The Blyth Standard, 1902-10-16, Page 7THE COAL MINE
had no fear of the see eel of any WORDS OF TIMELY ADVICE.
attack that might be made through
the Mnle Legislatures upon the
1 property lntereete concerned. Tile 1 seri or coal 01 Stoves WIII De Well
brought the conference to a close. . to Head These Suggeslluns.
,hardy afterwards tie(. Thomas, of With a coal famine otarlug than
Now York dee/pates: Numerous eel- the Erie, had a Iottg talk with J. )mope, in the face there hue been It
e atm sale
ferences looking to the ecttlement conrerwationnt r001. bring an, the 4 fecloture wltby boons
w 11•U'Jlinlovns, ac`lurthe commie
of the anthracite coal mittens' either of then'. It le useer'twl on winter will ono tlouwanls mote of
'strike were held in this eley to -ley, whet appears to bo goo.) unthority them '10 esu titan in pros
uus }cars.
but at W p. m. (hero was 110 oil- that Mr. Morgan was In communlca- foul oil is u gaud Item n •• but a
denco given to the public that any tion during the day with some of bad tu+tnter, Treat a well and it
1 the pollticinns who conferred with returns tic oompeusent; grow Curr•
results bad been reached. LLUlaUre ihn u{.etvlors, but that he k Ilueyl lore Ln Its are and It tttuy delstvy
of settlement (lett- thick told fust, to 10 placed In the nttltude of a )Liu uu.l property and ()atom lusting
put when au' one of the confreres leirty to the controversy. amt palatal measles. In new of the
was approached the slave' invurl- Hooted Deed )tuff's Family, tviuter'u prospivi It he well to lay
down u few rules in every te use-
able answer to quehtents concern- Tamaqua, 1'a., despair;: one of the boll about the use of coat oil for
lag the coneultatlous was,' '1 have motet dl gracefel nod brutal demon- furl. They aro here summarized in
aothlug to iay:e mentions, that Mao occurred Niece the u daze)) dot's:
telrlku began, took Pl+oe at Lane- 1. Janet fill the reoervolr when
T'be coufereuees are one guing fort yestorduy. While runntug out tho stove le burning.
' On, but the Impreselon prevails that n trip of cars Joists Leee, a non -unto 2. Don't fait to have a thorough -
If any brill■ of 0eLticment Is reach- man, was thrown to the tracks and ly goll stove in the first place.
ed it 411 not be elemencad wall itul both his legs rruehed. }}e was 8. Don't burn any but oil of the
removed to tole tome In Summit Hill, blest quality.
tomorrow, following a meeting to where be died at about six o'clock. 4. Don't spill oil upon the stave,
be held at Uultcl Stales SuuuLor teeter In the erenlug a mob of or, if you 'o eo by accident, wipe
Ylatt'. duwptewyi 011le, nt 10 about 800 men marched to the home It off carefuay before approaching
otlock. of the dead tion. They were headed it with a towed match ter other
by a drum, corps. Halting In trout llam,.
fuss 1'elltlolaus Try. of the house they hooted Lee's ram- 3. Don't fall to fill the tank out
The interest In the day's proceed- Ilj• beat the druuw awl cried out : of doors, 11 the etovo bo provided
lugs really ceutruN about Ole meet- 'tie wale a scab and deserved to tile." with u detachable tusle
hag field lis the afternoon at 'sea- The demanetratl.on lasted about a 6. Don't forgot that the lose oil
atter fla'i'r (Alice. Poemnl at this null hour. thus, to In the tank the vacs, gas
meetlug Were 0uvcruur Udell, Sem- More cool Mined. there le generated1 from the oil, anti
atom Quay and 1'eauwae, 0l Vella- enrs as esnull
t New York deeNllce say,: -What rnonteolrthe L sugfflallntcape for tl'> ,iuescaptheee
rylvaulu; liulraau)' Platt, I'resldeat
is Lit eltuutluu at tie 111110,1 to- of tees guy It lo likely to flume uplune lo NVertoro; President Truce- than we have at any time Once the 'mite. The wt I 1.11.11ed lamp lei safest.awe Mountie of ties env; Jul111 T1110 lo Dorne out by reports' from 7. Don't fald at frequent intervalsto 'boll the perforated wick tubes'liatele, representing the iinlepeed- Independent isouteee. At the mines IL iv soda water or lye, that the vett-
eta evermore; David Wilcox., nee- la salil Outgole llelperS awl Winelaborers are being recruited and illizilizatwtoionvmae ;Lib, eremfreeit:ois stn ill-sruell-
elle Delaware & Iludeuu ; David lot- twought up quietly from New York. 8. Don't try to foroe tho wick toomar and kelward Lucie -bath. AL Jereey City ono Philadelphia, Of high or smoke and odor will bo tri-
