS ht). !Pre jeig-, enrbmri tray that site trig (1 0014n-
tende,to do to -morrow.,",
Occasionally a girl marries her 'darer with the•Cooper flintily at an
)dent but he soon outgrows It.
\V is the man who hasn't
H tren h enough to 'break. a gool.ro-
Roll .
Tit; easier it le to get is men to
tnlk, the harder it (0 10 get him to
Hutt. •
The K180 man knows adore than he
trile, 'And the fool tell, more than
O tL0 spirit of "pergevefanco
w triked n man hardest when be he
to theevroug.
'Me difference bete n repartee
x. d
and ttnpudencepemt)Qq1 the alae
of theimen who gets it'#t1
Dalai men frankly ntll $bey can't
sing but the man net 'jived who
didn't ,think tie had a ecu sense of
A BOON TO HOHSEMY.l(—One bottle of
EngaehlpavinLinlment completely removed
a curb from my horse. I take pleasure 1n
recommending the remedy, ns It acts with
mysterious promptness in the removal from
horaee of laird, soft or (allause I Inmlm, blood
1pnvhl, imams, curbs, ',weeny, stifles and
eprulns. 1)1011 11}1 BORE, Termer,
ylar.Lam, lint.
)1o14 bj n11 druggists.
111storq Of a Itis irlasered Family.
Unique in the history of freaks 1.
the 611 fingered family. of Ureslwlch,
Minn. The family now conela(8 of
\ire. GaskIll and ten children. The
peculiarity belongs to the mother's
Mrs. Oaakill's maiden name was
Olive Cooper. Ethe dote not know
where she was born, but the famIly 114
A Vicious Habit.
tl'hibtdelahia Ite01gd.1
ng- That man over there hue
Omen anted four times,
01(il oh—Well. I 4421p1001' there are
Son With an abnormal rooting for
elreltingent. V -
PP `110x01111
tsdereedbybest English dadle*tj la.
SW p distdl
1err beset and Oland Troubles, Lentos,
bsea, Old Sores, Woe's, relent, Skin
1 s Eom$ imples, SHE JNnts,
be tradowns,
lumbago, Sprains, bruise*,
Ile 1t*, Sere Poet Pleurisy.
5. 1 Qrugglate, no, Try It WW1.
early ago, and that the Coopers were
basket m'akero arid venders; they
led gypsy lives, nand crossed the con-
tinent from New York to rvw Fran -
CIRCO several 1Mirs.
In the Couper 11)0:17 there were
ten children : five of them hall CU
floors and live bad not, The great-
est peculiarity le that emery alter-
cate child, In point of age, has the
extra finger, and those who are not
six fingered/ are bleeee l with an ex-
tra, toe, and those who have six toes
Alava webs between their toes. The
extra (in'here and toes hale well de-
veloped bolls. So much for the Cooper
family. Exactly' the same condi-
tions are found In the rask)1) family.
hire. Gaskin was aarrl, c1 10 Zacheue
Gaekil thirty-two years ago and
tang reedited In Prestwich since then,
She le the mother of nine children,
four of them haling the extra fin-
ger and four the extra toe.
Didn't Want 1411104418 to Mack Hoots
With a Chair.
Soaking wet, nod t esrmbling a cat
that had been thrown into the
river and then pulled out, a Bad -
faced Italian tisited the City Hall
yeeter(lay and naked to see the
Mayor. When told that the Mayor
did not come to 11114 office on Itun-
day, tho Mellen explained that he
wanted to see the Mayor to 11400
Ills bootblack Branae straightened
"foots henr ten men maks fun
on data Been'," he wild, "Data 11 -
Cell' read like damn fool. Data linen'
tiny for binckn boots 10)111 ono. -a
chair. I not binckn boots with a
chair. What's (0 mat' with data
11lnyor? Ile airman molar, fun me?"
The watchman In the City Ilall
glanced at the license paper. It
was worded an follows:
Know ye that 1 do hereby 11 -
cense Salvatore ('hinffitella for the
blacking of hoots with one chair.
