HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-10-23, Page 371t4,-,70 gest V& 64,144160-n4 GIPSY'S IIIARRIA0E "Poor Manrlce! If you lied seen him with tine wild child lin too', she *ticking to his elbow raid wanting to eptnd the evening with hits in the dining -roost alone! On, her de• votlon was touching; 0101 the ex- pretnlon of Maurice'', faze, owing to her curious manners and customs at table, was lush rcue in the extreme.; Maurice, do you suppose your betaatl- fnl young savage bud eves seal a real dinner -table before?" will esk her," he says, In a vel0e no cold and bard that It Wanes Min Blake to Wok elighlly unwuy; end she draws back am his tall figure suddenly Iowan op beside her. "When 1 em present," lie says, In the *setae llol byour aoolug omeother ssbject on which to vast your 'sar- '1 will tall Of whatever I net' eho retorts. W'i auger line roused her oat of her gruel languid tones. "And you know you were ashamed u1 your cousin yourself, Maurice. 1 saw It all the evening" "Your powers of observed°° do you taerrdous eeeiit," he returns, 111 chooareo. blood at boiling -point, all the more "It is only the novelty," ehoeaye 10 becaaw of the truth of her last to'harseif. "He will tire of her In wor41 And then he tarns to (}lady*, a week." 'You trill be kiwi to her, I know,' But when Sir Mnurlce, coetrnl'y lis Nye, the anger dying out of. his to hls wont, comes Into the draw- tonee; 'you will not eueur rt or Ing -room almost Immediately n1Ver frighten her. She Is little more than dluner, lie mother look's grave. He a chlid, Madam, and she has lived I goes straight up to where Gipsy le Io very quietly that elm knows noth- tatting, talks to leer, and shows Ing of rroclety, as thedtsguxting sham 11er photogrnphe and hooks: and we live 1e lo called." ' Lady Dermot, at the other end of "You area pretty devoted slave I the room, catcbee snatches of their to the sham youreelf," interruptsconversttlon, and even sounds of Was Blake, looking haughtily ut diel laughter soeuetimee; and, seeing broad shoulders. "And I had no Idea her wu laying hlmeelt out to bo you were each a rqulre of dames, agreeable to this wild young cre+t- Maurloti," she odds, laughing and ture, she nIwoet wlehee that Petrie Roldlug up her white hands between Ben had left his niece In other bands her face and the blase of the firelight. then here, n.no the money, toe. "1 must laugh when I think of Mies Presently, still watching over the Dermot's drew -hooked up 11e hack, top of the book eho Le pretendingto Uladye, and with n great tuck In It ! - read, elle sees Sir Maurice maing Forgive me, Maurice -1 cannot help toward the piano, and hears him let 1" urging (ilpey to sing. The girl, 011 Ha turns round, and even In the ° ally and faltering, afraid to refuse, firelight she can see the anger that • yet almost more afraid to comply sspprings to his eyes as he says in with his request, alts down on the the same hard voloe: I music stool, and, with her emnll "And you will forely° me If I de- . bands on the 11t{eye, looks up. tdlne to remain, and share your mer "I never leer ed any monis," she lament." • *aye, elmply. "Uncle lien had an old. He token his leave, hie manner stiff ;old piano, and the echoolmaeter In to everyone except Ghulys. He will the town taught me by notes. 011, not even waft tor, hie horse to coma .1 really °aunt play." round. but goes out and stands In the "But you enn sing," Sir Maurice aches, Voeiltlug and Eiuc, ie 1'e face. hn11preferring to remain there by urges, not 80 much beent11e he Nervuusnese and Feared she Would John Ker, with a grave face, rlhbone from vorlo le flower shue'6. Aa ra aid l thee* nee foreigners. They Mikado and 1 were here Jilt sow, 1 when you unuuunoed that your 0 mother had been on the stage. Now, listen, Gipsy I There Is nothing wrong h In being on the etage-It is shindy a profession; but how shall 11.x- plairt It 7 In society there use oer- n laws about birth Ile warn elaep. 