HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-10-23, Page 1VOL. XVI.
Christmas Photos
Friends will always appreciate a good
Photo of yourselr, especially if it is
mounted on our up-to-date Chrietaiss
We Kaye the Veru Latest
Our Prices Will Suit and We
Will Make Our Work
Suit You.
the Dominion bank ....Dr. Aguew
Jae one tr. New York, where he
Intends spending a few weeks in
post graduate work in the hospitals
of that city. He went by way of
Philadelphia to see his sister, who is
Ill with typhoid fever in the Penn•
sylvania hoepltul...A noncert under
the auspices of the Canadian Order
of Foresters was given in the town
hall on Friday evening last. The
H. Ruthven McDonald quartette fur.
niched the program.... Mr. Edgar
W. Inglis and bride, of St. Charles,
Missouri, are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
W. W Inglis....Mr. Wm. Robert-
son hes been appointed an issuer of
deer hinting licenses—. .The salt
works have resumed operations....
Mit Robert Aikens, jr., had the mid-
- dle Heger of his left hand badly cut
while at work on the shaper in the
chair factory one day last week....
Mr. John Mlteheli, of Bozeman,
Montana, le, visiting hla aged mother,
Mrs. Alex Mitchell, and his sister,
Mrs. A. J. Nicholls. Mr. MItobell
ber has gone to apend the winter BANK OF H A m i tiro N
with her brother at the Soo. ...Mr.
CIO after six weeks' illness to back
in his store agaln....Rev. C. R.
Gunn preached two exceptionally
fine sermons on Sunday Iset....Dr.
E. A. Billings, graduate of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons, has dis-
solved partnership with Dr. Agnew
and has gone to Merrickville, where
he has established a practice with
Dr. Bell, of that place. Dr. Billings
wits greatly liked during hie stay
here, and will be mach missed by
the eomatunity....Mr. David Dick-
enson is in a serious state, where he
fractured two of his ribs, one of them
piercing the lung.... Mr. Frank
Hovey has resumed his studies at
Trinity university, Toronto, tie 4s
now in his last year.
DaATH.—We are sorry this week
to announce the death of Gertrude
Tisdale, wife of Mr. Albert Stein, of
con. 9, West Wawanoah. Mrs. Stein
has been In slontaoa about 30 years, had been tit for the past month, and
MANAOER. hut still delights to visit his old • passu away on Sabbath afternoon.
Canadian home..,.All the teachers- Much sympathy Is felt for Mr.
MORRIS. The. Wingham public school have been Tisdale and family, also her husband
re engaged for another year. The •and two email children. This is the
Coq wording
MARTINO. —The council -Mary of Prinolpal Musgrove was second death in a short time, as Mr.
met ding to adjournment on increased time 8800 to 4850....The, Tisdale hada son killed in Washing-
Oetober orer lith• Members all present, remains of Mr. Robert Deacon, of tion Territory last August.
the reeve in 'theM
chair. inutes dT Chicago, were brought to Wingam ANNIVaRaARY.—Anniversary eer-
iest meeting. read and onfirmed• on Monday of last week for inter -
in connection with the Metho•
An motion of Mesar., Code and Tay- ment Deceased was 58 years of diet church were held on Sunday and
ler, Mr. Jackson watt Instructed to age and formerly resided in East Monday of hod week and were most
have culvert on centre sideline, Con. Wawanoeh.... Word was received a aueeessfel. On Sunday forenoon and
few days ago announcing the death afternoon two excellent sermons
of Mra. Ferguson, of Chicago, (nee were delivered by Rev. John Holmes,
Mise Aggie Dey) daughter of Mr, of Blyth, and in the evening Rev. J.
and Mrs. Alex. Day, of Wingham. L. Small, Presbyterian minister of
Deceased was for some time ,the Auburn, preached an excellent ser•
obliging saleslady in Mason's fair. mon. On Monday following a very
After leaving Wingham, she re- successful tea•meeting was held,
moved to Chicago, where she was when Rey. J. Kennedy, BD., of
married a few months ago to Mr. Londeaboro, and Rev.. John Holmes.