This license 114 for one year, un-
less suspended or revoked,
'tli Low, Mayor.
enlv11tor0 explained that lie had
a bootblack eland In Brooklyn and
had posted his license paper over
it. Then leis ellstomrrN began to
guy him obcut blacking boots with
a chair, and told him that his li-
cense did not authorize Idm to 188
a brush. He tins 1011 to come and
8410 the Mayor on a week day.—
N. Y. Hun.
Cleves In Tea.
A nett- idea for a five o'clock tea
le to drop three or four whole cloves
into each cup just r4'fore pouring in
the hot ten, leering them there for
a moment that the essential obi may
*rf'xtpncted.'Thr ten may he served
With the doper In It, or, if one le
fastidious about to appearance, the
one cup may he poured into another
through the sliver etrntner and the
rlol'ee removed. S treed lemon le to
be, ped with this ten, and the min-
gling of the flavors le delicious,
Mtnard's Liniment for sale every-
Runt For Leap Year.
They east in the hamnloc'k, he and
she, twinging the hours away in a
happy manner prettier to lovers,
Finally he ivies -pored in her shell -
eke ear:
"You are tato n peuoh."
The, nrvtien hang her )lead demure-
ly for a few 0111(11(00, while a Marin
blush spread Odor her fair, blonde
"1—I'd rather be a pwlir," she an -
towered trentukataly.
A long silence i'usuei. Then, like a
b0nutitul dream the situation un-
folded 'Itself to the young than, nail
the curds are 11011 nut.
In washing woollens and flannels, Lever's
Dry Soap (a powder) will be found very
satisfactory. re
Role for Success.
" What is ymlr rule of business-.
your maxlm ?' was asked of the wall
street baron, '
"Very simple," lie answers. "I pay
for something that I can't get with
money that I haven't got, mud then
sell what I 11e00r had for morn than
11 ever cost,"—Life.
Messrs. C. C. Richards & o:
Gentlemen,—My daughter, 18 year.
old, was thrown from a sleigh and in-
jured her, elbow so badly 1t remained
stiff and ery pailful for three years.
Four bottles of MINARD'S LINIMENT
completely cured her, and she has not
been troubled for two years.
Yours truly,
St. Joseph, P. Q., Aug. 18, 1900.
A Long -lost Cita Mound at Last,
The ette of the lost Indian city,
Muacoutens, which was reported as
having 20,000 inhabitants to 1675,
tae been determined by the labors
of Thomas ('athero, of Portage, Wls.,
now extended over many years. It
w'ae the largest city in all Indian
history, so far as United States ter-
ritory Is concerned, and the descrip-
tions of the Jeeulte In the course
oI mho la•.enteentli century, closing
with 'Marquetto and Tolle in 1678, are
mid to have been verified.
Shylock was Ole man who
wanted a pound of human
flesh. there are many
Shylocks now, the convales-
cent, the consumptive, the
sickly child, the pale young
woman, all avant human flesh
and they can get it—take
Scott's Emulsion.
Scott's Emulsion is flesh
and blood, bone and muscle.
It feeds the nerves, strengthens
the digestive organs and they
feed the whole body.
For nearly thirty years
Scott's Emulsion has been the
great giver of human flesh.
We will send you a couple of
ounces free.
SCOTT & DOWNS, Chemists,
Toronto, O.ntarlO.
5011 and f,.00; ill druggiati.
frv�ivn^ 6
Nothing in ills lite wits mot'0 char-
acteristic of Jolts W. yhlckny than
11114 (•town mode of quitting it le so
far AN hr could rheum Ilia )vas'. Be-
fore illness enfe'hled Ids will he
made his last testament,
IJe wrote in effect that ho deemed
all Dia proper(y bis WA ilia whir's 111
rom:11011. Iu a final arrangement of
Ills affairs lie recognised her imne
plate partnership by leaving' her half
teethided 1)11(1 giving oil; his half to
their eco.
Mrs. Markey was well entitled to
tide simple justice. Like him, she
MIA a pioneer in the west when It
wing young, far airily, of uncertain
future nod poor.