'f You betlete that, 1pwy r, Tee" -with a frightened look at Im. " And you are angry because of ',-hat my mother weld to -Eight f She ever meant it lu the way you took !weal g 1t up -I know that, Glpsy ; and my rank, et caetera, and people would mother nae right in what Jibe not think ro much of you If they thought, but wrong In what 0dhe said. thought you sprung from a low 6 1 Nothing Idler It lin' Farr Iran heard Tots will burn all that by and by. 1 °right." Go up to 1101 note, and to-murroar °I' In Newlbnndland, whrls' the Mother I" breaks, shortly and 1 I 111 t lis 1 t1 le gvrr" Storey' onne• 11.01* It ham l'truted a SEVEN YEARS IN BED Thle Wonderful t:ase Borders on the Miraculous, ateruly, from Sir Maurice, ale he 0(00 'something gathering and deep. 1 ! ening In Gipsy's face; bet, with a gesture, Lady Dermot proceeds: "hear child, I do not want to hurt your feelings. Your dear mother was, i feel sure, all that wax good and Mee, but sea was out In the same' rank of Ilfe at your father.,i and you need not volunteer that piece of information for the benefit of the public. Nobody here known who your mother war, and you need not toll them. Von are I not veto!, dear 7" she hake, abruptly, sou nn tv 1 a t l'ndbund tirn.al W11. Cottol'x C'OW''. New Dee, Newfonlel- Iatld, Oct. 0.-(Spoclal)-Tide part of the island Sax been thoroughly aroused by the wort intraculoue cure of a man named Joseph Boon. For eight years able man had been oiling and for seven years of thio Unto he was unable to work. Hu had Back Ache anti Kidney Complahlt ; In fact, he was all pains and aches. He had been treated fron time to time as site becalm', conscious of an awful nt hi', "Gipsy," ho whispers, xud- by several doctors, and although he sllllneee In the girl's manner. denly, "premien me you will never always carefully attended to their several prescriptions, exactly as or- dered by them, he got no relief, but III slowly growing worse. Fleetly he went to the hospital' where he remained for seven mouths, onty to ho Bent home as an In.ur- I11lu case. He hoe tried every remedy he could hear uf, electrto belts, ilnlmentx, oils Wed other medlctnee, but all u( no avail. Nv oe0 ever thought he could e0 1' 11 w111 ugulu, However, one day he picked up a neweystper oenintning an account of hove 5 Richard quirk, of Fortune Harbor, had been cured of Lumbago by Dtdd'm Kidney Ville. After read- ing this lir. Boon meds up hie mlhd to try tide remedy, and at once began a treatment. He ueeeJ altogether twealy-one I tie before )lu was eine 10 go to ad, no she hesitates null, he adds, ' I will never tell nay one that I found you trying to run away." " I 1011 go '*o -morrow," she rapt, orrownilly, " Maurice, you all feel animated of me. because I cannot taut nail do things like -like other geo- de." " Heaven known I don't feel amhnn(rd of your he says, quickly, adding, In a love tone, "1r you only knew what t do think !"-and he Doke down at her ae she stands with unhappy, Indignant fano looking up It le only for a second ; and then t try to ran away without first con- tho dark eyes blase, and the storm eolttng me." breaks. Her throat wells, her hand's " I promise," she whispers hack, close tightly 0e she stale up, 1 and then she steals away alp the "Iffy mother !" she gasps, "To be' etalre again. iudutmel to speak of my own lady Dermot, enjoying her first mother !"-the words breaktag out sleep. little dreamt' of the eeene that like it wall, to end In a tempest of line been enacted In the depths of the bitter crying. night lu the hall. She makes her "WIIII1. wmleceme 1.11 1118 01! 1 know SIr Maumee ;ening' forward. own peace whit Gipsy the next day. you didn't mean to offend roe, Flora, " How 0001:1 you be eo cruel to •' You misttndrrrtood me )net ulgltl, IQ t.