The Blyth Standard, 1902-10-16, Page 8yya .
Notwithstanding the fact that we
alwey{ have for sale the best of BREAD
and CAKE STUFFS >:te also ill
No. 1 Family Four at
$1.9Q per sack.
1 og is the time to buy
wp sem supply you at lowest prices,
Wlso w th the Sugar to put them don u. -
411 Frpita in their seasons.
Aiwa}}'s a full stock of the best qu111-
;t,y Of Qroderies'and Coufectjonery•
Call and see for yourself and be coe-
Ylneed that such is the case.
(Costinned from page 1).
G. McGowan, G. Fothergill & Son
: , kee, A. W. Sloan, A. H. Jacobs;
hy, G. Fothergill A Son, Win.
'ackeon ; Cauada red, M. Brethour, R.
G. McGowan; calyert,4. W. Sloan, R.
G. MoGowau, alexander, John Sherritt,
A. W. Sloan; 20-o;e. pippins, A. W.
Sloan; any saber named variety, A. H.
Jacobi, Wm. Jacksopp; collection of
whiter apples, G. Fothergill it Son, A.
W. Sloan,' crab apples., Mrs. C.
Campbell, M. Breth. nr; gelleetton of
apples obtih ed from any source, A. W.
Sloan, 1Z. p. McGowan. Qtr Fruit
—Winter pears, Edward Haggitt,
hank ILetesit ; fall peers, el. Fother-
/111 ill Sop, Mise :ander ; plume, any
vasty, .. W. Olean, Frank Metcalf ;
collection of plums, A. W. Sloan, Frank
Metcalf; tomatoes, J. Atlanaon, Frank
Metcalf; collection' of grapes, A. H,
Jlleob{I bunch of grape, J. M. Hamil-
ton, �A. M. Jacobs; peaches, Frank
$stash, E. B. Laidlaw.
Ppvt7Rx.—Bronze turkeys, G. W.
Sniffle, ;elle Barr; any other kind tnr-
Wm. Carter 1 and 2; large breed
grass, Wm. Carter; Rouen ducks, G.
W. Irwin, Edward Haggitt ; any other
kind desks, G. W, Irwin 1 and 2; any
yarlety leghornd, Wm. Carter, Mrs,
}Lowrie; hot)dane, Wm. Carter; any
marlay brahptlas, lit W. Irwin 1 and 2;
111sok $pariah, G. W. Irwin 1 and 2;
minoress. Mrs. Morrie 1 and 2; ham-
burgst. Wet, Carter 1 and 2 ; lengshans,
Mrs.. BMWs, O. W. Irwin; wyaudottee,
Wis. Caner 1 and'2; andelusians, Mrs.
Newrle; blank breasted red game, Ed-
ward Bantu ;. buff cochins, G. W.
krwln 1 and 2; partridge cochins, G.
W. Irwin; bantams, G. W. Irwin 1
Cad 2;, polands, Wm. Carter, G. W,
Isola ; red naps, Edward Haggitt 1 and
1;: plymouth rocks, Mrs, Howrie, G.
W. Irwin; collection of pigeons, Joe
Boll 1 and 2; collection of fowl, Wm.
Cartes, Q. W. Irwin; guinea fowl,
John Barr, Edward Haggitt.
mala eerni.—Shigle covered buggy,
D. Ewan, A. McNally ; cutter, 1).
Ewan ; wooden pump, P. Willows;
fanning mill, D. MoCorvle.
MaNceaCTUttaa, — Home mads all
wool flannel, Miss Nott, Mimi Wise;
union finnuel, J. K. Wise, Miss Nott;
home made all wool blankets, Miss
Wise; union blankets, Miss Wise, Mrs.
Hele ; home spun horsy blankets, D.
litethottc ; hone span coverlet, Miss
Wise, J. K. Wise; rag mat, Mrs. Bile,
Miss Nott ; yarn met, Miss Symington,
Miss Wise; rag carpet, Miss Wise, J.
K. \Viae; home spun stocking yarn,
Miss \Vise, I). Brethour; hand made
coarse b.rots, John Sherritt; fine hand
made gent's boots, John Sherritt.
Lungs' WQg}t.—Lace handkerchiefs,
Miss Myrtle Livingston, Mrs. C. Catnp-
bell ; buttonholes on different materials,
Mrs. Hele, Mrs. McKenzie; specimen
of patching, Mre. McKensie, Mre. Hale;
gents' Setts, Mrs, McKenzie, Mrs,
gale; pillow shams, Miss Symington,
Miss Nott; patch quilt in cotton, Miss
Symington, Mise Wise; patch quilt in
cloth, Miss Symington, Mise Nott;
silk crazy quilt, Miss Nott, Mrs. Hele;
crochet quilt, Mrs, Howrie, Miss Sym-
ington ; knitted quilt, Miss Symington,
Miss Nott; home made pair woolen
socks or stockings, Mrs. Hale, Miss
Nott; arascene work, Mrs. C. Camp-
bell, Mrs, title ; embroidery on bolting
cloth, Misa Nott, W. H. McCracken ;
embroidery on silk or satin, Miss Sym
ington, Mise Nott; keusington em-
broidery, Mrs. C. Campbell, Mrs, How-
rie; Roman embroidery, Mrs, Hele,
Mrs. Howrie; parlor screen, Miss Nott,
Mrs, C. Campbell; sofa cushion, Miss
Sytnington, Miss Myrtle Livingston ;
fancy panel, Mre. C. Campbell, Mise
Symington; piano or table scarf, Mrs.