lls° conclueion uf the nieetlui none °curse theme men ealltiOt do 'the evitable. Some Move@ have auto-
' prereut would way wee'. had nate' work of the certificated miners, but mom wick mtpdato„.peace er whether toy solution of elie output le being gradually In- to no„it „peat pod „„th„tig,„elite ?strike trouble had beet' reachea creamed by a clever device. euce ma.untested you turti tho wick low atVila confereuce tollowed tale held un.on miners ea huve remidued faith- first until the cylinder lo leate4In the fermium' in Semitur Piutt'e uf- fel le tilts* and many other eollteritie through.IMO at which were preoent eenuturo are uow doing practically the work 10. Don't fail to frequently Herniatem: and Penrose, Ouvertow Odell, of two or three eueli nun in ordl- off the charred Incrustation on thehdeard Lauterbaoh and Senator nary time,. eetingulehed wick with a knife toVein. Tho coulereeo were very retl- inetead of vrorkine a eingles breast secure a clear flame.oene art to the oubJecia under eiscao- or gangway, the ekilled miner now 11. Don't forget that little oll inSou there. hovernor °Jell ufterward directe the work In two or three tho titrik cause* rapid coneumptionlatd lutschoen at the Lawyerte Clue such epots. Hu ineicaies where the or auks.with 'denature Quay wet Peurooe. drilling @hall be done. superviesest 12. Don't set your burning storethe ,lob and directs the blast or near the draft of a door or openo Nutmeg to stay." "shot." Marsh of the other manual window, or you iota heat and gainThe conference ended ubout Celt labor Is left to ouch recruits as enn ail unpleasant odor.o'cluuk. President Peeler wine the he onlleted and who under the Statefirrt tO leave, tile ether operators law du not require a certificate. Infoltowthe lam. ne Coal road Presi- this way, I bave been informed on OIMAgEo I DEsuillignoociente referred all inquirero tu the good authority, not a few skillednothing to eay. nero is nothing to districte aro netunlly earning now ,be sale," war uuv. ()della auewer tu a ao mach as $19 to $20 a day.nothlas to guy.lienater Platt was tlio loot to leave elite le KARON Heti.kis office. "1 do nut think. I can slay —
day le Mr. Oly{uu it snot uek;d.
Olyphuut, tit the eller, Delaware at Hai- when Ule a'kk In lighted, ean'ing u
KM; 1'reldent Fowler, ul the U:r "We taro Min „g morn OA today 010011 explosion that WOY 101.1 big
laqutf4tr. "1'10 too tired. Thar( wGl Hoek to Work.
be fur her meetings to -morrow, That Jluzrllon, Pa., deiquelah: \1'llh pear -
Ig all I pun ray at present,"
flea' unanimity, when Judged be the
Pre/Went Nicholls had title to Flay:
"Unless the &mottle of the strikers roglxtered voice of the local unions,
are greeted in full 1 don't eve how the turn of the ltnteltua coal Tfelds
President Mitchell can settle the to -tiny volyd In mita:ala the
Mellor without o,lileg a couvcntlon.
1f only a purl of the demands are strike.
granted that would renter It 'toes- Irdependently of this report,
pry to call a convention, and thee telegraphed to President Mitchell,
would take two musks at toast." personal investigation by a corres-
Ouutereucs Nrulnlba.,
nondent Justifies the belle( that
what moy b: described ran )
took.+ a1)4 auLho•llative euuru'1, It under the prevent armed protee-
testy to announced that the confer- tion, from el) to 50 per eeut. of
emu at the ulllee 01 reel calor Platt the malcontents In some of the
Was absolutely without result, the largest eolllerlee In the Hazelton
operators. refusing to estea ler the district are ready to go back to
polllle& aspect of the eltuatioc, ural work at the sound IA the %vhlolle,
gveetiohnlwe. Ione )between m modem employthe
er o Ile illlthever, hi mines bn Dlety no lrict rNo.true
and employee, as to the management and such a conclusion might be far
Of tho properties concerned,
wide of the. mink In either the
Accenting to the uuthut ivy above Fchuy Hill l or the Lackawanna els-
ttxileuted, Benaton Quay and Gov- treas. The Hnzchon men did not
emus Odell expreteeed the epintol favor the strike heartily at the
that *bound the 'strike, ountlniie for outset. and many of them have
nether tortlgbt or longer the et- given It only lukewarm allegiance.