(1) thing of that eked; tend, tea Imr 1" Ite i eye, sternly. " Gipsy, my deux child," elle begins; sand You sus, we are too old friends to wall—" Ili flushes. ''You could war•ee• l quarrel about a trifle. Khali weehuke Bert Gipsy Sae fled to the eec.luslon I (18.1' temple to think lightly of your hende ars! make It up?" of her own apartment, and Sir Mau- mother, wool! you?" "Yee;" she Oman whispers, stretch• rico retiree to the emuk(ng-room, Ing out her hand to him, vexed beyond measure at the las- " No" -In a smothered voice from But, though Sir Jinur(ce shakes Page used by hie mother. Gipsy ;and irady Dermot sone on hands, and feels tho warm, clinging Three lour; later n girl, with a " Well, dear, people are e0 ill- pr+wmro close ronnll hie pages* le is white face and oyes all sweetie' from natwred, that, If you, In your limo - , Dore and angry nt heart to crying, 0omee mtealheg clown the Dont Why, gall she had been on the let kis fnrewell bo anything but elalroaee very softly, sheeting her etege, they woul I immediately Invent ! 1 GI a randlle with her handl, Creeping on all kinds of stories abort her ; and face and formal. I s pay ti too acroee the shin oak doer of so, Gipsy, dee- if you love her mem- le re a hu his mind nm P Y P >' he Melee home: and tonight he mem- the hall, ale gun* straight to the rny, you will dee; your dear mother's never even notices any Duo of her hall door, and, putting the candle name rent. Ic le no slight to her igmrent, untutored wuyl, hoe bow "" n chair, b'ghns trying to unfasten not to mention the fact that rhe shy an awkward she G dart that the Iocke and bolts. But they are was on the stage; but you might terrible ordeal to her, the dinner very stiff, and her hands are weak do great deal of harm by doing hour. fie only Iletepe to her soft and mall, and tete big key will not eo. Do you understand me?" vpke, and watches tho play and turn. " ] think so," falters Gipsy, with movement of her features, with an Bir Maurice, coming front the amok- a very dim pr+roeptlon of lady Da - echo tq her every word In tale own hart. Lady Dermot, noting Intently the exereaelon of his tufo, realizes that, when her eon mates, he will ands with whom he will, and not as Shit Ing -room on his way 10 bed, bec'mnee maidenly aware that some one Is stirring In the hall ; and thee be sees a bar of Tight, shining across the pol- ished Boor, and at the same moment he perceives Gipsy's small, bI ek- ehrot der! figure, with ants upraised to the maestro bolt across the door. ('(b be Conttntued.) " Gipsy I" he orlee, In a quick, sur- prised whisper; and, with n start, she turns and ee•l him. " You were going to run away 1" says Sir rice, quickly, quickly, though Itis henrt beats finer as he satchel eight of her white, miserable face ; and he walks over to where she le standing. "Iph, Ilene open the door for me I" she bege, with mute yearning in leer gaze. No, 18111 not," he anewers, firmly. "And, Glpey, you must never try to leave us again." "Let mo go-.oli, let me go !" she pleads again, the tears flowing fast. "i am your friend," he elate, very geelly, and `takes her cold hands in A MOTHER'S PRAISE work again, et now he is able to attend to lite dally, duties ate Strong and vlgnrour ale nne man along the coast. Boon lea fisherman end to at presont cngngrd at lobster Il+hing with no thought whatever of his old time 'Back Ache and other pale,. Thn people here regard this cure ae little short of mlrac.uious. MIA 's meuohlg; and so the enhj.'ct drops. C'llAl'Tlilt IS. "'What will i do with him?" hu "What ere you 0,144111g of, Juhn :"' asked,1 niter I paid flim, la Ix after 'limier ut block Abbey,' "j demi cure, 1 snapped; ;drown tad t'apluW uud hLe eud film 1f you want to.' Jut a Kcr nruLc(rsittyinug over altatrlnal- "That nigbt 1 discovered my wife nate and the wine. Mr. Ker las been In I care, and I Wiwi informed between sttrrhth,L* steaellhy Into tit" ft ro for the doh' that poor, drat lithe Fido was Met ten mieutes, with