Hele, Miss Symington ; drawn work,
Mrs. McKenzie, Mre. Howrie; honiton
or point lace, Miss Symington, Mise
Myrtle Livingstot. ; novelty in fancy
work, Mre. Hele, Mise Nott; crochet
work in silk, Mrs. Hale, Mrs. C. Camp-
bell; crochet worn in cotton, Mre.
Hale, Mrs, C. Campbell; ltaad made
slippers, Miss Wise, Mrs. Reve-
rie ; fancy toilet set, Mrs, Howrie, Miss
:Watt; footstool, Miss Wise, Miss Nott ;
applique work, Mins Nott, D. Brethour;
fancy pin cushion, Mina Symington,
Mise Nott; fancy handkerchief case,'
Miss Symington, Miss Carder; mould
work, Mrs. C. Campbell, Mies Syming-
ton; knitted lace in cotton, Mrs. Hale,
Mies Nott; knitted or crochet fancy
wool shawl, Mise Wise, Mrs. Howrie;
set crochet table mats, Miss Carder,
Mrs. }Lowrie; at of lrl'Oylies, Mrs. C.
Campbell, Mre, Howrie : Battenburg
lace, Miss ;t4yrte 4ivingston, Mrs.
Hele; fancy glove case, Mrs, C. Cam-
bell, D. Brethour ; tatting, Mrs. Hale,
Mrs. C. Campbell ; fancy netting, Mre.
C. Campbell, Mrs. Howrie ; Queen Ann
darning, Mrs. C. Campbell, Mrs. How-
rie; gent's collar and cuff case, D.
Brethour, Mies Symington ; fancy
afghan, Mrs. Hale, Mrs. C. Campbell;
table centre piece, Mrs. Hel , Mrs.
Howrie; embroidered table cover, Mrs.
Hole, Miss Wise; tray cloth, Mise
Symington, Mra, Howrie ; tea coseyt
Mrs, C. Campbell, Mise Nott; picture
throw, Miss Nott, Miss Symington
lamp screen, Mita Symington, Mina
Are many times an indication or symptom of functional
They are in mos
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1,600 PACES A
246 Printed on a good grade of clear white paper, and bound In full sheep, lettering i
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By an arrangement with the Tonowro DAILY STAR we aro in a poet•
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This is Webster's Dictionary, bound in full sheep, with patent thumb index, 1,800 pages, Itis the original edition
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SPECIAL FEATURES AnAppendix pf 10,000 Difficult Words\ Pronouncing Vocabnlariee
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graphical Names, Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonytne, Compendium of Biography, Herons and Heroines of
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of Famlliat Melons. Lexicon of Foreign Phrasos, Dictionary of Abbreviations, and FQUR BEAUTIFULLY
COLORED PLATES showing, in their actual colors, Flags or Various Nations, Pilot Signals of Various Nanous,
All For X3.50
Carder; laundry bag, Mrs. C. Camp-
bell, M. Brethour; shopping Lag, Mrs,
Hale, Mrs. Howrie; etching on any
materiel, Mies Nott, Mra Hole ; knotted
bed spread, Miss Wise; mantle drape,
Miss Symington, Mra, Hele; collection
of ladies' work, Mrs. Howrie, Mise
Carder, Miss Nott.
ClttLoatN's DEPARTMENT.—Hummed
handkerchiefs, Mrs. Howrie; darning
on socks or stockings, Mrs, Rowrie;
crochet work in wool, Mre. Howrie;
crochet work in cotton, Mrs, Howrie;
pencil drawing, A. H. Jacobs, Clvde
Herrington; dressed dell, Miss Sophia
Barr; plaiu or ornamental work, Mrs,
FINE AHTS.—Huron county scenery,
Mre. Hole, Mrs, Howrie; painting on
bolting cloth, Miss Carder, Mrs, Hole;
half dogen cups and saucers, Mrs. Hale i
half dozen plates, Mrs. Hele, Miss
Carder; collection of oil paintings, Mrs.
C. Campbell, Miss Carder; collection
of water color palatines, Miss Carder,
Mrs. C. Catnpbell; figure painting in
oil, Mrs. Hele, Miss Carder; figure
painting in water color, Miss Carder,
Mrs, Hele; animals grouped or single,
lu oil, Mrs. C. Campbell, Miss Myrtle
Livingston; animals grouped or single,
in water color, Mrs. C. Campbell, Mrs.