.trot would be to em possess the pub- Many who ere ready, to eurrendor
ter ailed with the one subject of short- did not take the trouble to attend
. age Of fuel that petite:al duties would to-dny's meetings of the local un
be neglected stud the voters* r:malu 101is, It would have been a bold
away from ties voile on electio:day, man who would hove attended and
With thio statute' result, that the then halm dared to flaunt his In -
majority party In P1:nnby'lannlnaud divldual opposition 10 the faces of
Turk would be the greater euf- ills fellows+. Ilut the tocol meettn,ts
Poor. beuator Pi,nrose expressed
hla'4:oucureenoe lis ills,, repreequtntt•oa
of the others, and Senator Platt and
Mr. Latrterbaeh *puke In a elmllur
trtrofn. TQlrsr latter advised .ome-
thirsg In the nature of an armistice,
antler nn Implied prondae to the
getters that their union Would bale-
0ogelsed by the operntore.
On their part the operator, dt'elar-
ed that the question at Issue Wall en-
tirely apart from politice, and they
refused to be Influenced by repreeetl-
Malone n, to the effect the etrlke
Might Sieve upon the fortunes or one
Sleety or the other.
Palled 10 Move Operators.
Ono of the political conferees next
suggested that to protract the
raggle with the Mlnrre' Union
Would be to open the way for the
advocates of antl-corporatlon legle-
Iation at Harrlehurg and Albany to
move for the introduction of nmeas-
ure@ calculated to Impala' tho value
of railroad and coal properties, and
that It was even ios01110 that In
the Nitres of poh11, mentor' lairs
might be enacted that would Impair
for years the valets of the proper -
tiers the operators represented. It'..
WWI Bald by one 'speaker that a hill
of this antagontetle character had,
already been framed and was reedy
for eubmleelon to the Pennsylvania
Legislature. Teo possibility of liar -
raising litigation Troth In Pennsyl-
vania and New fork was oleo dwelt ,
upon, and the fear expreeetd that
to some anetancee the state of the
public might Iuflnenco the determi-
nation of sure aptlte.
Those repreeentattone fulled to
move the operatore, who, nocord-
Iog to tho gentlemen already quot-
ed, declared that panty politics
should not be injected into the situ -
talon. The eperntore further ex-
pressed their confidence in the In-
tegrity, of the courts, and anal they
In and around llnzelloo were tu-
tereoting. eine many of the strik-
ers pledged their faith by such pie-
turerque methods as swearing by
the uplifted hand or klssing the
oruclfix each In turn, At Bunker
Hill the members of local No, 163.
do the number of 100, wet in ilia
'mown -tent of the little Catholic
Church. Resolutions were read and
adopted, and then the men, nearly
all of whom are Italians, advanced
one by one, kissed an uplifted cru-
cifix and eolemnly swore not to
return to work until John NIRO1-
e.11 eo ordered.
Opel -Hair May Heturn.
After talking with many mea affili-
ated with either bide of this struggle,
1 have found none so conlldent ne to
predict the return of more than flits
per oent, of the old force under the
encouragement of military protec-
tion. Some any not more then fifteen
per cent. In the Hazelton region
will surrender. Many of them have
gone to the soft coal fields or have
found other employment elsewhere.
The Statement of One Familiar With the
A great many Remits have w'on:terve tend to the pumps. ole. The uuloner
what the cetyl tirik+ is all
No etlltenlleilt can be haul from the
miners gulag'mere, pay, etc., cud (1lo
operators' statements aro tie course
all on one hid,'. 11rrr la the )(L1 1'.
111111 t of t11' editor of the Scranton
Trlbune, sent In reply to a Boston
buslneee mat's enquiry :
" lieplying to your enquiry of the
let Met., I will try, to explain minim;
cuu'altluur to you us briefly us pus-
'l'bo heal Miner.