an eipreeelou all deep l(0ug111, and thought 1101 of udseing. Tho next tiny elle .hail an advertisement troweled In all the the pie100 011 hl, to Judge from the pyu•rs, offering ono 1, ftter!Ward expression ou his taco.. for h1s retnre. Tine thlyd'day she "Out with It, John I" --and Captatln ace me Joyfully at the poor and an- Lefroy retiree to nn easy ()hair by Flounced that Fido had been funnel the fire, laying Ills haudienne head "'Weerc?' I listed, eoneealing a back agaluwl eho leather cushions, groans tend waiting for John Ker to epeak. "'.t little boy brought him:back,' "She lo greatly changed, Jim," lie she answered, avis+, presently. "'what kind of a bey ?' I nanism, The words aro spoken aloud, hut euepfotoltsly- muxo no if in following out 1tIM own .l small, crate -eyed bqy 141.11 the thoughts than in aneivor to any dl- moot Inmost face it ot•1 ever saw 1'4.01 quewleen. on a boy. I gave bile a pnnnd, " Captain Lefroy frowns, "You mean Gladys? Jolm, It le not nay /Wulf," Something About Owrdeners. Julu, Ker looks at the comely, In- A skilled gerulenl r commands easily dolma face, and a sigh escaper him, to tualary of from y1,:00 tu''ffi_.110tl a make her you' elle., and go away from here. Buy yacht -do J year. Thero are hhave tdozen snobor men In a en meiflung to get away. There 1m 'cw• Turk who out another mon living would dare neelelnnte, end echo devote theirmuwutne FOR THE MEDICINE THAT RE- to speak as Ile Moes, and he goer time wily to the hlgleet'llrnluphei of un steadily now. "Jim, old man, the gardening art -to making orchid the sight of her face ought tai be 11te'e'dlluge, to grafting nod to erlgiu- HEALTH, etarnlglt. Jim, It .• me, she 1 hang now species of flowers. "these won't be here long, If matters go un men write for' horticulture! magn- tae they are going- stow." wee 11 11,3 god their photographs In A drop fiueh rises to Captain Le• horticultural papers. mumu of them lute° whole kJ 100 full of melitis and STORED HER DAUGHTER'S /lent maid my lecturintg your but She Nae Referred from Revere., Heed himsell rather thus stay In tbodraw- wiehee for the song no because over ir'terut= end listen to any more of In thle quiet corner he lino her all Flora's suiting remarks. to himself, and eau watch her un - Mrs, Melte follows him out directly. obeervel. "Boetay, Maurice," she urges, "and And then she sings, not u song, but I will send a messenger over to Dee- a hymn. mnneen Castle to say you ere here." But hie temper line been too thor- oughly ruffled to oalm down wo soon. "Thank*, very much," he replies, "but 1 realty cannot stay to -night. 1 am all over mud, awl not fit for ally "Eternal Father, strong to save, Whose arm has hound the restless wave, Oh, hear us when we ery to Thee For those In peril on the sea!" Nat Regain Her Strength. watcher hint drinking glass after sorer in learning their nrt, an up - Every prudent mother will watch glass of the old port that has lain treurttceol1P that la much longer P so lung lin the Black Abbey cellars, than the course of n meslleal college carefully tho health of her young He has drunk only water himself o a late wlurol. daughter at the period when she is fur many year,, and by pfecept anti example bar tried to convert 1de .. prising from girlhood 10 women- Need. But Captain Lefroy is 1 hoed. Tile period Ie the most erltl- m1 mead far comleel. cal In eho young girl's,life. Il is -My father drunk Meisel( to a:Atli," n that eho becomee pile, ensiy iny grnndfalhcr, too. 1 am the stead - tired and troubled with headaches+•, feet Lefroy that over owned Black the he 'Lave, with reclalers laugh, "and titatcmg"rpom." - without apparent caueo. Tho blood .IFilmy ; but 1011pp;oNe 1 shun go 11e He has often before this dined at Lady Dermot starts as the noteshccumcw thin and watery, and nnlcxa way or my forefathers." ' Rivers In hie hunting coat, muddy rise and swell, sweet, wild, and nn- elr. Ker done not care to continue boots, eplaslud breeches and all; but taught, Like the singer; and not un• Wound:, eters are taken to restore It lir• 00nVeraatiOn. Otte esew+e le no good ne another, til the lent note tiles array does Sir to Il, rich, rod, health-glieng condi- "Come nlxh hnt'n a genie of bll- *thee he does not wish to stay. And ilnurlee speak. tion, decline, and perhnpa consume- I ilnr'le, Captain Lefroy xnggemte presently. 