Lake him, she nc'c^pt ed her rbosen
lot with fortitude. The prttatton8 she
bore were lege amlsplcuous, but not
lees arduous than thole lie P1100111)-
tort/1. HAS' 11'18sttudPR were doubt-
. lose as uume'oun Ing his, but more
rl•rludrd. Ie her quieter )pith of
struggle for exlmtenee she prove) as
self-reliant a. )m ht his rnggedrr
In him she accepted a "Tough dla
mond," but no woman at any Euro-
pean court has w0011 more+ highly
p1411011011 or more varied gen. than
she. Their rhlldr:'n she nurtured 111
the beginning under many limita-
tions, The family 1)111011 tae always
been perfect.
Like our fellow citizen Potter Pal-
lier, Mackay entrusted the disposal
of many mtllfon14 to a wife whoa+
Intellectual capacity, equipoise and
astute prudence ay wife and mother
had been fully demonstrated. No
chafing check was put on the hand
of either wldowt
The helpm'et'c riebt le not nlwnye
thus adequately recognized in either
life or death. !Many It wlfn toile
from her marriage day In far dif-
ferent clrcnmetances and se11-rttae-
tngly devotes her entire being to
conjugal interests only to discover
that an united husband has squan-
dered or transferred her +gutty In
What ought to be let ted their 001n -
mon estate, and left her and their
children to shift for themselves as
beet they might.
Nor is it clear that Irglolatlon 1a
practicable which would protect
worth;: wires ngahlet such Conjugal
Minard's Liniment Cure. Dandruff.
by local application,' no they cannot reach
the diseased 00011aa 01 the ear. Therein only
one way to rule feu. heand that le by con- A Prxyer.
atltutlonxl remedies. nentxexx Is slimed by
an ludmnrrl condition of the mucous lining of A little git•1 414.0 spending the
the Enetachlml Tube. When thin tube is In. - „„mote tit n fnshionnbte watering
darned you have a rumbling mound m• Imper-
fect 1,0nring, and when It I„ entirely closed, place, and Otto 10'))'))ing n1 aha
nen1mee11s 1110 mat, 11)1(1 uu1esx the Indent- pin.yed upon Che 08011414114 of the
oration can be(nken out and tide (04011,010(4 hotel where her mother was stop-
ed to its normal conditiou, hooting will be
destroyed forever; utile ('111441 0411 of ten are ping elan heard n lengthy cam's r-
•nused by ('stared, w111(11 IN nothing but an settee upon the fnehlona of the
inflamed condition of the mncoua ourlaree, day and the absolute nece1481(7 0f
We will give One Hu,")red Dollars for any - Ifg)1»eRe lh inose if one boped
role of Itrs, freN foamed by catarrh) that y
cannot he cured by ball's Catarrh Cure. Send to be a sanest; In 140018ly. One lady
torclreula,•a,r400, went so far aN to say that etyl-
F. J. Cil}:NEY & CO., Toledo, 0. hsliness wale far more Important
Hairs Emmy Pills lire the best.
sold by Drnggleta, ; 5r, than beauty.
Tltat night as the child said her
usual prayer, she added, with'grent
earnestneeo, "Mid, 0, dear Lord,
do please make me stylish."--1uly
Ltpplucott'e Magazine.
Stops the Cough
sod Works 011 the cold.
Laxative Brom Quinine Tablets cure scold
In one day. No euro, No pay. Price 25 cent.
Not What She Wanted.
A school teacher was tnetructing
a class of infante, and was letting
the children finish her 'sentences to
make sure they und:te:tOwd.
"The Idol had oyes," she said, "but
It couldn't—"
"Sec," creel the children.
" It Ind ears, hut 1t couldn't—"
"Hear," said tho Class.
"It had lies, hat it couldn't—"
"Speak," said tho children.
" it had n. n000, hit it couldn't—"
" wipe lt," shouted the little ono.,
end the teacher had to pause in her
begone 1n order to recover her com-
To prove to yen that Dr.