Kron Prinz Wilhelm Was
Running Amuck.
detente] for an eight-henlr day was
tie enlist them In the strike. They
are getting geed wages—engineers
$6O to p0 a mouth for long hour,
but light work, and others in pro-
portion. Nine -truths of tarots men
were entirely *allotted and many of
teem refused to go out.
The cheap Latour.
'tVlirn the coal h1 big 1001110 comes
from the mite) or pit It In passed
'trough a high etrueturc' called the
breaker, where 11 le broken) by steam
machinery Into the curious Nero and
the tmplerltlee peeked out. eluch of the
labor 111 the breaker Lo duuo by boys,
" Tic miner drill•+ tho bolo In the, wuu average 75 newt" a dn,v. They
coalecu w, tuner's the powder, fireshuve no complulut, for their pay is
the blunt which kuuckr tit• coaldow•n, heifer than that of the uteruge Ind
cud turn takes a rest, tvh00 his hu n city office. But they belong to
helper pulls the coal out and loads the uednu and hut, vntee In the cail-
lt tato tho 101110car. A wiuer, In tom, Sag vt elr,kew, anti the Ilea of striking
to els bourn, with eery work, cau
has deeeloped nmuug theist rtphlly.
ordinarily knock down enough caul to Last year In thee end of the ural fluids
busty for right to ten thus were a hundred odd local
keep ale helper
hours ter lunger. The waver Is Ixr l+I strikes, mostly over 111e, pottiest cot -
1y the ear In this region, uvnraging uelvable lhiuge, amt the broeker Troy
about a dollar u car, and the usual and bar -room loafer dement had a
day's work Is nes curs, ;witting about
good deal to do with declaring them.
:1,01)0 {,sands of lump coal, neck ileus el Vutldltluus.
"bony' and slats. "I have lived Lu the anthracite re-
" Of tele $6 grove earnings the glen fourteen years, and know that
trifler lays $2 to tho laborer and in the year Peet the mluere (armee
kmp'1 $4 for hl.mrell, out of which more money than ever before durtag
It, must pay for the ponder to uses, my time. Our Witte are full of their
all, wicks, fusee and the oharoenln; ravings, very little of which has yet
of Ids picks. In some places the (alt been drawn out, In spite of their five
of pay Lr tho eq lard yard of c, al mouths' ldlrneer. There Js no ,huller
lis the seam and In others a weight grade of labor hi the country wldch
unit of 2,700 pounds, It being claimed le better paid than the anthraelte coal
by the operator,* that on as average miner, and no workman more lnde-
it will take from 2,750 to 3,000 pendent, because the law of the Stale
pounds of greet* coal, that to, coal prnotloully glues him n monopoly of
as It comer from the Beam, to net the labor of mining by forteddlug any
aur ton 01 1,250 pound* of coal as but a licensed mister to work at hula -
prepared at the breaker for market. erg In
the mimeo.
me'Be sulk a he mart
$00 W $100 a Month. first here worked at least tiro year.
"Tar, miners Oahu that where the In the melee ae a laborer, and then
milt of payment le the mine cur the {Noor an examination to ehww that he
car of to -day ie bigger thar, la years knows enough about the peculiar re -
gun(' by and coutlnullly growing. qulremente of meting to be n sate
01,o of their Jokes is that t1e mine man to admit to a clamber.'
ear Is made of .live oak. The Demands of the Shakers,
"However the, may lee land my Summarized, the, otrlkcrs demand nn
personal belief 1e that there 1s Just 110.11se of .1O per cent. to miners
()lout as much honcety on 0110 side paid by the carload or tot, ) re
tie on tho other) 1t is a tact that 'indica of .0 per cent. In the time
the hihutrlemo miner averages, net, or label by the day, surto as
p r month, for about twenty days' eliglbcern, pumpmen, breuker. boys,
work of from four to els hours a eta, meaning an 8 -hour workday,
tiny, all tho way front $60 to $10+1 That 240 pounds' of coal ae "kuock-
a month, and cou'd make twice as re down," whleel Includes culm and
mcch If he would blow enough cool flirt, 014811 conetituto the. ton on
he keep two laborer employed In- which the miner's pay is based, In.
stand of one. To -day miners who Mewl of 2,7 7,0 poaelul', as in the poet.