Ferguson. Lung trouble developed of Blyth, gave excellent addresses,
from a severe cold, aud on Sunday, Rev. T. B. Coupland, the pastor,
12th hist., she mused away to the made a vary affable chairman.
better land. Her age was 3•t years iVe.tfield choir furnished excedient
and six mouths. music on both occasions with the
assistance of Mr. Milton Tyndall, of
CLINTON. Carlow, who rendered two excellent
WAIF..—Clinton is going steadily solos. The ladies of the congregation
ahead. Many improvements have are to bo congratulated for the good
been made. More granollthie walks tea they provided. Proceeds amount.
and aidepatha constructed. The ed to 474.
street committee have maned the NoTxs.—Mr. James Wightman, of
trees, which for some years past, Echo Bay, Michigan, arrived last
have grown too densely fur health, week to visit hie parents, Mr. and
A few new houses have been cam- Mra. Henry Wlghtman. It L a
pleted, and othera raised and placed number of years since Mr. Wight -
on stone foundations. A new addl. man left these parte and his many
tion has been made to the Commer- friends were pleased to see him in
Mal betel. The Neweombea have the neighborhood again.... Mr, and
added another shop to their premises Mrs. Wm. Howitt took a trip to Sea -
and put in a new iron:..,,Messrs, forth last Saturday evening....Mr.
palled, read and ped, On motion of Cantelon Bros. have shipped 10,000 and Mrs. Dempsey and Mr. and Mrs.
Messrs. Taylor and Code, the cannel) pound. of No. 1 butter, an. 3000 Slater, of Myth, attended our mini -
then adjourned i.o meet again on No. dozen eggs and four car loads of veraary services.....Mise Alberta
vember 17th pert.—W. CLARK, applea thta week from this vicinity, Graham, who vieited et Mr. David
Clerk, The Chicago Poultry Co. last Dunbar's, returned last weak to her
WINOMAM, Tueeday ran a car through td
Clinton. home in Stratfo....Mr. Wm. Eng.
It contained all the poultry that land b engaged with Mr. J. H. Me-
t No'eita.—The ceremony in connec-
tion could be picked up in this section, Clinton.... Miss Carrie Slater, of
with the unveiling of the menu. Turkey. and geese were scarce for Blyth, visited at the home of her
ment erected at the grave of the Thankegiving....The model school uncle, Mr. A. B.Carr, feet week....
last Thursday AFaauhanson took phase students gave an At liot o at the Mr. John Bowler and Mr. John
last ade dent Orderd. Members Oddfellowe' hall on Monday last, to Mason are on the sick Ilst....The
of the Independent of Odd- which they invited their fellow- Misses Milligan, of Benmiller, visited
o Woodmen wereof the r Worldnand students from Uoderich. An enjoy- 1llas Etta McDowell last week....
Sons of Sbotlatxl present.... co • • able evening was apent....ltev. Messrs, Wn. McLarty and Wesley
'of Honor Judge Doyle held court Wm. Craig, of Petrolea, visited this, Stackhouse each disposed of their
Of revision en the h m er volare- his old parish, and preached two drivers to Mr. J. H. Medd, on Dun -
da fh ohs Tuesday
sd l chamber t eek. excellent sermons on harvest thanks. Bannon. We understand each re-
Tw Cad 'r"n�ime oe Last week. cetved a handsome anm....Mise M.
1'treaty,four mimes were arrack off giving. His furmor parishioners
the list, E6 added sada number of were very pleased to Cee him again, Million, of Benmlller, visited her
other ehaugeamade. The additions and the ladies of St. Paul's guild aunt, Mrs. W. J. Hoover,... Mr. R.
and tbttse atrilpk cif were about tendered him and Hire. Craig a re- Hoover and daughters, Grace and
exit .0'144 between the Grit ceptlon, whish was attended by a Lizzle, of Brussels, spent Sunday in
at�rty'pastiae....Mrs, P. Wells, large uamber...,Miss Vivien Bar- the neighborhood....Messn, Mel-
bourne McDowell, of Goderioh model
school, and Raymond Redmond, of
Goderteh collegiate institute, spent
a few days at their homes here.
A SERIoua MlsrAt'.—What can
truly be regarded as a close call
happened to Mr. Jasper Wilson, of
the Maitland coneeaslan, on Thursday
evening, 9th inst. Jep, as he is
familiarly called, has been down
near London for the past few
months, and was returning home on
the day mentioned. He left Gode-
rich about nine o'clock in the even-
ing and had got as far as Renmlller.