'You are doll company 10- hgjlt, John.'' Ti en lin udde, gravely Mtn, Blake sena the Gall, fine man she "Mother, hasn't she a lovely tion Will follow. Dr. Williams' Pink timidly hopes to call eon -In -Into woke 7" fills have cured more ilea anaemic, walk out of tile, leave, end, Yee," Lady Dermot Iustv-ere, P' with a curt good -night, swing him- "It le almost a pity-, teeny, you cu011,r tire) glrlw than eny other *elf luso the sad;10 and ride away, eating lulu a year ul ma'Iloul; It uledielne, and mothete will mike no CHAPTER VIII. would trail your voic0 and be all nals(al,ko If they hualet upeh their 6hr Maurice proceeds slowly down advantage to you In tunny wn)'s." growler, dutogtime htere tn�nugYh A pills the avenue, Flora's words rankling And Gipsy answers gravely, look- g> to in his mind -"Her (rock booked down lief down through the s111008'8 of laxly well known to Ruwanton, Qna, the back, and a,tuck In 11," What did the lamps of Lady Dermot as she tell/ whet these pills have: done for she mean'; How could she have a officio]:bier daughter. She axaye: "fly took In her back? he argues, mealy, "Uncle Ben saki that 1 had mo- daughter, Catherine, aged Tdurteen From among the evergreens n fig. there voice, and that she used to year', wart suffering greatly with ore emerge* err suddenly that hie slug In the, theatre. 1 think he raid oevere beedaehee, vomiting and "er- horse 0wert'ea, and 'the cigar he le _ sir belunged to nu (Vera oowpauy," vOnenese. ;Ute was so completely IIglnting, drops from his /loges. Ifni] a bombshell fallen o0 the rear down that wo feared that eho "Whitt the newel" he ejaculates, I White rug nt her feet, lady Dermot would not recover her strength. We lotting some of ole temper find cent could not bean minting from her tried eecernl medicines, but they did tit Dime three empltatiu words. 1 chair with greater ndncrlty than not Kelm to do her any good, f then "Maurice!" 811n dors huw nl hlpay'slittle apeuzh. theme -la we wt/liel try Dr. Wtlllnnee Pink Plllr, andl tho result ham been up to our foml,'irt bootee Rho hos fully recovered her health ate! m1r'ngth, and I shall bo very glad If tido rxp'rlenee will help Some other ''ef(rrhlg girl regain her health." Pr. Whlllnnie' Pink Pllle make Hell. nal blood and give new strength with ,vrr,v dome. They euro a.uamela, l,':I rho, heart pnlpltatloa, 111zz,- 111'' and bring the glow of health to pile and sallow cheeks. Tbrer pills are also n certain euro for the alhnlente that makes "the lives of so many w"mcn n burden. Bo Blare y0)1 got lho gonelne with the full name "Dr. Nlllinms' Plnk Pills for Pah• People, on the wrapper around ev- ery bot. Soh} by all 1ltddlctne dcal- ere or Pent part pa111 nt ,Mk tier box or mix boas for 112.50, by od- drrsoIng'Ille Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. - lack with Ole cur tied ler a rope. look like 30 stat', "Flora! Oh, I beg your pnrdonl tar Ytnnrk'e elghm es he looks I didn't know Who It orae," he apo!- dowel 111 the leurless brow and 1"• °glees hastily, as the tones of her 'went eye+, an elle announces so voice fall on his ear; and then In 'haply the. -lo Lady Ilennot-nwfnl the shadowy twilight he eau dimly 1 fuer that her mother was a public nee her face looking up Into his. elegIr. "Heaven help her, I'uur "!lo you want me?" lee aake, In child!" he thinks, and halves teeny his meet unyielding tenet, ' Ile his mealier approaches ;mil pre- "Ilaiirlor,e md!