ere 'Webbing work ae high as ten Nothing ut all has been oat I abort
chambers apiece can earn, In some htcreneing the wages or shortening
ewe, $20 a day. But it Is a peculiar the lion's of the, mluere' eutployeee,
feet that under normal condllione the mine laborers, who recelvedonly
the miner doe* not seem to be nmll- $2 out of the mincr'14 $6.
tepee t0 do more than one chamber Th. l:heet Stumbling mock.
nt n timo, or to work beyond flue
The fork on wbkll all attempts at
or bl\ bourn a day. eelllement has spilt le the miners'
)teal Cause of Stripe. anion's drterwhutton to control the
"The real cause of this etrlke was w'orklig of the mince and exclude all
that the wtnero helper's. who arc non-union men from work. Crrn
meetly lorelgnero, had got it Into now Mr. Mitchell declares that the
their heads that the miner@ were not men will not return till the &Aire
making a fair divide. They were or- demands of the Shamokin convention
ionizing a mine laborers' movement are grunted. No. b, of ibe resolu-
te force the miner to divide even. The tions of that convention, wee:
operators have nothing to do with "R:eolved, That the United }fine
hiring the helpers. They are hired Workers, tit any colliery, where the
by the m
luere themselves. To avert employees often to become mam-
a eub-strlke among their "but lies,' berm of our organization awl wear
ea the laborers aro called, the min- the button, the local governing 011)11
ens swung the general strike, os- coil r•ry, after wino all perhuueive
tenelbly for the points set forth In mosey:, a to get such employee* to
their Fubllehed demand's, but 111 rte- ton, and foiling In snob, shall have
(lity to enable the union to eon- full pnwor to suspend operation at
trol thecipllne and thee put•lt beyond btr•11 collieries, until snob empl'oyee's
the power of the laborer to revolt. ; leonine member of our organize.
''in the mines also are many 'corn- time"
pang hands,' men paid by the month That the operator@ any they will
to run engines, act as firemen, at- never grant.
London, Oct, 13.-1tesieles slueitg
the British steamer Rubert Digitate,
Wednesday, off Bcuohy plead, wild
the lose of two levee, the North Mer-
man Lloyd steamer Kron Prinz Wil-
helm narrowly missed seudiug the
lirllleh torpedo bout destroyer Wiz-
ard to the bottom, As It L* the Wiz-
ard has been docked with her bow's
twisted and other Injurleo.
On Wednesday the Wizard tuns
steaming up Southampton water nt 11
speed of twelve knots, when ehr wive
overhauled by the )iron Prinz 1111 -
helm, which was going at ut estenat-
eet speed of 16 knots. no Wizard did
her beet 1.0 avoid the liner, but found
herself under Kron Prinz Wllbelm s
quarter and collider' with her. In al-
terpllug to dear the *Iconic)* the
W'hi'rl listed and touch water pour-
ed throtrgU her port's. Her officers
and crew, numbering between e0 and
60 men, were for u minute or two
In the gravest peril, but elle rtghtel
oaf clenrr'd the Kron Prinz Wilhelm.
It waft thin (omit that her ixees
were badly twisted and buckled, and
that etre had eintnlned other Inetrieo
whitei neceesltated gulag Mwmeefi-
utrly Into dock,
Another Dyuuutlte Outrage.
Wiilt Intrre, Pu,, dexpatci: While
troop trains were passing over the
Lehigh Valley Road bearing soldiers
of the Third Brlgede to pietas in the
°peer coal Ileido last eight, dynnmlle,
placed on the track near Jenkins''
NW'lach, tern melee from this city,
wreck el a freight tram,
Whether the dynamiter, exported
to blow up a (rale carrying ee+ldicre
or one bearing cot, 1s only surmise,
but the work was thoroughly and
skilfully 1on0. The train was wrecked,
and ['even cattle care demolished, n
number of the cattle being killed.
The esploelonr was terrific, net the
aleck was bard for many miles. The
switch le In remote portion of the
vahlry, and for hours the cause Willi
not learned
Coronation Corps Praised by
Ottawa despatch: The tollowlug de-
epw.tcll Ila, been received by Lilo Ex-
cellency from Rt. Hon. Joseph Cham-
"Downing Street, Sept. 18, 1902.
"My Lord,—In view of the termina-
tion of the coronation (eetivltlee and
the departure of the co:onlal troops
tt becomes my, duty to request your
I,otdoirlp to expires to your Mlnie-
teees the thanke of His Majesty's
Government for arranging the de-
epatoll of a military contingent to
like part Lu tho ceremonies.