Hole; landscape in oil, Miss Iflyrtle
Livingston, Mrs. C. Campbell; land-
scape in water color, Mrs. Hetet Miss
Carder; crayon drawing, Mrs. Hele,
Mise Carder; pencil drawing, Mrs.
Hale, Miss Carder ; pastelia, Rtkr sub-
ject, Mrs. C. Campbell, Mrs. Hele ;
collection of pen and ink sketches, Mrs.
Helo, Miss Carder ; specimen china
painting, Miss Carder, Mrs. Hale; hand
painting on silk, satin or plush, kiss
Symington, Miss Carder; painting on
glass in oil, Mies Symington, Mrs. C.
Campbell; collection of photographs, T,
B. MeArter.
foliage, W. J. Fentviek, Miss Carder ;
geraniutns in bloom, Jews Herr;
fuschias in bloom, Miss Carder, Clyde
Herrington: hanging basket, Miss
Carder ; plants in flower, Miss Carder.
Cur FLuwEus.--Table boquet, W.
J. Fenwick, Frank Metcalf ; hand bo-
quet, James Evans, Frank Metcalf ;
collection of dahlias, James Coming, J.
E. Coombs; collection of pansies, S.
Morton, Clyde Herrington.
SPECIAL PRIZES.—Lady driver, Geo.
Bradford, Warner Walter; farmer's
driving outfit, A. Dunkin, Warner
Under 10 years of age, Lottie Jackson;
under 18 years of age, John H. Jack-
son, Maggie Elliott ; under 17 years of
age, Mary Elliott, May Ferguson.
We Want all the News.
We want to publish all the news
of Huron county that is fit to print.
We cannot get it unless our read-
ers help us..
It you are visiting a friend or a
friend is visiting you. If yon know
of any (teat tie, any marriages or anit
births in your district. If you know I Our 101 importations of fashionable
strange event, anyaccident, Dry Goods ,ire weekly arriving. We
of any g ' invite inspection. Butter, 18c, G. E.
any unusual happening or any inter. gem, Wingham. ' 8t1
The time of year has arrived when the housewife's attention is
turned to the making of Pickles. We always have on hand the
best of White Winn and Cider Vinegars for pickling, Pickling
Spices and flavorings.
Fresh Groceries and Fruits
Arriving daily. Our Canned Goods were bought befog► the
raise in price, therefore we can sell Tomatoes for 10c per can, or
one can each of Tomatoes, Corn and Pease for 25c, 8 pounds
Tapioca for 25c.
Highest Market Cash Prloe for Butter and Eqpt.
Bargains in Furniture.
A large assortment of fine goods just arrived, consisting of Bedroom Sots,
Sideboards, Extension Tables, Fancy Rockers and Couches. Prices are ISM ked
down to the lowest point for cash.
We have 28 Tattles to sell at 68 cents each.
Bring in your Pictures and get them neatly trained.
KvrK K& ra K.;K K&K
Oa account of its terrible effects, blood disease is Called the ling of all digitise.
It may be either hereditary or @outracead; so while It may not be a crime to hays
the disease, it is a crime to permit it to remain in the Epstein. It map manifest
Itself in the form of Scrofula, Scrams, rheumatic pains, stiff or swollen joists,
itchiness of the akin, eruptions or blotches, liners in the mouth or on the tongue
sone throat, tailing out of hair, A1sorderedstomacb and a general depreosioeof
the eyetem. If you have stay of these syptoms don't neglect yourself, Yon have
• time e to lose. Beware of `old fogy”treatment—beware at mineraltions--
beware of Quacks and Fakirs. evil NEW 11aDPHOD Tg*A'I�MPDT
is guaranteed tenure tale dluam, neer to return. Bank Donde will protect you.
Our treatment is sot Injurious to any way, but teaches the very root orthe disease
and eliminate* all poison from the system. The symptoms of disease gradually
disappear. The blood beecmes pure sad enriched, the whore system is cleansed
tad oFutland 00
and the patient feels prepared anew or the duties and theoar
Coestftaties Fm. Question Blsnk for Homo Treatment and Beeks Fru.
Qor. Mtobigaa Ave. and Shelby SS.. Detroit. Mien.
K‘,K It& Kte(K KutK K K
esting piece of news—we want to
know about it.
Drop us a line about anything you
would like to see in print. If its
proper we will print it.
Put your name to anything you
write. We will not publish your
name. That la private t0 this Ace.
We desire to get all the news. We
caro not who it comes from es long
as ;t is pr.tper news and interesting'
to our readers.
Send in your items. We will put
them in shape to print and will
thank you for them,
Three Great Newspaper
Clubbing Offers,
The Standard awl Family A�t
Herald and Weekly Star. for 3*1C
,the balance of 19102 VVV VVVVY
The Standard and Weekly
Mail and Empire for the bah- 35
ante of 1902 VVVVVVYY
The Standard and Weekly 35e
Globe for the balance of
Take your Choice, and send man with
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