•e- "Mlaurloc," she says again, raising' puree to give her niece one out off her face so that he can sec her clear- the many lemons; he will have to Out fenturce, end her soft, low voice here. vllrcntes as she upeaks, "why are you "My deer," she begl•Ie. quite ov, angry with me?" sweetly, "1 will ask you to slug "I nm not angry," he returns, our- again directly ; lett before doing se, priserl, and not altogether pleased at you won't he angry it I give you the turn mutters aro taking. "You a Mlle bit of advice? You know, dear, will catch 0011, Flora, intending tint I am to be like a tgother to witlwut a hat." 1 you, and Maurice le to be your bro. " le are too old 1)100.4 to quer- ther." rel,' she pleads. "Forgive me, Mau- 81r Maurice'* feelings are not rkre„ 171 add anything tooffend you." brotherly as he looks at Glpey'e Hs le not quite tire, but he thinks startled eyes. Lady Dermot eon - elle le crying sv he opal, vary Bowl; tlu Wkly 1 1t war very fortunate that only "1 n-iah 0bulyx had fallen In love with you inetend of me: you would 1111'1' made her n heti et' hnmlanit .iohn, then I ever could." As John Ker suddenly raises his panni to hal( colleen] his fare, tho man who Inns won edrelys' 1001' xewm tate whlteneoe that bee spread from breta' t° he over the grave ince, and n look of Wettable pity and morrow comer+ into his own eyoe. (To be Cotttluo*d.) A Ninaneler. ' "There in n 8110111. crlsfw',ved boy living' In thie city, who, If Ile doesn't loan his lite through jest retribution,' will grow up to lima great financier;' ,declare! Jones. "kir moue time ml1 Irlf+' 11'e:+ p 0''1'10111 1a yo11111v 111111 that lure e1 rmrlhly exeuso for I1vhlg.1 ' Intl *he thinks that he le the (Myst Ilar; In the city, and epands most of 1 her time hugging him and Meting 1118' 'ir11 lilbII' nulm, Pinulle, the dngl- n•.,•.:!Iip hl seine sn wilestreble to me I net I rendvel 10 end the, neetn.11e. t'u; 1 eine to meet ie small. crus'• r 1 low one slay, I Wald to hhn : '• •�'o herr, boy, du yen want to men 111111 n crown 7" "'tiller; *:11,1 he. "'Nell, then,' ','tld I, 'yon go up to MS 110080, watch your "haucc, ahl steal the ,yellow cur that y1n, will fled hanging around there. When van Ills Only Request. .iudge-'1'IIr jury lite- returnee a verdict. o1 guilty. lint, you anything to stay for yuur'cl( is fere eentenrl li pasted ? IRtsourr-Only elan thing, lour floret. I trust Fele \rill am your tray ,'lir to ddnrt the time cret'npled by ❑I; auuns,l's'prrcll front my term of tmprtsolenent,-Chicago Newt. A COMFORT AND A CARE. 1.1' hour ilium. Is 111e.,.e l Willi a Hulot Von Will Appreciate '1'h i', t Ixtby 1st prl'eless comfort but lu Its utter heiplreeness 1e also a great care. Anything that will re- ll've the tired mother uud add to baby's hdalth' awl happiness le both u help and a friend. Thlo Is what 'mikes the statement of Mrs. This Little, of K1lageton, Ont., so Inter- esting to all mothers. She eay::- "R'hent my baby Was elghtuerlmonths' old lie was troubled with n sour 0tomacit null W'ud,budly conation v6 T3/40'trodblln DOde him erase and restless, and I iarid to he Ile With him Milo, el tlmee daring the night, I fl°ully got a box of Baby's Own orehlete, en I after gltlug them to labs for sl [ewdays .bee bowels be- unme reprint-, lie sterner* woo tweel- etted audit.' slept well 1 think these Tablet' err Ji.t what Inulhl•r.s nerd for •Yheir hole ones." 1f -de's Own Tab64. ere the hest ren l meet ' 11- veel'nt ,ora 1era,hulul"t',ring mem- etre, to ale' 1er7 yewlc. They Jiro cults 1,111 II.n'elless and free from opt- 1tes. rent pu.•11r111 on receipt of ere , ee rnt" per live. by the lir, Williams Maurine Company, Br,ck-- 1111', Ont,. or Sehenectndy, N. Y. A book on the cure of Infante end Mil l- dre, sea tree on reltaeet. Write for It. get him, bring him, down to my office end get peer half-crown.' It take+ nine tailors to make n "Within two ho,ire the boy wax men, but nn,' '1111 '1'ten wake 11!01