Chase' Ointment lea certain
pepnd eery farm mo
f foitehing,
bleedingnndprotrudins piles,
the mannfactnrern have guaranteed it. Seattle
Umoniale In the daily pence and oak your nelgk-
bireet7oar MOne� 7aback If not cured. u 10neon
a mhos et
all drealers or EMI c1(so11,B,Tze &ConTenento,
Dr, Chase's Ointment
If you have 0 s{ oeli 1 (nh'nt, develop (1.
CAN t'(1)' bn.(1V".' Lawn ILL1'S'I'RA-
'11(S earl lnrrea,r your .abry. llluatrn-
tore In detnunrl. Large salaries ottrrr'd.
Students dellg 1ted. ('oalplet' course tie,
eneefully tang t nt home during spare
hours. Ol'R COURSES In all commercial
aublecto. Including 'Telegraphy and Phy-
.1cal Culture, are thorough and complete.
We guarantee them. Prepared especially
ter homy' study. Writ for descriptive
catalogue and'booklete. Addreea
Correspondence Department Central
Business College, Toronto, Canada
W. H. Shaw, Principal.
ISSUE NO, 43, 1902.
I'ot1•TAT, N bite titans bought outright,
('heeoe, Comb and Extracted Honer
((nod facilities for handling Consignments
waited. Correepondenee invited and prompt-
ly attended to. Beeswax and Buckwheat
Honey wonted. 11'111 pay 15 cents per Ib. for
Jowl .1, 71(11, 112 Front Pt. hast, Toronto
Mrs. Wlnelow'a Soothing ti�yeap� should
always be tined for Children '1Wgteg. 10
soothes the child, soften' Magenta dote wind
oodc and 1e the be,t remedy for Diarrhea.
Voir SALE -10131E of THE FINEST
sugar beet land In Bay County, both
wild and cleared, 111 good farming commun-
ity. Apply to 1. Neatly, 'Hover, Mich.
who ran earn at least fifteen dollars
weekly; 8ereral of our repreeeutatives make
over fire dollars In a day; no delivering 1014
collecting. The Century Christian Co., Ltd.,
Toronto, Ont.
1 up like a. knife, for examining tine work
or the smelt t Idiom tit creation' 1s invaluable
to students engincere, mechanics, Wore, for
teatlag Clout, etc.; tent to any addreDe for
S11c, n for 51.011: agents wanted. Wanner
Lamp end Mtg. ('o., Hamilton, Ont.
The Quality standard from Ocean to
Ocean. Your money bark lfaotIatlSfaetory
1108E & LAFI.AME,
Agate, Montreal.
Thnt moat deetr0Lls property known as
the 7,1mmermu n Farm, eltuated close to Bur-
lington Janetieu, containing 137 arras; best
fin tidy loam; abundance of fruit; two houses
and outbuildings. Hold in whole or 10 Isere
ION. Easy teres. Apply
ne Wellington At. month, Hamilton, Ont.
horse Health
is one of the most important
things for every farmer to
Blood Purifier
will build up a rundown horse.
It tones up the system, rids
stomach of bots, worms and
other parasites which under-
mine an animal's health.
go cts. a package.
THIS Is one of the'Ryrie'
Specials in Diamond
Rings, No. 969. Our price
for it is;75.
We personally guarantee
the quality.
(r,:Igtal Olathe)
We deliver rile Deftly te eel
address, sad refund the lull price If
yea are not perfectly ached.
Writs toe our net Illustrated eta
Ryrie Bros.,
Esse and Adelaide 31reats,
-,e INC
Photo Paper.
Prints et night by any light
Komple dozen, 4 5. 40111 rotenone
of Developer and photo, mulled for
45x, Sn1d
S- VISE /ISE 51:1 Quern St. W
G 'Toronto
('unudlan Agout
Peel, halve and drop In cold water.
Place In preeerving kettle, allowing
three tablespoonfuls of sugar to eaoh
quart of fruit, with enough water to
make syrup. Heat slowly to a boil,
boll five minutes, or until tender, and
Mtnard's Liniment relieves South
g1a. 1 ,