Not knowing that the.bridge over
the datn was being replaced he, came
dowkt the hill at a somewhat lively
rate to make the opposite grade. #
8, put in a proper state of repair,
The collector handed hi the names
of his bondsmen and the parties
were accepted as satisfactory. On
motion of Messrs. Taylor and Shaw,
the following acoounta were ordered
to be paid i—J. Smith, gravelling
and repairing culvert, 86.50; James
Snell, building and repairing mil.,
vertu 815 ; James Stnith, cleaning^•
ditch, $5 ; J. McCaughey, cleaning
ditch, 42 ; P. Healey, repairing eel.
vert, $1 ; J. A. Morton, legal advice,
$1 ; selectors of jut'ors, each 84 ;
Wm. Cochrane, repairing culvert,
75c ; A. Cantelon, digging ditch,
816; C. McClelland, money expend-
ed on road, $5 ; G. W. Proctor, gra.
eel, 41.88 ; John Duckett, gravel
and damages, 12.96 i James Magee,
damage, 50e, J. H. Sellars, gravel,
$8.84; John McMillan, gravel,
88.38; .Tames 11. Brandon, spikes
and repairing bridge, $5; R, You'll,
gravelling on west boundary, $131.-
11 ; (Gorge Proctor,•gravel for west
boundary, 84; Jatuos H. Brandon,
inspecting on west boundary, $15.75 ;
P. McNabb, covering culvert, 14.
Bylaws No. 7 and 8, 1902, were duly
of Listowel, formerly of Glenannan,
was visiting with old friends in this
Vicinity for a few days during last
week. She received a letter from
ber husband, who has been in South
,Africa for some time. Mr. Wells
and son, Harry, are well pleased
with that country. We learn that
• Mr, Harry Wolfe has been left a for-
tune by an uncle who recently died
in Napanee....Mr. H. H. Chisholm
has this week moved his stock of
jewelry from the corner store in the
Mason block to the new store in the
Vanatone block, next to the Bruns-
wick house. The store vacated by
Mr. Chisholm will be completely
overhanded, and a new front put in.
When the repairs are completed the
indicting will be used as offices fur
Three Great Newspaper
Clubbing Offers,
The Standard and Family
Herald and Weekly Star for
the balance of 1902
The Standard and Weekly
Mail and Empire for the bal-
ance of 1041
' The Standard and Weekly c
Globe for the balance of 35
1902 ,..,.
orTer to
aka your choice, and send cash with
Capital, all paid up, $2,000,00o, Reserve, $1,600,000..
Total Assets, over $2o,000,000.
Note• Discounted and Collected. Drafts Issued.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Sums of $t and upwards received and interest allowed,
compounded half yearly.
Fall 1S ACTS £ain1
If you wish to save money when buying New Fall
Goods this is the place to come.
Another large consingment of Clothing just re-
ceived consisting of Overcoats, Suits and Pants
for men and boys.
See our Wind and Rain Proof Pea jackets for men
and boys. They are the correct thing for the cold
wet weather and are sellipgavelt.
just to hand a big job in Wool • llankets. They
are made from pure Canadian ,wool, good large
size. We are selling them very winch below the
usual orice while they last.
See our Heavy Yarns and Double Width Sheetings.
Excellent values in Rubbers for men, women and
In the Millinery department we have New Goods
arriving every few days.
rB.- _BL•YTH�.
lantern had been placed on the
handle of the derrick as a warning,
but being under the impression that
it was in the bands of some one on
the bridge he did not slacken speed.
When he did recognize that the
bridge was not there It was too late,
and with terrific force he rode his
wheel in to the depths 25 feet below,
landing on some large stones. How
long he lay there unoonacloua is not
known, but it was considerably after
10 o'clock when he reached Jewell's
barn, where Jimmy was stabling the
horse for the night. Jep was In a
horrible plight, bis face being
covered with blood from the cuts
which were still bleeding profusely,
He was still in a somewhat dazed
condition, but be was taken to the
house and a doctor sommoned, while
he was driven home, An examin•
Atkin of the wounds discloses a V
shnped eat across the forehead, from
which the skin lay open, disclosing
,the bone ; there were also several
other ,cents on the cheek and chin,
The wounds were dressed, severe'
stitches being required, and he da
now getting along its well as can be
expected. How he escaped is a
miracle. An examination of the
scene of the mishap shows that -he
had but small space to get past the
derrick In the first place on account
of the handle. Had his wheel
caught that he would undoubtedly
have been hurled down below with,
out any protection. As it was ho
gripped the handle bars firmly and
the wheel received the greatest
impaet of shock. The front wheel is
a total wreck, and the stones about
aro covered with blood. Jep many
friends extend their sympathies and
hope for his speedy recovery,
—Mr. J. II. Moir, of Owen Sound,
claims to have the oldest copy of the
Bible in Canada. It was printed in
if 94, and is what is known as the
" Brceohes Bible," because the
word "bronchi's" being printed 'ue
stead of "aprons" in Grimes 3 : 7.