"I "teed hardly say how glad the
people of this country were to have
In opporannily of welcoming the
representatives of the colonial con-
tingents which have dleptayed tort
'named qualities In the South Af-
rican war.
"Hes Mujrsty's Government only re-
gret that' it w•ae not poerlble to pro -
king the molt of the Canadian con-
tingent till the una1ollably deferred
,tette of the coronation at their pre-
sence, on that occasion would un-
duubtedly have added to the 'luter-
rel of the spectacle.
Hix Majesty's Government truets
that the members of the °entingsnl
will carry back with them n pleas-
ant recollection of their may In
tells nountry on an ever memorable
oma don.
(Signed) ".f. Chamberlain."
shies, sou would scorn the use of
force if these communities wlob, 1 W
, net up ter lh1,1110 'vise This mother-
land is act rerlucal to that. 'Oa Ihn
contrary, union with her is a Zoon
so precious that the new heUcment0
of our rice should humbly sue he
ntlntisblon. The will of the pn+pin Is
the only enduring bond of union be-
tween the eepstrate parte of the em-
pire: '
Denounces Nations Which
Refuse Arbitration,
Edinburgh, Oct. 13.—Aldrnw- t'nr-
negb, itis presented with the free-
dom of Perth this afternoon, In rr-
cognitlun of hie bcu1fuctlone to Scot-
land. The city w -as ge'crnlly dtcor-
nted, and the entheslusllc Seat' 0u0-
w 11) to progrrsse
e. vTlfet Hurgethe ral ceremony
presente. Carnegie leas en -
cloned Lala edverto rcasket. Ileplyhig to
the l'rovot's pre'orntafln,) speech,
Mr. Carnegie dllnted upon the Iorrore
of s0 -miles ' ell'rrd alar," and the
benefit's to br derived from nrbltra-
lloa. ".t great good 1110 recently
cum'' to the world,' said 1Ir. Car-
negie, "a king iu dleguise, and out
yet rceogilzed, bat through the of -
forte of tier ('r. r, ally ni,e,t led by
aur w10e,' memo; 1 retrl'e, your
la 1) nmbasoadur, Lord Pnuncefote,
t hire 110ts ,stets for the first time
uutung men n permanent tribunal of
arbitration, which le now sltllng to
determine a dispute between the re -
politico e,1 ilia Cotten States nut
)leelco. Nota drop of blood w111 le'
shed thnnulh this dispute. It lo to
bring a victor; which will ca110e nu
1'11ra. In nr ol+lnlon the grandest
nrhl^v meat ,f the twentieth Century
was the create -se of 1111s L[11,11101 1.
Stasis to the nallua wldch recuses
to submit Its difference to this nr-
bltrnment of thio high court of
DeaIltg't11(11 the bolonlee, )Ir. Car-
negie decalred that there was no
legal hoed between them and the
mother county ihn' could held the
cuuueett,n for a year, adding: "Be -
Very Favorable Report From Mount -
rd Pollee Inspector.
Sergt. Bard, of the Duck Lake de-
tachment, Mounted Pollee, who In-
spected the els Doukhobor villages in
hie meirtct on Inept. 21, speaks very
invoraoly of them. He elates In Ids
official report to fommtuoloner Perry:
"I found these people 11 very 10110-
trloue and hard-working class, both
women mad men. They were busy
Mucking their wheat. They core-
meueed work al daylight and cun-
tlnueel t111 dark, and all worked In
harmony. They cru a people Who
burs prospered wo'derluly within
the Inet three years. They lave com-
fortable houocs, good stables nuJ
aeundnece of good water and hay
close nt Iwnd. The Ik+ukllobors at the
village of Harulku hare alone stn
acreo under cultivation. They WW1 -ne-
ed me Out they Intend building n mull
shortly. Three people take the great-
est core of flair irorere, and are very
kind to them. They lire good here -
men, and can break a llnrxr to had,
or harness In a very short tlwr. They
aro a rears of people 'who ueus h11ot
or kill any kind of nulmlti or wild
fowl, nod In c1nM'quene,• the geese
and crane's, which are vary numerous
In their grain Il(1,0, moat du 0011841-
erahls damage to the grain, and
mase it gaud 001 of loss In the yield.
I heard of no infectious dismiss
amongst them. and they appear to be
, o very cleanly and healthy temple."